There is no willpower to lose weight what to do. How to lose weight if there is no willpower

Many, even those whose weight is in the relative norm, have been on a diet at least once. In order to have beautiful figure, especially already in mature age, you need to adhere to certain, sometimes quite strict, rules, as well as limit yourself in some way.

Many ladies who dream of losing weight and follow a diet cannot withstand such a test for a long time and break down. What can be done if there is not enough willpower to get rid of those extra pounds?

How to develop willpower?

Willpower can be trained in the same way as the abdominal muscles.

There are two scientifically proven methods that will help you not to break down, break the diet and not quit playing sports, even when it seems that everything around you is against you.

Reduce the "temperature of desire"

Back in the last century, one psychologist conducted the famous "marshmallow test":

Small children were brought into a room where there was only a table on which there were sweets and a chair. Children could take anything: marshmallows, candy, and so on, and either eat it right away, or wait for an adult to come, who will give them something else as a reward.

Most of the guys (and about a hundred children participated in the test) agreed to this, but few were able to withstand. The very first to break loose were those who all the time looked at the coveted candy, touched it, smelled it, and so on. The longest of all, about 15 minutes, were able to hold out those children who all this time distracted themselves with something else.

They did not try to crush the temptation by force of will, they simply hid and "cooled" it.

When the kids, unable to withstand more than a minute, were told how to “cool” the desire, they calmly waited for the prize treat.

Years later, the psychologist inquired about the fate of the now adult participants in the old experiment. It turned out that the most persistent have achieved some success in life and feel happy. They had no problems with alcoholic drinks, extra pounds and stressful situations.

Bottom line: if you really want to eat something, distract yourself. You don't need to think that you will definitely not eat this pie. Just get up and do something.

Build up a reserve of willpower

Willpower is a unique and unusual brain resource that is quickly wasted when we perform actions that require volitional efforts in a row or immediately.

A list of stressful situations that deplete the reserves of willpower:

  1. Delicious, but strictly forbidden to oneself food.
  2. Suppressed emotional outbursts, aggressive or sexual impulses.
  3. Passing the test.
  4. An attempt to impress someone.

Willpower resources can be replenished. The more you use it, the more it becomes.

According to research, even something as simple as brushing your teeth with the other hand for two weeks builds willpower.

Bottom line: Strive to achieve short-term goals.

How to be motivated?

  1. Buy smaller clothing.
  2. Do not reward yourself in any way if you have not been able to achieve what you were aiming for.
  3. Fall in love.
  4. Think of something big - a long trip, mountain climbing or river rafting.
  5. Find other ways to help you cope with the stressful situation.
  6. Prefer only the most active types of recreation (bike, skateboard, snowboard).
  7. Eat in a swimsuit, contemplating your own forms.
  8. Go to the sauna or pool with slim friends or acquaintances.
  9. Hang your best photos on the mirrors.
  10. Place the scales in front of the kitchen.
  11. Get inspired by other good examples.
  12. Eliminate feelings of inadequacy and uselessness.

How to make losing weight easy and fun?

Due to the fact that you do not know how to diversify your life while losing weight, getting rid of those extra pounds will be a burden and is unlikely to be very effective. As a result - a breakdown and a stressful situation due to the lack of the desired results.

There are 7 very useful habits for losing weight:

  1. Get up an hour earlier than usual. Spend that time doing yoga, walking, or a leisurely breakfast instead of rushing to work at full speed. Your every day will become calmer, more joyful and filled with many positive emotions.
  2. Make a morning to-do list. While drawing up, imagine how good you will feel in the evening, knowing that everything planned has been completed.
  3. Move more. During your lunch break, take a walk near the office building, and if you have extra time, try to spend it outdoors.
  4. Do not eat while sitting in front of the computer. So you will only eat more than you should, and you will not get pleasure.
  5. Spend your evenings the way you want. Forget your routine! Go to the beach, go to the movies, take a walk with your friends.
  6. Conduct kitchen experiments. Eat what you really want. Cook with imagination, and then you will realize the limitlessness of your own possibilities.
  7. Give thanks. Be grateful to every day just for what it was. Appreciate small things.

Why lose weight?

Set a definite goal for yourself, and the process of losing weight will become enjoyable, because getting what you really want is really great pleasure!

Slimming goals:

  1. Improvement of health: reduction of pressure, absence of joint and vertebral pain, acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Expanding the range of daily possibilities: it will become easier for you to walk and climb stairs, play with children.
  3. Elimination psychological problems and improving self-esteem.
  4. Improved appearance, that is, the ability to dress stylishly, visit the beach, sauna and gym, without experiencing mental discomfort.
  5. Improving family and sexual relationships.
  6. Increase in reproductive capacity.
  7. Professional growth.
  8. The ability to purchase clothes at a more affordable cost.
  9. The opportunity to learn more about human physiology, which will bring the necessary accuracy in the use of food.
  10. Love yourself.
  1. Bet on money. There is no desire to spend money - there will be a desire to lose weight.
  2. Don't indulge the senses. Temptation is a feeling. Feeling can come and go. Feeling inappropriate hunger? Keep yourself busy with something useful.
  3. Become an expert in serving sizes. Eat fractional meals that are low in calories. You need to know the following: 100 grams of fish or meat takes up the same space as a deck of cards; only one teaspoon of oil is needed per meal; 45 grams of cheese is a tube of lipstick; a portion of porridge or salad should be about the size of a fist.
  4. Meal according to a strict schedule- a sign of developed willpower.
  5. If you want to lose weight - love yourself!

How to force yourself to lose weight if there is no willpower - hardest question... Willpower becomes the pivot mechanism from excess weight... Will gives us decisive strength to fight overweight... Losing weight quickly without diet and sports is unrealistic. After some time, the figure takes on an unbearable shape. You have to decide how to change it. Top 13 Best Tips to Change Your Body Shape When Willpower Is Absent.

How to make yourself lose weight: where to start

Women imagine the word "diet" as something alarming and threatening to their lives. The reaction is connected with the fact that you have to lose your most beloved products. And the final process makes the final days count. Willpower is a common problem for many people and needs to be addressed now. Save our advice and re-read it periodically.

Secrets that fall silent

Eating right shouldn't be torture. You don't need to count every calorie. Eliminate unhealthy foods that increase weight. These include fried, fatty, and sweet foods. Cook food in the oven. During cooking, swipe physical exercise... It is prohibited to buy instant food.

Don't put in front of you huge goal... For example, lose weight by 35 kilograms in a month. Firstly, the toughest diet is useless, and secondly, it is fraught with health deterioration. It will be enough to lose three kilograms in a week.

How to eat right

The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Swap hamburgers for regular fries or steamed diet cutlets. Change the classic bread to black grain, replace black coffee with kefir or yogurt. Within two weeks, simple substitutions will affect the result and become a habit.

How to properly formulate a diet if there is no willpower

Protein foods should be on your menu. It will help to saturate the body by feeding a feeling of satiety to the brain. Nutritionists recommend eating protein food until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Protein foods:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Lean meat;
  • Peanut;
  • Eggs.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. They are categorized into complex and simple carbohydrates. The second type is harmful to the figure. You should quickly eliminate them.

How to force yourself to play sports

Make to engage physical activity people experiencing tremendous difficulties with being overweight have a hard time. They reschedule their training annually. Learn to practice a little. Minimum load has an effect. You don't have to go to group lessons to the music. You can play your favorite song and do the cleaning at home. In the morning, do your exercises, and then connect the jumping rope.

Mood motivation

Consider that getting rid of fat is vital. Any girl thought to correct her figure, but only a few reach the finish line. Motivation has nothing to do with it. People around us impose the opposite opinion. After gaining two kilograms, some people condemn you as having committed a dangerous crime. Understand your goal. Beauty is a relative concept, because some men like people who are too fat a lot. She shouldn't look like a girl from Vogue magazine. If the goal is to become appetizing, then you can. Decide what exactly you want to change.

Maintaining weight after losing weight

An important fact is that losing weight is, in principle, not difficult. We go to the coach and begin to study according to the program. It is necessary to realize that it is more important to maintain the thrown off weight, figure. A girl should understand that losing weight is easier than maintaining the beauty of a figure.

Quality sleep

Routine modern people does not allow you to sleep normally. Sleep should be complete. Though everyday stresses shatter nervous system... We'll have to study correctly, sleep. Lack of sleep provokes a number of difficulties - reaction, motivation worsens, a person loses self-control. It may seem that this is a natural reaction of the body and it is healthy. This is an inner self-deception. You need to sleep from 8 to 10 hours.

Remove stress

Many people suffer from stress. You need to learn to control yourself. Stressful situations worsen health. The brain receives a false signal and self-medication begins, the use of cigarettes, alcohol, sweets. So learn to say no.

Eat anytime

People do not correctly start the method of losing weight. They cut calories, skip meals. Occasionally they start to starve. The brain is smarter than the computer. The signal instantly detects an error in the body. Blood sugar drops and the feeling of hunger comes suddenly. Carry cooked diet snacks with you. If you don't follow the advice, your brain will find a way, clouded your mind, and you will run to the store for harm.

Track and plan your menu for the day

Willpower is an expensive resource that is wasted quickly, especially since it has a limited composition. Let us squander the reserves, overwork, despondency sets in. Restraining yourself is hard. Come up with a nutrition plan two days in advance. Breakfast, lunch, dinner should be clearly planned. Remove harmful food from the field of vision of the eyes, and better put healthy foods.

Failure is a reason to learn analysis.

Many, after reading the article, are likely to give up in some cases. Who breaks down and eats a big cake, another pack of chips. Once you break the rule, make a promise that you will not get lost. The violation has consequences in the form of two steps back. Perhaps tune in for a run. It is better to analyze your behavior so as not to get frustrated at a difficult moment.

We are starting to lose weight right now

Many do not believe that they can lose weight by removing belly fat. Trust in your capabilities. It doesn't matter how many times you fell. Take another chance. You are building your own destiny. Rejoice in minimal achievements now. Draw a path for yourself in your head and follow it.

Willpower is not at all a reason not to lose weight. With a minimum supply of resources, you can find the desired figure. Perhaps you liked the review - save the link to yourself. Write your conjectures in the comments.

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Nutritionists unanimously say: “The main reason for being overweight is stress! Get rid of stressful situations and start losing weight right away! " But how? Modern world with all its destructive weight attacks us every day: it produces constant stress when we go to the robot, to the store, to visit, or on other matters.

We are surrounded by an egregious pollution of the environment, trying to ruin our lives with the help of all known and unknown nasty things. But the most disgusting thing in what is happening is that the world, contrary to the words of Andrei Makarevich, not only did not bend under us, but twisted us into such a ram's horn that any spiral staircase would envy.

The truth sounds terrible: more than 95% of women and 20% of men are not satisfied with their figure, over 30% of the entire population of the planet is obese in one form or another. Rhythm modern life leaves no time for body and body care, you think. The thought that you are slowly swimming in fat no longer seems unbearable.

“How to lose weight if there is no willpower? What if there is no motivation to lose weight? - these are the questions constantly sounding in my head, making life incredibly "difficult" and "disgusting" - I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower! How to make yourself lose weight? " The answers lie on the surface, at the very feet, you just need to learn to see them.

Motivation and willpower are important at all stages of the weight loss process, but these qualities are especially important when recognized in front of oneself. Admit that you really have a problem, that you are tired of looking in the mirror with disgust, tired of hearing unpleasant words addressed to you.

Feel how impossible it is to refuse a variety of cute, amazing imagination, sweets, temptations and other nonsense that poisons your life. It is worth starting to rethink the causes and consequences of such actions.

Well-chosen motivation - incredible strength charge for solving any problems, and the problem of losing weight even more so.

Questions always give rise to answers - this truth has been known since the days of Ancient Greece. Asking yourself questions and trying to find answers to them, your consciousness will gradually come to the conclusion that some action is necessary.

That is why you just have to make up your mind and everything will definitely work out! Stop telling yourself "I can't." Why not give it a try, just figure out where to start and you're on the right track.

Do not limit, but allow yourself to live

According to statistics, the overwhelming number of people want to lose weight with little effort, although the process of losing weight itself requires iron endurance, a lot of strength and a fairly strict discipline.

It is possible to try to solve the dilemma “difficult, I can’t, I don’t want” with the help of pleasure, turning all boring, time-consuming, costly actions into a process of pleasure.

  • Seek support from like-minded people. Guided by attitudes personal trainer you can get the motivation you need to work in the gym, plus you can talk to someone who knows the problem firsthand.
  • Try different types sports. Realizing that regularly going to the gym can seem extremely boring (well, who did not miss a day or two, and then completely quit) try to add some variety: try fitness several races a week, other sports - swimming, cycling, skating, jogging, etc. etc.
  • Experiment. The alternative will allow you to happily perceive the world around you, experience more and more new sensations. For example, having great sex with a loved one is not only a strong motivation, but a means to an end in weight loss. Just improvise!
  • Let your body be beautiful. Take advantage of the opportunities at hand: go to the Russian bath, Finnish sauna or Turkish hammam. Visit all kinds of massages, especially anti-cellulite. Finally, you can take a great bath with essential oils or different salts. Use the great variety of tools that cosmetology gives you. Don't stop - after trying one, try others. The reasons are not important - the result is important!
  • Stop eating junk food! Motivation says NO! Let's say "YES" to healthy eating, which is also delicious!

Help the body from the inside!

A huge number of drugs, components and substances for weight loss have been invented, invented and used in modern times. Advertising healthy eating everywhere - on television and on radio, Internet sites are full of headlines. Store shelves are littered with fat-burning products, thousands of billboards smile at us on the way to the robot and upon returning home, inviting us to visit the fitness, yoga, and Pilates clubs.

Just find the method that's right for you. The choice is huge, use it for health, but it is better to consult a specialist, he will tell you about the methods and reasons for using this or that drug in specific conditions.

Self-control is the key to success

Everything that you do and what results you achieve must be carefully monitored, because it is pleasant to look at the path traveled. Any changes in the state of the body should be monitored to make the necessary corrections that increase the efficiency of the process.

Looking back at Taken measures When analyzing the reasons for the actions taken, you can find that you do not need a new motivation, willpower is in order, and the process itself is gradually transforming into a habit.

Keep a simple diary, keep a record of all victories - this is an indicator of your efforts. Soon you will feel that achieving the desired result is just around the corner.

Way to slim figure lies through motivation. Motivation, motivation and motivation again is the answer to the question of how to force yourself to lose weight.


Your feedback on the article:

If you are convinced that it is simply impossible to lose weight without willpower, congratulations: you have become a victim of a common stereotype. Often it only helps to start the process, but it does not always lead to the achievement desired result.

One day you can firmly decide to go in for sports, eat only healthy food, but there is no guarantee that all this will not become a burden for you in a week. Therefore, do not focus on the presence / absence of willpower, better think about why you really want to become slimmer. There are several main motivating reasons:

  • Better health. If you haven't noticed this on your own, then observing fat people will certainly allow you to come to a disappointing conclusion: overweight leads to health problems. Obese men and women suffer from shortness of breath, excessive sweating, joint pain and heart pain. By dropping overweight, you can normalize blood pressure, bowel function, and improve complexion.

Attention! Obese couples find it difficult to become parents due to persistent health problems. The first recommendation that many doctors give in these cases: you need to lose weight.

  • Establishing communication and making new acquaintances. Remember: most likely in your class, too, they laughed at the "fatties". Fat people often worry about their weight, so they withdraw into themselves, are reluctant to make contact, and some even sit at home, not showing up in society. This behavior leads to depression and the development of complexes. You hardly need such problems.
  • The device of personal life. You will hardly argue that first impressions are very important. Therefore, no matter how smart, kind, intelligent you are fat man, it is difficult for him to evoke sympathy from the opposite sex at first sight. Again, due to complexes, many obese people are embarrassed to meet. It is much easier for a slender person to find a pair.

  • Self-realization in the professional field. We have to admit the fact that fat people- not the most desirable employees. This is due to the fact that good physical form, activity, vigor and mobility are perceived by managers as a guarantee of high work capacity. According to research, 8% of overweight people experience various kinds of discrimination in the workplace. If you do not want to be among them, lose weight.
  • Removing restrictions and getting rid of conventions. It is difficult for an obese person to choose clothes for themselves. Only very confident obese people can undress on the beach without hesitation. Also, obese men and women have difficulties with basic physical activity: climbing stairs, jogging, etc. And this is only part of the inconvenience experienced by overweight people.

Advice. Before starting to lose weight, undergo a medical examination. Make sure that the problem of extra pounds is caused by an inappropriate lifestyle, and not by any serious medical condition.

Decide on a way to lose weight

Regardless of whether you decide to get married, get rid of complexes, or just tidy up your figure for a start, any method of losing weight can be effective. Think about what you can do best.

  • Invite a friend to join you. It's more fun to cook healthy meals, play sports, run in the morning together. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to miss another workout. You will have tons of topics for discussion, from diets to new wardrobe. Well, if suddenly it seems to you that all your efforts are in vain and you cannot lose weight, who, if not a friend, will not let you go all out, support and help you not to stop halfway.

  • Argue with someone, preferably for money... Better if it is a betting competition. For example, offer to conclude it to the very same friend who also dreams of losing weight. The essence of the dispute is who will lose more kilograms in 2-3 months or another period. It is more logical to calculate as a percentage, unless, of course, you weigh the same.
  • Get yourself a dog. She will accustom you to daily walks in the morning and evening, as well as to systematic running. While training your pet, you will simultaneously be engaged in physical exercise... Even if these are small loads, they are not burdensome and regular.
  • Make it a rule to eat in front of the mirror, not in front of the TV. So you will notice if you are too keen on absorbing food, into which pieces you divide the portion, how quickly you eat everything.

Advice. It is much healthier to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions and chew everything thoroughly. This way you can satisfy your hunger with much less food than usual.

  • Buy the outfit you like, but one size smaller. You can choose one item of clothing - for example, jeans. Make it a goal to zip them up on you. as soon as possible and strive for it.
  • Follow current results your efforts. At the same time, you cannot waste your time on trifles. For example, today you managed to lose 800 g, and tomorrow 200 g are already back. Remember that numbers cannot drop all the time from day to day. If you are sure that this state of affairs will upset and demotivate you, weigh / measure your waist or hips once a week, for example, on Mondays.

Advice. Weight loss after childbirth is a separate topic. A nursing mother should remember that the health of the baby directly depends on her condition. Eat small meals, stick to the regimen, do not neglect breakfast and be patient. Any physical exercise should not be debilitating, otherwise there is a risk that the milk will disappear.

  • Don't set yourself impossible goals. For example, it is better to plan to lose 1–2 kg per week than 15 kg per month.

  • Do not use harsh weight loss techniques. For example, "hungry" diets. There is a great risk of getting digestive problems, a nervous breakdown, and also not finishing the job.
  • Use self-hypnosis. There are special settings, affirmations that will help you become a little more confident in yourself and your strengths.
  • Don't keep high-calorie foods at home. Reduce or eliminate the use of: salt, sugar, sauces, soda, chips, crackers and other snacks.

Advice. Even losing weight, you can feast on desserts. True, they should be low-calorie - for example, from low-fat cottage cheese.

  • During a snack it is better to replace the sausage sandwich or any other food with unsweetened compote or herbal tea.
  • Use slimming treatments that bring positive emotions: sauna, bath with essential oils, massage.
  • Sign up for the pool, for yoga, rollerblading - combine business with pleasure.
  • Don't target quick result... Start doing something now, without procrastinating or justifying your laziness. Even a little effort is better than nothing.

How to lose weight correctly: video

If you started reading this article, then no doubt you have problems with being overweight. Let's be honest with each other. There is a problem and this problem is fat! Yes, it’s unpleasant to realize, but without acknowledging the problem, it’s impossible to solve it. So let's solve this problem. Let's make ourselves lose weight!

Lost 15 kg

Just read on and trust me. I myself am overweight, and my path to an ideal figure has not yet been completed, but in one year I have lost more than 20 kg and continue to lose weight. At the same time, I visit the fitness room three times a week and run 7 km every Sunday. I quit smoking and completely eliminated alcohol from my life. But most importantly, I feel great! I am sure you will also be able to change your life and become a healthy person with an excellent figure. Moreover, you will not only be able to get a great body, you will gain self-confidence and the desire to live an active life.

I do not know how old you are, but I am sure that to start living an active and healthy life and you can lose weight at any age. I know many examples when people successfully lost weight, changed, turned from fatties into sexy girls.

Weight Loss Success Story

6 months ago a girl weighing (in appearance) more than 150 kg came to my fitness center. It was so huge that it occupied almost the entire two-seater sofa and, when it walked, swayed from side to side, as if rolling from foot to foot.

At that time, I did not take seriously her desire to enroll in a fitness center and was skeptical about it, but, of course, I did not show it. And at first, she no longer worked out, but chatted with other visitors to the fitness center. Therefore, I assumed that she would stop attending the gym after a few classes.

But she did it. I saw that she stopped chatting and began to actively study. At first, she slowly walked on the treadmill, then began to walk at a brisk pace. After 2 months, she began to exercise on simulators, while not forgetting about the treadmill.

Now, half a year later, she runs! She continues to workout, work out in the gym, and run on a treadmill for at least 40 minutes per workout. I found out that she lost 33 kg. This is an amazing result. Of course, losing weight at such a rate is harmful, but given her huge initial weight, it is possible.

She is still far from ideal figure, but she no longer looks like a shapeless ball, but like a well-groomed and beautiful woman in the body. She was able to force herself to lose weight and, I am sure, will reach the ultimate goal and make herself a perfect body.

Also, I'm sure that you, too, have willpower, and you too can force yourself to lose weight, even at home. Moreover, it is not at all difficult, with the right attitude and the right motivation. Let's get started now! Let's start to tune in to a weight loss course!

How to lose weight if there is no willpower?

And we will start by saying that losing weight is not the main thing. "How is it not important?" - you exclaim. But I will answer that if you fixate on losing weight and your own weight, you will not succeed, and you will not be able to lose weight. And if you can, then the weight will return over time. But what is the main thing then?

In order to lose weight, you must not lose weight - you must completely change your life. Start a healthy, active and joyful life. And it should not be a temporary task, it should become your way of life for the rest of your life.

Lost 15 kg

Do not be afraid, you will not need to limit yourself in anything. On the contrary, you will become freer. You will not depend on food, bad habits, fatigue and stress. You will become happier and more confident in yourself. But it is known that health, activity and confidence bring success. Therefore, financially, you can become more successful. And for sure, you will make new acquaintances and pay more attention to you.

Maybe you are afraid of increased attention? If so, then most likely these are just complexes. Happy and confident people are not afraid of attention and other people's opinions.

Are you still thinking about how to make yourself lose weight at home if there is no willpower? You have it, you have something to lose weight for.

I persuaded you to start healthy and active image life to lose weight?

Then read these articles to get started:

Force yourself to lose weight at home or go to the fitness room?

The article is called “How to make yourself lose weight at home”, and it is really possible to lose weight at home. But, if possible, I recommend starting a visit to the fitness center. This will be the impetus for your new happy life... Regular training will discipline you, develop willpower. In addition, in the fitness center you will have like-minded people - new acquaintances who will give you additional motivation and support on your new path.

Exercising in the fitness room is not a load, it is relaxation. I am sure you have a lot of household or work chores and problems, you are tired, and you want to change your environment. During training in the fitness room, you forget about all the problems, your brain rests. And after training, you experience an indescribable feeling of euphoria, pleasant fatigue and a sense of self-satisfaction.

But, if there is no opportunity to go to the gym, then at home it is possible to change your lifestyle and lose weight. And here are some tips on how to make yourself lose weight at home.

  • I want to eat out of boredom! When you sit at home in front of the TV, you feel like chewing on something because you are bored. Therefore, spend as little time at home as possible. Walk as much as possible, go to the theater or cinema. If you don't have money, look for places where free events take place. Make your life diverse and active.
  • Create a hobby for yourself. It can be anything from knitting, blogging, playing an instrument, or traveling. The main thing is that it is interesting for you and brings good mood.
  • Smile and enjoy life. Create a good mood for yourself. Let's go ... to the sky for an asterisk)) In fact, most of your problems are not even problems. Remember, any trouble can be turned upside down! Be optimistic.

Losing weight in the classic way while dieting is difficult. Losing weight while living a happy and active life is easy.

Lost 20 kg

You don't need willpower to force yourself to lose weight. You need to make the process of losing weight enjoyable. Let your life become bright and happy, and losing weight will be a pleasant bonus.

I understand that it is very difficult to change your structure and order of life instantly, but start with at least something. Take the first step and it will get easier. Do not think about the fact that you need to force yourself to lose weight, and that you have no willpower. Think that you can lose weight, that it is easy, and that you have excellent willpower, and you are the best, beautiful, wonderful and happy woman in the world!

And as usual, write your impressions of the article and questions in the comments. I would be very glad to hear your opinion.

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