May I walk. How to start walking

Walking is one of the most enjoyable and effective ways keep yourself in shape.

This is one of those kinds physical activity which can be called natural and background. Walking is natural by definition, since we learn this already in the first year of life. And we keep walking until last days... Walking is a background load because it is a very correct and effective motor basis, on which your efforts in special training and useful nutritional rules are very successfully superimposed. Daily walking in sufficient volume, as it were, enhances the effect of training and proper nutrition.

It is no coincidence that daily walks are an integral part of the training program.

In addition, walking is much more natural and safer than running. Therefore, if you do not like or do not want to go jogging, go in for walking!

If you walk at least 5-10 km a day (in total), then there are a lot of health problems and overweight are resolved as if by themselves, imperceptibly. After all, you are not making any special efforts. You just go around and do the most common day-to-day activities. Walking is a background exercise.

Walking on foot does not burden the brain (rather, on the contrary) and does not require extreme volitional efforts, plus it is of great benefit, and for many people it is incomparable pleasure. Agree, it sounds very tempting!

Walking, you do not risk injuring your knees, twisting your leg, or overloading your heart. A health-improving effect and a powerful expenditure of calories is evident.

How long do you need to walk every day?

Doctors insist that the daily movement rate for a person is at least 10-14 thousand steps. This is the minimum that ensures the normal functioning of the heart, lungs, muscles, joints and the nervous system.

I purposefully measured my stride length (from the tip of my back toe to the tip of my front toe) and found it to be 85 centimeters when walking briskly. Multiplying the stride length by the recommended number of strides, I got the following. I need to walk from 8.5 to 11.9 km per day.

Do I walk that much in a day? Unlikely! Purposefully, I walk no more than 3-5 kilometers. I have to solve many questions by driving a car or sitting at a computer. However, the overall active life, daily exercise (morning work-out+ special workout after lunch), working with clients (I constantly lift hardware with them and do a lot of other exercises) make walking different important element my physical fitness.

One kilometer in my performance is 1176 steps. I cover this distance in 10-11 minutes. The approximate walking speed is thus about 6 km per hour.

Your stride length may vary depending on height, weight, flexibility and other parameters. Accordingly, both the speed and the distance may be different.

Is it so important to walk exactly 10-14 thousand steps?

In my opinion, it is not necessary. Less is possible if the steps are large and energetic. The norm is spelled out for an average person who can barely move his legs from the point of view of an athlete. And for health, not only the quantity but also the quality of movements matters. 10 thousand sluggish steps will not give even half of the effect that can be achieved in 5 thousand vigorous steps. A brisk step is a wide range of joint work. These are intense muscle contractions, this is an increase in the work of the heart, blood vessels, capillaries. This is increased breathing. Brisk walking keeps you warm and even sweats. This is normal and useful.

So, I suppose you understand that the banal accounting of steps by a pedometer is just an appearance. The quality of these steps is also important. The better they are, the less they are needed.

How to count steps and distance?

Currently, there is no problem with this. Put on the gadget ( smart watch) or turn on your smartphone with the application and go for a walk.

I prefer to take into account the distance on Google maps. I turn on the GPS and determine my location. Then I set the route of movement, indicating the finish point on the map. I choose a way to travel on foot. The system displays the approximate walking time and exact distance. That's the whole trick. And since in the place where I live, the choice of routes is not very large, I know them all by heart to within a meter.

You can use a special smart watch.

Or even a special reminder (a program in a fitness bracelet), constantly giving a "pendel" to the owner who is too busy πŸ™‚

Clothes and footwear for walking

It is imperative to dress for the weather. Use good quality, hygienic clothing. You should just be pleased to be in it. Great fit sport suit or jeans (stretch) with a T-shirt (or windbreaker). In general, it should be comfortable and pleasant in the chosen clothes. Then walks will not be a heavy duty, but a vital necessity and pleasure. You can even dress up more fashionably (fortunately, now there are no problems with this), to make it even more interesting! πŸ™‚

As a shoe, there is nothing better than sneakers. Socks must be cotton.
You can and should walk in any weather except extreme (storm, heavy precipitation, frost, abnormal heat). In cool weather, a hat is required, since the body cools down strongly through the head, which can have unpleasant consequences. In the heat, it is better to use a cap, baseball cap. Sunglasses should be worn over your eyes.

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Have you ever heard the saying of Hippocrates: "Walking is the best medicine for a person"? Moreover, if you combine walking with good sleep and healthy eating, you will not need to see a doctor for a long time. Just 15-30 minutes of walking daily can dramatically improve more than just your appearance but also health in general.

Editorial staff site I was surprised to learn how beneficial the practice for the body and soul can be the most ordinary walk. Especially for you, we have listed the positive results that you can come to - in the literal sense of the word.

1. Positive changes in the brain

While it seems as though the eyes have nothing to do with the legs, walking is beneficial for their health as well. It also helps fight glaucoma by restoring eye pressure.

3. Prevention of heart disease

According to the American Heart Association, walking is just as effective as running in preventing heart disease and stroke. It can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation.

4. Increase in lung volume

Walking is aerobic exercise which increases the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, aids in lung training, and also reduces the level of toxins and waste products. The symptoms of some lung diseases can also be reduced with deeper, better breathing.

5. Improving the condition of the pancreas

Believe it or not, walking has proven to be a much more effective diabetes prevention tool than running. The study showed that over a six-month observation period, glucose tolerance in walkers increased 6-fold compared to runners.

6. Improving digestion

A daily 30-minute walk not only reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer in the future, but also improves digestion, relieves constipation by regulating intestinal motility.

7. Maintaining muscle tone

Walking provides flexibility to joints, prevents bone loss, and even reduces the risk of fractures.

The habit that needs to be developed in the third week of the program of the book "A Year Lived Right" is to move more. As an advanced version of the habit, it is suggested to walk 10,000 steps a day.

It turned out that I have so much experience in developing the habit of walking that there will be three posts on this topic. Today I will tell you about one exercise that will help people with a very sedentary lifestyle to love walking. Those who just can't find the time and energy for fitness.

Let's start by saying β€œI don’t have time for this” is an excuse. I do not mean at all that by pronouncing it, a person is lying. This is generally a normal reaction when you say to the brain: "Create a new neural connection."

This requires a lot of energy, so the brain starts to kick out and say: β€œI have no time, leave me alone, I'm busy with a million other tasks. I have nowhere to take the energy to build this connection. " Etc. Etc. and off we went listing all the vital important issues that we are busy with.

But our brain has one gorgeous feature that we will use to force such a neural connection to build such a necessary neural connection.

This feature lies in the fact that our brain is happy to solve very small problems.

B ... l ... si ... p..d - what word is written here?

Well, you answered the questions almost without thinking, right?

And if you carefully analyze your feelings at the time of solving such problems, you will understand that you got some pleasure from this nonsense.

Okay, but how does this relate to walking.

What kind of exercise is

I deliberately do not say right away what this exercise is, so that you take it seriously and understand that it can really help you. It once helped me a lot.

And most of all, it will benefit your way of thinking. Because after completing it every day for a week, you will begin to gradually find the time and energy to do fitness, get rid of the stereotype that playing sports is hard.

Excuses such as:

  • too lazy to change into sportswear;
  • I don't have comfortable sportswear;
  • I have a headache, finger, hand, butt, tooth, inflammation of the right heel and a callus on my head (underline the necessary);
  • it's too late for classes today;
  • I just woke up and I have absolutely no time for classes.

I'll tell you more. You will do this exercise now. And I guarantee that you will be able to do it throughout the next week.

After you have completed this exercise, please go back to the computer and answer the questions for the post.

Click here to see what this exercise is.

Stand up now and take 100 steps in place.

Have you thought "what the hell am I doing" while you were doing the exercise?

Have you noticed that after the exercise you became a little more cheerful?

How long (approximately) did the exercise take?

Was it difficult to persuade yourself?

Will you repeat it tomorrow?

Don't spoil it in the comments, please :)

As I said, the key to this exercise is to change your mindset. And to make it easier for you to change it throughout the week, I prepared a workbook. During the week, you need to do the exercise and every evening answer some questions that will help get rid of barriers, stereotypes and develop your program.

To access the download, enter your email in the form below the post.

Deciding whether to go somewhere or stay at home can be tricky. It can be difficult to tell if you want to spend time alone with yourself or want to socialize after getting out of your captivity. Practical considerations can be used to determine. Think about whether you can afford a particular event and how important it is to you. You can also consider your mood. Are you ready to mentally leave the house right now? If you can't decide, look for a compromise. Attend the event for a short time, or stay at home and chat with people on social media.


Take advantage of practical considerations

    Think about what's at stake. Some social events are best not to be missed. For example, activities at work or school can help you make useful contacts. If your career or relationships with colleagues depend on an event, you should make every effort to attend.

    • For example, look for a boss's birthday party or a meeting with alumni program representatives. These activities will allow you to make connections and maintain good relationships at work and school. Skipping an event like this is likely a bad idea.
    • However, the rest of the activities are not that important. For example, if your friends are planning a bowling night and you don't show up, it won't hurt your career.
  1. Consider how important your presence is to others. Take into account the feelings of other participants in the event. Is someone expecting you to come? Have you pledged to come? How upset will people be if you don't show up?

    • For example, your friend might feel uncomfortable if you miss his birthday. Friends can also be offended if you made a commitment to be somewhere, but did not come. For example, if you've all been planning a hike for several months, it might be a bad idea to give it up at the last moment.
    • Less important social events can usually be avoided without special problems... For example, if your friends have a movie night every week, it is unlikely that anyone will be very upset if you stay at home on one of those days.
  2. Think about the kind of communication there will be. As a rule, people prefer communication with meaning rather than empty talk. The event is definitely worth a visit if there are good conversations.

    • If you are very close to some of those present, your interactions are more likely to be meaningful and you will feel revitalized after you leave.
    • However, if there are mostly strangers and just acquaintances, you are unlikely to get much pleasure.
  3. Pay attention to your financial situation. Be honest about whether you can afford to leave your home. Think about how much money you will spend and consider other expenses that you will incur during the month or week. If your finances are tight, stay at home and save some money.

    • If you want to attend an event even on a modest budget, try to limit your spending. Instead of relying on a bank card, take cash and spend as much as you have with you.
  4. Assess how you feel about a private evening. In some cases, spending time alone increases productivity and improves mood. However, if you are sitting at home while you want to communicate with other people, then this can have Negative consequences... Everything can end in a wave of loneliness, tension and depression. Think about whether you genuinely want to spend time alone.

    • Think about your relationships with people in recent times... Have you craved communication with people? Has the conversation at recent events been sparse or negative? If you are keen on socializing with others, spending time alone can make you unhappy. Your best bet is to get out of the house and see the others.
    • However, if you are tired of socializing with other people, you can benefit from an evening by yourself. If you are not hungry for companionship, then leaving the house will tire you even more. If so, you might be better off staying at home and doing something for your pleasure, such as reading a book or watching a movie.
  5. Notice how energized you are. If you've had a long week, you may be tired. If you are already exhausted, you may not be able to last long at any event. If you want to go to bed early, don't go out. However, if you are relatively energetic, you can enjoy the evening outside.

    • For example, if you've been working overtime, chances are you simply don't have the energy to get dressed and go somewhere. However, if this has been a typical week, it probably won't take too much motivation to put on something and walk out the door.
  6. Consider if you want to expand your social circle. Leaving home can be a great opportunity to make new friends. Meeting people is one of the main reasons to go somewhere. Consider if you are in the mood for chatting and making new acquaintances.

    • Have you been bogged down in your social circle lately? If you are hungry for experiences and making new friends, get out of the house and chat with new people.
    • However, maybe making new friends now is not what you want. Maybe you're just not in the mood to communicate. If you don't want to communicate with someone, you are unlikely to make new acquaintances, even if you want to. In this case, it is better to spend the evening at home.
  7. Consider if you want to dress up. Leaving the house obliges you to look good. Depending on the type of event, you may have to spend a lot of time preparing. For example, official event may require an exit suit. Think about what it takes to get ready and if it's worth it.

Walking is a natural way to get around in space. We walk daily. But are we walking right? The question is not idle from the point of view of body biomechanics. After all, if our movements are not coordinated, we stoop, then the gait is ugly, the muscles and joints are overloaded, as a result, the spine and internal organs suffer. Dr. Alexander Ivanov talks about how to diagnose health problems by gait and learn how to walk correctly.



Man differs from other representatives of the animal kingdom by upright walking. There is an opinion that we are paying for upright walking with diseases of the spine. A person gradually gets to his feet at the end of the first year of life. From this moment on, a motor stereotype of movement begins to form - a gait.

Definition from Big medical encyclopedia: "Gait- a set of signs that characterize a person's walking. A number of motor components of the gait have an innate character and are included in the complex coordinated activity of muscles and limbs during movement (locomotion). The regulation of gait in humans is carried out by the cortical, subcortical-stem and cerebellar structures of the brain. The gait is also associated with emotional (motivational) mechanisms of movement, which are controlled by the limbic system of the brain and cortical regulation of the static-dynamic balance of a moving person. All this gives the sinking expressive coordination, reflecting the personality traits of a given person (character, temperament) and creates a manner of walking. In the process of life, the gait acquires new features, which in a person are associated with the peculiarities of his work activity, education, etc. "

To determine if you are walking correctly, take a simple test. If you feel tired in your legs during a 30-minute walk with a normal pace, you want to sit down, rest, or hurt calf muscles- it means, most likely, something is wrong with your gait. Then ask yourself the following questions: which foot do I start with, do my arms move in time with my body while walking, do I step on the heel where my gaze is directed.

Another tip: video footage of your walk and carefully study the movement of your body while walking. This will help from the outside to see mistakes when walking and consciously correct them.


Golden Rule a beautiful gait is a healthy posture. It is necessary to keep your back and head straight, slightly raise your chin - look at the level of the third floor. In this case, the spine is straightened, and the diaphragm moves freely. Shoulders need to be straightened, free chest.

While walking, use the calf muscles, for this you need to step on the heel, and then smoothly transfer the center of gravity to the toe. While walking, the feet should come off the floor - you cannot shuffle and drag your feet. Feet should be parallel to each other or facing slightly towards outside.

For an osteopathic physician, the patient's gait is of diagnostic value. As soon as the patient enters my office, I can judge his diagnosis and understand what worries the person. For example, limping on one leg often indicates problems. lumbar and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Moving your arms while walking is natural. Normally, when walking, our hands describe semicircles. Avoid putting your hands in your pockets while walking, as you can walk faster with free hands.



The pelvis plays a key role in the biomechanics of walking. The pelvis is an anatomical structure that consists of several bones: the sacrum, pubic and iliac bones... All this is covered with muscles and ligaments. The basin is a receptacle internal organs- genitourinary system ( bladder, uterus, prostate) and intestines (rectum).

The pelvis is the foundation on which the spine stands, like a tower. Disorders of the pelvic structure leads to diseases of the spine - impaired posture and gait. Osteopaths pay to the pelvis Special attention correcting his somatic dysfunction (violation of biomechanics and rhythm).

In the process of osteopathic examination, we quite often reveal different lengths feet of patients. The difference in the length of the legs leads to an overload of the spine and joints, which provokes pain. Distinguish between true shortening of the leg (anatomical) and functional shortening. The doctor's taskβ€” identify whether this shortening is anatomical or functional. For this, there are special diagnostic tests in osteopathy. In the case of true shortening of the leg, caused, for example, by coxarthrosis hip joint or a fracture of the femur, orthopedic devices are used for correction - insoles or heel pad. Functional leg shortening can be successfully corrected. In just one session, an osteopathic doctor can lengthen the leg and straighten the oblique pelvis. Thanks to this, the load on the joints of the legs and the spine will be even, which will help to avoid pain in the future.


Gait is to some extent a marker of our inner state, status, profession, and so on. The manner of walking or gait (like handwriting or a fingerprint) is different for everyone, but there are still criteria for a healthy, correct gait: posture, head position, coordinated movements of the arms and legs.

The gait informs the people around about the mood and even about the person's character traits. There are male and female gaits, youthful and senile gaits, professional gait (the gait of a top model or a ballerina, the gait of a boss), an energetic gait and a lazy gait. Ideally, the gait should be light and springy.



Walking is a great way to prevent spinal diseases and of cardio-vascular system... Make walking the main way to get around. Use every opportunity to go on foot - to work, home, to visit, to the store, just walking, and so on. Ideally, you need to take at least ten thousand steps a day. Forget the elevator and escalator on the subway. You can use smartphone pedometers and trackers to monitor your steps. A special kind of a kind of walking - nordic walking with sticks.


The shoes and clothes in which you walk are important. If your shoes are uncomfortable, narrow and high heels- it interferes with normal gait. Avoid in Everyday life shoes with a flat and thin sole - it disrupts the shock absorption of the foot and leads to overloading of the spine and joints.

Choose clothing that is comfortable and free of movement. Tight clothing jeans, can interfere with the natural movement of the body when walking.

Walk properly and be healthy!

Yours sincerely,

Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich- Candidate of Medical Sciences, osteopath, neurologist, naturopath, member of the Russian osteopathic association, popularizer healthy way life and a mindful approach to health.

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