Morning exercises for the senior group. A complex of morning exercises for senior and preparatory groups

Simplified gymnastic complex for children suitable for classes in kindergartens, primary school schools and children's health institutions. We do all exercises 5-10 times, depending on the time allotted for classes. A set of exercises should be alternated with walking, running. One should walk in different ways - on heels, toes, with toes apart, like penguins, with high knees, march with straight dangling arms and straight legs. You also need to run with the heels of the shin overwhelmed, knees raised, jumping with lunges, including to the sides, snake running. Children will be interested in doing while walking different claps- in front of the body, behind the back, above the head, especially to the music.

Classes in September

The following exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  • holding a stick on outstretched arms above your head, do lunges with your foot, bending your back back and winding your arms with a stick back behind your head (on straight arms),
  • holding the stick behind the shoulder blades under the elbows, turn right and left,
  • feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a stick above your head, lean forward, pressing the stick to your shoulders,
  • lying on your back, hold the stick above your head on straightened arms - raise the stick and alternately touch the stick with your toes,
  • we hold the stick below and raise it above our head when jumping with legs apart.

Classes in October

Complex morning exercises for classes in October should include running, possibly in the form of a small relay race.

Classes in November

A group of exercises for a complex of morning exercises in November may include running a snake, as well as game exercise that stimulates running, such as cat and mouse.

Classes in December

A complex of morning exercises may include running with a ball on the floor or other coordination exercises.

Classes in January

The complex for January can be done with hoops - roll a hoop or learn to twist around the belt.

Classes in February

A set of February exercises may include jump rope exercises, a contest to see who can jump longer.

Classes in March

The complex for March may include competitions, who can fill the ball on his hand longer, as an alternative, you can take an inflatable ball.

Classes in April

The April set of exercises can be supplemented with games on fresh air.

Class in May

In warm weather, it is better to do exercises on the street, you can make a competition - who will hang on the horizontal bar longer.

It would be best to organize the complex in such a way that it looks like a mini disco to cheerful rhythmic music, so the children will have fun and they will try, increasing the load, which will go unnoticed by them. Every month you can add something new - for example, include a ball, a jump rope in classes, give small dumbbells. Children will study a new projectile with diligence and look forward to what new things will be offered to them next month. Work out in well-ventilated areas, especially during the cold season when infectious diseases are common.

Complexes of morning exercises for a year. Senior group.

Complex No. 1 Dosage of exercises

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking in a column one at a time, "snake", on toes, heels, with the task "Circus horses", "Kangaroo", side gallop. Run in place. Rebuilding in three columns

1. "Hamster" I.p.: legs together, arms bent forward. 1- rise on toes, arms bent to the sides; 2 - return to initial position. 8 - 10 times

2. "Parrot" I.p .: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

3. "Oh." .I.p.: sitting with straight legs, arms to the sides. 1- gently bend your arms in elbow joints and lift them to the shoulders; 2 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

4. "Hedgehog". I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- bend your legs at the knees, wrap your arms around them; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. "Fish". I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands forward. 1- arms up, legs up; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. "Bear". I.p. stand straight with your hands on your belt, 1-3 full squat with arms extended forward, 2-4 return to the starting position

7. "Tumbler". I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

8. I.p.: leg stance shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- torso turns to the right, right palm up; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction 8 - 10 times

9. "Rabbit". I.p .: legs together. Jumping on two legs (8-10 times in a row) alternate 2 times with walking in place 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Tick-tock” I.p. - leg stance apart. 1- swing arms back (inhale); 2 - swing your arms forward (exhale) 2 times

1.5 minutes

Speech: “Brighter, brighter the sun from the sky shines on us. Help us the sun to grow faster!

Complex No. 2

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time; “Snake”, on socks, heels, with the task: “We walk in hats”, “Naughty guys”. Running with an overlap of the lower leg back, side gallop (right (left) shoulder forward). Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. 1- raise the hands up (do not raise the shoulders); 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: o.s. 1- tilt your head to the right; 2 - to the left; 3 - lift up; 4 - lower down 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - bending in the back, tilt your head back, reach out with your hands to the heels of your legs; 3 - 4 return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands on the belt. 1- spread your legs as wide as possible; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands on the belt. 1-3 slow forward tilt to touch the feet; 4 - quickly straighten up 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. one- right hand forward, right leg back, toe pulled back; 2- stand with your eyes closed, maintaining balance; 3 - lower the leg; 4 - return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg 8-10 times

7. I.p.: stand feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.-stand legs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- turns the torso to the right, right palm down; 2 - return to the starting position. 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: legs together. Jumping on two legs alternate 2 times with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Rooster". I.p. - leg stance apart. 1-2 arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - clapping hands on the hips, while exhaling, saying: “Ku-ka-reku” (exhale). 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Pick" 1.5 minutes

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “What is charging for? To develop strength, so as not to get tired all day!

Complex No. 3

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with a roll from heel to toe; incremental step. Regular run with high knees

1. "Cotton" I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands through the sides up, rise on socks, clap, return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

2. "Mill" I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms down. Rotational movements of straight arms in the lateral plane, also in the opposite direction 8-10 times

3. I.p.: hands on the belt. Sit down three times, spreading your knees, back straight, return to the starting position

4. "Hut". I.p .: emphasis on the knees, look forward. Straighten your legs, moving to your toes, without bending your arms, arch your back, look at your knees, return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. "Football". I.p .: lying on your back, pull your knees up to your stomach. Kick an imaginary ball with the right, then with the left foot 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the heels, hands behind the head. Turn to the right (left), spreading your arms smoothly to the sides, return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. "Cotton". I.p .: sitting, emphasis with hands behind. Raise the straight right (left), cotton under the knee, return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. "Oh." I.p .: sitting with straight legs, arms to the sides. 1- smoothly bend your arms at the elbow joints and raise them to your shoulders; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: legs together. Jumping on two legs alternate 2 times with walking in place 2 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “The kettle stood on the stove, let the steam through the spout, puff-puff-puff” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Two sliding claps and three stomp (hands on the belt, turn 180 degrees)

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "We are preparing for records, We will play sports!"

Complex No. 4 with flags

Building exercises. Walking in place in a column one at a time, on toes. Easy running on toes with a change of direction. Rebuilding in three columns

1. "Knock." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags behind the back. 1- arms to the sides; 2 - forward, knock flags;. 3- arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. "Breeding". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 arms to the sides; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. "Don't be lazy." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 tilt forward, hands with flags forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. "Knock over your head." I.p .: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 sit on your heels, knock flags over your head; stretch, look at them; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. "Spring". I.p.: o.s. Hands down, take back. 1 - semi-squat and wave flags forward; 2- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

6. "Pump". I.p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down the torso, the left - up to the armpit. The same on the other side. While tilting, say: "sh - sh - sh" 8 - 10 times

7. "Parrot" I.p .: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. "Tumbler". I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. "Jumps" I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Controller". I.p. standing legs apart, right hand up, left hand to the side. 1-2 breaths through the nose. 3-4 change the position of the hands, saying on the exhale: “rrrr” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Circling in pairs (boat hands) on an easy run to the right and left 2 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us. In order for everything to be in order, we need to do exercises!

Complex No. 5 without items

Building exercises. Walking on the spot, in a column one at a time, with a “snake” on toes, heels, with the task “Wild boars”, “Polar bears” with an overlap of the lower leg back, lateral gallop (right (left) shoulder forward). Run in place. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. 1- raise your shoulders up; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: o.s 1- turn your head to the right; 2- straight; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p.: o.s. feet shoulder width apart, arms up. 1- tilt forward, down, touch the heels with the hands from the inside; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1- raise a straight leg forward; 2- swoop back; 3 - forward again; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1- tilt to the right at the same time raise your hands up; 2- return to the starting position; 3-4 the same in the other direction 8-10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. 1- right hand forward; 2- left forward; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting, emphasis with hands behind. Raise the straight right (left), cotton under the knee, return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Several springs with a wave of hands forward - backward, 10-16 jumps, springing with knees, 8-10 steps 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Porridge is boiling” I.p. - right hand on the stomach, left hand on the chest. 1-2 - draw in the stomach and take a breath with the chest; 3-4- lower the chest, exhale and stick out the stomach, say: "F-F-F-F" 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In the morning, do exercises, you will be dexterous, you will be brave!”

Complex No. 6 with handkerchiefs

Walking in place in a column one at a time, on toes, "Geese", "Herons", "Polar Bears"

1. I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with handkerchiefs behind the back. 1- arms to the sides; 2 - forward;. 3- arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 arms to the sides; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with handkerchiefs in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 tilt forward, hands with handkerchiefs forward;

3-4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

4. “Wave over your head” I.p .: kneeling, arms down. 1-2 sit on your heels, wave handkerchiefs over your head; stretch, look at them; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. hands down, take back. 1 - semi-squat and swing handkerchiefs forward; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down the torso, the left - up to the armpit. The same on the other side. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p. - lying on your back, legs together straight, hands behind your head. 1 - bend your knees, touch your knees with handkerchiefs; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: o.s. 1- right hand forward; 2- left forward; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. "Jumps" I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 8-10 jumps. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking 3 times for 8-10 jumps

10 Breathing exercises: "Controller" I.p. standing legs apart, right hand up, left hand to the side. 1-2 breaths through the nose. 3-4 change the position of the hands, saying on the exhale: “rrrr” 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Stomps"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “What is charging for? To develop strength, so as not to get tired all day! I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position

Complex number 7 with pigtails

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with high hips. Scatter run. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. - a pigtail at the bottom with a grip from above with both hands. 1-pigtail lift up, put the right foot on the toe; 2- return to the starting position. The same with the left foot 8 - 10 times

2. I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below, forward bends, touching the floor with a pigtail 8-10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms with a pigtail at the top. 1-tilt to the right; 2- return to the starting position. Same in left sides at 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to starting position

5. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p .: lying on your back, legs together straight, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a pigtail; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: lying on the stomach, pigtail in bent arms ah in front of you. 1 - bend, lift the pigtail forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands at the top, leaning forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s. pigtail on the floor. Jumps on two legs, through a pigtail in alternation with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance move: Putting the foot on the toe

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us!”

Complex No. 8 without items

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time with a task. Running in a column with small steps. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the tips of the fingers. 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "The horses sing." Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Take a breath, then tilt

torso side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: "yoke-go-go" 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Higher arms, wider shoulders. Wider step, breathe evenly! From charging you will be stronger, you will be stronger and stronger!”

Complex No. 9 with gymnastic sticks

Building exercises. Walking is normal, variable step. Running is normal, with straight legs thrown forward, lateral gallop. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p. - main stand, stick below. 1- stick forward; 2 - stick up; 3- stick forward; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p. - stand legs apart, stick at the chest. 1- lean forward, put a stick on the floor; 2- straighten up, hands on the belt; 3-tilt forward, take a stick; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p. - main stand, stick below. 1-2-crouch, stick up; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p. - kneeling, stick behind the head. 1- stick up; 2- tilt to the right; 3- straighten up; 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p. - the main stand with the support of both hands on a stick. 1- take the right leg back-up; 2 - return to the starting position. 3-4- left foot 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, stick at the chest. 1-sit down on the right thigh stick forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a stick; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p .: lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1- bend, raise the stick forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. - main stand. Jumping over the stick with the right, left side 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance movement: Fractional step "

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Complex No. 10 with plates

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking on toes, hands on the belt, rolling from heel to toe. Side step side step.

Rebuilding in three columns. 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. s., plate in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the plate to the left hand behind the left foot 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

2 - return to the starting position .. 8 - 10 times

6. I.p. - heels together, toes apart, ball in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a plate. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with a plate; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. o.s., hands arbitrarily, plate on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the plate alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Complex number 11 with the ball

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking with a task. Rebuilding in three columns

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

5. I.p. main stance, ball up. 1 - sit down the ball forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, hands up with the ball. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. with., the ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball to the right and left, alternating with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance movement: Circling in pairs (boat hands)

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy, strong, we need to be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 12

1. 1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “shhhh” 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "Health is in order, thanks to the exercise!".

Complex No. 13 with pigtails

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with a high lifting of the hip. Running in all directions. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p .: o.s, pigtail below with a grip from above with both hands. 1-pigtail lift up, put the right foot on the toe; 2-Return to starting position. The same with the left foot 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below. 1- forward bends, touching the floor with a pigtail; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below. Tilts forward, touching the floor with a pigtail 8 - 10 times

4. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a pigtail at the top. 1-tilt to the right; 2-Return to starting position. The same to the left side 8 - 10 times

5. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward, 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1 - bend your knees, touch your knees with a pigtail; 2 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach, pigtail in bent arms in front of you. 1 - bend, lift the pigtail forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., pigtail on the floor. Jumping on two legs through a pigtail, alternating with walking in place 8-10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Beetles". I.p. - legs together, arms along the body. Take a deep breath and exhale "zh-zh-zh-zh" 3 times

11. Dance movement: 2 steps back 3 stomp, 2 steps forward 2 slams 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Let all white snowflakes fly into our room, we are not cold at all, we are doing exercises!”

Complex No. 14

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time with a task. Running in a column with small steps. Walking. Building in three columns 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. with., feet on the width of the foot, hands below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. with., feet on the width of the foot, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the tips of the fingers. 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11. Dance move: foot step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "In the morning, do exercises, you will be dexterous, you will be brave."

Complex No. 15 in pairs

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, performing a springy step, a step with a stomp; running is normal, on the jumps. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p. - o.s., facing each other, hands clasped into the castle. 1-2 - raise your arms through the sides up; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p. - O. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped below; 1- lean to the right, right hands remain below, left ones rise up; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p. - O. with., facing each other, hands are connected. 1-2 - alternately raise the leg (right or left) - swallow 8 - 10 times

4. I.p. - O. with., facing each other, holding hands. 1-2 sit down, spread your knees to the sides; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. facing each other, a distance of one step, holding hands between each other. 1-2 press the left hand of the partner with the right hand; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. facing each other. Hands raised up, fixed. Legs shoulder width apart. Transition from the right foot to the left 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking) 8 - 10 times

8. Dance movement: dance step 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. - O. s., hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking) 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “shhhh” 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us. In order for everything to be in order, we need to do exercises!

Complex No. 16 with flags

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, rolling from heel to toe. Running is normal, with throwing straight legs forward, jumps. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet on the width of the foot, flags at the bottom. 1-flags forward; 2-sideways; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest with a shelf. 1-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 2-return to starting position

3-turn left arms to the sides; 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, arms at the top with a flag. 1-Tilts forward with flags to get the toes 8 - 10 times

6. I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, arms at the top with a flag. 1-Tilts forward with flags to get the toes 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. 1-turn to the right (left), move the flag to the right, 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., arms with flags bent in front of the chest. Jumps with a turn to the right (left) 3 times for 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "We blow on the sun." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “shhhh” 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Variable step."

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “We are preparing for records, we will play sports!”

Complex No. 17 without items

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4- return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. 1 - Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-forward bends to get the socks of the feet with the tips of the fingers 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking 3 times 8-10 jumps

9. I.p. - lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Blow into the ring." I.p. - standing, legs apart, feet directed towards each other, arms slightly straightened and laid back. As you exhale, lean forward; looking ahead say "shhhh"

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "Health is in order, thanks to the exercise!"

Complex No. 18 with rattles

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking "Stork", "Frog". Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., rattle in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the rattle to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, rattle in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, rattle in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the rattle to the left hand behind the left foot; 3-4-straighten up, then left to right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: leg stand apart, rattle in bent arms in front of you. 1- Tilts to the left; 2 - return to the starting position. The same to the right side 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., rattle at the top. 1 - sit down the rattle forward; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of a rattle in the right hand. 1-4-turn right. shift the rattle to the left hand; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a rattle. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes with a rattle; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking). 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Beetles". I.p. - legs together, arms along the body. Take a deep breath and exhale "zh-zh-zh-zh" 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Accordion"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “The guys really need sports, we are close friends with sports!”

Complex No. 19 with plates

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking on toes, hands on the belt, rolling from heel to toe. Side step side step

1. I.p.: about. s., plate in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to ip .. 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to sp. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the plate to the left hand behind the left foot 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: heels together, toes apart, plate in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

5. I.p .: leg stand apart, plate in the right hand,. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.P. - heels together, toes apart, ball in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, sit on the heels of a plate in your right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the plate in a straight line away from you; 5-8-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a plate. 1- bending forward to get the toes of the feet with a plate; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., hands arbitrarily, plate on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the plate alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "The horses sing." Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “yoke-go-go” 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 20 with pouches

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking "Stork", "Frog". Rebuilding in three columns 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. s., pouch in right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the bag to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, bag in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, bag in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the bag to the left hand behind the left leg 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.P. - heels together, socks apart, a bag in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p .: leg stand apart, bag in the right hand,. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the bag to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.P. - heels together, socks apart, a bag in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, sit on the heels of the bag in your right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the bag in a straight line away from you; 5-8-return to ip .. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a bag. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the legs pouch; 2- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. main stance, hands arbitrarily, bag on the floor. Jumping on the right and left leg around the bag alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 21 without items

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. 1 - Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-forward bends to get the socks of the feet with the tips of the fingers 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p. - lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position, 3 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right, left, left, alternating with walking 3 times 10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: "shhhh"

11. Dance move: Polka step 8-10 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “The guys really need sports, we are close friends with sports!”

Complex No. 22 with rattles

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s., rattles below. 1-arms to the sides, 2-raise up, cross, 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p .: foot stand on the width of the foot, rattles below. 1- rattles up, 2 - sit down, bring the rattles forward, 3- stand up, rattles up, 4- sp. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: sitting legs apart, rattles in bent arms at the shoulders. 1- rattles to the sides; 2- bend over, touch the floor with rattles at the toes with chopsticks, 3- straighten up, rattles to the sides, 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: kneeling, rattles in bent arms at the shoulders. 1-turn to the right (left), move the rattle to the right, 2-i.p. 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., rattles in both hands below. 1-raise the rattles up, 2-lower the rattles behind the head, 3-raise the rattles up, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, rattles below. 1-2 - sit down slightly, keeping your feet on the floor, alternately waving your arms forward and backward. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a rattle; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a rattle. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with a rattle; 2-i.p. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., rattles below. 1-jumping legs apart, rattles to the sides, 2- return to the starting position. On account 1-8. 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Belarusian polka step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 23 with a small ball

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking between objects. Rebuilding in three columns. 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. with., the ball in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the ball to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the ball to the left hand behind the left foot; 3-4-straighten up, then left to right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: leg stand apart, the ball in bent arms in front of you. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands 8-10 times

5. I.p.: main stance, ball at the top. 1 - sit down the ball forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right. roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch the knees with the ball; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, hands up with the ball. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumps with a turn to the right, to the left around the ball 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Blow into the ring." I.p. - standing, legs apart, feet directed towards each other, arms slightly straightened and laid back. As you exhale, lean forward; looking forward say "shhhh" 3 times

11. Dance move: Spring side step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “For everything to be in order, you need to do exercises for everyone!”

Complex No. 24 with hoops

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher “Bees!” the children go on a run, waving their arms like wings, and say: “Zhu-zhu-zhu”. Walking and running alternate. Rebuilding in four columns.

1. I.p.: o.s., hoop vertically with grip from the sides. 1- hoop forward, 2- hoop up, arms straight, 3- hoop forward, 4- return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p .: legs slightly apart, the hoop is lowered down. 1-2- - hoop up, behind the shoulders, head straight, 3-4- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the torso to the right; 2- return to the starting position. 3-4- also to the left 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest. 1- turn to the right, arms straight, 2- return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt, hoop on the floor. 1-right (left) leg up, pull the toe. 2-to the hoop on the toe, 3-up, 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides 1-hoop up, look, 2-tilt forward to the left leg (sock), hoop vertically, 3-hoop up, 4- return to starting position. The same to the right leg 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: standing on all fours with support on your knees, hands in a hoop, look forward. 1-right (left) hand to the side, look at the hands, 2-sp. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p. - lying on your back, hoop vertically at chest level. 1-2 - raise the hoop, bending the legs, thread them into the hoop, straighten and lower to the floor. 3-4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s. in the center of a hoop lying on the floor, arms along the body. 1-7 - jumping on two legs in a hoop, 8 - jumping from a hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 - jumps in front of the hoop, 8-jump into the hoop 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Bees have arrived!” 3 times

11. Dance move: "Variable step"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle. Speech: “We are preparing for records, we will play sports!”

Games and exercises with elements of sports Game: "Towns" 4

1. Basketball game 4

2. Game with football elements 4

3. Game with elements of hockey 4

4. Game with elements of badminton 4

5. Play with elements table tennis" 4

6. Game with elements of competition: " Fun competition" 4

7. Game with elements of competition: "Obstacle track" 6

8. A game with elements of competition: "Who will most likely run through the obstacles to the flag?" 6

9. Game with elements of competition: “Whose team will throw in the basket more balls? 5

10. A game with elements of competition: "Who will most likely crawl through the hoop to the flag?" 4

11. Game with elements of competition: "Who is faster?" 5

12. Game with elements of competition: "Who is higher?" 4

13. Game with elements of competition: "Relay races in pairs" 4

14. Game with elements of competition: "Carry the ball without hitting the pin" 4

15. Game with elements of competition: "Throw the ball into the ring" 4

16. Game with elements of competition: "Quickly take, quickly put" 5

17. Game with elements of competition: "Change the subject" 4

18. "Who will roll the hoop to the flag sooner?" 5

19. Game with elements of competition: "Catch up with your partner" 4

20. Game with elements of competition: "Who is the most accurate?" 4

21. Game: "Don't get caught" 4

Complexes of morning exercises
for senior and
preparatory group

Educator: Gorbunova O.A.

Complex №1
Walking in a column. Run. Walking on heels, hands on the belt. Constructions in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Hands up." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Raise your hands up, lower, say "down." Repeat 5 times.
2. "Bending forward." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 6 times.

4. "Shelves". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Long walk.
Complex №2
Walking in a column. Walking with a change of direction (behind the first, behind the last). Run. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Hands forward, up." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Raise your hands forward, up, look at them, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Swing". I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the right, say "right", straighten up. Perform the same movements to the left. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Springs". I. p .: feet, heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Do 2-3 half squats, stand up. Repeat 5 times.

Complex №1
Walking in a column. Snake walking. Run. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Swinging hands." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Swing your arms forward - backward, after several movements, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Turns with the spread of arms to the sides." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, say "to the right", straighten up, perform movements to the left. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Scissors". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, arms to the sides. Cross your arms straight in front of you, say “zhzh”, spread your arms to the sides. Repeat 6 times.

5. "Jumping". I. p .: legs parallel, hands on the belt. Make 8 jumps, walk in place and jump again 8 times. Repeat 2 times.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Walking.
Complex №2 (with flags)
Walking in a column. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, hands on the belt. Run. Building in links.
General developmental exercises with flags
1. "Swinging flags." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, flags below, along the body. Swing the flags forward - backward, after several movements, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Turns to the side." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, flags below. Turn to the right, spread the flags to the sides, say "right", straighten up. Perform the same movements to the left. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Tilts with flags." I. p .: the same. Lean forward, take your hands with the flags back, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Squat". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, flags below. Sit down, pull the flags forward, say "sit down", return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.
5. "Scissors". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, arms to the sides. Cross straight arms with flags in front of you, say “zhzh”, spread your arms to the sides. Repeat 6 times.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Walking.

Complex №1

General developmental exercises

4. "Bending forward." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 6 times.

Rebuilding from links to a column. Walking.
Complex №2 (with a hoop)
Walking in a column. Walking with a change of pace. Run. Building in links.
General developmental exercises with a hoop
1. "Hoop forward, up, down." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands with a hoop below. Raise the hoop forward, up, look into it, lower it, say "down". Repeat 5 times.
2. "Turns to the side." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hoop below. Turn to the right, pull the hoop forward, say "to the right", return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Squat, hoop forward." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hoop below. Sit down, put the hoop vertically on the floor, say "sit down", return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Climb into the hoop." I. p .: the same. Raise the hoop over your head, put it on your shoulders, climb through, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
5. "Rise on your toes." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hoop in front. Rise on your toes, return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.

Complex №1

General developmental exercises

4. "Bending forward." I. p .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands behind on the floor. Lean forward, reach your toes with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.
Complex №2

Change from circle to column. Run. Walking.

Complex №1 "Winter"

General developmental exercises

5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.
Complex №2
Walking in a column. Run. Walking with high knees. Rebuilding into units.
General developmental exercises
1. Grab your shoulders. I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Spread your arms to the sides, clasp your shoulders, say "wow", spread your arms to the sides, lower. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Shake off the snow." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward without bending your knees, knock on your knees, straighten up. Repeat 7 times.
3. "Warm your feet." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, pull the knee to the chest with your hands, return to the starting position. Also raise your left leg. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Throwing snowballs." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Take your right hand back, jerk forward, return to the starting position. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat 5 times.
5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.

Complex №1

General developmental exercises

3. "Squat". I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, stretch your arms forward, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.
Complex №2

Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.

Complex №1
Walking in a column. Wide run. Walking on heels, hands behind the head. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Waving hands." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Raise the right hand forward, at the same time take the left back, with an energetic movement change the position of the hands. After several repetitions, return to the starting position.
2. "Tilts to the sides." I. p .: kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Squat". I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, stretch your arms forward, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Turns with the abduction of arms to the sides." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Turn to the right, take your hands to the sides, say "right", return to the starting position. Perform the same movements to the left. Repeat 6 times.
5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.
Complex №2
Walking in a column. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, hands on the belt. Run. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises with a rope
1. "Rope forward." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, rope below. Raise the rope forward, lower it, say "down". Return to starting position. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Put the rope." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below. Lean forward, put the rope on the floor, straighten up, bend over, take the rope, return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
3. "Step over the rope." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, rope below. Raise the right leg, move it over the rope, lift the left leg and also transfer it over the rope, then perform the same movements in the opposite direction. Repeat 4 times.
4. "Squat". I. p .: the same. Sit down, pull the rope forward, say "sit down", return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
5. "Rope on the shoulders." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, rope at the top. Lower the rope on the shoulders, behind the head, lift it up, look, lower it down. Repeat 5 times.

Complex №1
Walking in a column. Walking in pairs. Run. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Plates". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands below. Clap in front of the chest with straight hands in a sliding motion, say “clap”, return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.
2. "Turns with the abduction of arms to the sides." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Turn to the right, take your hands to the sides, say "right", return to the starting position. Perform the same movements to the left. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Claps under the knee." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee, say "clap", return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Bending forward." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 6 times.
5. "Jumping". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Perform 12 leg jumps to the sides, together, walk in place and jump again.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Walking.
Complex №2
Walking in a column. Wide run. Walking in pairs. Building in links.
General developmental exercises with a stick
1. "Stick to the chest." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, stick below. Raise the stick forward, move to the chest, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Tilts to the sides." I. p .: kneeling, stick at the top. Lean to the right, straighten up. Do the same to the left. Repeat 4 times.
3. "Turns, stick forward." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, stick below. Turn right, say "right", straighten up. Do the same to the left. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Squat, stick forward." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, stick below, sit down, pull the stick forward, say "sit down", return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
5. "Stick up." I. p .: the same. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.

Complex №1
Walking in a column. Wide run. Snake walking. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Shelves". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Tilts to the sides." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 8 times.
3. "Bend your knees." I. p .: sitting, legs together, hands below. Pull your legs to your chest, clasp them with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Bending forward." I. p .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands behind on the floor. Lean forward, reach your toes with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.
Complex №2
Walking in a column. Wide run. Snake walking. Building in links.
General developmental exercises
1. "Shelves". I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Tilts to the sides." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 8 times.
3. "Bend your knees." I. p .: sitting, legs together, hands below. Pull your legs to your chest, clasp them with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Bending forward." I. p .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands behind on the floor. Lean forward, reach your toes with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
5. "Jumping on the right and left foot alternately." I. p .: legs - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Jump 6 times on the right foot and 6 times on the left, walk in place and repeat the same jumps again.
Rebuilding from links to a column. Run. Walking.

zdor_1 (1) Heading 315

Complex of morning exercises for senior group

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)


Exercises without objects

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat:6-7 times.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Hoop exercises

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 5-6 times

up Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 and. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking with stepping over the cord.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the torso to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Stick exercises

1. I. p. - main stance, stick on the chest, grip from above. 1-stick

up; 2 - a stick for the head, on the shoulders; 3 - stick up; 4th. P.

Repeat: (6 times).

2. I. p. -stand legs shoulder-width apart, stick below. 1 - stick up;

2 - tilt to the right (left); 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - and. P.

Repeat: (6-8 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, stick down. 1- sit down, stick forward; 2nd. P. Repeat:(6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on your knees. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, touch the floor; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4i. P. Repeat: (6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1-2 -

bend, stick up-forward; 3-4 - and. P. Repeat:(6 times).

6. I. p. - main stand, stick on the floor. Jumping around the stick in

both sides (2-3 times).

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Exercise without an object

2. I. p. - main stance, hands behind the head. 1- arms to the sides; 2nd. P.

Repeat:(6-8 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms in front of the chest, bent at the elbows. one -

turn to the right (to the left, arms to the sides; 2 - i. p. Repeat: (6 times).

4. I. p. -sitting, hands in support behind, knees bent. Raise straight

right (left) leg, toe pulled back Repeat:(6-8 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms straight behind your head. 1-2 - turn on the stomach;

3-4 - return to and. P. Repeat: (3-4 times each side).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on toes, hands behind the head; 3 - go all the way down

foot, arms to the sides; 4th. P. Repeat: (6-8 times).

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 i. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Watch"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking hand in hand, turning to the other side.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the torso to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Breath"

Compiled by:

Fedorova Natalya Alexandrovna,

physical education instructor

MAU DO "Sorokinsky Center for Child Development -

kindergarten №4 "

Theme of the week: "Knowledge Day"

Complex of morning exercises "About school"

I. The game of low mobility "Wonderful group"

On the playground, a line 5-6 m long is indicated by a line on the ground. All players line up behind the line. Opposite the children, facing them at a distance of 3-4 m from the line, the teacher stands. After the words of the teacher:

All the commands the children know

Accurate, fast!

Is everyone ready? Well then

The game starts!

children begin to follow the commands that an adult gives them. The command must be executed only if the teacher began it with the word "group". One of the players who makes a mistake takes a step forward, but he does not drop out of the game, but continues to play further. Two errors are noted in the game: the first - the player executed the command without the preliminary word "group", the second - the player did not execute the command, although it was given correctly, or performed it incorrectly.

Sample teacher commands.

Correct (beginning with the word "class"):

❖ Group, hands up!

❖ Group, step right (left)!

❖ Group, jump on the spot!

❖ Group, sit down! Etc.

Notes. 1. If the player who made a mistake and took a step forward again makes a mistake when executing the teacher's command, then he takes one more step forward. 2. At the end of the game, the teacher marks the children who have not made a single mistake.

1. “When will we go to school?”

I. p .: about. with., hands down.

1 - raise your shoulders up, arms to the sides - down; 2 - i. n. Repeat 6 times.

2. “Open the door for us, school, we are schoolchildren now!”

I. p .: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, arms to shoulders, elbows to the sides.

1 - bring your elbows together in front of your chest - exhale; 2 - elbows to the sides to the attention of the shoulder blades - inhale. Keep your elbows at shoulder level. Repeat 6 times.

3. "Hello, school"

I. p .: legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, palms to the chest.

1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides, palms up; 3-4 - and. n. The same in the other direction.

Do not raise your legs when turning.

4. “We have heavy portfolios, we can hardly lift them”

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt forward, touch the ground with your hands - exhale; 2 - i. P.

Do not bend your knees when bending over. Repeat 6 times.

5. “We can’t sit for a long time and we can’t stand either!”

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt.

1 - put the foot forward on the toe; 2 - to the side; 3 - back; 4 - and. n. The same with the other leg.

Repeat 3-4 times

6. “I boldly go to the blackboard, and I write letters with chalk”

I. p .: about. with., hands down.

1 - right arm and right leg forward; 2 - i. P.; 3 - left arm and left leg forward; 4 - and. P.

Repeat 6 times

7. “We have fun at breaks, play, jump, frolic”

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumps on one leg: five jumps to the side on the right leg; the same on the other side on the left leg. Repeat 3 times.

III. Walking next to each other

Theme of the week: "Earth is our common home"

Complex of morning exercises "Our land"

I. introductory part

Building in a line, column, posture check;

walking and running one after the other,

side gallop,

walking "Giants" and "Gnomes"

II. main part. outdoor switchgear

  1. "Immense Spaces".

1- hands to the sides, rise on toes.

2-ip 6 times

  1. "High mountains, deep rivers."

I.p. - the same.

1-3- imitate climbing a mountain.

5-7- squat, hold your breath.

8-ip 5-6 times

3. "Friendly people."

1- turn right, smile,

2- rub your palms together

3- hands on the belt.

4-ip 5-6 times

4. "Fertile lands."

I.p.-legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

1-3 - springy slopes. Simulate harvesting.

4-ip 6 times

5. "On Guard for the Motherland."

I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

1 step forward, bend the leg,

2- put your hand on your forehead,

3- hand on the belt.

4-ip the same with the left leg. 6 times

6. "We know how to have fun."

Jumps, jumps, etc. at the request of the children

in alternation with walking. 10*2 times

III. final part

Low mobility game "River and Moat".

The players go in a column one at a time, to the teacher's signal: "The ditch is on the right!" turn right and jump forward. The one who jumped in the other direction is considered to have fallen into the river, he is helped to get out by giving a hand. The game is repeated.

Topic of the week: The world of objects and technology.

Morning exercises "Electrical appliances"

Educator. Today we will go to the most interesting world of electrical appliances that make our life more convenient and easier. Do you want to visit power plants in your imagination and build power lines - power lines?

The children answer.

Ready?! Then go! First, we will go to a dam on a large river, where a hydroelectric power station has been built.

Let's build a dam

So that the river roared and sang a new song, raging, sang .... A dam stands in the way of water, it is impossible to bypass it.

Stand up in a line

Hold hands.

YOU are the river

And you are moving forward.

Very quiet at first

she does not splash on the shore in waves.

She will come to the dam full-flowing

And with force it will be thrown down, roaring.

To get current, its strength is needed.

At the nuclear power plant

No water, no river.

To get current

They are not needed here.

Atom reigns at the nuclear power plant.

Let's show in the reactor how everything boils.

Desired current we are all

received, but we did not forget about power lines at all. Need wire supports.

The tops are drawn to the sky. Everyone stood up on their toes together, we became supports. The back is steel, arms up. Support is strong for everyone.

As if we are walking on the ground with our feet apart.

We do not bend under the violent wind,

The storm won't even touch us.

Power transmission towers were built. But in order for the light to light up, we pull the wires tight. Join hands, friends.

We will run to the support and connect the wires

We connected the wires and connected them to the station. We run like current through wires. Nothing will stop us. Now let's run faster, let's hurry to houses, factories, to villages, villages, cities. Everyone needs current, always.

normal walking in a circle one after another - 20 s. Walking along the perimeter of the hall with obstacles - 20 s The pace is slow. Hands on the belt. The posture is straight, the chin is raised. The team of the teacher to rebuild in a line

Walking in a line, hands clasped behind. At the last words, everyone squats together - 20 The tempo changes from slow to fast. Control over the evenness of the line, coherence of movements

Then he speeds up a bit.

Children, holding hands in a line, twist and unwind the spiral. Then they close the circle, converge in the center and diverge.

Then they scatter in all directions, carefully bumping into each other and striking with their palm on the palm of the oncoming one, - 10s

Verbal commands of the teacher to change the direction of movement and rebuilding. Monitoring the rhythm and coordination of movements of children.

The pace is moderate

Walking on toes with arms raised up - 10s. The pace is moderate. Back straight

Walking on heels, hands behind the head - 10 s.

The pace is slow. Back straight

Running in a chain from “support” to “support” - 20s The pace is moderate. Implementing speed control

movements of the first children

Running in a column one after another with acceleration

pace - 20 s Controlling the breathing, speed of movement of children and the distance between them

Rebuilding at outdoor switchgear

Well, finally home

hit. We are all electrical appliances

counted. Verbal instructions to rebuild from a column one by one to a column of three

II. ORU without objects

1. Fan.

It's hot outside,

There is nothing to breathe in the house. You will have to become fans.

We rotate with our hands And we drive the air.

Hands are tense, We do not lower them down. First forward:

1,2,3 - rested. Now and back:

1,2, 3 - deployed. Still twisted,

To get cold. Enough. You did a great job.

I.p. - o.s. 1-3 - raising arms to the sides, circular rotation of the arms either forward or backward; 4 - i.p. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 4-5 times The pace is moderate. Controlling the position of the hands

2. Computer.

The heat was dispersed. Get to work, friends! We turn on the computer, it's time to print. Fingers work, they press on the keys, Dash, comma, Where necessary, put. I give you a task: Come up with a story And print it beautifully now.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - stretch your arms in front of you;

2-8 - finger swiping, imitating typing on the keyboard;

9-10 - lower your hands down, relax your fingers. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 4 times The pace is fast. Exercise control over the amplitude of movement of the fingers, muscle tension.

3. Juicer.

I think it's time for us to refresh ourselves.

For this you need a juicer. Plug into the socket

We choose fruits And we squeeze vitamin juice for ourselves.

I.p. - Feet shoulder-width apart, hands up. 1 - tilt forward with simultaneous abduction of hands back - exhale, say "juice"; 2 - ip, look at the hands - inhale. The same for 2 accounts.

The same from SP, kneeling. The pace is slow. Control over the position of the legs, the quality of the slope

4. Toaster.

And for the juice We will fry slices of bread.

We will fill them in the toaster first. There is no need to rush here.

Let the bread dry, Crispy jump into our hands deftly.

I.p. - feet on the width of the foot. 1 - sit down, knees forward; 2 - kneel down; 3 - take the squat position again; 4 - i.p. Repeat 5-6 times The pace is slow. Controlling the rhythm of movements. Make sure that the children do not fall to their knees, but slowly sink

5. Vegetable cutter.

Now we are chefs. Preparing a salad

After all, it is very rich in vitamins.

We'll need a vegetable cutter here. She will cut all vegetables quickly.

I.p. - sitting, legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - spread the legs ("knives") as wide as possible - inhale; 2 - i.p. - exhale with the pronunciation "khrum" ("cut a vegetable"). Repeat 5-6 times The pace is slow. No sudden movements

6. Washing machine.

It remains for mom to wash the linen. washing machine

We will include. The linen was loaded. Rotating tank

And spins the linen That's it, that's it.

I.p. Lying on your back, arms extended along the body. 1-2-roll to the right in the prone position; also on the other side. Repeat 5-6 times

7. Iron.

Linen dried up. We connect irons, For cotton we heat them well. And if you can iron in pairs, It means that We worked with you not in vain.

I.p. - standing facing each other, hold hands and spread them apart.

Jumping: one foot forward, the other back. Repeat 3-4 times for 10-12 jumps, alternating them with walking in place

8.Microwave(breathing exercise).

Finished everything And a little tired. We'll be a cheese bun in the microwave. Lie down, breathe evenly. Palm - on the stomach. Inhaled.

We stick out the stomach. And now ... Like cheese, we spread On a slow exhalation. We lie, we warm ourselves in the oven And we don’t see anyone.

I.p. - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Long exhalation "ffff". Repeat 6 times

III.Finger game "Electrical appliances"

“Electricity is all around us in our lives.

How the instruments helped us

We will tell you now.

Juice we squeezed delicious Vigorous squeezing and unclenching fingers.

And all the laundry was washed, Rubbing palms against palms.

Typed the story Fingering

And the heat was removed at once. Clench them into fists and rotate your arms in front of you.

The bread was fried to a crisp. Cross your fingers, squeeze.

And cut the cabbage. Move from top to bottom with the edge of the palm of your hand.

We melted the cheese in the oven, Lower the hands down, relax the fingers.

We prepared a side dish, the Movement "bake pies."

All linen ironed. Stroking the palm of one hand on the back side

brush another

We managed to do everything! Extend the fingers of both hands.

Theme of the week: Late autumn

Morning exercises "Farewell, Queen of Autumn"

The water in the river has cooled down. Walking in a column one by one

An evil wind bends branches.

Autumn rain sadly running

Everyone is crying at the gate.

You don't hear the birds singing.

Ice on the puddles in the morning. Walking with a wide stride

Sleepy nature awaits

When winter comes.

"Farewell, Queen of Autumn" - walking on toes

Let's say a little.

We invite you to visit the winter:

"Hurry, winter, come!"

Rebuilding in two columns.

"Farewell Queen Autumn"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms down.

1-2 - hands through the sides up, perform with hands above your head

3-4 cross movements; 3-4 - return to and. n. Repeat 4-6 times.

"Weeping birch trees quietly shed tears"

I. p .: standing, legs apart, arms down.

1-6-Raise your arms up, rotate your hands in one direction, then in the other direction;

7- drop the hands, forearms, lower the arms down. Repeat 5-6 times.

"Evil wind bends branches"

I. p .: standing, legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - tilt to the right, arms through the sides up, clap above the head - exhale;

3-4 - and. p., inhale. The same to the left. Repeat 4 times.

"Ice on the puddles in the morning"

I. p .: standing, legs apart, hands “shelf” behind the back.

1-2 - tilt forward, arms down, head down - exhale; perform 4 swings of the arms to the right and left;

3-4 - and. p., inhale. Repeat 5-6 times.

“Hurry, winter, come. We've been waiting for you"

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt.

1-2 - rise on toes, elbows back - inhale;

3 - sit down - exhale;

4 - and. and. Repeat 5-6 times.

“It’s getting colder every day, we’ll jump more fun”

I. p .: legs slightly apart, feet parallel.

Jumping on two legs with a turn around oneself in one direction or the other.

Do turns for 4 counts. Repeat 4 times.

“We inhale the cool air, then exhale quietly”

I. p .: legs together, hands down.

1 - right leg back on the toe, arms through the sides up - inhale;

2 - i. p., exhale. Same, left leg back. Repeat 2-3 times.

III. Walking with a cross step

Theme of the week "Zimushka-winter"

Morning exercises "Winter has come to us"

1. Walking in a column one at a time.

Walking on toes, walking "goose step".

Jumping on both feet, easy on the toes. Run.

Walking. Construction in 2 columns.

2. outdoor switchgear

  1. "Breathe the cold air"

I. p .: about. c, hands down. 1 - arms to the sides, up, rise on toes - inhale; 2 - return to and. p., exhale. Repeat 6 times.

  1. "Zimushka-winter snow covered"

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. 1-4 - 4 rotations with straight arms forward; 5-8 - the same back. Repeat 3-4 times. Do not move your legs.

  1. "Let's go to the forest, stock up firewood for the winter"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, fingers interlaced. 1 - arms up, bend over - inhale; 2 - lean forward, hands between legs - exhale. Repeat 6 times. Do not bend your knees when bending your knees.

  1. "Good in the forest in winter"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - return to and. P.; 3-4 - the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

  1. "We cross over the snowdrifts"

I. p .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - raise the right leg bent at the knee; 2nd. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

  1. "Frost and cold - it does not matter!"

I. p .: legs together, hands down. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - i. p., jumping legs together, arms down. Perform 10-15 jumps. Repeat 2-3 times. Walking in place is short between series of jumps

3. Low mobility game “Here it is - the long-awaited Winter itself is coming!”

According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - “Winter”, he puts a crown on his head. The rest of the children stand in pairs and form a circle. "Winter" enters the circle and becomes in the center, the players begin to move in a circle and all together say the words:

long-awaited winter,

Finally you have arrived!

Get up in a circle with us,

Choose your pair!

The driver - “Winter” answers the children: “Ay-ay, I’m going, I’m going! I'll find a pair for myself! With these words, he quickly takes one of the players by the hand and stands in a circle. The player left without a pair goes to the center of the circle, he is “Winter”. The new leader puts a crown on his head. The game is repeated.

Theme of the week: Wild animals

Morning gymnastics complex Wild animals"

I. Construction. walking one after another; walking on heels, hands on shoulders; walking high raising knees, hands on the belt; running, sweeping the shins back; running, walking, breathing exercises, building in two columns.

Who from the tall dark pines

Threw a bump at the kids

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a flame?

  1. 1. "Dimble Squirrel"

i.p.: o.s., hands on the belt

1 - tilt your head to the right, hands on your belt.

3- tilt your head to the left, hands on your belt

4 - i.p. D: 6r.

(hint: do not make sudden head movements)

He jumps across the field - he hides his ears,

Stand up as a pillar - ears upright

  1. 2. "Nimble Hare"

i.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms up

1 - lean forward, touch the heels on the inside with your hands.

2 - i.p. D: 6r.

Who is cold in winter

Wandering angry hungry

  1. 3. "Fast wolf"

sp: o.s, hands on the belt.

1 - raise pr. straight leg forward

2 - move the right leg back

3 - again raise the right leg forward.

4 - i.p. repeat actions with the other leg D: 4p.

  1. 4. "Love the Animals"

sp: legs on sh.p, arms lowered.

B: inhale through the nose. As you exhale, pull out lingeringly: “mmmm”, at the same time tap your fingers on the wings of the nose. D: 6 p.

The tail is fluffy, the coat is bright,

both cunning and cunning.

Know the animals in the forest

Bright red ... (fox)

  1. 5. "Sly Fox"

sp: standing on your knees and palms, head raised.

1-2 arch your back, lower your head.

3-4 i.p. D: 5-6 p.

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.

  1. 6. "Clumsy Bear"

sp: lying on your back, arms along the body.

1- turn on your right side, press your legs to your stomach.

3-4 is also the left side. D: 4-5r.

  1. 7. "We love animals"

Jumping in place from foot to foot.

Alternate with walking. D: 3r. 15-20 jumps.

III. Walking next to each other

Theme of the week: "Professions"

morning exercises "Professions"

I. Building in a line, alignment.

Walking is normal, walking on toes, with high knees.

Walking lunges freely waving arms,

loose running, walking, building in a circle.

  1. "Regulator on duty". I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- right hand forward, palm up; 2- the same with the left hand; 3- right hand up, palm forward; 4- the same with the left hand; 5- right hand to the side, palm down; 6 - the same with the left hand; 7-right hand down; 8- left hand in ip 4 times
  2. "Painter". I.p. - o.s. 1- step forward with the right foot, 2- raise the right hand forward and up, 2- sp. the same from the left leg 6 times
  3. " Driver". I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands in front of the chest "hold the steering wheel." 1-3- squat, “turn the wheel”, 4-s.p. 6 times
  4. "Cook". I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 1- 3-turn to the right, hands in a fist, circular rotations "cook porridge." 4-ip 4 times
  5. "Salesman". I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 1-2- lean forward, stretch forward first the right, then the left hand. 3-4- i.p. 6 times
  6. "Pilot". I.p. - legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. 1-7- tilt, mill with hands. 8-ip 5 times
  7. "Ballerina". I.p. o.s., hands on the belt. 1- put the right straight leg forward on the heel; 2-lower the foot to the ground; 3- pull the toe of the foot towards you; 4 - i.p. The same with the other leg. 6 times
  8. "Athlete". I.p .: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, arms down. 1-3- jumping in place on two legs; 4-jump up as high as you can.

III. Walking in a column one at a time with a change of direction. Breathing exercises

Theme of the week: Gifts of autumn

Morning gymnastics complex: "In the garden"


We'll go to the garden

And we'll pick vegetables there

Walking in a column.

The road is short, narrow,

Let's go, stepping with a sock

And we're walking along the curb

And we sit on it.

Then we go around the trees

Snake walking.

And we'll run a little

Running "snake"

Together we go again

Let's rest in the garden.

Walking in a column, rebuilding in 2 columns

II. outdoor switchgear

one " In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head"


I.p. o.s. hands down.

B: 1-2 arms through the sides up, rise on toes,

2 - i.p. 6 times.

2 “I drag her from a mink for a curly braid”


I.p. on my knees.

B: 1 tilt forward arms forward

2 - i.p. 6 times.

3" Round side, yellow side, sits on a bed of gingerbread man"

« Turnip"

I.p. sitting with straight legs, arms forward.

B: 1- turn right (left)

2 - i.p. 6 times.

4 " And a bush grew green and thick in the garden .... "


I.p. lying on your back.

B: 1 - raise straight legs slightly off the floor

2 - i.p. 6 times

5 " Patch on patch - green patches .... "


I.p. lying on stomach, hands in front

B: 1-2 - raise arms and legs off the floor, bend

3-4 - i.p. 6 times.

6" A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street.


I.p. lying on your back.

B: shoulder stand.

7" Garden Scarecrow"

B: jumping on two legs in place, swinging your arms forward and backward.

2 - 3 times.


Collected a lot of vegetables

And we are a little tired.

We are going to rest

And let's go for a walk again.

Walking in a column one at a time with hand movements

Theme of the week: Gifts of autumn

Morning gymnastics complex: "Both in the garden and in the garden"


We'll go to the garden

And we'll pick vegetables there

Walking in a column.

The road is short, narrow,

Let's go, stepping with a sock

Walking on toes with hands on the belt.

And we're walking along the curb

And we sit on it.

Walking sideways side step with a squat.

Then we go around the trees

Walking "snake" between objects.

And we'll run a little

Running "snake"

Together we go again

Let's rest in the garden.

Walking in a column, rebuilding in a circle

II. outdoor switchgear

1 Sam scarlet, sugar,

Kaftan green, velvet .

I.p. o.s, hands down.

1- stand on the toes of the hands forward in a semicircle

2 - i.p. 5 times.

2 Lush tail I grabbed deftly. I pulled it and now ... (carrot)

I.p. kneeling, hands on the belt

1- lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers

2 - i.p. 5 times

3 Her skirts, starched to a crisp, proudly sat down in the garden ... (cabbage)

I.p. the same heels apart

1 - sit on the floor between the heels of the hand forward

2 - i.p. 5 times.

4 Round side, yellow side,

Sits on the garden bed.

I.p. sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn right (left) arms forward

2 - i.p. 5 times

5 Everyone around is crying a lot if mom cleans ... (bow)

I.p. lying on your back

1- group your feet

2 - i.p. 5 times.


Yellow and pot-bellied ... Zucchini

I.p. same, hands up.

Rollovers from back to stomach 5 times

7 An apple fell from a branch

Jumped and jumped .

Jumping on two legs forward - backward, walking in place 2p

III. Collected a lot of vegetables

And we are a little tired.

We are going to rest

And let's go for a walk again.

Walking in a column one at a time with movements for the hands.

Theme of the week: "Transport".

Morning exercises "We are machines."

The teacher reads the rhymed text, the children perform the appropriate movements.

I.Line up quickly to charge. kids are building

Calculate in order. Calculation in order

I will turn you now

Everyone in the car at this hour.

Engine starts, hums hands in a circular motion

Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock - knocks.

Like a lion, the engine growls at everyone

And it’s in a hurry to start up: r-r-r-r-r-r.

At first, the cars move slowly. walking

Where it is appointed - will arrive.

Then faster and faster run

To arrive sooner.

We are entering a large avenue. walking

There are a lot of cars here - we all know.

They ride in three rows rearrangement in three columns

And they won't run into each other.

We hold the steering wheel tightly, friends,

Because it can't be released.


  1. Rulvlevo , turn right. turns right, left

Surely we will find the way. hands in front of you

It rained, poured glass,

You can't see anything at all. 6 times

2.We include purifiers swing your arms to the right

And we clean the glass quickly: to the left

Back and forth, back and forth -

Water will not interfere with us. 6 times

3. To avoid winding along the road. exercise "pump"

We need to pump up the tires. Forward-down bends

Pumps quickly picked up

And the tires were inflated tightly: shhhhh. 6 times

4. The machine must be inspected. sit-ups

I ask you to squat down. Turn your head to the right

Let's look behind and from the sides, to the left

Now - before. Inspection is ready! 6-7 times

Now you can speed up.

But only bumps ahead.

Jump lightly, look.

6. Machines so we dispersed, lying on back exercise

That everyone had an accident, " a bike"

We lie upside down

And by inertia we buzz: beep beep beep. 6 times


Help has finally arrived.

The suffering has come to an end.

It's time for all the cars in the garage.

I'll show you where to go now.

Now do not accelerate at all walking next to each other

And try to drive slowly.

Hold the steering wheel firmly, turn,

Looking ahead carefully

Topic of the week: Mother's day

Morning exercises: Preparing a festive dinner

Line up and turn around one after the other. We go to the kitchen.



Sequence of actions, load dosage

We are cooks guys, we will help Mom

And in the kitchen together, together we will have fun walking.

Walking in a column one by one around the hall - 20 s

We won't get it without a chair

To top cabinets

with cereal. Together on toes

stand up and argue with the height.

Walking on toes.

1-4 - children rise on their toes and raise their hands up; 5-8 - lower their hands down and walk in a normal step - 10 s

Bach! We spilled sour cream. The cat was not blamed for this. We went on our heels and walked around the sour cream.

Walking on heels in alternation with normal walking - 10 s

The kitty helped us

And removed the sour cream

But your Whiskas

scattered what the hostess had given her. "Whiskas" will also go around, Our feet will turn.

And then we will still collect this Whiskas from the floor.

Walking on the outside of the foot - 10 s

We bought long spaghetti in the store.

They were dipped in boiling water and boiled a little.

And then we quickly rolled spaghetti on a fork, poured ketchup on top and put them in our mouths.

Running like a snake, holding hands, around the entire perimeter of the hall, with folding and unfolding in the middle - 20 s

We have dry peas.

It's pretty good in soup. Suddenly the peas crumbled

A thousand roads.

We will take mugs in our hands and collect all the peas.

Loose running around the hall with subsequent collection in the center - 20 s

We will spread the peas with a thread, stand straight next to each other

We can.

Building in a column but one

Inhale-exhale (breathing exercise)

They collected all the peas from the floor and got a little tired. Exactly, take a deep breath. Stretch higher, higher.

I.p. O.S., standing. Arms

lift up through the sides, stretch - inhale; lower your hands down - exhale with the pronunciation of "wow!". Repeat 6 times

Building on outdoor switchgear

Three tables stand in a row, waiting for skilled cooks.

In three columns, you get up and start cooking.

Children are rebuilt from one column to three

outdoor switchgear without items

1. Candlestick.

We will decorate the table, Arrange everything beautifully.

With a twisted candle

the candlestick will be the first to stand here.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - raise your hands smoothly through the sides up, close back side palms, put the right leg aside on the toe; 2 - return to sp. - exhale, say "ffff"; 3-4 - the same with the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times

2. We're setting the table.

We will put flowers on the right, fruits on the left

we will decompose, here - sweets, chocolate,

There is a cake in a row. Don't forget the sandwiches

We poured juice into decanters.

I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1- turn the torso to the right along with the arm;

2- i.p.; 3-4 - the same to the left. Repeat 3 times on each side

3. We remove garbage.

We cut the bread, hurried, We littered a lot around. We will all squat, Collect crumbs from the floor.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - sit down, tap your fingers on the floor; 2 - return to sp. Repeat 6 times

4. Egg cutter.

We will prepare a salad - rich in vitamins.

We cut eggs with an egg cutter,

Let our salad be tender.

I.p. - sitting cross-legged, hands on the belt.

1-2 - lean to the left, forward and touch the knee with the forehead; 3-4 - return to sp. Do the same to the left, forward. Repeat 3-4 times on each side

5. Let's make sandwiches.

Let's prepare a sandwich so that he asks in his mouth. We spread butter on bread

And we will press the sausage to it.

I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-2 - pull the legs to the chest, clasp them with your hands; 3-4 - i.p.


For granny, we will cook porridge tastier and sweeter.

The porridge boils, boils, resents, boils.

Wants to jump out. Her big fire

not needed.

I.p. - o.s. Jumping on two legs in place with a change in flight altitude with the help of arms spread apart. 6 times per set (15 s each) alternating with walking

The pace is moderate. Landing on toes

7. Cool the porridge (breathing exercise).

They cooled the porridge together, blew on it, got tired.

Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. We breathe evenly, we are not in a hurry. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. Let's just make grandma laugh.

I.p. - o.s. 1-2 - spread your arms to the sides - inhale; 3-4 - lower your hands - exhale. Repeat 6 times

The pace is slow. Exercising breath control

Rebuilding in a column one at a time

We boiled milk for cocoa easily. Milk splashed, ran like a stream. Didn't run far

His cat licked.

Running one after another in a column one at a time - 20 s

Slowly. Exercise control over posture, coordination of movements of arms and legs

And walked on her paws gently past the kitchen into the hall

furtively. It does not knock with claws, does not meow, is silent.

Walking on toes. Hands on the belt - 10 s


Theme of the week: Nature in winter.

Complex of morning exercises "Features of winter nature"


Our feet walked along the snow-covered road. walking in a column one at a time.

Winter swept all the roads, all the ways

No drive, no pass. crawling on low all fours

We sit on the sled moving forward on the buttocks

And we quickly rush down the hill.

Snowflakes here, snowflakes there, walking in a column one at a time, with cotton overhead

White fluffs. We catch fluff.

And now we have snowdrifts walking with high hips

Raise your legs up.

The snow has begun

Snow everyone is very happy.

Let's run to catch snowflakes, easy run, one by one in a column

Let's go catch fluff.

There is a lot of snow under the snow lateral gallop

The ice does not shine boldly.

We slid on the ice

Deftly and skillfully.

Forward, run march! easy run, in a column one at a time

Step march! walking in a column one at a time

Restoration of breathing: "Let's breathe in the frosty air"

Long breath through the nose. Exhale for a long time: “ha-ha” (3 times).

  1. "Icicle" I.p. - o.s. 1- raise your hands through the sides up, raise on your toes, 2-3- linger, 4-sp.
  2. "Blizzard" I.p. - legs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1-7 - circular rotations of the body, 8- sp.
  3. "Ice" I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders. 1-3- arms to the sides, tilts to the right and left (we try to stay on the ice), 4-sp.
  4. 4. "Snowfall" I.p. - legs slightly apart, arms lowered. 1-2- shallow squat, 3- full squat, arms forward (snow falls), 4- sp.
  5. "Frost" I.p. - sitting on the floor, hands resting behind. 1-3- raise straight legs, bend your arms at the elbows, linger (frozen), 4- sp.
  6. "Let's warm up." Jumping legs together, legs apart with claps overhead.


The game "And it's cold outside"

children perform movements in accordance with the text.

And it's cold outside

Well, everyone rubbed their nose!

There is no need for us to beat the buckets,

Everyone quickly took over!

Twisted, turned

To make it more fun!

Warm up your ears

And they all came to me.

They shook their heads!

Knocked on the knees!

Patted on the shoulders!

They stomped their feet!

Theme of the week: Christmas Kaleidoscope

Complex of morning exercises:

1. New Year has come, Hurray! Walk in place, raising your knees high.

Merry Christmas, kids!

Christmas time is celebrated by the people.

Have fun and sing.

Lots of snow in the yard. I.P. - Feet shoulder-width apart, hands down, fingers in a fist.

Raise your hands up and down, squeeze and

unclench your fingers.

Snowdrifts are not a hindrance to us,

There is a lot of laughter on the charge.

3. Hands to the left, hands to the right,

Here's some fun fun.

Change your hands quickly, I.P. - feet shoulder width apart, right to the side, left

bent in front of the chest. Change of hand position.

Don't yawn and do it.

4. The river flows wide

You won't reach the shore.

No one will fall down, I.P. - Feet wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

Springy torso to one, between the legs,

to the other with both hands.

There is thick ice on the river.

5. Squat and bend over

Keep your back straight. I.P. - heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt.

Squat, spreading your knees, then bend over,

touching the floor.

Then you will be healthy

Without doctors and doctors.

6. Who will lift the leg higher?

Above the house, above the roof.

Don't forget, then come back

I.P. - feet shoulder width apart, arms forward - to the sides,

palms down. Cross leg swings.

And smile a little.

7. We will be careful

Let's be great.

We will, we will try - Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body.

1 - right hand on the belt, 2 - left hand on the belt,

3 - right on the shoulder, 4 - left on the shoulder.

5 - right up, 6 - left up.

7-8 - two claps over the head.

9-14 - in the same sequence down.

15-16 - two cottons on the side of the hips.

And we won't be wrong.

8. Jump, jump, don't be lazy!

Turn around four. I.P. - legs together, arms bent at the elbows.

Jumping on two legs, turning on

fourth jump to the right.

Four is not enough for us

We'll start jumping from the beginning.

  1. game "The goat came to us":

“A goat came to us, brought carols. She herself passed, spent all the children, (speaking) And left the smallest one.

Two leaders form a gate. Through these gates, children in a chain, holding hands, pass with a song. At the words “I left the smallest one,” the gates are closed. Caught children join the drivers.

Theme of the week: "Victory Day and Spring"

Complex of morning exercises "Victory Day and Spring"

1. Walking back and forth, on toes and heels with flags. Walking with an added step forward (an element of corrective gymnastics), putting the heel to the toe (hands with flags to the sides, to the shoulders)

2. Walking in a circle and rebuilding in columns.

I.p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands with flags behind your back. Stretch your arms forward, to the sides, up. Tilts to the right, to the left, return to the starting position (6 times).

I.p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Lean to the right, right hand with a flag at the bottom, left hand at the top, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

I.p .: sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward - to the sides, hands with flags in front of you. Lean forward - down, reach the flags to the toes, return to the starting position. Pull your legs towards you, put the flags on your knees and blow on them, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

I.p .: lie on your back, arms along the body on the floor. Raise the legs bent at the knees to the chest, put the flags on your knees, blow on them, return to the starting position. Raise your legs up, arms to the sides, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

I.p .: lying on your back, legs straight, arms with flags along the body. For once - bent legs in the knees, pull up to the stomach. For two - without straightening, put them to the right on the floor, touch the floor with your thigh. Three - the same to the left. On four - return to the starting position (3-4 times).

I.p .: lying on the stomach (element of corrective gymnastics). Raise your head, pull the elbows of the bent arms back, bring the shoulder blades closer to the spine and hold for a count of 1-2, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

3.Game of low mobility "The most attentive"

Inventory: flags of the same color - red, blue, white (5-8 pcs.); artificial flowers - identical in shape, color and size, for example, daffodils, tulips, carnations (5-8 pcs.).

According to the rhyme, the driver is selected. For the rest of the children, the teacherdistributes, if possible equally, by flag or flower. Playersstand in one line. Driving for 30 seconds carefullylooks at the players, then turns his back to them. teacherreads a poem:

The pipes are humming

Orchestras are ringing.

Today with friends

Come to the parade.

Waving flags

And we give flowers.

Victory songs

Heard everywhere.

During the reading of the poem, several children (2-3 people) change places. At the signal of the teacher “One, two, three, attentionlook closely!" the leader turns around and tells the leader aboutwhich of the players is in the wrong place. He is considered to be victoriousteller, if he did not make a single mistake.

4. Quiet walking in a column in pairs.

Theme of the week: Defenders of the Fatherland

Morning exercises "We are sailors"

1. Walking in place without lifting your toes off the floor. 2 minutes

Walking around the hall in a column one by one,

walking on toes, walking with high knees,

pulling socks, hands on the belt, running, overflowing the shins back.

Construction in two columns.

2. General developmental exercises.

A) “We inhale the smell of the sea.” I.p.: o.s. hands to shoulders, elbows down,

1- raise your elbows up - inhale 2- lower down - exhale sp. 6-8 times

b) Seagulls fly above the clouds. I.p. o.s., hands down

1-4 head rotation to the right, then to the left. Pause.

Repeat 2-3 times on each side. 2-3 times

C.) "The sailors are scrubbing the deck." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.

1-tilt forward with a turn to the right leg and clap between the legs;

2-ip 3-4 the same to the other leg. 4-5 times

D) "We will train all the muscles." I.p., o.s., hands on the belt.

1- put the right foot forward on the toe; 2 to the side; 3- back;

4- - i.p. Repeat the same with the left leg. 4-5 times

E) "Dance" Apple "". I.p.: o.s. hands down.

1-sit down, spreading your knees, lifting your heels off the floor, hands behind your head;

2- i.p. 3-4 - the same, in the other direction. 6-8 times

G) I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.

1- turn to the right, hands behind the back - exhale;

2-ip - breath; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 4 times

3. Hopak jumps, alternating with walking. 1 minute

Topic of the week: New Year

Complex of morning exercises "In the winter forest"

I. The forest is quiet. Walking in a column

The snow is coming.

The New Year is coming.

And under the tree in the meadow, walking holding hands in a circle

Animals dance.

And we will go through the forest, walking, raising our knees high

We will choose a Christmas tree, we will find it.

And the beauty of the forest

We will bring to the garden for the holiday.

Construction in two columns

"Let's put our hands on snowflakes - cheerful and light fluffs "

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. 1 - hands forward, palms up; 2 - arms up, hands to the sides, palms up; 3 - arms to the sides, palms up; 4 - and. n. Repeat 6 times.

"Walks quickly through the snowdrifts for the New Year's holiday to the children"

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt. 1-3 - arms to the sides, bend the right leg at the knee, pull the toe, pause; 4 - return to and. n. The same with the left leg. Repeat 5 times.

"A snowstorm in the forest on New Year's Eve sweeps, sweeps, sweeps" I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, feet parallel, arms to the sides, palms up. 1-2 - bend your arms at the elbows in front of the chest; 1-6 - sequential forward rotation of the hands one around the other. The same, the rotation of the arms back. Repeat 3-4 times.

“And we will go through the forest, we will choose a Christmas tree, we will find it”

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands to the shoulders. 1-3 - three springy forward bends, arms down, fingers to reach the toes, legs straight, head down, look at the feet, do not bend your knees; 4 - and. P.

“We will find a Christmas tree in the forest, we will bring it to the garden for the holiday”

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head;. 1-2 - tilt to the right, arms up - exhale; 3-4 - and. p., inhale. The same on the other side. Lean to the side, keep your head straight. Repeat 4 times.

"It's hard to go through the forest, but the holiday is ahead of us"

I. p .: legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. 1 - semi-squat on the right leg, left straight, arms forward; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same on the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times.

"We are all happy - New Year is knocking at our gates

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt. Perform 4 jumps on the right leg, 4 on the left leg. Repeat 4 times.

III. Low mobility game "Don't drop the snowballs"

Inventory: 5-7 rubber or plastic balls (ball diameter 18-20 cm), a ball bag made of red or blue fabric (bag height 1 m, width 40-50 cm), Santa Claus mask.

The players form a circle on the playground. They stand at arm's length from each other. According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - "Santa Claus". He puts on a mask, takes a bag with "snowballs" (balls) and stands in the center of the circle. Then the driver distributes "snowballs" to the players (balls to players standing in a circle are distributed through one or two people, for example, to the first, third, sixth, etc. player). The bag of Santa Claus remains in the center of the circle. When the driver distributes all the "snowballs" to the players, the teacher reads the text of the poem:

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

He brought us snowballs in a bag.

And snowballs are not simple,

They are so cold!

Stretch your hands quickly

Take snowballs from the bag.

And faster, don't yawn

Pass them on to your friends!

Well, who will drop the snowballs,

Santa Claus picks them up

Put them back in the bag

It will take you back to the forest!

Simultaneously with the teacher reading the text, the players move in a circle one after another, "Santa Claus" walks inside the circle, near the children, in a counter-move. At the end of the text, after the phrase “it will take you back to the forest!” the players stop, turn to face the center of the circle and begin to pass the balls from hand to hand to each other, trying not to drop them. "Santa Claus" intercepts the fallen balls and puts them in a bag. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher says: “Stop, the game!” The players finish passing the balls in a circle, the teacher counts the number of balls that the driver has collected. According to the counting rhyme, a new driver is selected, the game is repeated. Notes. 1. While the teacher is reading the text, the players may not walk in a circle one after another, but perform other actions, for example, “spring”, walking in place, put the right and left legs alternately on the toe or heel, etc. 2. Transfer balls in a circle begins with the players only after the last phrase of the teacher “it will take it back to the forest!” 3. At the end of the game, "Santa Claus" is celebrated, who has collected the largest number of "snowballs" (balls).

Theme of the week: Birds in winter

Complex of morning exercises "Jaws, bullfinches, tits"

I. So that the birds do not die - walking one after another

Jackdaws, bullfinches, tits, -

Need to feed the birds in winter, walking on toes,

They carry food and grains.,

We will always take care of the birds - walking on our heels

And in the cold and in the cold.

Birds in trouble, we will not leave the run, raising your knees high

For nothing and never.

Walking, breathing exercises, building in 2 columns

"Birds looking for food"

I. p .: about. with., hands down. 1 - sharply lower the chin to the chest - exhale; 2 - raise your head up - inhale. Repeat 6 times.

"Bullfinches spread their wings"

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt. 1 - take your elbows back to the attention of the shoulder blades - inhale; 2 - i. p., exhale. Repeat 6 times.

"Tits peck crumbs"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1 - tilt forward, touch the ground with your hands - exhale; 2 - i. p., inhale. Repeat 6 times.

"Daws have cold paws"

I. p .: about. s., hands on the belt. 1 - put the foot forward on the toe; 2 - lift it up; 3 - put on the toe; 4 - and. n. The same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

"Birds are cold"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. 1 - turn to the right, hands behind the back - exhale; 2 - i. p. - inhale; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

“Sparrow on the branches jump-jump-jump. Frosts are not terrible - chirp-chirp!

I. p .: about. s., hands arbitrarily. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking in place. 10 jumps, repeat 3-4 times.

Mp game "Woodpecker" - children choose a woodpecker driver. Children stand in a circle, the woodpecker stands in the middle of the circle. The players walk in a circle and all say together:

"A woodpecker walks by the granary, looking for a grain of wheat."

The woodpecker answers:

"I'm not bored alone,

Whoever I want, I'll take."

With these words, he quickly takes one of the players by the hand, stands with him in a circle. The one left without a pair is the driver.

Theme of the week: Inhabitants of reservoirs. Insects

Complex of morning exercises "Once in the summer on the pond"

  1. 1. One summer on the pond

The fish were playing leapfrog.

Here the old catfish woke up,

He was awakened by them.

Pike clicks his teeth:

"Well, be quiet! Not a sound to everyone!

Don't disturb your rest!

Don't you dare play here!"

The fish wagged their tail,

Backs flashed in the water

And they swam into the river to splash,

To play again

Don't be afraid of anyone!

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on heels, walking with a cross step,

running on toes, light running, walking, breathing exercises.

2 . "The old catfish woke up, stretched in surprise"

I. p .: about. with., hands to shoulders. 1-2 - raise your elbows to the sides, try to connect the shoulder blades; 3-4 - return to and. n. Repeat 6 times.

“The angry pike got angry:“ Well, be quiet! No sound to everyone!"

I. p .: about. with., arms to the sides, fingers slightly clenched into a fist. 1-3 - circles with hands down; 4 - straighten up - inhale. Repeat 6 times.

“The fish are playing leapfrog - all movements are without error!”

And, p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms up. 1-3 - springy forward bends - long exhalation; 4 - straighten up - inhale. Repeat 6 times.

"Fish, be quiet, don't make noise! Don't piss off the evil pike!"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. 1 - turn to the right, hands behind the back - exhale; 2 - i. p. - inhale; 3-4

The same on the other side. Repeat 6 times.

“The fish wagged their tails, flashed their backs in the water”

I. p .: about. with., hands down. 1 - right hand forward, right foot back; 2 - i. P.; 3 - left arm forward, left leg back; 4 - and. n. Repeat 4-5 times, speeding up the pace.

"The fish are having fun, they are not afraid of anyone"

I. p .: right leg in front, left - behind, hands on the belt.

Jump to change the position of the legs 12-16 times. Repeat 2-3 times, alternating with a short walk in place.

3. Walking one after another with a task for the hands.

morning exercises


Educator. Children! Today we will go to the fair, where folk craftsmen present their products. So let's hit the road!

1. Gather up, people!

The fair is calling

Cheerful, painted,

Motley, groovy! Walking in a circle - 10s

The pace is moderate.

Sew, girls, sundresses

Yes, shirts for fellows.

Braid your braids tightly

Weave scarlet ribbons.

We sew with a needle on velvet,

By satin ribbon

Yes, red chintz.

We put even stitches,

We lead the needle evenly. Walking with an added step in a zigzag manner - 20 s

The pace is slow. Hands on the belt.

lace maker,

scientist girl,

teach me to weave

Twisted lace.

Snake walking, children hold hands, - 20 s The pace is moderate.

Cross-stitch a shirt

Let's go to the fair.

There is no better shirt!

Let's find a young man for her. Walking diagonally with a cross step - 20 s

The pace is slow.

Throw a painted shawl

Like a swan, let's go.

Let's omit the long braid,

Let's start round dances. Walking on socks in a circle - 10s

The pace is moderate. Back straight, arms to the sides

Gorodets horses are standing

And funny goats.

All bright, painted.

The guys are very happy with them. Running with a high hip lift - 20 s The pace is moderate.

And now - running with a yoke,

What is hanging on our shoulders.

Buckets full of water

Let's take it home soon.

Gotta run fast

And don't spill the water. Running on toes - 20 s

The pace is moderate.

We sat on the carousel

The carousels spin.

But at first, barely

And then, and then

Everyone run, run, run. Running with acceleration in a circle, children hold hands - 20 s

Pace from slow to fast

Parsley (breathing exercise)

Do not count at the Fair of Miracles!

There is a street theater there.

We are welcomed by Petrushka,

nods his head,

Bows low to us

Arranges the handles.

I.p. - o.s. 1-2 - arms to the sides, tilt down - exhale; 3-4 - ip, inhale.

Repeat 5 times The pace is slow.

Rebuilding in two columns.

  1. 2. outdoor switchgear without items
  2. Woven rugs.

Woven track - Rainbow in the window.

Like a striped cat, It lies on the floor, It guards the heat.

I.p. - legs "path", arms bent, fingers clenched into fists. 1 - stretch your arms forward; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - repeat the movement (weaver's movement).

Repeat 6 times The pace is moderate. Hands tense

  1. Dymkovo toy.

The Dymkovo mistress boasts of her outfit.

She went to dance, led with a shoulder, scattered peas from her skirt.

I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. 1 - take your elbows back to the attention of the shoulder blades; 2 - i.p. Repeat 6 times The pace is slow. No sudden movements

3. Potters.

Tulle-tulle, three Sharks - Oh! fell by the river.

Tili-tili, what broke?

What was broken?

All pots!

Three Emelis passed by. They whistled and looked:

So as not to beat the dishes in the future,

You have to look under your feet!

I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, arms up. 1 - tilt forward with simultaneous retraction of hands back (dropped the pot); 2 - i.p. Repeat 6 times

The pace is moderate. The slope is low. Don't bend your knees

Woven bast shoes from bast,

Let's go dancing. We expose the leg, we praise the bast shoes.

I.p. - o.s. hands on the belt. 1 - put the foot forward on the toe; 2 - lift it up; 3 - on the toe; 4 - i.p. The same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg. The pace is moderate.

5. We process flax. Linen was collected, Soaked, combed, Cloths were woven,

Rolled into rolls. They sewed sundresses, went to dance.

I.p. - o.s., hands up.

1 - raise the leg bent at the knee with a simultaneous swing of the arms back (flax combing);

2 - i.p. Repeat 3-4 times alternately with both legs. The pace is moderate.

6. Blacksmiths.

It's hot for the blacksmith at the stove, The iron is melting in it. He will inflate the fur again, To make it hotter. And from soft iron He will quickly forge a horseshoe, He will dip it into the water - Here the horseshoe is ready.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - squat down, spreading your knees and lifting your heels off the floor, hands behind your head (inflation of furs); 2 - i.p. Repeat 6 times The pace is moderate. The back is straight. To hold balance

7. Northern masters in bone.

Master bone carvers carved a deer from the tusk of a walrus,

They sang a song to him:

On the scar, on the wild tundra You jump, eat gray-haired moss.

And you walk on the grass, Run home as soon as possible.

I.p. -- o.s. Jumps on one leg: 5 jumps in one direction, 5 jumps on the other leg in the other direction. Repeat 4 times The pace is fast.

8. Inhale-exhale (exercise to restore breathing)

Hey, cheerful harmonist! Play us an encore.

You unfold the accordion, And then roll it up.

I.p. - o.s. 1-2 - arms to the sides - inhale;

3-4 - i.p. - exhale. Repeat 5 times The pace is slow.

3. round dance

Well, honest people.

Get up in the dance!


Like snow under a hill, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

And under the tree snow, snow,

And on the tree snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush hush,

Keep quiet!

Children stand in a circle. The bear is chosen. He sits on a chair in the middle of the circle and "falls asleep". On the 1st and 3rd lines, the children go to the middle of the circle (4 steps), on the 2nd 4th lines they go back, from the center (4 steps), on the 5th line they carefully approach the sleeping bear. The last two lines are spoken by one of the children appointed by the teacher. The bear must recognize this child by voice. The game is repeated with a new child.

Topic of the week: traffic rules

complex of morning exercises "Merry Pedestrian"

I. Walking one after another,

walking with high knees, walking with clapping in front of you and behind your back for each step, galloping to the right side, jumping. Breathing exercise.

Building in a circle.

1. "We look at the traffic light"

I.p. feet shoulder-width apart hands behind the head, elbows to the side, head straight,

2 - turn the head to the side, exhale

3-4- the other way 6 just look at the road!

The three-eyed king is standing there

The road country is led by

Children know: for a long time

King of the great traffic light.

2. "Machines"

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms to the side.

1 - hands in front of the chest, do 3-4 circular rotation with one hand around the other,

say "rr" 6 times Pedestrian stop!

car on the road

R-R-R rushes! And behind him thick dust

A cloud swirling - Sh-sh-sh!

3. "Transition"

I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1- tilt forward, right hand forward, left to the side.

2 is also on the other side. 3-4 times One two Three,

The zebra lay down on the road. Oh, go on the zebra feet.

Don't worry pedestrian! Zebra this transition.

4. "Red color"

Legs apart, arms to the sides . I will follow the traffic rules without objection

"Stop, move!" I will listen without question.

1- turn to the right, hands on the belt "The path is open" Traffic light indications:

2 - also look to the left in the direction of the turn. 4 times Know, children, the red light means: there is no move.

5. "Yellow"

I.p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. yellow - be careful

1- raise the right foot toe down On the green boldly go

2- also with the left foot. 5 times

6. "Green"

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down One-two - left!

4-6 steps to walk, raising your knees high, Free move. One two left.

I am a happy walker.

4-6 jumps 6 times

III. Walking in place with arms swinging (marching).

The theme of the week is "Dangers around"

Complex of morning exercises "We are firefighters"

1. Alignment, right, left, right (15 sec).

Walking in a column one at a time (15 sec), walking in a squat and half squat (15 sec), lunging walking (20 sec), regular running (20 sec), running backwards (20 sec), walking in a column one at a time. Construction in three columns.

2 .ORU.

"Climbing the fire escape."

1) inhale - hands up, fingers apart, rise on toes;

exhale - arms down, bend at the elbows, brush into a fist, lower on
the whole foot (“Wow!”);

3) exhale - return to I.P.

“Rewinding the hoses, getting ready to leave.”

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1- lean forward. 2- rotational movements with both hands in front of the chest. 4- i.p.

"Challenge accepted, let's go."

I.p: lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body.

Pull the legs alternately to the stomach, then fully straighten them at the knees. D-6 times.

"Pumping water."

I.p: kneeling, arms along the body.

1-2- tilt to the right, hands up-exhale. 3-4 - i.p. D-4 by 4.

"We put out the fire."

I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms down, hands in the castle.

1-4 - raising hands to the right-up, circular motion body to one side and the other. D- 8 times.

"Mission completed."

I.p: legs crossed, arms down.

12-16 jumps, changing the position of the legs apart and crosswise, while clapping your hands over your head. Alternating with walking. D- 4 times.

"The fire is out."

I.p: main stand.

1-2 hands up, stretch well, rise on toes-inhale. 3-4 hands down, go down on the entire foot - exhale. D- 10 times.

3 .Running at a slow pace (10 meters). Walking with eyes closed (5 meters). Normal walking (20 sec).

Theme of the week: Spring. Vegetable world.

Morning exercises "Trees inforest"

I . introductory part
“We are in the spring forest Walking at a normal pace with slopes
They walked all day, forward and spreading their arms to the sides.

Looking for snowdrops
They breathed air. Walking is normal.
Moss under your feet
The earth is lined
We walk on toes, walking on toes
Stepping lightly.
Here are the trees
We're on our way.
We need to run around them Snake run.
And get around. Snake walking.
Cloud-small Run in all directions.
Rain sent us. Loose walking.
Let's run faster, hide from the rain.
Construction in 3 columns.

II . Main part. General developmental exercises
1. "D
ub.“Here is an oak growing, tall and beautiful.

And he looks at us playfully.
I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands through the sides up, rise on toes;

2 - return to and. n. Repeat 6 times.
2. "Willow". " Here is a willow leaning over the water.

She saw her reflection in her.
I. p. - kneeling, arms to the sides, back. 1 - hands forward, touch
gender; 2 - return to and. n. Repeat 6 times.
3. "Herringbone".“The Christmas tree bent down, the Christmas tree-needle,

It is hard to keep fluffy twigs.

And p. - gray-haired with straight legs, arms down. 1 - hands forward, touch socks;

2 - return to and. n. Repeat 5-6 once.
4. "Dry branches ». « Dry branches were cut down, laid on the ground.

The wind is blowing, the branches are rolling on the ground.
I. p. - lying on the stomach. 1-4 - rolls from back to stomach and back.

Repeat 5-6 times.

5. "Leaves" " The wind rips the leaves, the leaves

twist and fly in the wind.

And p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms in a girth - back.

Repeat 5 B once.
6. " Osinka.“But the thin aspen laughs,

like a river ringing"
I. p. - the main stand. Jumping (legs closed - apart) in alternation with walking
(30-40 times).
III. Final part

Walking is normal with hand movements:

The theme of the week is "Spring"

Morning gymnastics complex "Beyond the Gates of Spring".

Educator. Will I go, will I go out

I'll go, I'll go out.

I'll look at the gate

What I see, I'll tell you.

Children randomly stand around the room.

Introductory part.

Educator. Will I go, will I go out

Walking with a brisk step in a column, 15-17 sec.

I'll go, I'll go out.

I'll look at the gate

What I see, I'll tell you.

Behind the gates of spring

Behind the gates of spring

Behind the gates of spring

The cold recedes.

Educator. The sun is high in the sky

Walking on toes [hands on the belt], 8 sec.

The sun is high in the sky.

It's easy for us to walk with the sun,

It's easy for us to walk with the sun.

Educator. With the sun, it's easy for us to run. Running, 20-25 sec

In March, welcome everyone to spring.

The sun is high in the sky

And spring is near.

Together we can easily run

It's easy for us to run together.

We will welcome spring

Winter, see off the cold.

Educator. Will I go, will I go out Walking in a column

Will I go, will I go out

I'll look at the gate

What I see, I'll tell you. Rebuilding in 2 columns.

General developmental exercises.

Educator. Here are icicles, like carrots.

I.P. - standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.

We want to tear them down.

Lifting on toes while raising arms through the sides up, perform

We want to tear them down

"grasping" movement with brushes - I.P. Run 6 times.

Just don't take them by mouth.

We want to tear them down

Just don't take them by mouth.

Educator. Drip-drip-drip - drops ringing.

I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Right turn with abduction

The thaw is coming.

right hand [palm up - “catching droplets”] - I.P. The same to the left

The sun shines all day long.

Run 2 times in each direction.

Drip-drip-drip - drops ringing.

Educator. Snow still lies on the hill -

I.P.- also. Tilt, hands down, palms out - I.P.

Look and make sure.

And until it melts Run 4 times.

Hey, hurry up the hill!

Educator. Sticks were taken in hand.

I.P. - standing, legs slightly apart, arms forward, hand in a fist.

We skied together.

Half squat, hands back- “We push off with sticks” - I.P.

Have fun going down. Run 8 times.

Hey, out of the way, stay away!

Game exercise "Sledding".

Children stand two by two, holding hands.

Educator. We sat on the sled together,

At the command of an adult “Let's go”, children in pairs run in a circle - 10 seconds.

We flew down the hill together

Have fun going down. The game is repeated 2 times.

Hey, out of the way, stay away!

Or, on the command “On the sled one at a time and quickly,” the children perform the run corresponding to the words.

On the new verbal signal “One-two-three, find your pair”, the children stand in pairs. The game resumes, but first the children walk in pairs - “we drive slowly”.

Option: game exercise "Get the icicle."

Educator. Here are icicles, like carrots.

Children perform jumps on two legs in place.

We want to tear them down.

Then - more high jump with raising hands up and the movement "we tear off the icicle."

We want to tear them down

Just don't take them by mouth!

Walking in place

Final part.

Educator. Will I go, will I go out Walking in place.

I'll go, I'll go out.

I'll look at the gate

What I see, I'll tell you.

Behind the gates of spring

Behind the gates of spring

Behind the gates of spring

The cold recedes.

Literature and Internet resources:

  1. Web site " Social network education workers.-
  2. International educational portal

5. Alyabyeva E.A. Not boring gymnastics. Thematic morning exercises for children 5-7 years old-M .: TC Sphere, 2014.

6. Kirillova Yu.A. Complexes of exercises (ORU) and outdoor games for speech therapy groups (ONR) from 3 to 7 years old. Senior and preparatory group for school. Methodological guide for teachers and preschool specialists educational institutions. -SPb.: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008.

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

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