Posts tagged “yoga in the life of a modern person. The meaning of life according to the teachings of yoga Yoga and life

Perhaps you started practicing yoga to sit on the splits or ended up in a group class completely by accident. But if you are lucky and you stay on the mat a little longer than one session and faithfully follow all the recommendations of the instructor, then here are 45 positive changes that await you in the near future.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone. Whether you are a gymnast or Olympic champion, on the mat everyone faces their own weak point. You will understand that the time has come to work for quality, not quantity (spectacular). And it's cool!
  2. Flip your mind. Have you ever thought that you will do yoga, this physical education for sectarians? - Surprise!
  3. Fall in love with your body. Or at least start respecting him. Phrases like "I'm too fat", "I'm too inflexible" do not work here. But they work: “I accept myself for who I am” and “I accept the positive changes that will happen to me in the near future.”
  4. Lose your fear. Throw a leg behind your head, stand on your hands, part in a transverse split ... This is only a small part of what will happen to you when fear replaces curiosity and faith in your own strength comes.
  5. Gain confidence in yourself. Having mastered the asana, which you never dreamed of getting into before, you will feel invincible and omnipotent.
  6. Calm your mind. Even if raccoons are beating drums inside your head, you will learn to lull them to sleep and hear your inner voice in this silence.
  7. Learn a new language. Om, namaste, shavasana, shirshasana - voila: you learned Sanskrit!
  8. Be a corpse... In Savasana, of course.
  9. Hear your body. Feelings will become brighter, feelings stronger, and intuition better.
  10. Connect with the breath. You will stop taking breathing for granted, master different techniques and become more aware.
  11. Lie down. In Savasana, you can absolutely lie down without doing anything. The more you do nothing, the better.
  12. Get taller. A beautiful posture, formed through the practice of asanas, will make you.
  13. Slow down. Life will no longer be like Groundhog Day, and you will be like a squirrel in a wheel. You will catch your own rhythm of life in which you are comfortable.
  14. Practice yogic breathing. And you will begin to work real miracles: by counting to 10, you will be able to calm down and let go of anxiety.
  15. Stop comparing yourself to others. Because you are already beautiful and wonderful.
  16. Get your cockroaches. You are not perfect, you are unique, and your oddities are the highlights that make you a person.
  17. Become a winner in life. Because in the pose of Warriors it is impossible to do otherwise.
  18. Get rid of illusions. You will see life as it is. But this does not mean at all that you will see something gray and cruel. Just the opposite...
  19. Become an explorer. With a new worldview, the world around you will become interesting and friendly, and therefore new adventures and unforgettable journeys await you.
  20. Let go of the situation. Because not everything requires your control, some things have to happen by themselves.
  21. Start practicing everywhere. In bed, in nature, in line, in a dream... There is never too much practice.
  22. Impress your boss. Not by getting on the table and demonstrating Bakasan, but by becoming more focused and productive.
  23. Your sex life will become richer. Physically, you will become more resilient, more flexible, and psychologically - more self-confident and liberated.
  24. Experience more orgasms. Connecting with your body and practicing root locks will help you experience a whole range of new sensations. Congratulations.
  25. Improve your sleep quality. Say goodbye to nightmares and insomnia, you won't see these guys again.
  26. Set up food. Say goodbye to chips, chocolate bars and soda - you will fall out of love with these products forever.
  27. Accept people for who they are. Because every person is unique, and you confirm this by saying: Namaste.
  28. Recognize other religions and philosophies. Because every person is free to decide what to believe.
  29. Do charity work. Not necessarily in large sizes. You can just do small good deeds that together form one big great deed.
  30. Start reading wise books. The need for knowledge will become irrepressible.
  31. Meet real friends. who will support both in sorrow and in joy.
  32. Love the morning. Getting up at 5 am is no longer a problem, because life has become bright and harmonious, and you no longer need to run away from reality into a dream.
  33. Switch to natural products. Cosmetics, food will now be natural, without chemical additives, because you take care of your body.
  34. Stop making fun of vegans. Because there is nothing funny about compassion and love for animals.
  35. Will you become a vegan? Warning: this option is possible.
  36. Learn to meditate.... go into the astral plane, look with the third eye, predict the future.
  37. Stop gossiping. This activity takes too much energy, you do not have the resources and time for this.
  38. Travel to India. To the birthplace of yoga.
  39. Would you like to become a yoga instructor? This is also possible!
  40. Will you lead active image life. Because movement is life, and it is so inspiring!
  41. Learn to cook. Fresh and healthy food does not take much time, does not require incredible skills, but it fills you with energy and keeps you healthy.
  42. Sing! First, life is wonderful. Secondly, pranayamas contribute to good vocals.
  43. Improve your memory. Scientists have proven several times that yoga improves memory and protects against Alzheimer's.
  44. Meet your loved one. Backbends will open your heart to love and help you trust, let go of fears, and get to know your betrothed.
  45. Get better. What to hide: yoga helps to get the body in shape.

The material contains 3 types of force - peace, movement and degradation, which are balanced until there is an interaction with the spiritual. Thanks to their interaction, 5 elements appeared: the usual fire, earth, water and air, and the fifth element - ether. And already these elements served as the beginning for the creation of everything that exists in the world.

It is worth noting that in yoga, as a general model and way of life, in principle, there is no time. It views everything that exists as an endless process of change. That is, the spiritual component is constant, is outside of time and space, and for the material - time is calculated by the changes that occur with it. This approach can tell you how to become happier: to live, realizing that you are an endlessly changing mini-universe inside a large, constantly transforming universe.

The efficiency of life, from the point of view of yoga philosophy, can be increased by daily streamlining the expenditure of energy. Which, according to this teaching, each of us is assigned a strictly defined amount for life. Organizing your lifestyle, as required by yoga, you need to:

  • wake up from 4 to 10 o’clock, calmly and without fuss, tune in to a new day. This includes cleansing, gymnastics, self-massage, etc .;
  • from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. devote time to active affairs. Try to get the most important ones done before lunch;
  • from 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. to indulge in rest and sleep.

5 Benefits of the Yoga System in Daily Life

The general model of a lifestyle based on a teaching such as yoga is simple and consistent with the human biological clock. If you try to follow at least these simplified recommendations, you will soon notice how your awareness will increase, your mind will calm down, and a feeling of health will appear in your body. However, do not think that practicing the yoga system in Everyday life so simple.

To follow the daily routine in accordance with the philosophy of yoga is a real severe austerity. Around you all the time there will be more and more temptations to retreat from it. But do not despair in cases of non-compliance with the regime. Try to track the reasons for its violation and continue to get used to the new routine. Moreover, yoga, as a way of life, has at least 5 significant benefits.

  1. Yoga asanas relax muscle clamps, heal physical and mental ailments.
  2. The philosophy of yoga teaches us to be more attentive to ourselves and more conscious, helping to notice and eliminate negative aspects.
  3. Yoga classes discipline, teach sequence and help to become more effective.
  4. By practicing yoga, you will become more responsible: first you stabilize the area of ​​​​your own health, and subsequently all other areas of life.

Practicing yoga, you will master the universal calm and become inaccessible to stress.

The achievements of the ancient yogis are truly amazing. It turns out that five or more thousand years ago, people in India mastered their bodies and minds so much that they could perform real miracles: live fully for 300 years or more, examine the body without a microscope and treat diseases without drugs, achieve high states comparable to insights. outstanding mystics... They left behind a number of amazing sciences that flourished in those "golden" times: among them yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic astrology. What is the secret of such phenomenal success? In fact, those perfect masters did not necessarily do something mysterious and secret: their main secret was in the way of life. Modern man is fundamentally no different from ancient yogi- he also wants to be happy and live a long, fulfilling life, keeping the body healthy and full of strength.

Unfortunately, Western medicine, which has high-precision research and surgical instruments, does not pay due attention to daily practice. healthy lifestyle life. But how much easier it is to prevent a disease than to treat it, and enjoy excellent health, if not for three hundred years, but at least for as long as we are supposed to, “getting everything from life”!

Knowledge of yoga is not outdated to this day, because. they are based on the fundamental laws by which the human body and consciousness function today, as thousands of years ago. This knowledge, when properly applied, can protect us from diseases, improve the quality of life and open up new horizons of sensations. A person who practices yoga does not need medicines, surgical interventions, doping at all. Yoga forms the right thinking and actions, which develop into habits, which in turn develop into destiny. Yoga, as Kozma Prutkov would say, "sees to the root."

How much does the lifestyle change in the process of mastering yoga? It changes cardinally, but gradually and easily, without violence against itself. The average city dweller - both in the West and in our country - is used to drinking a lot of tea and coffee, going to bed and getting up later than necessary, eating heavy meat food, alcohol, having sex incorrectly, smoking - therefore, he very quickly loses the initial supply of vitality, his life is full of stress and disease. And he also does not know how to breathe, move and think effectively. This leads to lethargy, depression, loss of motivation, and sometimes even to "unreasonable" suicide... According to statistics, most suicides occur in the "developed" countries: in the "leading" USA, in the "prosperous" European Union, in high-tech Japan. Therefore, for many, the yogic lifestyle is not just a fashionable hobby - it is life itself, a chance to stay or become healthy and happy. Modern Western medicine and psychology offer immediate relief of symptoms, and no wonder, since both sciences are still in their infancy, they are no more than a few hundred years old! The ancient science of yoga proposes to make the whole body truly healthy, and in a healthy body, as the ancient Roman proverb says, a healthy mind. Therefore, yoga has a complex effect - both on the body and on the mind, makes people spiritually richer. Yoga is a practical science, it has to be lived; it's not a philosophy or way of thinking, it's a way of life.

A logical question arises: well, I agree that “it’s better to be healthy, rich and happy” than poor, sick and dull, and I admit that yoga can help me with this - but I heard that for this you need to go to Himalayan cave, starve until you lose your pulse, and forever give up family life! Authoritative treatises on yoga (including the Bhagavad Gita, widely known in Russia) unequivocally state: not at all. Such harsh practices are suitable only for the elite, the few, the rest can "take everything from yoga" without resorting to extremes. Most of the greatest yoga masters were ordinary social people who lived side by side with ordinary people in cities. One of the most authoritative areas of Raja Yoga yoga - Kriya Yoga is generally called "yoga for householders." What emphasizes it is not an ascetic character, but, on the contrary, a natural interweaving with social life. To become a yogi, you do not need violence against yourself. On the contrary, one must listen to oneself and follow the true inner needs.

How to recognize them? First you need to feel how great it is to be healthy. A person who starts practicing yoga regularly under the guidance of a specialist usually observes a “miracle” within a year: he begins to understand what is good for his body and what is not. He spontaneously loses his taste for bad habits and unhealthy entertainment, gradually moving to a more complete lacto-vegetarian diet in nutrition. The pattern of his breathing changes, the muscles of the whole body become stronger, the figure becomes harmonious, the posture straightens, the eyes and hair regain their shine. Surrounding marvel: the man is younger!

The changes that the yogic lifestyle brings affect and inner world: a person acquires an inner “core”, sharpness of mind and willpower, he sees his personal goals more clearly and at the same time better understands the processes taking place all over the world. The practitioner develops intuition, it is difficult to deceive him, he becomes capable of self-diagnosis and self-healing, he practically does not get sick, he is full of strength all the time. A person becomes constructive, positive, happy - and shares this happiness with others.

Of course, in order to start leading a yogic lifestyle, one cannot do without authoritative advice and support. Being engaged "by the book" and from time to time, it is difficult to achieve great results, but it is easy to harm yourself or lose precious time by doing some practice wrong. Moreover, with all the seeming abundance of yogic literature on store shelves, serious works are available mainly in translation from Sanskrit into English (sometimes the Russian text is the result of two consecutive translations!), or even not translated at all. In addition, the book never replaces a teacher who can analyze our unique state of health and psyche, correct mistakes in practice. Therefore, authoritative yoga sources emphasize the importance of personal contact with a teacher - a person who, on his own personal experience experienced all the features and subtleties of yogic techniques, made them really work, and now he can pass on his living experience to his students.

Fortunately, today it is not necessary to climb the snowy Himalayas for the advice of a knowledgeable yogi, right in Moscow you can find quite social, accessible people - yoga teachers who are ready to share knowledge. Not the authors of sensational books, not theorists, but only people who have made yoga their way of life, are able to help us change constructively.

Yoga does not require “all or nothing” from us, everyone receives from it a result corresponding to the sincerity of the efforts invested. And when we enter yoga a little deeper, we understand that only those who are far from yoga live with effort. The one who has really adopted the yogic way of life lives easily and has strength.

Welcome to my cozy blog! Today I wanted to talk with you about whether yoga really changes a person's life and how large-scale, cardinal these changes are. Do they affect all aspects of life or just some?

I will discuss these and similar questions in an article entitled “Yoga and Life”. At the same time, I will rely on the experience of how yoga has changed my life, the lives of people I know, and, of course, on authoritative sources of literature.

Let's start in general with the fundamentals, the authenticity of which, even at some intuitive level, there is no doubt. I'm talking, of course, about how ancient a philosophy like yoga is. We know many impressive examples of how people of antiquity reached such heights of spiritual practice that even the most advanced spiritual seeker cannot dream of now.

We know that people in those days lived much longer, practically did not get sick, and if they got sick, they were cured by the gifts of nature, and developed skills that cannot be called anything other than miracles.

Yes, times have changed, and information from the outside is not at all conducive to spiritual quests and asceticism. But those who are fortunate enough to show an initial interest in yoga should inspire themselves to go deeper in their endeavor, reminding themselves of the amazing results of their ancestors, that you too can achieve them completely. real way. Translations of ancient texts from Sanskrit, books by practicing yogis and, of course, a living teacher nearby, who has already passed certain stages and can transfer experience, will help.

Yoga as a way of life

Many, starting their acquaintance with yoga to rejuvenate the body and prolong life, do not even suspect that after a while it will radically change the principles of their life, worldview, habitual way of life and the goals themselves. This will not happen to everyone, but only to those who are seriously interested in this occupation.

The reason is that when observing the first positive changes (be it the disappearance of headaches, improved sleep, increased activity, etc.) by our own example, most of us will not want to stop, but on the contrary, will begin to delve into this, look for an explanation for our success in books, seminars, lectures and tete-a-tete talks.

And learning that it is better to do yoga all the time, that in addition to physical activity it is important to reconsider your daily routine and nutrition, that yoga and bad habits are incompatible and much, much more, a person gradually, gently and harmoniously begins to change, often without even making any complex volitional efforts for this or not noticing it at all.

And at a certain moment it becomes obvious that yoga has become not only a way of life, but also of thinking. Everyone has their own unique acquisitions, but the common thing is that the practicing yogi looks at this world with wide eyes.

I mean that with the restructuring of consciousness comes an understanding of many processes taking place on the planet, many things become simply obvious, but life only becomes more interesting. Someone will call it growing wisdom, someone will call it flair or intuition, it is impossible to say for sure, but it exists and cannot but please those who have joined the yogic trend.

Yoga as the key to a good life

It is widely reported that yoga makes a person calm, balanced and friendly. And here it is enough to have critical thinking and a little logic to understand that yoga is not able to radically change your innate qualities, such as character, temperament type, dosha ratio, etc. On the contrary, yoga will reveal you as a person, help you show your natural data, will show who you really are.

For this reason, it is not uncommon for a neophyte to complain that he does not see in himself the changes promised by the Internet or someone else. In fact, this is how things work. For example, if a person was explosive from birth and did not like to sit still, then yoga will teach such a person to be able to relax and rest from vigorous activity in the classroom in order to restore energy reserves in time.

But in everyday life outside of practice, this person will still be hyperactive and sometimes even harsh with people. Of course, with a special desire, he will be able to learn how to redirect the energy of agni (fire) in a different direction and soften these qualities, but the person himself will do this, and yoga will only help him in this, will be the basis for these changes.

It's just that these changes are of a different order. Yoga gives awareness to your actions, that is, you are increasingly staying in the “here and now” moment and are aware of the cause-and-effect relationships and future consequences of your actions, and therefore you try to approach everything that you do in a sensible and balanced way.

You realize yourself as something more than just a body, you begin to appreciate time and life itself. From here comes the will to quit a bad habit, sign up for some training courses, change jobs, etc.


All this is not a mandatory application to yoga. Of course not. You must remember the following: yoga is not an end, but a means, it is the art of transforming your life and gaining control over all aspects of your existence.

By itself, without your efforts, it will not make you happy. In order to achieve real success, you will have to work on yourself for a long time and selflessly, putting your whole soul into it and making yoga a lifestyle in which it is as natural as brushing your teeth.

I have a mini book 5 steps to yoga success”, which helps to achieve real success not only in yoga, but in everyday life, in its various areas. Download and read this practical guide while it's free. You can download by this link.

I would like to believe that I have at least shed some light on the true meaning of the life of a yogi. Write comments in small handwriting, repost if you feel like sharing this material, and subscribe to the blog if you haven't already!

When deciding to do yoga, you should keep in mind that yoga is not a tribute to fashion, it is not a sport. Yoga is a lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to understand the philosophy of yogis and to approach the classes should be conscious. doing yoga, spiritual development goes in parallel with the physical, thus ensuring a healthy mind in a healthy body. The main goal of yogis is to improve the body and change lifestyle.

The main element of yoga is breathing. Few pay attention to breathing exercises and give preference to physical ones, which are aimed at improving the forms and visual results. However, proper conscious breathing cleanses the body, can heal and even heal. By saturating the body with oxygen, blood circulation and metabolic processes are stimulated. Endorphins are produced in the body, which increase resistance to stress. Mood changes, inner comfort appears, sleep improves, a feeling of peace and tranquility appears, immunity strengthens, heartbeat normalizes, shortness of breath disappears. With time correct breathing will become the norm.

Having learned to breathe correctly and contemplate yourself, you can move on to performing asanas. If you practice in a group or individually with an instructor, asanas are selected by him, taking into account your goal. You can choose asanas yourself if you decide to practice without an instructor. However, you should carefully study each asana. Doing it right is the key to success. When choosing asanas, you need to remember about main goal- improvement of the body. Therefore, all asanas must be performed in a good mood, with a positive attitude, smoothly, slowly, not to force events and not overstrain.

With regular exercises, posture is corrected, the elasticity of the back muscles increases and back pain decreases, joints are developed, flexibility develops, muscle tension improves coordination of movements. With the help of yoga, you can reduce body weight, adjust the figure. Outwardly, weight loss may not be very noticeable. After all, with a decrease in fat mass, muscle is formed. But the changes in the figure will be very impressive. Fat will leave problem areas of the body, and muscles become embossed.

The foregoing indicates that yoga is a constant development not only physical condition but also his personality. It frees the mind, teaches one to study oneself, think about oneself, get rid of everything unnecessary and secondary in one's thoughts, stimulates the desire to do everything for one's own health, improve oneself spiritually, and engage in self-improvement.

Yoga is a complex system of mental and exercise. Correct, systematic implementation of them for a long time restores health, provides a good physical form, harmony of soul and body.
