Rule of the bike path. Road sign "Bicycle path

Each of us knows what bike paths are, what they are for and what they look like. But this is only a small part of what we still need to know. The bike path is an independent element that is part of the road infrastructure and is intended exclusively for riding. Cars have nothing to do here, you can pay a fine for going to the bike path. The bike path is the territory of bike owners legally.

Types of paths for cyclists

Bicycle lanes provide more comfortable, faster and safer travel for cyclists

The number of cyclists is growing, developing and the government cannot ignore such changes, so separate places for cycling are slowly but regularly appearing. Such road elements exist in three options, each of which is worthy of attention.

Dedicated lane on the road

In this case, a separate section of the road is allocated for the track, which is separated from the carriageway. On the one hand, a section of the road for cyclists is separated by a curb, and on the other hand there is a continuous line of road markings. The presence of such an element of road infrastructure is evidenced by the corresponding traffic rules sign with the image of a bicycle. Crossing this line is prohibited for motorists and motorcyclists.

This type of bike path has a number of advantages:

  • , when compared with the forced movement on a common road;
  • the presence of a clear priority during the direct passage through the intersection;
  • a decrease in the number of parked vehicles, since it is forbidden to leave a car and a motorcycle on this section of the road.

True, not all drivers respect this rule and pay attention to the corresponding sign, thus blocking the path of the cyclist. In this case, the bicycle owner is forced to continue his movement along the roadway, violating traffic rules and endangering his life. If this situation arises, keep to the right as far as possible, giving way to cyclists who strive to overtake. If you need to pass an intersection, you can turn in two directions: straight and right. This applies even to two-lane roads. All the time you need to monitor the traffic situation, fixing every sign and traffic light.

A cycle path of this type is not, because it cannot provide adequate safety during movement. The use of such tracks is more suitable as an intermediate option, but not the main one. Although the appearance of such elements on Russian roads is already a great achievement.

The sign to identify such an element is placed directly above the track. At the same time, one more sign is also needed, which warns of the presence of an additional lane (8.14).

Bicycle path

This concept means a combined zone where pedestrians and cyclists can move. Such elements are most often found in Russian cities, becoming familiar to each of us. For the city authorities, this option is the most budgetary, it becomes more relaxed and safe for cyclists to ride, although there is a certain amount of deception and blurring of the eyes.

A cyclist is equated to a pedestrian, although he is a full-fledged participant traffic and a bicycle is considered a vehicle. But what is the point of shuddering in vain if these are the realities of our life, and positive trends in our country are extremely rare.

The placement of such bike paths is carried out along the main tourist routes, which for the most part fall on the central parts of cities. These include:

  • embankments;
  • streets where there is no traffic;
  • territory of city parks;
  • wide pedestrian zones;
  • parts of the city in which the creation of a separate cycle lane or path for cyclists is not possible.

Such a combined cycle path has two main advantages:

  • absolute isolation of the cyclist from cars;
  • the ability to move at a calm pace, without the need to control the situation on the main road.

But there are many more disadvantages:

  • the presence of a large number of pedestrians, whose movement is often chaotic;
  • inability to move quickly;
  • limited track width;
  • difficulty passing when an oncoming cyclist appears.

Even if there is a corresponding sign on such a combined path, pedestrians rarely pay attention to it and consider themselves full owners of this territory. Therefore, in a section that is intended exclusively for cyclists, there are often enough people who make it difficult to ride.

Separate path for cycling

So we got to the ideal option, which, unfortunately, is extremely rare. In this category, there is a separate full-fledged path, on which only bicycle owners can move. It is laid separately from the carriageway and crowded sidewalks, fenced on both sides with curbs, has sufficient width for a trouble-free passage of two cyclists.

There are two options for organizing such an element: adjoining a highway or a separate laying. The first option is resorted to if the track will be located on a city street with a carriageway. The second option is only suitable in the case of transfers between microdistricts or tourist routes. Such a blessing of civilization is not yet available to Russians, but projects are already being created, all that remains is to wait and stubbornly believe in a brighter future for cyclists.

Out of habit, we will analyze such bicycle paths.

  • complete isolation from other road users;
  • high comfort and safety of movement;
  • freedom of choice of speed.

The only significant drawback that is characteristic of this type of road is associated with the prohibition of movement on the main road if there is a specially designated place for cyclists. But cars, motorcycles and other vehicles other than bicycles are also prohibited from driving on this road. Pedestrians are allowed to use this element of the road infrastructure only if there are no special paths or sidewalks for their movement.

Unusual bike paths of the world

The scope of the use of solar energy is constantly growing, so the matter has come to bicycle paths. A Polish company has developed a project for a luminous bike path that runs on solar energy. The coating has the ability to be charged from the sun and accumulate this energy, and at night spend it on lighting. The accumulated energy is enough for lighting for 10 hours. Riding along such a path is not only safe even at night, but interesting and unusual.

In continuation of the theme of luminous bike paths, it is worth mentioning the Netherlands with their city of Eindhoven. One of the bike paths begins to glow with beautiful, swirling patterns as darkness falls. This technology is based on the use of several thousand phosphorescent, very small pebbles. During the day they absorb solar energy and at night they emit a soft light.

The government of London in an unusual way solved the problem with abandoned underpasses, wishing to turn them into full-fledged bike paths. The coverage at these facilities will be special: every movement of a cyclist and a pedestrian will be transformed into electricity.

The rating of the most unusual paths will be closed by a bike path that passes through the lake. Such an unusual project was implemented in Belgium. The bridge, which is also a road for cyclists, runs through a small local pond. The unusual design lies in the fact that the bridge is not located above the water, but simply runs through it. The water level is at the eye level of pedestrians and cyclists, which causes unusual sensations.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

At the beginning of spring 2014, the next changes were published, which come into force April 8, 2014. I want to say right away that the number of changes is quite large and they affect almost all road users.

That is why today I am starting a new series of articles "Changes in traffic rules in April 2014". The first article in the series will consider: the changed section of the basic concepts (the concepts of a bicycle, moped, pedestrian, etc.), the need to have a license for a scooter, traffic features and stopping on lanes for two-wheeled Vehicle.

As you most likely guessed, most of the traffic rules changes of April 8 are aimed at introducing new ones. However, we will talk about the cyclists themselves in the next article. Today, first of all, the updated rules for drivers of motor vehicles and pedestrians will be considered.

I emphasize once again that the changes in question affect almost all road users, so do not lose sight of them.

Bicycle concept

Consider the updated concept of "bike":

"Bicycle" means a vehicle other than wheelchairs, having two wheels or more and set in motion by the muscular power of the people on it.

"Bicycle" means a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, which has at least two wheels and is generally propelled by the muscular energy of the occupants of the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and may also have an electric motor of rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically shutting off at speeds over 25 km/h.

A "cyclist" is a person who rides a bicycle.

Please note, starting April 8, 2014 a bike may have a small power motor (up to 0.25 kW) with maximum speed 25 km/h.

I note that in practice I once had to communicate with the owner of a bicycle with an electric motor. He claimed that the engine accelerates the bike up to 40 km / h. In accordance with the updated traffic rules (and with the old ones too), such a vehicle is a moped, but this will be discussed below.

Again. In the new rules, the bicycle is propelled either by the cyclist's muscular energy or by a small engine.

I'll jump ahead a little and say that in the next article in the series we will discuss situations in which cyclists can ride on sidewalks (from April 8 this will be possible). So, if electric bicycles begin to "dissect" massively along the sidewalks at a speed of 25 km / h, then you will not envy pedestrians.

Cycle path and lane for cyclists

Two new concepts are introduced into the rules of the road: a cycle path and a lane for cyclists:

"Bicycle lane"- a road element (or a separate road) structurally separated from the carriageway and sidewalk, intended for the movement of cyclists and marked with the sign 4.4.1.

"Lane for cyclists" - a lane of the roadway intended for the movement of cyclists and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with a sign 4.4.1 in combination with a plate 8.14 located above the lane.

Bicycle lane marked with sign 4.4.1:

Cyclist lane is indicated by a combination of characters 8.14 and 4.4.1:

Please note that the bike path is separated from the carriageway and pavement structurally, for example, by a curb or fence. While the lane for cyclists is located directly on the roadway, and its boundaries are marked with markings.

The cycle path is intended only for the movement of bicycles, and along the cycle lane, in addition to bicycles, mopeds can also move.

In general, the concepts are similar. If you didn’t manage to understand the differences the first time, then I recommend re-reading the above paragraph.

Another similar concept is cycle path:

"Pedestrian and bicycle path (bicycle path)" - a road element (or a separate road) structurally separated from the carriageway, intended for separate or joint movement of cyclists with pedestrians and indicated by signs 4.5.2 - 4.5.7.

The cycle path is structurally separated from the carriageway. In fact, this is the same bike path, along which, in addition to bicycles, pedestrians can also move.

There are 2 types of bike paths:

  • with combined movement;
  • with separation of motion.

On the bike footpath with combined traffic, cyclists and pedestrians move mixed. The beginning of such a track is indicated by the sign 4.5.2, and the end by the sign 4.5.3:

On a cycle path with traffic separation, the flows of cyclists and pedestrians are separated from each other by markings or constructively. The beginning of such a track is indicated by the sign 4.5.4 or 4.5.5, the end - by the sign 4.5.6 or 4.5.7:

Pedestrian, footpath, sidewalk

"Pedestrian" - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians.

"Pedestrian" - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road or on a pedestrian or cycle path and does not work on them. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair, as well as using roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement are equated to pedestrians.

Since April 8, 2014, the rules have clearly defined the status of people who use roller skates (rollers). Now rollerbladers are officially pedestrians, i.e. they cannot move on the roadway along with cars. Rollers must move along sidewalks and footpaths, they can cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

Most likely, this change is unpleasant for the skaters themselves, because, according to my observations, many of them like to ride on the roadway, where the quality of the asphalt is much higher.

"Pedestrian path" - a strip of land equipped or adapted for the movement of pedestrians or the surface of an artificial structure, marked with sign 4.5.1.

"Pedestrian zone" - a territory intended for the movement of pedestrians, the beginning and end of which are marked respectively by signs 5.33 and 5.34.

Footpath and pedestrian zone are for pedestrian traffic only.

Footpath marked with sign 4.5.1:

Pedestrian zone- signs 5.33 and 5.34:

"Pavement" - an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn.

"Pavement" - an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or cycle path or separated from them by a lawn.

Another element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic is sidewalk. Starting from April 8, 2014, the sidewalk can adjoin not only the carriageway, but also the bike path.

Moped and moped rights

The concept has also changed significantly. moped. Now a moped (scooter) is considered motor vehicle:

"Power-driven vehicle" means a vehicle, other than a moped, which is propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Power-driven vehicle" means a vehicle propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped" - a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of not more than 50 cubic meters. cm and having a maximum design speed of not more than 50 km / h. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokikis and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equated to mopeds.

"Moped" - a two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, which has an internal combustion engine with a working volume not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode of more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW.

Please note that now vehicles with an electric motor with a power of 0.25 kW to 4 kW are also equated to mopeds.

I emphasize once again that mopeds are now mechanical vehicles.

Let me remind you that since November 8, 2013, Russia has introduced. In addition, since April 1, 2014, containing the category M.

In this regard, starting from April 8, 2014, scooter drivers must carry a driver's license:

2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle must:

driver's license or temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category;

Those. starting April 8, 2014, for driving a moped or scooter without a license, the driver can receive a fine. The amount of the fine is 5,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Paragraph 2.1.1 of the SDA has been amended as follows:

2.1.1. Have with you and, at the request of the police officers, hand them over for verification:

registration documents for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - for the trailer;

2.1.1. Have with you and, at the request of the police officers, hand them over for verification:

registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds);

Thus, moped drivers should present only rights to traffic police officers. They are not required to submit registration documents. I note that although scooters and mopeds are now mechanical vehicles, they do not need to be registered with the traffic police:

1. Power-driven vehicles (except mopeds) and trailers must be registered with the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, during the period of validity of the registration plate "Transit" or 10 days after their acquisition or customs clearance.

2. On motor vehicles (except for mopeds, trams and trolleybuses) and trailers, registration plates of the appropriate type must be installed in the places provided for this, and on cars and buses, in addition, a license card is placed in the lower right corner of the windshield in established cases. .

Numbers for scooters and mopeds are also not provided.

Pedestrians on bike paths

4.1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

4.1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks, footpaths, cycle paths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths, cycle paths or verges, as well as if it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

The updated paragraph 4.1 of the rules puts cycle paths on a par with sidewalks and footpaths. Pedestrians must follow them. And only if there is neither a pedestrian path, nor a bicycle path, nor a sidewalk, nor a curb nearby, pedestrians can enter the bicycle path or the roadway.

Vehicle driving in a cyclist lane

The updated paragraph 9.9 prohibits motor vehicles (except mopeds) from driving in the cycle lane:

9.9. The movement of vehicles on dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths is prohibited (except as specified in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 of the Rules). The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

9.9. It is prohibited to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 - 24.4, 24.7, 25.2 of the Rules), as well as the movement of motor vehicles (except for mopeds) along lanes for cyclists. The movement of motor vehicles on bicycle and bicycle paths is prohibited. The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

With regard to bicycle and bicycle paths, the movement of all motor vehicles (including mopeds) is prohibited on them.

Let me summarize once again for drivers of mopeds and scooters:

  • you can ride on cycle lanes;
  • Cycling and cycling paths are not allowed.

Stop in a cyclist lane

The updated paragraph 12.4 of the SDA prohibits stopping on the lane for cyclists:

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

in the cyclist lane.

Such a violation will entail.

Give way to cyclists

Well, at the end of this article, I want to consider, in my opinion, the most controversial rule change:

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway on which he is turning, as well as to cyclists crossing it along the cycle path.

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the carriageway onto which he is turning.

Please note that drivers are now required to when turning at the crossroads give way not only for pedestrians, but also cyclists. It does not matter whether the cyclist rides on the bike path or not, whether he drives off the sidewalk, whether he rides a red traffic light, whether he rides on pedestrian crossing. If an accident occurs in any of the above cases, then one of the culprits will be the driver of the car.

I recommend all drivers from April 8, 2014 to apply Special attention for turns at intersections. After all, the situation is aggravated by the fact that a cyclist can move at a speed of 25-30 km / h (5-6 times faster than a pedestrian). And if pedestrians happen to appear on the road unexpectedly, then what can we say about cyclists.

Let's take a look at the changes in the rules of the road discussed today:

1. Bicycles now not only vehicles driven by muscle power are considered, but also those with an electric motor with a power of up to 0.25 kW. For the movement of cyclists, bicycle lanes, cycle paths, cycle paths are introduced. The first ones are separated from the road by markings, the second and third - constructively.

2. K pedestrians now also include rollers. In addition to traditional sidewalks, pedestrian zones and footpaths, pedestrians can also move along cycle paths.

3. Mopeds and scooters since April 8 are mechanical vehicles. The moped driver is required to have a driver's license and present it at the request of the traffic police officer. Mopeds do not require registration and license plates.

4. Drivers traffic on cycle lanes, bicycle and bicycle paths is prohibited. Stopping in cycle lanes is also prohibited. In addition, drivers are required to give way to cyclists when turning at intersections.

Adding a comment

The bicycle is considered by citizens as a fully-fledged means of transportation in the city. The traffic rules reflect the main points of the correct behavior of cyclists, the sign "Bicycle path" is presented.

A bicycle is considered a vehicle that is driven by a person himself or by a low-power electric motor with a limited maximum speed. However, this vehicle is subject to the rules, like all others.


On many sections of the road there is space for people using a bicycle - a cycle path. Visually this is reported by the sign "Bicycle" 4.4.1.

Where it is necessary to cross a regular road with cars, a sign "Intersection with a bicycle path" (1.24) is put up. Seeing such a sign, the cyclist must slow down and make sure that there are no cars. Only then can you continue on your way. A bicycle in a triangle with a red frame - this is what it looks like.

There is a variety - a cycle path - pedestrians and cyclists can go along it. This option is indicated by the sign 4.5.2 - 4.5.7.

If there is no separate track, a carriageway lane is allocated for two-wheeled vehicles. It is separated by markings and sign 5.14.2.

The sign "Bicycle in a red circle" - a prohibition to move on this section of the road. Seeing such a picture, you should dismount, or go on a detour.

On the left is sign 4.4.1 - on the right is sign 3.9 “Biking is prohibited”

Behavior of a cyclist on a special track

The movement is carried out according to traffic rules - from it should be studied and familiarized with children.

traffic lights

To regulate the movement of bicycles, a traffic light with a silhouette of a bicycle is placed.

Sometimes they put a special traffic light - a smaller one with a sign (a bicycle drawn with a black outline on a white background, 20x20 cm). For adjustment, a signal with a silhouette of a cyclist is also used.

Like other vehicles, a bicycle must inform others about its maneuvers on the road. For this, light equipment or hand signals are used:

  • an extended turn warns of a left turn left hand, at the elbow it needs to be bent
  • before leaving to the right - right hand, also bent
  • braking is signaled by any raised hand.

You should signal with your hands immediately before the maneuver, starting it, you can lower your hand.

Light signaling and lighting devices

A bicycle moving on city streets must be equipped with headlights or lanterns. There are high and low beam options. They should include:

  • in the dark
  • in poor visibility, regardless of the hour
  • tunnels.

If the bicycle is towing a trailer, it must be equipped with parking lights.


Within the city limits, the speed of any vehicle is limited to 60 km/h, in courtyards - up to 20 km/h. This restriction also applies to cyclists. They should be guided by road signs indicating areas where they should drive at low speed.

You can only ride on designated paths or on special lanes for cycling. Movement where cars go is prohibited.

You can drive along the edge of the road or shoulder in several cases:

  • no special lanes
  • luggage dimensions on a bicycle more than a meter
  • if there is a column of bicycles.

Bicycles ride on the footpath if:

  • a cyclist rides a bike with a child (up to 7 years old)
  • carries a child up to 7 years.

A cyclist under the age of 14 can only ride where it is possible to ride a bicycle. Driving on the road is prohibited.

Video: "Bicycle path" in the SDA

12. The movement of all vehicles, except for mopeds, is prohibited on the lanes for cyclists. The movement of all vehicles is prohibited on pedestrian and bicycle paths.

The requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers have been significantly changed, so I present here the entire new text of Section 24 of the SDA at once:

"24.1. The movement of cyclists over the age of 14 must be carried out on a bicycle path, cycle path or lane for cyclists.

24.2. Cyclists over the age of 14 are allowed:
on the right edge of the carriageway - in the following cases:
there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no possibility to move along them;
the overall width of the bicycle, trailer to it or the transported cargo exceeds 1 m;
the movement of cyclists is carried out in columns;

on the roadside - if there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them or along the right edge of the carriageway;

on the sidewalk or footpath - in the following cases:
there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the carriageway or roadside;
a cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 or transports a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed to be used with a bicycle.

24.3. The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

24.4. The movement of cyclists under the age of 7 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the side for pedestrian traffic), as well as within pedestrian zones.

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the carriageway in the cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists must move only in one row. A column of cyclists is allowed to move in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m. The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of a single-lane movement or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of a two-lane movement. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, footpath, curb or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and be guided by the requirements provided for in these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

24.7. Moped drivers must move on the right side of the carriageway in one row or in the lane for cyclists. Moped drivers are allowed to move along the side of the road, if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:
ride a bicycle, moped without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;
transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;
to transport passengers, if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction;
drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers).

24.9. It is prohibited to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing by bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

24.10. When driving at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, cyclists and moped drivers are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to drivers of other vehicles.

"Springs of tradition" reminds everyone who uses a bike for travel and sightseeing trips, and just loves to ride it, as well as everyone drivers and pedestrians, what April 8, 2014 in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2014 No. 221, changes to the Rules of the Road come into force.

Legislative innovations are aimed at improving the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. For Moscow, where Lately began to actively promote cycling, these innovations are very relevant.

They concern not only traffic management for cyclists, but directly affect duties of motorists!

We turn the attention of motorists for one important point. Now, when turning both to the right and to the left, drivers are required to let cyclists cross the carriageway on which it turns (Section 13.1 of the SDA). Previously, such a requirement was valid only if the cyclist was moving on a cycle path. We can say that this paragraph of the rules almost did not work, since there were almost no bike paths. The article in the new edition obliges to skip the cyclist even if he moves along the edge of the carriageway or along the side of the road. This change for cyclists very significant. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle in Moscow knows how dangerous it can be to drive along a section of the highway where there is a “high-speed” exit from the highway. And on all outbound highways there are many such exits, but there are no bike paths. Unlike intersections, where the driver has to almost stop in order to turn, at exits from highways, cars leave the highway, almost without slowing down. Now the rules focus the driver's attention on the need to let the cyclist pass. This, of course, does not relieve cyclist be careful and TAKE CARE OF YOUR SAFETY!

Changes in the Rules of the road

Introduced the definition of a cyclist:

A cyclist is a person who rides a bicycle.

In the definition of "bicycle" there was a mention of the electric drive. Moreover, if the power of the electric motor is more than 0.25 kW, then such a bicycle is equated to a moped:

"Bicycle" means a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, which has at least two wheels and is generally propelled by the muscular energy of the occupants of the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and may also have an electric motor of rated maximum power in continuous load mode, not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically shutting off at a speed of more than 25 km / h. ";

"Moped" - a two- or three-wheeled mechanical vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km / h, which has an internal combustion engine with a working volume not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode of more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW.

Separate the concept of "bike path" and "lane for the movement of bicycles":

"Bicycle path" - a road element (or a separate road) structurally separated from the carriageway and sidewalk, intended for the movement of cyclists and marked with the sign 4.4.1.";

"Lane for cyclists" - a lane of the carriageway intended for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, separated from the rest of the carriageway by horizontal markings and marked with a sign 4.4.1 in combination with a sign 8.14 located above the lane.

Now they have legalized the possibility of combining the bicycle and pedestrian paths into one. New signs have been approved for the bike path.

"Pedestrian and bicycle path (bike path)" - a road element (or a separate road) structurally separated from the carriageway, intended for separate or joint movement of cyclists with pedestrians and indicated by signs 4.5.2 - 4.5.7. ";

New signs must be approved for the bike path. Maybe they will look like this:

In new SDA requirements to the movement of cyclists are highlighted in a separate chapter along with the requirements for moped drivers, and most of this chapter is devoted to cyclists:

24. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers

24.1. The movement of cyclists over the age of 14 must be carried out on a bicycle, cycle path or lane for cyclists.

24.2. Cyclists over the age of 14 are allowed:

on the right edge of the carriageway - in the following cases:

there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no possibility to move along them;

the overall width of the bicycle, trailer to it or the transported cargo exceeds 1 m;

the movement of cyclists is carried out in columns;

on the side of the road - if there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them or along the right edge of the carriageway;

on the sidewalk or footpath - in the following cases:

there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the carriageway or roadside;

a cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 or transports a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed to be used with a bicycle.

24.3. The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

24.4. The movement of cyclists under the age of 7 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the side for pedestrian traffic), as well as within pedestrian zones.

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the carriageway in the cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists must move only in one row.

A column of cyclists is allowed to move in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.

The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of a single-lane movement or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of a two-lane movement. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, footpath, curb or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and be guided by the requirements provided for in these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

24.7. Moped drivers must move on the right side of the carriageway in one row or in the lane for cyclists.

Moped drivers are allowed to move along the side of the road, if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

ride a bicycle, moped without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

to transport passengers, if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;

transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;

turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction;

drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers).

24.9. It is prohibited to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing by bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

24.10. When driving at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, cyclists and moped drivers are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to drivers of other vehicles.

Section 24.2 now clearly states in which cases cyclists are allowed to move along the edge of the carriageway, and in which cases they are allowed to move along the sidewalk and footpath. In this regard, it is curious to recall that twenty years ago it was forbidden to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks - a cyclist was allowed to ride only along the bike path or along the road, no further than 1 m from the edge of the carriageway. Given that there were no bike paths then, only the roadway remained. As a result, when the road was full of vehicles, and there was a free sidewalk nearby, where there was not a single pedestrian, the cyclist had to solve a dilemma - to interfere with the movement of cars, observing the rules, or obey sound logic and, in violation of traffic rules, drive onto the sidewalk. The compilers of those traffic rules that acted all last years, solved this problem in a peculiar way - in them, in the chapter on cycling, the word "sidewalk" was not mentioned at all. It was understood that there was a general ban on the movement of vehicles on sidewalks.

The developers of the new traffic rules brought the document closer to real life, - cheers?
