What is the name of the sport of shooting? Bullet shooting is endurance, accuracy and poise

Shooting sports. Necessary equipment for these sports.

Our country has an official list of basic sports for 2014-2018. It can meet the following types of shooting:

· bullet shooting

· Bench shooting

· Archery

Also officially recognized are

Practical shooting

How do they differ from each other and what equipment is needed to achieve greater success?

bullet shooting

Shooting sport. Shooters use 4.5 mm pneumatic weapons, 5.6 mm small-caliber rifles, as well as large-caliber weapons (rifles and pistols) from 7.62 for rifles to 9.65 mm for pistols as weapons.

Within the framework of bullet shooting, there are subspecies:

· Pistol shooting

· Rifle shooting

· Rifle shooting at moving targets

As an Olympic discipline, bullet shooting has come a long way in evolution. Shooting competitions were first registered at the 1896 Athens Olympics. In our country, at about the same time, bullet sport also began to develop, first as a “garrison fun”, and by 1952 the USSR represented its athletes in this discipline at the Olympic Games. A distinctive feature of bullet shooting is the use of rifled weapons.

To prevent injury, in this sport it is recommended to purchase and protective goggles.

Beginning shooters can purchase semi-professional, , as well as .

Bench shooting

Bench shooting differs from bullet shooting in the type of weapon used. In trap shooting, smoothbore weapons are used. The essence of this discipline lies in the fact that the shooter fires from a smooth-bore weapon, ammunition with shot, the target is "skeet". This sport appeared almost simultaneously with hunting. At the beginning of the 20th century, the discipline was already Olympic.

An important acquisition will be the unloading system. Since the shooting is carried out from smooth-bore weapons, the same as those of hunters, you can also use . For more accurate and convenient use, it is recommended to purchase a tactical, or .

Clay shooting also involves a wider choice of clothing than bullet shooting. Considerable attention should be paid to , as it is the guarantor of your "stability". Choice of pants , as their cut is designed just for shooting sports. As outerwear, preference should be given . In autumn or spring, it is recommended to use . For the role of a headdress, the advantage should be given .


It has also been an Olympic sport since the beginning of the 20th century. In this sport, you can only gain an advantage through clothing. It is also recommended, as in clay shooting, to use comfortable tactical trousers, shoes, as well as a comfortable top, a headdress in the form of a baseball cap also plays an important role.

Shooting from regular and service weapons

Military-applied sport. In our country, this sport has become widespread in such state structures as:


Ministry of Justice







In this sport, they use such weapons as: a Makarov pistol, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a Dragunov sniper rifle.

To work out the “stand” with weapons, as well as the main elements of exercises that do not affect the shooting itself, you can purchase including the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

In exercises with a machine gun and a rifle, the use of .

Used as clothing . Do not forget about additional security measures and the acquisition and .

Practical shooting

As it is clear from the name of the discipline, the essence of this sport lies in the assimilation and development of techniques that correspond to real cases of the use of weapons. An athlete within the framework of practical shooting must be accurate and fast.

Other types of shooting

In addition to the above, there are such types of shooting as:

· sniping

· Varminting

· Benchrest

In these sports, the main thing is not to forget about the main means of protection (headphones and glasses), everything else should be chosen individually.

Indirectly, shooting sports include airsoft, paintball and similar sports. About what you need to buy for airsoft, .

Bullet shooting became part of the very first official Olympic Games, organized back in in 1896. At the same time, the shooters fired both from a pistol and from rifles.

Reference. Suggested the idea of ​​including a seven-time French shooting champion Pierre de Coubertin.

International competitions

The world championship in firing weapons was organized for the first time back in 1897 after the first Olympic Games. Since then, championships have been held regularly every year.

Types of weapons for bullet shooting

Bullet type shooting is carried out from three main types of weapons. In particular, these are small-caliber, large-caliber and pneumatic types. In this case, all three types include both pistols and rifles.

Each type has its own programs (exercises) that athletes perform at competitions of different levels. Many of them have become part of the Olympic Games.

Pneumatic rifle

Both types of pneumatic weapons have a standard caliber of 4.5mm. This discipline includes two main programs:

  1. VP-4. Performed by both women and representatives of the stronger sex. Need to do 40 shots from a distance of 10 meters on a target with a total diameter 30.5mm. At the same time, the diameter of the center, where all athletes strive to get to win, is only 5 mm. The exercise is performed for an hour.
  2. VP-4. Performed by men only. You need to shoot while standing from a short distance in 10 meters. They count 60 attempts. allocated to the entire program 1 hour 15 minutes.

Photo 1. Air rifle for bullet shooting. The body of the weapon is made of wood.

Air gun

This type of shooting consists of three main programs:

  1. PP-1. From a short distance 10 meters athlete performs 20 credit shots. In this case, the target must have a diameter 59.5 mm, but the "tens" - 11.5mm. Before a shot, each athlete is allowed to perform an unlimited number of control (trial) shots. It is worth noting that this task is not performed by athletes at the Olympic Games.
  2. PP-2. The same short distance 10 meters. They count 40 shots that are produced within an hour.
  3. PP-3. Same distance and target. Produced 60 shots within 1 hour 25 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes depending on whether electronic targets are installed.

small caliber rifle

Rifle and pistol can only have one caliber - 5.6 mm. This discipline also includes three main programs:

  1. MV-5. Girls do it from a distance of 50 meters in three different positions in such a mandatory sequence: from the knee, lying, standing. In each position, you need to 20 shots, that is, in total in the program there are 60. At the same time, one position provides 4 test targets for trial attempts, which in the end do not count. The number of the latter is not limited in any way, but there is a certain time limit: 15 minutes.

Photo 2. Small-caliber rifle MV-5 for bullet shooting. A convenient sight is located on the body of the weapon.

  1. MV-6. Only suitable for guys. Also performed from three positions from a distance of 50 meters. The difference from the female version is what needs to be done 120 shots. Of these, for each position - 40 attempts.
  2. MV-9. Performed by both boys and girls. Fire is only fired from a comfortable prone position. Performed 60 shots from the same distance as in previous programs. The entire program may take approximately 50 minutes. More time is not available.

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small caliber pistol

  1. MP-5. This program is for girls only. It includes two mandatory parts. The first one is called MP-4: from a relatively short distance to 25 meters gotta hit the target № 4. For this, it is given 30 tries(quantity divided by 6 episodes). Second part - MP-2. It consists in shooting at an emerging target. It also counts 30 attempts. Only one is given to complete 3 seconds. Targets appear at the same time every 7 seconds. Between the first and second parts, the participants are given a break of half an hour.
  2. MP-8. Suitable only for the stronger sex, as it is more difficult. As well as the women's program consists of two parts. First - MP-7. The distance is only 25 meters, and the number of shots counted - 30 . The first five shots can be test shots: they are given a total 8 seconds. Those that already count after the trial are made as follows: 2 series of 8 seconds, 2 of 6 and 2 of 4. Next, the athlete performs a program called MP-8. As a rule, between the first and second part there is a break of half an hour.

Useful video

Watch a video that explains what bullet shooting is, its rules.

Is there any benefit?

Bullet shooting certainly has its fans. She is attractive and very useful for the development of accuracy and speed of reaction. And this sport helps to significantly improve concentration.

Shooting is one of the sports that dates back to the time when firearms appeared in the middle of the 14th century. This type is included in the number of Olympic disciplines.

Sports shooting belongs to the complex-coordination sports, which requires the athlete to have a highly organized control of his neuromuscular system and possess the skills of intermuscular coordination. Successful competitive activity requires regular training, consisting of general and special physical training of shooters.

They start shooting from the age of 11-12, when the formation of a young organism and, in particular, the musculoskeletal system is still taking place. Shooting sports can continue for several decades. The history of shooting sports knows examples when athletes over the age of 60 and even 70 years old performed at the Olympic Games. On the other hand, the rejuvenation of the contingent of shooters is taking place all over the world, so today it is not uncommon for adult European and World Championships to be won by junior athletes. Until recently, the winners and prize-winners of the junior championships were determined only by the results of the qualification. But due to the increased density of results, finals were also held among juniors. This led to an increase in the load on the incompletely formed body of young athletes, which in turn required a revision of not only the technical equipment of shooters, but also their training programs and, in particular, the program for the prevention and recovery, primarily of the musculoskeletal system, which is subject to significant changes from exposure to large static loads while holding weapons weighing up to 5.5 kg, as well as fatigue from monotonous work, which affects the psycho-emotional state of young athletes.

The rapid and rapid development of shooting sports requires a modern approach. First of all, this refers to the development of a modern methodology of the training process aimed at achieving high sports results and the development of harmoniously developed citizens of the Fatherland, as well as maintaining and strengthening the health of athletes for the implementation of many years of successful competitive activity at a consistently high level.

Features of sports shooting

Shooting sport is one of the most ancient applied sports. It includes several varieties: these are bullet shooting, clay shooting and archery and crossbow shooting. One of the popular types is bullet shooting.

Bullet shooting, like clay shooting, is included in the program of the Olympic Games and is one of the oldest Olympic disciplines. The first shooting medals were played at the II Olympic Games in Paris in 1900. Since 1984, competitions for men and women have been held separately.

Competitions in shooting sports are held under the auspices of International Sport Shooting Federation.

Unlike other sports where athletes fight each other, in bullet shooting the shooter is fighting himself. It is important for an athlete to learn how to control himself in training and use this experience in competitions.

Starting from the Games of the XXIV Olympiad (Seoul, 1988), women's shooting exercises VP-4 and MV-5 were introduced, two exercises for riflemen - shooting from pneumatic and small-caliber weapons. In bullet shooting, according to the Russian and International Competition Rules, all positions (preparations) are strictly regulated. Readiness is one of the main factors that determine the quality of a well-aimed shot.

There are 3 main shooting positions - prone, standing and kneeling. Mastering shooting exercises begins from a prone position, then standing and the last from the knee.

The position for prone shooting should provide: firstly, good stability of the rifle with the least tension on the shooter's muscular apparatus; secondly, a long stay of the shooter's body in the same position during shooting; thirdly, such a position of the head, in which the most favorable conditions will be created for the work of the eye during aiming. When preparing for prone shooting, the angle of rotation of the torso relative to the shooting plane should be small, within 12-20 °; the left leg should be straightened, resting the toe on the ground, and the right leg should be arbitrarily bent; should lie with a slight collapse on the left side, but so that there is no excessive overload of the left hand; the preparation should be as low as possible, for which the left hand should be moved as far forward as possible; rest the back of the butt should be closer to the neck; head position should be such that, as far as possible, look at the target straight ahead.

In order to find a rational position for shooting from the knee, it is necessary: ​​to distribute the weight of your body to the points of support so that the left leg, which serves as a support for the left hand with a rifle, has the least weight load. Despite the unnatural posture, to achieve fixation of the moving parts of your body with the least tension of the muscular system, especially making sure that there is no overload of individual muscle groups, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the amplitude of the rifle’s oscillations and a violation of the stability in the nature of these oscillations; find a position that ensures such a head positioning that will create the most favorable conditions for the eye to work while aiming.

The standing position is the least stable in comparison with other types. The lower stability of the preparation is due here, firstly, to the fact that the general center of gravity of the "shooter's body - rifle" system is much higher above the support area, and the support area itself is much smaller, since it is limited only by the feet of both legs and the area enclosed between them. Secondly, when shooting while standing, the muscular apparatus is more tense, which is necessary to fix the moving parts of the body and keep it in a vertical position; in this case, the action and reaction of the muscles cannot create absolute immobility of the body, in connection with which there is more and less swaying of it. Therefore, standing shooting is the most complex and difficult exercise in shooting sports. At present, the position for standing shooting should be distinguished by a not very wide setting of the legs, orientation of the supporting surfaces along the shooting plane, a significant bending of the body in the back due to the forward movement of the pelvis, a large compensatory movement of the body to the right and sideways, a certain "twisting" of the body in the lower back, most vertical position of the forearm of the left hand, free positioning of the head with minimal tension of the neck muscles, not very tight butt and the most possible relaxation of the muscles of the right side of the shoulder girdle.

Having considered all types of preparations, let's move on to the specific requirements in bullet shooting.

The actions of the shooter are characterized by monotony, statistical work of the muscles of the legs, torso and arms at the time of the shot. Accurate shooting depends on the degree of stability and immobility of the entire "shooter-weapon" system. The process of making a shot requires fine coordination of movements, the ability to control muscle efforts.

Bullet shooting makes specific demands on the physical abilities of the shooter. If for the main sports physical training is leading in the training process, then bullet shooting develops special physical qualities, such as coordination (stability), static endurance. According to many authors, physically developed shooters have advantages with the same technical readiness. Well-trained athletes are easier to endure the training load, recover faster, and keep fit longer.

Another important feature of this sport is psychological tension. It can manifest itself in a violation of motor skills, in an increase in heart rate and tremor, in violation of fine coordination of movements when performing a shot.

The impact of shooting on the body of an athlete is associated with specific loads:

Static nature on the muscular system, (tension of the muscles of the legs and torso, concentration of attention on the preliminary relaxation of the muscles that are not involved in the execution of the shot, general control over the position of the body, without focusing on its individual parts, as well as attention is focused on fixing the ankle joint) ,

Great tension of the nervous system (the need for long-term preservation of actions of high accuracy and great concentration of attention),

Holding your breath while firing a shot

Irritants occurring under unsatisfactory conditions in open and closed shooting ranges.

With prolonged shooting, the light sensitivity of the eyes decreases and, depending on the exercise, weight loss occurs from 2 to 3 kg. Physically well-trained shooters are more likely to endure these high loads.

The muscular apparatus and the nervous system of the shooter play a large role in ensuring the greatest immobility of the body when preparing for shooting, you need at least in general terms to get acquainted with the physiological foundations of the human motor apparatus.

The shooting sport is one of the very first sports, which began with bow and crossbow shooting, and later became a firearms and pneumatic shooting competition.

In Russia, shooting disciplines began to develop at the end of the 20th century and gained extraordinary popularity, since the love for shooting manifests itself even in childhood, when kids imitate shooting from toy guns and pistols, playing “war”.

Such a type as bullet shooting has its own specifics. Shooting competitions with firearms and pneumatics are not based on the principle of "Faster, higher, stronger." Here the muscles work differently than in other disciplines. The main load on the muscles occurs at the moment of the static state of the shooter's body, when it is necessary to fix the most optimal position for an accurate shot. The participant must show stability and the ability to maintain a static position for a long time when shooting. The shooter here uses the so-called muscle memory. It is worth noting that during one such exercise a person loses about 3 kg in weight. Also, shooting competitions have their own sprint distances and marathons.

In addition to physical data, bullet shooting implies that the shooter also has high moral qualities. You also need to be able to control your emotions in order to act quickly and correctly in unexpected situations, qualities such as determination and endurance are also very important. Before the shot, the participant of the competition, as it were, disconnects from everything that surrounds him, and focuses on the target. He must be able to abstract, control his thoughts so that nothing could distract him at this crucial moment.

Clay shooting originated from hunting competitions that took place in medieval England. Then the birds served as targets, namely pigeons, which were thrown up for shelling. These rules were in effect for a very long time, and even during the first Olympic Games, shooters fired at live birds. Later, the birds were replaced by the current targets, today they are often called "clay pigeons". By the way, in the future it is expected to replace the plates with environmentally friendly items.

Shooting Rules

Gun shooting is divided into bullet and bench shooting. Both types of shooting sports are among the oldest disciplines since 1896 . In addition, archery also belongs to the Olympic disciplines. In bullet shooting, world championships have been held since 1897.

Bullet shooting can take place both indoors and outdoors. If the competition takes place in a shooting range, then special sights and light filters are selected that are suitable for shooting in this room, depending on the lighting. When changing the nature of the illumination, the shooter must quickly correlate his actions. If the competition is held at a shooting range, then conditions such as wind, air temperature, etc. must be taken into account.

Shotgun shooting involves firing shotguns at targets with shotgun shells. The targets are cymbals, which, when well-aimed hit, break. Such plates are made from bituminous sand and cement.

Shotgun targets are dynamic and shooters must have good reflexes and marksmanship to hit the target. Shooting is carried out from firearms with a maximum of 12 gauge. The shooter must also have an absolute sense of dynamics and balance in order to catch the movements of a target flying in a straight line or arc.

Shooting at the Olympics

Today, the Olympic program includes a round stand, a trench stand and a double-trap as varieties of clay shooting.

On account of the archers of the Russian national team, seven of which have a golden tint. At the moment, the most titled Olympian is, who has one gold and two silver medals.

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Guns are not toys for children. Is it worth giving a child to bullet shooting? And is there a place for girls in the men's sport? How to bring up a shooter and a balanced athlete? We'll figure out.



  • Good health. Any sport has a beneficial effect on the health of athletes. Bullet shooting is no exception. Teenagers at the first stage undergo general sports training. After that, emphasis is placed on the special training of shooters. During training, the muscles of the legs, arms, chest and back are involved, which allows you to keep your body in good shape.
  • Control over emotions. Shooters develop a special psychological balance and the ability to focus and control emotions. Athletes in bullet shooting are distinguished by skill and calmness.
  • Long career. The earliest age in shooting is 10 years old at the initial stage of training. And you can engage in this sport until old age - there are no restrictions. Moreover, over the years you gain experience, which allows you to stay in the game for a long time, to participate in international competitions. For example, the Olympic champion Alipov Alexey Alexandrovich is 43 years old, and he continues to train and participate in international competitions.
  • Low trauma. In football or hockey, for example, there is always a chance of being hit by other players. Or in endurance sports, the athlete risks his health. It is extremely difficult to get injured in shooting. The exception is cases due to careless handling of weapons. However, such cases are extremely rare and are not a reason for refusing to study.
  • Responsible attitude to weapons. Every shooter is familiar with safety precautions. And ignoring the rules carries with it a suspension from shooting. Moreover, children are taught the correct use of weapons from the very first lesson, which educates young athletes in a responsible attitude to a rifle / pistol. Children should understand that shooting is first and foremost a sport, not entertainment, and treat the activities accordingly.


Youth sports schools, where bullet shooting is mainly taught, suffer from a lack of necessary equipment and inventory. Rifles and pistols are rarely updated, due to poor funding for the Youth Sports School. Parents have to spend money on acquiring new weapons for their child's professional career, or help schools financially. On average, one air rifle costs 180 thousand rubles.

In addition to being expensive, sports are also unpopular with young people and children. Parents prefer team sports such as hockey, football. Or they choose sports where the child works on his body to a greater extent. The results of training in shooting do not come immediately. Sport is long-term, and therefore not everyone is ready to devote their whole life to it. Athletes begin to win the first competitions at the age of 20-25, which scares off parents.

How much do lessons cost

For a lesson with an instructor in the absence of your own weapons, you will have to pay about 1,500 rubles. in Moscow, if we consider a private TIR. With your own equipment, training will cost 1200 rubles. In the regions, the cost of an hour is less - 1000 rubles. Youth Sports School accepts teenagers for shooting classes if the school has the necessary support.

How to choose a section

The start of sports activities and familiarity with safety precautions for shooting a child can be safely completed in a regular youth sports school. After that, it is better to find a mentor for your child. And when choosing a school or a private center, you need to focus on it. The popularity of the school does not guarantee the result. You must find your coach, who will believe in your child, teach technique and instill a love of shooting.

Psychological picture

A teenager engaged in shooting is calm, focused. A young athlete learns to constantly control his emotions and. The shooter has willpower, patience and knows how to consistently go to the goal. There is no fierce rivalry in shooting, the athlete does not go one on one with others. He does everything alone, and must gather strength, focus on shooting and show the result.

What difficulties can you face

Bullet shooting does not receive proper support from the federal budget and suffers from a poor material base. Expensive equipment, expensive sportswear for performances, for example, the uniform costs about 150 thousand rubles, and affects the popularity of sports in the country. Parents are required to spend heavily on classes and on modern weapons in order to ensure their child's sports career.

Summing up

Bullet shooting teaches the child concentration, self-confidence and the ability to tune in to every shot. He understands how to relate to weapons and does not perceive them as a toy. The child is aware of the responsibility for the result and that he cannot rely on other team members. If a parent wants to raise a well-balanced athlete, a person who is able to fight and constantly learn, then bullet shooting is ideal.

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