Olympic Games Basketball Results. USSR men's national basketball team

Moscow City Pedagogical Institute

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"Basketball as an Olympic sport"

Moscow 2010.

Basketball as an Olympic sport.

The history of basketball.

Dr. James Naismith is known throughout the world as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay, a town near Almonte, Ontario, Canada ...

The concept of basketball originated in his school years, while playing "duck-on-a-rock" ...

The meaning of this popular, at that time, game was as follows: tossing one, not a large stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size.

After serving as Athletic Director at McGill University, Naismith moves to the YMCA Teaching School in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Already, as a physical education teacher, professor at the College in Springfeld, James Naismith was faced with the problem of creating a game for the winter of the state

Massachusetts, between baseball and soccer. Naismith believed that due to the weather at this time of year, the best solution would be to reinvent the indoor game.

Naismith wanted to create an action-packed game for the students of the Christian Workers' School that would involve more than just power. He needed a game that could be played indoors in a relatively small space.

And so, in December 1891, James Naismith presented his unnamed invention to his gymnastics class in Springfield (YMCA).

The first game

The first game was played with a soccer ball,

and instead of rings, to the balcony railing, on both sides sports hall, Naismith attached two simple baskets,

and to top it off, posted on the notice board a list of thirteen rules that should have governed this new game ...

But soon after the first game, the rule sheet disappeared ... And, a few days later, one of Naismith's students, Frank Mahon, confessed to the "crime" ... "I took them," Mayon told his teacher. "I knew this game was going to be a great success, and I took them as a souvenir. But now I think they should belong to you ..."

In less than an hour, James Naismith, sitting at a table in his office at the YMCA, formulated thirteen rules of the game of basketball.

1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

2. The ball can be hit with one or both hands in any direction, but never with a fist

3. The player cannot run with the ball. A player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the point at which he caught it, except for a player running at good speed.

4. The ball must be held with one or both hands. The forearms and body cannot be used to hold the ball.

5. In any case, strikes, captures, holding and pushing the opponent are not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul (foul play); a second foul will disqualify him until the next goal has been scored and, if there was clear intent to injure a player, for the entire game. No substitution is allowed.

6. Hitting the ball with a fist - violation of paragraphs 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

7. If one of the sides commits three fouls in a row, they must be called a goal for the opponents (this means that during this time the opponents must not commit a single foul).

8. A goal is awarded - if the ball thrown or bounced off the floor enters the basket and remains there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or the basket when they are thrown. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, a goal will count.

9. If the ball goes out-of-bounds (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field and the first player to touch it. In the event of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, then the ball is given to the opponent. If either side is trying to stall for time, the referee must give them a foul.

10. The referee must monitor the actions of the players and the fouls, and also notify the referee about three fouls committed in a row. He is vested with the power to disqualify players under Law 5.

11. The Referee must follow the ball and determine when the ball is in play (within the court) and when it goes out-of-bounds (outside the court), which side should have the ball, and also control the time. He must determine the defeat of the target, keep a record goals scored as well as perform any other actions that are usually performed by a referee.

12. The game consists of two halves, 15 minutes each, with a break of five minutes between them.

13. Side Throwing more balls during this time period is the winner.

After 10 years at the St. Louis Olympics (USA), Americans

organized a show tournament between teams from several cities.

The same demonstration tournaments were held at the 1924 Olympics.

(Paris), 1928 (Amsterdam).

In the 1920s. begin to actively create national federations basketball, the first international meetings are held. So in 1919 a basketball tournament took place between the army teams of the USA, Italy and France. In 1923 the first international women's tournament was held in France. Teams from three countries took part in it: England, Italy, USA. The game is gaining more and more popularity and recognition in the world, and in 1932 the International Federation of Basketball Associations was created in Geneva.

Its first line-up consisted of 8 countries - Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Czechoslovakia. In 1935, the International Olympic Committee ruled on the recognition of basketball Olympic view sports. In 1936 he appears on the program of the Berlin Olympics. The guest of honor of the games was D. Naismith, the creator of this game. Teams from 21 countries participated in the basketball tournament. The matches were played on open tennis courts. During this Olympiad, the first FIBA ​​Congress took place, where the existing ones were considered and uniform international rules games

For the first time at the Olympic Games, basketball was presented in Berlin in 1936.

At the height of the game, Naismith was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, despite having been named after him.

Basketball has come a long way since James Nicemith. And today it is one of the most popular sports in a world that would not have been possible without Dr. James Naismith, the founder of this magnificent game.

basketball in dates.

1891 (December). Dr. James Naismith presented new game called "basketball" in a physical education class at the Christian Association's Springfield Youth College, Massachusetts.

1892 (March 11). The first public basketball game between students and faculty at Springfield College. Great football coach Amos Alongo Stag gave the teachers a 5: 1 loss.

1893. Barrage shields were introduced between the ring and the balcony.

1894 Violations introduced free throws from a distance of 15 feet (4.57 m).

1895. It was decided to score not three, but two points for the throws scored from the game, but one for the penalty.

1896. First professional match took place in Trenton, and the team was forced to sell tickets to pay for the rent of the hall.

1897. Five players per team - the game takes on a modern structure

1898 The National Basketball League is formed with six teams. 1925 The American Basketball League is organized with teams from New York to Chicago, the first attempt at a professional championship.

1927 (January 7). Abe Seiperstein formed the Harlem Globtroot Terse basketball circus team.

1932. The three-second zone is introduced.

1936 Basketball is introduced to the Summer Olympics.

1936 (December 30). During basketball game At New York Madison Square Garden, Stanford player Henk Luisetti made a one-handed throw, which led to a big change in the game.

1937 (March 17). A throw-in in the center circle after each ring capture is canceled. The 10 second rule is also in place.

1937 The National Basketball League begins with 13 teams from Buffalo and Pittsburgh in the East and Kenkekki from Illinois and Oshkosh from Wisconsin in the Midwest.

1939 (November 28). " Godfather Basketball Dr. James Naismith dies in Lawrence, Kansas.

1946 (b June). Organized by the Basketball Association of America, the predecessor to the National Basketball Association, with President Maurice Podolph.

1946 (November 1). The New York Knickerbokers beat the Toronto Huskies in the BAA first leg 68:66. Interestingly, the match took place in Canada, on the field in Toronto.

1947 (January 11). BAA prohibits zone defense. 1947 (April 22). Joe Falcks scores 34 points and the Philadelphia Warriors end their first BAA championship with a 5th Series win against the Chicago Stegs

1949 (August 13). Along with the six teams from the National Basketball League that entered the BAA and the newly formed Indianapolis Olympics, a 17-team championship emerges called the National Basketball Association (NBA).

1950 (April 23) George Mikan scores 40 points and the Minneapolis Lakers become the first NBA champions after winning Game 6 over the Syracuse Nationals 110–95.

1950 (October 31). Earl Loyd (Washington) becomes the first black basketball player to play against Rochester.

1951 (b January). Indianapolis beats Rochester 75:73 in sixth overtime, an NBA record. 1951 (March 2). The first All-Star in Boston ends with East win over West 111-94. 1952. The layout of the court was changed - the three-second zone was expanded from 183 to 366 cm to neutralize the mighty George Mikan. 1954 (April 12). Jim Collard scored 22 points and the Minneapolis Lakers won Game 7 of the Syracuse Nationals NBA Finals 87:80, becoming the first team to win three consecutive championships. 1954 (April 12). Rochester defeats Boston 98-95 in the first game with a 24 second attack. 1954 (October 30). Boston defeats St. Louis 125: 123 in the second overtime of the seventh final game, winning the first of the next 11 in 13 years. 1959 The first Hall of Fame was established with 15 players and 2 teams. 1959 (April 9) The Boston Celtics beat the Minneapolis Lakers 118-113 for a streak of eight championships in a row. 1960 (October 19). The Los Angeles Lakers played their first game on the West Coast, beating Cincinnati 140-123. I960 (November 1.5). Lakers forward Elgin Bay Yor set an NBA record with 71 points against New York. 1960 (November 24). Philadelphia center Wilt Chamberlain set a record for rebounds against Boston - 55.1962 (March 2). Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points against New York.

1962 (April 14). In the final game against Boston, Lakers player Baylor scores a record 61 points.

1964 (November 13). St. Louis Hawks forward Bob Pettit was the first to break 20,000 against Cincinnati.

1965 (January 15). San Francisco traded from Philadelphia for $ 150,000 Chamberlain and three players.

1966 (February 14). Chamberlain joins Pettit on the roster of over 20,000 points.

1966 The NBA grows to 10 teams with the addition of the Chicago Bulls.

1967 Two new teams join the NBA, the San Diego Rockets and the Seattle Supersonics.

(February 2). The American Basketball Association, led by George Meekan, begins to function.

1967 (April 24). Philadelphia 76ers interrupt winning streak Boston, winning 6-game final series over San Francisco.

The ABA games begin.

1968 Milwaukee Bucks and Phoenix Suns join the NBA 1968 (February 17). The Basketball Hall of Fame opens in Springfield, where Dr. Naismith invented basketball.

1968 (May 4). In the first championship, ABA defeats the Pittsburgh Pipars in a seven-game bout with the New Orleans Vukaniers.

1968 (April 2). University of California star Lew Alcindor signs a five-year deal with the Milwaukee Bucks.

1968 (July 5). The Philadelphia 76ers trade Chamberlain to Los Angeles for three players and money.

1969 (May 5). Boston wins 11th title in 13 years and officially closes the Bill Russell era in a seven-game final against Los Angeles. 1970 The NBA grows to 17 teams from Buffalo, Cleveland and Portland and is split into four divisions - Atlantic, Central, Midwest and Pacific.

1972 (February 16). In a game against Phoenix, Lakers center Wilt Chamberlain crosses the 30,000 mark.

1972 (March 26). The Los Angeles Lakers set an NBA record by winning 69 games during the regular season and losing just 13.

1975 (February 14). During the game between the ABA teams "San Diego Conquistador" and "New York" the record of the final result was set: 176: 166. 1975 (June 1). Larry O Brien replaces Walter Kennedy as NBA Commissioner.

1975 (June 16). The Milwaukee Bucks swept center Karim Abdul-Jabar in Los Angeles.

1976 Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs and New York Nets move to the NBA from ABA, increasing the number of teams to 22.

1976 for the first time introduced the 3-point arc (appeared in ABA) 1976 (October 21). Philadelphia 76 bought the rights to forward Julius Irving from the New York Nets pharmaceutical club for $ 3 million. 1978 (April 9). Denver's David Thompson has 73 points in one game.

1978 (July 7). Super Swap: John Brown and Harry Mangarian swap their Buffalo Braves for the Boston Celtics to replace Irv Levin.

1978 A third referee is introduced to the NBA.

1979 The NBA introduces the three-point line.

1979 (October 12). First three-pointer shot by Boston's Chris Ford against Houston.

1983 (December 13). Most long match in the history of the NBA - Detroit - Denver - 186: 184 (in the third overtime).

1984 (April 5). Against Utah, Lakers center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar crossed the 30,000 point mark.

1986 (April 20). Chicago player Michael Jordan sets a playoff record of 63 points.

1987 (March 1). Boston becomes the first team to win over 2000 matches in the regular season.

1988 (June 21). Los Angeles becomes the champion for the first time in 19 years, beating the Detroit Pistons in the final.

1988. Draft structure changed: instead of seven - three rounds.

1989 Draft becomes two-round. 1989. The NBA includes the Minnesota Timberwolz and the Orlando Magic.

1992 (August 8). Beating Croatia 117-85, Dream Team becomes Olympic Champion

1993 (June 20). John Paxons' three-pointer brings Chicago the third consecutive NBA title.

1993. The NBA includes a team from Toronto.

1995 (February 1). Utah defender John Stockton sets a passing record of 9922, beating Magic Johnson.

1996 (Feb 21) John Stockton sets new record NBA by the number of assists 1996 (March 1). Lenny Wilkins was the first coach to achieve 1,000 wins when his Atlanta Hawks beat the Cleveland Cavaliere 74-68.

1996 (April 21). The Chicago Bulls set a new NBA record for most regular season wins: 72-10.

1997 (June 19) The Chicago Bulls win their fifth league title, beating Utah. Michael Jordan became best player series

1998 Due to a lockout, the start of the regular season was postponed.

1999 Due to the late start of the championship, for the first time it was decided not to hold the All-Star Game

2000 Los Angeles Lakers win 12th NBA title.

2002 Los Angeles Lakers win 13th NBA title.

The first women's basketball tournament at the Olympic Games took place in 1976. The champions of the Olympic Games were: the USSR (1976,1980), the USA (1984,1988), the united team of independent states (1992), the USA (1996).

The strongest basketball players in the world are US athletes.

The men's team of the USSR twice became Olympic champions (1972,1988) and once the national team of Yugoslavia (1980). All other Olympic victories since 1936 have been won by the American men's team. Their losses over the past decade can be counted on one fingers: the man lost the Pan American Games (1987), the Seoul Olympics (1988), the Goodwill Games (1990) and the Pan American Games (1991), the women's failures at the Barcelona Olympics (1992) and the World Cup (1994).

After the introduction of new rules according to which professionals can participate in competitions for the Olympic Games in Barcelona (1992), the Americans have gathered in their national team the first collection of stars of the National Basketball Association. This team was named in America "DreamTeam" - the "dream team" led by Michael Jordan, Mzjik Johnson, Charles Barkpey and Larry Byrd won by more than 40 points. The second "dream team" won the 1994 World Championship. The third became the champion of the Atlanta Olympics (1996). Womens basketball team The USA, after losing the 1992 Games, regained the title of Olympic champion in 1996.

The first game of professional teams took place in the USA in 1896, the first league was formed in 1898. The American Basketball League was created in 1925, and the National Basketball League in 1937. One of the most famous teams of the 1930s - New York Renaissance, which included black players, in 22 seasons, they won 2318 wins and lost 381 matches. In 1961, the American Basketball League (8 teams) was created, in 1967 - the American Basketball Association (11 teams). After their merger in 1976, the National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded. Strongest clubs in NBA history - Milwaukee Bucks

Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, Houston Rockets, Detroit Pistoli and DR

The best players in the history of professional basketball: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird, Mzjik Johnson, Wilt (he) Chamberlain. Modern stars - the unfading Michael Jordan (left the site in 1998, but returned again), Shaquille O "Neil, Hakim Olajuvon, Clyde Drexler, Grant Hill, Patrick Ewing, Karl Malone, David Robinson, Charles Barkpey, John Stockton. basketball players made their debut in the NBA in the early 1990s Alexander Volkov (Atlanta Hawks) and Lithuanian basketball stars Sarunas Marciulionis (Golden State) and Arvydas Sabonis (Portland Blazere).

Ten years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tournament between teams from several cities. The same demonstration tournaments were held at the Olympics 1924 (Paris), 1928 (Amsterdam),

In 1925, the American Basketball League was created, in 1937 - the National Basketball League. One of the most famous teams of the 1930s, the New York Renaissance, which included black players, won 2318 victories and lost 381 matches in 22 seasons. In 1961, the American Basketball League (8 teams) was created, in 1967 - the American Basketball Association (11 teams). After their merger in 1976, the National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded.

The homeland of national basketball is St. Petersburg. This fact is well known and beyond doubt. The first mention of this game in our country belongs to the famous Russian propagandist of physical culture and sports, St. Petersburg resident Georgy Dupperon, and it dates back to 1901. Back in September 1900, the Committee for Assistance to the Moral and Mental Development of Young People was created in St. Petersburg. Its program included lectures on various sections of human life. And already in 1904, physical education appeared in the committee's program, which, along with moral and mental development, added a physical society. The society was given the name "Mayak". In the report for the year 1907 of his activity (from 09/22/1906 to 09/22/1907) there was a mention of the invitation to Russia of the American specialist E. Moraller, who told the Mayakovites about a completely new overseas game. It so happened that basketball was first introduced to best athletes"Lighthouse". At the end of 1906, the first basketball matches were held in the Society. The winner of the first competition was invariably a team of "purple" (by the color of T-shirts), headed by one of the best gymnasts of the society S. Vasiliev, who was later named "the grandfather of Russian basketball. Already in 1909, an event took place that became a certain milestone in the history of not only domestic, but also world basketball. ... A group of members of the American Christian Association arrived in St. Petersburg. Of these, the basketball team was made up, which, to the general joy of St. Petersburgers, lost to the local team of "purple" with a score of 19:28. This meeting took place in the new hall of the "Mayak" society in the house number 35 on Nadezhdenskaya street (in Soviet times - Mayakovsky street). It is this historic meeting in the book "World Basketball", published in Munich in 1972 for the 40th anniversary of the FIBA ​​Basketball Federation. named the first international basketball game. Thus, it turns out that it was Russia that became the venue for the first international basketball game on the planet. These two events are the first game to be played in 1906 and the first international match 1909 - and gave rise to doubt in determining the date of birth of basketball in Russia. Many years anniversary

tournaments were held, keeping their records from 1906, up to the 80th anniversary of national basketball. But then one inaccuracy was discovered: in the memoirs of the already well-known "grandfather of Russian basketball" that first game of 1906, held in the hall of the "Mayak" society on Nadezhdenskaya Street, was mentioned. It has been archived that the new hall of the Mayak society was put into operation a little later. Apparently, on this basis, some hotheads "decided" to consider the date of birth of basketball in Russia not 1906, but, say ... 1909! And this after multiple anniversaries on the occasion of the 50th anniversary - in 1956, the 60th anniversary - in 1966, the 75th anniversary - in 1981, and finally the 80th anniversary - in 1986? This is not an idle question. It must be resolved by sports historians, it is they who can bring the necessary clarity to put the final point on this issue.

Thanks to the efforts of the Mayakovts, basketball soon began to spread in other sports societies and educational institutions of the city, and after the revolution it confidently walked across the country and already in 1920 was included in the school curriculum of Universal Education along with football as a compulsory discipline. In the 21st, the first basketball league in the country was created in St. Petersburg, the chairman of which was F. Yurgenson. And it was this organization that was the prototype of the current federation, and it was under its auspices that the city's basketball championship was held for the first time in the same year.

The Olympic debut of basketball took place at the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Men's teams from 21 countries took part in the tournament. Competitions were held in open areas, all subsequent Olympic tournaments were held indoors. The USA team became the first Olympic champion. The Americans became Olympic champions 11 times (in 1980, in the absence of the US team olympic gold won the national team of Yugoslavia). In Sydney (2000), the American Dream Team team was again the first. Twice Olympic champions became

USSR national team. in 1972 and 1988, the game was especially dramatic at the Olympics in

Munich (1972). when the Soviet team, three seconds before the end of the match, snatched the victory from the American team.

A great deal of work was carried out by the future federations to organize all kinds of championships, tournaments, and since 1923 - national championships, first among cities, and then among sports societies. I must say that the Leningrad teams have repeatedly become champions: in 1923, both teams - women and men, then women - in 1935, and men - in 1936. In 1955, the men's team of Leningrad became the champion of the all-Union indoor competitions among the national teams of the Union republics, as well as Moscow and Leningrad. Then our teams won the title of national champions four more times: women's team Spartak ( Main coach S. Gelchinsky) - in 1974 and the "Electrosila" team (head coach E. Kozhevnikov) - in 1990; men's team "Spartak" in 1975 became the champion Soviet Union, and in 1992 - the champion of the CIS.

Great contribution to the organization of urban basketball, to the problems of the growth of young specialists, to the training of Masters the highest qualifications, who later performed well in the national teams of the USSR and Russia, the basketball section of the city Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, then the basketball federation of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), introduced into the training of coaches. In the pre-war and early post-war years, these organizations were headed by S. Goldstein, M. Krutikov. In subsequent years, the federation was headed by Honored Master of Sports V. Razzhivin, secretary of the district party committee G. Semibratov, executive officer of the Leningrad City Executive Committee V. Leshukov, scientist and journalist M. Chuprov and, finally, General of the Tax Police G. Poltavchenko. As part of a public organization, which was the federation, people of various specialties actively worked. Their contribution to the development of basketball in the cities on the Neva is enormous. The main directions in basketball: preparation of the reserve, performances of teams of masters, questions of refereeing, including

training of referees, and promotion of basketball in the media and on television.

In the 1920s, national basketball federations began to be actively created, and the first international meetings were held. So in 1919, a basketball tournament took place between the army teams of the USA, Italy and France. In 1923, the first international women's tournament is held in France. Teams took part in it three countries: England, Italy, USA. The game is gaining more and more popularity and recognition in the world, and in 1932 the International Federation of Basketball Associations was created in Geneva. Its first line-up consisted of 8 countries - Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Czechoslovakia. In 1935, the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize basketball as an Olympic sport. In 1936 he appears in the program of the Berlin Olympic Games. D. Naismith was the guest of honor at the games. Teams from 21 countries participated in the basketball tournament. The matches were played on open tennis courts; all subsequent Olympic tournaments were held indoors. The USA team became the first Olympic champion. The Americans became Olympic champions 11 times (in 1980, in the absence of the US team, the Yugoslav national team won Olympic gold). In Sydney (2000), the American Dream Team team was again the first. The USSR national team became Olympic champions twice - in 1972 and 1988.

During the Berlin Olympics (1936), the first FIBA ​​congress was held, where the existing and uniform international rules of the game were considered. In 1948, 50 countries were already members of FIBA. With the development of world basketball, the development and enrichment of the technique and tactics of the game took place.

In the first half of the 1950s, basketball began to lose its inherent acuity of the struggle. It took a number of changes and additions to the rules to revive it. The most important of these additions were:

Introduction of the 30 second rule (the team in possession of the ball is obliged to throw the ball into the basket within this time);

Expansion of the area of ​​the zone in which the attacking players were not allowed to stay for more than three seconds.

The decision to hold the Men's World Championships was made at the FIBA ​​Congress during the 1948 London Olympics. The first basketball world championship took place in 1950 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). 10 teams took part in the championship. The first world champion was the Argentine team, defeating the 1948 Olympic champion US team. Subsequently, the US national team became the world champion four times (1954, 1986, 1994, 1998); the USSR national team - three times (1967, 1974 and 1982); the Yugoslavian team also three times (1970, 1978 and 1990). The Brazilian team became the world champion twice (1959 and 1963).

At the FIBA ​​Congress in Helsinki, in 1952 (during the Olympic Games), it was decided to hold the Women's World Championships. The first championship was held in 1953 in Santiago (Chile), and American basketball players became the first champions. Team USA won the title of world champion 5 more times (1957, 1979, 1986, 1990, 1999). The USSR national team held the honorary title the same number of times (1959, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1983).

The debut of women's basketball at the Olympic Games took place in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams took part in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team, who became champions twice more, American basketball players won gold medals four times (1984, 1988, 1996, 2000).

The first European Women's Championship was held in Rome in 1938, which was won by Italian basketball players. The USSR national team - 21 times became the champion of Europe (1950-1956, 1960-1991).

The best players in the history of professional basketball: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Aerry Bird, Magic Johnson, Wilton Chamberlain. Modern stars - unfading Michael Jordan (left the court in 1998), Shaquille O "Neil, Hakim Olajuvon, Clyde Drexler, Grant Hill, Patrick Ewing, Karl Malone, David Robinson, Charles Barkley, John Stockton. NBA in the early 1990s Alexander Volkov (Atlanta Hawks) and Lithuanian basketball stars Sarunas Marciulionis (Golden State) and Arvydas Sabonis (Portland Blazere)

The strongest men's clubs in Europe are: Greek teams - Olympiacos (Piraeus) and Panathinaikos (Athens), Spanish - Real (Madrid) and Barcelona, Russian team CSKA Moscow (Moscow), Israeli Maccabi Tel Aviv, Italian Teamsystem and Kinder, Turkish Efes Pilsen and Ulker.

James Naismith created the game of all the peoples of the world, a game of speed, agility and ingenuity. Basketball, like a spider, united the whole planet with one web, and this web is still not torn, because it is strong. Strong as friendship.

The rules of the game "basketball".

Here are some excerpts from the official basketball rules. Basketball is played by two teams, each with five players. The goal of each team in basketball is to throw an opponent into the basket and interfere with the other team, to gain possession of the ball, and to throw it into the basket.

The winner in basketball is the team that scored the most points at the end of the playing time.

The playing basketball court must be a flat, rectangular solid surface with no obstructions. Dimensions should be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.

Basketball backboards with a basket must be made of a suitable transparent material or painted white. The dimensions of basketball backboards must be 1.80 m horizontally and 1.05 m vertically.

Basketball hoops must be made of strong steel, with an inner diameter of 45 cm. The bar of the hoop must have a minimum diameter of 16 mm and a maximum diameter of 20 mm. On the lower part of the ring there should be devices for attaching the nets.

The basketball must be spherical and orange in color with the traditional pattern of eight panels and black seams. It must be inflated to such an air pressure that, when dropped onto the playing surface from a height of about 1.80 m, measured from the bottom surface of the ball, it bounces to a height measured to the top surface of the ball, not less than

about 1.20 m and no more than about 1.40 m. The circumference of the ball must be at least 74.9 cm and no more than 78 cm. The weight of the ball must be at least 567 g and no more than 650 g.

According to the rules of basketball, the game consists of four periods of ten minutes, with breaks of two minutes. The duration of the break between the halves of the game is fifteen minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the fourth period, play is extended for an additional period of five minutes, or for as many periods of five minutes as necessary to upset the balance in the score. Teams must exchange baskets before the third period. The game officially begins with a jump ball at the center circle when the ball is legally tapped by one of the jumpers.

In basketball, the ball is played only with the hands. It is an offense to run with the ball, intentionally kick, block with any part of the leg, or punch it with a fist. Accidentally touching or touching the ball with a foot or leg is not a violation.

If a player accidentally throws the ball from the court into his basket, points are awarded to the opposing captain.

If a player deliberately throws the ball from the court into his basket, it is a violation and no points will be awarded.

If a player forces the ball into the basket from below, it is a violation. A pivot occurs when a player holds a live ball on the court and strides one or more times in any direction with the same foot, while the other foot, called the pivot foot, maintains its place of contact with the floor. Whenever a player gains control of a live ball on court, the basket shot shall be attempted by his team within twenty-four seconds.

Here are just a few important excerpts from the basketball rules. In general, the official basketball rules of the International Basketball Federation is a large one-page guide that sets out all the nuances of the rules.


Basketball has not only health-improving and hygienic significance, but also propaganda and educational. Playing basketball helps to form perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, a sense of collectivism. But the effectiveness of education depends, first of all, on how purposefully in pedagogical process the relationship between physical and moral education is carried out.

Basketball as a remedy physical education, has found wide application in various links of physical culture movement.

In the public education system, basketball is included in the programs physical preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, secondary specialized and higher education.

Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective physical education tool. It is no coincidence that he is very popular among schoolchildren. Basketball, as an important means of physical education and health improvement of children, is included in the general education programs of secondary schools, schools with polytechnic and industrial training, children's sports

schools, city departments of public education and departments at sports

voluntary societies.

Consolidation of the achieved results and further improvement of the level sportsmanship closely intertwined with mass wellness work and qualified training of reserves from the most talented young men and women.

A variety of technical and tactical actions of the game of basketball and play activity have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the all-round development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of the game of basketball and associated with it physical exercises are effective means of health promotion and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical education.


1. Basketball: Textbook for institutes of physical culture // Pod. Ed. YM Portnova. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1998.

2. Basketball: Textbook for universities of physical culture // Pod. Ed. M. Portnova. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1997.

3. Valtin A.I. "Mini-basketball at school", - M .: Education, 1996.

4. Bondar A.I. Learn to play basketball. - Minsk: Polynya, 1986.

5. John R., Wooden Modern basketball, - M: Physical culture and sport, 1997.

6. The program of physical education based on one of the sports // Physical culture at school, -1990.

7. Kuzin V.V., Palievsky S.A., Basketball. First stage training, M .: Physical culture and sport, 1999.

For the first time a game resembling basketball appeared in America in the state of Massachusetts.

There in the distant 1891 James Naismith, who was a teacher at the MLA college, trying to diversify physical training lessons, made ball baskets from ordinary boxes and divided his students into two teams.

Over time, basketball spread to the territories of the United States and Canada, and professional teams began to form. A in 1932 International Basketball Federation was established FIBA, thanks to which it became possible to include basketball in the Olympic Games.

When basketball went down in Olympic history

Even before creation international federation basketball was introduced at the Olympics in St. Louis (USA).

The Americans held a demo tournament among teams from different cities. Such performances were repeated at competitions in Paris 1924 or in Amsterdam 1928.

To officially recognize basketball as an Olympic sport, the International Olympic Committee agreed only in 1935.

This became possible after the meeting of the first FIBA ​​General Secretary Renato William Johnson and trustee of the Committee for the Games of the XI Olympiad Karl Diem, which was carried out on board a ferry sailing from Stockholm to Germany.

Who are among the first champions in this sport

In 1936 in Berlin the debut of the performance of the basketball team at the Olympics took place. Only men's teams participated in the tournament from 21 countries.

According to Olympic rules At that time, all competitors were amateurs.

The American team has proven its superiority by winning first seven tournaments until 1968 without losing a single game. The points gap between first and second place was almost twice.

During these years, the following fought for the second place with the United States:

  • Canada - lost the games in Berlin with a score 19:8 ;
  • France - in London, account 65:21 in favor of the United States;
  • USSR - ranked second at the Olympics from 1952-1964.;
  • Yugoslavia - Mexico City Olympics in 1968, check 65:50 in favor of the United States.

1972 in Munich America lost the victory to the USSR national team by a small margin one point, after the competition, the American team refused the silver medal. But already at the next Olympics in Montreal USA became champions again, having won the team Yugoslavia outnumbered 95:74 , a national team of the Soviet Union took then third place.

Photo 1. The game between the team of the USA and the USSR at the 1972 Olympics. The image shows a Soviet athlete trying to throw a ball into the basket.

At competitions in Moscow in 1980 championship took the team Yugoslavia, second place belonged Of Italy... The American team then did not come to the Olympics in Moscow because of the boycott.

In what year was women's basketball included in the program of the Olympic Games?

Women's basketball teams start performing at the Olympics in 1976 in Montreal... The first champion was USSR national team which managed to hold the lead twice in a row, repeating the success at the competition in Moscow in 1980 Then took the lead America's national team by winning two tournaments held in Los Angeles and Seoul.

At the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 the winner was the United Team of the Republics of the former USSR. This team played at the Olympics in all once.

Since 1996 USA women's team took gold medal and continued to be the champion in all subsequent games up to until 2018 winning the final:

  • Brazil - in Atlanta in 1996;
  • Australia - at the competition in Sydney 2000 year and Athens 2008 r.;
  • France - in London in 2012;
  • Spain - to Rio de Janeiro in 2016

Professional era

Before 1992 according to the rules of the Olympic Games, all the athletes performing were exclusively amateurs.

But before the games in Barcelona, ​​the International Olympic Committee introduced a new order and allowed to participate professional athletes.

Thus, NBA and WNBA players got the opportunity to participate in the Olympics. This decision was made due to the active use and funding of amateur athletes by the countries of the Eastern Bloc.

Attention! The American national team remains the main champion of the new professional basketball era. She lost her primacy only once to the Argentine team at the competition in Athens in 2004 The United States then occupied only third place.

Who is included in the winners of the Olympic Games in the history of its existence?

For the entire period of the basketball Olympic Games, outstanding athletes who have won the most Olympic medals:

  • Teresa Edwards Is a professional basketball player and coach of the American national team. She has the largest number of Olympic medals for the entire period of the tournament. On her account four gold medals and one silver one.
  • Lisa Leslie- Member of the NBA women's national team. She managed to conquer four gold medals.

Photo 2. Olympic champion basketball Lisa Leslie, with four gold medals. The athlete plays for the USA team.

  • Gennady Volnov- Soviet basketball player, on whose account one gold, two silver and one bronze medals.
  • Sergey Belov- famous basketball player and coach of the USSR. Became an Olympic champion in 1972 and won a bronze medal three times at the Olympics 1968, 1976 and 1980.

In addition to the winners listed above, the merits of the following athletes can also be highlighted: David Robinson, Drazen Petrovic, Rimas Kurtinaitis, Lauren Jackson.

The MODERN Olympic Games and basketball appeared on the web almost simultaneously. In 1893, Dr. Naismith played the first basketball game at a college in the North American city of Springfield, and three years later, after more than fifteen centuries, the Olympic Games resumed in Athens. In 1904, at the III Olympiad in St. Louis (USA), the first demonstration basketball competition took place. Basketball was included in the official program of the Olympic Games in 1936 at the XI Olympic Games in Berlin. Since then, it has become an integral part of the Olympiads.

Basketball players from the Soviet Union took part in the 1952 Olympic tournament in Helsinki for the first time. There, as well as at the next Olympic tournaments in Melbourne (1956) and Rome (1960), our athletes won silver medals.

Until 1952, an unlimited number of national teams were allowed to participate in the Olympic basketball tournament. The Congress of the International Olympic Committee in Helsinki decided to further include in olympic tournament no more than 16 teams. Since then, the selection of candidates has been practiced.

This is how, for example, the composition of the basketball tournament for the upcoming XVIII Olympic Games in Tokyo is determined. Eight teams - USA, USSR, Brazil, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Uruguay - are included in the competition as the strongest according to the results of the Olympic tournament in Rome. Puerto Rico, Peru and the UAR teams enter the Olympics as winners qualifying tournaments American and African zones. Japanese basketball players are included in the Olympic tournament as the hosts of the courts. The other four teams are identified in qualifying rounds. 14 national teams of European countries met in June at two tournaments in Geneva. The winners of the tournaments - the national teams of Finland and Hungary - got a ticket to Tokyo. The last two finalists will show up at the same qualifying competition in Yokohama in late September - early October. In addition to the Asian teams, the European teams that did not receive Olympic passes in Geneva will be able to try their luck there again.


1904 in St. Louis (USA). Three American teams played in the show tournament: 1. Buffalo, 2. Chicago, 3. New York.

1936 in Berlin. 22 teams: 1. USA, 2. Canada, 3. Mexico, 4. Poland, 5. Philippines, 6. Uruguay, 7. Italy, 8. Peru. In addition, participated: Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Egypt, China, Lithuania, Turkey, France, Czechoslovakia, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan.

Semi-finals: Canada 42:15 Poland, USA 24:10 Mexico Final: USA - Canada 19: 8.

1948 in London. 23 teams. 1. USA, 2. France, 3. Brazil, 4. Mexico, 5. Uruguay, 6. Chile, 7. Czechoslovakia, 8. Korea. In addition: Argentina, Belgium, United Kingdom, Hungary, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Cuba, Peru, Taiwan, Philippines and Switzerland.

Semi-finals: France 43:33 Brazil, USA 71:40 Mexico Final: USA - France 65:21.

1952 in Helsinki. 23 teams. 1. USA, 2. USSR, 3. Uruguay, 4. Argentina, 5. Chile, 6. Brazil, 7. Bulgaria, 8. France. In addition: Belgium, Hungary, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Italy, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Romania, Turkey, Philippines, Finland, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland.

Semi-finals: USSR - Uruguay 61:57, USA - Argentina 85:76. Final: USA - USSR 36:25.

Team USA: Bontemps, Glagow, D. & R. Kelly, Carland, Lovelett, McCabe, Pippin, Williams, Free Berger, Hoag and Hoigland. USSR team: S. Butautas, V. Vlasov, N. Djordjikia, A. Konev, O. Korkia, H. Kruss, N. Kullam, Y. Lagunavichus, I. Lysov, A. Moiseev, Y. Ozerov and K. Petkevichus , coach S. Spandaryan.

1956 in Melbourne. 15 teams. 1. USA, 2. USSR, 3. Uruguay, 4. France, 5. Bulgaria, 6. Brazil, 7. Philippines, 8. Chile, 9. Canada, 10. Japan, 11. Taiwan, 12. Australia, 13. Singapore, 14. South Korea and 15. Thailand.

Semi-finals: USSR-France 56:49, USA-Uruguay 101: 38. Final: USA-USSR 89:55.

Team USA: Boushka, Darling, Jingerard, Jones, Kane, Russell, Thompsick, Walsh, Ford, Holdorson, Howland and Evans. USSR team: A. Bochkarev, M. Valdmanis, V. Zubkov, J. Kruminyp ,. A. Lauritenas, V. Muiznieks, Yu. Ozerov, K. Petkevichus, M. Semenov, S. Stonkus, M. Studenetsky and V. Torban, coaches S. Spandaryan and G. Nikitin.

1960 in Rome. 16 teams (29 with qualifying games). 1. USA, 2. USSR, 3. Brazil, 4. Italy, 5. Czechoslovakia. 6. Yugoslavia, 7. Poland, 8. Uruguay, 9. France, 10. Philippines, 11. Hungary, 12. Mexico, 13, Puerto Rico, 14. Spain, 15. Japan and 16. Bulgaria.

Results of matches in the final tournament: USA - SSR 81:57, USA - Brazil 90:63, USA - Italy 112: 81, USSR - Brazil 64:62, USSR - Italy 78:70, Brazil-Italy 78:75.

Team USA: Arnett, Bellamy, Boozer, West, Dyssin Ger, Imkoff, Kelly, Lane, Lucas, Robertson, Smith and Holdorson.
USSR team: M. Valdmanis, A. Valtin, G. Volnov, V. Zubkov, Y. Korneev, J. Krumminmi, G. Minashvili, V. Muiznieks, Ts. Ozere, A. Petrov, M. Semenov and V. Ugrekhelidze , coaches S. Spandaryan and E. Alekseev.


In Helsinki: 74:46 - Bulgaria, 54:49 - Brazil, 71:62 - Mexico, 58:86 and 25:36 - USA, 61:57 - Uruguay, 47:35 - Finland, 78:60 - Chile.

In Melbourne: 66:56 - Bulgaria, 87:68 - Brazil, 97:59 - Canada, 91:42 - Singapore, 55:85 and 55:89 - USA, 67:76 and 56:49 - France.

In Rome: 54:58 and 64:62 - Brazil, 78:70 - Italy, 66:49 - Mexico, 100: 63 - Puerto Rico, 57:81 - USA, 89:53 - Uruguay, 88:61 - Yugoslavia ...

Three-time silver medalists - our basketball players have never been able to rise to the highest step of the podium. but modern game our team, its results in the last international competitions, including meetings with the US national team, give hope that this time, in Tokyo, the masters of Soviet basketball will compete for gold medals with greater chances of success than ever before.

A sports team game in which players throw the ball into a “basket” (a metal ring with a net without a bottom) 10 feet above the floor (just over 3 meters)

Approximately 30% of NBA players have tattoos on their bodies (on average in America, 4% of residents have tattoos).


Basketball competitions, as a demonstration performed by North American athletes, were held at the 1904 Olympic Games, and are included in the official Olympic program in 1936 in Berlin. Professional American basketball players from the NBA were allowed to participate in the Games only in 1992. The men's Olympic basketball championship was played 17 times, the US team won 13 times, Soviet basketball players became champions twice (in 1972 and 1988) and the teams from Yugoslavia and Argentina once each. Women have competed for the Olympic championship 9 times. The first two Olympic Games basketball players of the Soviet Union won, in 1992 the United CIS team won, and the USA team won the remaining six Games.


The first regular basketball lessons in our country are associated with the activities of the St. Petersburg society "Mayak" and its American teacher Moraller, who arrived in Russia in 1907. In the spring of 1908, basketball, along with football and gymnastics, was included in the program of regularly held classes at sports grounds Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg. Basketball players of the USSR became Olympic champions twice - in 1972 and 1988.

Photo - Sergey Kivrin and Andrey Golovanov

A sports team game in which players throw the ball into a “basket” (a metal ring with a net without a bottom) 10 feet above the floor (just over 3 meters). There are two teams, usually twelve people, from each of which there are five players on the court at the same time. The ball can only be held with your hands. You cannot run with the ball without hitting the floor, deliberately kick it, block it with any part of your leg or punch it with your fist. Most hits in the “basket” are worth two points. Successful throws from behind a semicircle - 6.25 meters (in the NBA-7 m 24 cm) are estimated at 3 points, 1 point is awarded for a throw from the penalty line. The match consists of four periods of ten minutes (in the NBA - 12 minutes). The duration of the break between the second and third quarters of the game is fifteen minutes. After a long break, the teams must exchange baskets.

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