Games for a good mood: goodies, goodies. Basic principles of organizing lessons with a baby

1. Who is Kinuli?
This is the name of a lioness (first, of course, a lion cub) who was brought up in Vera Chaplina's apartment. The story is well-known, and I also had a book written by the mistress of Kinuli (they called it that because her mother abandoned her - the zoo lioness refused to feed the cub).

2. “[OH] ate a testicle,
I didn't say thank you
I got on my horse and ran away. "

Kokol-Mokol (or Kokal-Mokal - as you like more). The most popular counting-book in deep childhood.

3. "One, Taras, pillow, mattress ...". What kind of inventory is used in this game?
A jump rope is used. The presenter rotates around his axis, spinning the rope at the level of the players' knees, saying: "One, Taras, pillow, mattress, puppeteer, ballet dancer (what is this?), Imagining, gossip girl", etc. Players jump over the rope, and if someone gets confused in it, then they drop out of the game, "rewarded", respectively, with the "nickname", which he stumbled upon ("Taras, pillow, doll"). The meaning, as in many children's games, is missing.

4. "Imagine: the patient opens his mouth, and at this time I open to him the mysteries of the music of Bach or Beethoven ... You can at the same time, doctor!" Name the transfer.
Program "Doctor Angle", which grew out of the famous "Oba-na!" I have two videotapes at home with the numbers of this program, and along with the vulgarity and tastelessness there are many really excellent and "tasty" interludes. Most of all I love the heroes Lyubov Polishchuk, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky and Mikhail Tserishenko.

5. Who greeted the viewers with the words: "Hello, dear children and dear adult comrades"?
Of course, our dear "Aunt Valya" - Valentina Leontyeva, in the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

6. What is alchiki?
A purely "oriental" name, but it's nice that the "boys" know it. These are dice-mosles (some of them called it - "to play mosly", we have - "to play alchiki", someone else - "to play grandmas"), which were lined up "on the line", and with a special "bat "- with a bone in which lead was poured - they tried to knock out as many alchiks as possible.

7. In addition to the "sea battle" we had an incredibly popular paper game "tanks". In what way could the tank be “blown up”?
Vitya fiviol answered in so much detail that I'll just give a description here.
"The paper is folded in half. On one half of the inner spread, there are non-user tanks. On the other half, there is a bold ink dot. outside another point is put. If the imprint obtained in this way touches an enemy tank, it is hit. ”We mostly fought in the lessons.

8. "Wall, wall, ceiling ..." How next?
Here folk art was sold in variants, but the answers were all accepted, of course. We further sounded like this: "... two steps, tink! - bell". So they played with small children: "wall, wall, ceiling" - they patted them on the cheeks and forehead. "Two steps" - fingers "climbed" on the lips. "Tink! - call" - pressed the nose. Then the insane, but that is why the children liked the dialogue: "The owner of the house? - At home. - Is the harmony ready? - Ready. - Can I play?" Well, etc.

9. "Yes ... A herring smokes a cigarette ... - No, it's parsley in her mouth." Name the participants in the dialogue.
Teacher Victor Mikhailovich Rezanov and Sasha Yanovskaya. The heroes of A. Brushtein's book "The Road Leaps Into the Distance", ardently and unrelentingly beloved by me.

10. “Is it true that singers' voices are processed on a computer? - What are you, of course, not true! They are being processed ... ”How?
... on a calculator. (KVN. NSU team. Dialogue between KVN student Vladimir Duda and a ten-year-old girl who has now grown into a magnificent extraordinary singer Pelageya).

11. In which game does the term "apartment" exist?
In the lotto. "Apartment" is when all digits, except one, are closed on one line.

12. “[HE] is a pretty dance.
It's very easy to execute:
Step back, step forward, roll over.
And then start again. "

Padespanian. I know, I know - it is correctly called "padespan", and even more correct - "pad" espan ", but that is how it was sung in the song. By the way, this is one of the few dances (if not the only one) that I can dance.

13. “The rooster was the last to leave the castle, quite plucked, but undefeated”, “In this house lived the fearsome robbers headed by their Atamansha”. These phrases are pronounced not in the cartoon, but on the disc "The Bremen Town Musicians". And who voices the words of the author?
You will be very surprised, but this is ... Oleg Tabakov!

14. What at school were forced to do everyone (my generation, in any case, unequivocally) in mathematics notebooks, stepping back five cells?
Draw the fields, of course! For some reason, in notebooks on the Russian language, the fields were already ready, "factory", and in notebooks on mathematics they were forced to draw, without fail with red paste or pencil. Many (and me too) had constant remarks in their notebooks: "No fields!"

15. "Immediately the sky darkened ... the pitching rose on the sea ... the sailors were attacked ...". Say the last phrase.
There are options here too. We used to say: "Right ... you can see that people are weak."

16. In early kindergarten childhood, we were obsessed with a completely idiotic occupation - making IT. To do this, it was necessary to trample a solid area in the sand, pour a little sand on it, spit on this sandy hill and carefully tamp it with your fingers, periodically spitting and adding sand. The most important thing is to say a special incantation. What was the name of the result?
This building was called "smooth grandma"! And the spell sounded like this: "Grandma is smooth, make it smooth, otherwise the grandfather will come and poke your ears." An ingenious spell and an equally ingenious pastime.

17. During my childhood they cost 80 kopecks, 95 kopecks. and 1 rub. 20 kopecks
A dozen eggs. Strange is not that in different cities they cost a different price, and the fact that, despite this, almost everyone recognized them.

18. "This is how the Soviet border is kept!
And no bastard will cross it! "
What did Alyosha keep in his collection?

Brown button. The very one that "Alyoshka stepped on with his foot."
The last two lines of the song:
"That button is kept in Alyosha's collection.
For a small button he is honored. "

19. What is a counter mark if it is not a theater pass?
Personally, this was the name given to stoves in private houses. Such columnar, cylindrical, ceiling-mounted contraptions, mostly black (or gray), for two rooms. Nobody else remembers (knows) such stoves?

20. One was called Grzhemelek, and the other?
Vakhmurka. The two Czech gnomes are incredibly popular cartoon characters and comic book series (then they were simply called "stories in pictures").

To touch the baby, to caress, to play, to gently shake your miracle, to sing a song - before all this was called "nurture". From time immemorial, another wonderful, capacious word "nursery rhyme" has come to us, which means to amuse the baby with a cheerful rhythmic movement, a funny sound, a rhymed line with the name of the child.

Each mother knows how to tell her baby about her love and tenderness - with hugs, kind words, lullabies ...
Every mother is familiar with a different language of communication with a baby - the language of touch, movement, simple massage. There are no and there can be no complexes. special exercises with a certain set of the same movements. The good thing is what you like right now, what is closer at the moment of the day. All games with the baby imperceptibly, as if by themselves, are distributed throughout the day - and there is no thought that this is "necessary", "necessary".

Having tuned in for fun communication, start building the baby "in harmony" - as I call it. At this age (in infancy), the mother is really able to "blind" the child with her own hands. It is not necessary to know special techniques - align, tighten, "line up" the baby, starting with the well-known "Potions":

It is good to open this game every new morning - it gives a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Consider "Pottyagushenki" your mother's parting words to the baby for the upcoming new day, full of movement, discoveries, joy!

Simple pestushki set the movements, rhythm, and mood for the baby. After the "Puffs" it is the turn of stroking:

If the kid does not mind, then consider the warm-up game over. If the child "demands a continuation of the banquet" - play on, everything else will remain for tomorrow.

Playing on the palm.
Games "involving" palms, fingers, pens are very important for a baby. Because the human hand is like brains brought forward: the more you do, the more intensively the child's development takes place, including the intellectual one. It is impossible for a child's palm to be closed, clamped, it is necessary to "open" it for a variety of information. Never use clothes with sewn-on sleeves (undershirts, blouses), special "mittens" -anti-scratches: the palm must be open to the world from birth!

Birdie, birdie, here's some water for you
Here are the crumbs on my palm.
(we run our finger on the palm)
(gently pinch your palm)

The crow-magpie cooked porridge,
She cooked porridge, fed the children.
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
She gave this one.
And this - did not give:
He did not go to the forest,
I didn't chop wood,
I didn't carry water!

(circular motion on the palm of the baby),

(acupressure by pressing on each finger)

(lightly tap on back side palms)

The water is cold here
Here the water is warm
The water is hot here
And here - boiling water, tickling,
Boiling water, tickling!

(stroking the palm)
(we stroke the handle to the elbow)
(stroking from elbow to shoulder)
(gently tickling under the armpits)

And everything is fine here.
The more you touch your baby, the more clearly he is aware of the boundaries. own body, learn to coordinate their movements faster. During the fun game try to "see" the whole baby - look into every fold, consider every mole. You seem to say to the leg, knee, shoulder, handle - "and you are needed, and everything is fine here."

Kui-kui, kovalek,
Hit the boot.
On a small leg
Horseshoe gold.
(with the back of your hand
tapping on the baby's heels)

Dense forest - clear field
Two windows
And two poplars
Two pillows,

(showing and touching hair - forehead),

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She gives out nuts:
To the fat-headed bear
Zainke mustache,
Little fox sister,
To whom - in the mouth,
To whom - in the goiter,
To whom - in a sweetheart!

(circular heel massage)

(press on the big toe)
(on the second finger)
(on the third finger)
(on the fourth finger)
(on the little finger)
(we run along the interdigital
(we follow the rise of the leg)

In the hole - boo.
There are wonderful games that develop in a child a sense of anticipation, which is extremely important for his mental, emotional development. Let's remember "Kozu-Dereza": we are just starting to play, we literally pronounce the first words, and the kid's eyes are already lighting up - he knows, he is waiting - now something will happen! In the future, the child forms (not without the help of simple, seemingly, folk games) the most important forms of foreboding - for example, intuition. Once again you are convinced: how uncomplicated and simple folk games-nursery rhymes are, so wise they are.

Know how to choose your own.
Try to cover the whole baby with the game, plunge him right into the world of joyful, useful movements. After all, where it is fun and interesting, there is also pleasant. When a baby has an "uneven" fold, he himself feels discomfort, only he cannot say. By aligning this fold, "working" with his legs, you, without noticing it, eliminate discomfort. This is a pleasure for the kid - he begins to smile, laugh, he has fun! But as soon as you noticed that your baby is distracted, something else becomes more interesting to him, you must immediately stop playing activities. Observe carefully, and in a few days you will know exactly what moments of the day your baby wants to play. Moreover: how experienced mothers absolutely accurately distinguish the crying of a baby ("I am sad without you", "I am hungry", "I am cold", "I am tired", "I have a stomach ache"), you can also learn to understand others " small child requests. Choose your games (there are a great variety of them!), Checking your own mood, desire, experience. I know that many mothers are perplexed - "in the 21st century we will begin to learn folk songs ...". I agree, it used to be easier - people lived in large families, folklore for children was passed down from generation to generation. But perhaps now is the right time to restore these traditions - believe me, nothing better than a nursery rhyme has not yet been invented.

Do not consider the time spent looking for folk nursery rhymes, little dogs, songs, jokes, lullabies, in vain. Think about it, read the literary storehouse of folk wisdom: perhaps it is here that the secret of the mysterious Russian soul is hidden ...

Alena Lebedeva -
head of childbirth preparation programs, course author "Pottyagushenki", course instructor preparation for childbirth "Towards the baby" Family Support Center "Christmas".

To touch a baby, to caress, to play, to gently stir up your miracle, to sing a song - before all this was called “nurture”. For this, since ancient times, special "nursery rhymes" have been used - funny rhymes with rhythmic movement, funny sound or a poetic line with the name of the child.

The warmth of mom's hands

Each mother in her own way knows how to tell the baby about her love and tenderness - with hugs, kind words, lullabies. But there is another language of communication with an infant - the language of stroking, gentle movements, simple massage. These touches are not like a set of special exercises, rather, they resemble a game that amuses a child. It is better to accompany such bodily communication with short rhymes - little rhymes and nursery rhymes.

The main thing is the mood

Wall, wall, ceiling, (touch one cheek, the other, forehead)
Two steps and a bell. Dzin! (touch the sponges, press the "button" of the spout)
Two firemen were running
(rub the baby's cheeks with our fists)
This button was pressed.
Ding-ding-ding! (touching the nose)

Having amused the baby and, thus, having set him up for fun communication, you can start more active exercises. You don't need to know special tricks to do this - just stroke it, outlining the contours of the body. I propose to start with the well-known "Potties". It is good to open every new morning with this game - it gives a boost of vivacity for the whole day:

From toes to crown.
We'll stretch, we'll stretch
We will not stay small!

Pastuny little ones,
Across the fat girl
In the legs - walkers,
In the pens - grabbed,
In the mouth - talk,
And in the head - a mind!

This simple little dog sets the movement, rhythm, and mood of the baby. After the "Drinks", it is the turn of stroking:

Daddy the hedgehog, daddy the hedgehog
Won't you rub our back? (Stroking the baby on the back with our palms from ass to shoulders)
To dear - dear,
Slender - slender,
Pretty - pretty
And if it looks good-looking, it looks good! (we take by the handles and, stroking, as if we pull it all over the body)
And everything is good here!

The more you touch your baby, the more clearly he is aware of his own body and the faster he learns to coordinate his movements. During a fun game, try to "see" the whole baby - run your hands over all parts of the child's body, look into every fold, examine every mole. You seem to say to the leg, knee, shoulder, handle: "And you are needed, and everything is fine here."

Kui-kui, kovalek,
Hit the boot.
On a small leg
Gold horseshoe (with the back of your hand we tap on the baby's heels)
Dense forest - pure field, (show and touch hair, forehead)
Two windows (eyes)
And two poplars (handles),
Two pillows (cheeks)
Rimbabula (half-ball),
Lepetulya (mouth),
Bun (nose).

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She gives out nuts: (circular massage of the heel)
To the fat-headed bear, (press on the big toe)
Zainke mustache, (on the second finger)
Chanterelle-sister, (on the third finger)
Sparrow, (on the fourth finger)
Titmouse! (on the little finger)
To whom - in the mouth,
To whom - in the goiter, (we draw along the interdigital spaces)
To whom - in a sweetheart! (we run along the rise of the leg)

Arms, legs and tummy

And here is another old fun that kids really like and contributes to the development and strengthening of the abdominal muscles. The main principle of its construction is massaging the tummy by pressing the arms and legs. In the first three months, such activities are very important, since work gastrointestinal tract is only getting better, and the child may be bothered by the problems of bowel movement. During the game, gently and smoothly, we begin to pummel the tummy and help the baby to get rid of the annoying "gas". It is especially good to do the exercises after the bath, when the child is steamed and relaxed. You cannot approach such a baby with sudden movements.

Why are these activities useful for a child:

  • the musculoskeletal system is strengthened;
  • metabolism improves;
  • increased pulmonary ventilation, that is, blood oxygenation;
  • heat regulation improves.

Pull canvases, sip
Put it in the box. (connect the knee to the opposite elbow)
This is my mother's canvas
This is dad's canvas, (now we straighten the leg and arm in opposite directions)
And this canvas is for Andryushechka!
To my darling son! (say your child's name)
Pushers, pushers, (alternately press the legs to the tummy)
Stag beetles, stag beetles, (we spread the knees to the sides)
Shifters, shifters. (with straight legs we try to touch the forehead)

And one more well-known children's pestle with exercise. Usually kids love it very much and always do it with pleasure.

Baba sowed peas,
Jump-jump, jump-jump! (alternately press the legs to the tummy)
The ceiling has collapsed
Jump-jump, jump-jump! (simultaneously press two legs to the tummy)

Playing on the palm

Games involving palms, fingers, pens are very important for a baby. Because in many ways it is through touch that the child learns the world around him and develops intellectually. To do this, it is necessary that the child's palm is not closed, squeezed - it is necessary to "open" it for a variety of information. And it is better not to use clothes with sewn-on sleeves (undershirts, blouses), special "mittens" - anti-scratches - the palm must be open from birth!

Bird, bird, here's some water for you (we run our finger on the palm)
Here are the crumbs on my palm. (gently pinch your palm)

Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge,
She cooked porridge, fed the children. (circular movements on the baby's palm)
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
She gave this one. (acupressure by pressing on each finger)
And this - did not give:
He did not go to the forest,
I didn't chop wood,
I didn't carry water! (lightly tap on the back of your hand)

Here the water is cold (stroking the palm)
Here the water is warm (we stroke the handle to the elbow)
Here the water is hot, (stroking from elbow to shoulder)
And here - boiling water, tickling,
Boiling water, tickling! (gently tickling under the armpits)

Into the hole - boo

There are wonderful games that develop a sense of anticipation in a child, which is extremely important for his mental and emotional development. Let's remember "Kozu-dereza": we are just starting to play, we literally pronounce the first words, and the baby's eyes are already lighting up - he knows, he is waiting - now something will happen! In the future, the child develops (not without the help of seemingly simple folk games) the most important forms of premonition - for example, intuition. And every time you are convinced: how uncomplicated and simple folk games-nursery rhymes are, and at the same time they are so wise.

There is a horned goat
For the little guys. (we go through the index and middle fingers along the baby's leg)
Gore-gore-gore! (tickling the baby's tummy)

On an even field, (the baby sits on our laps, do not raise them)
Then on the sand, (raise and lower both knees smoothly)
Over bumps, over bumps,
Along the blue woods, (we raise our knees one by one, sharply)
Into the hole - boo! (We "drop" the baby by spreading the knees)

Ram, ram - boom!
Ram, ram - boom! (we bring our forehead to the baby's forehead, we collide with our foreheads)
Towers, towers,
Come on, hum! (we turn our heads in different directions, the baby repeats)

Know how to choose your

Try to cover the whole baby with the game, plunge him into the world of joyful, useful movements. You can choose your games based on your own experience, mood and desire. The main thing here is the joy and positive emotions of the child. And as soon as you notice that your baby is distracted, something else becomes more interesting to him, you must immediately stop playing activities. After all, a good mood during gymnastics is a guarantee that these exercises really benefit him and contribute to his development.

Basic principles of organizing lessons with a baby

  • Exercises should not be carried out on an empty stomach, immediately after meals and immediately after a night's sleep.
  • Gymnastics should bring joy - it is unacceptable to practice with a crying child!
  • Exercises for different muscle groups should be alternated (observe the principle of "diffuse loading").
  • Before class, ventilate the room well, or better open a window or window (depending on the weather). In summer, work with your baby in the morning or evening to avoid overheating.
  • The same games should not be used, as the child is constantly developing, acquiring new skills and movements. Therefore, try to gradually complicate the exercises.
  • And remember that gymnastics and massage are not always beneficial, they are contraindicated in all acute diseases. In any case, before starting classes, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Wall, wall, ceiling, ( touch one cheek, the other, the forehead)
Two steps and a bell. Dzin! ( touch the sponges, press the "button" of the spout)
Two firemen fled , (rub the baby's cheeks with our fists)
This button was pressed.
Ding-ding-ding! ( touching the nose)

Getting to know the fingers

(Bend our fingers one by one)
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.
This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie closely
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

Charging with Pinocchio

Pinocchio stretched
Once - bent down,
Two - bent down,
Three - bent down.
He spread his arms to the side,
Apparently, he didn’t find the key.
To get us the key
You need to stand on your toes.
(Recite a poem with the child,
performing all movements in the text.)

Rails, rails ...

Rails, rails ( draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers ( draw cross lines)
The train went belated (We "ride" with our palm on the back)
From the last window
Suddenly peas fell (we knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
The chickens came, ate (tapping with index fingers)
Geese came, pinched (pinching the back)
The chanterelle came (ironing the back)
She waved her tail
An elephant passed, ( "Walk" on the back with the back of our fists)
The elephant passed, ( "Go" with our fists, but with less effort)
A little elephant passed by. ( "Go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The store director came, (" go "on the back with two fingers)
I smoothed everything, cleared everything. ( stroking the back with palms up and down)
Put the table down (we represent the table with a fist)
Chair, (chair - pinch)
Typewriter. (typewriter - with your finger)
I started typing: ( We "print" on the back with our fingers)
To my wife and daughter,
Ding point. ( on these words every time we tickle the barrel)
I am sending you stockings
Ding point.
I read, (we move our finger as if we are reading)
Crumpled, smoothed, ( pinch and then stroke the back)
I read,
Crumpled, smoothed
I sent it. ("Put the letter" behind the collar)

Tummy massage

Pink tummy
Purrs like a cat
Purr puppy
Gurgled like a trickle.
Oh, belly, belly,
Who lives there inside?
Who interferes with the bainki
Little bunny?
We will stroke the belly
Thick watermelons.
The puppy is sleeping, the kitten is sleeping.
The child smiles.

Getting to know the body

Spider, spider,
Anya grab the barrel.
Frog, frog
Grab Anya's ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Anya's knees.
Doggie, doggie,
Anya grab the nose.
Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
Grab Anya's belly.
Wasp, wasp,
Grab Anya by the hair.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
Grab Katya by the shoulders.
(substitute your child's name)

To touch the baby, to caress, to play, to gently shake your miracle, to sing a song - before all this was called "nurture". From time immemorial, another wonderful, capacious word "nursery rhyme" has come to us, which means to amuse the baby with a cheerful rhythmic movement, a funny sound, a rhymed line with the name of the child.

Each mother knows how to tell her baby about her love and tenderness - with hugs, kind words, lullabies ...

Every mother is familiar with a different language of communication with a baby - the language of touch, movement, simple massage. There is not and cannot be a set of special exercises with a certain set of the same movements. The good thing is what you like right now, what is closer at the moment of the day. All games with the baby imperceptibly, as if by themselves, are distributed throughout the day - and there is no thought that this is "necessary", "necessary".

The main thing is the mood

Wall, wall, ceiling, (touch the sponges, press the "button" of the spout)

Two steps and a bell. Dzin! (Touch one cheek, the other, forehead)

Two firemen fled, (rubbing the baby's cheeks with our fists)

This button was pressed.

Ding-ding-ding! (Touching the nose)

Having tuned in for fun communication, start building the baby "in harmony" - as I call it. At this age (in infancy), the mother is really able to "blind" the child with her own hands. It is not necessary to know special techniques - align, tighten, "line up" the baby, starting with the well-known "Potions":


From toes to crown.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

We will not stay small!

It is good to open this game every new morning - it gives a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Consider "Pottyagushenki" your mother's parting words to the baby for the upcoming new day, full of movement, discoveries, joy!

Pastuny little ones,

Across the fat girl

In the legs - walkers

In the pens - grabbed,

In the mouth - talk,

And in the head - a mind!

Simple pestushki set the movements, rhythm, and mood for the baby. After the "Puffs" it is the turn of stroking:

Daddy the hedgehog, daddy the hedgehog

Won't you rub our back? (we stroke the baby on the back with our palms from the ass to the shoulders)

To dear - dear,

Slender - slender,

Pretty - pretty

And if it looks good-looking, it looks good! (take it by the handles and, stroking, as if pulling it all over the body)

If the kid does not mind, then consider the warm-up game over. If the child "demands a continuation of the banquet" - play on, everything else will remain for tomorrow.

Playing on the palm

Games "involving" palms, fingers, pens are very important for a baby. Because the human hand is like brains brought forward: the more you do, the more intensively the child's development takes place, including the intellectual one. It is impossible for a child's palm to be closed, clamped, it is necessary to "open" it for a variety of information. Never use clothes with sewn-on sleeves (undershirts, blouses), special "mittens" -anti-scratches: the palm must be open to the world from birth!

Bird, bird, here's some water for you (we run our finger on the palm)

Here are the crumbs on my palm. (We gently pinch the palm)

The crow-magpie cooked porridge,

She cooked porridge, fed the children.

I gave it to this,

I gave it to this,

I gave it to this,

She gave this one.

And this - did not give:

He did not go to the forest,

I didn't chop wood,

I didn't carry water! (circular movements on the baby's palm), (acupressure by pressing on each finger) (lightly tap on the back of the palm)

Here the water is cold (stroking the palm)

Here the water is warm (we stroke the handle to the elbow)

Here the water is hot, (stroking from elbow to shoulder)

And here - boiling water, tickling,

Tickling boiling water! (Tickling gently under the armpits)

And everything is fine here

The more you touch the baby, the more clearly he is aware of the boundaries of his own body, the faster he learns to coordinate his movements. During the fun game try to "see" the whole baby - look into every fold, consider every mole. You seem to say to the leg, knee, shoulder, handle - "and you are needed, and everything is fine here."

Kui-kui, kovalek,

Hit the boot.

On a small leg

Horseshoe gold. (with the back of your hand we tap on the baby's heels)

Dense forest - pure field (showing and touching forehead hair)

Two windows (eyes)

And two poplars, (handles)

Two pillows, (cheeks)

Rimbabula, (chin)

Lepetulya, (mouth)

Bun. (nose)

A squirrel is sitting on a trolley (circular heel massage)

She gives out nuts:

To the fat-headed bear (press on the big toe)

Zainke mustache, (on the second finger)

Chanterelle-sister, (on the third finger)

Sparrow, (on the fourth finger)

Titmouse! (On the little finger)

To whom - in the mouth,

To whom - in the goiter, (we draw along the interdigital spaces)

To whom - in a paw! (We carry out on the rise of the leg)

Into the hole - boo

There are wonderful games that develop in a child a sense of anticipation, which is extremely important for his mental, emotional development. Let's remember "Kozu-Dereza": we are just starting to play, we literally pronounce the first words, and the kid's eyes are already lighting up - he knows, he is waiting - now something will happen!

In the future, the child develops (not without the help of seemingly simple folk games) the most important forms of premonition - for example, intuition. Once again you are convinced: how uncomplicated and simple folk games-nursery rhymes are, so wise they are.

There is a horned goat

For the little guys.



On a flat field, (baby sits on your lap, do not lift them)

Then on the sand, (raise and lower both knees smoothly)

Over bumps, over bumps (lift your knees alternately, sharply)

Through the blue woods

Into the hole - boo! ("Drop" the baby, spreading your knees)

Ram, ram - boom!

Ram, ram - boom! (bring your forehead to the baby's forehead, "collide" with their foreheads)

Towers, towers,

Come on, hum! (we turn our heads in different directions, the baby repeats)

Know how to choose your

Try to cover the whole baby with the game, plunge him right into the world of joyful, useful movements. After all, where it is fun and interesting, there is also pleasant. When a baby has an "uneven" fold, he himself feels discomfort, only he cannot say. By aligning this fold, "working" with his legs, you, without noticing it, eliminate discomfort. This is a pleasure for the kid - he begins to smile, laugh, he has fun!

But as soon as you noticed that your baby is distracted, something else becomes more interesting to him, you must immediately stop playing activities. Observe carefully, and in a few days you will know exactly what moments of the day your baby wants to play. Moreover: how experienced mothers absolutely accurately distinguish the crying of a baby ("I am sad without you", "I am hungry", "I am cold", "I am tired", "I have a stomach ache"), you can also learn to understand others " small child requests.

Choose your games (there are a great variety of them!), Checking your own mood, desire, experience. I know that many mothers are perplexed - "in the 21st century we will begin to learn folk songs ...". I agree, it used to be easier - people lived in large families, folklore for children was passed down from generation to generation. But perhaps now is the right time to restore these traditions - believe me, nothing better than a nursery rhyme has not yet been invented.

Do not consider the time spent looking for folk nursery rhymes, little dogs, songs, jokes, lullabies, in vain. Think about it, read the literary storehouse of folk wisdom: perhaps it is here that the secret of the mysterious Russian soul is hidden ...

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