From what age you can take whey protein. Sports nutrition for teenagers (12-16 years old)

What is protein made from and what is it for. From what age you can take it without fear for your health.

At the present stage, young people are developing in the right direction, and more and more young people give preference to health and sports. No wonder. Beautiful body, a healthy mind, attention of the opposite sex, an active life rhythm, regular sex - all this brings more satisfaction than alcohol, cigarettes or, even worse, drugs.

But against the background of interest in sports, many questions arise related to the relevance of taking sports nutrition. It is not always clear whether it is possible to take protein for adolescents, from what age you can drink sports nutrition, how harmful proteins are for a growing body, and so on. As a result, there are more questions than answers. Let's put everything on the "shelves".

What is Protein?

Despite the wealth of information, many people mistakenly associate protein with steroids. In fact. These are two different things. In the first case it comes about natural sports nutrition made from common foods such as milk, whey, eggs and so on. As for steroids, it is a synthetic product or in simple words- "chemistry".

The only peculiarity of protein is that it is a concentrated composition of the same protein found in dairy products. Thanks to special techniques, the most useful components are literally "extracted", dried and turned into powder. As a result, the result of one spoonful of protein can be equal, for example, to a kilogram of cottage cheese eaten. At the same time, scientists assure that protein can be taken by absolutely everyone, without exception.

In addition, it is much more convenient to drink a ready-made supplement, because all that is required is to mix it with a liquid (water, juice, milk, and so on). If you regularly consume protein, you can forget about the lack of protein in the body. So the benefits are undeniable. The only question is, is it necessary to help a young body? Should I use sports nutrition before the age of 16-18?

Borders exist

Many guys do not even think about the question of how old they are allowed to drink protein. They just look at the older guys and completely repeat their actions. Moreover, even the dosage of more advanced in sports and already adult guys is thoughtlessly duplicated. There are a lot of cases when still boys of 13-14 years old actively "stuff" protein in themselves, hoping to see Schwarzenegger in the mirror. But is it necessary to make such "sacrifices"?

For most coaches, it is considered the norm to recommend sports nutrition to beginners from 15-16 years old. In turn, manufacturers do not agree with this. Protein packs usually have an 18 year restriction. How do the coaches explain this? They assure that such a figure is just the manufacturer's reinsurance in case of an emergency.

As for problems after admission, they are possible only in the following cases:

  • if you drink sports nutrition, regularly overestimate the dosage;
  • if you independently consume proteins (and mix them with other additives) without the consent of a professional (it does not matter how many years have passed).
  • How does the body of adolescents work?

  • To understand whether it is possible to drink sports nutrition (in particular, protein) for adolescents under 18 years old, one must clearly understand the peculiarities of the work of a young and growing body. During this period, the processes take place at an incredible pace.If you use protein or other sports nutrition, then the metabolism can be disrupted.In the future, the failure develops on the rise, and a small "game" with sports nutrition may end, for example, obesity at the age of 16. Certainly, great importance has how much and in what volume the supplement was taken, but the principle remains unchanged.

    Many believe that taking supplements at age 13-16 can significantly accelerate growth. muscle mass... In fact, everything happens the other way around. As we mentioned, malfunctions can occur in exchange processes. The body needs to act, and it directs all its forces to overcome the problem. As a result, resources are spent not on gaining mass, but on fighting. The result is a weakened state, lack of energy and results. In the future, no matter how much protein enters the body, there will be no sense. The reverse process, which we mentioned above, is also possible.

  • What's the bottom line?

  • Despite the fact that proteins are sold on every corner, you need to consume them wisely. If you are not yet 18 years old, then you should not indiscriminately drink supplements. Not because they are harmful (quite the opposite). It's just that at this age, you can try to use the natural resources of the body.
  • The young body does not need additional proteins - it gets everything from food. How much protein do you need? On average, it is recommended to consume about 1.5-2 grams per kilo of weight. But on initial stage the dosage can be made more loyal.

    If protein intake is necessary to achieve athletic performance, then a specialist will help here. He will tell you how much is better to take supplements, and at what age it is better to start.

  • How to be professionals?

  • It's another matter if a young athlete chose as his direction professional sports... In this case, it is difficult to do without help, because the daily dosage of the required protein doubles, or even triples. Imagine how many eggs, cottage cheese and meat you will have to eat to cover the necessary reserves. To get relief muscles and achieve quick results, protein is not only possible, but also must be taken. In such a situation, it is he who is the source of much needed growth. muscle fibers materials
  • How to build muscle without sports nutrition?

  • If you are only 14-18 years old and do not have any professional tasks, then you can build muscle without sports supplements. All that is required for this is to follow a few simple rules:
    1. Do not spend too much time on a separate study of the muscles of the biceps or, for example, triceps. No matter how much you load individual muscle groups, this will give minimal results. It is worth paying more attention to basic exercises, for example, deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and so on. Deadlift often do not favor, but after all, it is with its help that you can achieve the growth of smaller muscles - the same triceps or biceps.
    2. To eat well. No matter how much you “kill” the body, you will not be able to get the result without proper nutrition. You must eat the full amount of micronutrients and calories. The ideal option is to add cereals, fruits, chicken, vegetables, cottage cheese and even ordinary vitamins to the diet.
    3. Sleep. Typically, many beginners do not know how much sleep it takes to achieve results. In fact, you need at least 8 hours of rest daily. If it is normal not to sleep at night, then the body simply will not grow, and all training will go down the drain.

Is it possible to give children protein supplements, at what age and in what amount, is the child allowed protein ?, Which is better: protein from natural food or protein powder?

Sports nutrition more and more actively it is becoming fashionable not only among adults, it is often used by children as well. Such a protein supplement as protein can only be recommended by a doctor, taking into account the physical, mental, emotional stress of the teenager. Before answering the question: is it possible for children to have protein, it is necessary to study the dietary habits of the child, the amount of proteins consumed in food, his load and state of health.

What is Protein?

Protein is translated from English as protein. Not a single organ of our body, not a single cell and tissue of the body can develop rationally without a sufficient amount of protein.

Protein is produced exclusively from natural ingredients. Via the latest technologies a concentrated powder is made from ordinary whey, which contains a large amount of protein.

There is different types protein, among them the most demanded and popular:

  • whey- it breaks down perfectly, which allows amino acids to instantly enter the bloodstream. This protein contributes quick dial muscle mass;
  • casein- it is absorbed for about 6-8 hours longer, so amino acids enter the body gradually, filling it with useful substances;
  • soy- excellently lowers blood cholesterol levels, used in osteoporosis. It can cause allergies in children.

Protein for children: benefit or harm

Protein is very important for the development and growth of children. If they enter the body in sufficient quantities, the guys lead active image life, they are cheerful and master the school curriculum well, go in for sports, withstand a fairly tight and busy schedule of activities.

But it is not always wise to give children protein to fill their bodies with protein. Most boys and girls get enough protein from regular food, as long as their menu is varied and rich in vitamins.

There is a lot of protein in such products:

  • Lean red meat and chicken
  • seafood and sea fish;
  • dairy products cottage cheese, milk, kefir;
  • eggs, including quail;
  • legumes and cereals, soy products;
  • nuts, nut butter, etc.

Due to these and some other foods, you can cover the daily protein requirement. It turns out that protein is not what children need. Perhaps, in the usual diet, proteins will not be enough if the son or daughter go in for sports, lead an active lifestyle. However, check with your pediatrician and trainer before giving protein powders to children.

Avoid protein overdose. Its excessive use negatively affects the kidneys and other organs. If you drink protein without the recommendation of a specialist, you can harm the health of the child: there are interruptions in the work of the stomach and intestines, weakness, and allergic reactions.

At what age can you consume protein?

If children most likely will not consume protein without the permission of their parents, then adolescents, following the example of their adult comrades, can try it for food and on their own. In adolescence, this can negatively affect the health of athletes, especially if the dose of its use is exaggerated.

There is no set limit on how old a protein supplement can be for children. For example, at 13-16 years old, some trainers recommend adding protein powder to food. But it is necessary:

  • strictly adhere to the recommended doses and do not exaggerate them;
  • do not use proteins without the permission of a doctor and trainer, do not mix them with other sports supplements;
  • calculate the amount of protein consumed with food and only if it is not enough, resort to using protein.

Determine the amount of protein required for the child, depending on his weight and age. There are several guidelines that can be applied by calculating the amount of protein a child needs per day:

  • babies from 1 to 3 years old need 4 g of protein per kg of body weight;
  • children from 3 to 7 years old are recommended 3.5-4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight;
  • schoolchildren of 8-11 years old need to consume 3 g / 1 kg;
  • adolescents from 12 years of age and older are recommended 2.5-2 g / 1 kg.

This is a protein found in common foods. In one chicken egg, for example, there is 7 g of protein, in 90 g of chicken meat 18 g, in 1 glass of milk 8 g of protein, in 200 g of cottage cheese 14 g of protein.

How to take protein correctly

As we said above, if your son or daughter does not consume the required amount of protein with food and at the same time go in for sports, you can give them a little protein powder after consulting a doctor or trainer.

Protein is usually mixed with milk, water, or juice. Drinks should not be hot. The daily dose, which is recommended for a teenager, is better to drink in two doses, so the protein is absorbed faster.

Consume one part sports supplement can be between breakfast and lunch, the second part after training. Have the child eat fruit after the drink so that the body receives additional vitamins.

When asked whether protein is harmful to children, one can answer: everything should be in moderation. If there is an excess of protein in the diet, it often leads to dehydration and loss of calcium. In addition, protein is contraindicated in adolescents with kidney problems and liver and heart problems. Also, make sure that children are not allergic to additives, if they do, stop giving them immediately.

We've covered the pros and cons of using a protein supplement. Parents themselves will be able to conclude whether it is harmful to their child. In general, a young body does not require proteins.

A teenager may well get them from food. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use protein in order to achieve sports results, then only a specialist will help to understand this issue. He will advise at what age and how much you can drink a sports nutritional supplement.

You've probably already heard more than once, the reviews of some disappointed athletes about the futility of taking protein mixtures. However, one must understand that such an opinion in itself is absurd, to enhance muscle growth, protein is an essential component.

The criticism of the additional consumption of this substance is most often associated with the fact that a particular athlete does not know how to properly take protein. As a result, it either has no effect or its effectiveness is practically not noticeable.

Therefore, there are certain rules for taking protein.

Proteins perform a huge number of functions in the body.... Without them, the vital activity of the body would not be possible, since they contribute to all metabolic processes, perform a regulatory, protective, energetic, building role. In addition, they form the basis of the structure of the entire muscular structure of a person.

Protein components are found in almost any food you eat on a daily basis. They are especially abundant in dairy products, meat, fish, rice, peas, soybeans, and so on. But why drink protein, if you can get protein from ordinary food, which, moreover, is also adapted for self-synthesis?

In a normal way of life, the regular breakdown of protein and its transport for various purposes is approximately equal to its consumption + reproduction. A person can meet the daily needs for it (1-1.5 grams for each kilogram of their own weight), observing a standard healthy diet.

However, the intense exerciser the athlete doubles protein consumption: on the growth, regeneration and energy balance of muscle fibers. It makes no sense to get its amount from food for many reasons:

  • Double the amount of calories.
  • Slow and inadequate absorption.
  • The stress on the digestive system during certain hours of protein intake, implying subsequent physical activity.
  • Protein deficiency, in turn, can lead to catabolism, muscle degradation, various diseases.

That is why, athletes need additional protein supplementation from specialized mixtures.

For gaining muscle mass

Not every athlete knows how to drink protein to build muscle for the most effective supplement. To begin with, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you cannot gain weight in any way, but you are not an ectomorph, before taking high-protein mixtures, see your doctor for a preliminary examination and exclusion of diseases accompanying excessive thinness.
  2. If you don't have one, pick the right protein for your weight gain program and physique. When gaining mass, they most often drink protein concentrate (in accordance with an individually compiled caloric intake), containing residual components of carbohydrates and fats, or an isolate, when there are enough calories from food and other additives (for example, gainers).
  3. Always take mixtures recommended by expert manufacturers. This will help you to be confident in their professionally calculated composition.

As for how many times a day to drink protein cocktail, then, of course, it all depends on the training program. But usually it is 4-5 servings per day:

  1. In the morning- when the body, after 8-9 hours of sleep, needs urgent anabolic nutrition. At night, the muscles go through a very difficult recovery cycle, so in the morning they need to be fed with a portion of the protein mixture. V otherwise, the body begins to use its own energy resources as fuel, breaking down the reserves of glycogen and amino acids. And, in addition, in conditions of protein hunger, the synthesis of the hormone cortisol increases. The result is a catabolic reaction. To avoid this, drink a quick protein shake about half an hour after waking up.
  2. In the afternoon, since the amino acid pool in the muscles must be constantly replenished. Between meals, 1-2 times you should drink a portion of the isolate or slow, complex protein, in case you do not have the opportunity to snack on a regular meal for a long time.
  3. Before training It is very important, half an hour before exercise, to take a fast protein mixture - an isolate or a BCAA complex, in order to maintain the level of amino acids in muscle tissues.
  4. After workout the body assimilates nutrients best of all, and in addition, this is the most risky period for the development of catabolism. At this time, glycogen stores are running out, the concentration of amino acids is significantly reduced. The body needs immediate protein feed to rebuild and grow muscle fibers and replenish energy reserves. When training for weight gain, the best option will be either a complex protein with a predominance fast carbohydrates... But it is most advisable to drink a gainer with a predominance of simple carbohydrates - this way you close the protein-carbohydrate window.
  5. At night you also need to drink protein. Indeed, in a dream, all physiological processes only slow down, but do not stop, which means that the muscles will also starve. To ensure the flow of amino acids throughout the night - drink casein protein, so it is absorbed within 8 hours.


Knowing how to drink protein correctly in order to lose weight is especially important, since on this program, the body needs protein especially urgently due to its deficiency caused by the diet.

Observe the following rules of admission:

  1. To lose weight, you need to purchase 2 types of protein - fast isolate or hydrolyzate (preferably whey), as well as slow casein.
  2. Drink the mixtures according to the same program, then when gaining mass, with the difference that when losing weight, slow protein can be replaced with up to 2 standard meals.
  3. Be sure to follow the established training program, the protein itself will not help you to find a beautiful relief body, without playing sports.
  4. In combination with mixtures, you can use almost any other additives, including thermogenics and lipotropics.

How Much Protein Should You Take Per Day?

First of all, before you start drinking the mixture, you need to calculate the individual weft protein dosage. To do this, multiply your own body mass by 2 ( 2 grams is the norm of protein for every kg of body weight). For example, let's say you weigh 90 kg. So your daily protein dosage is 180 grams of protein.

How many times a day to take protein depends on the personal needs of the body, the amount of amino acids obtained from other products and the characteristics of the training. But usually it is 3-4 times a day, 30-60 grams protein at a time.

At the same time, prot can be dissolved in almost any liquid, but if, for example, milk is used, keep track of the final calorie content.

And although with the help of the mixture it is possible to replenish a full-fledged individual norm, it is still better if 50% of the substance comes from ordinary food.

When is the best time to take protein?

In fact, when you need to take a protein shake depends primarily on the type of substance in the mixture and the training program.

Proteins have different absorption rates. So the following main types are distinguished:

  1. Fast, with a speed of assimilation from 40 to 60 minutes - whey, egg, meat, rice,
  2. Average, with complete absorption in 6 hours - for example, soy
  3. Slow, up to 8-12 hours - casein

Thus, there is no need to often take protein so that the muscles do not "starve", it is enough just to competently combine the techniques of different mixtures.
The main periods of use of the additive in training days, according to the rate of assimilation, can be conditionally divided into:

On rest days, stopping protein intake should also not stop. At this time, active muscle growth and recovery takes place, requiring an additional portion of protein. Therefore, you need to drink it like this:

  • Morning - fast protein
  • Day - complex
  • The night is slow

If you are a vegetarian, fasting, or for some other reason do not want to drink animal products, get Fast Rice Protein and Soy Protein and BCAA Amino Acid Complex and take them according to the recommendations above.

What protein to drink

All protein mixtures can be roughly divided into supplements for gaining mass and mixtures for losing weight (as well as forming a relief, drying). You can choose the best supplements from the sports nutrition rankings.

So, for example, it contains such isolates slimming how:

  1. Zero Carb by VPX
  2. ISO-100 by Dymatize
  3. Iso Sensation by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Varcil R2

Concentrates and complexes worth consuming for weight gain:

  1. 100% Whey Gold Standard
  2. 100% Pure Platinum Whey (SAN)
  3. ProStar Whey protein by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Syntha-6 by BSN

As well as slow protein you need to drink on any training program:

  1. 100% Casein Protein by Optimum Nutrition
  2. Lipotropic Protein (LG Sciences Brand)
  3. 100% Casein by Dymatize

Answers on questions

How old can you take protein??

The question of at what age you can take protein, one of the most popular among young men and women adolescents. The answer directly depends on the amount of protein consumed from food. It is possible and even necessary to take supplements from the age of 14, 15, 16, if it is not possible to get the adolescent norm - 1.5 g per kg of body weight, from food, or there is a protein deficiency according to the testimony of a doctor. However, you should carefully study the composition and drink mixtures that are extremely pure, containing no unnecessary components, except perhaps vitamins and minerals.

How long can you consume protein??

Many formulas are recommended to be consumed intermittently, such as creatine, as regular use can interfere with the natural production of this substance. But whether it is necessary to take a break when taking protein depends only on individual medical indications, in particular, with an excess of protein in the body. However, here you can take preventive measures - there are more vegetables and fruits based on fiber. Also, you should somewhat refrain from taking the supplement at least once a year, for a week, during the training pause, without giving up high-protein foods. A rested body will be much more susceptible to renewed intake of protein blends.

After taking the supplement, how long does it take to eat?

Protein is found in almost all ordinary food products and food does not affect its absorption in any way, so you can drink protein and eat right away - there are no restrictions.

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For which articles are awarded medals:

In the beginning, I didn't want to write an article on this topic. Like - and so everything is clear. But then I saw what people were writing about it on the Internet. I've read such nonsense! And I realized that everything was very neglected.

ANY sports nutrition can be started at ANY AGE.

Sometimes, some types of and can be an exception. Due to the fact that they contain caffeine, and other potent substances that stimulate the psyche and have an effect on the cardiovascular system. If a teenager has a weak heart, then it is better to wait until 18 - 20 years old. Now I will substantiate my point of view. To begin with, I will say just a few words about the essence of sports nutrition. Almost all sports nutrition consists of certain elements that are in regular food:

  • Individual amino acids,
  • Collagen,
  • etc.
Absolutely all of these elements are present in our daily food. Anyone from birth begins to eat creatine, amino acids, L-carnitine, collagen, and carbohydrates. Simply because all this is present in one way or another in ordinary food. And when someone says to a 16 year old, “Don't eat creatine yet. Wait until 20 years. " I want to say back ":" Dude, he's actually been eating creatine for 16 years now! " Who did not know - creatine is in any meat. And not only in meat (especially for vegetarians). L-carnitine is found in meats, fruits, vegetables, and many other foods. And what kind of sports nutrition do not take - you eat all its components from birth. You just need to select the appropriate dosage. If this is a teenager weighing 50 kg, who is 15 years old, then he does not need to take 300 grams per day, or 20 grams of creatine. Personally, my opinion is that now the world is going global. By quality, I mean the presence of beneficial elements in food. Modern food is increasingly poor in vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, etc. Therefore, sports nutrition is now a good source of the lack of these elements from ordinary food. And it is a good counterbalance to bad everyday food. I also believe that some types of sports nutrition should be consumed even by people who are far from sports. This primarily concerns:
  • Protein,
  • Individual amino acids,
If it seems to you that I am talking nonsense, then personally I studied human physiology and biochemistry for 5 years. In addition, I have 15 years personal experience intake of sports nutrition and for 7 years actively used it on his wards. I have written over 50 articles on sports nutrition. So, if anything, I'm ready to answer "for the market" in the comments. Opponents of sports nutrition usually say: "Better to eat regular food!" Let it be - I'm all for it. But if a person with regular food does not have the required dose of amino acids and vitamins? What to do? Eat more regular food? And if it doesn't fit anymore? I don't want to eat until the stomach walls stretch and the belly appears? I think this is a bad option.

Eating sports food during pregnancy and lactation

All sports nutrition can be consumed by women before and during pregnancy and lactation. For the reasons described at the beginning of the article. An exception here may be testosterone boosters (tribulus, ecdysterone,). As well as preparations containing these substances. It is better not to use them before and during pregnancy for women who already have high testosterone levels. Because high level testosterone levels can interfere with conception and gestation.

Let me summarize. I can confidently say that almost any sports nutrition can be consumed absolutely from any age. As for fat burners and pre-workout complexes, then in some cases (if the heart is weak) it is better to wait until the body ripens (18-20 years). But, again, this does not apply to everyone. And finally, here you can see, and me personally. Good luck!

Expert opinion

Semina Irina is a consultant of the Fit-food sports nutrition store.

For this article I express my personal "Thank you"! In fact, mothers of young athletes are very often contacted. And these are not necessarily future masters of sports! It's just that schoolchildren who, in parallel with the educational process, go to karate, swimming, football, are engaged athletics, in general, it is impossible to list everything! The main thing to point out is that the growing organism is experiencing great stress and energy consumption. And if the child has increased metabolic processes in the body, i.e. he is already thin, and then three times a week swimming for 2 hours? Where to get strength and energy? Given that the parents are constantly at work. What will we feed our children with? I will stop here. Because the goal is not to urge - feed the children with sports supplements, but to think. Perhaps, at the moment, it is really necessary to provide such help to the child, maybe it is necessary to enrich the diet with protein, for example. The main rule is to approach everything wisely! Ask for advice! And not with a friend whose daughter goes to paint, but with people like Ilya Timko, with coaches who live by it. And the decision is always yours! And also important, very important point Articles - Sports Supplement Ingredients Not From Mars or Jupiter! We eat all this with mother's milk, which also contains the protein taurine, etc. Often our fear is based only on not knowing ...


Pros of using protein shakes when gaining muscle mass. Their main varieties and nuances of choice.

The Internet is a source of knowledge, no doubt. But it contains a lot of conflicting information that cannot be trusted unquestioningly - it must be “filtered”. In particular, novice athletes are faced with such statements that protein, they say, is very harmful to drink. Moreover, for adolescents, additional protein is completely dangerous. So is protein bad for your health? Let's take a closer look at this.

About protein

When it comes to protein and its "harm" to the body, I want to "scream" about the stupidity of this statement. Protein contains many different amino acids that are necessary for building a healthy body. We are made of meat, for which amino acids are the “building blocks” of growth.

The child's body is special. Many people know that proteins tend to break down, because they are difficult to classify as stable compounds. Moreover, in babies and adolescents, the process of destruction occurs much more slowly than the process of creating protein cells. Due to this, the body grows and develops. In adults, the opposite is true - protein breakdown occurs faster than its creation. As a result, we grow old and die.

What does it mean? Protein is the basic building block for life. It must be obtained from food, and in case of a deficiency - from sports nutrition. There is nothing wrong with that. At the same time, adults need a lot more protein than adolescents, whose decay process is not yet so active.


Many people believe that protein is a chemical and therefore harmful. This approach is flawed and groundless. In fact, protein sports nutrition is made exclusively from natural products - there is no "chemistry" in it. But in mayonnaise, sauces, canned food and other products, we have plenty of it on our table. Therefore, the question of whether to drink protein disappears by itself. If you need it to achieve high sports results or because of an acute shortage in the body, then why not.


Many studies have been conducted on the harm of protein and its effect on the body of adolescents. Negative consequences not found. There is only one danger, but it has a psychological basis. A teenager who started with "weak" supplements may eventually switch to more dangerous ones, for example, the same steroids.

The problem is that the child is too receptive to what is shown on TV. He wants to be the most beautiful, envy his peers, and girls like him. For this, he can go on taking dangerous drugs, without even thinking about their negative effects.

What about adolescence?

It is believed that teens are better off not drinking protein. This is partly true, but not because it is harmful or dangerous. It's just that at a young age, you can get excellent results without sports supplements - it is enough to organize the right diet with all the necessary useful elements and vitamins. In combination with quality workouts, this gives results. If you need additional protein intake, please. There is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to observe the dosage and take into account the contraindications, which we will talk about below.

On the other hand, adolescents are not advised to drink supplements that have a strong effect on the hormonal system - they are really dangerous. It is pointless to increase the level of testosterone, because it is already very high. Additional substances can only harm a young body.

What can you take?

Up to 16 years of age, protein will not be superfluous for adolescents who set themselves serious tasks and plan to achieve success in bodybuilding. The full amount nutrients can be obtained from food, but this does not always come out due to the increased needs of the athlete's body. For example, a young body needs about 1.5-2 grams per kilogram of weight. It's easier to eat one or two protein bars and drink a protein shake than swallowing a dozen eggs or a kilogram of meat and cottage cheese.

Keep in mind that there are different forms of protein. For teens under 16, whey and casein proteins are the best options. They are digested in different ways and provide the body with a full amount of protein within 24 hours. Vegetarians can take soy protein (but again, without fanaticism).

By the way, it must be remembered that low-calorie protein foods (shakes, bars) are good for teenagers who want to maintain weight and strength without gaining a lot of mass. If you need to gain weight, then it is better to drink high-calorie mixtures.


As with adults, protein is best avoided by adolescents who have kidney problems and liver problems. In addition, caution should be taken when taking a sports supplement if you are intolerant to any of the supplement components. Because of the increased levels of the female hormone (phytoestrogen), young guys are better off not getting addicted to soy protein.


Having considered all the pros and cons, we can conclude whether protein is bad for health. Indeed, there are some contraindications that we discussed in the article, but any supplement has them. Another thing is that protein is not always needed by adolescents. But here it is necessary to consider each case individually, taking into account the tasks set. Good luck.

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