Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova teaching material on the topic. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: a set of exercises by Strelnikova

The article describes the techniques for performing exercises included in the method of healing according to A.N. Strelnikova. Breathing exercises Strelnikova is a unique method that helps to improve health and get rid of many diseases. It is of great value in the fight against such diseases of children as sinusitis, chronic rhinitis and adenoids, which are so common in our time and which prevent our children from living and developing normally.



Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises are shown as a method of treatment, and as a method of prevention of many diseases to absolutely everyone, without exception. It was created at the turn of the 30s-40s as a way to restore the singing voice, tk. A.N. Strelnikova was a singer and lost him. Of the four functions of the respiratory system: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing, singing is the most difficult. Consequently, gymnastics, which restores even the singing voice, that is, the most complex function, on the way to the goal inevitably restores simpler functions and, above all, breathing. Gymnastics, saturating the entire body with oxygen, inhibits the aging process at the cellular level, due to which a number of diseases recede or are completely eliminated ( ischemic disease heart, obesity, hypertension and hypotension, headache, epilepsy, neuroses, depression, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.)

This domestic wellness system gives great results!

The main complex of breathing exercises

Exercise "Palms" (warm-up)

I.p .: stand up straight, show your palms to the "viewer", while lowering your elbows, not taking your hands far from the body - the posture of a psychic.

Take a short, noisy, active breath with your nose and at the same time clench your palms into your fists (grasping movement). Hands are motionless, only palms are clenched.

Immediately after active inhalation, exhalation leaves freely and easily through the nose or through the mouth. At this time, we unclench the cams.

Again they sniffed (loudly, across the room) and at the same time clenched their palms into fists. And again, after a noisy inhalation and squeezing the palms into fists, the exhalation leaves freely, we unclench our fingers, we relax our hands for a moment.

Do not spread your fingers apart when exhaling. They relax just as freely after compression, as the exhalation leaves absolutely freely after each inhalation.

In our breathing exercises, it is very important to learn not to think about the exhalation! Only inhalation is active, exhalation is passive. Do not hold air in your chest or push it out. Do not prevent the body from releasing "waste" air.

After making 4 short noisy breaths through the nose (and, accordingly, 4 passive breaths), pause - rest for 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to perform 24 times 4 short noisy inhalation-exhalation.

The norm is 96 breaths and exhalations. This is the so-called Strelnikovskaya "hundred".

On the second or third day of training, you can do not 4 breaths in a row without stopping, but 8 or even 16 times, and after a few days - already 32 breaths without a pause.

Respiratory movements in Strelnikov gymnastics are grouped not by 5 or 10, as usual, but strictly by 8. So we say: 8 respiratory movements - one "eight", 16 respiratory movements - two "eights", 24 respiratory movements - three "eights" , 32 respiratory movements - four "eights". You need to count, of course, only mentally, and not aloud.

After taking 32 breaths-movements, stop and rest for 3-5 seconds (rest, if you like, up to 10 seconds). You can put a match in front of you. The matches will play the role of those "memory knots" with which it is convenient to count the "thirty" (that is, cycles of 32 breaths-movements).

After making 32 more inhalation-movements without stopping (counting the corners of the room mentally with each "eight"), stop again, rest for 3-5 seconds and put the next match in front of you. At the end of the third "thirty" 3 matches will already lie in front of you.

That's all - 96 breaths completed. Strelnikovskaya "hundred" worked out!

You should do gymnastics twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Exercise "palms" can be performed while sitting, and in severe condition - even lying down, 4 or 8 breaths-movements in one approach.


4 breaths-movements - 24 times,

Or 8 breaths-movements - 12 times,

Or 16 breaths-movements - 6 times,

Or 32 breaths-movements - 3 times.

Exercise "Runners"

I.p .: stand up straight, press your hands clenched into fists to the belt. At the moment of a short noisy breath with your nose, push your fists to the floor with force, as if pushing up from it or throwing something off your hands. At the same time, during the push, the fists are unclenched.

At the moment of inhalation, the shoulders tense, the arms are stretched into a string (stretched to the floor), the fingers are spread wide.

As you exhale, return to starting position: hands are on the belt again, fingers clenched into fists - exhalation is gone.

Taking the next noisy short breath, again sharply push your fists to the floor with force, and then return to the starting position - the exhalation leaves on its own through the nose or through the mouth.

If, when you exhale, you release (just release, not push!) Air through your mouth, then do not open your mouth wide. When leaving, the lips are slightly parted (at the moment of inhalation they are slightly compressed) - the air leaves absolutely passively.

In a row, you need to take 8 breaths-movements without stopping. Then rest (pause) - 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements.

This exercise can be done while sitting or even lying down. If your arm is injured, use one good arm. Gradually, very carefully, with each day of training, begin to include the sore arm in the work. Over time, it will "develop".


12 times for 8 breaths-movements,

Or 6 times 16 breaths-movements,

Or 3 times 32 breaths-movements.

Exercise "Pump" ("Inflating the tire")

I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Bend slightly down to the floor: the back is round (not straight), the head is lowered (looks down, to the floor, do not pull or strain the neck, arms are lowered down). Take a short noisy breath at the end of the bow ("smell the floor").

Raise yourself slightly, but do not fully straighten up - at this moment the exhalation through the nose or through the mouth is completely passive.

Bend over again and take a short noisy breath at the same time as the bow. Then, as you exhale, straighten up slightly, releasing air through your nose or mouth.

Take 8 bows-breaths in a row, then stop, rest for 3-5 seconds - and again 8 bows-breaths.

This exercise resembles inflation of a tire, you need to try to do it easily, without unnecessary effort and tension in the lower back.

In severe condition, this exercise can be performed while sitting.

There are also limitations. With head and spine injuries, with displacements of intervertebral discs and vertebral hernias, with long-term osteochondrosis and radiculitis, with increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, with stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder, for myopia more than 5 diopters, in no case bend too low! At the time of bowing, the hands should go down only to the knees, not below. And I repeat once again: do not strain!

Exercise "Cat" (squat with a turn)

I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. We do light, springy, dance squats, while simultaneously turning the body to the right and then to the left. Hands at waist level. When turning to the right and left with a simultaneous short noisy breath, we make a light "dumping" movement with our hands.

We do not take our hands far from the belt, so that you do not "skid" when cornering. The head turns with the body to the right and then to the left. The knees are slightly bent and straightened, the squat is light, springy. The back is straight all the time, in no case slouch!

So, turned to the right, squatted slightly - inhale. The knees are straightened - the exhalation passively leaves when they are straightened. They turned to the left, squatted down slightly, made a light dumping movement with their hands - inhale. Immediately after that, the knees straightened, the air left absolutely passively when they were straightened. Inhale on the right, inhale on the left.

In a row without stopping, you can take 8 or even 16 breaths-movements (be guided by your well-being). Then rest 3-5 seconds and again 8 or 16 breaths-movements. For 1 lesson, you need to make 96 breaths-movements. This is 12 times for 8 or 6 times for 16 breaths-movements.

The cat exercise can be done while sitting if it is difficult for you to stand. In this case, simply turn the body together with your head to the right and left and simultaneously with the turn, sniff the air noisily from the right and left. Use your hands to make dumping movements at waist level, do not take them far from the body.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" (squeezed inhalation chest )

I.p .: stand up straight. The arms are bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the palms facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath with our nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders. It is important that the arms move in parallel and not crosswise. In this case, one hand will be above the other, and which one is above which is all the same. The main thing is to remember that during the entire exercise, the position of the hands should not be changed.

Immediately after a short breath, the arms are slightly apart (but not to the starting position). At the moment of inhalation, the elbows came together at chest level - a kind of triangle formed, then the arms slightly diverge - it turned out to be a square. At this moment, on exhalation, air leaves absolutely passively.

So, the hands converge into a triangle - inhalation, then slightly spread apart (a square is formed) - the exhalation went unnoticed through the nose or through a slightly open mouth. Remember that you should throw your hands towards each other in parallel, and not crosswise. Remember how, many years ago, first-graders sat at their desks, diligently placing one hand on the other strictly parallel. So, in the same way, in our exercise, you need to throw your hands towards each other, one parallel to the other.

Limitations: severe illness.

Starting to master Strelnikov gymnastics, do not do the exercise "Hug your shoulders" for 2-3 weeks, train without it. When you are already doing all the other exercises easily and simply, connect "Hug your shoulders".

At first, you need to do this exercise very carefully and only 8 breaths-movements without stopping. Then rest (pause) 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements.

Norm: 12 times, 8 breaths-movements in one lesson. After a few weeks of training, you can already do 15 or 32 breaths in a row without stopping.

Remember! Hands in this exercise should not be strained, should not be spread wide to the sides, and should not be swapped.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" can be done while sitting, and in a serious condition even lying down. If you have one hand injured (or, for example, you have suffered a stroke with right-sided paralysis of the body), do this exercise with one healthy hand, mentally including the injured hand in the training. And gradually, over time, it will definitely begin to move. Don't feel sorry for her. Set a goal for yourself: by all means, I must develop a sore arm!

Exercise "Big pendulum" ("Pump" + "Hug your shoulders")

I.p .: stand up straight. Bend slightly to the floor (hands reach for the knees, but do not drop below them) - inhale. And immediately, without stopping, lean back slightly (bending slightly in the lower back), hugging yourself by the shoulders - also inhale. The exhalation goes passively between two inhalation movements.

So: bow to the floor, hands to the knees - inhale, then a slight deflection in the lower back - counter movement of the hands with the head slightly thrown back (also inhale). Tick ​​tock, inhale from the floor, inhale from the ceiling. This exercise resembles a pendulum, it is complex, consists of two simple ones: "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders." Do not bend strongly in the lower back when leaning back, and do not strain: everything is done easily and simply, without unnecessary effort.

Do not think about exhalation, it is absolutely passive and leaves after each inhalation on its own, without your help. Do not hold or push out the exhalation, it leaves in the interval between inhalation from the floor and inhalation from the ceiling.

This exercise can be done while sitting. If you have a back injury or very severe osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, do not bend back in the lower back. Just do counter movements with your hands without throwing your head back and arching in the lower back. Bowing low in this case is also impossible. Gradually, with each week of training, the amplitude of movements should increase by itself, and you will bend in the lower back without any unpleasant sensations.

Norm: 3 times for 32 breaths-movements. Begin to master this exercise, doing at first only 8 or 16 breaths-movements in one approach, and having worked well - already 32 breaths-movements. Rest after each "eight" or "thirty" (32 movements), as usual, 3-5 seconds.

Exercise "Turning the head"

I.p .: stand up straight. Turn your head to the right and take a short noisy breath from the right. Then immediately (without stopping in the middle) turn your head to the left, sniff the air on the left noisily and briefly.

On the right is inhalation, on the left is inhalation. The exhalation goes out in the interval between breaths, in the middle (but the head does not stop at the same time). Do not strain your neck in any way. The body is motionless, the shoulders do not turn to follow the head.

Norm: 3 times for 32 breaths-movements. But at the beginning of the workout, do only 8 or 16 breaths in a row without stopping.

Exercise "Ears" ("Ay-ay", or "Chinese dummy")

I.p .: stand up straight. Look straight ahead. Tilt your head slightly to the right, the right ear goes to the right shoulder - a short noisy inhalation through the nose. Then tilt your head slightly to the left, the left ear goes to the left shoulder - also inhale.

Standing straight and looking straight ahead, as if mentally, say to someone: "Ay-ay! How not ashamed!" At the same time, the shoulders do not twitch, try to keep them absolutely motionless. The exhalation goes passively in the interval between breaths, but the head does not stop in the middle.

Norm: 12 times for 8 breaths-movements or 3 times for 32 breaths-movements. At the beginning of the workout, I advise you to do only 8 or 16 breaths-movements in a row.

Exercise "Pendulum head" or "Small pendulum"

I.p .: stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Lower your head down, look at the floor - inhale. Tilt your head up, look at the ceiling - also inhale.

Inhale from below (from the floor) - inhale from above (from the ceiling). The exhalation goes passively in the interval between breaths, but the head does not stop in the middle. Do not strain your neck in any way.

Norm: 12 times for 8 breaths-movements in one lesson or 3 times for 32 breaths-movements (with good training).

Restrictions: in case of head injuries, with increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, chronic headaches and epilepsy, severe osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, in no case do sudden head movements in the exercises "turns", "ears", "pendulum" ! Turn your head or lower it slightly, only indicating movement. In this case, do not strain your neck.

But do not forget to sniff the air with your nose with every movement, noisily, throughout the room. Remember, inhale is active and short! Do not pull in breaths, do not hold or push out breaths. This is a very gross mistake. All head movements are done freely and easily with the neck completely relaxed.

If you are very dizzy or have a headache - sit down and do these 3 exercises with your head while sitting and only 8 or even 4 noisy short breaths without stopping. Rest longer, for example, not 3-5 seconds after every 4 breaths-movements, but up to 10 seconds after each "four" or "eight". But for a total of 96 breaths ("one hundred") of each of these three head exercises.

Even if the dizziness and headache worsen with these three exercises, do not stop exercising. Over time, the vessels of the head will strengthen, and you will get rid of excruciating headaches.

Exercise "Rolls" (back and forth)

I.p .: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. Body weight - on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not lean on it). We stand on our right leg, like a heron in the middle of a swamp, all the weight of the body on it, the left on the back on the tip only to maintain balance.

Slightly squatted on the right leg - inhale. Then we straighten the right knee and only after that we transfer the weight of the body to the one standing behind, left leg... Now she is straight, all the weight of the body is on her, and her right leg is in front of her toe to maintain balance. We sat down on the left leg and at the same time took a short noisy breath with our nose (squats are light, springy, do not squat low in any case).

After a short breath, taken simultaneously with squatting on the left leg, the left leg must be straightened and the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg in front. Now she is straight again, all the weight of the body on her. We do the same light dancing squat with a simultaneous short noisy inhalation through the nose. After inhaling, the right leg at the knee straightens, and we transfer the weight of the body from it to the left leg standing behind on the toe. Now all the weight of the body is on the left leg behind, it is straight, and the right leg in front is on the toe to maintain balance.

So, back and forth, inhale on the right leg, inhale on the left leg. The knee at the time of squatting with a sigh is slightly bent and then straightened, while the exhalation leaves passively after each inhalation.

After taking 32 breaths-movements without stopping (if it's hard, do only 8 or 16 breaths-movements without stopping), stop. Pause 3-5 seconds. Then change the position of your legs: put your left leg forward and put your right leg back. Do the exercise again with the changed position of the legs.

Change your legs (rearrange them) either after every "thirty" (in this case, you will need to do 6 times 32 breaths-movements), or after every 8 or 16 breaths-movements. In total, you need to dial 2 "hundreds" of breaths-movements, "one hundred" for each leg.

Exercise "Rolls" can only be done while standing.

Exercise "Steps" (front and back step)

Front step (rock and roll)

I.p .: stand up straight, hands are lowered along the body. We raise the right leg bent at the knee up to the level of the abdomen, on the left leg at this moment we slightly squat - we take a breath. After that, the raised right leg is lowered to the floor, and the left leg is straightened at the knee. At the same time, exhalation is completely passive through the nose or through the mouth.

Both legs are in a straight position for a moment. Then we lift up the left leg bent at the knee, and on the right at this moment we slightly squat - inhale. After that, both legs straighten for a moment - the exhalation leaves. Right knee up - inhale, left knee up - inhale, exhale leaves freely after each inhalation.

In this exercise, you need not just march on straight legs, like on a parade ground, but slightly squat, as if dancing rock and roll. At the same time, the hands either hang along the body, or make a slight counter movement at the waist level. The back in this exercise should be absolutely straight. Watch this and don't slouch!

Take 32 breaths without stopping. If it's hard, then do only 8 breaths-movements in a row, then rest 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements. And so 4 times (4x8 = 32).

This exercise can be done not only while standing, but also while sitting, in a serious condition even lying down, alternately pulling the legs bent at the knees to the stomach with each breath. If you have one leg injured or paralyzed, do the forward step exercise with one leg. Gradually try to develop the sore leg, mentally raise it to the level of the abdomen, like a healthy one.

It is not recommended for heart patients, asthmatics, hypertensive patients and even older people to raise their knees high (to the level of the abdomen). Raise them slightly, as if you are dancing slightly in one place. Remember: at the moment of a short noisy breath, you need to raise one knee low, while on the other leg you should sit down slightly, as if dancing rock and roll.

Back step

I.p .: stand up straight. Take your right leg bent at the knee back, as if striking yourself with the heel on the buttock. On the other leg (left) at this moment we do a light dancing squat. Then the legs straighten for a moment - the exhalation is gone. We try to hit ourselves on the buttock with our left heel, squatting slightly on the right leg and at the same time inhaling noisily through our nose. The legs are straightened - the exhalation leaves immediately after each inhalation.

The arms either hang along the body, or the hands make a slight counter movement at the waist level.

You need to make 32 breaths without stopping. But if it's hard, rest after every 8 breaths-movements for 3-5 seconds. Over time, you will be able to complete the entire "thirty" without stopping.


32 breaths-movements "forward step",

32 breaths-movements "back step",

32 breaths-movements "forward step".

In total, there should be 96 breaths-movements, that is, Strelnikov's "hundred".

Limitations: in case of severe heart disease (coronary artery disease, congenital malformations, a previous heart attack), this exercise must be performed very carefully. Do not raise your knees high, to the level of the abdomen. Dance slightly, lifting your feet slightly off the floor. At the same time, do not forget with each movement, taking a breath, to "sniff" with a sonorous nose.

After a month or two of training, you will be able to raise your knees much higher, but at the beginning of the workout, limit your movements. It is especially necessary to remember this for people suffering from cholelithiasis or urolithiasis (stones in the liver, kidneys, bladder).

If you are pregnant for more than 6 months and if you have thrombophlebitis, rest 3-5 seconds (as long as possible) after each "eight". Watch for blood clots on your legs and be sure to consult a surgeon!

To begin to master the "front step" exercise, being in a serious condition, it is better to sit and even lie down.

How to master Strelnikov gymnastics.

If you decide to master the set of exercises of Strelnikov breathing exercises, start with the first three exercises. These are "Ladoshki", "Runners", and "Pump". All exercises of Strelnikov breathing exercises are performed in the rhythm of the front army step: everyone saw how the soldiers march.

"Palms" is a warm-up exercise in our gymnastics. In the first lesson, when performing this exercise, you should only take 4 noisy short breaths through the nose. Then - rest (pause) for 3-5 seconds and again in a row without stopping 4 noisy breaths through the nose. And so you need to do 24 times in 4 breaths-movements. A total of 96 breaths-movements (in our opinion "one hundred"). The exhalation should go out through the nose or through the mouth after each inhalation through the nose. Do not under any circumstances delay and, conversely, do not push out the air. Inhalation is extremely active, exhalation is absolutely passive. It’s just noisy, smell the air all over the apartment. Think only while inhaling. If you think about exhaling, you will immediately go astray!

Performing the second exercise - "Runners", do not 4, but 8 breaths-movements in a row without stopping. Then rest 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements. And so 12 times 8, that is, 96 ("hundred").

In the first lesson, you need to do one more exercise. This is the "Pump" exercise, which also needs to be done 12 times in 8 breaths-movements, resting 3-5 seconds after each "eight".

So, in the first lesson, you did the exercise "Ladoshka" - 24 times with 4 breaths-movements, the exercise "Runners" - 12 times with 8 breaths-movements and the exercise "Pump" - 12 times with 8 breaths-movements. In total, it turned out 3 "hundreds". These 3 exercises usually take from 10 to 20 minutes of time.

Master one new exercise each day. The next day, add one more exercise to these three exercises - "Cat". Exercise "Cat" also needs to be done 12 times for 8 breaths-movements, resting from 3 to 5 seconds after every 8 breaths-movements. Repeat the activity in the evening.

And so every day you must gradually master one new exercise: after the "Cat", turn on the exercise "Hug your shoulders", then "Big pendulum", "Turns of the head", "Ears", "Pendulum by the head", "Rolls", finally , "Steps".

The newly mastered exercise must also be done 8 times in 12 approaches, resting 3-5 seconds after each "eight". If you have already mastered the previous exercises quite well and it is easy enough for you to do them, do them not for 8 breaths-movements, resting 3-5 seconds after each "eight", but 16 (2 times for 8 breaths-movements) or even 32 (4 times 8 breaths-movements). After completing 16 or 32 breaths without stopping, pause. That is, rest now not after every "eight", but after 16 or 32 breaths-movements.

And after 16 and after 32 breaths-movements, you need to rest for 3 to 5 seconds. If this is not enough for you, you can extend the rest to 10 seconds, but not longer.

Remember that if you have already mastered the first few exercises well and do them, for example, 32 breaths-movements without stopping, then each new exercise should be done in a row only 8 breaths-movements in a row, be sure to rest 3-5 seconds after each "eights". After a few days of training, this exercise can be done for 16 or 32 breaths without stopping.

If you do the exercise no longer in 8, but in 32 breaths-movements without stopping, then all the same mentally you should count only as "eights"!

Take note!

ONE lesson should take no more than 30 minutes.

Do 3 "thirties" of each exercise. Rest for 3 to 10 seconds after every 32 breaths / movements. If 32 breaths without stopping are difficult to take, rest 3-5 seconds after every 8 or 16 breaths / movements.

Do the whole complex at each lesson (and not several "hundreds" of one exercise). Exercise in the morning (30 minutes) and in the evening (30 minutes). If you feel unwell, do Strelnikov breathing exercises several times a day. And it will become easier for you.

If you have little time, do the whole complex of our gymnastics not in 3 "thirty", but one "thirty" of each exercise, starting with "palms" and ending with "steps". It will take 5-6 minutes.

Think mentally only as "eights". If you are confused, rest 3-5 seconds after every 8 breaths / movements. Set aside a match with each figure eight (12 matches).

Strelnikov gymnastics can be practiced by children from 3-4 years old and elderly people. Age is not limited. It can be done while standing, sitting, and even lying down in a serious condition!

On average, it takes a month daily activities 2 times a day to feel healing effect for any disease.

I advise you never to quit this gymnastics. Do your whole life at least once a day for 30 or even 15 minutes, and you will not need medication. This gymnastics can be performed both for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of diseases.

Weight normalization - necessary condition a healthy body and inner harmony. Achieving this goal with the help of diets is not easy, and quickly achieved results are not always fixed for a long time. But there is a method that helps to achieve the effect of losing weight by regularly performing an uncomplicated sports complex- these are exercises of the famous respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova, also called paradoxical... This technique makes it possible not only to treat diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis, hypertension, but also to reduce weight.

The health-improving complex of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova allows strengthen the body, improve the efficiency of metabolic processes, reduce appetite... Therefore, weight loss occurs naturally without heavy restrictions.

The principles of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises have a unique principle that differs from most other known methods of therapeutic breathing. The uniqueness of the method lies in a strong, fast, sharp breath. Holding breath, slowing down the exhalation are not allowed. According to Strelnikova, exhalation should be natural, free, without the slightest effort.

The principle of performing physical exercises of the complex, associated with breathing, is based on on squeezing the chest while inhaling... This method of breathing exercises allows you to develop the muscles involved in the process of entering and exiting air in the lungs.

Strelnikova's gymnastics exercise technique is based on marching rhythm with an even number of breaths... Usually, the number of approaches and breaths of the complex is a multiple of four.


  • Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss at home
  • A set of exercises for morning exercises
  • Roller ab exercises for women and men
  • Exercises for the press at home

The essence health-improving effect when doing breathing exercises Strelnikova:

  • oxygen saturation of the blood;
  • improving the nutrition of organs, body tissues;
  • stimulation of abdominal breathing;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the diaphragm;
  • improving digestion;
  • stimulation of the nasal receptor zone has a positive effect on the internal organs;
  • an increase in the effective volume of the lungs.

Initially, Strelnikova's breathing method was aimed at restoring her voice, treating diseases of the respiratory system. Later, the effectiveness of the complex was proved for the treatment of vegetative-vascular neuroses, solving gastrointestinal problems, curing skin, cardiovascular diseases, improving the condition nervous system- and all this thanks to the respiratory system and the complex of movements.

There was a high health-improving effect, significant weight loss. Strelnikova's unique method of breathing exercises allows you to strengthen the human body and accelerates recovery from serious illness. Losing weight occurs due to the effective splitting of fat cells, reducing hunger, and accelerating metabolic processes. Even this method of Strelnikova alone allows you to control weight... And in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition, the result of losing weight can be achieved much faster.

Respiratory gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method has proven its effectiveness:

  • when staging the voices of singers, actors, public figures, high-ranking officials;
  • in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as asthma, hypertension, bronchitis;
  • effectively treats obesity, sinusitis, skin diseases, depression, nervous diseases;
  • gives a noticeable healing effect;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • allows you to strengthen the immune system.

For kids

Respiratory gymnastics for children according to Strelnikova is permissible from the age of three... Usually, parents help their children recover from frequent colds and bronchitis with simple paradoxical breathing exercises.

The basis of the complex for children is simple exercises breathing exercises Strelnikova:

  • "Pump";
  • "Palms";
  • "Shoulder straps".

As you grow up and improve the level of training, more complex movements can be added to the complex for children.

Strelnikova breathing exercises for children also shown when stuttering. They will be a good addition to classes with a speech therapist for speech disorders. Exercises "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders" are especially effective in the treatment of stuttering. Such light gymnastics children need to do it twice a day.

We will consider in more detail the implementation of a set of exercises below.

With bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis, especially neglected, is a long and difficult process. And taking antibiotics is fraught with complications. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis has proven excellent effectiveness in the process of restoring the body.

The main benefits of Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing:

  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • allows you to restore and strengthen the mucous membrane;
  • eliminates stagnant mucus;
  • allows you to develop and strengthen the protective reactions of the human body;
  • provides general improvement of the body;
  • is the prevention of complications such as asthma.

With hypertension

Is it possible to do breathing exercises for hypertension? Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with hypertension demonstrates good efficiency in reducing blood pressure.

The main benefits of the Strelnikova gymnastics complex for hypertension:

  • restoration of effective blood circulation;
  • general health promotion;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • reducing the level of anxiety, stress.

At the same time, breathing exercises are an auxiliary means, and does not replace the main treatment... Permission for its use must be given by a doctor.

You should know that at a very high pressure value and hypertensive crisis, breathing exercises can be harmful.

With sinusitis

Permission on the use of paradoxical breathing Strelnikova with sinusitis must be issued by a doctor... Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with sinusitis indicated for the sluggish course of the sinusitis process during the period of remission.

The main benefits of breathing exercises for sinusitis:

  • the ability to develop, improve blood flow in the nasal cavity;
  • the ability to enhance immunity;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • the ability to saturate the tissues of the body with oxygen;
  • weakening of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • wellness overall effect.

How to do breathing exercises correctly:

  • daily in the fresh air;
  • clean your sinuses before exercising.

How to do breathing exercises according to Strelnikova for weight loss

In order for the exercises not to harm, but to bring the greatest benefit, they must be done correctly. The most important condition, which allows you to achieve the greatest health-improving effect and achieve weight loss - do exercise every day.

The essence of the paradoxical breathing method: key element of breathing exercises by Strelnikova - inhalation, carried out as energetically as possible, swiftly, noisily. It looks like cotton. After a short, sharp, quick breath without the slightest delay, a natural light exhalation follows through the mouth. No effort is needed to exhale.

Physical exercise that accompanies paradoxical breathing according to Strelnikova's method is carried out during inhalation. Movements are done rhythmically.

Basic position at runtime wellness exercisesstanding up... But in case of serious illness or feeling unwell, you can perform a set of exercises while sitting and even lying down.

For the treatment of diseases and for weight loss, breathing exercises Strelnikova must be performed twice a day... Maintain health and normal weight it is possible to perform the complex once - in the morning or in the evening. Strelnikova's breathing exercises begin one and a half hours after eating, or on an empty stomach.

Time relax between series of exercises - no more than ten seconds. In the first couple of days, 24 series of 4 breaths are performed. The complex on the third and fourth days includes 12 approaches, 8 times. Observing the principle of gradualness, on the fifth and sixth days, you can do 6 series with 16 repetitions. From the seventh day, it is necessary to do 3 series of 32 breaths.

The complex of breathing exercises is performed daily without gaps. After a month of training, the pause time between the series is reduced first to 5 seconds. In good condition, a 3 second break may be allowed.

Possibly slight fatigue after exercise. The method can create a state of lightness, euphoria. Potential dizziness indicates oxygen saturation of the body. In this case, the workout can be continued while sitting. In the presence of diseases, the doctor must approve the classes.

Doing wellness correctly respiratory complex with good mood, confidence of success.

A set of exercises

Strelnikova's set of breathing exercises for weight loss starts with a warm-up... Its execution time is from 15-20 minutes.

The warm-up includes several exercises:

  • "Palms";
  • "Shoulder straps";
  • "Pump".

Exercise "Palms". We stand straight. The arms at the body are bent at the elbows. The elbows are straight down. The palms are turned away from us. The shoulders are motionless. Inhaling sharply, we clench our fists. We perform 24 series of 4 movements with five-second breaks. The exercise is as simple as possible, and children can do it.

Exercise "Shoulder straps". is carried out from the basic position with a straight back, legs shoulder-width apart and head raised. The palms are clenched into fists at the waist level. Inhaling, we unclench our fists, throwing our hands down, spreading our fingers. The arms are extended to their full length. Shoulders, arms, hands tense. 12 series of 8 movements should be done.

Exercise "Pump"... From the main stance with a straight back and lowered arms, bend slightly, rounding the body. We look at the floor. In an inclined position, take a breath, straighten up. It is necessary to do 12 series of 8 inclines. We stand for three to five seconds between series, as we train.

TO warm-up exercises there are the following contraindications:

  • glaucoma;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • a large rise in blood pressure;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • spinal injury;
  • old osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of kidney stones, gallbladder.

One exercise per day is added to the main complex:

Exercise "Cat" must be done from a straight stand with relaxed shoulders and lowered arms. Feet shoulder width apart, toes are slightly shifted inward. Inhaling sharply, squat slightly, turning the body to the right. Legs stay on the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows. Fingers clenched into fists. On exhalation, we return to the main stance. Then we repeat the execution of the movements to the left. You should perform 12 series, 8 times in both directions.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" must be done from a straight stand. The arms are bent at the elbows at the level of the shoulder girdle. The hands are placed at the shoulders, and the hands themselves are parallel to each other. Inhaling, we sharply throw our hands so that one hand grabs the shoulder, and the second goes under inner part shoulder fold. On exhalation, there is a return to the starting position. 12 series of 8 movements should be done.

Highly great benefit from doing this exercise for asthma.

But he also has contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart disease;
  • heart attack.

Exercise "Big pendulum" includes sequential execution of "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders" without interruption. It is necessary to do 12 episodes 8 times.

You should not perform the exercise if: displacements intervertebral discs, chronic osteochondrosis, spinal injuries.

Training "Turns" do from a standing position. We spread our legs a little narrower than the shoulders. We turn our head without stopping at an average pace. Take a strong breath when turning. 12 repetitions 8 times.

Training "Ears"... The position of the body and the number of repetitions do not change. Inhaling, tilt your head to the right and left.

Training "Small pendulum head". The position and number of repetitions remain the same. Inhaling, lower and raise our head.

The last three exercises have several contraindications:

  • large excess of normal ocular, arterial, intracranial pressure;
  • chronic osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • epilepsy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • head injury.

Exercise "Rolls"... Pull the left leg forward, the right leg back. Inhaling, bend the right knee and slightly squat on the left leg. Straighten right after squatting the left leg and squat with an inhalation on the right. It is necessary to do 12 episodes 8 times.

Contraindications include cardiovascular diseases.

The main principle of doing gymnastics:

  • accentuated quick breath;
  • calm exhalation through the mouth without effort;
  • the movement should be done while inhaling.


Respiratory gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method for weight loss, like any highly effective therapeutic method, has its own contraindications. Most often, exercise is prohibited after severe injuries and diseases.

Contraindications for breathing exercises Strelnikova:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • acute heart attacks;
  • high values ​​of intracranial, arterial, ocular pressure;
  • spinal injury;
  • high fever, inflammation;
  • severe organ pathologies;
  • the second degree of myopia;
  • various bleeding;
  • stones of the gallbladder, kidneys;
  • severe heart disease.

Benefit and harm

Choosing this method of healthy weight loss, many ask the question: what are the benefits and harms of Strelnikova's breathing exercises when losing weight?

The beneficial effect of Strelnikova's breathing exercises during weight loss is possible due to:

  • acceleration of the body's metabolic processes;
  • significant improvement in digestion;
  • saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • restoration of disturbed processes of the nervous system, blood circulation, respiration;
  • decrease in feelings of hunger;
  • the ability to strengthen the immune system.

Paradoxical breathing allows you to make the body beautiful and improve health at the same time.

Potential harm breathing exercises Strelnikova associated with a violation of gradualism in the development of exercises, ignoring contraindications, lack of regularity of classes, improper exercise performance.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova - video

In order to perform gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method without compromising health, it is better to first learn how to do a breathing complex using a video lesson. This will protect you and help you achieve maximum success in losing weight and improving your health.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Strelnikova breathing is based on the most ancient technique, which originates in antiquity. There are scientific and philosophical teachings of that time, practicing breathing exercises.

But only by the middle of the last century were the methods developed correct breathing available to everyone. All of them are good in their own way, today in an article about the most popular technique in our country - breathing according to Strelnikova exercise.

It so happened in our society that from the first days we teach young children to pronounce certain sounds correctly, to concentrate attention on objects, to think logically and think ... But rarely does anyone think about the fact that it would be useful to teach children correct breathing.

It turns out that many of us breathe incorrectly, which is why various diseases appear. Yogis, from whom we learn wisdom, breathe very differently and they like to repeat the expression, which says that the one who "breathes correctly will live happily ever after."

The breathing techniques are also interesting because they can be used even by sick people, they do not require a lot of physical energy and strength, but the use of breathing techniques allows you to heal not only your body, but also your soul.

Paradoxical breathing according to Strelnikova

In the doctors' reviews, to this day there is no consensus about the breathing technique developed by Strelnikova, but despite this, they recognize it and consider it an effective means of getting rid of many diseases, such as: cardiac and vascular, diseases of the nervous system and respiratory. It is also important that gymnastics directs the entire body to recovery.

Now this gymnastics is being promoted by a student of Alexandra Nikolaevna - Mikhail Shchetinin, who assures that breathing according to the Strelnikova method heals the body in a comprehensive manner, in addition to the above diseases, it normalizes metabolic processes, restores immunity, and prevents osteochondrosis and other deformities of the spine from developing.

What are the advantages of a unique method

Having their own views on the treatment of diseases with breathing exercises, scientists are unanimous in the opinion that the technique differs in a number of features, which are expressed:

  • in a positive effect on the whole, on the whole body, including the muscular system;
  • in the restoration of the organs of all the lost functions that were violated by diseases;
  • in combination of exercises with different types of physical activity (running, walking, swimming);
  • in the positive impact of gymnastics on people of all ages, including children and the elderly;

Breathing exercises are versatile and convenient in that they do not require a special place for training, additional equipment, special clothing and shoes. Watch the video, Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

It brings benefits and health not only to sick people, but is also an excellent prevention for healthy people, allowing you to maintain the health of your body and slow down the early aging of the body.

Produces powerful results by increasing muscle mass, lung volume, strengthening the heart muscle. Promotes the removal stagnation in the blood and lymph, restores the regulatory functions of organs and systems.

What diseases does it treat

The breathing technique restores immune system and activates all human mechanisms to independently force and overcome all ailments, stress, addictions that a person could not cope with.

Exercise appears to be an additional healing opportunity in traditional treatments, especially to heal:

  • chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • useful for asthma;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis and sinusitis;
  • chronic rhinitis and rhinitis;
  • neurosis and nervous diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus and its associated diseases;
  • angina pectoris and asthenoneurosis;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer disease (in remission);
  • loss of voice and stuttering;
  • coronary heart disease.

It is curious that the exercises involve all parts of the body: legs and arms, abdominal muscles and the spine, pelvic muscles and the head, causing a positive response throughout the body and enhancing cellular respiration. That is why it gives excellent preventive results for children and adolescents, making them physically developed and flexible, eliminating stoop and stagnant processes.

Even stuttering, which is difficult to treat with speech therapists and hypnotists, cures these unique exercises for breathing, but they are prescribed individually for each child.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

The breathing technique is built in such a way that all attention is focused only on inhalation, and exhalation is passive. With inhalation, simultaneously physical exercise... Exercises are simple and easy, therefore they do not lead to overexertion, do not cause either shortness of breath or fatigue.

Sharp breaths increase the ventilation of the lungs up to 6 times, while carbon dioxide is incomprehensibly kept inside the body at the level of the physiological norm and, most importantly, the energy potential of the body increases.

And these are not just words, everything positive results have been repeatedly confirmed by instrument measurements: a spirometer, Genche's test, blood composition studies, electrocardiography, X-ray, pressure measurement ...

The cerebral vessels receive several times more oxygen, spasms are relieved, and as a result, headaches go away, and memory improves.

The technique has contraindications

  • during acute exacerbations of the disease,
  • with a high body temperature.

Exercise is prohibited for people prone to blood clots. They are contraindicated in cerebral concussion, aortic aneurysm, spinal injuries and hypertensive crisis.

Exercise technique

You need to learn the exercises gradually, usually the first three are mastered, the full complex consists of 1200 breaths-movements. If it becomes difficult right away, then you can slightly increase the rest break. Not as usual, but instead of five seconds, rest is ten.

Important to remember : Mastering breathing according to Strelnikova, you need to control only the inhalation, which is made sharply and noisily by the nose. Exhalation occurs passively, as if by itself, it is desirable to release air through an open mouth. During inhalation, the mouth should be closed.

Inhales are performed at a frequency of up to 120 times per minute. The total time spent on performing all movements does not exceed 30 minutes. In an ideal solution, exercises are performed in the morning and in the evening, from a preventive point of view, it is possible and once.

Start the first day by doing the Ladoshka, Shoulder and Pump exercises, and after that every day, you will supplement one exercise at a time. There is no need to rush. Your body needs to get used to the new breathing system. Gradually, your body will master the rhythm of breathing, you will memorize all the movements and will perform breathing exercises easily and naturally.

Exercise 1. Hands

Your arms are down, bend them at the elbows, keep your palms at chest level, turning them away from you. You begin to clench your fingers into a fist, as if you are capturing air with them and at the same time take sharp and noisy breaths through your nose, without stopping four times (this is one approach). After, lowering your hands down, rest for 3-4 seconds and the exercise is repeated. There should be 24 such repetitions.

Watch only the inhalation, the exhalation should be silent. If in the first days of classes you feel a slight dizziness, this indicates a strong saturation of small capillaries with oxygen. You can slightly increase the rest time, not 4 seconds, but 6-10 seconds. Exercise clears the energy channels and soon these symptoms will go away. The exercise can be performed while sitting or even lying down.

Exercise 2. Shifters

Keep your hands in fists at belly level. When inhaling, sharply straighten your arms towards the floor and unclench your fists, as if shaking water off your fingers. Take 8 breaths, return your hands to your waist, and rest for 4 seconds. This is one approach, there should be 12 such approaches.

Exercise 3. Pump

Stand in the starting position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Imagine that you are holding a pump handle in your hands and you need to inflate a tire. As you tilt your torso forward, extend your arms down towards the floor. The slope is easy. When bending over, inhale briefly and sharply through your nose. Remember that you must maintain the rhythm of movements and breaths - 120 times per minute.

Take 8 breaths with bends, then straighten up and rest for 4 seconds. Do 12 sets of 8 times. Perform the incline light, inhale sharply, and exhale through the open mouth quietly and silently.

The respiratory system helps to relieve a heart attack, asthma, reduces hepatic colic and helps in curing stuttering.

Exercise 4. Pivots

After mastering the first three exercises, add the rest, one every day. For the Pivot exercise, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level. Turn your head left and right, you need to do this at the pace of steps (remember, up to 120 times per minute).

With every turn of the head, remembering to inhale through the nose. Turned to the left - inhale, turned to the right - inhale again. Control only for inhalation, exhalation occurs through the mouth, spontaneously. Keep your neck and head straight. Eight turns with breaths and rest for 4 seconds. Such approaches must be done 12 times.

Therapeutic breathing with head turns is beneficial for the cervical vertebrae, inhibits the development of osteochondrosis.

Contraindications in this case, there may be existing concussions or hypertension with high blood pressure, if cervical spine the vertebrae are displaced.

Exercise 5. Ears

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or much narrower. We perform tilts of the head to the left - to the right, not even tilts, but swaying, as if you say "ay-ay-ay." Inhale through your nose with each tilt. Another video where the exercises are done by the whole family.

Keep your shoulders and body straight, only the head moves. Perform 8 head movements with breaths, followed by a break of 4 seconds. A total of 12 approaches.

Contraindication for the exercise will be a cerebral concussion, hypertension or epilepsy.

Caution must be observed with increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, chest and cervical osteochondrosis. In these cases, make light turns of the head, without sudden movements. And breathing, as usual, is sharp and noisy. The exercise is allowed to be performed while sitting and even lying down.

Exercise 6. Small pendulum

Place your feet as in the Ears exercise. It is necessary to perform a nod of the head down - up. They nodded, looked at the floor and at the same time took a sharp and quick breath through their nose.

Lift your head up and look at the ceiling, do not forget to take a short breath through your nose. Try not to hold back the exhalation, let the air come out randomly through the open mouth. Also do 12 sets of 8 times, take a break of 4 seconds between sets.

Contraindications and restrictions the same as for the exercises Ears and Turns of the head. Do not try to throw your head up, do your nods freely so that they do not cause unpleasant sensations.

Exercise 7. Cat

Spread your legs a little wider than your shoulders, place your hands on your belt. Slightly squatting at the knees, make a slight turn to the right and at the same time transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, while turning, take a sharp, short breath with your nose. Straighten up.

Now, sit down again, turn your body to the left, while simultaneously transferring the weight to your left leg and inhaling through your nose. Keep your feet on the floor. The knee movements are springy and light, you do not need to squat deeply, keep your back straight, and the torso turns at the waist. Perform 12 sets of 8 turns with breaths.

Exercise 8. Hug your shoulders

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Bend your elbows, turn your palms to your chest. Continue to bring your hands together, while grabbing your right palm with your shoulder, and with your left palm, your right axillary region.

The elbows should move parallel to each other, while it does not matter which elbow is up and which is below. Bring your elbows together and apart at the pace of your steps, remembering to inhale with each movement.

After mastering movement and breathing, the exercise can be a little more difficult. When bringing your hands together, slightly raise your head up, as if capturing air from the ceiling. Do 12 sets of 8 movements, remembering to take short breaks. It is allowed to perform the exercise while lying down or sitting on a chair.

Contraindications: after suffering a heart attack, this exercise can be done only after 2 weeks. If it is difficult to perform 8 movements at once, then they are reduced to 4, after a rest of 5 seconds - repeat.

Caution is necessary for pregnant women, especially after 6 months and they are not allowed to raise their head up. You need to work only with your hands, directing your gaze forward. With ischemic disease and heart disease, restrictions are also needed.

Exercise 9. Large pendulum

The exercise combines the two studied above: Pump and Hug your shoulders. Legs should be slightly narrower than shoulder width apart. Performing an incline from the Pump exercise, extending your arms to the floor. Straightening, raise your head up and hug yourself, as in the exercise Hug your shoulders. When tilting and straightening the body, inhale, exhale freely, do not forget about the rhythm of the movement. It is allowed to perform the exercise in other body positions (sitting).

All diseases of the spine are the limitations of this exercise. Everything must be done with great care, without sudden movements. The slopes are light and incomplete.

Exercise 10. Rolls

Extend your right leg slightly forward. We carry out the transfer of the body to the right leg, slightly bending it at the knee. Then we transfer the body to the left leg, not forgetting about the springy movements of the knees. With each movement, inhale, exhale freely.

Now change your legs, put your left one forward and repeat 12 sets of 8 breaths.

Exercise 11. Steps

From an arbitrary stand, lift your right leg, bending it at the knee, the toe of the foot stretches to the floor, while squatting slightly on the left leg, inhale.

Raise your left leg, squatting in a slightly springy motion to your right. In the exercise Steps, you can do 8 sets of 8 movements each. For injuries and diseases associated with blood clots, the exercise is performed lying down.

Exercise 12. Back step

From an arbitrary stand, bend your right leg at the knee, as if you want to slap your buttocks with your heel, while doing a light squat on your left leg.

Now bend your left knee, pulling your foot back and doing a spring squat with your right leg. Remember to inhale with every squat. Perform 4 sets of 8 breaths each. The exercise is performed rhythmically, you can turn on music.

Restrictions: If it is hard or you are sick, do not try to raise your legs high, this applies especially to vascular and cardiac diseases, as well as during pregnancy.

Strelnikova breathing includes all organs and systems in motion, which receives a positive response from the body. The exchange of oxygen at the cellular level is enhanced, which leads to overall health.

Master breathing exercises and be healthy!

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Strelnikova breathing exercises is a selection of exercises that Strelnikova developed primarily for herself - she was a theater teacher and an opera singer, suffered from a suffocating cough, and was looking for an opportunity to cope with her illness. The respiratory system according to Strelnikova's method has no analogues and no restrictions whatsoever - people of any age can be engaged, regardless of their state of health.

The breathing system, which Strelnikova developed (and patented), can be used to relieve stress and can be easily combined with walking. It is not always necessary to do gymnastic exercises (I will give a set of breathing exercises below), you can walk in a park or outside the city at an average pace to perform breathing movements - eight breaths, rest for about three to five seconds and then eight breaths, in half an hour the body will be saturated with oxygen, and you will also learn to breathe correctly.

Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises are recommended for use at any time, but the author of the technique, Alexandra Nikolaevna, recommended training in the morning, then the benefits of breathing exercises will be as high as possible.

Results and benefits for the body

What are the benefits of the constant performance of Strelnikova's breathing exercises?

  1. The blood supply to the pulmonary alveoli and blood vessels improves, which has a positive effect on metabolism.
  2. Nervous regulation is restored, the central nervous system works more harmoniously.
  3. The drainage functionality of the bronchial system is restored.
  4. Nasal breathing is stabilized.
  5. Morphological lesions in the broncho-pulmonary system are minimized.
  6. Inflammation dissolves, folded areas of the lungs are straightened, lymph and blood supply is stabilized, and stagnant manifestations pass.
  7. The circulatory system is strengthened and the lost or impaired functions of the cardiovascular apparatus are restored.
  8. Increases immunity and body tone.
  9. It should also be noted that the initial function of the lungs is restored - in addition to the primitive respiratory movement, the lungs are responsible for gas exchange in the alveoli.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises will help the body as a whole, but there are certain diseases for which this method is recommended by doctors.

Respiratory system diseases

It can be a runny nose or chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, or even bronchial asthma. The fact is that Strelnikova's paradoxical gymnastics most of all loads precisely respiratory system, giving it the maximum load, which improves the condition of the pulmonary system and helps to strengthen the respiratory system as a whole. In addition to improving the overall membrane permeability, the local blood supply is also enhanced.

Skin diseases

Many people suffer from neurodermatitis, psoriasis and diathesis, they know how hard it is to fight these diseases. When you practice active breathing, the body is enriched with oxygen at the membrane level, and oxygen-rich blood enhances regeneration. By the way, it also helps to restore the breathing of the skin - blood microcirculation improves, connective tissues are modernized, excess sebum is removed, acne disappears.

Nervous disorders and diseases of the central nervous system

Often, diseases of the central nervous system are associated, among other things, with a low level of oxygen in the blood, and with insufficiently active blood supply - the body functions at "low speed", and a person feels some depression. Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova will help to normalize well-being literally from the first lesson.

Diseases of the vascular system

If you often have a headache, feel unwell, have suffered a stroke or have epilepsy, then the Strelnikova breathing technique will help minimize painful conditions.

In addition to all of the above, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method allow you to fight stuttering, diseases of the spine, and also overweight and bad habits.

Gymnastics rules

Before doing a set of breathing exercises, you first need to figure out how exercises for weight loss are performed correctly. By the way, at the very beginning it is quite permissible to use hints for exercises in pictures - this simplifies the process.

  1. For each lesson, it is required to do 1200 "breaths" - inhalation and exhalation.
  2. One lesson should take about half an hour.
  3. All exercises must be done in three approaches, 32 repetitions in each approach. After each "thirty" you can rest for 3-10 seconds. If it is difficult to carry out 32 breaths in a row, then you can take breaks after every eight, and do the eights 12 times.
  4. After a month of daily classes, you can do each exercise not 8 times, but 16 or 32 times.
  5. For each lesson, you need to complete the entire set of exercises. Strelnikova recommended performing the complex twice a day if you feel normal, and several times a day if you feel unwell.
  6. Respiratory exercises are done before meals. In some cases, you can do the exercises an hour and a half after lunch or dinner, but in the morning it is best to do it on an empty stomach.
  7. When there is clearly not enough time, you can perform not 3 sets of 32 breaths for each exercise, but one set for 32 breaths. In this case, Strelnikova's gymnastics will take 7 minutes.
  8. A month later daily exercise the effect is felt.
  9. You should not give up gymnastics, it is best to do it all your life.

Introductory lesson

Naturally, you will not be able to immediately complete the set of exercises, an active breathing technique requires an attentive and focused attitude.

So, first you need to do the exercise "Ladoshka" - sharp loud breaths are performed, followed by a few seconds of break. 4 breaths are taken at a time, the exercise should be performed by Strelnikov's hundred - that is, 24 times 4 breaths. After each inhalation, exhale is done through the mouth, imperceptibly. Otherwise, the benefits and harms will not be balanced and you can harm yourself, you should not grimace.

With arrhythmias of the heart and problems with the vessels of the central nervous system, you can feel dizziness. This is not a bad sign, the main thing is not to get too nervous. In general, with arrhythmias of the heart, exercises can be performed, so you should not be afraid and stop exercising.

The next exercise is "Chasers". Here you need to complete 12 eights (to get the Strelnikov hundred).

Another exercise that will help you master the technique is "Pump". It is performed according to a typical scheme - 12 eights, after every eight breaths - a break. By the way, this exercise has some limitations, I will talk about them later.

This is a basic lesson, repeated twice a day, adding a new exercise every day. Once you have mastered the breathing technique, you can begin to increase the number of breaths in one approach.

Complete complex

You need to stand up straight, bend your arms in elbow joints and show palms (vertically, on the line shoulder joints). Sharp breaths are performed, at the same moment the hands are clenched into fists. Make this exercise possible in any position of the body.

You need to stand up straight, clench the handles into fists and press them against the abdominal part of the body, near the waist. When you inhale, the cams are pulled down towards the floor, then you need to return your hands to their original position. It is not recommended to raise your hands above the waist.


It is necessary to stand up straight, legs are somewhat narrower than shoulders, arms are freely extended along the body. First, a tilt is made - with your hands you need to reach for the socks, but do not touch them, and in the second half of the tilt, you need to take a noisy breath (strictly with the help of the nose, not the mouth). The inhalation ends at the same time as the bend. Then you need to slightly rise, but do not rise completely, and repeat. The back should be round with the head facing down. The exercise is done while standing and sitting.

This exercise has some limitations. It must be carefully performed for various TBIs and diseases of the spine, as well as if there are problems with blood pressure. Do not bend too deep, just bend slightly. This exercise is very effective, it helps to overcome bronchial asthma.


You need to stand up straight, and perform a dance squat, turn the body to the right and take a short breath, then return to the starting position, and do the same squat with a turn to the left. Do not squat too deep, just bend your knees slightly. During the exercise, you need to make a grasping movement in the direction of the turn. The back should be flat, the turn is carried out only in the belt area.

We stand with a straight back, bend our arms at the elbows and raise them at shoulder level. On inhalation, you need to cross your arms deeply, hugging yourself by the shoulders. Hands should go parallel to each other, you should not spread them, while inhaling, the head leans back a little.

If a person has a disease of cardio-vascular system, then in the first couple of weeks you should not do this exercise. For women who are in position, after the end of the second trimester, you should not throw your head back - gymnastic exercise performed with strictly vertical vertebral column.

Stand straight, place your heels a little narrower than shoulder-width apart. Then you need to bend forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, inhale and exhale, then bend back without interruption (it is permissible to slightly bend in the lower back), hug yourself by the shoulders. You can also do the exercise while sitting.

You need to master these exercises before moving on to the rest.


Stand up straight, take breaths at the same time as turning the head, do not pull the neck, do not stop the head in the process of movement - to the left - inhale, exhale, to the right - inhale, exhale.

Ears (Chinese dummy)

The starting position is classic - straight. The head alternately bends with the ear to the shoulder and inhale is made, do not lower the chin, exhale in a timely manner.

Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, then "inhale from the floor" and "inhale from the ceiling" alternate, while only one head moves.

Restrictions: "Ears", "Turns" and "Pendulum with the head" must be performed smoothly, especially if there are diseases of the neck, spine or head vessels.


Stand up straight, put your left foot forward, right backward, shift the center of gravity to your left foot. Then a light dance squat is done on the left leg along with a noisy inhalation, after which the weight is transferred to the back (right) leg, also inhaling.

You need to squat and inhale at the same time, the center of gravity is on the leg that is squatting, after squatting you need to straighten, and only then "roll" the center of gravity to the other leg.

After the complex is completed, you need to swap your legs (now right forward, left back), and repeat.

Steps (rock and roll)

Front step - we get up to the starting position, raise the left leg, bending at the knee (pulling the toe), the center of gravity on the right leg. In this position, a light squat and a noisy inhalation are done, then we take the starting position for a moment, and perform the exercise for right leg.

The back step is similar, but instead of lifting the knee forward, the knee simply needs to be bent so that the heel is raised towards the buttock.

Inhale and perform the movement at the same time.

Look in detail at the video how Strelnikova's gymnastics is done in unison in 8 minutes, there are also videos with a full range of exercises designed for 12 minutes and 26 minutes. But this video will clearly show how to correctly perform all the exercises of the complex:

A few more goodies. For preventive purposes, you can use any Strelnikova gymnastics exercises, but if there are certain certain ailments, then it is better to clarify which specific exercises will help to overcome the disease. For example, Strelnikova breathing exercises for children preschool age implies simple exercises for children who help fight childhood colds - they relieve nasal congestion, reduce sore throat, and generally improve well-being.

Also useful in case of colds are exercises for children recommended by Strelnikova for bronchial asthma or for emphysema. Therapeutic breathing exercises Strelnikova with asthma will help both children and adults - the sooner you start exercising, the higher the likelihood of remission.

Try to work with the whole family - initially Strelnikova's gymnastics helped my mother with hypertension, but literally a week later my mother and I realized that breathing exercises also help with stress. In stressful situations, simple breathing exercises Strelnikova exercises do not always have enough strength and endurance to help, but breathing a little according to her method is very useful.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for weight loss also give incredible results!

It helped me to start practicing regularly a book about the technique written by Shchetinin. I recommend reading to everyone who cares about the health of their family.

With arrhythmias of the heart, the "Pump" helps well. Also, in case of cardiac arrhythmias, it is recommended to perform the "Pendulum" exercise. In general, the main thing with arrhythmias of the heart is to perform the entire set of exercises correctly, and to approach the use of gymnastics by gradually increasing the load, in no case overstraining. The same applies to hypertension.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis - these are the first three exercises, they help to keep the bronchi in order and form the basis of daily gymnastics.

When stuttering in children, it is very important to pay attention correct execution"Hug your shoulders." So the child gets rid of muscle tension in shoulder girdle and relaxes. Highly nice results gives vocal exercises and breathing exercises Strelnikova during stuttering, when the child is engaged not only individually, but also with other children.

Very often people are interested in what are the indications and contraindications. As for the indications, I wrote above, but the contraindications ... In general, the gymnastics complex according to Strelnikova practically does not imply contraindications - this is correct breathing technique, developed initially for vocalists, and then modified not only to improve the functioning of the speech apparatus, but also for health in general, thanks to which many people do without drugs. For people with serious illnesses, I can only advise you to discuss gymnastics with your doctor - so you can find out if it is right for you personally.

Modern medicine has long proved that a complete oxygenation of the body able to save a person from excess weight and help cope with some serious illnesses.

Feature-based human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases developed various techniques healthy way life and healing from ailments. For example, in the West, breathing exercises were realized in the directions of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "body flex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

Initially, Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore the singing voice and she coped with this perfectly. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's breathing exercises began to be used to treat many diseases. And, surprisingly, she really helped to heal from them, became an effective means of dealing with many ailments of a person. Subsequently, she gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the MLO of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed technique.

The main feature of breathing exercises was special breathing technique - vigorous inhalation and passive exhalation.
As with sniffing, air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through a half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all. An important point technique, it is believed that all gymnastics movements should be performed together with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become stronger and stronger faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly but energetically.

Movement - breaths of air should be repeated in series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Complete complex gymnastics Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only a few of them are considered to be the main ones.

In this article, we will not dwell in detail on all the exercises of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, but consider the positive and negative aspects of its application.

Indications and contraindications, benefits and harms of Strelnikova gymnastics

In fact, breathing exercises according to Strelkova, if you do it right and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, like any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harm Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases it most often happens.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova is not prohibited during a normally passing pregnancy. Most often it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. At the right approach, it is able to cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print and on television. It is with this disease that she copes best.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova, gymnastics helps with:
- diseases of the respiratory tract;
- heart and blood vessels;
- the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system;
- genitourinary system;
- digestion; thyroid gland
- allergies; viruses; obesity; snoring; curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Contraindications and possible harm breathing exercises

If you have a chronic medical condition, you should be very careful with your breathing exercises. At the beginning, the intensity of the classes should be minimal, and later it should increase.

It is important to gradually increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring harm, not benefit. In addition, at the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body has not yet got used to it, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

The harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:
- osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- spine and head injuries;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
- high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial);
- high body temperature.
Also, you can not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of Strelnikova's gymnastics , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much stronger than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation are improved. Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores strength vocal cords, calming the nerves, getting rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, lung development and muscle strengthening, lowering blood pressure and relieving pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Of course, most often, the harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body cannot tolerate respiratory stress or has an individual intolerance to breathing technique. In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and doing gymnastics caused some harm to themselves.

So that gymnastics does not harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before exercising. ... Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-medication. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises brought many benefits. to different people all over the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Be healthy!

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