The door was slammed shut by a gust of wind and nothing else. Narcissus - a flower for the soul

Daffodils are bulbous perennials of the Amaryllis family. The refined beauty of flowers with a unique spring aroma and unpretentiousness to growing conditions have made them indispensable in spring flower arrangements.

These flowers have been known to people since ancient times. They were grown in ancient Egypt, Iran, ancient Greece and Rome. In Turkey, an ancient saying is still preserved, it is attributed to the prophet Mohammed: “Whoever has two loaves, let him sell one to buy a narcissus flower, for bread is food for the body, and narcissus is food for the soul.”

All daffodils are poisonous, they are not even eaten by mice, big fans of bulbous crops. Today, alkaloids have been isolated from the bulbs of daffodils: narcissin, tacettin, poetin, which have narcotic properties. Apparently, the word "anesthesia" owes its origin to the daffodil.

Modern varieties of daffodils are complex, multi-stage hybrids. They are obtained as a result of intervarietal hybridization, crosses and long-term selection. There are more than 30 thousand varieties in the international assortment.
Flower bulb - perennial, flask-shaped, ovoid or rounded. A characteristic feature of the structure of the bulb of daffodils is the presence of two renewal buds, which are at different stages of development. Scales brown, membranous.
Growing daffodils is easy. They put up with any soil - both sandy and clay. As long as it is fertile and well drained. Swampy areas flooded with melt water are unsuitable for them: the bulbs get wet from excess moisture. To improve the mechanical composition of heavy clay soils, sand (20-30 kg/m2) and peat (10-15 kg/m2) are added. On light soils add humus (5-9 kg/m2). Fresh manure can be applied a year before planting. On peaty soils, acidity must be controlled, as daffodils do best on neutral soils, although they can grow on more acidic ones. Chalk, dolomite flour or lime are used to neutralize excess acidity.
It is believed that the daffodil was the first flower that people began to breed in flower beds. And not by accident. Narcissus is a flower of rare beauty. How much grace in him, how much grace in his simple outfit. Six petals in two circles, and in the center there is another additional corolla - a crown. The narcissus flower, tilted to one side, seems to be looking down. Its Latin name is "narcissus poeticus", poetic narcissus, and this is no coincidence, many find that this is the most elegant of flowers.

Narcissus 'Actaea' Poeticus 'Actaea'

Narcissus blooms in March-April, earlier than many other plants, and has a strong and pungent smell. A large bouquet of these flowers causes a headache. No wonder the name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao", that is, "intoxicating".
According to the ancient Greek myth, the flower got its name from the name of the beautiful young man Narcissus. He was the son of the Boeotian river god Cefiss and the nymph Liriope. The young man's parents turned to the oracle Tireseus, they were interested in his future. The soothsayer said that Narcissus would live to old age if he did not see his face.

Narcissus grew up a young man of extraordinary beauty, and many women sought his love, but he was indifferent to everyone. When the nymph Echo fell in love with him, the narcissistic handsome young man rejected her passion. The nymph withered from hopeless passion and turned into an echo, but before her death she cursed: "Let the one whom he loves not reciprocate with Narcissus."

The women rejected by Narcissus demanded to punish him. The goddess of justice, Nemesis, heeded their prayers.
On a hot afternoon, exhausted by the heat, young Narcissus leaned over to drink from the stream, and in its bright jets he saw his own reflection. Narcissus had never met such beauty before and therefore lost his peace. Every morning he came to the stream, dipped his hands into the water to hug the one he saw, but it was all in vain.
Narcissus stopped eating, drinking, sleeping, because he was unable to move away from the stream, and melted almost before our eyes, until he disappeared without a trace. And on the ground where he was seen, a fragrant white flower of cold beauty grew for the last time. Since then, the mythical goddesses of retribution, the Furies, have adorned their heads with wreaths of daffodils.

Narcissus often serves as a household name for narcissistic people. The myth of Narcissus is a kind of sentence to individualism, narcissism, contemplative deepening into one's own experiences, because self-valuable beauty loses all meaning and is doomed to death.

In different nations and at different times, the daffodil was loved and had different meanings. The Persian king Cyrus called it "the creation of beauty, immortal delight." The ancient Romans greeted the winners of battles with yellow daffodils, wove wreaths of flowers for feasts. The image of this flower is found on the walls of ancient Pompeii.

In Prussia, daffodils were a symbol of love and a happy marriage. The girl who was getting married took the flower away from her parents' house and looked after it so that it would grow better, because, according to legend, the happiness of the new family depended on its appearance.

In Switzerland, on the feast of the narcissus, on the first Sunday of May, all buildings were decorated with multi-colored flags, and the doors of houses and shops were decorated with garlands of these colors; festivities were organized in the streets and squares.

In Turkey, an old saying has been preserved: "Whoever has two breads, let him sell one to buy a daffodil flower, for bread is food for the body, and narcissus is food for the soul."

Narcissus was admired by Shakespeare, who described him in his tragedy The Tempest; Edgar Allan Poe spoke of him as one of the flowers of that "valley of multi-colored grasses" where he managed to experience heavenly love, and in Shelley's poem "Mimosa" we find the following lines:
Tulip and bitterwort lit up with love,
And a marvelous handsome man, a daffodil in love,
Blossomed over the stream and looks at himself,
Until he dies, loving endlessly ...

Very beautiful daffodils in group plantings, spots, small lawns. When you arrive at the site in the spring, the daffodil pleases you with its already blooming flowers, and you understand that summer has come. Yes, it is summer, because tulips and many other flowers will bloom behind the daffodils and, admiring this riot of color, you will not notice how it has come. Summer.

Small-crowned daffodils (Short-Cupped Daffodils) have a crown not exceeding 1/3 of the perianth in length.
Large-crowned daffodils (Long-Cupped Daffodils) have a crown shorter than the perianth segments, but it is more than 1/3 of their length.

Daffodil ’Alcida’ Trumpet Daffodils ’Alcida’

Daffodil 'Ice Follies' Trumpet Daffodils 'Ice Follies'

In tubular daffodils (Trumpet Daffodils), instead of a crown, a tube is equal in length to the perianth lobes or more.

Narcissus tubular ’Goblet’ Trumpet Daffodils ’Goblet’

Daffodil ’Desdemona’ Trumpet Daffodils ’Desdemona’

Narcissus tubular ’Golden Harvest’ Trupet Daffodils ’Golden Harvest’

Terry daffodils (Double Daffodils of Garden Origin) This group of daffodils is widespread, characterized by double flowers, a variety of their shape and color.

Daffodil ’Apotheosis’ Double Daffodils ’Apotheose’

Daffodil ’White Lion’ Double Daffodils ’White Lion’

Daffodil ’Cherfulness’ Double Daffodils ’Cheerfulness’

Daffodil 'Petit Fou' Double Daffodils 'Petit Four'

Daffodil ’Rosie Cloud’ Double Daffodils ’Rosy Cloud’

Narcissus Miniature ’Rip van Winkle’ Narcissus Miniature ’Rip van Winkle’

Daffodil 'Texas' Double Daffodils 'Texas'

Split-crown daffodils (Split-Corona Daffodils of Garden Origin)
Their distinctive feature is a dissected crown (tube). Six free or fused segments only at the base give the flowers an exotic look. The dimensions of the split crown have a wide range of variability. Its segments sometimes almost cover the perianth lobes, sometimes they barely reach the maximum value for small-crowned daffodils.

Narcissus ’Printal’ Split-Corona Daffodils ’Printal’

For the first time, daffodils are fed in the spring, on shoots and in small quantities, since excess nitrogen causes the development of diseases and the growth of too tall, narrow, weak leaves. The second feeding of daffodils is carried out with nitrogen and potassium in the phase of the peduncle, the third - with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium during full budding, and the fourth - with phosphorus and potassium during flowering. Fresh manure is filled into the soil only 2 - 3 years before planting daffodils.
In no case should you fertilize daffodils with fresh manure, because it attracts the most dangerous pest of this crop - the narcissus fly, or onion hoverfly. Of the pests of daffodils, nematodes and mites are common. Narcissus often suffer from fusarium, sclerotinia and mosaic disease.
The next story is about lips, kupene, survivors.

Narcissus You might be surprised, but the name of this flower comes from the Greek word "narcao" - which means "to intoxicate": and, indeed, the smell of this fragrant flower can cause a headache. But its Latin name is “narcissus poeticus”, poetic narcissus, and this is no coincidence, many believe that this is the most elegant of flowers. In different nations and at different times, the daffodil was loved and had different meanings.

For example, in China since ancient times, the daffodil has played an important role in New Year's ceremonies. Probably because the New Year in the Celestial Empire is celebrated in February, at the same time when the narcissus blooms in nature. In every Chinese home, this flower is an obligatory attribute; it is used as a decoration for many ceremonies.


The ancient Greeks created many myths about the daffodil. The most common tells that the beautiful young man Narcissus was turned by the gods into a marvelous flower at the request of the nymph Echo, who could not get his attention in any way. The transformation happened at the moment when Narcissus saw his reflection in the stream and fell in love with himself. Therefore, Narcissus often serves as a household name for narcissistic people.

The ancient Romans weaved wreaths for feasts from daffodils, crowned the winners with them. By the way, in the Roman Empire, daffodils were grown not only as beautiful flowers, but were also used as a valuable aromatic raw material. Essential oils obtained from these plants are still actively used in perfumery.

Narcissus came to Europe in 1570 from Constantinople as a gift to the Lord of the Treasury of England and was first grown in his famous garden on the banks of the Thames. This garden was especially famous for the many plants acclimatized in it. And at present, the daffodil is the most beloved flower of the British, which is second in popularity in the UK even to the rose.

In Prussia, daffodils were a symbol of love and a happy marriage. The girl who was getting married took the flower away from her parents' house and looked after it so that it would grow better, because, according to legend, the happiness of the new family depended on its appearance.


European herbalists considered the narcissus flower a talisman that attracted the love of women. However, we must not forget that the bulbs of daffodils cause allergic reactions in some people - reddening of the skin of the hands, itching, hives.

As soon as the snow melts, daffodils start to grow. Their leaves grow quickly, "hugging" the buds. If in the previous season the plants were not transplanted into fertilized fresh soil, at this time they must be fed with a complete mineral fertilizer (about 30 grams per square meter).

At the end of May, the plants are fed again according to the same scheme. But when the leaves wither, they are removed, and the plantings are abundantly sprinkled with wood ash. The fact that daffodils lose their attractiveness in summer should be taken into account when planting: place them between phlox, echinacea or other perennials, and the yellowing leaves will be decorated.

In one place, daffodils can live for at least 4-5 years. They are transplanted when the bulbs begin to crowd each other and flowering weakens. The beginning of August is the best time for this: bulbs that have lost roots endure this easily. If the process of formation of new roots has already begun, the bulbs are carefully dug out, trying not to injure the young roots. Nests are divided, treated with insecticides and fungicides and seated in prepared places. If it is impossible to transplant immediately, then they are preserved, preventing the young roots from drying out.


There is a golden rule: the planting depth of the bulbs is three bulb diameters, counting from the bottom. The distance between plants is at least 10 cm. The planting hole is filled with fertile soil with the addition of complete mineral fertilizer (1 teaspoon per bulb) and wood ash (1 cup per 3 bulbs). Before the onset of cold weather, daffodils will have time to take root. At a later planting, they are covered with peat or dry foliage.

And lastly, remember that only breeders breed daffodils with seeds. Plant daffodils on your plot, and let them bring you a lot of pleasure with their early and friendly flowering. Spring starts with daffodils!

In negative pronouns, under stress, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bnot-, without stress - none-: no one - no one, no one - no one, nothing - nothing.

Notes. 1. Pronouns of nobody, nothing have no nominative form.

2. Not and neither (as prefixes) in the absence of a preposition are written together with the pronoun, in the presence of a preposition - separately, since they are negative particles: no one - no one, no one - no one, no one - no one, none - about none.

It is necessary to distinguish between negative pronouns that are written together with a particle in the absence of a preposition (no one, nothing, none), and interrogative-negative pronouns (who, what, what), which are written with a particle not separately, since it plays the role of a union; neither in this case is it necessarily repeated and synonymous in meaning with the union about, cf .: I could not remember anything: neither who offended me, nor who protected me (and who offended me, and who protected me).

Note. The combinations differ in writing no one else (other), as - nothing else (other), like no one else (other) - nothing else (other).

The combinations are none other (other), as well as nothing else (other), as they contain opposition, and not in this case it is a negative particle and is written with a pronoun separately: A fairy tale in folklore is nothing more than a story about a fictional event; Standing in front of me was none other than the owner of the dacha. Such combinations are used in an affirmative sentence, i.e. it is impossible to put a second negation in them without changing the meaning. The union is synonymous with the union a, which clearly expresses opposing relations (cf .: Before me stood none other than the owner of the dacha himself).

In addition, in such turns of phrase, a rearrangement of words is possible (cf .: Before me stood none other than the owner of the dacha himself).

Combinations nobody else (other) and nothing else (other) do not express opposition and are used in sentences where there is negation with the predicate; in this case, it plays the role of a word-forming prefix (forms a negative pronoun) and is written together:

Such an act could not have been done by anyone else; this cannot be explained by anything other than irresponsibility (there is a second negation).

In cases of use in affirmative sentences without negation in the predicate, the constructions under consideration are of an additive nature, and the second negation, which is not formally presented, is easily restored, cf .: This can be explained by irresponsibility and nothing else (it cannot be explained). As a rule, the analyzed turnovers are easily distinguished by a formal sign - a union: it is written not (always separately) if the union a is used; it is written neither (either together or separately) if the union follows and.

Combinations none other (other) and nothing else (other) are also used in comparative turns with the union as - like no one else or in a truncated form: like nothing: Levitan, like no other (other), managed to convey with sad force the immeasurable distances of Russian bad weather . - Levitan, like no one else, managed to convey with sad force the immeasurable distances of Russian bad weather.

Exercise 100. Explain the spelling of pronouns.

Something, something, no, nothing, no one, no one, no one, anyone, anyone, nothing, no one, with someone, nothing.

Exercise 101

1. (N...) whose fate, other than your own, you are no longer interested in (But.). 2. Pilate turned and went to the platform, back to the steps, not looking (n ...) (at) anything, except for the colorful checkers of the flooring under his feet, so as not to stumble (Bulg). 3. But (n...) which Koroviev was never found, and (n...) which Koroviev (n...) no one in the house knew or saw (Bulg.). 4. It has become perfect ... it is clear that Nikanor Ivanovich (n ...) (to) what kind of conversations is not suitable (Bulg). 5. More (n ...) that did not disturb friends (Bian). 6. The shepherd swore later that the beast was walking through the forest, (n ...) (at) no one paying attention (Bian.). 1. You can’t confuse real tenderness with (n ...) (with) anything, and it is quiet (Ahm.). 8. The day is boring until evening, if you do (n ...) what (Last). 9. (N...) (with) whom should I talk and (n...) whom should I listen to (Ch.). 10. But (n ...) to whom I bow with a hat, (n ...) (in) whose eyes I do not find shelter (Ec.). 11. Everyone was sure that he [Dubrovsky], and (n...) someone else, led the brave villains (P.). 12.

It seemed to her that (n ...) who, except him, could not remove from (she) irreparable guilt, unbearable severity (Paust,). 13. Bound ... th (n ...) than by irresistible fatigue, I no longer heard (n ...) who argued with the owner, (n ...) what caused the dispute. 14. (N ...) that did not break the silence. 15. In the Meshchersky region there are (n ...) no special ... beauties and riches, except for forests, meadows and clear air (Paust.). 16. The patient could only be helped by a surgeon and (n ...) someone else. 17. This flower (n...) is nothing but a narcissus. 18. The door was slammed by a gust of wind, and (n ...) by something else.

Actually, I still have zero degrees, so it didn’t get to the flowers.
But still...

There lived a handsome young man named Narcissus. He was the son of the river god Kephiss. The nymph Echo, captivated by his beauty, suffered severely from unrequited love. In the end, Echo went to the mountains and died there, leaving her voice.
It just so happened that the heart of the young man did not reciprocate. As punishment, Nemesis prophesied that Narcissus would one day experience an all-consuming feeling of unrequited love. And soon the prophecy came true: on a hot day, the young man bent over the stream to quench his thirst and, seeing his own reflection in the mirror surface of the water, froze. Narcissus was fascinated, in love with unconsciousness. He did not sleep, did not eat, only admired himself until he died. In the place where the soul left the body, a beautiful lone flower with a drooping head grew.
So the legend goes...
However, I heard the option that Eros-Amur, flying by, shot both arrows at Narcissus, which led to such a severe form of love.

First snow in the morning.
He barely covered
Narcissus leaves.

If anyone did not know that this is a bowl for the Japanese tea ceremony (chawan).
The work of V. Yudelevich in the e-outa genre.

Probably a whole field of daffodils should look just enchanting.

Taken from a post igorsamusenko, where there are many more excellent photographs of daffodils of the Nikitsky Garden of remarkable artistic quality.

It is believed that the daffodil was the first flower that people began to breed in flower beds. And not by chance. Narcissus is a flower of rare beauty. How much grace in him, how much grace in his simple outfit! Six petals in two circles, and in the center there is another additional corolla - a crown. The narcissus flower, tilted to one side, seems to be looking down. Its Latin name is "narcissus poeticus", poetic narcissus, and this is no coincidence, many find that this is the most elegant of flowers.
Many poets have written about daffodils, from Shakespeare and Ovid to Basho and Buson.
Narcissus blooms in March-April, earlier than many other plants, and has a strong and pungent smell. A large bouquet of these flowers causes a headache. No wonder the name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao", that is, "intoxicating".
The ancient Greeks created many myths about the daffodil. In the most common legend, which sounded above, the handsome young man Narcissus rejected the love of a nymph. The nymph withered from hopeless passion and turned into an echo, but before her death she cursed: "Let the one whom he loves not reciprocate with Narcissus."

About the nymph's love for Narcissus:
Narcissus she, wandering in the thicket of the desert,
She sees, and now she is lit up and secretly follows the young man
It follows him further and burns, approaching the fire,
This is what happens when, doused with hot sulfur,
The tar torches end accepts the fire brought.
Oh, how I wished more than once to approach him with an affectionate speech,
Gentle add and requests!
But nature has become an obstacle.
The boy, meanwhile, fighting off from the host of faithful companions,
He shouted: "Is anyone here?"
And "Yes!" Echo replied.
He was amazed, circled his eyes and loudly
Voice calls: "Here!"
And calls the calling Nymph.
"Why are you," he says, "running?!
Here we will meet!" - shouts, and, most willingly responding
I call him this

"Let's get together!" Echo answers.
The Nymph is submissive to her own words and, leaving the forest,
Now he wants to hug the desired neck with his hands ...
He runs and, running:
"Keep your hands away from quick hugs!
I'd rather die, - he says, - than I'll get it for you!
The same in response to only one thing: "I'll get it for you!"
She hid her face from shame and lives alone in the caves.
From constant worries, the poor body is depleted:
Her thinness pulled her skin, bodily juices
Gone into the air, and only one voice and bones remained.
The voice lives, they speak, and the bones have become stones ...

This Publius Ovid Nason "Metamorphoses"

According to another legend, Narcissus went to the stream to see his reflection in it, reminiscent of his dead sister. One day, unable to bear his loneliness and sadness, he threw himself into a stream and died. Therefore, the ancient Greeks considered the narcissus the flower of sorrow and death.

(I hope they don't beat me up this time without asking :) I've already asked permission, so I'm anxiously waiting for an answer.)

And this is also a picture-poetry "brush" by V. Yudelevich in the e-outa genre

How heavy the first snow...
Bent over and sadly drooped
Leaves of daffodils...

The Japanese daffodil blooms from December to April.
Already before the new year, many varieties are gaining color, which is why the daffodil is certainly a symbol of spring. And every month of spring, new varieties of daffodils delight with their stars.
The narcissus came to Japan from China in the 1300s. The Chinese name reflected its heavenly origin: heavenly, starry.

Not a narcissist, right?
There are no leaves, but the bud is already swollen ...
Taneda Santoka

Host and guest
each other daffodil
And the white screen is thrown
Reflections of whiteness.
(Stop and listen to these lines, they are amazing!!)

Are not foxes
Are they frolicking in daffodils there?
Moonlight night
(And then imagine what a red fox will look like in a white field of daffodils)

Blossomed in the cold capital
And there and here.
Yosa Buson

cold water
scooped up - and in it is a reflection
white daffodil...
Taneda Santoka

It's good to die
when you want it.
scent of narcissus...
Taneda Santoka

Excised as if from a light stone,
Snow-white petals look into the water.
Were met in our own way,
Serene flowers peered into the depths.
A soft flutter falls on them,
Dually pale, outlines grow.
Silent flowers peered into the depths, -
Understood, understood the light of Beauty!
With a pure dream, the flower is betrothed,
Loving the dream, he is married to Death.
A moment, - and the flowers go out of happiness, -
How they understood the light of Beauty!
Konstantin Balmont, "Narcissus Flowers"

In different nations and at different times, the daffodil was loved and had different meanings. The Persian king Cyrus called it "the creation of beauty, immortal delight." In ancient Persia, the narcissus was called "nargis". In modern Persian, its name sounds somewhat different - “narges”, and in translation means “beautiful eye”. Poets of different eras, including the classic of Persian poetry Hafiz and the coryphaeus of modern Iranian poetry Rakhi Muayeri used the name of this flower in the poetic allegory of the phrase “chashme narges”, meaning by it the eyes of a beloved like a narcissus. The image of a narcissist acquired new colors in classical Persian romances: the expression “narges maet”, which is often found in them, means “languid look”. The narcissus also plays a significant role in the Muslim tradition. Mahomet said of the flower: "Whoever has two loaves, let him sell one to buy a narcissus flower, for bread is food for the body, and narcissus is food for the soul."

At least somehow open your sleepy daffodils eyes!?
Close your jealous eyes around daffodils!
Hafiz(this is one of the great Persian poets, 1325-1389. His name literally means "knowing the Qur'an by heart")

I have no happiness away from your daffodils.
For those who are drunk on love, chastity will only hurt.
He is.

Haven't you passed by your friend, breeze,
What sweetest aroma you fanned my doorstep?

Be careful, don't touch her curls with your breath,
What do you care about them? Do not confuse the golden curl.

Basil, what are you compared to her tender cheek?
Is there a flower in the world equal to her in tenderness?

O narcissist, how can you compare with her eyes? They
Seductive and drunk, you could not argue with them.

Can you compare with this slender figure, cypress?
Next to him in a shady garden, you would not attract the eye.

Mind bound by love, pitiful slave, what can you do?
Only in perseverance for Hafiz meeting is a joyful guarantee.

Roses have yours, oh rose, beauty,
And your lips gave color to wine.
Narcissus is in love with your daffodils eyes,
When he does not take his eyes off the rose.
The nightingale breathes the breath of a rose,
Like me, and in the hour of separation from her.
The lasso of your fragrant braids
Entangled the heart and carried away forever.
Arcana tearing mule Duldul - and that
The lasso of your braids will not break.
Cast a merciful glance on Khosrow,
If you want to give him a treasure!
And again Shamsaddin Muhammad Hafiz

And these are the verses of the Russian poet Yuri Baladzharov which I borrowed from his website.
Reading Hafiz

When I choose the beauty of Shiraz as my idol,
For a mole I will give her both Samarkand and Bukhara.

From a small volume of Hafiz
On the soft pile of a Persian carpet
Suddenly an inanimate flower of a narcissus fell out,
Which I plucked the day before yesterday.

He smelled of oriental verses all over,
Mirror smooth glossy pages,
Beauties, roses, perfume
And the magic of chestnut eyelashes.

All the things you fell in love with,
When with just a stroke of a pen
They gave for the birthmark of their beloved
Great Samarkand and Bukhara.

Daffodils are wonderful this time of year
They are like someone's good dreams.
Or maybe he loved someone?
What do we humans know about flowers?

Here he is now - faded and withered,
And there is no more pride in him.
Like a fallen angel expelled from paradise
With a sadly bowed head.

Like treachery or revelation
Like someone's inescapable sadness,
Like the shadow of a glorious moment
Which my soul does not pity.

Nothing else could happen to him.
And I don't care about him at all.
I love them before the deadline, again
I will lay a page in this book.

The Chinese have a daffodil obligatory in every home on New Year's holiday, and especially a lot of daffodils are bred in Guangzhou (Canton), where they are grown in glass cups in wet sand or among small pebbles filled with water.
In China, the narcissus is called xu jian, water immortelle, and is a symbol of a couple in love (like an orchid, in general, the opposite is true), and if it blooms on New Year's Eve - happiness in the coming year. It is not originally Chinese, but brought by Arab traders and has played a role in fairy tales with flowers since the Middle Ages. Because of the literal play on words, the paintings with narcissus, stone and bamboo meant: "Eight immortals wish for a long life."

Chinese set "daffodils"

“The tulip and bitterwort lit up with love,
And a wondrous handsome man, a daffodil in love,
Blossomed over the stream and looks at himself,
Until he dies, loving endlessly ... "
Shelley, "Mimosa"

In Western Europe, England became one of the centers of the culture of daffodils. The daffodil came to this country in 1570 from Constantinople as a gift to one of the English lords and was grown at first only in his garden, but then they were so carried away that a society of daffodil lovers was created.
In Prussia, daffodils were a symbol of love and a happy marriage. The girl who was getting married took the flower away from her parents' house and looked after it so that it would grow better, because, according to legend, the happiness of the new family depended on its appearance.
In Switzerland, on the feast of the narcissus, on the first Sunday of May, all buildings were decorated with multi-colored flags, and the doors of houses and shops were decorated with garlands of these colors; festivities were organized in the streets and squares.

Wild daffodils are found on the Mediterranean coast, in the east of the Transcarpathian region, in alpine meadows, mountain slopes and lowlands. A large array of these flowers can be seen on a humid lowland (200 meters above sea level) near the city of Khust. Here, white and yellow daffodils grow on 15 hectares of land on the Svidovets Ridge.
Narcissus is one of the gardeners' favorite plants. It is grown outdoors in areas with a temperate and even cold climate, where it endures harsh winters without any protection from frost. Numerous varieties of these flowers have been created, among which there are species with large pink corollas, which give the flower a special charm, there is a narcissus tacet, with small flowers collected in an inflorescence. All daffodils are so tender and beautiful that they are admired.

The ancient Romans greeted the winners of battles with yellow daffodils. The image of this flower is found on the walls of ancient Pompeii. He was sacrificed to the Furies and Pluto.

Edgar Allan Poe spoke about him as one of the flowers of that "valley of multi-colored herbs", where he managed to experience heavenly love.

Let's also say that the narcissus was the favorite flower of the writer I. S. Turgenev, proof of which we find in the album left after his death, where he used to, for fun, write down everything that he especially liked. He made notes several times, and in one of them for 1867, to the question: "Which of the flowers does he like best?" - answered: "Narcissus".

"At the hour when daffodils get drunk..."

At the hour when daffodils get drunk,
And the theater at sunset
In the penumbra of the last wings
Someone walks to sigh for me...

Harlequin, who forgot about the role?
Are you my quiet doe?
The breeze that brings from the field
A breath of light tribute?

I, the buffoon, at the shining ramp
I emerge through an open hatch.
This is the abyss looking through the lamps
An insatiable greedy spider.

And while the daffodils get drunk,
I grimacing, spinning and ringing ...
But in the shadow of the last backstage
Someone is crying, pitying me.

Gentle friend with blue mist,
Lulled by the swing of dreams.
Lonely clinging to the wounds
Light scent of flowers.

A. Blok

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1.10.4. Compound adjectives 1. Compound adjectives are written in the same way as the compound nouns from which these adjectives are formed: complex adjectives are formed from conjointly spelled complex nouns, which are written conjointly: reinforced concrete (reinforced concrete), logging site (cutting area), spetskorovsky (specialcorr), cinder block (cinder block), ball-bearing (ball-bearing), etc.; from complex nouns written with a hyphen, complex adjectives are formed, which are written with a hyphen: anarcho-syndicalist (anarcho-syndicalism), vacuum hardware (vacuum apparatus), vacuum concentric (vacuum concentrator), Life Guards (Life Guards) , San Francisco (San Francisco), etc. (For the spelling of residents' names from hyphenated adjectives, see p. 93, p. 4). Note. In the presence of a prefix, complex adjectives formed from hyphenated nouns are written together: anti-social democratic (although social democratic, social democrat), Issyk-Kul (Issyk-Kul, Issyk-Kul), pro-anarcho-syndicalist (anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalism ) and others. 2. They are written together: 1) complex adjectives, in which the second part is not used independently: fleeting (there is no word "flowing"), omnivorous, thick-haired, thick-leaved, long-haired, long-maned, sharp-beaked, typewritten, insectivorous, blue-eyed, etc. .P.; 2) complex adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not have adjective suffixes in their composition: nuclear-powered (atom and walk - the stems do not have adjective suffixes), benzine water, white marble (white marble), car building, foreign trade, Old Russian, acid and oil and petrol protective, meat and fish canning, steam locomotive building , dishwasher, dust extraction, dust and light-tight, five-mast, nervous, weakly resistant, etc. 3) compound adjectives, the first part of which consists of adverbial words in o or e (with or without a suffix): fast-, forever-, all-, higher-, thick-, long-, little-, much-, lower -, acutely, equally, rarely, difficultly, heavily, widely, etc .; the second part can be represented by an adjective or participle, for example: fast-acting, fast-dissolving, fast-growing, evergreen, everfrost, ever-blooming, omnipotent, omnipotent, omniscient, all-encompassing, all-encompassing (and all-encompassing), all-knowing (and all-knowing), highly paid, highly moral, highly gifted, highly productive, highly professional, aforementioned, aforementioned, aforementioned, inactive, insignificant, unpleasant, low alcohol, significant, significant, promising (and promising), undersigned, undermentioned, acutely inflammatory, acutely deficient, acutely infectious, rare earth, sparsely populated, potent, difficult to ill, difficult to educate, difficult to pass, seriously ill, heavily armed, seriously wounded, narrow departmental, highly professional, highly specialized, sincere, broadly representative, etc. Many of these adjectives are used as terms and terminological expressions characteristic of scientific, technical or business style. Some of them have limited compatibility, for example: long-playing (only a record), perishable (only food), underdeveloped (state, country, children), equidistant (point, corner), etc. Note. In the presence of explanatory words, an adverb and an adjective or participle form a free phrase, cf.: a highly respected author is an author deeply respected by readers; densely populated area - an area densely populated by workers; slightly wounded soldier - a soldier slightly wounded in the arm; a little-informed reader is a reader who is not well-informed in this matter; a meaningful look - a look that means a lot to me. The word order also affects the continuous or separate spelling: a complex adjective usually precedes a noun, and a combination of words homonymous with a complex adjective follows the noun being defined, cf.: instant sugar - sugar; instant in hot water; sugar, quickly soluble in hot water (permutation of the elements of the combination is possible). 3. Compound adjectives are written through a hyphen, parts of which are the bases of derivative adjectives (that is, they contain word-building suffixes) or participles, for example: agro-industrial (agrarian and industrial, but: agro-industrial - there is no suffix in the first part adjective; for the spelling of such adjectives, see paragraph 2.), vertically mobile, clay-sandy, landing-transport, historical-literary, critical-biographical, literary-artistic, medical-judicial, socio-psychological (but: socially useful ; for similar combinations, see p. 101, p. 6), cooling and lubricating (cooling and lubricating), receiving and sending, counting and writing, educational and educational, elongated cylindrical, electronically controlled, forwarding and transport, etc. A large number of such adjectives are terminological in nature and are used in the scientific, technical or business field of activity. However, such formations can often be found in the language of fiction, where they perform the function of peculiar complex, epithets and are individual, authorial: a good-natured sly smile, a bile-irritated tone, a courageously stern look, a mockingly haughty look, impatiently expectant silence , rolling-loud laughter, sharp-dry cry, etc. Compare: And there was something medieval, hopeless, exquisitely sweet in him (Kor.); The leader, the owner of the house, a majestically fat, toothless old man, approached the count (P.T.); What do these large, protruding lips want to say, these fixedly widened, upturned nostrils? .. (T.). 4. Complicated adjectives are written through a hyphen, denoting shades of colors: white-pink, greenish-brown, yellow-green, black-brown (but: silver fox), poisonous yellow, etc .; adjectives are written according to the same principle, in which only one of the parts is represented by the basis of the adjective naming the color: bottle green, milky white, milky white, ash gray, lemon yellow, copper red, as well as author's formations: honestly - blue eyes, bulging gray buttons, swarthy hairy hands. The short forms of such adjectives retain their hyphenated spelling: And the white petals became so bright white that the irregularities cast white shadows (Prishv.) 5. Complex adjectives are written through a hyphen, formed from combinations of a proper name and patronymic, a first name and a surname, or two surnames, for example Keywords: boyle-Mariottian law, Walter-Scottian handwriting, Ilfo-Peter satire, Leo-Tolstoy theory, davlet-girepskip campaign. Notes: 1. Compound adjectives such as Uncle Vanina (books), Aunt Anina (shawl) are written with a hyphen. 2. Compound adjectives formed from foreign surnames that have a function word in their composition, as well as those formed from oriental compound proper names (Chinese, Korean, etc.), are written together, for example: Decoster style (Charles de Coster), Decaife books ( De Craif), DeMille works (deMille), Mao Zedong rule (Mao Zedong), Sun Yat-sen movement (Sun Yat-sen). 6. Compound adjectives, the first part of which is an adverbial word and written together, must be distinguished from combinations consisting of an adverb and an adjective and always written separately. In such combinations, adverbs can indicate: a) the degree of the sign called by the adjective: impeccably polite treatment, exhaustingly long way, dazzling blue sea, suspiciously fast reaction - in such cases, the adverb can be replaced by a combination of preposition to + noun (cf. respectively: polite to impeccable treatment, a long way to exhaustion, etc.); b) to a certain relation in which the sign is considered: a socially dangerous criminal, economically useful activity, artistically valuable work - the adverb can be replaced by a combination for + noun or from the point of view + noun (cf. respectively: a criminal dangerous for society, an activity useful for the economy, a work of full value in terms of artistry); c) assimilation of a sign to what is called an adverb in ski: childishly naive statements, friendly familiar address - the adverb can be replaced by a combination like y + noun (cf. respectively; naive, like in children, statements; familiar, like friends, address; Note: Combinations are written separately, consisting of participle adverbs in thicker, thicker (indicating measure, degree) and adjectives: defiantly cheeky behavior, an exhaustively complete answer, a stunningly attractive look, a depressingly sad look, blindingly white snow - adverbs in these cases indicate the degree of a sign called by an adjective, from which one can ask a question to what extent?But: piercing-cutting (piercing and cutting). Exercise 96. Explain the spelling of complex adjectives. 1. Agro-zootechnical, plumbing, East European Plain, wagon-building, humid-tropical, water treatment, eight-oar, highly intelligent, twelve-point, diesel-engine, legitimate, drought-resistant, wild-growing, ancient Egyptian, natural science, echinoderms, Indochinese (coast), posterior branchial, garden- economic, semi-educated, midnight, semi-contemptuous, oculomotor, orphanage. 2. Automobile and tractor, agro-industrial, nitrogen-hydrogen, architectural and design, atomic and molecular, bath-laundry, protein-vitamin, whitish-blue, colorless-pale, silver bromide, budgetary and financial, Walter-Scott, spring- field, vice-presidential, military-legal, question-answer, knitting-knitting, curtain-tulle, lip-labial, sabotage-terrorist, yellowish-red, housing construction, riveted-welded, West Sakhalin mountains, West Sakhalin coast, southwest, yellow-green, Indo-Chinese treaty (but: Indo-Chinese coast), sweet and sour, credit-money, personal-command, courageous-severe, vegetable-melon, flat-concave, pontoon-bridge, slightly yellow, slightly acid . Exercise 97. Explain the separate spelling of the following combinations. Mutually perpendicular, world famous, diametrically opposed, diffusely scattered, vitally important, class alien, deathly pale, morally stable, socially necessary, dazzlingly bright, especially accurate, relatively true (but: relatively interrogative pronouns), cross-connected, consistently peaceful, industrially developed (but: industrial-transport), maximum permissible, slavishly obedient, evenly accelerated (but: equally accelerated), radically directed, sharply continental, green berry field, rarely located, socially dangerous (but: socio-economic), theoretically important, comradely sensitive, childishly naive, panting (but: seriously ill), surprisingly simple, moderately cold, conditionally affected (but: conditioned reflex), chemically pure, artistically complete, widely represented (but: widely available), expressively colored (but : expressive-emotional), environmentally polluted, obviously unsuccessful th, brightly lit, clearly expressed (but: clairvoyant). Exercise 98. Rewrite by opening parentheses. 1. Nikolai Alekseevich looked around with bored eyes at the familiar (pleasantly) familiar objects of his office. In the same strange way there were several paintings hanging on the walls in smooth (silver) gray frames. And yet these were paintings marked by an undoubted talent, strong, bright (unbridled) bold, although, unfortunately, too fashionable (Solog.). 2. And not excitement, but watchful silence arose in me when I saw it [the city] from afar, even before entering under the grand arch of the gateway with a (neatly) lush flower garden, next to a (straight) coal, huge, almost naked in architecture the building of the famous (hydro) station. My town no longer rose on the (rapidly) steep green slope ... (O. B.). 3. The river, freed from ice, quietly carried its (yellowish) muddy waters. 4. (Differently) figurative forms of Herzen's narration (Sem.). 5. On the tops of the trees there is a bunch of (dark) purple cones (Prishv.). 6. The (old) old Paisevsky monastery went into the water ... (O. B.). 7. Two (semi) round windows with beautiful curtains overlooked the street (Sun.). 8. Perhaps the rumor about some (man-made) wonders of the world has not even reached us (Kulib.). 9. All people were for Dasha (monotonously) a motley, wide, fussy river (Hump.). 10. From the west slowly, as if creeping up, creeped (dirty) yellow clouds, in the distance thunder rumbled softly (Veres.). 11. The Armory is the oldest museum. Masterpieces of Russian, Eastern, (Western) European art, works of masters from many countries of the world are concentrated here. 12. Under a light breeze of a sultry wind, it shuddered and, covered with small ripples, (dazzlingly) brightly reflecting the sun, smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles (M. G.). 1.11. Spelling of pronouns 1.11.1. Personal pronouns In the 3rd person pronouns he, she, it, they, the initial letter n is written in oblique cases, if these pronouns are used after prepositions: he (her, them), to him (her, him), about him (her) , them), with him (her, them). Note. The letter n is not attached if personal pronouns are used after derivative prepositions (thanks, in spite of, in spite of, according to, towards): thanks to him (her, them); there is no increment n if the indicated pronouns follow the comparative degree of the adjective: younger than him (her, them), closer to them. Exercise 99 . Formulate the conditions for the use of 3rd person pronouns in oblique cases with and without an insert n. Without, in, for, before, for, from, to, on, with, about, near, ahead, past, inside, outside (him, him, her, her); contrary to, contrary to, according to, following, towards, like, respectively, thanks to (him, him); except for, about, about (him, him). 1.11.2. Indefinite pronouns 1. For indefinite pronouns, only the prefix not- is written, while it is always stressed: someone, something, some, some. Note. The pronoun someone is not inflected; The pronoun something has nominative and accusative forms. 2. Particles (affixes) something (some- - colloquial), - something, - either, - something for indefinite pronouns are written with a hyphen: something, someone, something, something, someone , to anyone, anyone, anyone. If there is a preposition between the particle koi- (koi-) and the pronoun, then the whole combination is written separately (in three words): with someone, with someone, with someone. 1.11.3. Negative pronouns In negative pronouns, under stress, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bne-, without stress - no-: no one - no one, no one - no one, nothing - nothing. Notes. 1. Pronouns of nobody, nothing have no nominative form. 2. Not and neither (as prefixes) in the absence of a preposition are written together with the pronoun, in the presence of a preposition - separately, since they are negative particles: no one - no one, no one - no one, no one - no one, none - about none. It is necessary to distinguish between negative pronouns that are written together with a particle in the absence of a preposition (no one, nothing, none), and interrogative-negative pronouns (who, what, what), which are written with a particle not separately, since it plays the role of a union; neither in this case is it necessarily repeated and synonymous in meaning with the union about, cf .: I could not remember anything: neither who offended me, nor who protected me (and who offended me, and who protected me). Note. The combinations differ in writing no one else (other), as - nothing else (other), like no one else (other) - nothing else (other). The combinations are none other (other), as well as nothing else (other), as they contain opposition, and not in this case it is a negative particle and is written with a pronoun separately: A fairy tale in folklore is nothing more than a story about a fictional event; Standing in front of me was none other than the owner of the dacha. Such combinations are used in an affirmative sentence, i.e. it is impossible to put a second negation in them without changing the meaning. The union is synonymous with the union a, which clearly expresses opposing relations (cf .: Before me stood none other than the owner of the dacha himself). In addition, in such turns of phrase, a rearrangement of words is possible (cf .: Before me stood none other than the owner of the dacha himself). Combinations nobody else (other) and nothing else (other) do not express opposition and are used in sentences where there is negation with the predicate; neither in this case plays the role of a word-forming prefix (forms a negative pronoun) and is written together: No one else could have done such an act; this cannot be explained by anything other than irresponsibility (there is a second negation). In cases of use in affirmative sentences without negation in the predicate, the constructions under consideration are of an additive nature, and the second negation, which is not formally presented, is easily restored, cf .: This can be explained by irresponsibility and nothing else (it cannot be explained). As a rule, the analyzed turnovers are easily distinguished by a formal sign - a union: it is written not (always separately) if the union a is used; it is written neither (either together or separately) if the union follows and. Combinations none other (other) and nothing else (other) are also used in comparative turns with the union as - like no one else or in a truncated form: like nothing: Levitan, like no other (other), managed to convey with sad force the immeasurable distances of Russian bad weather . - Levitan, like no one else, managed to convey with sad force the immeasurable distances of Russian bad weather. Exercise 100. Explain the spelling of pronouns. Something, something, no, nothing, no one, no one, no one, anyone, anyone, nothing, no one, with someone, nothing. Exercise 101 . Write off by inserting broken letters and opening brackets. 1. (N...) whose fate, other than your own, you are no longer interested in (But.). 2. Pilate turned and went to the platform, back to the steps, not looking (n ...) (at) anything, except for the colorful checkers of the flooring under his feet, so as not to stumble (Bulg). 3. But (n...) which Koroviev was never found, and (n...) which Koroviev (n...) no one in the house knew or saw (Bulg.). 4. It has become perfect ... it is clear that Nikanor Ivanovich (n ...) (to) what kind of conversations is not suitable (Bulg). 5. More (n ...) that did not disturb friends (Bian). 6. The shepherd swore later that the beast was walking through the forest, (n ...) (at) no one paying attention (Bian.). 1. You can’t confuse real tenderness with (n ...) (with) anything, and it is quiet (Ahm.). 8. The day is boring until evening, if you do (n ...) what (Last). 9. (N...) (with) whom should I talk and (n...) whom should I listen to (Ch.). 10. But (n ...) to whom I bow with a hat, (n ...) (in) whose eyes I do not find shelter (Ec.). 11. Everyone was sure that he [Dubrovsky], and (n...) someone else, led the brave villains (P.). 12. It seemed to her that (n ...) who, except him, could not remove from (she) irreparable guilt, unbearable severity (Paust,). 13. Bound ... th (n ...) than by irresistible fatigue, I no longer heard (n ...) who argued with the owner, (n ...) what caused the dispute. 14. (N ...) that did not break the silence. 15. In the Meshchersky region there are (n ...) no special ... beauties and riches, except for forests, meadows and clear air (Paust.). 16. The patient could only be helped by a surgeon and (n ...) someone else. 17. This flower (n...) is nothing but a narcissus. 18. The door was slammed by a gust of wind, and (n ...) by something else. 1.12. Spelling of verbs 1.12.1. Personal endings of verbs 1. The spelling of personal endings for verbs of the present or future simple (if the verb is perfect) tense differs depending on which conjugation they belong to: em, -em, -et, -ut (-yut): I carry, you carry, you carry, you carry, you carry, you carry; 2) verbs of II conjugation have endings -u(-u), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat): sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit. Verb conjugation is determined in two ways: by personal ending, if it is stressed: sing - I ref. (sing); speak - II ref. (they say), and by the suffix of an indefinite form (infinitive), if the personal ending is unstressed. Of the verbs with an unstressed personal ending, the II conjugation includes: a) verbs ending in an indefinite form in -it (-itsya): to bring down, cook, ride, sting, mince, mow, whirl, tinker, feast on, etc. Exceptions: shave (shave, shave, shave, shave, shave, shave); to lay (to lay) and all verbs derived from it: to lay (to lay), to lay (to lay), to lay (to lay), etc. - have endings of I conjugation: to lay, to lay, to lay, to lay, to lay; to be based is used only in two forms - is based, are based; b) seven verbs in -et (-etsya): twirl (-sya), see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure; c) four verbs in -at (-atsya): drive (-sya), hold, breathe, hear. The remaining verbs (ending in an indefinite form in -at, -et, -ut, -ot) with unstressed personal endings belong to the I conjugation: mutter, recover, warm, enslave (but: enslave), temper (-sya), prick, sway, cry, smack, etc. Notes.

    The verbs want, run, glimpse belong to the so-called heterogeneous, i.e. they have endings of I and II conjugations. So, the verb to want in the singular changes according to I conjugation (you want, wants), and in the plural - according to II (want, want, want); the verb to run in the 3rd person plural has the ending -ut (run), and in the rest - the endings of the II conjugation (run, run, run, run); the verb to glimpse has only two forms: 3rd person singular. - dawns (II conjugation) and 3rd person plural. - squeak (I conjugation). Verbs such as get well, get frosty, get sick of, get sick of, moldy change in the literary language according to the I conjugation: get well, get well, get well, get well, get well. In the verbs to bleat, winnow, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, sow, sow, melt (“turn into a liquid state” - should not be confused with the verb conceal - “keep in secret”), find fault, cherish, smell in an indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -ya- is written, so they change according to the I conjugation: melt (but: hide from hide), melt, melt, melt, melt. From the verb to torment, forms of both I and II conjugations are used: I torment, torment, torment, torment, torment, torment and torment, torment, torment, torment, torment, torment. Forms II of the conjugation are preferred, and forms of the I conjugation are considered colloquial, they go back to the obsolete verb to torment. The verb to measure and its derivatives (measure, measure, measure, etc.) change according to the II conjugation: measure, measure, measure, measure, measure, measure; forms measure, measure, measure, measure, measure, measure are formed from the verb measure. In many verbs, the attached prefix you- pulls the stress over itself, resulting in difficulties in writing. In these cases, it is recommended to check the dubious ending with a non-prefixed word: they will pronounce - they say (pronounce - speak), cut - cut (cut - cut).
2. It is necessary to distinguish between similar-sounding forms of the 2nd person plural of the imperative mood and the forms of the 2nd person of the plural of the present or future (for perfective verbs) of the indicative mood such as knock and knock. The imperative mood is formed using the suffix -i- (2nd l., singular) and the ending -te (plural): sit-and-te, write-and-te, jump-and-te; in the indicative mood, the verb ends in the 2nd person plural -et or -ite, depending on the conjugation. Therefore, for verbs of conjugation I, these forms differ, cf .: Write more carefully! (imperative mood) and you write neatly, so the work is easy to read (indicative mood); for verbs of conjugation II, such forms coincide in spelling, cf .: Hold the pen correctly! (imperative mood) and If you hold the pen correctly, the handwriting is beautiful (indicative mood). Exercise 102. Determine the conjugation of the following verbs. Attack, take, wag, twist, own, breathe, hammer, sweat, chill, depend, hibernate, get stuck, petrify, twist, prick, liberalize, purr, wet, be able, offend, bite off, forgive, awaken, carpentry, preach, regale, get wet, lay, whistle, dry, rub, snort, want, march. Exercise 103. Determine the conjugation of the verbs, form the indicated forms and mark the personal endings: