I began to gain weight sharply what to do. Unusual Causes of Weight Gain

We noticed that over the past months we have gained several kilograms, despite the fact that neither your menu nor physical activity has changed. To lose weight, go on a diet, start moving more. Another week passes, but there are no effects. The first thing you should do is take a closer look at your diet. For the next two weeks, write down everything you ate or drank (and at what time). Next, analyze the records, or better - show it to the nutritionist. We usually get fat as a result of eating mistakes that we don't even realize. But in the event that you eat properly, and excess weight is accompanied by drowsiness, weakness or a feeling of coldness, you need to make an appointment with the doctor.

It is worth getting tested for thyroid hormones.

Gaining weight slowly and regularly, even though you are on a weight loss diet, may indicate a decrease in thyroid hormone production.

Hormonal disorders and metabolic disorders lead to the fact that the body does not burn the energy received with food and we get fat.

- Additional signs that indicate a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones are fatigue, drowsiness and a feeling of constant cold. In the advanced state of this disease, edema may appear. The skin becomes dry, cold and flaky.

- To check if the thyroid gland is the cause of weight gain, you need to check the level of thyrotropin (TSH), which prompts the thyroid gland to produce its own hormones - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

- Treatment consists mainly of thyroid hormone (usually thyroxine). When you manage to equalize the level of thyroid hormones in the body, weight gain will stop. In this case, not only the metabolism will return to normal, but also you will have additional energy, strength and good health. And the weight will decrease.

Determination of sugar level will rule out diabetes mellitus

Determining the level of sugar in the body each healthy person must do at least once a year. Diabetes mellitus can contribute to excess weight gain.

An appropriate diet and physical activity often enough to stop the development of the disease at its very beginning.

Ovarian disease may be the cause

If impairment contributes to weight gain menstrual cycle, increased body hair, increased oily skin and hair loss - it is worth contacting a gynecologist. He will schedule an examination. Sometimes, to assign correct treatment, consultation of other specialists is necessary (for example, an endocrinologist).

My name is Saphira. I have such a problem…. I am gaining my weight very sharply. I started to get better, this is already very noticeable. I didn’t notice this before. What happened, what is the reason - I do not understand. What should I do?

Maybe I can get an answer from you if I tell you at least something about myself? I am twenty five years old. I'm definitely not sick with diabetes, I don't overeat, I'm not very nervous. Tell me the medicines, and the ways, and the reasons, and the methods. I will be glad to everything and all comments, statements. What if the weight is gaining at this rate?

Comments and tips:


Maybe you use hormonal ointments? You didn’t write what you are sick with, or were sick. Without knowing this information, it is very difficult to judge something.


What about birth control? The overdose may have "started". From them you can greatly recover from them. Not from everyone, of course, but you can.


You probably thought that you are not overeating. In fact, you hide from yourself that you do not leave the refrigerator. I don’t want to offend you by negligence, but I’m just expressing my assumption.


What to do? To refuse many "grocery things", for example. It will be difficult at first to take such steps, but you can get used to it. I checked it on myself, learned from others, and read many in articles.


I liked your name very much. It's a shame that a girl with a name like yours is so unlucky. But I will try to help you. You don't need to take any medications or pills. Just walk often. This will be the right step at the beginning of your difficult journey.


Have you tried to see a doctor about this? The doctor, although he is not a super-specialist, will recommend something to you. Otherwise, you will just play the "guessing game". And what will you achieve by behaving like this?


You endured stress, or were in a state of depression. Such states also lead to the "negativity" of forecasts. You've read about it yourself. Many times, but you don't remember. If you haven't read it, read it. Information that is somewhere else, you will believe more than me, or another stranger.


You need to go to the doctor! And do not hesitate! You can go to a paid clinic if you don't trust government medicine. But you need to be examined! Don't behave the way children usually do! You are not small. I'm not hinting at age, but you indicated it yourself.


And I'm getting better. I started doing fitness from yesterday. It is difficult to force myself, but it is important for me to somehow get rid of the excess weight. I don’t write about diets, because I don’t eat practically anything anyway. Yes, and I will not advise any diet food, since any diet is harmful to health.


And you "travel" on the Internet if you cannot think of anything by yourself. So many forums of all kinds, sites…. You will definitely find something. Believe what you like more!


Don't chew the seeds! It is very easy to recover from them. Especially when you "hang" with them at the TV. Do not pretend that you did not know this, that you have not heard about this. I want to keep you safe. I’m not out of spite and not with sarcasm!


Have sex more often! You know how he helps! Better than any medicine or any gymnastics. By the way, sex is a kind of sport. Do not think that I am a lecher - a pervert. I say what I am sure of one hundred percent.


Eat buckwheat, rice. And try to forget about the sweet. Eat it on holidays, not every day, or on weekends. Well, Birthday is an exceptional case.


Don't sit in one place a lot! And then everything will be in order with your weight. You will not throw it off in a moment, but you can do it quickly for sure! You, most likely, are accustomed to lead a sedentary "life image". This is not good, girl!


Have you got married? I probably forgot or kept silent about such an event. You cook for your spouse - you try the cooking. Can you imagine how many calories you managed to "sit down"?


If you are recovering quickly, try to lose weight quickly! I will be able to help by writing one diet, and its menu, which is intended for "accelerated" weight loss. Catch it, dear, and don't be sad!

Menuha "fast weight-loss".

It helps to lose three or four kilograms in a week, but does not harm any body at all.

So…. Monday!

  1. Ham (slice).
  2. Grapefruit (slice).
  3. Chayochek (cup).

Now - lunch:

  1. Grapefruit (slice).
  2. Sayochek (cup).
  3. Tomato salad.

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. Chicken fillet.
  2. "Green" salad.
  3. Vodichka (mug).

So…. Tuesday!

We will have breakfast, of course, first:

  1. Grapefruit juice (glass).
  2. Hot omelette.
  3. Vodichka (glass).

Now - lunch:

  1. Grapefruit (two pieces).
  2. Cheese (low-fat, of course).
  3. Vodichka (glass).

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. The fish is low-fat.
  2. Slice of grapefruit.
  3. Vodichka (glass).

So…. Wednesday!

We will have breakfast, of course, first:

  1. Muesli.
  2. Grapefruit (slice).
  3. Meat (slice).

Now - lunch:

  1. Soup of vegetables and crackers.
  2. Grapefruit (several pieces).
  3. Juice (glass).

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. Baked tomatoes (2).
  2. Grilled chicken (two hundred grams).
  3. Juice (one and a half cups).

So…. Thursday!

We will have breakfast, of course, first:

  1. Grapefruit (half).
  2. Tomato juice (glass).
  3. Mineral water (glass).

Now - lunch:

  1. Grapefruit slices.
  2. Ragushka (stew) of vegetables.
  3. Black bread (one slice).

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. Chayochek (cup).
  2. Grapefruit (whole).
  3. Some water (a couple of glasses).

So…. Friday!

We will have breakfast, of course, first:

  1. Grapefruit salad.
  2. A glass of mineral water.
  3. There is only one tomato.

Now - lunch:

  1. Two baked potatoes.
  2. Cabbage salad.
  3. Vodichka (glass).

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. Veal, cooked in the oven (two hundred grams).
  2. Chayochek (cup).
  3. Grapefruit (whole).

Menu for Saturday and Sunday!

We will have breakfast, of course, first:

  1. Two grapefruit slices.
  2. Chayochek (cup).
  3. Grapefruit salad.

Now - lunch:

  1. A small portion of bean soup.
  2. One small grapefruit.
  3. A glass of mineral water.

Let's have dinner, dear:

  1. Chicken cooked in the oven.
  2. Grapefruit one.
  3. Small portion of rice.

Let's continue. ... ...

Are you gaining weight dramatically? -

I am gaining weight a lot. What to do?

I like

Often, young men and women, men and women, ashamed of their forms caused by overweight have difficulty making social contacts. As a rule, they are worse in the team, it is more difficult for them to get a job, start a family, and actively participate in various spheres of life. And even thin women, having put on an extra kilogram in weight, begin to sound the alarm.

What to do in such situations? The answer suggests itself. A person begins to exhaust himself with various diets ... And after long, usually painful days, the weight does not go away, and sometimes it is gained.

Let's try to figure out what is the cause of this behavior of the organism.

Reasons for gaining excess weight

Diets based on the consumption of only one product is a direct road to weight loss, as the body begins to adapt to nutrition. The only way out is to change your diet.

Unexpected failure in the diet food: holidays, feasts, going to restaurants, fast food. It is sometimes very false to deny yourself a well-laid table.

Addiction to fast effect diets can lead to the fact that from the moment of returning to the classic diet, weight is gained again at an even greater rate and in greater quantities.

Female cycle - during menstruation, the body may well begin to retain excess fluid in itself. The weight will be added to the maximum kilogram by 2. Just wait out this stage and the weight will return to normal.

  • Separate meals are good for health, but do not affect weight loss in any way. Count calories, find your optimal balance.

Various additional services beauty salons - vibro-, hydro-, electric massage will improve only external indicators, they are not able to fix the weight.

Optimal weight is the norm that can be stressful to overcome. And your body itself will stop the process of losing weight.

Lack of required quantity sleep can also cause weight gain. Sleep is a natural stimulant and activator of all physiological processes. That is why its lack leads to malnutrition and slowing down the metabolism.

  • Food should not cause negative emotions, harmony of nutrition and internal state contributes to the loss of kilograms.

Above all, remember that no diet should be grueling, nor should it adversely affect your physical and emotional health.

Monitor your weight and lead healthy image life is a fashionable trend today. Experts say that fluctuations of the balance arrow within 2-3 kg in the morning and in the evening can be considered normal. But it so happens that body weight begins to grow rapidly. If the thought "I'm gaining weight too quickly" occurs to you, the reasons can be very different:

  • Quite often, women and men aged 40 and over face this problem. At this stage of life, the metabolism slows down sharply, so the amount of body fat increases.
  • The same applies to women who have started menopause. Their general metabolism decreases due to changes in hormonal levels. This becomes the reason for the rapid accumulation of body fat.
  • Sometimes a rapid weight gain is associated with disruption of the endocrine glands - the thyroid and adrenal glands, pancreas.
  • Severe stress and sleep deprivation undermine normal metabolism - which is why a person gains weight quickly.
  • The reason for the rapid set of kilograms can be the medications used.
  • If body weight increases in a matter of hours and days, it is worth considering that the reason is the accumulation of fluid in the body, and overweight- this is nothing more than edema.

The consequences of these disorders in the form of excess body fat help to eliminate proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

This is especially true for people whose metabolism slows down with age. They need to reduce their daily calorie intake.

In many cases, psychological help is required to correct eating behavior. In addition, a number of diseases endocrine system requires consultation with the appropriate specialists.

Asking the question "I am gaining weight quickly", the reasons for this are far from in all cases, a person can establish on their own and begin to take action.

We know why people gain weight quickly.

This is found out through a conversation with a patient, based on the results of a blood test, enzyme immunoassay and other studies that give an idea of ​​the level of basal metabolism, the tolerance of various products, the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. Knowing the real reason for the accumulation of excess weight, experts develop the most effective technique its elimination and fight against body fat.

You do not have to argue over the question "I am gaining weight quickly - what to do?" individually nutritionists provide highly qualified assistance to each patient, develop a nutrition plan depending on the needs of the body. Based on this, a consultation with a nutritionist at the Slimclinic center can be considered the key to a successful fight against rapid weight gain.

A sharp weight gain in women, the causes of which can be established by the attending physician, often indicates the development of a dangerous disease. Timely identification of the problem and subsequent treatment will help preserve not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Lack of sleep

If a woman does not get enough sleep for several months, she may find that she has gained weight. According to numerous studies, lack of sleep almost always causes overeating the next day. Scientists have found an answer to the question of why weight increases. Lack of sleep increases the production of hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin. The appetite starts to grow. Such a reaction of the body is more often observed with chronic lack of sleep.

After a sleepless night, a person feels weak and apathetic, which leads to lower energy costs. This becomes another reason for the development of obesity. An adult's sleep should last at least 8-10 hours. If possible, sleeping for 30-40 minutes is also recommended during the day.

Stress and fatigue

To answer the question why I get better during stress, a woman should pay attention to her behavior during a stressful situation. Feeling psychological discomfort, people tend to return to a more comfortable state with the help of tasty but unhealthy food - cakes, cakes, sweets, pizza, chips, etc. Often people living in a state of constant stress do not monitor the diet and quality of food consumed products.

There is another explanation for why you are recovering. Frequent stress increases the production of the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline. An excess of these hormones provokes an increase in the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, which leads to the appearance of diabetes mellitus, obesity and atherosclerosis.

Avoiding obesity will help to avoid uncontrolled eating during times of stress. It is necessary to switch attention: take walks, listen to your favorite music, call a friend. The cause of severe stress for the body can be chronic fatigue, which will help to avoid periodic breaks in work and outdoor activities.

Taking medications

Women gain weight when taking certain groups of drugs:

  1. Diabetes medicines. If a woman has type 2 diabetes and is taking medication, after a while she may find that she has gained weight. To prevent obesity, you should use classic ways struggle with extra pounds - sports training and diet food. For the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to use modern drugs that do not increase body weight and normalize blood sugar levels, for example, Siofor.
  2. Antidepressants. Drugs such as Sertraline, Paroxetine and Prozac can lead to obesity. Despite the fact that extra pounds appear only after 1 year of using these funds, antidepressants should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Oral contraceptives. Contraceptives can cause fluid retention in the body, which is what causes overweight... If oral contraceptives are the reason for gaining extra pounds, a woman should try other remedies for unwanted pregnancy - condoms, intrauterine devices, etc.
  4. Steroids. The need to use this group of drugs arises in the treatment of skin tuberculosis, inflammatory processes of some internal organs and other diseases. Excess weight can be recruited even with short-term use of steroids. However, if you stop taking medicinal product, weight in short time returns to normal. If long-term use is required, the physician must select an alternative drug.


Not knowing why the weight is increasing, a woman may be screened for the presence of diseases that lead to the appearance of extra pounds:

  1. Diabetes. Patients with this disease experience an increase in appetite, which leads to uncontrolled eating. Diabetes also increases thirst, forcing patients to drink more fluids.
  2. Hypothyroidism The disease occurs due to insufficient activity of the thyroid gland, as a result of which the production of thyroid hormones decreases. In most cases, hormonal deficiency is caused by a lack of iodine in the body. The reason for weight gain in hypothyroidism is a slowdown in metabolism caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
  3. Nephrotic syndrome. In this disease, the kidneys are unable to cope with the elimination of even a small amount of fluid from the body. Due to excess fluid, the patient's weight can increase by 50% or more.
  4. Neoplasms of a different nature. In the presence of a tumor of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, the patient experiences constant hunger and begins to eat in larger quantities than before the appearance of the neoplasm. Weight gain may also be associated with gradual tumor growth.

To lose weight, first of all, you need to fight not with the effect, but with the cause.


Upon reaching the age of 40-45 years, a woman often states that I am gaining weight quickly. During menopause, the function of the ovaries is suppressed, and hormonal imbalance begins in the body. Due to a decrease in the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, the correct course of metabolic processes is disrupted. Most of the calories that enter the body are converted into body fat... Fatty tissue accumulates in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

To prevent a woman from gaining weight during menopause, her diet must be revised. Alcohol, sweets, baked goods, fatty, salty and fried foods are undesirable. It is worth giving up on dishes with spices, as spices increase appetite and increase thirst. For regular bowel function, you should eat low-fat fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish every day. A woman should consume at least 6 glasses of liquid every day. Regular physical activity will help maintain slimness.

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