Theatrical games in teaching children traffic rules. List of traffic rules games

Synopsis of theatrical - game entertainment for older children preschool age"Traffic rules everyone should know"

Target: formation of ideas about the rules road traffic.
Clarify children's knowledge about traffic lights, their purpose.
To develop the ability of pupils to apply the knowledge gained about the rules of the road in games, performances and everyday life.
Promote the development of caution, prudence, attentiveness on the roads.
Expand and revitalize vocabulary on this topic.
Foster a culture of behavior on the streets, developing the need to comply with traffic rules.
Equipment: a computer, a media projector, a screen, a tape recorder, audio recordings with music, costumes for the characters of the scene: a dressing gown, a hat, tools for Dr. Aibolit, costumes for a hedgehog, a fox, a wolf; set of road signs; equipment for outdoor games: a container with cubes of three colors, pillars - colored palms (red, yellow, green); a chest with reflective stickers.

Event progress:

Children enter the hall to the children's song "About traffic rules" and sit on high chairs.
Educator: Attention! Attention! Today is a very important day! We will play and memorize the road rules!
On the road all day
Strong motion,
Don't stop the flow even for a moment.
Whatever happens
Dangerous collisions
There are Road Rules!

Girl: And I heard that even forest animals study the rules of the road, because once they needed the help of the kind doctor Aibolit. That's the kind of misfortune that befell them.
(Characters appear on the stage: doctor Aibolit (adult), fox, wolf, hedgehog (children in costumes)).
At this time, magic music is heard and Emelya flies out onto the stage, spinning: “Oh, oh, and where did I end up? Come on, come on, I'll sit and see! " (sits on a tree stump)

Educator: good doctor Aibolit, he sits under a tree, and a fox, a hedgehog and a wolf are in line for treatment.
And a fox comes to him for treatment.
Chanterelle: Ride a skateboard
Clung to the back tire
I could not resist -
I flew under the wheels.
Doctor, dear, help!
Fly the tail and legs!
Aibolit: I'll give injections now
I'll sew you a new tail
You roll along the track -
Your legs will be safe!
Chanterelle: Thank you, Dr. Aibolit!

A lame hedgehog comes up.
Hedgehog: very, very in a hurry
And rolled in a ball
Straight to the red light!
They crushed my paw here. (Shows the doctor a paw)
Aibolit. I will help your trouble-
Sew your foot again.
It will hurt, be patient.
Where cars are - don't go!
Hedgehog: Thank you Doctor!

A wolf approaches with a bandaged head.
Wolf: Hello, Doctor Aibolit!
My head hurts ...
I rode without a care
Didn't look at the red light -
I ran into a hippopotamus
Broke the bike.
Aibolit: I will help you, top,:
I'll fly my head.
Got to think about where to ride.
And the traffic rules
You mustn't forget!
Wolf: Thank you, Dr. Aibolit!

Aibolit: You know the rules - walk yourself boldly,
Both legs and tails will be intact.
And to you guys, I want to say:
Everyone needs to know the road rules!

Emelya comes out in the middle of the hall: “Just think, the rules ... For example, I, for example, no rules, I never follow, I go wherever I want on the stove. And nothing…. Everything is in place "
Girl: And where is your stove?

Emelya: Well, I handed it over for repairs, she suffered a little. They will paint it, fix the engine and drive even faster.
Girl: And what happened?
Emelya: Yes, the road was repaired, but I did not see it and fell into the hole with the stove. People in orange robes said, "Look carefully at the signs!" And what is it and why do I need it?
Girl: Emelya, do you know what a Svetofor is?
Emelya: Tsvetophor, tsvetofor ... This is probably a tree? Oh, no. I remembered. This is such a column with multi-colored lanterns, they still blink in turn. Beautiful!
Educator: Yes, it is beautiful, only it will be right - the LIGHT-LIGHT is not put on for beauty.
Emelya: (addresses children). And for what, then? And where did I go? The pike got something mixed up, I made a wish: "To get to the entertainment while the stove is being repaired."
Educator: this is Kindergarten, here children play and receive useful knowledge. Here, listen, the guys will recite a poem:

1 child: The most important for a long time
There is a traffic light on the road.
He will show everyone the way
Where and how to go will show.
He stands proudly, blinking.
Looks who walks and how.
A faithful friend will help everyone -
Everyone around and around.
2 child: Here, he blinked a yellow eye,
The pedestrians stood up at once.
All are standing, silent and waiting.
What kind of light will they go to?
But the red light blinked here -
So that's it - there is no road.
Wait, you boldly here without a dispute, smile at the traffic light
Together: Everybody has to stand
And the green light is here to wait.
What else can we wait
And let's go to the green light!

Girl: Now let's play the game “Collect the traffic light”, and you, Emelya, remember the location of the traffic light colors.
A container with cubes of three colors is taken out. Each child chooses one cube for himself. While the music is playing, the children move freely around the hall. As soon as the music has stopped, the participants must stand in threes - collect the traffic light, place the cubes correctly.

Educator: Yes, there are not only traffic lights on the road, but many other road signs. They talk about what the road is, how to go, what is allowed and what cannot be done.
Emelya: Why do I need signs, I have a magic pike, it fulfills all my desires, so I do what I want.
Girl: You know, Emelya, the pike lives in water, and there are no traffic rules, so she cannot help you with this desire simply because she does not know them.
Educator: Each sign has its own name and is installed in such a place where it is needed. Now we will get acquainted with some road signs that a pedestrian needs to know.
The soundtrack "Songs of road signs" sounds. Children come out to the music, each holding a large picture of a road sign, and in turn the children sound the sign.

And in the rain, and in clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to walk!"

Stripes in black and white
The man walks boldly.
Knows: where he goes, -

On the footpath
Only legs walk.
It is only allowed to ride in a wheelchair here.

This is a very important sign
It hangs for a reason.
Be careful, chauffeur!
Near kindergarten, school yard.

On the yellow track
Overtake, Ilya, Seryozhka.
No one will bother you -
All children know this sign.

Here the road works -
Neither drive nor pass.
This place is pedestrian
Better to just get around!

If you need food,
Come here.
Hey chauffeur, attention!
Food item coming soon!

Can't get there without gasoline
To the cafe and shop.
This sign will tell you loudly:
"Nearby gas station"

If you need to be treated,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One Hundred Serious Doctors
There you will be told: "Be healthy!"

You can safely brake here,
But you can't stand idle.
You seat passengers and leave soon!
Any car is not allowed to stand here.
We are important signs
Road signs.
We stand guard over the order.
Know the rules
And observe them,
And we will hasten to help you.

Educator: Thank you speaking signs. And now, guys, in order to remember them better, let's sing the song "Road Sign" (words by I. Shevchuk, music by I. Zaritsky)
Emelya: Ah-ah, now I understand everything. This means that in order to ride the stove and walk the streets, it is imperative to teach road signs!
Educator: Not only signs, but also traffic rules you need to know.
Girl: Through the city, down the street
Don't just walk like this:
When you don't know the rules
Easy to get screwed up.
Be attentive all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules
Chauffeur and pedestrian.
Educator: What are the names of the people who walk down the street? (Pedestrians)
- Where should pedestrians go? (On the sidewalks)
- What is the name of the part of the street on which the vehicles travel? (Carriageway)
Guys, did you notice that the roadway is divided by a white line?
When cars move in both directions, what kind of movement is it? (Two-way traffic)
In two-way traffic, before crossing the road, people look to the left, and when they reach the middle of the street, they look to the right.
Guys, let's show Emela how to cross a two-way street.
Problematic - the game situation "Crossing the street".

Educator: Emelya, tell me, please, where should you cross the road?
Emelya: Wherever you want.
Educator: Guys, did he answer correctly? So how should it be?
Child: Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember you about the transition!
Underground and above ground,
Know that only transition
Will save you from cars!
Educator: Right! Can I play on the roadway?
Emelya: Yes, you can hit the ball when there are no cars, there is a lot of space, the road is wide!
Educator: Do you guys agree with Emelya?
Child: Whatever it was, my friend,
You have misfortunes
Don't you ever play
On the roadway!
Educator: To keep order on the street, all pedestrians must follow certain rules:
(showing the corresponding slides on the screen)
* Walk calmly, do not run;
* Stick to right side;
* The carriageway of the street can be crossed only in special places, where there is a traffic light or crosswalk and only on a green traffic light;
* Small children cross the road only with adults.
Girl: There are many dangers on the street. You have to be very careful. I suggest you, Emelya, to play the game "Colored palms"
- If I raise my red palm, you need to stand and clap your hands.
- If yellow - walk in place.
- If green - you need to move, go forward.
E performs the exercise while grinding, sometimes makes mistakes, the children correct it.
Girl: Well done, Emelya, I hope you will be a literate pedestrian.
Educator: We will summarize the rules of the road in the game.

Game "Answer Correctly!"
If yes, then raise your hands up, if not, hands on your knees.
How many of you only go forward where there is a transition?
Who is running ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic light?
Who knows that the red light means "No move"?
Which of you in the carriage was cramped to give way to the old woman?
Who runs out on a slippery road in bad weather?

Emelya: These traffic rules,
Like a multiplication table,
I'll memorize it by heart.
And of course I will be them,
Observe everywhere and everywhere.
Oh guys, I'm so glad I got to your kindergarten. Many useful knowledge received.
- At the pike's command, at my will, appear here a box with souvenirs for the guys!
Emelya gives children reflective stickers.
Well, I'll go to the car service to pick up mine vehicle... Goodbye!

Educator: It is easier for those who know the rules to go and go
We wish goodbye
Happy journey everyone!
Raise their hands up, wave their hands "happy journey".

Scenario of an event on traffic rules for the preparatory group

Theatrical production "We are pedestrians"

author: Kruglyakova Elena Nikolaevna, educator, SOSH 285, Moscow
Material description: this entertainment for older children of preschool age according to the rules of the road. Will help educators organize children's leisure time in the afternoon. Entertainment takes place in the kindergarten hall, senior preschool children show to younger children.

Setting progress:

Children play in the yard (there are strollers, children play ball), the yard is fenced. The boys are playing with the ball, shouting: “come here”, “pass it to me”, “now I will score a goal”, “throw the ball to me”, “I want it too”.
Suddenly the ball flies into the roadway. All the guys come to the road and look at the ball.
1 child
What to do, what to do,
How can we get the ball.
2 child
Let's run fast
Let's grab him and run away.
3 child
No, it’s impossible, because it’s dangerous there,
You can say goodbye to life.
4 child
There the cars go fast
Imperceptibly and will run over.
5 child
Okay you scare me
After all, I am the fastest in the world.
I will run very quickly
And I'll get the ball.
Children try to stop the child, but he runs out onto the road.

Cars whistle, collision hits. The child feeds and does not move. Children come to the roadway, drivers get out of cars.
1 child
What to do, how to be
We need to call an ambulance.
2 child
Who has a phone
Who has a phone.
3 child
Hello, Hello, ambulance
Run here soon
We had an accident
Our kindergarten 1222.
A siren howl sounds. Doctors are running with a stretcher. Resuscitation is started.
The children take turns sighing. The child is put on a stretcher, a siren is howl. The ambulance is leaving.
The traffic police inspector comes.
Traffic police inspector
What happened here guys.
1 child
Trouble happened here
Oh trouble, trouble, trouble.
2 child
Here the child was crushed.
3 child
All cars are damaged
4 child
Our petka ran so fast
He wanted to take his ball
Suddenly from somewhere the car
Appeared buzzed
The brakes screeched.
5 child
We are watching, and Petka is ours
He lies, he does not look at us
Doesn't move his hands
Doesn't move his legs.
6 child
We called the ambulance
She rushed quickly
She put everyone on a stretcher
And she got stuck in the hospital.
Traffic police inspector
Yes, everything is clear - the accident, you are great for calling an ambulance, she took all the victims to the hospital, but the cars also need urgent technical assistance (takes the cars to the "Maintenance" sign). So they figured out on the road, now we went to the hospital to see the victims (they go to the hospital), take away the victims.
Traffic police inspector
Now you know the rules of the road, and I hope you will follow them.
Goodbye, guys.

7. Educational games

8. Educational games

9. Role-playing games


Street layout - a finished model or made from non-traditional material. Complicated in content according to the age of the children.

1. Younger group
Target: teach children to distinguish between carriageway and sidewalk; to form an idea of ​​the purpose of green and red traffic signals.

2. Middle group
Target: reinforce in children the idea that the street is crossed in special places and only at a green traffic light

3. Senior group
Target: to form in children the idea that pedestrians walk only on the sidewalk, streets cross in special places, in accordance with traffic signals, passengers wait for public transport at stops; to acquaint with the purpose of the "safety island".

4. Preparatory group for school
Target: will teach children to observe the following rules of road traffic and behavior on the street: walk only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, keeping to the right, cross the street in the indicated places at the green light of the traffic light, stand in red and yellow light, do not play on the carriageway, road.

"Our street" (senior group)

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of conduct for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions.
2. Consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of traffic lights.
3. Teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibition, prescriptive, informational and directional) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: street layout with houses, crossroads; cars (toys); pedestrian dolls; driver dolls; traffic light (toy); road signs, trees (models).

"City street" (senior group)
Target: to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of vehicles.
Material: street layout; trees; cars; pedestrian dolls; traffic lights; road signs.


1. "Flies, floats, rides"
- A game that in a fun way introduces children to the types of transport: land, air, water.

2. "Road signs"
- The game will introduce children to road signs, traffic control devices and vehicle identification signs. Special attention paid to signs directly related to children - road users.

3. "Road alphabet"
- Do you want to know about traffic signs? Open this collection of games and imagine that you are driving a car. After driving on the roads of all games, you will get acquainted with warning as well as prescriptive signs.

4. "Behind the wheel"
- The game will introduce children to the present and past of domestic transport and teach it to qualify:
city ​​transport
motorcycle transport
special vehicles.

5. "Red, yellow, green"
- The game promotes the study of traffic rules.

6. "Seguin Planks":
"Traffic Laws"
Target: select the liner in accordance with the image, securing the basic concepts


1. "Colored cars" ( younger group)
On the edges of the playground there are children with colored circles in their hands - these are steering wheels. Educator in the center with colored flags. He raises a flag of some color. Children with a circle of the same color run around the site in any direction, hum, turning the circle like a steering wheel. When the checkbox is lowered, everyone returns to their places. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, other children run. You can raise two or three flags at the same time, and then all the cars leave.

2. "Cars" (younger group)
Each child receives a hoop. Children run around the playground, turning the hoops - the rudders to the right and left, trying not to interfere with each other.

3. "Sparrows and the car" ( younger group)
Purpose: To teach children to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place.

4. "Tram" (younger age)
Purpose: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movement in accordance with them.

5. "Traffic light" ( senior and preparatory groups)
Two teams of 12-15 people are lined up in a semicircle, one to the left, the other to the right of the leader. In the hands of the head of the traffic light - two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, the other side of the circles is different (red or green).
The leader reminds the children of how important it is to follow the traffic rules on the street, to cross it only in the established places where the sign is "crossing", first look to the left to make sure that there is no car nearby, and where the traffic light is installed, carefully follow it ... He reads the children poems by S. Mikhalkov. The guys suggest missing words in chorus.

If the light turns red
So, to move ... .. (dangerous).
Green light says:
"Come on, way …… (open)".
Yellow light - warning -
Wait for the signal for .... (movement).
Then the leader explains the rules of the game:
- When I show a green traffic light, everyone is marching in place (you need to start with the left foot), when yellow - they clap their hands, and when red - they stand motionless. The one who confused the signal takes a step back.
Signals should change unexpectedly, at different intervals. The winner is the team that has more participants in place by the end of the game.

6. "We are young motorists"(children of preschool groups)
The traffic police inspector (educator), after checking the children's knowledge of the traffic rules, gives each of them a driver's license.
Having received the rights of a motorist, children of elders and preparatory groups move around the playground, observing the rules of the road:
1. Stick to right-hand traffic
2. Correctly react to traffic signals
3. Allow pedestrians (children junior group with a teacher)

7. "Stop" (senior group)
The participants of the game move in accordance with the words and color signals of the presenter: "Walk together" - a green circle,
"Look, don't yawn" - yellow circle,
"Stop!" - red circle.

1. Vavilova E.N. Teach to run, jump, climb, throw: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 1983.
2. Minskin E.M. Games and entertainment in the extended day group. - M .: Education, 1985.
3. Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. - M .: Education, 1986.


1. "Locomotives" and "cars"
Together with the children, make two intersecting paths from improvised material (highchairs, large modules). On one of them, depicting railway tracks, "little trains" will move, on the other - "cars". The intersection of roads forms a railway crossing. Invite the children to split into two subgroups: first, let the first subgroup - "little trains" - master its own path. To do this, keeping a distance, organize their movement one after another on the railway. To create a good emotional background, select the appropriate background music.
Then have a group of children, depicting cars, master their path. They will move in both directions along the other path. Make sure that the "cars" stick to the right side and do not bump into each other.
After the children of each subgroup have traveled along their route, complicate the game and invite the "trains" and "cars" to move along intersecting paths. Observe the behavior of the children carefully, noting situations in which collisions occurred and situations in which the children gave way to each other.
After stopping the game, analyze together with the children why the "trains" and "cars" sometimes collided, interfered with each other. Discuss with the children how to organize the movement so that everyone is comfortable and safe. After listening to the responses, try to lead the discussion to the conclusion that traffic needs to be regulated. Tell us about the role of a barrier at a railway crossing. You can also mention the semaphore.
After that, continue the game, choosing one or two children who will represent the barrier: raise and lower their hands, thus opening and closing the way for the "cars". Pay their attention to the fact that closing the barrier means stopping the movement of "steam locomotives" trains. In this case, a collision is impossible. If this does happen, analyze with the children which of the participants in the game broke the rules.
A similar training may precede an explanation of the rules of traffic regulation on city streets, where a traffic light works instead of a barrier. This role can be played by one of the participants in the game, who at the right moment raises a red (green, yellow) flag or other object of the corresponding color (cube, cardboard circle).

2. "Games in the yard"
Will invite children to build a house with an arch from bricks. The arch should be large enough for toy cars to drive underneath. Ask the children to place them in front of the arch. The dolls will depict soccer boys or girls playing classics. As soccer ball you can use a ping-pong ball, and "classics" can be depicted using strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time, which change their roles.
At the beginning of the game, boys use puppets to play soccer, and then girls to play "classics". At the same time, one child pushes a toy car through the arch and beeps loudly, while the children quickly remove the dolls from the road and carry them away from the arch.
The plot of the game can be changed: for example, playing children will be warned about the danger by a bunny leaning out of the window of the house.


1. Puppet show "Respect the traffic light"
Characters: Traffic light, Hedgehog, Rooster, Hare, Fox, Pertushka, Dog, Cat

2. Staging "At a forest crossroads"
Characters: Magpie, Teddy Bear, Hare, Frog, Cat, Goat, Doctor Aibolit.

3. Puppet theater "Games in the yard"
Characters: dolls - boys, girls, cars.

4. Country trip game
Characters: road signs.

5. Table theater "Friends of the traffic light"
Characters: Traffic light, animals.

6. Puppet show "At the forest crossroads"
Characters: Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox

7. Stand - a book "The Adventures of Interference-Inept"
Characters: plot drawings depicting road signs.

8. Game-dramatization "Dunno is on our way"
Characters: Dunno, Znayka, Shpuntik, Screw, sentry.

9. Toy Theater "Accident in the Traffic Lights"
Characters: Traffic light, Puss in boots, Bogatyr, Ivanushka, Alyonushka.

1. Zakharova S.N. "Holidays in the children's salo" - Moscow - Vlados - 2000.
2. Karpushina M.Yu. "Logorhythmic lessons in kindergarten"
3. Korchalovskaya N.V., Posevina G.D. "A holiday in kindergarten" - Rostov-on-Don - Phoenix - 2001.
4. Ryabtseva I.Yu., Zhdanova L.F. "Come to us for a holiday" - Yaroslavl - Development Academy - 1999.


1. "Traffic light" ( junior and middle groups)

1. To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the purpose of traffic lights, about its signals.
2. To consolidate the children's idea of ​​color (red, yellow, green).

Material: colored cardboard circles (yellow, green, red); traffic light layout.

2. "Put up a road sign"(senior group )

1.To teach children to distinguish between the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian crossing", "Wild animals" (warning); "Entry prohibited", "Passage closed", "Bicycles prohibited" (prohibiting); "Straight", "Right", "Left", " Circular motion", "Footpath"(prescriptive);" Parking place "," Pedestrian crossing "," Item medical care"," Phone "," Food point "," Gas station "," Service point "(information and guidance);" First aid point "," Gas station "," Phone "," Food point "," Location rest "," Traffic police post "(service signs).
2. To educate attention, skills of orientation in space.

Material: road signs; a playing field with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, a railway crossing, administrative and residential buildings, a parking lot, intersections.

3. "Teremok" (older group)

1. Teach children to distinguish between road signs for drivers (cyclists) and pedestrians.
2. Consolidate the knowledge of children about warning signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Dangerous turn"; prohibition signs: "Entry prohibited (for cyclist, driver)", "Bicycles prohibited", "Passage closed"; prescriptive signs: "Mandatory direction of travel", "Straight ahead", "Right", "Left", "Roundabout", " Bicycle lane"; information and direction signs:" Parking place "," Pedestrian crossing "; service signs:" First aid station "," Telephone "," Food point "," Gas station "," Car maintenance ".
3. To educate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.

Material: cardboard circles with the image of road signs; paper envelope with a window cut out in it; wand.

4. "Guess which sign"(senior group )

1. Teach children to distinguish road signs.
2. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.
3. To foster the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Material: cubes with road signs pasted on them: warning, prohibiting, information and direction signs and service signs.

5. "Types of intersections"(senior group )

1. To acquaint children with the types of intersections.
2. Teach the rules of crossing the street.
3. Develop attention and observation.

Material: large and small paper cards depicting street intersections.



1. Mnemonic tables
"Road signs - best friends drivers and pedestrians "

1 - the shape of the sign in the form of a geometric figure (triangle, circle, square)
2 - color (red, blue)
3 - type of sign (P - warning, Z - prohibiting, U - indicative)
4 - drawing (children, bicycle, man, "zebra", etc.)
5 - figurine of a man (his actions)
6 - transport

2. Llull's ring
On the outer circle - symbols of road signs, on the inner - the image of a child, a car.

3. Morphological path(The child's actions in accordance with the traffic rules)

1- traffic light color (red, green, yellow)
2 - signal - verbal ("Stop!", "Attention!", "Go!")
3 - symbols - signals (circle - exclamation mark - straight line)


Game "Pedestrians and Drivers"
Game progress:
Some of the guys represent pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass the chauffeur test and receive the vehicle. Guys - the drivers go to the table where the "traffic police commission" is located and take the exam. Pedestrians head to the toy store to shop. Then, with dolls and carriages, they go to the crossroads. The commission asks questions to drivers:
- What kind of light can cars move?
- On what light is it forbidden to move?
- What is a carriageway?
- What is the sidewalk?
- Name the signs ("pedestrian crossing", "children", etc.)
Those who passed the exam receive certificates (green circle) and coupons; members of the commission congratulates them. Drivers go to the parking lot, get into them and drive to the regulated intersection. Pedestrians from the store also go to this intersection. At the crossroads:
- Attention! The movement along the streets will now begin. Watch the traffic light, (the traffic light is connected, cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Signals change.)
the game continues until all the children learn the rules of the movement.

Competition game
Children who were drivers in the previous game become pedestrians, and pedestrians become drivers. The drivers are divided into two teams of 5 people each and line up in a column at the "Start" line on both sides of the intersection at a distance of 15 m from it. Each team is awarded a wand.
Game progress:
Participants in the game must pass the intersection at a green traffic light and a corresponding gesture from the traffic controller, answer the questions of the UID and return to the place without receiving a single puncture in the ticket.
At the signal, the teams start the competition. The first team members move towards each other. At 10 meters from the crossroads, they are met by a young traffic inspector and offered to take a road sign indicating "Pedestrian crossing".
The inspector is holding a set of road signs. The driver takes the required sign and continues through the intersection in accordance with the traffic signal. After the intersection, he makes a U-turn and returns to his team, passing the baton to the next participant in the game, and he himself stands at the end of the team.
The second participant of the game must choose the "Passage" sign from the inspector and drive through the intersection in accordance with the traffic controller's baton. The third driver selects the “Children” sign and drives through the intersection at traffic signals.
Then the tasks are repeated or, if desired, can be replaced with riddles (set by the young traffic inspector at stops).
During the game, a young traffic inspector, traffic controller, traffic police post monitor the actions of drivers and pedestrians. For each violation, the driver receives a ticket puncture. At the end of the game, the teams present a set of signs and coupons, where violations in the form of punctures are noted. The commission counts the violations and determines the winners. This also takes into account which team finished the competition earlier. The game ends with analysis of mistakes and awarding of winners. All participants will be given a reminder or badge.

Stop - Go game

Preparing for the game:Children players are located on one side of the room, and the driver with a pedestrian traffic light in his hands is on the other.
Rules of the game: Players at the traffic light "Go" begin to move towards the driver. At the signal "Stop" they freeze. At the signal "Go" I continue to move. The one who first reaches the driver wins and takes his place. Players can move by jogging or in small rooms with "midgets", moving their legs to the length of the feet, heel to toe.

Game "Our friend sentry"

Take a look: the sentry
Got up on our pavement
He quickly stretched out his hand,
Deftly waved his wand.
Have you seen? Have you seen?
All the cars stopped at once.
Amicably stood in three rows
And they don't go anywhere.
The people are not worried
Walking across the street.
And stands on the pavement
Like a sentry wizard.
All cars to one
Submit to him.
(Y. Pishumov)

Preparing for the game: Explain why and when a traffic cop is needed. Consider in the pictures the designations of the traffic controller's gestures (which gesture, which traffic signal corresponds to).
Rules of the game: Leading guard. Children players are divided into pedestrians and drivers. At the gesture of the traffic controller, drivers and pedestrians walk (drive) or stop. Initially, the teacher takes on the role of a guard. Then, when the children have mastered the traffic signaling gestures, they can take turns in this role.

Find a Safe Path
Preparing for the game:Depending on the age of the children, the teacher tells or asks the children:
- Is it possible to cross the street everywhere?
- What signs indicate that it is allowed to cross the street in this place?
- Where and why should you look at the beginning of the street crossing?
- Where and why should you look in the middle of the street along which cars travel in two directions?
- What does a pedestrian crossing sign look like and what does it warn about?
- Why did you draw a "zebra" on the road?

Game "Where is my place?"
Preparing for the game:Road construction, placement of warnings on the road (school, cafeteria, road repairs, etc.) corresponding to the studied traffic signs.
Rules of the game: The task of the players is to replace the verbal warnings with the necessary signs. The game can be played in two ways.
1. One player places signs, the rest evaluate the correctness.
2. Two players compete, who will place the signs faster and more correctly.

Confusion game
Preparing to play: The teacher constructs the road in advance and places the signs incorrectly (near the "Zebra" there is a "Slippery Road" sign, etc.) Then he tells the children a story about how evil spirits decided to make a mess in the city, I ask for help to fix the situation.
Rules of the game: Children, having turned into good wizards, place signs correctly. Explain what they are doing.

Road exam game
Preparing for the game:Road construction and sign placement.
Rules of the game : A student child driver who is taking an exam for the right to drive a car. He "drives" along the road and, seeing this or that sign, explains what he must do. For example: there is a slippery road ahead. Slowing down, driving carefully, not overtaking other cars.

Run the Assignment Game
Preparing to play: Construction of the road and the placement of the studied signs.
Rules of the game: Children from the "dispatcher" (educator) are given an assignment to go, for example, to a hospital. The child goes and comes back. Then he receives two tasks at once: "Go to the railway crossing, then eat." The child must complete the tasks in a given sequence. Gradually, the number of orders given at the same time is increasing.

Game "Turns"
Preparing to play:
Children are lined up facing the teacher. If the game is played by a subgroup of 6 people, the children are given steering wheels. The teacher has signs: "Direct movement", "Right movement", "Left movement".
Rules of the game : If the teacher shows the "Move straight" sign, then the children take one step forward, if the "Move to the right" sign - the children, imitating the steering wheel turn, turn right, if the "Move left" sign - the children, imitating the steering wheel turn, turn left.

Game "How to get there?"
Preparing to play: Construction of a road using the signs "Straight ahead", "Traffic to the right", "Traffic to the left". The points of departure and destination are marked.
Rules of the game : Children (one to three) must drive correctly to their destination. The winner is the one who did it faster, without breaking traffic rules.

Guess the Sign game
Preparing for the game:All the studied signs are placed at a distance from each other.
Rules of the game : The teacher reads out a verbal description of what this or that sign means. Children must run to the correct sign. Children who have chosen the correct sign receive a token. At the end of the game, who has the number of tokens is counted and the winners are determined.



Role-playing game "Pedestrians"

Informational part.Tell children:

  • the responsibilities of pedestrians;
  • about where you are allowed to walk;
  • about the rules of passage in the established places;
  • about what is prohibited for pedestrians;
  • on the classification of road signs (warning, prohibiting, information and guidance, etc.)


  • A set of road signs, footpaths;
  • Capes denoting different kinds transport;
  • Illustrations on road signs

Creating a problem situation

  • Children went on a city tour
    The task of the children: choose a safe path, follow traffic rules.
  • What happens if there are no road signs
    The task of the children: remember the meaning of road signs

Role-playing game "Passengers"

Informational part. Tell children:

  • on the rules of conduct in public transport and the obligations of passengers;
  • about where to wait for the vehicle before boarding;
  • rules of conduct in a passenger car;
  • to acquaint with the profession of a conductor


  • Conductor's hat,
  • Stop signs

Creating a problem situation

  • The children were invited to the museum.
    The task of the children: pick up safe way movement.

Role-playing game "Rescue Services"

Information part

  • Tell children about road accidents and their causes:
  • movement and crossing of the road in unidentified places;
  • weather;
  • unexpected exit of pedestrians on the roadway;
  • transition to a prohibiting traffic light sign;
  • games in unidentified locations.
  • Introduce special vehicles and their distinctive features (blue, red or orange flashing beacons, special sound signals)


  • Set of road signs,
  • walking paths;
  • Capes indicating various types of conventional and special transport;
  • Illustrations special transport

Creating a problem situation

  • A fire truck is on a call
    The task of the children: organize the movement of other transport

"ABC of Security"

Theatrical play performance

according to the rules of the road.






There is an intersection on the platform made of soft cubes, on it signs or road signs are the simplest ones that children need to remember.

The phonogram sounds at the beginning of the event, the Presenter appears on the site.

LEADING: Hello dear guys! I am very glad to meet you. Today we will talk to you ... Do you know what rules are? ( if the guys find it difficult - help: spelling rules, etiquette rules, rules of conduct and lead to traffic rules.) That's right, we'll talk about traffic rules!

Nyusha runs in breathless. Phonogram

NYUSHA: Fu, barely escaped. And where did this policeman come from? Well, think about it? Well, she walked at a red light, well, she didn't - well, she ran. Guys, I almost got hit by a car. But you didn't hit, didn't hit, didn't hit! She was frightened herself, and then the whistle ...

The Boy and Krosh come out onto the platform. Phonogram

BOY: Nyusha! So was that you?

NYUSHA: No, it's not me.


NYUSHA: I was not there, at the crossroads, near the kiosk.

BOY: So the red light too ...

NYUSHA: It was not me who crossed the road at a red light.

TOGETHER Transited ?!

NYUSHA: Well, you think I ran across ...

LEADING: Nyusha, is it true?

NYUSHA: Well, not that ... Well, yes.

LEADING: Clear! Nyusha, do you know the rules of the road?

NYUSHA: Which rules? I know the makeup rules! And I don't know anything about your movement!

LEADING: Do you guys know? (guys answer) Do you know? (turns to Krosh and the boy) And if you don't know the traffic rules, where should I go, guys? To the store? No ... To the hospital? ... No. To pharmacy ? To the police? What service? Traffic police? And who knows how it stands? State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Right! They will help you, tell you how

to enter, to teach children the rules of the road. So, now I will tell you, Nyusha, what the traffic rules are. And the guys and Krosh will help me with this! Deal? ( guys answer).

NYUSHA: Rules, so rules! Start, teach!

LEADING: I will now, I will tell, and the guys will repeat. And you, Nyusha, also repeat and remember.

We know the traffic rules,

Like a multiplication table!

Children repeat.

BOY: One, two, three, repeat quickly!

All traffic signals

Submitting without dispute?

Children repeat.

BOY: One, two, three, repeat quickly!

Red light is like a ban to us

Says: "There is no road!"

Children repeat.

LEADING: One, two, three, repeat quickly!

Yellow light - warning:

Prepare to move

Children repeat.

CROSS: One, two, three, repeat quickly!

Light green says:

“Come in? The way is open "

Children repeat.

LEADING: Do you know why a traffic light is called a traffic light? This word consists of two parts: "Light" and "For"? "Light" - everyone understands? And "for" comes from the Greek word "foros", which means carrier. And all together "Traffic Light" - carrying light. Light of different colors. Which ones? Correct: red, yellow, green.

The children answer, and Nyusha also answers.

NYUSHA: I was the first to say what colors the traffic lights are!

CROSS: You broke the rules first!

LEADING: Don't argue, that's why we are talking today about the rules of the road. Who knows - will repeat, and who does not know - will remember.

BOY: Right. And here are some beautiful signs I drew. (takes out the signs)

LEADING: Can you tell us what each sign means?

CROSS: We can, if the guys help us.

LEADING: And I will give out a sweet prize to those guys who will answer correctly.

NYUSHA: I will answer everything correctly. Give me all the prizes.

LEADING: And you, Nyusha, already know the rules of the road so well?


LEADING: Well, now let's check it out. Please tell me how to cross the street?

NYUSHA: I know! The road should not be crossed, but quickly - quickly run across.

LEADING: Guys, did she answer correctly? So how should it be?

The host listens to the answers and distributes caramels.

LEADING: But the second question is how to get around the bus: in front or behind?

NYUSHA: Why go around it? You can jump over. Better yet, get between the wheels.

LEADING: Guys, let's help Nyusha. She was completely confused. (Children answer) Now tell me - is it possible to play on the pavement.

NYUSHA: I will answer. I'm the smartest. You can play on the pavement, but depending on what. You can't play chess.

BOY: Why?

NYUSHA: Because cars knock all figures, but you can hit the ball!

LEADING: Do you guys agree with Nyusha? (Guys answer).

There are many road rules in the world,

All would not hurt to learn them!

But the main rule of motion

Know how the multiplication table should be:

You can't not play on the pavement, not ride,

If you want to stay healthy.

BOY: Road signs are our friends

I drew for you, I hope, not in vain!

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember you about the transition!

Underground, above ground (shows the SIGN "Pedestrian crossing")

Looks like a zebra!

Know that only transition

Will save you from cars.

CROSS: I want to ask about the sign

A sign is drawn - like this (shows SIGN)

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can.

What is this sign? ( Presenter hands over caramel)

LEADING: We walked home from school

We see a sign above the pavement: (shows SIGN)

There is nothing else.

What is this sign? ( handed a caramel)

CROSS: Why would it suddenly

Arrows stood together in a circle? (shows the sign "Roundabout")

And cars one after another

Do they rush in a fun circle?

What is it really

Like we're on a carousel.

What is this sign? (Caramel is handed over)

NYUSHA: That's a sign! I can't believe my eyes:

What's the battery here for?

Does movement help

Steam heating?

May be a blizzard winter

Do the drivers need to warm up here?

Why, in the summer heat

The sign was not removed from the pavement?

(Sign "Railway crossing with a barrier)

BOY: It turned out that this sign says to the driver as follows:

Here is a barrier - crossing, wait - there is an express!

LEADING: A person is drawn. Is a man digging the earth?

Why is there no way? (Shows the Road Works SIGN)

NYUSHA: Maybe they are looking for treasure here?

And are there old coins in a big chest?

Them here, probably old

Hid a very greedy king

LEADING: What are you, what are you! Guys, what does this sign mean? Right! Here - road works!

I am very pleased that you know the road signs well.

LEADING: Now we are going to play the game "This is me, these are all my friends!" I will ask you questions, and if you do this on the street or in public transport, you will answer me loudly “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends! " And if you don't, then keep quiet. Deal? And you say, what do the signs mean?

A game is held - a chant: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

1. Which one of you is giving way to the elders in a cramped carriage?

2. How many of you are walking home and walking along the pavement?

3. How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

4. Who walks across the street without noticing the crossing?

5. Who is flying ahead so quickly that he does not see the traffic light?

6. Who knows that the red light means: no move?

7. Who knows that the green light means: the way is open?

8. And who didn’t think football was driving on the pavement with his head?

9. Who knows the rules of the road and always observes them?

ALL: "It's me! It's me! These are all my friends! "

BOY: Well, did Nyusha remember anything ?!

NYUSHA: I remembered. I will try to never break traffic rules again.

CROSS: On the face are clear signs of correction. I invite Nyusha and all the guys to watch the "ABC of Safety from Smeshariki" to consolidate the material.

LEADING: Ok guys! We are watching the "ABC of Security".

After watching cartoons, all participants line up in front of the audience

LEADING: Did you like the cartoons, and do you remember the rules? Then,

Remember, children, useful tips,

You need to know the traffic rules


Sounds music, guests disperse

Reader. We want to show you a wonderful fairy tale.

Whoever remembers this tale will not forget.

Policeman. Of course, you need to be careful not on the road!

Reader. The policeman spoke, his uncle is very strict.

You have known the heroes of our tale for a long time.

You have met them in cartoons, you have seen them in movies.

A parent dressed as a dog runs after the raven children.

Reader. It's a dog. Shaggy friend on the road straight

He runs, chasing crows, with his tongue sticking out.

And in the distance the car rushes, and its signal buzzes.

It's good that the dog heard and ran away from the road.

Parents dressed as kittens ride each other in a car.

Reader. Vaska the cat and the cat Matroskin decided to roll the ball.

He drove up to the car ... The ball was gone, but they at least cry

Policeman. You will remember, kittens, if you want to play.

Do not go to the road, you need to roll in the yard.

Reader. The piglet went out for a walk together with the cockerel.

They urgently need to go to the store for milk.

And rushed, without thinking, across the street forward ...

But the stern uncle called out:

A policeman points to a pedestrian crossing.

Policeman. Look for "zebra", brothers, crosswalk.

Everyone can go forward only where the transition is.

Reader. Chickens came running here, naughty guys.

Scattered, who where. Apparently, trouble awaits the chickens.

A policeman points to a traffic light.

Policeman. Naughty chickens, what are you racing, who is faster.

Pay attention to the traffic light, but hurry up. As soon as the red light comes on, it means that you have no passage!

Pointing with a wand, he speaks sternly.

Policeman. Both guys and animals should know the rules.

These rules, guys, are so necessary in your life.

The parents who participated in the production come out and sing a song

Song "If you went with a friend"

Sl. Byakova O. N.

Moose. Shainsky V.

1. If you went with a friend, if you went with a friend,

The road is more cheerful.

Do not forget to talk, do not forget to talk -

There are many different rules.

Don't walk on the pavement, 2 times.

When you go to your home.

2. If you met a friend, if you met a friend,

Want to talk.

Now hurry to the sidewalk, then hurry to the sidewalk

To wait for him.

Chorus: Let it snow, let it be hot

Wait at the red light, 2 times.

You will come home healthy.

3. You go to the forest for mushrooms, you go to the forest for mushrooms

Or fishing.

Go along the curb, go along the curb,

The driver does not mind.

Chorus: Let it snow, let it be hot

Take the rules with you, 2 times.

We can be proud of you.

Leading. Do you like our song? That's good. Our journey continues, but we are turning from pedestrians to drivers. Take the steering wheel. Remember the rules of the traffic light and went to a forest clearing.

The game "Cars and Traffic Lights" is being held

Children ride to music, drive, perform actions on a signal

policeman: There is a yellow light on the signal - ready. They stand at a red light. They drive on the green light.

Policeman. Be careful looking at my signals.

Red light - no way.

Yellow light - be ready for the journey.

And the green light is katie.

Irga is repeated 2-3 times.

Leading. We drove, drove and arrived in the woods. And there people are already resting.

Adults dance on the stage the "Dangerous Games" dance.

Policeman. Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules.

The rules must always be remembered

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Leading. Do you guys remember all the rules? Well, then, by car, we are going to the bus and to the kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? Then the comrade policeman brought us traffic lights. If you liked the lesson, then take a funny traffic light and giveparents, and if not, then sad. And the policeman brought us posters,

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