Exercise for a good mood. Five Breathing Exercises to Boost Energy So what to drink in the morning? What drinks can you replace morning coffee

Many have heard more than once that morning work-out not only gives vigor for the whole day, but also has an amazing healing property. But even despite all the advantages, people find excuses. We present to your attention exercises that will provide you with a charge of energy for the whole day, will not take much time and will bring you pleasure.

Warm-up exercises

Remember that you should not start practicing without a warm-up. Warming up allows the body to wake up. Otherwise, the wrong approach to exercise can lead to injury.

1) Head bends. Circular rotation of the head counterclockwise and clockwise.
2) Rotation in the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints.
3) Inclinations of the body.
4) Rotation in the ankle joint counterclockwise and clockwise.
We perform movements 2 times for 8 accounts.

Strengthening muscles

Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. This affects both the health of the whole body and, in particular, the muscles. Simple exercises will help keep them in good shape.

1) Squats. After doing 50 squats, you will feel how your muscles of the extensors of the spine, calves and buttocks work.
2) Push-ups. In the morning, it is enough to do 20 times so as not to overwork yourself and your body. Through this exercise, you will strengthen the muscles in your arms and chest.
3) Plank. The static nature of the exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, legs and buttocks. In order for all these muscles to work, it is necessary to take the initially correct position. Your task is to lie on your stomach, focusing on your arms bent at the elbows. The back should be as straight as possible. If you feel that it is difficult for you, it means that you are doing everything right.
4) Press. Who doesn't dream of a beautiful press? There are very few such people, just like people who know how to properly pump the abdominal muscles. If it comes about morning exercises, then you need to use the muscles so that they wake up, and not groan pitifully in pain due to excessive load. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees. Do the exercise with your back straight, completely touching your chest to your legs. We advise you to do only 30 times, and the muscles will tell you: "Thank you!"

Exercises for flexibility

Many people dream of doing splits or swinging their legs. Believe me, this dream is not a pipe dream. By doing exercises for beginners regularly, you can achieve desired result quickly and painlessly.

1) Standing on straight legs, we perform forward bends. Your task is to touch the floor with your hands without bending your knees. For the effect, repeat the exercise 3 times, being in this position for 15 seconds each time.
2) Bend your knees while lying on your back. Touch the floor with your knees on the side, then on the other. It should be performed in each direction 10 times.
3) "Bridge". There are many variations of this exercise. Choose the method that suits you and suits your physical fitness... This can be a bridge from a prone position, with an arm twist, or standing.
4) Sit with your legs apart. Keep your knees straight. First, bend to each leg 5 times. Then make 4 bends forward, on 5 bends, hold for 15 seconds. At the end of the exercise, do 10 circular rotations starting with the right leg going down to the left leg.

Perform all exercises with music that can energize and positive. Summing up, it is worth noting that all exercises can vary depending on the individual. The main thing is that exercise should bring benefit and pleasure to you.

The morning meal is considered to be the most important because it helps the body to wake up and recharge. Vitamins and trace elements in foods that are great in the morning can relieve stress and ensure well-being for the whole day. Here are 5 breakfast options that will cheer you up even if you're on the wrong foot, and energize you for the weekend so you can do a ton of chores.

Fruits for energy

Start your breakfast with a few slices of fresh, juicy fruit - natural antidepressants. Vitamin C and iron, which are so rich in citrus fruits and berries, will give you a boost of energy and vivacity. Then refuel with nutritious porridge (such as oatmeal or flaxseed) or a handful of almonds, which will make up for the lack of magnesium and zinc in the body. It is important to consider that people with high acidity of gastric juice are not recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach.

Would you like kefirchik?

Kefir has the most positive effect on the digestive process, cleanses the intestines and has an immunostimulating effect. But, perhaps, the main value of this drink is in living microorganisms, or probiotics, which reduce the level of anxiety and get rid of other symptoms of depression. Kefir is also high in tryptophan, a saturated amino acid that is essential for the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. Simply put, if the day promises to be stressful, a glass of kefir is what the doctor ordered.

Nutritious morning salad

Starting the day with a salad is a bit strange and unusual, but this option is a win-win: you will not only be full, but also get a considerable dose of essential vitamins. Spinach, for example, contains massive amounts of folate, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, which is responsible for feelings of happiness and calmness. Add high protein and carbohydrate foods to your favorite greens and you feel full until lunchtime.

Granola with pumpkin seeds and almonds

This crispy and tasty snack contains a huge amount of amino acids, zinc and magnesium, essential for Have a good mood and well-being. You can sweeten the granola a little with honey, stevia, or agave syrup. After such a breakfast, no stress will overcome you!

Toast with avocado and egg

Toasted Avocado and Egg Toast is more than just a delicious and satisfying snack. This combination of products contains all the main components of a balanced diet: vitamins, proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates. And the mannoheptulose contained in avocado has a beneficial effect on nervous system and helps to overcome drowsiness and irritability.

It has many positive effects, experts say. “The very word“ exercise ”hides in itself the answer to the question, what is its use, - comments Dmitry Piskunov, master trainer gym Club World Gym - Landmarks... "This is a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day ahead."

Exercise helps fight physical inactivity, improves blood circulation and the work of the musculoskeletal system. And it can also become your springboard to "great fitness". "Start exercising regularly and you will notice that you want to move and load your muscles even more," says Denis Merkulov, senior trainer of the gym, master trainer, instructor of group programs clubCity fitness- Dobryninskaya.- Even doing simple exercises at home, you can gradually progress, complicate exercises, use weights. I know a lot of cases when people took up some kind of light morning exercises at home and soon came to the gym - to train seriously ”.

Why Charge better in the morning? First, it makes you less likely to miss a class. Secondly, doing exercises in the morning, you help the body to wake up, improve the mobility of joints and the elasticity of muscles, which "cool down" overnight (we wrote about other bonuses of early exercises).

Charging has no age restrictions! You can do it for young people, it is also suitable for men over 65.

Morning workout at home: which exercises to choose

Experts recommend avoiding sudden movements and jumps. Otherwise, the choice of exercises depends on your level of training and goals. For example, women often choose movements to improve stretching or lose weight, but it would be appropriate to include exercises for developing strength and strengthening muscles in exercises for men. “It is optimal to perform multi-joint, basic movements that involve maximum amount muscle groups, - says Dmitry Piskunov. - A great example of such a movement is squats, on initial stage they can be performed even without burden. It is also worth paying attention to the abdominal muscles: if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, some of them will be overstrained (iliopsoas muscle), and some will be hypotonic, for example, transverse muscle belly. Based on this, you can make a choice in favor of static exercises on the press, such as the plank and its many variations. " We asked Denis Merkulov to compose and show us a set of morning exercises for men.

Morning exercises: how to build a lesson

* Necessarily warm up before charging . “Do the warm-up very light: a couple of bends, pulled the knee up to the stomach. No sudden movements! Because in the morning you can be injured from this. We took the position, fixed it for 30 seconds and move on to the next movement, ”explains Denis Merkulov.

* Vary the load performing complex exercises. "Where to begin? At least from something. Choose 2-3 exercises, do them in 1-2 sets on 10-15 repetitions ... Then you can already increase the load - add more exercise or to increase the number of approaches, - says Denis Merkulov. - The main indicator is your well-being. If you have done all the exercises, your breathing has not fallen out and you still feel enough strength, you can take another approach. "

* Complete the lesson stretching .

* Study this program 3-5 times a week .

To complete the complex, you only need a rug.

Charging for men: a set of exercises


Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Bending your knees, take your pelvis back, lean forward slightly with your body and lower yourself into a squat. Stretch your arms forward. Work your abs, back, buttocks, and legs. Smoothly return to starting position... This will be one repetition.

Complicated squats

Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Put your hands together in front of your chest. Bending your knees, bring your pelvis back, dropping into squats. Then straighten, returning to an upright position, and pull your bent knee to your stomach right leg... Put your hands down. Lower your right foot to the floor and bend your knees again while doing the squat. Straightening, pull your left knee to your stomach. This will be one repetition, do the required number of them.


Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Smoothly move your pelvis back and bend your body forward, reach with your hands to the floor. Then gently return to an upright position and repeat.

Complicated slopes

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Working with the muscles of the press, legs and arms, gently lean your body forward. At the same time, pull back and stretch your left leg above the floor, stretch your hands forward. Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat all the same, lifting your right leg above the floor. This will be one repetition.

Push ups

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms, spread your palms wider than the rug. Lean your toes on the floor. Stretch forward with the crown of your head, do not bend in the lower back. Work your abs, legs, and arms. Bending your elbows, lower the body down, then smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.


Take an emphasis lying on straight arms, spread your palms wider than the rug. Lean your toes on the floor. Stretch forward with the crown of your head, do not bend in the lower back. Bending your elbows alternately, place your forearms on the mat: first the right, then the left. Extending your elbows, rest your palms on the mat again. Bend your elbows and do a push-up. Return to the starting position with straight arms. This will be one repetition.


Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, put your palms together on the floor and place your forehead on theirs back side... Using the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and back, gently lift upper part above the floor (anything above the diaphragm). Keep your feet flat on the floor. Do not increase the arch in the lower back. Then gently lower yourself to the floor. This will be one repetition.

Complicated hyperextension

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, place your forehead on the floor. Bending your elbows, connect your shoulder blades, while at the same time raise your upper body and legs above the floor. Work the muscles of the press, legs, back of the arms. Then gently lower yourself to the floor. This will be one repetition.

Crunches on the press

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Take your hands behind your head, press your lower back to the floor. Working with the abdominal muscles, twist the body forward and lift the shoulder blades, neck and back of the head above the floor.

Burpee (variation)

Lie on your stomach, place your palms about the width of the rug, bending your elbows. Straighten your arms, lift the body off the floor. Step your feet forward, placing them closer to your palms. Pushing your palms and feet off the floor, straighten your knees and take an upright position. Lower your arms down, then bring them forward through the sides. Then again spread your arms to the sides, lower them along the body, bend over and touch the floor with your palms. This will be one repetition.

Start your workouts by doing simple exercise options, and as you adapt to the loads, move on to more difficult exercise options.

Experts claim that good morning it was not only kind, but also healthy, you need to do morning exercises. And with the folk wisdom about how the morning begins, this will be the whole day, then there is no need to argue. Not many of us are used to exercising after sleep, but let's see what morning physical activity can give us.

What will the morning exercise give us?

A few effective exercises in the morning won't take long, but it will do a lot of benefits. Develop a healthy habit and you will undoubtedly get:

Even very small loads will help the body wake up. The cardiovascular system will begin to zealously drive blood through the body and carry oxygen to every cell. And this increases the level of energy and gives strength. In 10-15 minutes you will be ready to “move mountains”.

Great mood

Morning exercises do not provide for heavy loads, these are easy and enjoyable exercises. And since it is pleasant, the brain will not keep itself waiting and will give the command to produce endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy. After all, it's great to start a new day with a good mood, all adversity will fade into the background, and with a smile on your face you can go to conquer the world.

Weight Loss

By forcing all organs to work, you by charging start the digestion processes and speed up the metabolism. In addition, moderate and regular exercise helps to burn excess body fat, strengthen muscles and keep the body in good shape.

Willpower training

Getting up a little earlier in the morning turns out to be a great challenge for many. By forcing yourself to break away from a soft and warm bed and start exercising, you develop a good habit, train and strengthen willpower with which you will not need to think.

Immunity is strengthened

Thanks to morning exercises, the body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, energy and health for the whole day. Even without taking into account the research of specialists, we can conclude that it strengthens the immune system and stimulates mental activity.

Rules for doing morning exercises

Morning exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles, no strength exercises shouldn't be. Remember, it is enough just to "start" the body, and heavy morning loads can adversely affect the work of the heart.

After waking up, give yourself 15-20 minutes to finally get rid of the power of Morpheus. Have a glass pure water with a few drops of lemon juice. It is wrong to jump out of bed and immediately start active exercises. This will be stressful for the body. Take your time, stretch slightly, twist, tighten your muscles, and only then get out of bed. Complete all required morning procedures and proceed.

10 ideas how to motivate yourself for morning exercises

Forcing yourself to exercise regularly, and also to wake up earlier than usual for this, is not an easy task. Here are some ideas to help you turn your morning exercise routine into an enjoyable habit.

1. Move your alarm. Usually, an alarm clock is placed somewhere near the bed, at the head of the bed, on the bedside table, etc. Place it far away from you, for example, at the other end of the room. You will have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will make it easier for you to wake up and be able to exercise.

2. Find support from loved ones. Agree with your family that you will do morning exercises together. This will not only cheer everyone up, but also bring them closer together, because a common goal will appear. If you live alone, then connect your friends to the charger. Contact them by phone or online.

3. Write down your goals. Every Sunday (or whatever day of the week you consider to be the starting point) make a plan for the next week. Make it clear what time you will wake up each day and what exercises you should do. Later, you will be able to assess your successes or failures.

4. Make a motivating list of music tracks. Music is a great motivator. Set an invigorating, "kindling" song to the alarm clock, and then turn on the player or music player and start charging to your favorite tracks. They will give positive thoughts and help fight fatigue.

5. Prepare a place for morning exercises in advance. You don't have to waste time finding and spreading a rug, fetching a chair or collecting other necessary equipment if you do this the night before. In addition, this will serve as an additional motivation for charging, because yesterday you tried and prepared everything, you can't just walk by.

6. Reward yourself. If you managed to complete weekly plan, then be sure to reward yourself: get a manicure, watch an interesting movie, or go for a walk in your favorite park. Buy a new gym jersey or something else for your workout to help you wake up in the morning.

7. Tell the whole world about your plans and successes. Thanks to modern technology, this is a piece of cake. Tell your friends in in social networks that now we are determined to do exercises every morning. Report your achievements regularly. Perhaps you will inspire someone else with your successes.

8. Give yourself time. Getting up earlier than usual in the morning is difficult. And at first it will seem simply unbearable. But by no means give up. Wait another week and you will feel that you are used to the new regime. You will sleep better, wake up before the alarm rings, and be energized and energized, and doing morning exercises will help you create an ideal daily routine.

9. Think over your breakfast. If after sleep you feel very hungry, then eat something insignificant, but able to give you strength: a little almonds or a banana. Eat a full breakfast after you charge, prepare something special as a reward for your efforts. But keep in mind that the food should be healthy and low-fat.

10. Set yourself up psychologically. You must clearly understand why you are doing morning exercises. If you want to lose weight, then post in a conspicuous place a photo of the model you are striving for. If you want to be alert and healthy, then make a list of what you can achieve if you start your day actively.

Morning exercise is a great habit, the effect of which you will see instantly.

We have prepared 10 effective exercises that will help you wake up and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day.

10 morning exercises

Exercise 1. Stretching

Start by stretching upwards. Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Fold your hands into the lock, turn your palms outward from you. Slowly raise your arms above your head and begin to stretch your whole body towards the ceiling. Keep your back and head straight and do not bend over. Do the exercise for 10-15 seconds 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Steps in place

A person's feet have many sensitive points that are responsible for the functioning of various organs. To give them a light massage, step in place, alternately focusing on your heels, toes, and the sides of your feet. Do the exercise for 30-50 seconds.

Exercise 3. Rolls from toes to heels

Stand up straight. Place your feet at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Inhale and stand on your toes, exhale and smoothly roll onto your heels. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.

Exercise 4. Rotations

Rotational movements are best to warm up the body. Start at the head, then work your way up to the hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles and knees. For each part of the body, allocate 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 5. Alternating bends and squats

A simple yet effective exercise that will help you engage many important muscles. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your waist. Lean forward slowly, then straighten your back and do one squat. Keep your back as straight as possible to avoid injury to your knees. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 6. Side bends

Take an upright position with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift up right hand up. Smoothly, without sudden movements, first bend to the left, then change your hand and bend to the right. Keep your back straight, bend clearly to the side. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 7. Alternate leg pull

Take a lying position. Straighten your arms up. Start with your right foot. Bend it at the knee and pull it towards you as much as possible, at the same time pull the bent one to the knee left hand... Then change your leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Exercise 8. "Kitty"

Pull abdominal muscle... To do this, kneel on the mat, lean on your bent hands. Flex and unbend your back muscles alternately.

Exercise 9. Push-ups

There is a regular and lightweight push-up option. It differs only in the position of the legs. If you are well enough prepared, then do push-ups with outstretched legs, resting on your toes, if it's so hard, then lean on your knees. Perform 15 push-ups.

Exercise 10. Stretching

Stand up, put your hands up. As you exhale, rise on your toes and gently stretch as high as possible. As you inhale, lower yourself completely to your feet and relax your muscles. Repeat the exercises 5 times for 10 seconds.

Recover your breath, have breakfast and set off to conquer new heights!

Doing morning exercises is easy, we hope, thanks to our advice, tomorrow you will start your journey to more healthy way life. Perhaps some of the exercises suggested above will not work for you for some reason. Then feel free to replace them with others, use or consult with specialists. Share your successes with us or effective exercise that you do yourself. Have a productive day!

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    When we once again make ourselves a promise to come to grips with health (from the new year, from Monday, etc.), then item number 1 in this "global" plan usually means morning exercises. However, determination often ends with the alarm. And it's not just laziness that is to blame. The root of the problem is that many simply do not realize the importance of exercise in the morning. Everyone knows that this is useful. But what exactly and what are the consequences of a lack of movement, not everyone knows.

    In the article we will explain why exercise is vital for a modern person and how to do it correctly in the morning. We will also help you choose a set of exercises and tell you how to form a good habit and avoid mistakes when doing exercises.

    Benefits of morning exercises for the body

    Have you noticed how many people around us in the morning are in a bad mood, not sleeping enough, irritable? The most common cause of this condition is hypokinesia, or lack of physical activity. Hence the nervous excitability, and chronic fatigue... After all, an insufficient number of impulses comes from the muscles to the brain. Consequently, the nerve centers after sleep are turned on in a slow mode. In addition, lack of movement negatively affects the tone of the blood vessels that feed the brain.

    Over time, the situation is aggravated: after a night's rest, a person does not feel vigorous, he constantly wakes up in a bad mood. The amount of the minimum required motor activity is recruited only by noon. Only then will strength and tone appear.

    The most effective solution to the problem is morning exercises. By doing simple exercises you help the body to activate internal resources faster and more efficiently during the day.

    The beneficial effects of charging are also shown as follows:

    • the heart muscle is strengthened and respiratory system(prevention of heart attacks);
    • improved cross-country ability and general state blood vessels (stroke prevention);
    • joints become more mobile (prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
    • the elasticity and tone of the muscles increases, the posture is leveled;
    • intracellular metabolism is accelerated;
    • the work of the brain is activated, which has a positive effect on mental activity and concentration of attention;
    • endurance increases;
    • the vestibular apparatus is trained, the coordination of movements is improved.

    Important! It often turns out that exercise is limited to all daytime physical activity. modern man who is sedentary. Therefore, you should definitely not ignore it.

    When to study and how to make a morning schedule correctly?

    It is believed that gymnastics in the morning can be abandoned in favor of evening exercises. The afternoon is easier and you don't have to get up early. However, evening exercises, for all their usefulness, will not give the body that vigor after waking up and before the working day, which morning physical exercises will provide.

    • duration of classes: morning exercises for beginners - 10-15 minutes, half an hour - for those who have adapted to the loads;
    • after charging, take a contrast shower for 10 minutes.

    Exercise is preferably on an empty stomach. Drinking a glass of water after a night's sleep will help thin your blood. The activity will be higher if you wash your face with cool water. Be sure to ventilate the room where you will be studying.

    Charging should consist of 3 stages: warm-up, main complex and completion. Distribute the load evenly. Perform exercises from easy to more difficult. If you feel faint or dizzy, it is best to take a break and do nothing through the pain and obvious discomfort.

    Warm up

    Before charging, like any other workout, you must definitely do a small one. All exercises are performed smoothly, there is no need to make sudden movements.


    Slowly and smoothly tilt your head left and right. Then tilt your head forward, touching your chin chest, then back. Further - rotational movements of the head clockwise and counterclockwise. The final stage is turning the head to the right and left.


    Raise your hands in front of your chest, clench your palms into a fist. Perform rotations first with the joints, then with the elbows. Shoulder joints knead with the movement of arms outstretched or bent at the elbows in a circle, forward and backward.


    We put our hands on the belt. Hip joint do it in different directions.

    You can perform several bends to the left and right leg.


    Raise the left leg in front of us, bend it slightly at the knee and begin. If it is difficult to maintain balance, rest your hand against the wall. We make the same movement knee joint... Repeat the exercises for the right leg. We finish the warm-up by walking in place.

    Complex for an easy start

    There are practically no contraindications for charging in the morning. This type of activity is suitable for both children and adults. No expensive equipment or simulators required, no special sports uniform... Charging at home is available to everyone - you just need to choose the optimal set of exercises for yourself. We bring to your attention universal complex morning exercises for beginners for 15 minutes.


    Legs are placed shoulder-width apart, with your hands try to reach the floor, then, resting your hands on the lower back, bend back. 10 times.

    Steps in place

    Raise your knees as high as possible. Then we put our palms on the buttocks with the back side and try to reach them with the heels with an overflowing movement. 10 times with each leg.

    Swing your legs to the side and back and forth

    We make swings alternately with each leg 10 times. If it's hard to keep your balance, you can lean against the wall.

    Exercises for the press

    We lie on the floor on our back and begin to pull up bent legs to the chest (alternately, then both together). 10 times.

    We continue to do all the exercises in a circle for 10-15 minutes.


    We complete the complex with the plank exercise. Start with 30 seconds and improve your results gradually every day. You can stand either on your elbows or on outstretched arms. Another option is to alternate these positions every day.

    Complex for men

    Morning exercises for men, if desired, are performed with dumbbells (warm-up - without).


    After warm-up, we start the main part with (20-25 times). Make sure that your back is straight and your knees do not go beyond the level of your socks.


    Classic: put your left leg forward and bend at the knee at a right angle. The right leg is laid back and also bent at a right angle. This is followed by a return to the starting position and a new lunge from the other leg. Perform 15 times on each leg, keep your hands on your belt.

    © dusanpetkovic1 - stock.adobe.com

    Side: Spread your legs as wide as you can. Bend your right leg and tilt your body to its side, keep your left straight. Then - the other way around. The back is straight. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

    © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

    Push ups

    Classic push-ups from the floor with the arms slightly wider than the shoulders.

    Reverse push-ups

    Use a chair, armchair, or bench.


    Lean on your forearms, the body is as tense and tense as possible. Execution time - not less than a minute.

    Complex for women

    The final warm-up exercise - steps in place - continue with intense movements with knees raised. Then we rise on toes, hands up, and fix this position for 15-20 seconds.


    We spread straight arms to the side and perform swings to the arms, first with a leg bent at the knee, then with a straight one.


    Feet shoulder width apart, heels do not come off the floor, back straight.

    Jumping out

    Jumping out of the squat. Can be done with a clap over your head.


    Sitting on the floor, we perform deep bends alternately to the left and right legs.

    After that, we bend our legs under ourselves, tilt the body and stretch forward.

    © stanislav_uvarov - stock.adobe.com


    We complete the complex. Start with 30 seconds and improve your results gradually every day.

    How to motivate yourself to practice?

    Start with small steps. Typical mistake beginners - set many tasks at once. Planning to practice early waking up? Then start with a 5-minute morning exercise and do it for a month without adding anything else. You can lengthen the class time by 3-5 minutes every week. When one ritual is formed, add a new one: meditation or another of your choice.

    Note! Motivation goes away, habits remain. Unfortunately, it is impossible to stay on one willpower and overcoming for a long time. Form a habit loop. Its simplified scheme: trigger (the mechanism that triggers the habit) - action - reward.

    Any constant action can become a trigger, or a kind of hook. For example, washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. Do the exercises, reward yourself with a delicious breakfast or a cup of aromatic tea. We stimulate dopamine receptors, and the habit becomes associated with pleasure.

    Add pleasant emotions. Play your favorite music, think good things. You should not mentally solve the problems of the coming day during class. Remember, the best morning exercise is fun exercise.

    If you skip exercise or shorten the time, don't beat yourself up. Return to a stable schedule as soon as possible. Celebrate progress and celebrate success. Get some tracking habits and mark each day when the morning started with exercise.

    What result can you expect?

    You can hardly expect positive changes if you do exercises only from time to time. Changes become apparent after a few weeks if you take it every day or at least 5 times a week. The most obvious effect is an overall improvement in well-being and health promotion. Resistance to colds and other diseases also increases.

    Interesting to know! Exercising, which is designed to invigorate, with prolonged practice, even normalizes sleep. Getting up early forms a stable daily routine, which allows not only getting up, but also going to bed at the same time. Insomnia disappears, night rest becomes full.

    Regular exercise reduces stress levels and prevents depression. In the brain, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced, the mood is stabilized, nervousness and irritability go away. Efficiency, persistence in achieving goals, discipline increases.

    For those who are losing weight, exercise can speed up the farewell to unnecessary fat at the expense of excess calorie expenditure. Easier are given evening workouts... Many people say that the morning physical exercise even help regulate appetite.

    © fizkes - stock.adobe.com

    Key charging errors

    We have already mentioned one of the most common problems - irregularity of classes. Other mistakes: doing exercises in a stuffy room and in an unnecessarily slow pace with long pauses. The charging rhythm should be smooth, but quite intense. At the same time, do not ignore the warm-up.

    Engage all muscle groups. Working exclusively with one group contradicts the purpose of charging: to activate the body's work, to charge it with energy through movement. However, those who prioritize volume reduction problem areas turn gymnastics at the beginning of the day exclusively into a fight against overweight forgetting that fat is not burned by exercise, but by the overall balance of calories throughout the day. As a result - no tone, no pleasure.

    Note! If you want to lose weight, but your exercise is limited to exercise, then do not expect a quick and clear result. For efficiency, add 2-3 additional power training in Week.

    It is also not worth loading all muscle groups in the morning in full. It is a mistake to make a full charge out of charging high intensity workout... This problem is especially common for beginners. Instead of cheerfulness, you will get tiredness, weakness and a desire to rest throughout the day. Failing to cope, the person stops morning classes and rarely returns to them because of the memory of uncomfortable sensations.


    It's hard to believe that a few easy exercises in the morning can change your life for the better. However, this is the case. Do you want to be convinced? Then do not wait for special dates and do not postpone classes indefinitely. Just get started! Tomorrow morning, wake up just 10 minutes earlier and add a small physical activity... Do not be lazy to act for the good of the body and be healthy!

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