Drawing lots (drawing lots, konanye) as a method of the verbal method of physical education of preschoolers. Draws (dividing into teams, groups, choice of leader) With whom the Russian team played at the world championships

B Eat as many identical sticks as there are participants in the game. One is marked. All sticks are placed in a box or box, mixed. Then the players take turns taking one stick. Whoever draws lots with a conditional label will be the leader.

ABOUT one of the players makes a mark on one of the fingers of his hand (with earth, chalk, etc.). Each player chooses one finger. Whoever gets the marked finger starts the game or drives.

ABOUT one of the players hides the lot behind his back and says: "Whoever guesses, he will lead." Two players approach him, the drawer asks: “Who chooses the right hand, and who chooses the left hand?”

After the answers, the drawer opens his fingers and shows in which hand the lot is.

By the number of players take sticks, straws or pieces of paper. One of them must be shorter or longer. Each player draws lots. Whoever draws the longest or shortest stick wins.

ABOUT one of the players is taken by one end of the stick or rope, followed by the second, third, etc. Whoever gets the opposite end of the stick or rope will lead or start the game.

AND The players line up in a row facing the leader and stretch their arms forward, palms down. The host walks in front of the players, recites a poem, suddenly stops and touches the hands of the players. Those who did not have time to hide their hands become the leader.

AND The players are divided into pairs, step aside and agree among themselves, come up with names: one, for example, calls himself "moon", and the other - "sun". The players conspire quietly so that the presenters do not hear. Then they approach the leaders and ask who they choose: the moon or the sun? ( cold water Or black bread? Did you get lost behind the stove or drowned in the trough? Strawberries or raspberries? Bluebell or yellow St. John's wort? Etc.)

The hosts agree in advance who is the first in which pair to choose. One chooses in the first pair, the other - in the second.

AND the players stand in a circle. The host walks around the circle and touches the players in turn. The players cover their eyes with their hands. After all the players close their eyes, the leader enters the circle, approaches any of the players and touches his hands. The player opens his eyes and the host asks him: “A wolf or a hare?” The player portrays a wolf or a hare. The host takes the wolves in one direction, and the hares in the other.

1. Father chopped our log house,

Somewhere I defended the key.

Whoever finds it will drive!

2. The grandmother heated the bath,

She defended her keys there

Whoever finds it will drive.

3. Chimes beat loudly:

Beam-bom! Beam-bom!

Get out soon!

4. Can't find my bread

Look, kids.

Who - finds - to lead.

5. Vasya went into the woods,

Found a blackberry there.

The bear jumped out with a roar

Vasya also began to cry.

6. I count to five

I can't until ten.

One two Three,

Four five,

I'm going to look.

7. Grandfather sowed oats on the mountain,

And wheat too.

With whom to clean it all up?

It remains for us to name.

8. Someone in my room

Turned everything upside down.

One, two, three, it's you.

9. You are going

And you run

You stand,

And you drive.

10. Wind blows

And shakes the birch

The wings of the mill are turning,

Turns grain into flour

You, my friend, do not look,

Come out to us and drive.

11. Hare sits in a ravine,

Ears just stick out.

One, two, three, four, five,

You have to catch a bunny.

12. Bunnies hid behind a bush.

If you go out earlier, you will become a wolf.

13. Why don't you come out?

What are you waiting for? I do not understand.

In the oven of our pie

Keeps up. Here I am waiting.

14. Rolled an apple

Past the garden, past the city.

Whoever picks it up will get out.

15. On the green on the bush

I find nuts.

And the nuts are all empty,

Only golden shells.

Who will find nuts for me,

He will drive!

16. Valenki, boots

They walk along the path.

We just need to know

Which of us will go looking for.

17. The merchant rode along the road,

Suddenly the wheel fell off.

How many nails do you need

Fix that wheel?

18. The mice came out once

See what time it is.

They pulled the weights sharply,

And there was a terrible sound

The mice ran away.

19. Wind, wind, breeze

Our Sarbi is like a flower!

Just take one look,

Dance before us.

20. Mom bakes pies

Delicious and sweet.

Whoever takes it will go to drive.

21. Beautiful fox in the forest

Lured a rooster.

His master is among us.

He will start driving now.

22. Stand in a circle,

We are looking for a driver!

23. Beat the Moscow chimes:

Beam-bom! Beam-bom!

Can you tell me what time it is?

24. In our wonderful garden

Oriole chirps like.

I count one, two, three

This chick is definitely you.

25. In the young nettle

Orioles chick.

You are handsome and he is handsome

Colorist, come out!

26. The bunny jumped across the field

And he was looking for grass.

Who will find grass for him,

He will drive now.

27. At - two in boots,

The commander is ours in bast shoes.

Prepared by the instructor

according to FC Stepanova L.N.

If the teacher, at his own discretion, willto change the composition of temporary teams, then many students will feel this as an imposition of someone else's will. Work in such a company appointed "from above" can be perceived even negatively by some students.

____ To avoid this, it is best to use different options lots and counting. In the lessons it is useful to use the types of draws that students use during their games in the yard. Some others, designed by the teacher himself, can be added to them.

____ When children play in their yard, they often use various draws that allow, without disputes, "in fairness» choose who will drive, or determine the order in which its participants (or teams) enter the game.« The guys are amused by the expectation of a decision not from a reasonable calculation, but from chance, from the will of fate,” the outstanding folklorist G.S. Vinogradov. In resolving difficulties by chance, he saw a brilliant psychotherapeutic technique of folk pedagogy.

____ The well-known folklorist V.P. Anikin, believing that folk games are a kind of school for the child. It is they who, in the conditions of the playing space, force children to equally obey the general will, being the main means of socializing the child, a means of introducing him to the observance of ethical norms, the rules of the hostel.

____ Label. For each player they prepare the same label: stick, match, blade of grass. One of them is made shorter than the others. Then all on one side are clamped into a fist, aligning the outer ends. And take turns pulling lot. Whoever pulls out the shorty, he drives.

Matches and sticks can be replaced with pieces of paper (cards). Then they put a cross on one and, turning, mix in a hat (or pocket). Leads the one who pulls mark.

____ Measure on a stick. This method is convenient when you have to choose a leader from a few candidates. For example, among messengers from each team (or row) or among captains.

____ A stick is taken (from a meter or more). One of the players grabs the lower end of the stick with his right hand. Right next to him, the second, third, etc. grabs the stick with his right hands. When all the participants in the draw have grabbed the stick, the first one transfers his right hand up, grabbing above the hands of the latter. Behind him, everyone else grabs their hands. And so on until someone's hand won't capture top end of the stick. He falls out lot.

____ Sometimes the last participant is left with such a small tip of the stick that there are disputes who will get the lot - him or the previous one. For this case, there is game rule : The last player grabs the remaining tip of the stick with part of his hand and circles it around his head and shoulders. If he succeeds, then the lot remains with him. If not, then follow the previous one.

According to the book V.M. Bukatov and A.P. Ershova "I'm going to class. Reader playing tricks training"(M., 2000)

Anyone who has seen broadcasts of the draws of previous tournaments can imagine how boring and lengthy this procedure seems. Reporters from the Bleacherreport agency came up with several ways to spice up today's ceremony. "RG" brings to your attention the most interesting of them.

Play the lottery

To do this, it will not be necessary to change the procedure for the draw at all, but for the audience it will become much more exciting. First, you need to issue special bingo cards that anyone can buy for a small amount. The proceeds will go to charity.

And then, if the sequence of balls drawn matches the one indicated on your card, you are entitled to a cash prize. Of course, for FIFA this enterprise is unprofitable, but, on the other hand, 22 sponsors international federation football associations are quite capable of covering possible costs.

Put in one of the spider balls

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most venomous in the world. What if the ball with such a "comrade" will appear in the X basket, which will be created in order to separate the European teams into groups? Adrenaline to the audience and participants of such a show is guaranteed. Of course, the case can be fatal, but there is also a positive point: it is believed that the venom of a wandering spider prolongs erections.

Arrange a draw for undressing

As you know, the procedure will be carried out famous football players past years: Alcides Ghija, Jeff Hurst, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Mario Kempes, Fernando Hierro, Zinedine Zidane and Lothar Matthäus. Let the participants of the draw name the country before pulling out the ball: if they guess correctly, the procedure continues, if not, you need to take off part of your clothes. TV ratings for such a show will be provided.

Run a skill competition

Let the players choose their own groups. It is necessary to make a massive screen with eight holes according to the number of groups. Further, the player from each of the 32 teams receives the right to strike. Which group a particular team will fall into depends on the accuracy of its player. If there are already four balls in the hole, it closes. The order of punches can be set according to the FIFA rating.

Turn your broadcast into a holiday

It must be admitted that the above methods to stir up the draw are quite radical for FIFA and are unlikely to be used in the near future. But no one can prevent you from arranging a holiday during the draw. For example, you can play a drinking game.

every time Blatter says - 1 sip

bad joke from hosts - 2 sips

non-opening balloon or problems with reading the country - 2 sips

mention of the words "samba" and "carnival" - 1 sip

demonstration of videos from previous ceremonies - 3 sips

extracting your team from the basket - gulp to the bottom

The invention relates to mass collective events and can be used when drawing lots of a large number of participants, when it is required to randomly select a participant for his subsequent participation in the next stage of the event.

There are known methods of drawing lots in games, for example, based on the choice of an object in the referee's hand. These methods are applicable only for the purpose of choosing 1 out of 2. In a multiple draw, when it is required to assign certain numbers to teams, pre-prepared numbers according to the number of participating teams are dropped into the urn. Then the names of the teams are called one by one and for each of them a number is taken from the urn. Scattered draw is used when holding competitions with the division of teams into subgroups. When dispersing teams, subgroups can be formed that are approximately equal in strength. Two methods of dispersion are used: dispersion by lot and dispersion by the "snake" method.

Scattering by lot is done as follows. After determining the principle of dispersion, the number of teams corresponding to the number of subgroups is taken, and lots are thrown between them for distribution into subgroups. Then the next group of teams is distributed in the same way by lot, and so on. Scattering can be either all teams or part of the teams. This is provided for by the rules of the competition. If some of the teams are dispersed, then the remaining teams are distributed into subgroups by a clean draw.

Scattering by the "snake" method is performed as follows. Teams are assigned numbers in accordance with their place in previous competitions, and the teams are distributed by "snake" into subgroups. When dispersing teams into two subgroups, the “snake” configuration is one, and when dispersing into three or more groups, it is different. Snake scattering creates conditional equality in subgroups.

Automated draw is known, in which computer numbers are generated according to the algorithm of pseudo-random numbers. It also has the disadvantage of limiting the number of participants that are manually entered into machine calculations. With thousands and millions of participants, the random number generator is able to cope and choose one, but entering such a number into the database manually quickly takes short term is not possible, or requires large expenditures of human resources and computer equipment.

The disadvantage of this draw is the technical complexity of its implementation, when the task is to draw lots among a large number of participants in the event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions in order to select only one of this set.

No known method solves the problem of drawing lots among a large number of participants in the event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions, in order to select only one of this set.

The aim of the invention is to solve this problem.

The technical result of the invention is the simplification of the drawing of lots with a large number of participants in the event, the elimination of the need for memorizing information by the participants, the absence of restrictions on the number of participants in the event. Also, the technical result is the elimination of restrictions on the rights of participants, by excluding the participation in the process of drawing of persons who are not actually participating in the event, for example, if there are free places for participants in the absence of the people themselves at the event.

The specified technical result is achieved due to the draw method, in which the organizer ensures that each participant of the event receives and registers the application, as well as informs the participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic draw ticket, then the draw is carried out in such a way that the process of determining the winning numbers draw tickets are carried out in at least one round, an application for participation in the draw is submitted with simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the draw, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; the numbers of the lottery participant are assigned in the order of receipt of applications in real time; the lotto is drawn for one of the tickets using a loto drum, which is set to limit the possible combinations of numbered lotto balls falling out, taking into account the following conditions: the total number of lotto balls falling out is equal to the number of digits corresponding to the total number of lotto tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number limit the dropout of possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the drop-down number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of draw tickets.

Brief description of the drawings

On FIG. Figure 1 shows the principle of forming lottery ticket numbers when registering tickets by users.

On FIG. 2 shows the principle of forming balls with numbers that can be played in the lottery machine.

On FIG. 3 shows an example of the device and the principle of operation of the loto drum.

On FIG. 4 shows an example of the arrangement of a loto drum ball and a chute (end view in section).

Implementation of the invention

The method of drawing lots is carried out by the fact that its participants become owners of some lottery tickets, which are simply serial numbers that are assigned to each newly registered lottery ticket. When organizing the draw, users wishing to participate in it register their identification data on the site of the draw organizer's server. The user data is correlated with the numbers that are assigned to the lottery participant's application, and which becomes the number of the electronic lottery ticket. The draw is carried out only among the numbers, applications for which are registered. The user submits an application for participation in the draw and registers it by depositing a fixed amount during the draw cycle.

If it is necessary to form a draw among tickets, and not participants, the number of tickets purchased by one participant in the draw may not be limited in this case.

The registration of a participant and the issuance of an electronic draw ticket or his number serve as the basis for the emergence of civil law relations, according to which the participant has the right to participate in the draw and, in the event of a draw, apply for further participation in the event, for example, as a leading or main player , main character, etc.

Similarly, it is possible to draw lots for the sale of travel documents, for example, for rail transport or air transport using ticket serial numbers. In this case, when selling a ticket, the passenger declares his desire to participate in the draw, and the cashier registers his participation and, using a ticket machine, indicates on the ticket the attributes necessary for the draw, including the ticket serial number. In this case, the ticket, after being used for its intended purpose, remains with the user as a drawing ticket and, if a lot falls on it, it can be presented to participate in a certain promotion or event.

The advantage of the proposed method of drawing lots is the simplicity of participation, which does not require the participant to remember any information, and even the absence of the need to perform any actions other than confirming the will to participate, on the one hand, and on the other hand, holding such a draw makes it possible to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the main service provided to the user in a particular service area.

The method is carried out as follows.

Users 2 register on server 1, enter their registration data. At the time of purchasing the ticket, the server 1 assigns a number to the ticket 3 in accordance with the moment of applying for such an acquisition. The number is assigned in the order in which the application was submitted (see Fig. 1). The number of submitted applications for the purchase of tickets corresponds to the total number of combinations played out. Those. if N tickets are bought, then all numbers with the number of N combinations participate in the draw. The draw is carried out using a lottery machine 12 (see Fig. 2), which can be implemented, for example, on the basis of the following device (see Fig. 2). A processor or microcontroller 5 is placed inside the body of the lottery drum 12. An information storage device 4 can also be placed, to which a database record of numbers is received from the server 1, or information about the numbers being drawn is immediately sent to the processor or microcontroller 5.

The start of the lottery drum 12 depends on the combination of the number that you want to play in all possible combinations. For example, if the total number of combinations is N=ABCDEF, where A, B, C, D, E, F are some numbers from 0 to 9, this means that the lottery machine must spin six reels with balls.

The processor or microcontroller 5 sends a command to load first the leftmost drum with 6 balls with numbers from 0 to 3.

This loading can be carried out, for example, by means of a loading module 14 moving along the drums, loaded with balls 17 (see Fig. 3). Module 14 is divided into 10 sections, each of which contains balls with corresponding numbers from 0 to 9. When it is required to load ball 17 into one of the drums 6, 7, 8, 9, module 14 drives up, for example, on the guides of the corresponding section 15, the section rotates along the axis and unloads one of the balls through the hole 18 when the hole 18 coincides with the loading hole 16 into the drum. When balls with all the required numbers are loaded into the drum in this way, the drum is swung by shuffling the balls. Thereafter, for example, as shown in FIG. 3, the drum 6 is turned over with the hole 16 down and only one ball 17 is unloaded through it. The ball 17, having fallen out of the drum, falls onto a special inclined chute 13, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader 19. Inside each ball 17, RFID tags 20 are installed (see Fig. 4) corresponding to the numbers of the balls. When the reader 19 initiates the label 20, the data is transmitted to the processor 5 or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers, the balls with which can be loaded into the next reel. After that, the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the second ball is repeated similarly for the next drum 7, then for drums 8, 9, etc., if drawing numbers of a higher order is required. After the end of the draw, the balls 17 can be loaded back into the module 14 manually or by an automatic feeder.

The described example of a lototron is one of the possible variations of its technical implementation. The lottery drum can be made in the form of an electronic scoreboard, where the numbers fall out in the form of a randomly generated one. It is also possible to implement a simple lottery drum, where the balls are loaded and distributed manually. Each of these implementation options allows you to implement the claimed method.

For example, you need to play 347853 combinations for any number from 000001 to 347853 to fall out. Balls with numbers from 0 to 3 are loaded into the left drum. If the numbers 0, 1, 2 fall out, then all balls with numbers from 0 to 9 are loaded into the next drum If the number 3 falls out, then only balls with numbers from 0 to 4 are loaded into the next drum. Similarly, the load of balls is distributed to all other drums in turn from left to right. This is how each next ball is drawn for the entire row of a six-digit number. As a result, one single number of any number from 000001 to 347853 is drawn, which will be the number of the lot drawn.

Sources of information

1. http://medicalplanet.su/reabilitatia/106.html

2. http://ru.convdocs.org/docs/index-110939.html?page=3#1281686

3. http://support.ystok.ru/doc/tournament/ug/help.html?cont


The draw method, in which the organizer ensures that each participant of the event receives and registers an application, as well as informs the participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic draw ticket, then the draw is carried out in such a way that the process of determining the winning numbers of the draw tickets is carried out at least in one round, an application for participation in the draw is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the draw, and the specified registration data of each person is tied to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; the numbers of the lottery participant are assigned in the order of receipt of applications in real time; the lotto is drawn for one of the tickets using a loto drum, which is set to limit the possible combinations of numbered lotto balls that drop out, taking into account the following conditions: the total number of lotto balls that drop out is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of lotto tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number limit the dropout of possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the drop-down number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets; the ball of the lottery drum falling out of the drum falls onto a special inclined chute, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader, and RFID tags corresponding to the numbers of the balls are installed inside each ball; when the reader initiates the label, the data is transmitted to the processor or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers, the balls with which can be loaded into the next drum; after which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the next ball is repeated similarly for the next drum, if drawing numbers of a higher order is required.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of devices for broadcasting sports competitions, such as equipment for betting clubs. A system for selecting and registering events is described, regarding which it is not known whether they will occur or not when making bookmaker bets, which allows the participant to sporting event make a choice of event development options, which use the results of at least one competition, and / or individual situations, events and / or actions arising, occurring and / or taken during each of the competitions, and / or the results of these situations, which includes at least one venue for a sporting event, at least one matrix field with a calculated coordination grid, a visualization unit, a data transmission unit, a calculation unit, a positioning system.

The invention relates to a security sheet and a method for its manufacture. The security sheet contains an information element to be detected and a carrier formed by an opaque substrate into which an opaque, preferably fibrous, strip having an A surface and a B surface is inserted.

The invention relates to conducting lotteries and drawing cash prizes using remotely spaced terminals connected to a lottery processing center, in particular lotteries based on predicting the results of sports competitions.

The invention relates to lotteries and can be used to organize lotteries and draws. The essence of the method - the lottery organizer generates and manufactures an array of lottery tickets in paper and electronic form with preliminary distribution prize pool on lottery tickets, as well as the drawing of lottery tickets and the payment of winnings, which are carried out through the terminals of the operator of the geographically distributed system of terminals, and before the start of the sale of lottery tickets, a batch of lottery tickets from the array is loaded into each terminal of the operator of the geographically distributed system of terminals via communication channels lottery tickets, and when lottery participants purchase lottery tickets, information about each of the sold lottery tickets and the issued winnings is transmitted to the server of the operator of the geographically distributed terminal system and the server of the lottery organizer. The method achieves the required technical result, which consists in expanding the scope and increasing the reliability of the lottery. 1 z.p. f-ly, 1 ill.

The invention relates to lotteries and can be used to organize lotteries. The essence of the method is to form an array of lottery tickets in electronic form, conduct a lottery draw and distribute winnings among lottery tickets, as well as pay out winnings, while interacting with lottery participants is carried out through terminals, while after forming an array of lottery tickets in electronic form and distributing winnings for lottery tickets, a control lottery draw is formed in the form of a certified register of lottery ticket identification numbers and draw results, the required number of lottery ticket electronic lots is produced and uploaded to a server connected to the terminals, for each of the lottery tickets of the respective lots intended for sale through the respective terminals, set the conditional number of the ticket, which is stored on the server paired with its real number and the result of the drawing on it, when visualizing the lottery process and its results technical means of the terminal, the conditional number of the ticket and the result of the draw are displayed on its screen in the form of information about the presence of winnings on it and the amount of winnings for the winning ticket, which is duplicated by issuing a fiscal receipt to the participant, and when monitoring the results of participation in the lottery, the information in the fiscal receipt is verified with the corresponding lottery tickets control lottery draw in electronic or paper form. The invention achieves a technical result, which consists in expanding the scope and increasing the reliability of the lottery.

The invention relates to mass collective events and can be used when drawing lots of a large number of participants, when it is required to randomly select a participant for his subsequent participation in the next stage of the event. The technical result of the invention is to simplify the drawing of lots with a large number of event participants, eliminate the need for participants to remember information, and there is no restriction on the number of event participants. Also, the technical result is the elimination of restrictions on the rights of participants by excluding the participation in the process of drawing of lots of persons who are not actually participating in the event, for example, if there are free places for participants in the absence of the people themselves at the event. The specified technical result is achieved due to the fact that the process of determining the winning numbers of the lottery tickets is carried out in at least one round, an application for participation in the lottery is submitted with simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the lottery, and the specified registration data of each person is tied to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; the numbers of the lottery participant are assigned in the order of receipt of applications in real time; the lotto is drawn for one of the tickets using a loto drum, which is set to limit the possible combinations of numbered lotto balls that drop out, taking into account the following conditions: the total number of lotto balls that drop out is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of lotto tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number limit the dropout of possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the drop-down number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets; the ball of the lottery drum falling out of the drum falls onto a special inclined chute, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader, and RFID tags corresponding to the numbers of the balls are installed inside each ball; when the reader initiates the label, the data is transmitted to the processor or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers, the balls with which can be loaded into the next drum; after which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the next ball is repeated similarly for the next drum, if drawing numbers of a higher order is required. 4 ill.

How to conduct an online draw?

This question is asked from time to time by the organizers of poker events. Offline, everything is quite simple: on the table, special cards with the designation of the table and position are laid out face down, the participants choose any one they like and take the appropriate place. When we are talking about sports competitions, the correctness of such a draw is checked by the chief referee or his assistants, collecting cards from the players. Sometimes they use a special computer program, then no one has any doubts about the secrecy and honesty of the procedure.

Amateurs have it harder. To conduct an online draw, no one will buy a special program for which poker clubs pay a lot of money. And traditional coin tossing on the Web is definitely not enough. This is how topics appear on the poker forums with requests for help, and the organizers puzzle over the implementation of their plans for days. The main requirement is that the outcome is determined by randomness, blind chance, and not someone else's decision.

You can, of course, puzzle a friend who understands software and writes a program to help. And you can find the right service. Some of them, unfortunately, are in English, but if you wish, it is not so difficult to understand. For example, one of the great sites for tasks of this kind - http://www.random.org/ . There you can flip a virtual coin (Coin Flipper), throw dice (Dice Roller), shuffle cards (Playing Card Shuffler), generate random numbers, etc.

For organizing an online draw, the "randomizer" is also perfect: http://www.random.org/lists/ . In the field that opens, it is enough to enter the names of the players in any order, each in a separate line (ie, in a column). Then click " Randomize" - you're done. An excellent service with a lot of features, almost all emulators are free and available without registration.

In order not to waste time translating from the original, you can try the Russian-language RandomPicker ( http://www.randompicker.com/Default.aspx ). This random generator will help determine the winners and sum up the results of the draw. A free version is available to users, but with one requirement - it must not be for commercial use.

The principle of operation of this online service is similar, you need to copy the list of players into the form and rely on chance. At the same time, the program will not require personal data, observing the principles of security. Different schemes can be used, it is possible to conduct a test draw, deal with the nuances of the system and make sure that the result is always different, and only then proceed to the final stage.

As for the results, RandomPicker allows you to create a visual protocol. It can be published and presented as evidence of the fairness of the draw. Each participant has the right to check whether he was included in the list. Another great opportunity is the Human Auditor service. The draw can be done by a third party, saving time. True, you will have to pay for such a bonus, but the results will not cause doubts.

It is not so easy to conduct a “transparent” and convenient online draw, but it is quite possible. Enough to pick up best option procedure, a little practice to take into account all the nuances, take care of how to present the result to the participants, and, perhaps, everything. Let him answer randomly for the rest;)
