How to make the hand wider. Flexion of the arms at the wrists

When it comes to arm training, pumped up biceps and well-developed triceps immediately come to mind. Few people care about strengthening and pumping up their wrists and fingers, although this is a necessary and useful thing. The strength of a handshake has always been an indicator of the level of courage, let alone the importance of pumped up hands for an athlete. Strengthen the hands for a strong grip and to prevent sports injuries.

Wrist muscle anatomy

The anatomy of the wrist muscles is quite complex and interesting. And the work to strengthen them is very laborious.

In short, our brushes consist of:

  • worm-like muscles;
  • palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles;
  • muscle groups of the thumb;
  • muscle groups of the thumb.

The muscles of the hands are directly related to the muscles of the forearm, so exercises aimed at strengthening the first group of muscles work out well the second.

How to pump up your wrists at home

Let's start with exercises designed to strengthen our grip and strengthen our forearms.

Squeezing and unclenching the palm

The first exercise is the most famous and simple, it does not require any additional sports equipment. But despite its simplicity, clenching and unclenching the palm is very effective and efficient. It is used both as a warm-up for tired hands, and as a rehabilitation exercise after serious injuries and even operations.

  1. Clench your fist with maximum force.
  2. Hold your fist clenched for 5-10 seconds.
  3. Unclench it by straightening your fingers as much as possible.

For this exercise, an auxiliary tool is already required, namely, an expander. There are many varieties of this sports simulator, but now we are only interested in carpal expanders. They, in turn, are divided into:

  • torsion
  • spring
  • U-shaped

The load of these expanders can be adjustable or fixed. And also there are rubber and silicone simulators, which are better known as "bagel" and "egg".

The technique for performing the exercise itself is very straightforward:

  1. We put an expander in the palm of our hand.
  2. Compress and decompress it.

When you can easily perform 50 repetitions of such an exercise, go to the next level - increase the load on the expander.

Finger push-ups are a great workout, thanks to which you can pump not only your hands, but also many other muscles:

  • large and small chest;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps;
  • forearm muscles;
  • trapezoidal;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles.

But do not rush to immediately start the exercise if you have never practiced it before. Incorrect distribution of body weight can seriously damage the limbs. First of all, you need to learn how to stand firmly on your toes. To get started, accept initial position for push-ups, but kneeling. If you feel that your fingers are able to withstand the load, then straighten your legs and stand on your fingers for ten seconds, then twenty, and so on, until you realize that you are ready for the exercise. Now to the exercise itself:

  1. Taking the starting position as for classic push-ups, but instead of the palms, we rely on the fingers.
  2. We take a breath and, bending our elbows, slowly lower ourselves so that the chest touches the floor.
  3. We return to the top position.
  4. We perform 10-15 repetitions.

You may not be able to immediately stand on your fingers, but do not despair: patience and endurance are the best helpers. No wonder this exercise is a profile one for martial artists, who easily do push-ups on one finger. You can also master the same skill if you constantly practice and move forward.

Video: How to push up on your fingers

Push-ups on the back of the hands

This type of push-up is useful primarily for strengthening the wrists. But if you do not have an urgent need for strong wrists, then you should not do this exercise, because it is quite traumatic.

  1. We accept the classic position for push-ups, but with an emphasis on the back of the palms;
  2. The palms should be pointing inward so that the fingers are facing each other.
  3. We perform push-ups slowly and without sudden movements.

At first, you will feel pain in your hands and wrists, do not be afraid, your hands just need to get used to the new type of load.

Barbell Wrist Curls

This exercise is rightfully considered one of the most effective and useful for both the hands and arms in general, because it affects a large number of muscles, including deep ones. Bending of the brushes is performed either with an empty bar or with a small weight.

  1. We sit down on the bench.
  2. We take the neck with a medium or narrow grip.
  3. We put it together with the forearms on our knees.
  4. We take a breath and unbend the brushes up.
  5. Exhale and bend the brushes down.

This exercise can be performed by slightly changing the starting position.

  1. We kneel in front of the bench.
  2. We take the barbell and put our hands bent at the elbows 90 degrees on the bench.
  3. We perform classic bending of the brushes.

The grip can be used both upper and reverse.

Video: Barbell Curl Technique

Curls with dumbbells

Bending the hands with dumbbells is a variation of the previous exercise with a barbell. The muscle groups that are being worked out are the same. But the indisputable advantage of dumbbells is that it is much easier to purchase them and keep them at home than a barbell. And that means. and training with them can be done at home at any free time.

  1. We take a dumbbell in hand.
  2. We place the forearm on the thigh or bench.
  3. We drop the brush.
  4. Raise the brush to its original position.

Another exercise with dumbbells that works not only the wrists, but also the biceps with triceps.

  1. We take dumbbells in both hands and stand up straight.
  2. We press our elbows to the body, we turn our palms there. We don't move our shoulders.
  3. We take a breath and as we exhale we raise the dumbbells, turning our hands with our palms up.
  4. Having raised the dumbbells to the shoulders, we fix our hands in this position for a couple of seconds.
  5. Rotate the hands 180 degrees so that the palms are facing down.
  6. On inspiration, we begin to lower the dumbbells and again turn the brushes so that they are facing the body.
  7. We lower our hands with dumbbells to the starting position.

Use light or medium dumbbells. The ascent should take about 2 seconds and the descent in 4 seconds. To get the most out of the Zottman Curls for your arms, do them in combination with other exercises.

Video: How to do Zottman curls

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The benefits of a horizontal bar for brushes will not be a discovery for anyone. If you have a good physical form, but not strong enough grip, you simply won’t be able to pull yourself up on the crossbar. Therefore, bypassing this projectile is not worth it. An excellent bonus of training on the horizontal bar will be the benefit for the spine and the whole posture in general.

Hang on the horizontal bar

In order to work out the muscles of the hands on the horizontal bar, it is not necessary to pull up. It is enough to perform the following algorithm of actions with high frequency:

  • Do at least 6 reps per barbell exercise.
  • If you are serious about strengthening your wrist muscles, then do the exercises with high frequency - at least three times a week.
  • Stretch your wrists: stretch your arm out in front of you, palm down. We bend the wrist so that the fingers look at the floor. Gently press this hand with the other hand for 30 seconds. We change hands.
  • Do not rush to pump up and strengthen your hands as soon as possible, do everything gradually, without overstraining your muscles.
  • Many do not even realize how important the physical preparation of the hands is, therefore, this part of the body is often deprived of attention during training. Meanwhile, a strong grip helps a lot when working on the horizontal bar, allows you to increase the results in exercises with a barbell and dumbbells. Push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar will play an excellent service to other important muscle groups: for example, they will strengthen the back and work out the press.

    Exercises to work out the muscles of the hands are aimed at strengthening the forearms, hands and wrists, are obligatory element bodybuilder training programs. They should be an integral part of the warm-up, as well as finish a workout in a sports or home gym.

    What are the benefits of forearm and hand exercises?

    Many athletes, while intensively working out the triceps and biceps, do not pay due attention to the wrists and forearms. Remaining undeveloped, they do not allow the athlete to realize their full potential.

    Thanks to the forearms and wrists, the most effective exercises are carried out on deltoid muscles, biceps, triceps, back, chest.

    They must be strengthened, become part of every training.

    Complaints about weak and thin hands are primarily associated with the lack of proper attention to this part. upper body. By the way, this also applies to the legs. If they are not worked out, they remain underdeveloped. Change the position allows constant work on the hands. It is necessary to perform exercises on the wrists regularly, and then even weak and undeveloped wrists with forearms will be strengthened.

    Basic exercises to strengthen the wrists and forearms

    There are seven effective exercises that are quite simple to perform, allowing you to forget about what weak hands. It is recommended to do this complex three times a week. The main thing is that it is performed on a regular basis.


    The following exercises allow you to prepare for more intense and difficult ones. Warm up and prepare the wrists for further more complex work.

    1. Clench the fingers on both hands into fists. Fix this position for half a minute, open your palms. Repeat flexion and extension twice a minute.
    2. Bend your arms at the wrists for 30 seconds and then straighten. You can't bend your elbows. They must remain straight at all times.
    3. Stretch your arms in front of you and pull your wrist forward, raise your palms up, hold the position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat at least 4 times for a total of 2 minutes.


    Once the hands have warmed up, proceed to the remaining four exercises:

    1. Bending of the arms. Take a sitting position, straighten your back. Take a light dumbbell, place your hand on the top of your leg so that it rests on your thigh. Raise and then lower the clamped weight. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions each. Exercise perfectly develops the brachioradial muscles.
    2. bendingwrist. It is performed from a similar position to the previous one. The hand to maintain balance is placed exactly on the thigh. The wrist with a dumbbell is raised and lowered. Do at least 3 sets with 20 reps each.
    3. Reverse (reverse) flexion of the wrist. Sit with a dumbbell in your hand, straighten your wrist, and then bend. Make sure that the palm is facing down and that the elbows do not come off the hips. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
    4. Flexion of the fingers. A simple, but excellent exercise for developing the muscles of the hands and fingers. Take a dumbbell and put your hand on your thigh so that backside was directed upward. At the same time as lifting the dumbbell, squeeze, and when lowering, relax your fingers. Choose the weight of the weighting agent as comfortable and easy to lift as possible.


    These seven basic exercises allow you to strengthen and develop the muscles of the arms from the shoulders to the fingertips. Regularly doing this workout improves manual dexterity, which is critical for training in the gym and during the performance of athletes in competitions.


    How to pump up the wrists

    Which of you, dear readers, has ever thought about how important strong and strong hands are for an athlete? Yes, of course, we know that big biceps look very impressive and indicate that a person is not wasting time in the gym.

    But have you ever wondered how important it is, in addition to biceps and triceps, to have pumped up wrists? Yes, even in a well-swinging state, they do not catch the eye with their power, but a lot depends on well-developed and inflated wrists.

    If you have weak wrists, then no matter how strong you are, working with a barbell or kettlebell will be a huge problem for you. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to pump up the wrists.

    Warm up

    First, before starting any activity, you must warm up thoroughly. Without a warm-up, the risk of microtrauma or sprain increases significantly. So, we put our hands in the “lock” and with progressive, wave movements carefully knead our wrists for 3-4 minutes. Amazing.

    Now we proceed to a more difficult exercise, namely, push-ups. We get up in the position of "emphasis on the ground" and try to wring out at least 15-20 times. If you could do more, then that's just fine, so next time you might need to apply more. complex technique pushups.

    Now that we've finished with a light warm-up, we can proceed to the easiest strength exercise, namely, working with an expander and rubber rings. These simple devices, in fact, help a lot to swing the hands with high quality. To do this, we take the expander and bend it with all possible force for 5-10 minutes.

    Pumping the wrists with iron

    Well, now, having worked with small shells, your muscles are ready for real, serious loads. We would recommend that you start a heavy load on your hands with a barbell, and finish with work with a kettlebell. Since the kettlebell "hammers" the muscles a little, it is better to do it as a last resort.

    For training with a barbell, both the “lying” and “standing” positions are suitable. For the first workouts, we would advise you to train with a barbell from a prone position. It is optimal if you have an assistant who can feed the projectile and insure you in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    Lie on your stomach, hang your head down, lower your arms with a barbell to the floor and try to raise only your hands, holding a projectile in them. This exercise greatly strengthens the small muscles of the wrists and helps to quickly pump up the hands. After training with a barbell, it's time to start working with dumbbells and kettlebells.


    Start with dumbbells. Take a projectile in each hand and stretch your arms in front of you so that your elbows look down, i.e. outside. Try to lower and raise the dumbbells with your palms and hands, keeping your arms outstretched.

    If you master this exercise, it will help you quickly get into great shape. Well, and finally, it remains to work with the kettlebell.

    Take it in any hand and work with it in the same way as before you worked with dumbbells. It's possible that you won't be able to complete enough reps in your first kettlebell workouts.

    Don't worry, it's completely normal. Over time, your wrists will get stronger and you will be able to work much more productively. Go in for sports and always remember that in a healthy body - a healthy mind.

    I wish you success!

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    How to pump up the wrists - warm-up and a set of strength exercises

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    How to pump up the wrists, content:
    Let's start with a warm-up!
    Wrist exercises

    How to pump up the wrists, which, although not conspicuous like biceps, play an extremely important role in the training process.

    Weak wrists will not allow you to technically competently perform multiple strength exercises in which you have to manipulate such equipment as barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells.

    Therefore, wrist pumping should be given special attention, and you need to start with a warm-up.

    Let's start with a warm-up!

    To technically competently perform strength exercises to hold weight, you need to know how to pump up your wrists. An illiterate approach can provoke injury.

    To prevent possible microtrauma and sprains, a warm-up is necessary. Each time, before pumping up the wrists, you need to perform the following warm-up complex: We put our hands in the “lock”.

    We perform wave-like movements for 3 minutes.

    After completing the “emphasis on the ground”, we wring out at least 15 times.

    Wrist exercises

    After completing the warm-up, you can proceed directly to the exercises. They start with the easiest - work with rubber rings and an expander.

    These simple projectiles in fact, they are very effective - working with them regularly, you can pump up your wrists great. Taking the expander, we stretch it with the maximum possible force for 10 minutes.

    Then we take a ring in each hand and also work for about 10 minutes. Having worked with the rings, we move on to more serious exercises.

    It is recommended to start strength exercises for the wrists with a barbell. End power complex kettlebells are better. Kettlebells "clog" the muscles a little, so they should be left for last. It is desirable to engage with a barbell while lying down. It is good if there is an assistant - for safety net.

    Lying on the stomach, the head is hung down, and the bar is lowered to the floor, trying to raise only the hands holding the projectile. If you are interested in how to pump up your wrists, then this exercise suits you perfectly.

    It qualitatively strengthens the small muscles and quickly pumps up the brushes. The barbell is followed by kettlebells and dumbbells. Taking a dumbbell in each hand, stretch them with your elbows down. Lower and raise the dumbbells only with your palms and hands.

    The power complex ends with exercises with kettlebells - the movements are similar to the movements performed when working with dumbbells.

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    How to pump up the wrists

    How to bring the muscles of the hands into shape? This question is relevant for many men and women. For the former, it is an indicator of strength and masculinity, and for the latter, it is an indicator of age and level physical activity. Beautiful hands always relevant.

    And on the eve of summer holidays - especially. At the same time, proper and competent training can work wonders. So three do not take advantage of our tips on how to make the arm muscles toned and elastic.

    And Do you want to know how? Read new article at

    The muscles of the hands make up 5-7% of all muscle volumes of the body, so they cannot give any significant increase in weight. Of course, the hands are involved in almost all movements and receive their load indirectly, but it cannot be compared with targeted and highly specialized work.

    Therefore, you need to swing your hands, here's why:

    • strong arms are the ability to resist grabs/chokes and deliver crushing blow adversary;
    • as various surveys show, ladies pay significant attention to the hands of men. In muscular arms, they feel the strength and ability to protect and not give them offense;
    • pumped up arms look good in summer in various sleeveless t-shirts - this is a sign of good physical shape;
    • in men's world volumes decide, therefore, if you have frail hands, then the attitude towards you is appropriate;
    • for women, the beauty of the hands is the absence of various sagging skin under the arms;
    • if your hands are in good shape, then you can afford sleeveless and off-the-shoulder dresses.

    Anatomy of the muscles of the hands

    The muscles of the hands have many large, externally visible muscles that help us in our daily activities.

    Muscles are divided into:

    • - gym membership


    For the development of powerful muscles of the hands, enough big weights. Without weights, they warm up the muscles and train their elasticity, while observing a strict sequence: first, the hands are warmed up, then the forearms and shoulders.

    Before pumping up the hands, you need to warm up. A warm-up before strength exercises is necessary: ​​it prevents injuries and sprains during training. After warming up, you can perform pull-ups and push-ups, which perfectly develop all the muscles of the arms.

    - Bending the arms with dumbbells with a reverse grip.

    On forearm day, you can use one of these extensor exercises. From workout to workout, it's best to alternate these exercises for progress and variety. Pay attention to the execution technique, palms are constantly facing down. Forearms can be placed on your knees or on a bench. Achieve full muscle contraction, do not fold halfway.

    wrist flexors

    Flexors occupy inner part and are the most massive and noticeable muscle group of the forearm. Exercises for this group:

    - Bending of the arms in the wrists with a barbell;

    The first type is ring-shaped. It is essentially a round ring whose material resists compression and thus allows your hand to pump up and add strength.

    As for the second type, it is presented in the form of two plastic handles, which are connected to each other by a springy structure, which looks like a steel wire. So now you know how to pump up your hands quickly and give them strength and endurance.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the development of the back muscles. After all, they are also involved in the capture of the hand in the hook during the fight.

    You need to develop finger strength. They must be hard as a "stone". To do this, you can do push-ups on your fingers, do racks on your fingers in a lying position. Some gyms and arm wrestling sections have special simulators in order to pump up the fingers and hand.

    Get down on one knee in front of the bench. Place your forearm across the bench. With the palm of your other hand, rest on top of the bench. The torso is strongly inclined towards the trained arm. The weight is on the floor.

    Straightened at the wrist joint, the hand holds the belt in a slightly supinated position. The movement ends when the brush assumes a vertical position. In the final phase of the exercise, fixation is required. Between repetitions, the weight is lowered to the floor.

    The pace is not high. Let's say a little cheating with the body.

    RESTRAINT. This movement is provided by the radial flexors and extensors of the wrist, as well as the extensor and abductor muscles. thumb. The strength of these muscles is tested extensively famous test lifting a heavy chair by one leg. Directly, in wrestling, this muscle group works in isometric mode, but dynamic exercises must also be included in training.

    The key to success in the development of arm muscles is the regularity of the exercises, the complexity of the approach, that is, there must be a strict system.

    In general, it can be noted that weight exercises should be performed three times a week: with breaks for the weekend and every other day. Breaks are essential for muscle recovery. But if you do the exercises irregularly, then you will not be able to quickly pump up your hands at home.

    A very important role is played by nutrition and the fight against bad habits, which will help both pump up your hands and generally improve your health.


    Want to combine weight loss exercises and strengthen your wrists? A jump rope will help you. While jumping, actively rotate your brushes back and forth.

    • Yes, regularly. 52
    • No, I didn't know it was important. 54
    • Sometimes I do when I remember. 85

    Article content:

    Many strength athletes pump their hands with the same intensity as other parts of the body, such as legs. For a bodybuilder or a bodybuilder this does not play important role, but for wrestlers or rock climbers this is very important.

    Features of the hands.

    In total, there are 33 muscles of the hands, but they are divided into groups: 1. Middle group, 2. Thumb muscle group, 3. Thumb muscle group.

    IN middle group includes: vermiform muscles, palmar and dorsal interosseous.

    The muscle group of the thumb includes: abductor and adductor, short flexor and opposing.

    The third group consists of: short palmar and opposing, abductor and short flexion.

    The main functions of the hand are flexion and extension of the palm, abduction and adduction of the phalanges of the fingers. Thanks to the muscles of the hands, you can hold cutlery, pens, pencils, brushes, etc. You can also make grasping movements and perform daily tasks more easily. If the muscles are damaged, then many upper body workouts will not be possible. Also, these muscles have subgroups of muscles that are responsible for each finger and the bone as a whole.

    Myths about the hands.

    Myth 1. If you train your arms, then your hands will pump up automatically.

    Of course, doing various exercises on the hands, then the muscles of the hands will be strengthened, but this does not mean that the hands can be pumped up this way. To achieve this, it is necessary to work out the hands, and not the hands as a whole. To do this, you can use various expanders.

    Myth 2. When training the cyst of the hands, the risk of arthrosis increases.

    This myth went because the hand has a large number of joints. However, this is just a myth. Arthrosis is associated with various factors such as hereditary predisposition or environmental factors. By exercising, you only strengthen the muscles.

    Myth 3. Hand training won't work.

    Of course, if you expect to pump up the biceps or some other muscles, then there will be no effect from training the hands. However, those who pump their brushes regularly report good progress. Firstly, the grip becomes stronger - not only climbers notice this. Secondly, the hand becomes stronger - this is noticeable not only during exercises, but even with a normal handshake. The hand, as they say, becomes heavier, and this is important for armwrestlers.

    Basic hand exercises.

    Hand exercises are also effective when combined with wrist exercises.

    Exercises should be varied so that all muscles are worked out. They should be: squeezing, holding and pinching.

    • First, you should do a warm-up, for example, rotate the hands in the wrists on outstretched arms.
    • The first is exercises with one-sided dumbbells, also called the “hammer”. Not only dumbbells are suitable, but also any device where the weight is located on one side, but dumbbells are still recommended, as it has a comfortable and wide handle. The exercise is very simple - you need to lift the weight by bending your wrist, and not completely with your hand.
    • The second exercise is also connected with the first and one-sided dumbbells. The execution mechanism is the same, only the weight must be lifted back.
    • The third exercise is the extension of the hand with weights. There are even special simulators for this, and those who do not believe in the effect of exercises for the hands should try it, after the first workout they will change their mind. Since the exercise affects muscles that are not so often used in everyday life, after all, what could be easier than unclenching the brush. Also, this exercise has a strong effect on the fingers. So, if you need to write a term paper or actively use your hand, it is better to wait a little with the exercise.
    • The fourth exercise is quite simple - these are exercises with an expander. Just squeeze to the limit of your strength or as much as the expander itself allows.
    • You can also perform quick squeezes. This technique is used by rock climbers. It is necessary to quickly squeeze the brush and fingers as if squeezing the ball. It seems easy, however, after a couple of minutes you will feel very tired, because this must be done with your arms outstretched in front of you. This exercise can be used as a warm up.

    If you do not want to spend time on a separate hand workout, or want to strengthen them a little, then you can complicate some exercises for other muscle groups, such as push-ups. You should do push-ups not on a full brush, but on your fingers. Another effective exercise there will be a hold on the weight, kettlebell or pancakes from the bar, with several fingers. The main thing here is to choose the right weight.

    We train the hands correctly

    For training to bring positive result, you need to follow some rules in the process. Let's consider the most basic of them.

    • Exercise technique. Exercise technique is the key to success. After all, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, then it will not only not bring the desired result, but can also significantly harm health. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly how to perform this or that exercise. To do this, you can watch video lessons of professional fitness trainers who tell and also clearly show how to perform various exercises.
    • The number of workouts. Many people believe that it is necessary to train every day. However, it is not. Such training will not bring results, because the muscles simply will not have time to recover.

    So, in order to pump up the brushes, as practice shows, training alone is not enough. It is also necessary to pay attention to nutrition and other recommendations. Consider practical recommendations that will also help pump up the muscles of the hand.

    • Good nutrition is the key to muscle growth. So, in order for the biceps muscles or any other muscles to grow, you need to eat right. And of course, the body must receive a sufficient number of calories, and certainly there should not be a deficit. It is also very important that a person consumes the required amount of protein per day. Only if these rules are observed, does it make sense to go in for sports, because otherwise the muscles simply will not grow, no matter how hard a person trains.
    • Food supplements. Most often, we do not consume the required amount of protein. Therefore, it is worth starting to use sports nutrition, and more precisely, then we are talking about protein. With the help of it, the necessary amount of protein will enter the body, and protein, as you know, is the source of muscle growth in the body.
    • Properly designed training process. This is also very important. After all, some exercises are suitable for someone, and completely different for someone. Also, over time, it is necessary to increase weight and change exercises. All this will contribute to active muscle growth.

    Video: How to pump up the hands

    Why pump your hands with the same zeal as your legs? For a bodybuilder, strong wrists and fingers may not be that important, but for strength athletes or wrestlers, this is required condition. What is the secret of pumping the muscles of the hands?

    It is believed that grip strength depends on the size of the biceps and forearms. Biceps have absolutely no effect on the strength of your hands, while large forearms indicate a strong wrist, in addition, it also depends on how the forearms are trained and which muscles are more developed in them. Do you know how to pump up your hands with special workouts? After all, many exercises on the forearms do not always involve the hands. In addition, there are several types of grip strength, each of which has its own development method.

    Consider a few exercises and workouts that will allow you to effectively pump up your hands without complex and expensive equipment. Most of the inventory can be designed by yourself with minimal cost and effort. One thing you must remember is that there must always be constant progress in volume, intensity or resistance. When doing these exercises, follow the principles of strength training.

    Types of hand grip strength

    • Crushing Force: Like a strong handshake.
    • Holding Force: Thanks to it, you can squeeze an object and hold it for a long time. For example, the straight-legged multi-rep deadlift uses this type.
    • Pinch Strength: The ability to hold an object between the thumb and palm. This type of grip requires thumb strength.
    • Wrist Strength: For example, when lifting a chair by holding it only by the front legs (the legs are perpendicular to the floor), wrist strength is involved. Despite the fact that not exactly grip strength is involved here, nevertheless, this is an indispensable part of strong forearms and another reason to pump up the hands.

    Pressing force training

    There are several simple methods for developing compressive strength in the hand. The most economical way is with an expander. Such a device can be easily purchased at any sporting goods store. Expanders exist with different resistance and are easy to handle. In order to perform the exercise, you just need to squeeze its handles.

    Holding Force Training

    The holding and pressing force of the hand are closely related. However, the former is more difficult to develop endurance. Using a thick bar and dumbbell handles develops both grips excellently. Undoubtedly, a wide neck makes it difficult to work, especially when you swing your hands.

    In general, a wide neck has incomparably many advantages. Thick bars are generally harder to control. Compared to an Olympic barbell with a bar of 5-7 cm, it will seem like a log to you. Imagine what it's like to do a deadlift or bench press with a telegraph pole! That's the feeling you get from a thick neck. You won't be able to rely entirely on style, form, timing, or technique when you press. Here it will be necessary to apply pure effort.

    Yuri Spasokukotsky talks about this technique in detail and offers a workout with a thick bar to develop wrist strength, which will allow you to pump up the muscles of the forearms and fingers.

    In addition, with a thick bar, you are constantly training your grip and pumping, while you do not even need to do additional exercises.

    Pinch strength training

    Even if you have strong grip strength in your hand, you may find it difficult to hold objects with your fingers, since pinching strength is related to the strength of your thumbs. Working on other grips, it is quite difficult to develop it, because when squeezing, the load is distributed evenly between all fingers. The easiest way to train the pinching power of the hand is to pump up thumbs using two smooth pancakes. Place them together and hold them only with your fingertips. A sign of real strength is holding two 20-kilogram pancakes. It's much harder than you can imagine. Start with 5kg pancakes and just try to hold them with your fingers for as long as possible.

    Trying to pump up your hands, remember to progress. To add weight gradually, you can put the plates on a wooden or iron stick until you are ready to use heavier weights. You can also hold the pancake with your fingers by the hole, while the pancakes should be without rims. This way of working on plucking power is suitable for a heavy single or timed hold. Again, aim for the reference 20 kilograms.

    You can also train a pinch grip with a homemade device. Take a small wooden block 5 cm x 10 cm and 10-15 cm long. Drill a hole in the center and insert a bolt with a loop on which you will hang the weight. The board is wider than pancakes, so it's a little easier to work with. Hold the bar with your fingertips only. To complicate the task, try working with a narrower bar.

    How to pump up the wrists

    Strong, powerful hands build wrist strength. By pumping up your hands, you can train your forearms with normal wrist curls. Try working with a thicker bar or dumbbells. This will take the exercise to a new level of difficulty. Do no more than 6-8 reps per set.

    The option of bending the arms at the wrists is considered effective - with a pancake, and not with a neck or dumbbells. Just place your forearms on the bench like you would in a regular curl, but now you're working with a plate (palms up or down). You hold the pancake with a pinch grip, so this exercise has a double effect - you swing your thumbs and hands. Take a 10 kg pancake and you will understand how hard it is. Another way is to bend your arms with a pancake while standing. You can hold the weight vertically (as in the hammer exercise), or horizontally (as in normal bending). The point is to keep your wrists in the same position throughout the exercise. Perform 6-8 repetitions.

    Caution: When working in the low rep range with heavy weights and a thick bar, pain in the wrists is possible.

    Another simple method of training the wrists, without using any fancy equipment, is to simply hold a dumbbell by one end (free of the plates) and move the wrist back and forth, right and left. In this case, the elbows do not work. If you are doing the exercise while sitting, you can put your forearms on your knees. In this case, work in the medium to high rep range.

    Important: in order to avoid potential injuries, it is not recommended to do heavy repetitions. Do at least 6 reps.

    Strong hands are very important for powerlifters. Great exercise hands that develop strength are lifting a pancake with one hand, a farmer's walk from a power extreme - you can take two heavy pancake fingers and walk the distance with them. Stop only when your fingers open and the pancakes fall out of your hands. Try hanging from a weighted bar. Deadlift a direct grip without straps will also make not only the muscles of the back and legs develop, but also the forearms, and most importantly, the hands.

    In addition, you can do the following forearm workout at home.

    Forearm Workout at Home: Reduce Wrist Stress

    Other ways to pump up the hands

    Many are familiar with the exercise made from a wooden pin. Despite all its advantages, a problem may arise during execution: the deltas and other auxiliary muscles will get tired earlier.

    forearms. To avoid this, try working with a long steel handle.

    Hand pumping can be combined with back workouts. Insert hand exercises after any back exercise. If you want to work your back, use rubber bands, in which case stand farther away to load your hands.

    Records in hand exercises

    For many adherents old school feats of strength are a breathtaking spectacle. We will briefly cover some of the feats of strength that are now rarely seen.

    • tearing the phone book in half
    • Breaking a deck of cards in two (four parts for very strong people)
    • Bending nails (and this is really very difficult)
    • Horseshoe extension

    All this can be done by having inflated hands with our exercises.

    The greatest feat of strength of the hands:

    Herman Georner became famous for the weight of the world with the power of his hands! He held 327kg in deadlift with one arm. This happened on October 8, 1920. Georner used a lock grip with the thumb under the rest. This is the most striking example of the feat of lifting with one hand in history.

    This technique is still used by professional weightlifters and simply by those who refuse to use wrist straps. If you need strong brushes hands, do not use these straps!

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    Basic set


    Basic set

    Basic set


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    Universal Nutrition | daily formula ?

    One tablet immediately before meals (preferably before breakfast).

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    2 capsules before and after workout.

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    Universal Nutrition | Creatine Capsules ?

    The second cycle is 6 weeks, one teaspoon per day.

    Universal Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate contains 100% purified creatine, essential for a burst of muscle energy and normalization. water balance in muscle tissues.

    weider | Protein 80 Plus?

    It is necessary to stir 30 g of powder in 300 ml of milk or water. The fat content of milk should
    not exceed 1.5%.

    The drug provides peak amino concentration in the first 60 minutes after application and maintains it for 5 hours. Therefore, the muscles grow and recover quickly, while the strength and endurance of the athlete increases. This protein shake created as a nutritional supplement to increase the amount of protein in the daily diet.

    Ingredients: calcium caseinate concentrate whey protein, milk protein isolate, dry egg white, flavouring, thickener: guar gum; sweeteners: acesulfame K, aspartame; calcium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid; vitamin B6. Contains a source of phenylalanine. Contains lactose. May contain trace amounts of gluten and soy.

    Energy value of one serving (per 300 ml of water): 112 kcal.
    The nutritional value one serving (per 300 ml of water): fats 0.5 g, carbohydrates 2.3 g, proteins 25 g.

    Energy value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat): 256 kcal.
    Nutritional value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat content): fats 5.3 g, carbohydrates 17 g, proteins 35 g.

    A firm handshake, lifting a weightlifter in a competition, a decisive puck of a match and new record in pull-ups - all these actions are united by one link, they are impossible without a strong grip.

    What is a strong grip? This can be described as the ability to apply the appropriate force with the muscles of the hands and fingers to a third-party object in order to achieve the desired result for the required time.

    This ability and the developed muscles of the hand will be useful in everyday life, has a certain aesthetic character and is not the last in the training of athletes. various kinds sports. Martial arts, sports and street gymnastics, rock climbing, training with external weights (weightlifting, powerlifting, weight-lifting), game types(hockey, tennis), crossfit, as well as armlifting and armwrestling where is one of the fundamental elements.

    In this article, we will look at how to develop a universal grip, as well as pump up the muscles of the hands and fingers at home. It is worth noting that there will be no specialization here, and the information and techniques presented will be useful both for novice athletes of all the aforementioned areas and enthusiasts. healthy lifestyle life and everyone who trains at home.

    Theory and Foundations

    The human hand is nothing but the most complex mechanism that works very skillfully and is capable of performing all kinds of tasks. If you decide to improve the mechanism, you must understand: 1. how it works 2. what methods can be achieved desired result. So some theory.

    Anatomically, the human forearm and hand include 31 bones, 15 joints and 38 muscles, which, in the context of interest to us, can be responsible for the following functions:

    • flexion / extension and abduction / adduction of fingers;
    • flexion / extension and abduction / adduction of the hand;
    • pronation (inward rotation) / supination (outward rotation) of the hand.

    Training plans and activities should take into account each of these features, in order to harmoniously develop and strengthen the hand. The training itself, in turn, lends itself to very simple laws that lead to success. This:

      Regularity. One workout will not bring absolutely no result, the load must be repeated so that the body adapts to constant work and becomes stronger. Picking up an expander once is not enough, you will have to take it again and again to achieve the desired result.

      Number of lessons. An indicator that is very important for the progress of each athlete. Chaotic workouts do not give a stable result, just as too rare a load does not stimulate adaptation. They took the expander only once a month - it's all the same that they never took it.

      Load progression. The load must change, only this can force our body to continue to adapt and, as a result, become stronger. You will not be able to develop the interosseous muscles of the hand with the same expander, only it will become easy to compress it - progress will stop, since you have adapted to this load, but no new stimulus has arrived.

      Simplicity. The truth is simple, the simpler the program, the harder it is to mess it up. You should not look for some secrets and complex techniques at the first steps, a linear progression (more/longer/stronger) and a smooth transition from simpler exercises to more complex ones are the formula for success and a proper foundation at the beginning of this path.

    Types of loads, extreme, which we will talk about before the practical part. Akin to a complete set of tools or ingredients, only the use of all load options makes it possible to build a universal grip. So, at work, we can distinguish:

    • Static load. Work that keeps the muscles in a tense state for the required period of time - hangs, stops, holds.
    • dynamic load. Work in which the muscles of the hands contract and relax during the approach - squeezing-unclenching, flexion-extension.

    So we moved on to the most important thing, exercises that are worth working with and training protocols that will allow you to combine them into a complete workout. We tried to pick up exercises that do not require special equipment and will be available to everyone, and we will start with them:

    One of the most accessible exercises of today's series, which purposefully engages the flexor muscles in a static load. Its basic variation is hanging without touching the floor with a straight, closed grip. As soon as you overcome the milestone of 60 seconds in several approaches, feel free to move on to more complex options, the number of which is limited only by your imagination. As the next frontier, you can master hanging on a towel or rope, on a wider surface or with gloves (in order to increase the diameter of the grip), as well as hanging on non-standard supports (triangular, square, etc.). The height of virtuosity is hanging on one hand, hanging on the tips of your fingers or with an incomplete amount of their use, which should not be moved to immediately and with training experience behind you. Beginners who can't hang even 10 seconds can scale this exercise by hanging on the low bar or parallel bars.

    Emphasis on the palms-fists-fingers

    The second public exercise from our list, which will include all the muscles of the hand to work in a static mode. Since the classic version of this movement implies a position of push-ups from the floor with an emphasis on the fingers, it is worth paying attention that it is necessary to prepare for this exercise very carefully and carefully so as not to be injured. So, the first thing we start with is the emphasis on the palms and fists, which the athlete must comfortably and painlessly endure for 60 seconds in several approaches. Next, we choose any elevation that is above our feet (for example, a table) and first try to carefully transfer the weight of the body to the fingers and, as a result, stand. Passing the milestone of 1 minute, gradually use the milestone lower and lower until you find yourself on the floor. The advanced level is a smooth rise of the feet relative to the support of the hands, while maintaining an even position of the body. Hands on the floor - feet on a bench, chair, table, etc.

    A cycle of exercises with a handle from a shovel

    This list of movements is combined into one paragraph, since it requires the same equipment, which makes almost all muscles work in a dynamic mode. We will need - a shovel handle (a mop or any other strong rod), any rope, as well as any kind of burden that we can tie. Such a simple design is quite enough to train, the main thing is not to forget about the following. As mentioned earlier, the weight of the burden should increase over time (it can be a bottle, an eggplant or a bucket in which you change the amount or density of the filler). Here is a list of exercises that can be performed using such a simulator:

    • flexion of the forearm with the transfer of the projectile to the fingers and back;
    • extension of the forearm;
    • rotation for flexion of the forearm with the movement of weights;
    • rotation for extension of the forearm with the movement of weights.

    It is enough to pass the milestone of 50 repetitions to move on to heavier weights.

    Finger extension with rubber bands

    This exercise is one of the few that is able to properly correct and balance the finger flexors, which are almost always under load. For work, we need a pack of stationery rubber bands. Our task, having put several copies on the extreme phalanges, is to perform a powerful extension, and then smoothly squeeze them back. As with the last exercise, hitting the 50 rep milestone is a sign to add a few more bands to your next workout.

    Isometric strength development

    This direction is well mastered by representatives of power shows, who bend, tear and crush various objects with their own hands in their numbers. The essence of these exercises is to apply maximum effort to counteract the resistance of another object, for a short time (6-12 seconds). General rules isometric exercises the following:

    • exercises are performed on inspiration;
    • the effort during the exercise is increased gradually to the maximum;
    • the exercise time is no more than 10 - 12 seconds for experienced athletes (for beginners no more than 5-6), while the maximum effort lasts no more than 2 - 3 seconds.

    From the exercises, one can single out attempts to bend-break any strong rod (the same handle from a shovel will do) and squeezing a tennis ball with a full palm or only with the help of fingers. The first exercise will also be useful in that it makes it possible to strengthen the muscles responsible for pronation / supination and abduction / adduction of the hand, without involving new equipment. As a measure of progress, over time, in addition to using indestructible items, you can also use those that can be deformed. Try to bend nails, crush vegetables or fruits, eat raw eggs, etc.

    Building a grip strength workout will not be fundamentally different from building any other workout. It should include:

    General warm-up

    Last at least 10-15 minutes and includes:

    • - active warm-up (running, jumping rope, jumping jacks, etc.);
    • - joint warm-up belt upper limbs(shoulders, elbows, hands, fingers);
    • - dynamic stretching (short alternation of tension / relaxation) of the target muscles.

    This work allows you to bring the body into tone and prepare it for the upcoming loads.

    Special warm-up

    It is performed before the main work in order to reach the current volume of training. In a special warm-up, movements are used similar to those in training or as close as possible with an intensity of 50% or less.

    For instance:

    • - when setting 3x50 finger extension with 20 rubber bands, it will be appropriate to perform several warm-up approaches for 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of elastic bands from the minimum perceptible to working;
    • - if the training includes hanging on the horizontal bar for 3x60 seconds, you can hang for 10-15-20 seconds, respectively, as warm-up approaches, etc.


    To begin with, 3 approaches in 3 exercises from the above, combined in one session, will be enough. With a static load, we focus on the milestone of 60 seconds, with a dynamic load of 50 repetitions to complicate the work. The ratio of work and rest in working approaches is 1:2.


    The final part, which should end each workout, lasts like a warm-up for at least 10-15 minutes. This block is necessary for initial recovery, injury prevention and improving well-being after training. It includes self-massage of the muscles of the forearm, for which they are perfect - support for the horizontal bar, lower leg, etc., at least 30 massage movements per pain point, as well as passive static stretching - at least 60 seconds for each available area (flexors, extensors, etc.).

    Based on all the above data, let's look at an example of training:

    • Warm-up - 3 minutes of jumping rope + 20 rotations in all joints of the upper shoulder girdle(shoulders-elbows-hands-fingers);
    • Special warm-up- 3 sets of 10-15-20 seconds hanging on the horizontal bar / 3 sets of forearm flexion with a handle from a shovel 10/3 each approach extension of the fingers with clerical rubber bands, 15 each (smoothly increase the number) - rest according to well-being;
    • Workout - 3 sets of hanging on the horizontal bar 40 seconds work / 80 seconds rest; 3 sets of bending on the forearms with a handle from a shovel 3x50 after 2 minutes of rest; extension of fingers with rubber bands 3x50 after 2 minutes of rest;
    • Hitch - self-massage of 30 movements for each pain point; flexor and extensor stretch 3 x 60 seconds per area.

    Considering that under such loads, not only muscles, but ligaments and tendons are restored, it is advisable to first stop at one workout per week, and only after the body adapts to smoothly switch to two, increase the number of exercises and approaches.

    A little advice in the end - do not forget about the general level physical training, and also for the sake of what you started all this. After all, it is much easier to achieve results by training the whole body, and not just the hand, and at the same time see motivation in the form of a personal goal.

    Summing up. Strong grip and developed muscles of the forearm, an integral part healthy person. In this article, we looked at how to train at home, what exercises to make up a workout from, and what things you should pay attention to. The main thing is that we managed to prove that this is possible and there are no barriers to this if you need the desire and the goal set. Train smartly and gradually, the result will not be long in coming. Good luck!
