What muscles work when riding an exercise bike. In the process of training, such muscles of the body are involved

A type of exercise bike with a seat-back and pedals pushed far forward. The main advantage of exercising on such an exercise bike is that, compared to a conventional upright model, this simulator puts less pressure on the lower back.

Recumbent bikes also reduce the harmful stress on the hands, wrists and neck. In addition, equipped with a backrest and a comfortable seat, the recumbent exercise bike offers maximum comfort for exercising. Here are some basic guidelines for doing a proper workout on this type of exercise bike.

Dynamic stretch

When exercising on a recumbent bike, several muscles in your body work and the joints of the lower body are involved. If you don't stretch before exercising, you risk injury to your muscles and joints. To avoid this scenario, spend 5 minutes doing a dynamic stretch that is done on the move.

Raising the knees to the chest, bending to the side, scissor legs, steps with a lunge on one knee, etc. exercises are examples of this type of stretch. During the exercises, focus on a smooth and gradually increasing angle of inclination, twisting, etc. from time to time.

Seat fit

Before you start training on a recumbent bike, it is very important to properly adjust the seat. Sit down and do one or two full turns of the pedals. As you do this, pay attention to the straightening of the leg at the knee. Your leg should be slightly bent at the knee when passing the furthest pedaling radius.

Otherwise, adjust the seat as needed (the seat on these exercise bikes tends to slide on the skid).

Light warm-up

Take a few more minutes to lightly warm up on the machine. Gradually increase the pace during the warm-up. This will help to warm the body from the inside and relax the muscles and joints.

Exercise duration

In order to get a noticeable result, you must practice for a long time and quite often. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes cardio to improve overall fitness and 60 to 90 minutes classes 5 days a week for weight loss.

If you decide to improve your well-being, aim for a lower limit of 30 minutes, but also do not forget about weight loss.

Load regulation

When exercising on a recumbent bike, pedal faster to gain speed. The exercise bike also has load adjustment. Take advantage of this opportunity to quickly get used to the exercise bike. The higher the load level on the simulator, the harder it is to pedal.

All this trains and strengthens the leg muscles, so you progress as your workouts move forward.

Interval training

The essence of interval training is the alternation of bursts of increased activity of the exercise being performed with intervals of measured performance. By including this type of training in your schedule, you thereby increase the calorie expenditure per workout and prevent your workouts from becoming a routine.

An exercise bike is a popular type of cardio simulator, which allows you to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, quickly lose weight without harm to health. With its help, the main muscle groups are strengthened.

What muscles work during exercise? How to organize a lesson to lose weight faster? Here is what will be discussed next.

Pumping muscles on an exercise bike

    Broad medial, lateral, intermediate and rectus femoris tense when the knee flexes and unbends.

    Biceps, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles strengthen as you extend your hip and bend your knee.

    The pumping of the muscles of the buttocks occurs along with the wide medial muscle. Buttocks become toned and strong.

    Work iliopsoas muscle occurs at the moment of hip flexion. The iliac muscle is considered the most vulnerable, especially at the time of rhythmic exercise on a bicycle ergometer.

If you experience pain in the groin area, you should stop exercising.

    Large and small muscles of the lower back strengthened during training. This allows you to align a slight curvature of the spine. Regular exercises prevent radiculitis and osteochondrosis, have a positive effect on posture.

    Muscles of the back of the leg work when you press the pedal.

    Muscle of the anterior leg wobbles as you pedal.

    Train abdominal muscle You can, if you exercise on a vertical bicycle ergometer.

    Exercise under high load chest muscles and arms.

With regular training on a bicycle simulator, the ankles, knees and hips are strengthened.

Types of training

To make the body slim and fit, you need to work on special programs. The main types of exercises on an exercise bike are further.


This workout involves manual training with a frequency of 3 times in seven days.


Suitable for strengthening the gluteal muscles, thighs, calves. The duration of the lesson is half an hour.

Sit comfortably in the seat and keep your legs bent. You should start with minimal resistance, work your legs at a slow pace for 4 minutes. Then increase the load, but work only with your feet, the torso must be motionless.

Having chosen the most suitable rhythm, stay in it for half an hour. Then return to minimum resistance, pedal slowly for 4 minutes to regain your breath.


Strengthens muscles, increases endurance. The duration of the lessons is half an hour.

Start with low resistance, pedal hard for 4 minutes. After warming up, increase the resistance level. Continue to gradually increase the load until it becomes impossible to talk.

The main task is to maintain this pace for 10 minutes. Then gradually reduce the load level and pedaling speed.


Allows you to burn excess calories and improve body contours, the frequency of 3-5 times in seven days.


Designed for weight loss. The duration of the lessons is half an hour. After warming up at low resistance, increase its intensity.

Then switch in turn: 60 seconds at a slow pace and the same at a fast pace. You need to finish the lesson with a traditional five-minute session with low resistance.


After warming up, increase the resistance intensity and pedal rapidly for 25 seconds. Return to a slow pace at which you need to work for 35 seconds. And so on in turn for 5 minutes. With each new minute, increase the resistance by one level (so to the highest, until you have enough strength). You need to finish the exercise with a warm-up.


Lasts 50 minutes, during this period approximately 600 calories are burned, the frequency is 4-6 times in seven days:

  • rope exercises - 8 minutes;
  • driving in slow mode - 4 minutes;
  • riding at an average pace - 4;
  • switch to the mode of a sharp rise uphill (sitting) - 2;
  • pedal in the same mode, but already in a standing position - 1 min;
  • sit down again and move uphill - 2;
  • set the pre-maximum level of climbing uphill - 30 seconds;
  • turn on the maximum and move - 1 min. 30 seconds;
  • alternate pre-maximum with maximum - 2 minutes;
  • then the load is halved, pedal in a standing position - 1 min;
  • the load decreases a little more, you need to ride while sitting, but a little faster - 3;
  • set an even lower resistance level and move at a slow pace - 1 minute;
  • get up and do a little exercise in the form of jumping and swinging your legs for 4 minutes;
  • pedal quickly - 1 min;
  • continue driving at medium level - 1 min. 30 seconds;
  • alternate the two previous points - 5 minutes 30 seconds;
  • repetition of the previous points at a lower speed - 6 m;
  • keep driving at a slow pace - 3 min.

short distance

After a three-minute warm-up at the third level of the load, increase its intensity to the seventh level and work your legs at a fast pace for 40 seconds. Return to resistance #3 and pedal for 40 seconds. Alternate 4 minutes. Cool down at the pace of the warm-up.

steady pace

After a five-minute warm-up, work your legs for 15 minutes in a steady rhythm (without hesitation in the direction of accelerating or decelerating). Increase the load by 2 levels and work another 8 minutes. Every 8 minutes, increase the load, and so on to the highest level, pedal in the same rhythm. Finish - 5 minutes at a free pace.

General strengthening

Five-minute warm-up at level 3. Do it in turn: 6 minutes at a load of 8, 4 minutes at the sixth level. Repeat this cycle three times. Switch to level 2 and continue driving for 4 minutes.

Butt lift

We warm up the muscles and go to level 6 of the load: we pedal 4 minutes quickly, 3 minutes at a slow pace. We repeat the cycle 10 times.

Secrets of a Successful Workout

With the help of an exercise bike, you can solve actual problems: lose weight, strengthen muscle mass and improve your health. Regardless of the goals and the chosen program, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of training on a bicycle simulator:

    Regular exercise is half the battle. To see the effect, you need to constantly practice.

    Keep an eye on your health, if you feel that the body is not behaving as usual, you should stop training or reduce their intensity. Characteristic muscle pain is a normal reaction after a long break.

    Dangerous symptoms: interruptions in the heart rate, dizziness, weakness, slight clouding in the head, shortness of breath, nausea.

    Follow the schedule and do it clearly at the time you have appointed. Do not forget about biological rhythms: morning classes are more suitable for larks, and evening classes for owls. The general rule for both groups is You can train 3 hours before bedtime and 3 hours after waking up.

    Be sure to warm up before riding the exercise bike. Only after warming up the muscles, start training. For this, squats, bends and leg swings will do.

    Comfortable equipment is very important even for a beginner athlete. This applies to clothes, shoes and hairstyles. Sports, loose clothes, comfortable sneakers or sneakers and hair gathered in a bun or ponytail.

    Choose a training program according to your physical fitness. You should not look up to anyone, your own health is most important.

Beginners should start from the basics and gradually move on to more intensive programs. It is strictly forbidden to skip stages!

Lose weight on an exercise bike

Most of the fair sex buy an exercise bike in order to quickly lose weight. This is possible if you follow a special program, watch your diet and exercise regularly.

There are many effective programs that help get rid of extra pounds, here is one of them:

  • warming up at slow speed and at minimum resistance - 3 minutes;
  • resistance doubles, you need to pedal quickly - 4 minutes;
  • without changing the settings, pedal while standing - 2 minutes;
  • at the same pace only sitting - 3 minutes;
  • increase the load to 50% and pedal quickly - 3 minutes;
  • with the same settings, pedal in turn: in a standing and sitting position - 2 minutes;
  • We finish the workout by riding in free mode - 3 minutes.

As children, we all rode a bike. Everyone remembers how much fun it was and how good we felt when we pedaled. We did not think about what muscles work on a bicycle, but at the same time we had a good figure and improved health. As adults, many of us have forgotten about this magnificent invention of mankind. Anyone who wants to make their figure attractive or build muscle thinks, first of all, about an exercise bike, and not about a bicycle. In our article, we will talk about what exercise bikes are, and what muscles can be strengthened as a result of constant exercise on it.

Types of exercise bikes

The exercise bike is considered one of the very first inventions of mankind in the field of exercise equipment. In fact, it imitates cycling, but differs from the latter in its immobility and focus specifically on training certain muscle groups. A person of any age group can train on it, while the ability to ride a bicycle and physical fitness is not required at all.

So, you want to choose an exercise bike. What muscles will it work on? You should know that different exercise bikes work with different muscle groups. There are three types of exercise bikes on the market:

  • mechanical (a belt is pulled around the rear wheel, the tension of which depends on which muscles will be involved);
  • magnetic (the degree of load depends on how far a special magnet is close to the drive wheel);
  • electromagnetic or electric (they have built-in computers with certain training programs).

Mechanical and magnetic exercise bikes have the same effect on certain categories of muscles, regardless of the change in load, but electric bikes, thanks to special programs, are able to change the load areas for different types of muscles.

Exercise bike and muscles

Classes on an exercise bike, first of all, strengthen the human respiratory system, blood vessels and heart, increase oxygen saturation of cells, improve metabolism, remove extra pounds and cope with stress. So, you bought an exercise bike. What muscles work on this sports equipment? The most involved muscle groups are considered to be:

  • thigh muscles (muscle of the anterior region of the thigh, rectus femoris, biceps and quadriceps femoris, ischiocavernosus femoris, lateral and medial wide muscles of the thigh, semimembranosus femoris);
  • muscles of the calves, lower legs and buttocks.

With less force, when exercising on an exercise bike, the muscles of the lower back and back, the lower oblique muscles of the press, the muscles of the arms and chest are involved (with increasing load). If you want to train them, then you will have to purchase only the electric type of exercise bikes and select the appropriate program. Constant exercises on exercise bikes prevent the development of radiculitis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, arthrosis and rheumatism.

In losing weight, not only strength training is effective, but also cardio. They strengthen the body, increase endurance. For this purpose, you can use an exercise bike. It is characterized by lightness of the device, convenience. Want to know if an exercise bike helps you lose weight? Then study the information about its pros and cons below.

What is an exercise bike for?

By itself, such a simulator is an imitation of a conventional bicycle, from which it differs only in a few useful properties. You do not have to carry it up the stairs to take it out of the apartment, and you can train on it in any weather. This simulator has many designs. You can select mini, belt, electromagnetic, vertical, horizontal, magnetic, elliptical. Is an exercise bike useful? With the help of classes on it, you can:

  1. Get rid of excess weight. In this case, classes on an exercise bike are carried out at a load slightly below average. The benefit of such a workout is just in losing weight, because the pedals spin smoothly and easily, which is why a person simply spends calories, and does not pump muscles.
  2. Strengthen the cardiovascular system. In such a situation, pedaling should be comfortable so that the training does not cause overstrain and severe fatigue.
  3. Pump certain muscle groups. The exercise bike will bring such benefits if you set the resistance level of the pedals to a higher one. So the muscles will work actively.

What is useful exercise bike for women

The first thing that shows the benefits of an exercise bike for women is weight loss. Thanks to pedaling for at least half an hour, active sweating begins, which leads to the breakdown of fat. The benefits of a “home” bicycle are also invaluable in the following:

  1. A measured and calm ride, especially to your favorite music, has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to deal with stress and get emotional release.
  2. The active work of the muscles affects the internal organs, due to which they begin to secrete all the necessary enzymes in the right amount - cell metabolism and blood pressure return to normal.
  3. The payload on the lower limbs and lower back has a positive effect on posture and even gait. It also increases resistance to injury.
  4. Thanks to the load in the legs, blood circulation is enhanced, and the appearance of cellulite is also reduced.

For men

Even scientists have proven that the benefits of an exercise bike for men are the same as for women. Although it is much more important for the stronger sex not just to lose weight, but to build muscle. In this case, you just need to practice with a higher resistance of the pedals. To summarize, the benefits of such a simulator for the male body will be as follows:

  • improvement of the activity of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems;
  • weight loss with improved contours of the figure, including the buttocks, abdomen, thighs, legs;
  • increase in overall endurance;
  • improving the strength of joints and ligaments, i.e. reducing the risk of injury;
  • strengthening immunity through regular physical activity;
  • removal of nervous tension, emotional unloading.

Exercise bike for weight loss

Judging by the numerous reviews, exercises on an exercise bike for weight loss are very effective. How does this happen? During exercise, stored fats are converted into energy by being oxidized by oxygen. The latter enters the tissues due to the active work of the muscles. Many exercise bikes even have calorie counters. Their burning leads to weight loss. In addition, regular load on the same muscles allows you to tighten them, which improves the overall contours of the figure.

What muscles work on an exercise bike

The main load during pedaling is distributed to the legs, i.e. the muscles of the foot, buttocks, lower leg and thigh. This is not the only answer to the question of which muscles are pumped on an exercise bike. The lower spine is also involved. For this reason, during training, the legs do not just swing and calories are spent, but the back is also strengthened. As a result, you get an easy gait and a more even posture.

How to exercise to lose weight

When exercising on an exercise bike, it is important to maintain the correct body position. The posture should be straight and even, as shown in the photo. It is important to adjust the seat height - the knees should not rise above the steering wheel, and the feet should easily reach the pedals. Here are some more basic instructions for getting the benefits of such activities:

  1. Breath control. You need to breathe through your nose, not your mouth. In extreme cases, you can only exhale through your mouth.
  2. Warm up. Before the workout itself, it is worth warming up the muscles - doing a couple of simple exercises, for example, squats, rotations of the neck and hips.
  3. Intensity and frequency of training. For beginner athletes, 4 times a week for half an hour is enough. In general, the course should be 6-8 weeks. The next step is 3 to 5 times a week for 45 minutes. If you are already prepared or want to get back in shape after a break, then do up to 4-6 times a week. Each workout should last at least 1 hour.

Interval training on a stationary bike

To increase the benefits and effect of the exercise bike, interval training is recommended. The rules for it are the same as those indicated above for ordinary useful activities. Only the nature of the training itself changes. Her program is divided into cycles:

  • 30 seconds of operation at maximum speed;
  • 30 seconds driving at an average speed of about 20 km/h.

The intensity can be changed depending on your preparation and feeling. It is recommended to gradually increase the time of active work up to 60 seconds. It is also allowed to change the rest interval - up to 75 seconds and a little more if you do not have time to restore your breath. The number of cycles of active, measured driving should be between 8-12. You should not go beyond these limits, because just such values ​​\u200b\u200bhelp to work out muscles, increase endurance, and spend a large number of calories.

Exercise bike - reviews and results

Many people choose such a simulator for its affordability and benefits in losing weight. With this device, you can conduct a workout at any convenient time at home, and not in the gym. If you doubt the effectiveness of such exercises, then study the reviews about losing weight on an exercise bike:

  1. Maria, 28 years old. Get yourself in shape after giving birth. When breastfeeding, this was the only way for me, because it was impossible to follow a strict diet. I played about 40 minutes a day right in front of the TV, and sometimes to the music. The result - without any diet for six months, I threw off 5 kg, and 4 cm left my waist.
  2. Alevtina, 51 years old. Almost without changing the diet, in 2 months I lost 3 kg. I pedaled for 40 minutes 3-4 times every week. Sometimes I allowed myself sweets. In terms of volume - it took 1.5 cm from the waist, and as much as 3 cm from the hips.

Benefits of an exercise bike for health

The main engine of the human body is the heart muscle. If other organs sometimes rest, then it works all its life without interruption. The benefits of an exercise bike for heart health are simply invaluable. The heart rate stabilizes, the functional reserve of the organ expands, and the risk of pathologies decreases. The nervous system is also strengthened - the exercise bike acts as a way to get rid of negative emotions, improve mood. Due to regular physical activity, immunity improves - a person is less likely to get sick, especially with a cold.

For legs

Exercise bikes bring great benefits for the musculoskeletal system. The calf, quadruple and biceps muscles of the thighs are strengthened. The buttocks, oblique muscles of the press, muscles of the back are involved in the work. Flexibility, dynamism of both the legs and the whole body develops. An exercise bike is recommended for varicose veins - an increase in veins with swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities. Thanks to such training, the legs are strengthened. In addition, excess weight, which is often a companion of varicose veins, will go away.

To develop joints

You can use an exercise bike for various diseases of the joints, but not during exacerbations. Together with other therapeutic activities such as massage, physiotherapy, swimming, such training will significantly improve the condition of the knees. The benefit of an exercise bike for joints is to increase their mobility and strength. In addition, ligaments are strengthened, which play an equally important role in the body - they hold bones together and direct movement.

With prostatitis

According to doctors, men who have problems with potency should be careful when using a bicycle and an exercise bike. Although with a properly selected saddle that takes into account all the anatomical features of the body structure, such training will benefit. They are prescribed for prevention or already with acute inflammation. In the groin area, blood flow increases, which helps to improve the condition. An exercise bike for prostatitis is not included in the indications only in the case of the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Harm of the exercise bike

Even with all the benefits, the exercise bike is also harmful for women and men. With the wrong organization of training, you can only worsen your posture or aggravate the situation with heart failure, angina pectoris, tachycardia and cardiac asthma. In this case, the training should be coordinated with the doctor. The harm of an exercise bike for men is manifested in diseases of the prostate, especially in a chronic form. In general, contraindications for exercising on an exercise bike can be combined into the following list:

  • severe form of diabetes and hepatitis;
  • influenza, SARS, especially with fever;
  • exacerbation of diseases in a chronic form;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma with regular attacks;
  • severe injuries, including old ones;
  • advanced arthrosis;
  • very old age;
  • complicated osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • recent caesarean section;
  • painful menstruation.


The bicycle is one of the healthiest human inventions. Cycling allows you to lose weight, strengthen breathing and the cardiovascular system. The bicycle is useful for both adults and children, but it is available for use during the warm season. To keep yourself in shape, you can use an exercise bike. In order for classes on it to be most effective and productive, you need to know not only about the models of a sports simulator, but also about which muscle groups are involved during training and how many calories are burned per session.

Intense exercise on a stationary bike - a way to keep weight

Exercise bikes are effective for keeping fit and losing weight. In active work during the classes are involved:

  • rectus femur,
  • anterior thigh,
  • leg muscles,
  • femoral biceps and quadriceps muscles,
  • medial muscle,
  • sciatica muscle,
  • lateral femoral muscle and some others.

With constant exercise, muscle tissue comes into tone, becomes elastic and elastic. Daily exercises will help prevent the development of radiculitis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis. Involvement in the work of the knee and hip joints will help to avoid osteoarthritis and arthrosis.

The work of the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs

What muscle groups are trained on an exercise bike

The question - what muscles work on an exercise bike is very important, because it allows you to understand how effective this simulator will be for your goals. It is a mistake to think that it will also allow you to pump up the muscles of the arms or shoulders. Before classes, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

An easy way to connect the muscles of the back

For people suffering from varicose veins or who are overweight, a horizontal trainer is more suitable. This type of exercise machine is the most common and is additionally equipped with a counter that counts how many calories are burned on an exercise bike per session. It allows you to work on many muscle groups, but does not overstrain the back and blood vessels.

When working with this simulator, the gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, hamstrings, calf muscles, quadriceps and biceps take an active part.

A more expensive option - a magnetic exercise bike allows you to work out not only the various muscles of the legs, but also the back and lower back due to the modified fit. The magnetic exercise bike mimics the seating of a racing bike - the head and hip joint are at the same level. In this position, the load on the back increases, and this favorably affects the posture. But it is worth remembering that this model of an exercise bike is not recommended for overweight people.

Many people mistakenly believe that the exercise bike is able to pump up muscles, make them more prominent. In fact, the exercise bike allows you to maintain them in a constant tone, makes them more elastic. With daily exercises on an exercise bike, the muscles are saturated with oxygen, both the abdominal press and the intercostal muscles are actively worked out, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

During training, remember to breathe properly and monitor your heart rate. Overexertion will negatively affect the results and play a cruel joke on well-being. In order to understand the maximum allowable heart rate, you can use the following formula: 220 minus the age of the student.

Heart rate during exercise

Proper breathing means inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

How many calories are burned per workout

An exercise bike is a good helper for those who have set themselves the goal of burning extra calories and bringing their weight back to normal. Daily workouts will help you see the desired result within a few weeks from the start of classes. The number of calories burned directly depends on the speed and weight of the person.

A half-hour workout at an average pace for a person with a weight of 85 kg will burn about 310 calories, and with intensive work - up to 460.

Calorie consumption - equipment comparison

Some experts recommend combining medium and intensive paced workouts and alternating between a few minutes of medium speed and a few minutes of work at high speeds. However, whichever training option you choose, it is recommended that you first warm up the muscles: you can do the simplest gymnastics with rotational movements of the arms, a few stretching exercises and rotational movements of the pelvis. After that, you can start pedaling, but spend 5-7 minutes at a slow pace.

The intensity of the load during the lesson

Working on the problem of excess weight requires an integrated approach. It is worth paying attention to how active you lead a lifestyle and how many calories you consume daily. This will allow you to coordinate the time of daily training. An important point is the special clothing for sports.

For more information on the dependence of the number of calories burned on weight and speed, see the table:

An important detail: effective excess weight occurs only with a rapid pulse. Ideally, the pulse should reach 70% of the maximum allowable.

Only in this case, the body begins to actively expend excess energy reserves and weight loss occurs. The same applies to breathing - rapid breathing during active training is the norm. During work, the muscles need oxygen and to follow the correct and measured breathing is an important step towards obtaining the desired result.

