Big Russian ring. big ring

Big Russian Ring in Tver (VIDEO and PHOTO)

At the qualifying competitions in the Big Russian Ring discipline, held on July 16, 2017 in Tver, a dozen and a half dogs from Moscow, the Moscow region and the Tver region demonstrated their ability to protect the owner from one or several attackers. The best moments of these competitions in photos and videos, interviews with the chief judge, as well as the list of winners, see below.

The participants were divided into three classes: A (for experienced dogs that have already scored at least 61 points in previous competitions), B (for beginners) and class C (for complete beginners). The last class was experimental, its program was simplified, and participation in it went beyond qualification. But in all three classes the performances were interesting. Video and photo evidence of this is given below.

Video report and interview with the chief judge

A figurant with a "psychic weapon" in an ambush

Where to bite?

In hand!

On the start line

Bravely, comrades, keep up!

Obedience under the watchful eye of the judge

Look what a wand I have!

Only the owner's team can unclench the iron grip

Ah, are you two on one? Then blame yourself!

Judicial Council

Creative stuffed animal could not embarrass any dog

Take off your jacket, it's hot today

Helper dog friend

First second of launch

Who will win?

You lie, you won't leave!

I give up!

Meanwhile, behind the fence...

New figurine figure

For help!

Emotional explanation to the participant of mistakes in the speech

Final build

Presentation of awards for participation

What does the prize smell like? - Of course, victory!


Class A - 6 dogs.
1st place - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - GARDERUS GYURZA-TROW - 89 points. Athlete — Dorofeev V., Moscow
2nd place - East European Shepherd Dog - MONSHER VIRSAL ELISEY - 84 points. Athlete — Garkusha I., Moscow
3rd place - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - RINKA - 84 points. Athlete — Dorofeev V., Moscow

Class "A" winners

Class B - 6 dogs.
1st place - German Shepherd GERDA - 88 points. Athlete - Ryazanov S., Rzhev.
The remaining participants, unfortunately, did not score the required number of points for qualification.

Class "B" winners

Class C (corrective) - 3 dogs.
1st place - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - GARDERUS ILADA-TROW. Athlete Stolyarova N. Rzhev
2nd place - German Shepherd - FRY WIND ERNAR. Athlete Razvodov V. Tver
3rd place - Giant Schnauzer Astershwarts Zheskar. Athlete Kryukova Yu. Moscow.

Class "C" winners

Portal "ZooTver" congratulates the winners of the competition!

NOVEMBER 02, 2006


"Big Ring"

1.1. The Big Ring competition is a championship
trainers with dogs according to complicated standards of protective
1.2. Sports goals of the "Big Ring" - to identify:
. dog skill
. the quality of their training
. trainer abilities
. and, above all, the innate qualities of the dog

1.3. These provisions are developed by the Big Ring Federation and
"Mondioringa", are the highest expert and appellate
authority for competitions "Big Ring" (hereinafter BR).
1.4. To monitor compliance with these rules and organize
judicial and expert work in competitions "Big Ring"
The Federation of the "Big Ring" and "Mondioring" forms the Control and
The Expert Council (hereinafter referred to as EC) of the Big Ring, acting from
on behalf of and on behalf of the Federation of the "Big Ring" and "Mondioring".
1.5. By the nature of the "Big Ring" competitions can be personal, team and personal-team.

1.6. The nature and status of the competition in each individual case is determined by the Regulations on these competitions.
1.7. Competitions in the "Big Ring" are held in two groups:
Group 1 (class "A") - All-Russian, regional, rating competitions. To participate in class "A" athletes are allowed who have passed the qualifying selection (i.e. scored at least 61 points) at any competitions of the "Big Ring" and having a mark about it in the qualification book.
Group 2 (class "B") - qualifying competitions.
Any unqualified athlete who has registered at any Big Ring competition and received a qualification book can take part in the "B" class.
1.8. An athlete who has a qualification mark can compete in class "B" out of standings.
1.9. Assignment of titles to BR is carried out by the Presidium of the Federation of the "Big Ring" and "Mondioring" on the proposal of the IES.


General provisions

2.1. Competition organizer.
A legal entity whose rights to hold a competition of this type are confirmed by IES can act as an organizer of the Big Ring competition. Registration and financing of all economic activities related to the competition is carried out by the Organizer in accordance with the Charter.
2.2. Competition regulations- a document developed on the basis of these
rules, and explaining:
. nature and system of competition
. goals, objectives and status of the competition
. dates and place of the competition
. competition management
. conditions for admission to competitions, rules for submitting applications
. competition procedure
. summarizing procedure
. award procedure
. security measures.
The competition regulations are a mandatory document for both the Organizer and the Referee team of the commission and the athletes of the competition. The provisions of the Regulations should be guided by the analysis of complaints and appeals. In case of discrepancies between the Regulations and these Rules, the BR Rules shall prevail.
2.3. Responsibility of the Organizing Committee to IES:
. The Organizing Committee is obliged to send a request to the IES in a timely manner
permission to compete.
. The Organizing Committee is obliged to notify the IES in a timely manner of the place and time
competitions and the number of registered
. The organizing committee is obliged to form an expert group in a timely manner,
necessary for the competition.
. The Organizing Committee is obliged to ensure the work of judges, including in case of
their travel and accommodation needs.
. The organizing committee is obliged to provide (together with the expert board)
report on the competition and its results.
2.4. IES Responsibility:
. IES is obliged to promptly respond to requests from the Organizer and
Organizing Committee.
. Provide the Organizing Committee with all the necessary information and
. Provide competitions with standard diplomas, as well as badges
differences, if this is provided for by the relationship between the Organizer and

Competition officials

2.5. Organizing Committee:
For the preparation and holding of competitions, the Organizer creates
BR Organizing Committee consisting of:
. Chairman.
. Competition Secretary.
. Competition Commander.
. Competition vet.
. Competition doctor.
2.6. Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
. Manages the activities of the Organizing Committee.
. Signs all official reports and requests submitted
Organizing Committee at IES.
. Bears full responsibility for the conduct of competitions in
in accordance with these rules, to the extent not related to
actual judging.
. Reports to the Organizer on all financial and
economic activities related to the competition.
2.7. Commission secretary:
. Forms and distributes the "Regulations of the competition".
. Carries out registration of athletes of competitions.
. Forms and issues a catalog of competition athletes.
. Provides the preparation of diploma documents.
. Organizes registration and awarding of winners and prize-winners
2.8. Competition Commander:
. Solves the issues of rent, supply of competitions with the necessary
inventory and consumables.
. Decides on the placement of athletes and judges.
. Resolves athlete safety issues.
2.9. Competition Veterinarian:
. Formulates veterinary requirements for participants
. Provides veterinary access to competitions.
. Provides veterinary care when needed
competition athletes.
. In case of veterinary contraindications, removes
competition dog.

2.10. Competition Doctor:
. Provides medical admission to competitions.
. Provides emergency medical care.
. Monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions.
. If necessary, apply to the Chief Judge with a petition
on doping control.
2.11. Members of the Organizing Committee have the right to involve in their work the necessary
employees, subject to agreement with the Organizer.
2.12. It is allowed to combine positions within the Organizing Committee.
2.13. The doctor and veterinarian must have the appropriate
professional knowledge and skills.


2.14. Any athlete who meets the requirements of the Rules and Regulations may be allowed to participate in the competition.
2.15. The competitor must:
. Know and strictly follow the BR Competition Rules.
. Comply with the requirements of the officials of the BR Organizing Committee and the Main
Expert Team.
. Closely follow the announcements of the informant judge and
Arrive at the start line on time.
. Skillfully handle the dog, avoid rough exposure and
excessive coercion.
. Comply with generally accepted norms of behavior in relation to
officials of the BR Organizing Committee, members of the refereeing team,
competitors, spectators.
. Follow the instructions of the representative (captain) of your team.
. Take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of others
trainers and their dogs.
. By decision of the Chief Referee, undergo anti-doping control.
2.16. Team - a group of competitors representing some
either an organization or a voluntary organization. When submitting an application, the team must
indicate your representative (captain).
2.17. Representative (captain) of the team - a person representing the team during
relationship with the organizer and the refereeing team. Representative
teams can simultaneously be one of the participants in the competition.
2.18. The representative (captain) of the team must:
. Provide operational leadership to the team.
. Participate in draws and meetings.
. Represent the interests of the team in front of the Organizing Committee and the judging panel
2.19. Only physically healthy dogs from 18 years old are allowed to compete.
months up to 8 years (inclusive), who have passed veterinary control, have
diplomas of the established sample on disciplinary and protective services.
It is not allowed to participate in competitions of flowing, empty and whelping bitches.
2.20. During the competition, a dog outside the competition area must
be on a short leash or tied. The athlete must have a muzzle for the dog.


3.1. Referee team.
The judging panel is formed by the IES at the request of the Organizing Committee, consisting of:
. Chief Judge
. Deputy Chief Judge
. Chief Secretary
. informant judge
. 3 lines judges
. Judge-timekeeper
. Judges at the start line
. Judges at the participants.
3.2. It is allowed to have assistants in the composition of the refereeing team,
trainees, alternate judges as non-voting members.
3.3. The refereeing team, headed by the Chief Referee, is guided in its
activity by these Rules and provisions of the Regulations.
Requirements of members of the judging panel, not related to questions
economic, medical and veterinary plan are
mandatory for the officials of the Organizing Committee,
competitors, team representatives and spectators.
3.4. Members of the judging panel are required to:

· Be impartial, create equal conditions for all participants in the competition.

· Observe the generally accepted norms of behavior in relation to the Organizing Committee, other members of the refereeing team, participants and spectators.

· Limit communication with the participants of the competition within the framework of these Rules, refrain from giving advice and comments.

· Observe discipline, unquestioningly carry out the orders of the Chief Judge, his deputy and the Chief Secretary.

3.5. Chief judge of the competition:

· Carries out general management of the GEB, judges and their assistants.

· Conducts briefing of judges and figurants.

· Conducts a draw of exercise options and determines the competition program.

· Checks the correctness of preparation for competitions, their provision, preparation and marking of sites and zones.

· Signs certificates, diplomas and final documents.

· Controls the correctness of refereeing and determination of personal and team results.

· Determines the order in which line judges work.

· Carries out the draw of figurants (the order of their work).

· Checks the ammunition (protective jackets, pants, etc.) of the defendants, stacks and protection worn under jackets.

· Examines submitted applications and protests and makes decisions on them.

3.6. The chief judge has the right:

· Make changes to the schedule of competitions, postpone and cancel them in case of unavailability for their holding, gross violations during the preparation of competitions, adverse meteorological conditions.

· Suspend members of the refereeing team and defendants from refereeing for bias, gross errors, inappropriate behavior.

· Change judges.

· Suspend athletes who violate these rules from participation in competitions.

· On the recommendation of a doctor (veterinarian), initiate a doping control.

· Has the right to review the assessment of any judge and appoint:

your assessment;

Repeat exercise.

3.7. Deputy Chief Judge - performs certain functions of the Chief Judge, acting on his behalf and on his behalf.

3.8. Chief Secretary:

· Responsible for documentary support of competitions.

· Participates in the work of the credentials committee.

· Instructs secretaries.

· Organizes the draw of teams and participants in the individual competition.

· Prepares summary protocols and determines individual and team results of competitions.

· Organizes the execution and signing of all the final documents of the competition.

· Prepares and provides all the necessary information about the course and results of the competition.

· Keeps and draws up the minutes of the meetings of the judiciary team.

· Accepts and registers received protests and reports them to the Chief Judge.

3.9. If necessary, technical staff is provided to assist the Chief Secretary.

3.10. Informant Judge:

· Notifies spectators and participants about the progress of the competition.

· Announces preliminary and final results of the exercises.

· Explains to the audience the features and meaning of each exercise.

· Introduces the audience to the participants of the competition.

· Supervises the actions of the participants in accordance with the Competition Rules.

3.11. Linesman:

· Evaluates the performance of the exercise in accordance with the Competition Rules.

· The first and second exercises are evaluated by the first line judge.

· The third exercise is evaluated by the second line judge.

· The fourth exercise is evaluated by the third line judge.

· The order of work of line judges is determined by the Chief Judge of the competition.

3.12. Judge with participants:

· Ensures readiness for the start of the next participant.

· Monitors compliance with the rules of the competition and the order at the start line.

3.13. Judge-timekeeper:

· In accordance with the Competition Rules, he counts the time intervals.

3.14. Judge at the start line:

· Follows the actions of athletes on the start line in accordance with the Competition Rules.

3.15. Secretary:

· Maintains and processes the protocol of the competition.

· Fills out score sheets.

3.16. IES representative - competition inspector:

· Supervises the conduct of competitions in the spirit and in accordance with these Rules.

Applications, protests and penalties.

3.17. If the participants and representatives (captains) of the teams have doubts about the observance of these Rules and the Regulations of the competition, as well as the correctness of the actions of the members of the Organizing Committee and members of the refereeing team, the participant or representative (captain) of the team has the right to ask a question, protest or appeal.

3.18. A participant or a representative (captain) of the team, when filing a protest or appeal, must refer to the paragraph of these Rules or the provision of the Regulations, which, in his opinion, has been violated.

3.19. Questions about the conduct of the competition may be addressed to the Chief Judge or his deputy. In the event that the issue cannot be resolved on the spot, its consideration is rejected until a written protest is submitted.

3.20. A protest must be submitted in writing no later than one hour after the incident and before the official end of the competition.

3.21. The protest is addressed to the Chief Judge and submitted to the Appeal Commission, which is obliged to set the time and date of receipt of the protest, notify the Chief Judge of the receipt of the protest, and carry out the necessary preparatory work to resolve the incident.

3.22. The results of the protest analysis are included in the final protocol of the competition.

Preparatory part

4.1. Registration of participants in the competition begins at least two
hours before the official opening of the competition and is carried out by the secretary
Organizing Committee.
4.2. During registration, the dogs of the participants must pass the necessary
veterinary control defined by these Rules and
Competition regulations.
4.3. At the same time, the Chief Judge, together with a representative of the Organizing Committee
checks the readiness for the competition, the correct marking of the sites and
zones, the availability and sufficiency of the necessary equipment and consumables
4.4. At the same time, the Chief Secretary begins the registration of arrivals
members of the refereeing team, trainees and defendants.
4.5. One hour before the start of the competition:
. The Secretary of the Organizing Committee passes to the Chief Secretary the expert
brigade registration protocol
. The Chief Secretary hands over the registration sheets to the Chief Judge.
judges, trainees and defendants
. The Chief Secretary starts the draw of participants, unless otherwise
determined by the Regulation
. The chief referee conducts the draw of exercises
. The chief referee begins briefing the members of the refereeing team and
4.6. 15 minutes before the start of the competition:
. The chief secretary hands over the start lists to the chief referee
. The chief referee decides the final line-up
of the referee team and signs the protocol of the formation of the referee team
. The chief secretary instructs the secretaries.

Main part

4.7. The competition begins with the general construction of the participants, on which
the conditions for performing the exercises are announced, the referee's
4.8. Participants, in accordance with the commands of the referee team, perform
exercises provided by the competition program.
4.9. The competition ends with the announcement of the scores of each participant and
rewarding participants.
4.10. Based on the results of the competition, the Chief Secretary draws up and together with
Chief Judge signs:
. Final Protocol
. Protocol for evaluating the work of judges
. Award list
4.11. The final protocol is drawn up in two copies and submitted
IES and the Competition Organizer. The final protocol serves as the basis
to grant sports and special ranks and titles.

Exercise evaluation

Maximum assessment of exercises: 1 exercise - 20b., 2 exercise - 20b., 3 exercise - 20b., 4 exercise - 40b ... total: 100 points.

Minimum passing score: 1 ex.-10b., 2 ex.-10b., 3 ex.-10b., 4 ex.-20b ...

If a passing score is not scored on an exercise, the athlete is not allowed to the next exercise, and the points of this exercise are not added to the total amount of points scored by the athlete in the previous exercises.

4.12. The exercise of each participant receives an independent assessment
line judges.
4.13. The result of the competitor is determined by summing
points earned for each exercise.
4.14. Individual championship is determined by the maximum result
participant in the competition. The distribution of places is carried out according to
points scored.
4.15. The winner of the team championship is determined by the sum of points,
recruited by the top three team members in the individual championship.
4.16. In case of equality of points scored by the teams,
additional exercise - "Front attack" (one team performs
representative). The title of the Winner is determined by the voting of the linemen.
referees with the participation of the Chief Referee and his Deputy. In case of equality of the best results, the first place and the title of the Winner are determined by the vote of the judges, each of which assigns an ordinal place to the applicants. The same procedure is carried out when determining the winner in the individual competition.

Competition area markings

4.17. The competition area is a rectangle 25x50-60 m. The internal marking of the area can be universal, or
match the specific exercise. The markup method is left to
the Organizer's discretion.
4.18. Start line 1 is considered to be one of the short sides of the court.
Start line 2 - is carried out parallel to the start line 1 at a distance of 10-12m. from her.
4.19. The activity line is drawn parallel to the start line 2 at a distance
15-25m. from her. On the line of activity (in the center) there is a shelter for figures 2.5-3m in size. in length and not less than 1m.90cm. in height.
4.20. The passivity line is the side of the site opposite the start line 1. The passivity zone with a radius of 2m is marked on the passivity line. The location of the cover and passivity zone must be such that the passivity zone is visible from the middle of start line 2.
4.21. Additionally, places can be marked on the site
the location of the figurants during the exercises.
4.22. Athletes perform one of the exercise options, determined
4.23. When performing exercises, the defendants work in special
suits, work in protective helmets is allowed. Depending on the
the difficulty of performing the exercises, the Chief Referee has the right to oblige
figurants to work in protective helmets. The manner of fighting the defendants with
the dog is approved by the Chief Judge. As a complication, evasion from the dog before the first bite, work with “opposite move”, “onslaught”, “rotation” can be used.
In exercise No. 2, the helper works with the starting pistol.
In exercise No. 3, the decoys work with a bamboo rattle.

In exercise No. 4, the figurants work with a standard stack.
4.24. When performing all variants of exercises, the figurants are prohibited from
strike the dog on the paws and head and use techniques that are dangerous to the health of the dog.

4.25. When performing all exercises in the hands of the participant should not have
foreign objects (leash, toy, ball, etc.) with the exception of
4.26. During the exercise, the dog must be in a soft
collar or jerk chain.
4.27. An athlete and a dog that scored a passing score in the previous exercise are allowed to each next exercise.

4.28. An athlete and a dog that does not score a passing score on one of the exercises may be allowed to perform the following exercises out of standings.

The decision on this is made by the Referee team before the start of the competition, which is reported at the general formation.



(Maximum rating -20 points, passing score10 )

Purpose of the exercise: checking the dog for social security.

In accordance with the decision of the Chief Judge of the competition, the helpers can be anywhere on the site - stand, sit, move, make natural movements that do not provoke the dog to aggression.

During the exercise, the dog may be on a short leash or without a leash at the decision of the Chief Judge.

Dog management.

  • Basic position: the dog sits at the athlete's leg, the dog's shoulder should be at the level of the knee.
  • At the beginning of the movement, during the change of its direction and suspensions, it is allowed to give the dog one command at a time. Additional teams are penalized.
  • When moving, the shoulder of the dog must be at the level of the knee of the athlete, deviations to the side are penalized.
  • When performing options B and C during intermediate landing or laying, the handler gives the dog a command to land or lay. In the case when the handler stops and gives the dog the command “close”, “sit” or “down”, this should be regarded as an additional command.

Option A.

  1. In accordance with the markings, the athlete makes at least two turns, goes to the start line 2 and stops.
  2. After stopping the dog takes the basic position.
  3. The judge-informant gives the command "for the collar".

Option B.

  1. Starting position (IP) - the athlete is on the start line 1. The dog is in the main position.
  2. At the referee's command, the handler starts moving towards the start line 2. The dog moves at the handler's feet.
  3. The handler goes with the dog to the center of the exercise area and sits the dog down.
  4. After checking the skill, at the command of the judge-informer, the athlete continues to move to the start line 2. The dog moves at the athlete's foot.
  5. Judging ends after taking the starting position and taking the dog by the collar.

Option B.

  1. Starting position (IP) - the athlete is on the start line 1. The dog is in the main position.
  2. At the referee's command, the handler starts moving towards the start line 2. The dog moves at the handler's feet.
  3. The handler enters the center of the exercise area with the dog and lays down the dog.
  4. After checking the skill, at the command of the judge-informer, the athlete continues to move to the start line 2. The dog moves at the athlete's foot.
  5. The handler completes the movement at the start line 2. After stopping, the dog assumes the basic position.
  6. The informing judge gives the command “for the collar”.
  7. Judging ends after taking the starting position and taking the dog by the collar.

Penalty points.

1. Each additional team - 1 point for each team

2. Each additional impact - 1 point for each impact

3. The dog pulls on the leash or

moves away from the athlete by more than

half of the body - 1 point for each mistake

4. Changing the basic position

before taking the collar - 1 point

5. The dog moves away from the handler more,

than one meter - 3 points for each


6. "Adjusting" the athlete to the dog - 5 points

7. Mechanical impact on the dog- 20 points

8. Premature Line Crossing

start by 1 athlete -20 points

9. Failure to perform a skill on any

section of the exercise20 points

10. Crossing by an athlete or a dog

side lines - 20 points

11. The dog leaves on its own

boxing ring- 20 points

disqualifying actions.

  1. Absence from the start line within 1 minute after the announcement of the EI.
  2. Rough treatment of a dog.

4. Unethical behavior of an athlete.


(Maximum rating -20 points, passing score -10 ).

Purpose of the exercise: checking the quality of the dog attack.

The task of the helper is to reveal the attacking capabilities of the dog.

When performing exercise No. 2, the helper works with the starting pistol. Two shots fired:

Dog management.

  • The handler instructs the dog to stop at the completion of the skill test.
  • The athlete's commands during the exercise are not regulated.

Option A. "Unexpected attack."

  1. At the command of the referee-informer, the helper attacks the athlete from the shelter, clearly demonstrating aggression, and fires a shot.
  2. After that, by the command of the judges, sportsman release the dog immediately. The dog must fight with the helper and repel the attack, holding him with a grip. Before the bite, the decoy does "dodges" from the dog, after which he continues to attack the dog. After the grip, the decoy fires a second shot, enters the fight with the dog, threatening it.
  3. In the absence of a bite or its termination, the decoy continues to attack the dog until the SI command "stop".

Option B. "Front attack".

1. The handler stands at start line 2 holding the dog by the collar.

2. At the command of the judge-informer, the helper approaches the athlete from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, turns around and runs away towards the zone of passivity.

3. 5-7 steps before the passivity zone, the decoy fires a pistol shot.After that, by the command of the judge,

4. After running 2-3 steps, the decoy turns around, runs towards the dog, threatening it. The dog must repel the attack by fighting with the helper and holding him with his grip.

5. From the moment of the bite, the decoy fires a second shot, enters into a fight with the dog, threatening it and trying to intimidate it.

6. In the absence of a bite or its termination, the decoy continues to attack the dog until the SI command “stop”.

7. At the command of the referee-informant to “stop”, the helper stops and stops any actions. At the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option B. "Pursuit of the evader."

  1. The handler stands at start line 2 holding the dog by the collar.
  2. At the command of the judge-informer, the decoy approaches the athlete from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, fires one shot, turns around and runs away towards the zone of passivity.After the shot, by the command of the judges, the athlete immediately releases the dog for detention.
  3. The dog must catch up with the helper and fight with him, holding him with his grip.
  4. From the moment of the grip, the helper makes the second shot, enters the fight with the dog, threatening it.
  5. In the event of a break in the grip, the helper, ignoring the actions of the dog, tries to run beyond the line of passivity.
  6. On the command of the informing judge to “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.
  7. If the dog did not fight with the helper (did not make a bite) before the helper reached the zone of passivity, the informing judge gives the command “stop”, the helper stops and the exercise ends.

Calculation of penalty points.

figurant - 6 points

2. Unsure, cautious, "aiming"

grip - 3 points

etc.) - 2 points

give me a sec

on termination of detention (regardless of the number of

attempts) - 0.5 points

11. Mechanical impact of the trainer for

stopping the dog's grip20 points

12. Lack of grip -20 points

13. Delaying the release of the dog for detention by more than

2 seconds- 20 points

14. Crossing the start line by the athlete before the team

20 points

15. Moving on the start line-20 points

16. The dog leaves the ring on its own -20 points

Disqualifying actions

1. Absence from the start line within one minute after the announcement of the informing judge.

2. The struggle of an athlete with a figurant.

3. Aggression against members of the referee team.

4. Rough treatment of a dog.


(Maximum rating -20 points, passing score -10 )

Purpose of the exercise: owner protection.

When performing exercise No. 3, the decoys work with bamboo rattles.

Dog management:

  • The handler gives the command to the dog when starting to arrest.
  • The handler instructs the dog to stop at the completion of the skill test.
  • The sportsman performs a mechanical action on the dog (holding the collar) at the beginning of the skill and at its completion.

Option A. "Cutoff".

  1. At the signal of the judge-informant, helper No. 1 appears from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, runs along the shortest path to the zone of passivity, where he stops, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.
  2. After the appearance of the figurant from the shelter,by the command judges, the athlete immediately releases the dog for detention.
  3. After the dog crosses the line of activity, helper No. 2 runs around the shelter and attacks the handler.
  4. From the moment the helper No. 2 appears, the athlete has the right to switch the dog’s attention to the helper No. 1 in any way, but must not cross the start line, as well as move along it.
  5. The dog is not obliged to hold helper no. 1 for a long time, but must prevent or stop the attack on the athlete of helper no. 2 with a bite. The dog's fighting style does not matter.

7.From the moment of the grip, the helper No. 2 begins to move in a "counter-move" towards

dog or rotation, threatening her with a ratchet without striking.

8. If the dog did not have time to make contact with helper No. 2, then the last

simulates blows to the athlete with a ratchet with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four blows). If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the athlete.

9. At the command of the referee-informant to “stop”, the decoy stops and stops

any action. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it for


Note: Compulsory grip on the first person involved is determined by the Chief Judge. The quality of the grip on the first helper is not evaluated. The task of the dog is to prevent an attack on the athlete of helper No. 2.

Option B. "Exit of two."

  1. The athlete goes to the start line 2, holding the dog by the collar, two decoys are on different sides of the shelter, six meters from the activity line.
  2. At the signal of the judge-informer, the defendants, demonstrating aggressive behavior, move towards the athlete, threatening with rattles.
  3. When crossing the cover line, team judges,sportsmanimmediately sends the dog for detention.
  4. After the dog has chosen an object for attack, i.e. made a grip on the helper, the helper, who was not attacked (defeatist No. 2), attacks the athlete. From this moment on, helper No. 1 is obliged to remain still, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.
  5. From this moment on, the athlete has the right to switch the dog's attention to helper No. 2 in any way, but must not cross the start line, as well as move along it.
  6. In the absence of a grip on one of the defendants, the latter continue to move towards the start line 2, at the intersection of which the SI command “stop” follows and the exercise ends.
  7. From the moment of the grip, the helper No. 2 begins to move in the "counter-move" towards the dog or rotate, threatening it with a ratchet, without striking.

If the dog did not have time to make contact with helper No. 2, then the latter imitates hits on the athlete with a ratchet with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four hits). If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the athlete.

  1. On the command of the judge - informant to “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Note: the quality of the grip on the first helper is not evaluated.

Dog task:

  1. attack the helper No. 1;
  2. to prevent an attack on the athlete of defendant No. 2.

Option B. "Two shelters."

  1. The handler comes to start line 2 holding the dog by the collar.
  2. The figurants are near the shelter, on different sides of it. Having made a menacing swing, they go into cover at a distance of four meters from the line of activity.
  3. by the command of the judges,sportsmanimmediately sends the dog for detention.
  4. When the dog crosses the line of cover, the helper closest to it (from now on helper No. 1) attacks it, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.
  5. After the dog has chosen an object for attack, i.e. made a grip, the helper, who was not attacked (figure No. 2), runs around the shelter and attacks the athlete. From this moment, helper No. 1 is obliged to remain still, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.
  6. If the dog did not attack the helper, i.e. didn’t bite, helper No. 1, attacking the dog, pushes it in the shelter zone, threatening with a ratchet until the SI command “stop”.
  7. From the moment the helper No. 2 appears, the athlete has the right to switch the dog’s attention to the helper No. 2 in any way, but must not cross the start line, as well as move along it.
  8. The dog must prevent or stop the attack on the athlete of the helper No. 2 with its grip. The dog's fighting style does not matter.
  9. From the moment of the grip, the helper No. 2 starts moving in a "counter-move" towards the dog or rotation, threatening it with a ratchet, without striking.
  10. If the dog did not have time to make contact with helper No. 2, then the latter imitates hits on the athlete with a ratchet with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four hits). If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the athlete.
  11. On the command of the judge-informant to “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Note: the quality of the grip on the helper No. 1 is not evaluated.

Dog task:

  1. attack the helper No. 1;
  2. to prevent an attack on the athlete of the helper No. 2.

Calculation of penalty points.

1. Termination of the grip as a result of resistance

figurant - 6 points

2.Unsure, cautious, "aiming"

grip - 3 points

3. Termination and resumption of grip as a result

resistance of the helper - 3 points

4. Termination of the grip after the SI command “stop”

to the athlete's team - 2 points

5. Sluggish, inactive, formal struggle with the defendant - 2 points

6. Formal work - 2 points

7. Incorrect eating (the athlete runs after the dog and

etc.) - 2 points

8. Reach (reducing the depth of capture, switching

to another part of the body. With a good grip, the grip in

the side of the recess is not penalized). - 1 point

9. Dog recall for more than 15 sec. after

commands of the judge-informer "stop" - 1 point for each

give me a sec

10. Resumption of the grip after the command of the athlete

attempts) - 0.5 points

11. For the first missed hit on the athlete - 1 point

12. For the second missed hit on the athlete - 2 points

13. For the third missed hit on the athlete - 3 points

14. Fourth missed hit on an athlete- 20 points

15. The mechanical impact of the trainer for

stopping the dog's grip20 points

16.Lack of grip-20 points

17. Delaying the release of the dog for detention by more than

2 seconds-20 points

18. Crossing the start line by the athlete before the team

judge-informant "stop" -20 points

19. Moving on the start line-20 points

20. The dog leaves the ring on its own -20 points

Disqualifying actions

5. Unethical behavior of an athlete.


(Maximum rating -40 points, passing score20 )

Purpose of the exercise: Comprehensive check of the work of the dog.

When performing exercise No. 4, the defendants work with standard stacks.

Dog management:

  • The athlete gives the command to the dog at the start of the detention.
  • The handler instructs the dog to stop at the completion of the skill test.
  • The sportsman exercises a mechanical impact on the dog (holding the collar) at the beginning of the skill and at its completion.
  • The athlete's commands during the performance of the skill are not regulated.

Option A. "Triangle".

  1. The handler comes to the start line2 holding the dog by the collar.
  2. Three helpers are located along the vertices of an isosceles triangle: two - 1.5 m from the start line 2 on the boundaries of the site; the third - in the near zone of activity at a distance of ten meters from the athlete. The locations of the defendants are indicated by flags F 1, F 2, F3.
  3. At the signal of the judge-informer, the defendant No. 1 attacks the athlete.At the command of the referee,dogimmediately placed under arrest. If the helper is chosen incorrectly by the dog, helper No. 1 continues to attack the handler. The sportsman in any way can influence the dog to switch its attention to the attacker. If the dog managed to repel the attack on the athlete

defendant No. 1, then she is penalized for the wrong order of repelling the attack.

  1. After the dog makes hard contact with helper no. 1, the latter “takes” it to flag no. 1, after which helper no. 2 attacks the handler. The dog must release helper no. 1 and attack helper no. figurant No. 2, he begins to imitate hitting the athlete with a standard stack (but not more than four hits).
  2. After the dog makes hard contact with helper No. 2, the latter “takes” it to flag No. 2, after which helper No. 3 attacks it and starts hitting it with a standard stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four beats). If the dog did not counterattack helper No. 3 within 4-5 sec., the judge gives the command "stop" and the exercise ends. The dog must switch to helper no. 3, who then hits it three times with a stack.
  3. The handler has the right to divert the attention of the dog in any way, but must not cross the start line or move along it.
  4. If the dog does not bite, then helper No. 1 stops when he reaches the handler. This ends the arrest. If the dog, having switched to helper No. 3, does not bite within 5-7 seconds, the informing judge gives a command to stop the exercise.
  5. On the command of the SI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Note: The chief referee, by drawing lots, determines the position of the figurant working as the first number. The position of the helper No. 1 can be either to the left of the athlete or to the right. The position of the helper No. 2 is always opposite the athlete 10 m from him. The athlete is forbidden to turn the dog with his hands towards the helper No. 1. .

Option B. "Three in the shelter."

  1. Helper No. 1, being near the shelter, attracts the dog's attention and goes behind the shelter, where two other helpers the command of the judges,dogimmediately placed under arrest.
  2. After the dog crosses the line of cover, decoy #1 attacks it. The dog must make hard contact with helper no. 1 using any manner of arrest. Helper No. 1 is obliged to "lead" the dog out of the shelter area to the flag located four meters from the shelter and stop attacking.
  3. If the dog, having found helper No. 1, does not come into contact with him, the latter, attacking the dog, “takes” it out of the shelter zone, after which the SI gives the command to stop the exercise.
  4. Helper no. 2 is obliged to attack the dog after helper no. 1 has stopped the attack. If the dog does not turn his attention to helper No. 2, then he strikes him with a frequency of once per second with a standard stack (but not more than four strikes). If the dog did not counterattack helper No. 2 within 4-5 sec., the CIO gives the command "stop" and the exercise ends. From the moment the dog has made contact with helper #2, the latter hits it three times with a standard stack and “leads” it into the cover zone.
  5. If the dog, having switched to helper No. 2, does not bite within 5-7 seconds, the CIO gives the command to stop the exercise.
  6. After the dog attacked the helper No. 2 and the latter “led” it into the cover, the helper No. 3, moving along the far arc, runs around the cover and attacks the athlete, imitating hits with a stack with a frequency of one per second (but not more than four hits) . The athlete has the right to switch the dog's attention to helper No. 3 in any way, but must not cross the start line, and also move along it.
  7. The dog must prevent or stop the attack on the athlete of helper No. 3 with its grip. The dog's fighting style does not matter. If the dog loses contact with helper No. 3, he is obliged to continue hitting the athlete.
  8. On the SI command “stop”, the helper stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option B. "Far three".

  1. The athlete goes to the start line, holding the dog by the collar.
  2. On a signal from the SI, helper No. 1 appears from the shelter and, drawing the attention of the dog, runs along the shortest path to the zone of the command of the judges, the athlete immediately releases the dog for detention.
  3. Having reached the zone of passivity, figurant No. 1 turns around. After the dog approaches him, he attacks clearly and unequivocally in an attempt to intimidate him. The dog must make hard contact with helper no. 1 using any manner of arrest.
  4. If there is no grip on the helper No. 1 for 5-7 seconds, the SI gives the command to stop the exercise.
  5. After the dog grabs helper no. 1, helper no. 2 runs out of cover and attacks her. If the dog did not turn its attention to helper No. 2, he strikes it with a standard stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four times). If the dog did not counterattack helper No. 3 within 4-5 sec., the judge gives the command "stop" and the exercise ends. From the moment the dog comes into contact with helper #2, the latter hits it three times with a standard stick.
  6. If the dog, having switched to helper No. 2, does not bite within 5-7 seconds, the CIO gives the command to stop the exercise.
  7. After the dog has attacked helper No. 2, helper No. 3, moving in a far arc, runs around the cover and attacks the athlete, simulating hitting him with a special stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than four times). The athlete has the right to divert the attention of the dog in the figure No. 3 in any way, but must not cross the start line, as well as move along it.
  8. The dog must prevent or stop the attack on the athlete of helper No. 3 with its grip. The dog's fighting style does not matter. If the dog loses contact with helper No. 3, he is obliged to continue hitting the athlete.
  9. On the command of the SI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the athlete recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.


  1. For all variants of exercise No. 4, after the helper of the next sequential number has entered the fight, the helper who is in contact with the dog must stop the activity.
  2. In the event of the dog switching ahead of time to the helper of the next serial number, the helper who is in contact with the dog must stop the activity.
  3. During the execution of options No. 2, No. 3, decoys No. 1 and No. 3 do not have the right to strike the dog; during the execution of option No. 1, decoys No. 1 and No. 2 do not have the right to hit the dog.

Calculation of penalty points.

1. Termination of the grip as a result of resistance

figurant - 6 points

2. Arbitrary, incorrect order of reflection

attacks - 4 points

3. Unsure, cautious, "aiming"

grip - 3 points

4. Termination and resumption of grip as a result

resistance of the helper - 3 points

5. Termination of the grip after the SI command “stop”

to the athlete's team - 2 points

6. Sluggish, inactive, formal struggle with the defendant - 2 points

7. Formal work - 2 points

8. . Incorrect eating (the athlete runs after the dog and

etc.) - 2 points

9. Reach (reducing the depth of capture, switching

to another part of the body. With a good grip, the grip in

the side of the recess is not penalized). - 1 point

10. Dog recall for more than 15 sec. after

commands of the judge-informer "stop" - 1 point for each

give me a sec

11. Renewal of the grasp of the helper of the previous one

numbers after the athlete's command to stop

actions (regardless of the number of attempts) - 1 point

12. Resumption of the grip after the command of the athlete

on termination of actions (regardless of the number

attempts) - 0.5 points

13. For the first hit on the athlete - 1 point

14. For the second missed hit on the athlete - 2 points

15. For the third missed hit on the athlete - 3 points

16. For the fourth missed blow to the athlete -40 points

17. For the first hit on the dog - 1 point

18. For the second hit on the dog - 2 points

19. For the third hit on the dog - 3 points

20. For the fourth hit on the dog-40 points

21. The mechanical impact of the trainer for

stopping the dog's grip40 points

22. Lack of grip on one of the defendants-40 points

23. Delaying the release of the dog for detention by more than

2 seconds-40 points

24. Crossing the start line by the athlete before the team

judge-informant "stop" -40 points

25. Moving on the start line-40 points

26. The dog leaves the ring on its own -40 points

Disqualifying actions

1. Absence from the start line within one minute after the announcement of the informing judge.

2. The struggle of an athlete with a helper.

3. Aggression against members of the refereeing team.

4. Rough handling of the dog

5. Unethical behavior of an athlete.

Notes: Group "B"

The performance of athletes in group "B" is a test for dogs in the "Big Ring" with the issuance of diplomas. Diplomas in the discipline "Big Ring" are given to dogs that have scored at least61 points. Diplomas in the "Big Ring" do not have degrees.

In group "B" passing points for exercises are cancelled. The total amount of points scored by the athlete is taken into account.

In group "B"

I stage. Dogs work only on a leash.

II stage. The decoy fires only one shot.

III stage. Helpers do not intimidate dogs with rattles, but only indicate a threat.

IV stage. Hits with a stack on a dog are not applied.

At all stages of group "B" the decoys work gently, taking the dogs on a bent arm.

The task is not to reveal the courage and fighting spirit of dogs, but to determine the level of their training.

Changes in the Competition Rules were approved by the RKF Presidium on November 2, 2006.

Highlighted in bold text on the text Rules come into force on January 1, 2007.

Does your dog need behavior modification?

Behavior Correction is necessary for the dog in the following cases:

  • dog aggression (toward family members, other dogs, unreasonable aggression towards strangers);
  • phobias and fears (fear of dogs, people, fear of separation, the street, loud noises, certain situations);
  • the dog is not able to calmly stay alone at home;
  • problems of everyday behavior (destructive behavior: the dog gnaws things, furniture, shoes, tail or paws, urination and defecation at home, begging, stealing, etc.)
  • disobedience of the dog (correction of skills is required);
  • bad behavior on a walk (the dog pulls the leash, runs away, is uncontrollable in the presence of other dogs, picks up from the ground, etc.);
  • "causeless" barking of a dog;
  • obsessive states and obsession with something (constantly licking objects or himself, running after his tail, looking for a removed toy for hours, etc.);
  • constant anxiety (the dog constantly whines, worries, hides behind the owner, trembles, etc.);
  • appetite disorders (anorexia, eating inedible objects, coprophagia, etc.)

How to correct your dog's behavior on your own?

Practice shows that successful cases of behavior modification by the owner are rare, but deterioration in the behavior of dogs after self-correction is observed in almost 90% of cases, and sometimes to such an extent that the owner can no longer keep the dog.

Deviant (deviant) behavior can be caused by various reasons, so it is important that the owner deals with the correction of the dog's behavior under the guidance of a specialist who will understand the causes of the behavior and select the appropriate methods to eliminate or minimize it. For example, aggression in dogs can be hierarchical, territorial, parental, food, play, hunting, defensive, conditional (instrumental), or generally be one of the signs of the disease. Correction will depend on the type of aggression, and the methods of correcting the dog's behavior will vary, even to the opposite.

What is the beginning of the correction of the behavior of the dog?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude medical prerequisites, that is, to make sure that the dog is healthy. For example, pissing all over the apartment can be caused by urinary tract disease, aggression is sometimes due to the pain experienced by a sick animal, and compulsive picking up from the ground can be caused by poor absorption of nutrients. The dog handler is not a veterinarian, but he can tell you in which cases you need to see a doctor, and in which the dog needs behavior correction.

It is also necessary to check whether you feed and maintain the dog properly. An unbalanced diet can cause a variety of unwanted behaviors, from compulsive picking up from the ground and eating inedible objects, to behavioral problems due to changes in the dog's nervous system (yes, the wrong diet can cause such changes).

Where do behavioral problems in dogs come from?

  • Many problems start because the owner does not know about some aspects of keeping the dog or deliberately ignores the need for changes in the walking or feeding regimen. For example, all dogs should be able to satisfy their need for physical activity, but the German Shepherd and the English Bulldog have completely different levels of this need. Therefore, if you lead a calm lifestyle and do not like long active walks, the German Shepherd is not your breed.
  • One of the most common causes of various deviations in behavior is that the owner does not pay enough attention to the upbringing, development of the dog, and its socialization. If the dog in puppyhood did not communicate with other dogs, if the dog does not walk or walks for 20 minutes a day, expect behavioral problems for it. If you have never limited your beloved dog in anything, be prepared for neuroses and / or dominant behavior. If you are a supporter of dog suppression and harsh forceful influences for any reason - do not expect the dog to respect you, trust you and obey you, instead expect running away on walks, neuroses and aggression due to self-defense. By the way, since we are talking about this, there are no breeds whose representatives need to be “suppressed in their youth, otherwise they will gobble up” and “break” at some age. You need to consistently and competently educate the dog from the first day of the appearance in your house, and then the dog's behavior correction is simply not needed.
  • It also happens that the owner interprets the absolutely normal behavior of the dog as deviant. For example, the owner of a 4-month-old male American Staffordshire Terrier turned to us because his dog did nothing to protect him during simulated attacks on the owner on a walk. The owner, not knowing anything about the psychology of dogs, considered that she needed behavior correction.
  • Often behavioral problems arise due to the fact that the owner does not give the dog the opportunity to satisfy the natural needs of nature. Our task is to tell you at the consultation about the needs of the dog, about how to give it the opportunity to satisfy them in a way that is acceptable to us, what consequences await a dog that is unable to satisfy one or another need. For example, a predator has a highly developed food-producing need (not to be confused with food). Most often this is manifested by picking up from the ground. It is impossible to simply take and turn off this need, which means that you need to come up with a way to satisfy it that is safe for the dog. This can be training with treats, games to find treats, and so on.
  • Another reason for dog problems is the psychological attitudes of the owner. If the owner has some beliefs about how the dog should behave, but for some reason it does not behave this way, this leads to dissatisfaction with the dog, the dog, in turn, feeling the owner’s displeasure, falls into a state of anxiety, acquires behavioral problems. The classic example is "the dog must protect me because he is a dog." Our task is to explain what dog behavior is achievable and what is not, how to get the desired behavior from the dog.
  • If the owner is aggressive, morally unstable, anxious, one should not expect balance and calm behavior from his dog.
  • Often dogs come with neuroses that have developed due to the inconsistency of the owners in their upbringing. For example, yesterday I was in a good mood, and I let the dog lie on the couch. And today I have troubles at work, and the dog that climbed onto the sofa was severely expelled from there and punished. Such things disorientate the dog, she ceases to understand what is possible and what is not, what place she occupies in the family, as a result, we get anxiety, and then it all depends on individual characteristics - for example, a dog can start dismantling an apartment.

And this, of course, is not all the reasons.

How can you prevent behavior problems in your dog?

Keep the dog, taking into account its needs, socialize correctly and in a timely manner, develop, load both the body and the brain, and educate.

If the puppy is properly selected, adequately raised, and kept taking into account his physical and mental needs, the risk of behavioral deviations, and hence the need for subsequent behavioral correction, is practically absent.

Prevention of behavioral problems starts with choosing the right puppy.

A little about needs. A dog is a social animal, it must communicate and interact with other dogs. She must explore the environment, collect information about the world. She should move as much as she needs, depending on the breed, age, temperament, state of health. In addition to physical activity, you need to load the dog's brain - set various tasks for it, engage in training, educational and search games. Be sure to visit a variety of places, to acquaint with a large number of irritants. Only in this way will we get a healthy, stress-resistant, mentally developed, self-confident dog. It is impossible to expect normal behavior from a dog that has been walking the same route for years, on a short leash and wearing a muzzle.

What else does the owner of a "difficult" dog need to know?

Remember that a dog never does anything out of revenge or out of harm, in our understanding of these words. That she has no guilt. That she cannot evaluate events and her behavior according to the principle of "good - bad." She is either pleased or unpleasant, her behavior is either effective or ineffective.

The sooner you start working on your dog's behavior problems, the better the prognosis. Sometimes the correction of the dog's behavior stretches for months, but it is better to work on these months in order to subsequently provide yourself and the dog with a decent life together. After all, an animal that is in a state of anxiety, fear, aggression thus shows you that it is bad for him, that he needs help. Fear, anxiety, constant aggression are unnatural states for an animal. So love your dogs, and contact the experts in a timely manner.



"Russian Ring" is a sport with service and sport dogs in a complicated protective service. The Russian Ring makes very high demands on the protective qualities of the dog, on the firmness of its character and the stability of the psyche. At the same time, it is preferable to have dogs that are active, courageous, attacking, working freely, withstanding pressure from the helper and MANDATORY manageable. RR competitions are held to identify the strongest pairs of trainers with dogs.

Competitors perform four exercises:

1. Test of obedience;

2. Protection from one attacker;

3. Defense against two attackers;

4. Defense against three attackers.

Competitions are held according to the “mastershaft” principle: each of the exercises has several options for complications and the final decision on the content of the competition is made by the Main Expert Team (GEB) of the competition one hour before the start of the competition by drawing lots of options.

Participants who scored at least 50% of the maximum score during the previous exercise are allowed to each exercise, and the passing score for exercise No. 3 is determined by the decision of the GEB.

Individual-team championship reveals the winners and prize-winners:

in a personal account;

in the team standings.

Competitions are held in groups "A" and "B". Group "A" (individual-team championship) includes athletes with more than 31 points in the report card. Group "B" (individual classification) includes all athletes who have an athlete's report card. Only athletes with a report card are allowed to all RR competitions.


1.1. Organizing Committee

For the preparation and holding of competitions, the organizer creates the RRR Organizing Committee consisting of the chairman, his deputy and four commissions: admissions, awards, veterinary and organizational and economic.

The Admission Committee informs cynological organizations about the time and place of the Russian Ring, establishes contact numbers, accepts preliminary applications for participation in competitions, issues a catalog of competition participants and regulates their arrival.

The award commission ensures the awarding of the winners and prize-winners of the competitions.

The Veterinary Commission provides veterinary admission and medical care to the participants of the competition.

The organizational and economic commission decides on the lease of sports facilities, the accommodation of participants and experts, the design and arrangement of competitions, as well as maintaining order and ensuring the safety of participants during them.

1.2. Admission to competitions

Dogs over the age of 15 months that have a veterinary permit and have been registered with the selection committee can take part in the competition.

Dogs with an obedience diploma (OKD, CD, UGS, etc.) or a mark in the report card about the presence of this diploma are allowed to compete.

Participants and teams are allowed to compete on the basis of applications, in accordance with the Regulations on the competition.

Veterinary examination is carried out outside the ring. According to the decision of the WCC on RR dated April 24, 2004, empty females are allowed to participate in the competition - but only after the performance of all participants. Moreover, the interval between performing all exercises (except for No. 1 and No. 2) should be at least 10 minutes.

When registering, participants are given numbers under which they must perform in competitions.

1.3. The order of the competition

An hour before the start of the competition, the Chief Expert conducts a draw of exercise options, which is attended by GEB members and representatives of the teams.

By the beginning of the competition, a summary information sheet is prepared indicating all the participants, which then reflects their results.

The competitions begin with the general construction of the participants, on which the conditions for performing the exercises are brought up, the GEB and the panel of experts are introduced.


All competitors are required to:

Know and strictly follow the rules of the RR competitions;

Carefully follow the announcements of the expert informant and arrive at the start line within 30 seconds after the call;

Arriving at the start line, introduce yourself to the expert in front of the participants and follow the instructions of the expert informant;

Unconditionally comply with the requirements of the officials of the Organizing Committee of the RR and the Main Expert Team;

Take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of other trainers and their dogs.

For all questions related to the organization, conduct, judging and results of the competition, a team representative or participant can contact the Organizing Committee or the Secretariat.


The judging of the competition is carried out by the Board of Experts under the leadership of the Main Expert Team.

The expert team includes:

chief expert;

informant expert (deputy chief expert);

chief secretary;

line experts (at competitions with the status of the Championship, the Cup of Russia there are five line experts, at qualifying - three);

expert at the participants;

timekeeping expert.

Chief expert of the competition:

Carries out general management of the work of the GES, experts and their assistants;

Controls the correctness of refereeing and determination of personal and team results;

Conducts expert briefings;

Signs certificates, diplomas and final documents;

Carries out the draw of figurants (the order of their work);

Checks the ammunition of the defendants, the stacks (for their rigidity) and the protection worn under special protective suits.

The Chief Expert has the right:

remove experts and their assistants from participation in competitions who have made gross mistakes, bias or failed to fulfill their duties;

in the event of disputes, hold operational meetings of experts;

cancel the decisions of experts that contradict the Rules of the competition;

make a decision to warn or remove from the competition participants who violate the Rules of the competition, have committed incorrect behavior towards officials of the RR, other trainers or rough treatment of the dog.

The decision of the Chief Expert on all matters is final.

The expert-informer (deputy chief expert) calls the participants to the start line in ascending order of numbers, announces the beginning and end of the exercise and its results, controls the actions of the participants and assistant experts, assists the Chief Expert in the work.

The Chief Secretary manages the work of the secretariat, controls the entries in the accounting documentation, is responsible for the correct calculation of the points scored and the determination of the places taken.

The line expert evaluates the performance of the exercise in accordance with the Competition Rules and, at the instruction of the informant expert, shows the result.

The expert at the participants ensures the readiness for the start of the next participant, monitors compliance with the Rules of Conduct for the competition and order at the start line.

The expert timekeeper, in accordance with the Rules of the competition, counts the time intervals.

4.2. Exercise evaluation

Each participant's exercise is evaluated by five (three) line experts.

The maximum score for the exercise is 10 points, for completing exercise No. 4 - 20 points.

Each of the five (three) experts, guided by the Rules of the competition, accrue penalty points to the participant, which, according to the table, are then deducted from the maximum score.

The final mark for the exercise is determined as follows: five marks of experts are registered by the Secretariat of the competition, after which the maximum and minimum are discarded from them, and the average score is calculated from the remaining three.

The result of the competitor is determined by summing up the average points received for the performance of each of the exercises.

Individual championship is determined by the maximum result of the participant in the competition. The distribution of places is carried out according to the points scored. Note: in case of equality of points, preference is given to the athlete who scored the highest score for exercise No. 4. In case of equality of points for exercise No. 4, the advantage is determined by exercise No. 3, then exercise No. 2 has the advantage.

Teams consisting of four participants take part in the team competition. The marks of the three best team members are taken into account.

The winner of the team championship is determined by the sum of points scored by the three best team members in the individual championship.


Exercise area No. 1 - the start line is indicated by two flags, which are located at a distance of 5 m from each other. The start line for exercises No. 2, 3, 4 has a distance between the flags of 5m. The distance from the start line No. 1 to the start line No. 2 is at least 7 m. The exercise area No. 1 is limited by two side lines.

Attention. A circle with a diameter of 1 meter must be marked on the start line. The trainer can move within this circle.

Note: The designation of the circle was introduced temporarily, so the Chief Experts of the competition need to note in their reports the expediency of the innovation and express their opinion on this issue.

Shelters for assistants: height - at least 2 m, length 3-5 m.

The assistant's passivity zone - a circle with a radius of 2 meters around the flag - is formed on the passivity line located at a distance of 12 meters from the activity line;

Far zone of activity: located between the line of activity and the line of inactivity.

Near Activity Zone: Located between the activity line and the start line.

Activity line: runs along the cover line, parallel to the start line.


During the performance of all exercises, the assistants to the experts on protection (figures) must be in special suits, it is allowed to work in protective helmets. The manner of their struggle with the dog is determined by the chief judge. As a complication, evasion from the dog before the first bite, work with “opposite move”, “onslaught”, “rotation” can be used. ONLY in exercise No. 2, the helper can work with a ratchet, a starting pistol, in the rest of the exercises, the helpers use a soft stack.

The exercises are the same for all competitors.

Exercise 2 is performed immediately after exercise 1.

When performing all variants of exercises, the decoys are prohibited from hitting the dog on the paws and head and using techniques that are dangerous to the health of the dog.

When removing a dog mechanically, it is prohibited to use any additional means (spreaders, stacks, etc.).

When performing all exercises, the participant should not have foreign objects in his hands (leash, toy, ball, etc.), the only exception is a whistle.

During the exercise, the dog must be in a soft collar or chain. Flea collars are allowed.

A dog that leaves the ring on its own is removed from the competition.


Participants are invited to complete the exercise approved for this competition.

The exercise is performed in the exercise area 1.

By decision of the Chief Expert:

the trainer performs the exercise when the dog is on a loose leash or without it;

during the exercise, the defendants stand or move freely;

the figurants have in their hands objects with which they can make natural movements.

At the beginning of the movement, during the change of its direction and at stops, it is allowed to give the dog one command at a time. Additional commands and impacts are penalized.

When performing options 2 and 3 during an intermediate landing or laying down, the owner gives the dog the command “sit” or “down” (it is allowed to give the command “Near” when stopping).

When performing options 2 and 3 in the center of the zone, a square about 1 square in size is indicated. meter where the dog is landing or laying down. (The exit of the dog from the square is not penalized)

When performing option 1, a corridor is indicated, 1 meter wide.

When performing exercise 1, upon the call of the EI, the athlete with the dog goes to the start line No. 1 and takes the main position (the dog sits at the owner’s leg, on the left side of him). At the command of the EI, the athlete starts the exercise from line No. 1 and ends at the start line No. 2 (no further than 0.5 m from the line).

The judging ends after the adoption of the basic position and the command of the EI "For the collar" (before the command of the EI "for the collar" the athlete does not have the right to touch the dog).


Option number 1.

The contestant holds the dog in a side by side position. During the movement, he must make two turns, then go to the start line for exercise 2.

Option number 2.

The participant enters the center of the exercise area with the dog and sits it next to him for at least 5 seconds, after which, at the direction of the EI, he goes to the start line to perform exercise 2.

Option number 3.

The participant enters the center of the exercise area with the dog and places it next to him for at least 5 seconds, after which, at the direction of the EI, he goes to the start line to perform exercise 2.

Calculation of penalty points

Each additional command - 1 point for each mistake

Each additional impact of the trainer - 1 point for each error

The dog pulls on the leash or moves away from the participant

more than half of the body - 1 point for each mistake

Disqualifying actions

Mechanical impact on the dog

Premature crossing of the start line No. 1 by an athlete.

Skill Failure

Aggression against members of the refereeing team

Athlete or dog crossing side lines

Rough handling of a dog


Option 1. "Surprise attack."

The participant stands at the start line and holds the dog by the collar. At the command of the EI, a helper attacks the participant from the shelter. The competitor shall immediately release the dog for detention. The dog must enter into a fight with the attacker and repel the attack, making a confident and energetic grip. The way the dog fights doesn't matter. In case of termination or absence of the grip, the helper continues to attack the participant (if the helper touched the participant before the grip - a penalty of 10 points).

Option 2. "Front attack".

The participant stands at the start line and holds the dog by the collar. At the command of the EI, the helper approaches the participant from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, turns around and runs away towards the flag 3. Having not reached the flag 5-10 steps, the helper raises his hand. At this point, the contestant releases the dog for detention. After running two or three steps with a raised hand, the decoy turns around, runs at the dog frontally, accompanying the attack with threatening cries and movements. The dog must repel the attack by immediately fighting the helper and holding him with a vigorous grip. The way you fight doesn't matter.

From the moment of the grip, the decoy begins to move in opposition to the dog or rotate in place and inflicts three hits on the body with the stack.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option 3. "Detention of the evader."

The participant stands at the start line and holds the dog by the collar. At the command of the EI, the helper approaches the participant from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, turns around and runs away towards the flag No. The dog must fight the helper, holding him with a firm grip. The way the dog fights doesn't matter.

NOTE: if the dog caught up but did not attack the helper, then, having reached the flag No. 3, he runs to the participant. In this case, the dog is penalized by 2 points for the “formal work” item. When the decoy crosses the cover line towards the start line, in addition to the “formal work” penalty, one more (-1) point is added. If the decoy touched the participant, then the penalty is (-10) points and the exercise is considered failed.

From the moment of the grip, the decoy begins to move in opposition to the dog or rotate in place and inflicts three hits on the body with the stack.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar. The dog's recall time is 10 seconds.

Calculation of penalty points

6. Formal work: stopping the grip after the helper stops (the EI command “stop”) before the participant’s command - 2 points

8. "Grab" - a decrease in the depth of capture as a result of the resistance of the helper; switching to another part of the body. With a good grip, the grip towards the recess is not penalized - 1 point

10. Incorrect eating - the dog generally shows poor handling - 1 point

11. Resumption of grip after the command of the owner to stop the detention (regardless of the number) - 0.5 points

12. Overall impression - 0.5 points

Note: The overall impression is at the discretion of the experts. It can also be used to encourage dogs that show courage, activity, firmness under the pressure of the helper.

Disqualifying actions

Delay the start of the dog for detention by more than 2 seconds.

The struggle of the participant with the helper.

Crossing the start line by the participant before the EI command “stop”.

Moving on the start line outside a specially marked circle with a diameter of 1 meter.

Absence from the start line within 30 seconds after the announcement of the EI.

Aggression of the dog towards the members of the judging panel.

The dog is out of the handler's control.

Rough treatment of a dog.

The dog leaves the ring on its own and does not return.


Option 1. "Cutoff".

The participant goes to the start line and takes the dog by the collar. At the signal of the EI, helper No. 1 appears from the shelter, attracts the attention of the dog, runs along the shortest path to flag 3. After the helper appears from the shelter, the participant immediately releases the dog for detention. Helper No. 1 must run to the zone of passivity and stop there, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.

Immediately after the dog has crossed the cover line, helper #2 runs around the cover and attacks the competitor. If the dog did not have time to make contact with helper No. 2, then the latter imitates blows to the participant with a special stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than 10 blows).

The dog is not required to detain helper no. 1, but must pursue him purposefully. The dog must prevent or stop the attack on the participant of the helper No. 2 with its grip. The dog's fighting style does not matter.

From the moment of the grip, the decoy begins to move in opposition to the dog or rotate in place and strikes it with a stack on the body.

If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the participant.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option 2. "Parallel steps."

The participant goes to the start line and takes the dog by the collar. On a signal from the EI, two decoys come out of the shelter from different sides and move towards the owner, DEMONSTRATED WITH A THREAT.

On a signal from the EI, the dog is sent for detention.

After the dog has chosen an object for attack, i.e. MANDATORY made a grip on the helper (the strength and quality of the grip is NOT JUDGED), the helper who has not been attacked (from this moment Helper No. 2) attacks the participant. Helper No. 1 is obliged to remain still, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions.

The participant, remaining in place, has the right to switch the dog's attention to helper No. 2 in any way, but must not cross the start line, and also move outside the circle.

If the dog did not have time to make contact with helper No. 2, then he imitates blows to the participant with a stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than 10 blows).

The way the dog fights doesn't matter. When the dog enters the fight with helper No. 2, holding him back with a grip, the latter starts moving in opposition to the dog or rotating in place and strikes it with a special stack on the body. If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the participant.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option 3. "Deuce in the shelter."

The participant goes to the start line, puts the dog down and takes it by the collar. One of the defendants is near the shelter. After the report of the athlete about the readiness to start the exercise, the helper demonstrates threatening behavior and goes into cover. At the signal of the expert-informant, the dog is allowed to be detained. After the dog finds the helper, he attacks it, takes three steps towards it, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions. The dog must make hard contact with helper no. 1 using any manner of arrest. ATTENTION: the quality of the grip must be evaluated.

During the fight, decoy No. 1, attacking the dog, tries to force it out of the shelter zone. If the dog makes a bite, then helper No. 1 stops and stops all actions. At this moment, decoy No. 2 runs around the cover and, moving on the arc farthest from the dog, attacks the participant. If the dog did not have time to make contact with him, then he imitates blows to the participant with a stack with a frequency of once per second (but not more than 10 blows).

The participant has the right to switch the attention of the dog to helper No. 2 in any way, but must not cross the start line, as well as move beyond the circle line.

The dog must stop the attack of helper No. 1, return to the participant and repel the attack of helper No. 2 with a bite. The dog’s fighting style does not matter.

When the dog enters the fight with helper No. 2, holding him back with a grip, the latter starts moving in a counter-movement to the dog or rotating in place and hits him with a stack on the body.

If the dog loses contact with helper No. 2, he is obliged to continue hitting the participant.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Calculation of penalty points

1. Lack of grip - 10 points

2. Termination of the grip as a result of the helper's resistance - 6 points

3. Uncertain, cautious grip - 3 points

4. Termination and resumption of the grip as a result of the helper's resistance - 3 points

5. Sluggish, inactive, formal fight with the helper - 2 points

6. Formal work: stopping the grip after the helper stops (the EI command “stop”) before the participant’s command, premature switching to the next helper - 2 points

NOTE: Formal work is assessed on each decoy, if necessary.

7. Mechanical impact of the trainer to stop the dog's grip - 2 points

8. "Grab" - a decrease in the depth of capture as a result of the resistance of the helper, switching to another part of the body. "Grip" in the direction of improving the quality of the grip is not penalized - 1 point

9. Dog recall for more than 10 sec. after the EI command “stop” - 1 point for each second

10. Incorrect eating - the dog generally shows poor handling -1 point

12. Resumption of the grip of the last helper after the participant's command to stop the action (regardless of the number of attempts) - 0.5 points

13. Each missed hit on a participant - 0.5 points

Note. This point remains at the discretion of the judge and can be used, among other things, to encourage active, hard, temperamental dogs.

Disqualifying actions

1. Delay the start of the dog for detention for more than 2 seconds.

2. The struggle of the participant with the helper.

3. Crossing the start line by the participant before the EI command “stop”.

4. Moving beyond the circle line.

5. Absence from the start line within 30 seconds after the announcement of the EI.

6. Aggression against members of the referee team.

7. Rough handling of the dog.

8. Applying 10 blows to the participant.

9. The dog leaves the ring on its own.


Option 1. "Triangle".

The participant goes to the start line and takes the dog by the collar. Three figurants are located at the vertices of an isosceles triangle. Figures No. 1 and No. 3 are at a distance of 8 m on both sides of the participant on the start line. Helper No. 2 is directly in front of the participant in the near zone of activity at a distance of 8 m from him. (The participant is NOT FORBIDDEN to turn the dog around and turn himself in the direction of helper No. 1).


At the signal of the EI, the participant with the dog is attacked by helper No. 1. The dog is immediately taken into custody. The participant remains in place. If the helper is chosen incorrectly by the dog, he assumes the functions of helper No. 1. Further, the roles (numbers) of helpers are distributed from the helper chosen by the dog (from now on No. 1) clockwise.

After the dog makes hard contact with helper no. 1, helper no. 2 attacks the participant and starts hitting him with a special soft stack at a frequency of once per second. The dog must release helper No. 1 and attack helper No. 2. If the dog does not contact helper No. 2, he must continue to strike the participant with a special stack. After the dog has made hard contact with helper No. 2, it is attacked by helper No. 3 and begins to strike with a special stack with a frequency of once per second. The blow must be delivered with a swing from the forearm. The dog must switch to helper number 3, who then stops hitting it.

The participant has the right to switch the attention of the dog in any way. If the dog does not bite, then helper No. 1 stops when he reaches the competitor. This ends the arrest. If the dog, having switched to helper No. 3, does not bite, then after taking five steps towards the dog, he stops. On this, the detention stops and is regarded as a lack of grip.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option 2. "Three in the shelter."

The participant goes to the start line and takes the dog by the collar. Helper No. 1 is located next to the shelter. Attracting the attention of the dog with threatening actions, the helper goes to the shelter, where there are two other helpers. On a signal from the EI, the dog is allowed to be detained.


After the dog finds helper No. 1, he attacks her. The dog must make hard contact with helper no. 1 using any manner of arrest. Helper No. 1 is obliged to "bring" the dog out of the shelter area and stop attacking.

Helper no. 2 is obliged to attack the dog after helper no. 1 has stopped the attack. If the dog does not switch attention to helper No. 2, then he strikes her with a stack of blows with a frequency of once per second. From the moment the dog has made contact with helper no. 2, he stops hitting her and "leads" the dog into the hiding area.

After the dog has attacked helper No. 2, helper No. 3, moving in a far arc, runs around the cover and attacks the participant, simulating blows with a stack at a frequency of once per second. The participant has the right to switch the attention of the dog to helper No. 3 in any way, but must not cross the start line, and also move beyond the circle line. If the dog loses contact with the helper No. 3, he is obliged to continue striking the participant.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.

Option 3. "Far three".

The participant goes to the start line and takes the dog by the collar. At the signal of the EI, helper No. 1 appears from the shelter and, attracting the attention of the dog, runs along the shortest path to flag 3. After helper No. 1 appears from behind the shelter, the participant immediately releases the dog for detention.


Having reached flag 3, decoy No. 1 turns around. After the dog approaches him at 1 m, he attacks her, takes three steps towards him and stops, regardless of the nature of the dog's actions. The dog must make hard contact with helper no. 1 using any manner of arrest.

After the dog grabs helper no. 1, helper no. 2 runs out of cover and attacks her. If the dog did not turn its attention to helper No. 2, he strikes it with a special stack with a frequency of once per second. From the moment the dog has made contact with helper no. 2, the latter stops hitting her. If the dog does not bite, the helper stops after taking five steps. On this, the detention stops and is assessed as a lack of grip.

After the dog has attacked the helper No. 2, the helper No. 3, moving along the arc farthest from the dog, runs around the cover and attacks the participant, imitating hits with a special stack at a frequency of once per second. The participant has the right to switch the attention of the dog to helper No. 3 in any way, but must not cross the start line, and also move beyond the circle line. If the dog loses contact with helper No. 3, he is obliged to continue hitting the participant.

On the command of the EI “stop”, the decoy stops and stops any actions. On the same command, the participant recalls the dog and takes it by the collar.


For all variants of exercise No. 4, after the helper of the next sequential number has entered the fight, the helper who is in contact with the dog must stop the activity.

In the event of the dog switching ahead of time to the helper of the next serial number, the helper who is in contact with the dog must stop the activity.

During the execution of options No. 2, No. 3, decoys No. 1 and No. 3 do not have the right to strike the dog; during the execution of option No. 1, decoys No. 1 and No. 2 do not have the right to hit the dog.

The first blow to the dog, inflicted by the decoy, when attacking it, is not penalized.

Calculation of penalty points

1. Termination of the grip as a result of the resistance of the helper - 6 points

2. Arbitrary, incorrect order of repelling an attack - 4 points

3. Uncertain, cautious grip - 3 points

4. Termination and resumption of the grip as a result of the helper's resistance - 3 points

5. Sluggish, inactive, formal fight with the helper - 2 points

6. Formal work: stopping the grip after the helper stops (the EI command “stop”) before the participant’s command; premature switching to the helper of the next number - 2 points

Note. Formal work, if necessary, is evaluated on each person involved.

7. Mechanical impact of the trainer to stop the dog's grip - 2 points

8. "Grab" - a decrease in the depth of capture as a result of the resistance of the helper, switching to another part of the body. With a good grip, “grabbing” towards the recess is not penalized - 1 point

9. Dog recall for more than 10 sec. after the EI command “stop” - 1 point for each second

10. Incorrect eating (the dog generally shows poor handling) - 1 point

11. Resumption of the grip of the helper of the previous number after the command of the owner to stop the action (regardless of the number of attempts) - 1 point

12. Resumption of the grip of the last helper after the participant's command to stop the action (regardless of the number of attempts) - 0.5 points

13. Each missed hit on the participant and the dog - 0.5 points

14. Overall impression - 0.5 points

Note. The last point remains at the discretion of the judge and can be used to encourage active, attacking and courageous dogs.

Disqualifying actions when performing exercise No. 4:

1. Lack of grip on one of the defendants.

2. Delay the start of the dog for detention for more than 2 seconds.

3. The struggle of the participant with the helper.

4. Crossing the start line by the participant before the EI command “stop”.

5. Moving beyond the circle line.

6. Absence from the start line within 30 seconds after the announcement of the EI.

7. Aggression against members of the refereeing team.

8. Rough treatment of the dog.

9. Applying 10 blows to the participant.

10. Applying 10 hits to the dog.

11. The dog leaves the ring on its own.

Disqualification of a participant during the competition according to the complicated standards of the Russian Ring protective service can be announced for the following reasons:

Unsportsmanlike behavior (for example, drunkenness);

Violation of the Rules of conduct;

Violation of the law on the protection of animals;

Violation of generally accepted rules of conduct.

If an athlete is disqualified for these reasons, all points previously received by him will be canceled.

“Russian Ring is a domestic type of competition in which the dog works independently against one, two, three decoys. Competition is a good way to demonstrate how ready a dog is for serious work.”

Russian Ring is one of the most popular dog sports today.

In countries such as France, Belgium, etc. there are national types of so-called "ring" training, which has nothing to do with preparing a dog for an exhibition. For example, in Belgium - the Belgian Ring is a very tough and spectacular kind of cynological sport, where at major competitions some of the spectators "cheer" for the helper, the other for the dog. In Russia, Russian and Big Ring have recently become popular, between which there is very little difference, as well as Mondiering.

Mondiering contains, in my opinion, more obedience exercises than our domestic Rings. But in any case, ring training is a mandatory fight between a dog and a helper. And not with one. Therefore, the competitions are so spectacular and dynamic that they gather a lot of spectators and participants.

The most interesting thing is that East European Shepherd Dogs perform well on ring training competition. Everyone knows the Champion of Moscow and Russia Elena Skripova, who competed with Hit-Iris-Olvid-Yan (Yanysh-Dey; Vlasta-Yuna), this dog, by the way, was obtained in our club), Larisa Krepkova, who competed first with Viking, and then with his son Lika. Moreover, in addition to ring training, both of her dogs were also champions and prize-winners in OKD and ZKS. Marina Lastochkina with Ital-Puma-Kurt. Wulf-White-Art, the brother of the famous Wilma-White-Art, worked very well. Wulf even received a prize from the team of defendants as the most combative dog.

Now Zorina Marina with her son NIGUR - SHREK is moving forward to victories in major competitions. So far, they have their first victory in the qualifying competition behind them. Shrek is still very young, and they still have everything ahead of them.

I especially want to note that VEOs really perform excellently in this sport: spectacular, powerful and plastic. It must be borne in mind that in order to participate in the Russian Ring, a dog must have an excellent psyche, as well as combativeness (desire to fight), courage, assertiveness, excellent controllability, the processes of excitation and inhibition must be balanced. All these qualities are described in the breed standard. Many articles have been written about "breeders" from cynology. The disunity and unprofessionalism of those involved in breeding brings great harm to the breed. As a result, there are more and more dogs with an unstable psyche, timid dogs, cowardly-spiteful, with no desire to learn, etc.

The worst thing is that breeding animals are not always monitored mentally, and even worse that such dogs give offspring.

It's been a year since the National Club of the East European Shepherd Dog Breed (NKP VEO) introduced livestock testing. This is already a step forward in the selection of producers. I would like the cynologists to pay more attention to the quality of the nervous system of producers, not being afraid to cull dogs that are weak in this respect.

Currently, there is no need to use a conformation dog with non-standard behavior - the market is saturated with puppies enough, work with lines and families continues. And dogs with an unstable psyche have not so much to train as to adapt to normal life. It’s a pity for the owners who are well aware of what their animal is thanks to the “specialists in breeding”.

Let's go back to Ring. The basis and beginning of work with a dog in the Ring is obedience.

This sport requires close contact between the handler (trainer) and the dog.

The dog must not only hear and listen to commands, it must wait for them and immediately execute them. To do this, it must be "tuned" to work.

In the preparation of the dog, the work of the helper-trainer is of great importance. At competitions, the dog will not only have to “grab the helpfully exposed sleeve”, as sometimes happens in demonstrations, but work with a helper who dodges the dog, deceives, puts pressure on it, strikes with a stack.

The decoy can use a "ratchet", empty canisters from under the water, cardboard boxes, a gun, and various household items.

In conclusion, I want to provide readers with a report on the latest competitions in the Russian Ring.

On February 18, 2006, qualification competitions in the Russian Ring were held at the Sokolnik Sports Center. Our VEO ShREK with guide Zorina Marina took 1st place in group "B" and received (!) the prize of defendants. Shrek did a very impressive job. At the time of the competition, the male was only 1 year 10 months old, so this is the beginning of his sports career. Shrek's father - NIGUR-Ides-Oktay, Champion of NRCP and Russia, belongs to Marina Zorina, Shrek's mother - Astrakhan sire USLADA-Moya Joy (owner Shpak). Interestingly, Shrek does not belong to Marina - she trains him and competes with him. And Shrek's owners cheer for them as spectators.

In group "B" the second place was taken by Abramova with a black terrier dog, and the third place was taken by Khairulina with a mestizo named Dusya. In group "A" Mukhmetzhanov took the first place with a German shepherd Ts-Buch, the second place was taken by Bezruk with a malinois Tariel, the third place was taken by Ivanicheva with a German shepherd Green. Eastern ShRECK (by pedigree nickname - Kazimir Malevich) trains at the Sokolniki Cultural Center. Coach Mikhail Timofeev, defendant Denis Lapshin. We sincerely want to thank them for their work with Shrek and other dogs of our club.

On March 26, the Russian Ring Championship of Moscow took place. The first place was taken by Larisa Krepkova with VEO Lucky, leaving the rest of the contenders far behind. And the first place in the team standings was taken by the team of Sokolniki Cultural Center.

Rules for holding competitions in the protective service "Russian Ring"

The general position of the competition "Russian Ring" (RR) is the superiority of trainers with dogs according to the complicated standards of the protective service.

Competitors perform four exercises:

  1. Checking the obedience and attitude of the dog to strangers;
  2. Defense against one attacker;
  3. Defense against two attackers;
  4. Defense against three attackers.

Competitions are held on the principle of "mastershaft": each of the exercises has several options for complications and the final decision on the content of the competition is made by the Main Expert Team (GEB) of the competition one hour before the start of the competition by drawing lots of options.

Individual-team championship reveals the winners and prize-winners:

  • in a personal account;
  • in the team standings.

Competitions are held in groups A and B.

Group A (individual-team championship) includes athletes with more than 31 points in the report card.

Group B (individual classification) includes all athletes with an athlete's report card.

Only athletes with a report card are allowed to all RR competitions.

Article by Julia Mukhina

Photo by Nadezhda Timofeeva

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