Slimming abdominal push-ups. How to do push-ups for weight loss with minimal stress on joints


In order to fight overweight was effective, you need to take time physical exercise... Not everyone has time to visit Sport halls... Therefore, you should choose those exercises for losing weight that you can do at home. We will talk about an exercise such as push-ups from the floor. It must be included in a set of exercises for weight loss. But to achieve desired result, you need to know how to properly perform push-ups for weight loss.

The benefits of push-ups

First of all, it should be noted that more effective exercise for weight loss you will not find. In addition to losing weight, the muscles will become elastic and relief. It is about the muscles of the arms, chest, back, abs and legs. There are many types of push-ups, each of which develops certain muscle groups. Therefore, by including several types of push-ups in the set of exercises for weight loss, you can achieve an amazing result.

Push-ups are useful for the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory system. This exercise tones all body systems, develops endurance. Combining push-ups with running can speed up your metabolism. As a result, there will be a loss excess weight... Push-ups help to strengthen joints and bones.

In addition to nutritionists, doctors also recommend push-ups from the floor. A disease such as atherosclerosis is caused by the body losing muscle mass. Push-ups help to tone the muscles and prevent the transformation of muscle tissue into adipose tissue, which is typical for people who are 40 years old or more.

Push-up technique

In order to get rid of excess weight, you need to correctly perform push-ups from the floor. The push-up technique is simple. First of all, we will tell you how to correctly perform this exercise... Then, we will consider five types of push-ups that should be included in a set of exercises for weight loss.

In the starting position, we put our hands shoulder-width apart, legs - together. You can put your feet at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The body should be in one straight line, be stretched like guitar string... The elbows should be as close to the body as possible. This will prevent unwanted injury and overloading of the elbow joints. Many people do not pay attention to the position of the hand during push-ups. The fingers should "look" forward.

While inhaling, lower the body down until the chest touches the floor. In this case, we do not take our elbows to the side. They are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the body. As you exhale, return to starting position... If you can't do the exercise even 1 time, do push-ups resting on the floor not with your socks, but with your knees. In this case, the body, from knees to shoulders, is one straight line.

Types of push-ups for weight loss

We will look at five types of push-ups that can help you lose weight. But some of them are difficult to perform and require a certain level of training. Therefore, you need to start by doing classic push-ups. Then, you should gradually supplement the set of exercises with more complex variations.

  1. Difficult to perform, but effective are circular push-ups. In the starting position, we put our hands a little wider than the shoulders, put our palms on the same level with the heart. While inhaling, we lower the body, describing half a semicircle. As we exhale, we lift it up, "completing" a semicircle. The exercise is performed smoothly, slowly.
  2. Push-ups with narrow setting hands. Their difference from the classic ones is that we put our hands at a width that is 2 times less than the width of the shoulders.
  3. It is advisable for the fair half to include push-ups with wide arms in the set of exercises for weight loss. In the starting position, we put our hands at a width of 2 times the width of the shoulders. With this type of push-up, the main load falls on the chest muscles. The result is a toned chest.
  4. Push-ups are difficult to perform, but beneficial to all muscle groups. They differ from the classic ones in that during lifting you need to push off the floor and clap with your hands before putting them back on the floor. This exercise, in addition to helping you lose weight, develops explosive strength.
  5. You can increase the amplitude of the exercise by performing push-ups on chairs. For the legs we take 1 chair, for the arms - 2. The technique of push-ups is the same as in the classical version, but we lower the chest below the level of the palms. This exercise requires a certain level of training.

In addition to the above options, you can do push-ups from a gymnastic bench, with weights, with raised legs, etc. The main thing when drawing up a set of exercises is to include push-ups that develop different groups muscles.

Training principles

During classes, you need to adhere to certain rules. Do not start exercising without first warming up the muscles. Most The best way to do this is jogging. It is enough to devote 15-20 minutes to running. If there is no stadium or park area nearby, then you can purchase treadmill... Before you start doing push-ups, you need to stretch your brushes. Only after that should you start push-ups.

How to lose at least 2 kilograms with push-ups

Fast weight loss fitness at home, push-ups.

Push-up scheme for fast weight loss at home. We look!

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You should start with 2-3 series of 10 push-ups. Breaks between series - 1.5-2 minutes. To achieve results, you need to step out of your comfort zone. the growth of muscle tissue and the burning of fat occurs only when a person works, overcoming himself. Therefore, you always need to do 1 times more than you can.

Thanks to the trendy functional fitness - push-ups are now included in most weight loss workouts. And this is great - a movement familiar from school allows you to burn up to 8 kcal per minute, strengthen the muscles of the chest, arms, improve posture and tighten the stomach. True, all this becomes a little less attractive, one has only to try to push up from the floor with correct technique... If you haven’t practiced push-ups before, and even at school could have worked out just a couple of movements, you have a chance to learn this exercise in just a couple of months. And, yes, the fact that you are a girl or a woman doesn't complicate the task at all.

What prevents us from doing push-ups from the floor?

The vast majority of women think in style:

All three messages are fundamentally wrong. First of all, push-ups do not build huge arms and pumped pectoral muscles... Even if you can do push-ups 100 times, this will not lead to muscle growth, as with exercises for the muscles of the arms. It's just that the muscle tissue will thicken, the metabolism will accelerate, the chest will rise, and it will also become easier for you to breathe during numerous aerobic exercise for weight loss.

Well, complaining about women's weakness is nothing more than self-justification. Think of the ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts- these feminine and beautiful girls will squeeze out more times than a jock neighbor. If all this inspires you a little, finally understand that push-ups will help improve the shape of the upper body without any equipment. And they will also speed up the process of getting rid of the abdomen - with correct technique the press works almost more than the pectoral muscles. And the effect of simple push-ups can be compared to the results achieved with belly slimming exercises.

How to do push-ups from the floor

Push-ups from the floor are performed according to the following algorithm:

  • stand up straight, hips shoulder-width apart;
  • tilt forward, walk with your hands on the floor until your palms are under your shoulders;
  • stabilize the shoulder blades, bringing them to the spine, contract the buttocks, tighten the abs - your body should resemble a straight line, no "houses" in the pelvic area should stick out;
  • stretch the top of your head forward, at the same time begin to bend your elbows;
  • trajectory of movement - chest down, to the floor, elbows slightly to the sides, forearms are at an angle of 45 degrees to the body;
  • at the bottom of the movement, imagine that you push off the floor with your palms, and gently squeeze your body up;
  • do not allow the elbows to "lock" when you go to the starting position, the elbows should remain slightly soft;
  • push-ups use the "effort - exhale" breathing technique, so bend your elbows while inhaling, unbend - while exhaling;
  • if you want to work out the triceps, press your forearms to the body, so the work will seem more difficult, because the emphasis will shift to smaller muscles.
  • Be aware of an inverted abdomen, a stable back, and tense legs throughout the exercise. Do not "nod" your head towards the floor and do not push off chest from its surface.

    Training plan for girls

    But what if you cannot perform a movement with a similar technique even once? Do not panic, do not make excuses, and in no case do "push-ups from your knees." This version relieves most of the load on the abdominal muscles, deep muscles body and back stabilizers, and the movement becomes much less effective. Instead, try starting push-ups from a high support, such as a windowsill, which is just above your waist.

  • First week- Do 5 sets of 10 high support push-ups every other day. Rest 60 seconds between sets. Incorporate push-ups into your regular strength workout or do it instead of exercising.
  • Second week- do 5 sets of 10 push-ups from the "middle" support every other day. You probably have a sofa or a sofa, so use it not only for lying;
  • Third week- Perform 6 sets of 10 push-ups from the "middle" support every other day.
  • Fourth week- do 6 sets of push-ups, doing the maximum number of repetitions for each set;
  • Fifth week- push up from a low support. Take a step or bench 20-30 cm high. Start with 3 sets of 15 reps;
  • Sixth week- reduce the number of repetitions to 10 and do 5-6 sets;
  • Seventh week- start push-ups from the floor. Do 2 sets of the maximum number of repetitions for you, follow the technique.
  • Eighth week- strive to do push-ups from the floor 10-15 times in three sets.
  • That's all, in a couple of months you will be able to boast of a cool push-up technique and stop looking for "chest exercises" on the Internet. Good luck!



    Many people do not have access to the hall, but this does not stop them from building beautiful body... They use exercises that do not require special equipment. They can be done anywhere. One of these exercises is push-ups from the floor.

    This banal movement can work wonders, of course, if you do it right. But how much do you need to push up to get the result? I propose to sort out this issue together.

    A few words about exercise

    Push-ups from the floor are basic exercise, which is performed mainly with the weight of your own body. It is called basic because the biomechanics of movement involves the use of more than one joint and muscle group.

    The main load when doing push-ups falls on the pectoral muscles and triceps. The muscles of the lower back, abs and gluteal muscles... Also, the shoulders are involved in the movement.

    Depending on the type of push-ups, the main load is shifted to the chest or triceps.

    Variations of push-ups from the floor:

    • Push-ups with different arms.
    • Push-ups with the body or legs raised.
    • Push-ups with increased amplitude.

    How many push-ups do you need to get the result? It depends on your goal. To increase the number of repetitions in one set and growth muscle mass different training schemes are used, as well as other variations of push-ups.

    How to learn to do a lot of push-ups

    As strange as it may sound, in order to learn how to do a lot of push-ups at one time, you need to do a lot of push-ups. This means that you need to do 1-2 endurance workouts during the day.

    How much do you need to do push-ups per day? As much as possible. Find out the current maximum amount repetitions and strive to increase this figure by one repetition every day.

    There is another way. Divide the workout into 5-6 sets. In the first set, complete 80% of one-time maximum reps, and in each subsequent approach add one repetition. Try to progress the load at each workout - this is the key to success.

    Repetition Increase Program

    Let's say your maximum is 50 push-ups at a time. This means that the first set starts with 40 reps.

    • first set - 40 reps;
    • the second - 41;
    • third - 42;
    • fourth - 43;
    • fifth - 44;
    • sixth - 45.

    Rest between sets for 30-60 seconds. If you can't complete the program right away, don't give up. Remember, you have to do as many push-ups as you can, and everything will work out.

    How to build muscle mass with push-ups

    This is not an easy task, since most of the work takes place with your own weight, and for muscle growth you need a constant progression of the load. You can be smart and put a burden on your back, but it won't be enough soon. But even without the extra weight, push-ups can build some muscle.

    The load in this case is regulated by the speed of the exercise. Muscles do not count kilograms, the time of work is important for them. Spend 3 seconds lowering the body and 2 seconds lifting.

    The increase in load is also provided by an increase in the range of motion. To do this, put several books under your palms or use dedicated platforms... In addition, placing your feet on a higher ground will make the exercise even harder.

    So, if you want muscles to grow, do the exercise at a slow pace, increase the range of motion using platforms and the position of the legs relative to the head.

    How many times do you need to do push-ups? Do 8-10 reps for 4-5 sets. Shift workouts during the day of rest. Take a break of no more than 1 minute between sets.

    Push-up technique

    Take the "lying position", arms straight in front of you, feet rest on the floor, legs together. The chest, loin and legs should be straight and in one line. When lowering your elbows, keep at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to the body.

    At the bottom point, touch the floor with your chest a little, so the muscles will stretch better, which means that the prerequisites for growth will be higher. At the top of the arm, do not fully straighten to maintain the load on the target muscle. Watch your breathing: exhale with effort, inhale while stretching the muscle.

    About hand positioning

    The wider the position of the arms, the more load goes to the pectoral muscles. However, setting it too wide will reduce the range of motion. Therefore, if you want to shift the focus to the chest, place your arms slightly wider than your shoulders.

    A narrow arm stance puts a strain on the triceps. If you want to pump them, take a standard starting position, but close your hands in front of you, palm to palm. While lowering, try to keep your elbows closer to the body, so the inner head of the triceps is pumped, which gives the greatest volume to the arm.

    How to quickly learn to do push-ups

    Two words: practice and discipline. If you want to master something, you have to try to do it. If you want to learn how to fight - fight; draw - draw; push up - push up. There are no exceptions. It also needs to be done systematically. Skipping workouts is the last thing to do if you really want to learn.

    Can't do a single rep? No problem. Start doing knee push-ups doing partial reps. Another option for beginners to do push-ups is to place your legs up to the waist on a bed or sofa. Performing 30-50 repetitions every day in 5-6 approaches, in a month you will go out to your first full-fledged push-ups.


    Finally, a few more words about motivation need to be said. Don't think that you won't be able to learn this exercise, increase the number of reps, or build up a little meat. If you do push-ups every day, then whatever your genetics, you will get the result. The main thing is to follow the technique, eat right and not forget about recovery.

    The most energy-consuming push-up is in the lying position. We put our socks on the floor, palms, bend in elbow joints, touch the floor with your chest and come to the starting position. No changes occur if we do this exercise in an emphasis from a support of medium height, or only change the position of the palms.

    Exercise turns into isolating if we take emphasis with bent knees or do push-ups in the "table pose". In general, all this is fine, but the most correct push-ups- the most difficult, because no one particularly strives for the correct technique. And it turns out that we either do shallow push-ups, or do an exercise with an arched lower back. These are all indicators of muscle weakness.

    What are push-ups for and is it possible to lose weight by performing only them?

    In addition to developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle and are good for muscle growth, push-ups are useful in that they teach you to suck in your stomach under load and keep your back in a neutral position. The point is to learn how to reduce the natural deflection in the lower back. This movement perfectly trains all the muscles in the center of the body and transverse muscles abdomen including. They are responsible for the waist circumference, and if you bring them into tone, the stomach will cease to be "spherical".

    Most women lag behind in upper body strength. Push-ups are one of the exercises that allow you to eliminate this lag in the most short time... If you are doing push-ups off the floor, you can push your own weight off the support. This will help in the future with the performance of basic presses and will allow you to get rid of the weakness of the stabilizing muscles, and such a muscle group as the pectorals and triceps will receive the necessary development.

    Push-ups are one of the natural movements, even if performed narrow grip, that is, with a narrow setting of the palms. When we do them, rather than work in the machine, the risk of injury due to inappropriate load distribution is reduced. This is important for women of small stature, those who have short arms, and absolutely everyone who, due to the small width of the shoulders, finds it difficult to do exercises in the chest press machine.

    Among other things, push-ups strengthen the chest muscles when performed wide grip, which allows you to "lift" the mammary glands and get rid of age problems... Of course, you can't pump big breasts with them, but good muscle development significantly improves the tone and shape of the décolleté area. In addition, push-ups from the floor develop triceps and allow you to get rid of the flabbiness in this area. They also affect the front deltoid muscles, which gives the shoulders a beautiful relief.

    Everyone can pump up muscles with push-ups, but you don't have to expect large volumes from them, which makes them ideal for building a feminine figure.

    What do push-ups give in general? Strength, beauty and readiness to work with weights. They also burn much more calories than working in a butterfly simulator and with light dumbbells, which is why they are shown to beginners.

    Alternative push-ups (training with an emphasis on arms only, in a table position, with weights) allows you to shift the emphasis to the shoulders or triceps.

    Working muscles

    The predominant motor is the pectoral muscles, the anterior delta, and the shoulder extensor muscles. Absolutely all muscles are involved in static tension - the muscles of the front of the thighs will keep the legs in a straight position, the muscles of the back will prevent you from falling, the muscles of the press will remove the deflection in lumbar spine.

    In general, you can work almost the entire body with one simple exercise, you do not need to go to gym, buy a subscription or something else. But you know what? The vast majority of girls who learned to do push-ups school physical education they will say: “Oh, him, this is your push-up. I will do better exercises in simulators, since I can't do push-ups from the floor. Hands are weak. I'm a girl. " By the way, hands have nothing to do with it in most cases.

    Push-ups from scratch: the ultimate guide

    What do we usually do? That's right, we take the emphasis on the knees and palms and do push-ups, as we were taught in aerobics lessons, that is, not in full amplitude and exclusively as part of the native organism.

    What do we do next? We are lamenting that it is impossible to squeeze out from the socks, they say, the hands are weak. So, it’s not your hands that sag and draw with your belly on the floor. Yes, and full flexion in the elbow joints is not allowed to do, too, not hands. Usually these are weak legs, abs and back. The entire stabilizing chain must be well strengthened, which is why we say that push-ups are, first of all, an indicator of the overall physical fitness athlete. The push-up technique is well established in fitness and is common for men and women, but women just need to do more support exercises to strengthen their upper body muscles.

    So, to learn how to do push-ups from scratch, we need:

    • devote some time to primary muscle strengthening. For a couple of weeks, do deadlifts (bringing the palms to the belt) in an incline with rubber shock absorber or rubber drugstore harnesses. Do triceps extensions with dumbbells, for example, bending forward, you can do this exercise with rubber if you do not have equipment. Do abdominal crunches and try to stand in a plank on your palms and toes. Get to a minute in the plank and you will be physically ready for push-ups, for beginners this is very important;
    • don't forget about the abdominal stabilization skill. Simpler? Learn to draw in your stomach, that is, take in more air into your lungs and exhale sharply, and then pull the front abdominal wall inward so that the pelvis "twists" forward, and you take a stable position. First, do this while lying down, then try to do simple squats without weights with the abdomen pulled in. After that, stand in the planks with this position of the center of the body;
    • additionally do leg exercises, at least lunges and squats without weights, to strengthen the leg muscles;
    • at this stage, you can include standing up from a prone position. Lie on your stomach on the floor, lower your face, and place your palms on the sides of the body, push off with your hands and whole body and, as it were, squeeze out. Get on straight arms and toes and repeat as needed

    After you have spent 2-3 weeks doing strength exercises for a general strengthening plan, start training.

    The first level is from the wall

    Start with a vertical wall push-up. Take a stop - palms are slightly wider than the body, so that the elbows and forearms go at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. Step back and tense all the muscles of the body, draw in the stomach, remove the arch in the lower back. Then begin to move at a slow pace, bending your elbows and touching the wall with your nose.

    You won't get full amplitude or much flexion. The point of this lead-in exercise is for the person to learn to pull in the abdomen under load and stabilize the core.

    Work 2-3 sets of 8-10 times at a very slow pace. Spend a week with this exercise, and do not forget about other strengths that day. All approaches should be done smoothly and thoughtfully. The beginner program can be supplemented with any cardio exercise to lose weight, which also interferes with doing push-ups correctly.

    The second level - from the support at the level of the belt

    Usually at home we do push-ups from the sofa or windowsill, in the hall - from the bench or the bar of Smith's car. It doesn't matter what you push up from. The important thing is how deeply you do it. Here you have to check the "assembly" of the whole body and learn how to work muscles in full amplitude. Touch the support with your chest and stay at this level until you have done 3-4 sets of 10-12 push-ups.

    How soon will you get them done? The indicator is purely individual, do not force events, fortunately, we are all different, and our physical training skills are also not the same.

    Third level - support at the level of the lower leg

    This level can be achieved by pushing up from a bench or step platform. We will not do push-ups in depth, but touch the support with our chest. It is important to honestly touch the support every time, and then you will progress quickly.

    Fourth level - push-ups from the floor

    Strike a plank position on your palms and socks and do push-ups. It's important to get to 10-12 reps in 3-4 sets.

    Important: Do a push-up workout only 2 times a week. Remaining 2 power training work out squats and deadlifts to ensure harmonious muscle development and beautiful posture... The set of push-ups from the floor should not replace the training of other muscle groups.

    Push-up technique from the floor

    First of all - the emphasis on the palms and socks. The feet are set to a comfortable width so that the body does not swing from side to side. The palms are slightly wider than the body, the forearms extend at an angle of 45 degrees from the body.

    The shoulder blades are, as it were, “tucked away in the back pockets of the trousers,” that is, brought together to the spine and lowered. The abdomen is pulled in, tucked in, the body is stable. The muscles of the front of the thighs are tense.

    While inhaling, we lower ourselves with our chest to the floor, while exhaling, we take the starting position. We work smoothly, do not "insert" the elbows until they click.

    Errors in push-ups

    Common technical errors indicate certain weaknesses in muscle connections, insufficient work of certain muscles, as well as developmental abnormalities associated with poor posture:

    shoulders pulled up to the ears. This is either psychological - a person is afraid to do push-ups and "strains" with his whole body, getting the work of a strong trapezius muscle, and not getting the work of the weak lats, or is connected exclusively with the "office posture", in which the trapeziums develop perfectly and the lats are stretched. It is easy to fix this - tilt your shoulders back, gently turning them towards the heels;

    • flexion in knee joint... The muscles of the front of the thighs are not included. The knees should be in a neutral position, and should not sag and “scribble on the floor” with each movement;
    • lower back sagging to the floor, relaxed belly. Everything is obvious here - you need to train the position of a neutral back and learn to draw in your stomach, no matter how difficult it is;
    • "Hump" in the thoracic region. Indicates a relaxed back and loose shoulder blades. The more you collect them, the faster you will ensure optimal performance for your pecs and triceps.

    Important: A beginner's mistake is to use a push-up table program, or any other plan that requires you to train every day. Overtraining certain muscle groups does not make them stronger, but simply leads us to overwork.

    Complicated push-ups

    1. The first type is push-ups in depth. You will need push-up stops: (handles) or dumbbells. You need to take an emphasis and do push-ups until your chest touches the floor. This view is indicated for those who have no injuries. shoulder joints and posture disorders.
    2. The second type is push-ups with a pause at the bottom. They provide significant muscle hypertrophy and are good for mass gain. You need to smoothly go down, touch the floor with your chest, and, straining all the muscles, fix the position of the body like this. Then - you need to quickly come to the position of the stop.
    3. The third type is plyometric push-ups. At the lowest point, we push off the floor with our hands and jump up, trying to land softly, without hitting the floor with our hands.
    4. The fourth type is push-ups with a narrow setting of the palms. We put them right along the line of the ribs so that pushing up, we can touch the floor with the body. With this setting of the arms, the load goes to the triceps.

    Popular programs such as the 100 push-up pattern and others can be used with simple movement at this level of fitness. You can learn to do push-ups on your shoulders - in a stance with your feet against the wall, or in an inverted triangle pose. The main thing is to do the approaches correctly, not to rush and systematically increase the load.

    All types of hard push-ups require good muscle control and harmonious body development. You shouldn't be hitting, dropping your core, or trying to force your push-ups in any other way. Work smoothly and over time everything will turn out well.

    When you can do push-ups more than 20 times, you should stop considering this movement as your most important strength exercise for the shoulder girdle. Move on to the standing and lying barbell presses to increase your weight and improve your strength. After all, there is no good form without progress, it is important to take this into account.

    The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

    You want to wear shirts and dresses with open shoulders or English armholes, and not be shy about the "wings" of fat on your arms? Or look pretty in a tank top with thin straps? Then you definitely need to know how to learn to do push-ups. After all, without correct load harmonious body parameters cannot be achieved on the upper shoulder girdle. The chest will be saggy, and the arms will be flabby and croissant-like.

    Why push-ups - best exercise for slimming hands? It's simple: you can do it anywhere, because you don't need any special tools. In addition, you work with your weight, therefore, the more your weight, the faster and better you will be able to lose weight in your arms and build muscle.

    In addition, there are several types of push-ups that you can do in the office to pump up the pectoral muscles, lose weight in shoulder girdle and get beautiful, embossed hands.

    A small excursion into anatomy

    Anatomy shoulder muscles and arms consists of biceps, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles. But power loads, such as push-ups from the floor, involve both the large chest and latissimus back, so losing weight will be complex and you will receive as a bonus beautiful back and clearly visible collarbones. Only biceps and triceps are responsible for the relief of the arms. The deltoid muscles and trapezium already form a beautiful shoulder relief.

    Read also

    So that everyone is involved muscle groups, a fitness complex must be developed from different types push-ups.

    And now for the workout itself - here are the best types of push-ups for losing weight.

    Classic push-ups from the floor

    You can do this exercise in a standard plank or from your knees (many call these types of push-ups "women"). During the exercise, the deltoid muscles, triceps and pectoralis major muscles are involved.

    How to do: rest your knees (or socks) and hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor. Push up, straightening your elbows. When bent, the elbows will "look" to the sides. Movements should be smooth and unhurried. A slow pace promotes good muscle development. Do 15-20 push-ups in 2 sets.

    Remember: the narrower you put your hands, the more tense your triceps.

    Leg push-ups

    They resemble classic push-ups from the floor, only the legs should rest on a sofa or chair. That is, when lifting, the body should line up in a line parallel to the floor.

    This is the most effective method improve the shape of the arms and chest, as well as overcome excess fat concentrated on the back and forearms.

    How to do: Place your feet or knees on the sofa and bend your elbows as you would with standard push-ups. Do 15 reps in 2-3 sets.

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