Games for three are a blow to the heart. The main symptoms and consequences of heart contusion with chest injury

Heart contusion is an injury, upon receipt of which functional disorders on the part of the organ may not develop immediately. But this is not an indicator of minor violations, only a thorough diagnosis helps to identify all the changes that have occurred. If you receive a closed heart injury, you should consult a doctor in any case, as some damage can be fatal.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed his residency in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after V.I. N.N. Prifova.

The heart is the organ responsible for continuous blood flow throughout the body. Together with constantly circulating blood in internal organs and fabrics arrive nutrients and oxygen molecules. Closed organ injuries chest about 70% lead to heart contusion. Damage can result from direct impact, falling, in case of non-observance of safety measures at work. The degree of injury also depends on the condition of the muscular corset, therefore, complications in adult healthy men are much less common than in children and elderly patients.

Heart contusion with a fracture of the sternum may be the result of improper resuscitation in case of cardiac arrest. This usually happens if assistance is provided to the victim outside the walls of the medical facility.

The consequences of a heart contusion are determined by:

  • By the force of mechanical action;
  • The degree of filling the organ chambers at the time of injury. It is believed that a stroke at the time of systole causes more internal damage to the heart compared to diastole;
  • By the vector (direction) of the blow.

Most often, damage to the heart muscle and internal structures of the heart causes a bruise of the chest on the left. During the impact, the blood-pumping functions of the chambers slow down, but it continues to infuse, this leads to the following pathological changes:

  • The cavities of the chambers are filled with blood and their walls are stretched;
  • The adjacent parts of the heart are compressed;
  • The organ is displaced;
  • Disrupts general blood flow.

During a stroke, the anterior wall of the right ventricle is more often included in the pathological process, less often the interventricular septum. Bruising leads to rupture muscle fibers, to internal bleeding from damaged vessels. With hemorrhage, the coronary vessel is often compressed, which is the main cause of a heart attack.


There are several options for the course of the contusion of the heart area:

  • With the involvement of heart valves in the process. It can manifest itself with lightning-fast developing pulmonary edema;
  • With damage to the coronary arteries. Detachment of the inner part of the vessels and thrombosis are not excluded, which leads to necrosis of the heart muscle and to a heart attack with all the consequences that follow from this complication;
  • With the involvement of the myocardium in the pathological process together with the organ's conducting system. As a result of the impact, the physiological processes of metabolism are disrupted; with such damage, the main symptoms of the injury are recorded after a few days;
  • Combined, that is, combining injury to several parts of the heart at once.

A bruise in the area of ​​the heart does not indicate a bruise. A hematoma can only indicate external damage.

Depending on the nature of the injury, there may not be visible damage, but most of the organ is injured.

Trauma diagnosis

The diagnosis of contusion of the heart is exposed to patients only after a comprehensive examination. Initially, the doctor must establish the nature of the injury and how long ago it was received, conduct an external examination, listen to the heart, measure the pressure and pulse. From instrumental survey methods are used:

  • Electrocardiogram. The ECG reflects the impulses of the heart, with a bruise, their normal rhythm is disturbed;
  • Echocardiography... An examination is prescribed if the victim has symptoms of hemodynamic disturbance;
  • Halter. A sensor is attached to the patient's body for 24 hours, which measures the heart rate, pressure, pulse.
  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Radiography. In the pictures, you can see the accompanying injuries - fractures of the ribs, sternum.

Blood tests are also required. Damage to the soft tissues of the myocardium is indicated by an inflammatory reaction, a change in troponin and MV isoenzyme parameters.

Signs of a bruise in the area of ​​the heart

A violent blow to the chest, resulting in a bruised heart, results in the following symptoms:

  • Pain. They do not always appear immediately, sometimes the victim begins to fix painful sensations 2-3 days after injury;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Shortness of breath up to choking. This sign indicates a violation of blood flow in the pulmonary circulation;
  • Reducing blood pressure. Hypotension that builds up over 5-7 days indicates serious damage to the heart;
  • Pale skin. Indicates a drop in blood pressure or a state of shock;
  • Violation heart rate.

When listening with a stethoscope, the doctor can pick up extraneous noises arising from the rupture of internal tissues. Some victims complain of numbness and tingling in the area of ​​the fingertips, uncontrollable anxiety and panic, pulsation in large vessels. On examination, the chest in the area of ​​impact may be swollen, the skin of the injured person may be wet due to profuse sweating.

The clinical picture of a contusion of the heart can develop in two ways:

  • Angina pectoris the type of injury is characterized by short-term pain, lack of air. Recovery occurs quickly, there are practically no long-term consequences of trauma;
  • Infarct-like... The painful attack is prolonged, pronounced. In addition to pain, shortness of breath, increased body temperature, agitation of the victim are observed. Heart failure develops without timely treatment.

Treatment is selected depending on the signs of injury and the data obtained during the diagnosis.

Spasm of coronary vessels and organ contusion - differences

According to the clinical picture, the contusion resembles a heart spasm (sudden onset of coronary insufficiency). Treatment of pathologies is different, so it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics. Diagnostics gives reliable results, but before it is carried out, a drug test can be carried out - nitroglycerin reduces or completely relieves spasm pain coronary vessels, while with a bruise, the painful sensations do not disappear.

It is also necessary to find out from the patient the entire history of the disease. If in the days preceding the deterioration of health there were blows to the chest, then only a doctor can exclude a bruise.

Treatment of a bruise in the area of ​​the heart

If a heart contusion is suspected, the victims are hospitalized in a hospital. The main task of therapy is to restore the functions of the organ. Depending on the identified changes and signs of injury, the following is prescribed:

  • Analgesics. It can be both narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics - Morphine, Omnopon, Analgin;
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs- Panangin, Trazikor, Isoptin;
  • Diuretic, cardiac glycosides, potassium preparations when heart failure is detected;
  • Vitamin complexes to strengthen the heart muscle.

With a complete blockade, carry out electrocardiostimulation... Surgery is necessary if the contusion is accompanied by valve damage.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations:

  • Observe the daily routine- get enough sleep, minimize physical activity;
  • Stick to a diet- exclude spicy and fried foods, strong tea, coffee;
  • Do breathing exercises ,physiotherapy exercises.

The duration of recovery depends on the nature of the injury and the age of the patient. The consequences of a blow also depend on whether the victim has a disease of cardio-vascular system... In uncomplicated cases, heart function is completely stabilized within 25-30 days. If the bruise is accompanied by serious complications, then the recovery time can take up to 6 months.

Using folk methods of treatment

Additionally, at home, you can use alternative methods of treating bruises. In the first two to three days, cold compresses are applied, their use reduces pain, helps to stop internal bleeding. Compresses are fixed for 15-30 minutes up to 6 times a day.

The following remedies help to speed up the resorption of seals and hematomas:

  • Aloe. The agave leaf should be cut and applied with the fleshy side to the bruised area.
  • Hop cone ointment. Two hundred grams of interior fat must be melted and mixed with 50 grams of crushed buds. The resulting raw material is filtered and used as an ointment, it must be rubbed into the sore spot two to three times a day.
  • Sagebrush. Mash fresh stems of the plant and apply to the bruise. The bandage is kept for 1-2 hours.

It is desirable to use any folk remedy in case of a closed heart injury, coordinate with a cardiologist, this is especially necessary in case of damage to a child.


The danger of a bruised heart for the victim is not only rapidly developing complications. The consequences of trauma can manifest themselves in a few days, and sometimes even weeks.

The most likely complication of a bruise is a rhythm disturbance, which can be expressed extrasystole, arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation or atrial flutter. Often, after an injury, a patient has several types of arrhythmias at the same time.

The most serious consequences of a closed heart injury include:

  • Aortic rupture. Not in all cases, the pathology leads to a complete rupture, with this complication, the formation of a false aneurysm is possible, it is found more often a few months after the injury;
  • Valve rupture;
  • Hemopericardium (pericardial hemorrhage) and hemothorax (pleural hemorrhage). With these complications, hemodynamic parameters and heart function are impaired. Acute heart failure can be fatal;
  • Blood clot formation followed by thromboembolism of the coronary vessels. Thromboembolism leads to heart attack;
  • Post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy... Myocardial injury leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the muscle. Symptoms of complications in the form of aching, squeezing pain are recorded a few days after injury.

Heart contusion can be fatal, which often occurs immediately at the site of injury.

If you receive a strong blow, you must urgently call an ambulance - intensive therapy in the first hours and minutes after injury minimizes the development of life-threatening complications.

Gymnastics that will help to quickly restore the heart after injury and avoid a heart attack

It is necessary to contact a specialist. Such a violation of the heart rhythm occurs with pathologies of the circulatory or endocrine system, leads to a change in blood circulation. Stressful situations should be eliminated, sleep should be restored in order to normalize the condition.

Causes of severe strokes in a healthy person

Every person has faced a similar problem at least once in his life. Strong blows hearts appear suddenly, grow and disturb with a persistent state of tachycardia for several minutes. If not present or head, you should analyze the possible causes:

  1. high rate at physical exercise;
  2. or brisk walking;
  3. a state of anger, emotional overexcitement;
  4. overwork after a hard day;
  5. binge eating;
  6. a large number of smoked cigarettes in a short period of time.

Strong blows can appear after overuse or an extra can of energy cocktails. For some people, this is a normal occurrence against the background of strong excitement before an important performance or exam. For women, increased heartbeat is one of the symptoms of the onset of menstruation, a complication of.

If strong blows appear abruptly and for no apparent reason, it is necessary to pass tests for the content of basic mineral compounds. A lack of potassium disrupts the heart and changes the rhythm, which leads to tachycardia. With such problems, it is enough to exclude the cause, improve nutrition and rest more often. It is recommended to take a multivitamin complex, which will improve work, support with vitamin deficiency.

Heart beats with endocrinology

With inflammation or pathology of the thyroid gland, the balance of hormones necessary to maintain the processes in the body is disturbed. Strong beating of the heart at rest is a characteristic symptom. When a hormonal disruption occurs, a person notes:

  • increased sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • forgetfulness;
  • depressive state;
  • weight gain;
  • skin rashes, laxity and dryness.

When hypothyroidism appears, the heart beats with increased frequency. A person cannot fully work, play sports, devote time to his family. Treatment consists in normalizing hormonal levels, stopping the cause of the disease. The endocrinologist selects artificial analogs of hormones in the required volume. With prolonged use, they help to level the condition, normalize health.

Change in heart rate with pressure

With a sharp decrease in pressure, the circle of blood circulation slows down. To normalize the flow of oxygen, the brain instructs the heart to work hard, pumping increased volumes. A person feels strong beats of the heart against the background of a normal pulse, in the ears. The following conditions may be the cause:

  1. dehydration;
  2. profuse blood loss;
  3. vegetative dystonia;
  4. allergic reaction.

An increased heartbeat is accompanied by nausea, impaired appetite, which lead to weakness and drowsiness. Treatment is to maintain blood pressure at the correct 120/70 or 130/80 depending on age. If necessary, revise the diet, try to consume more protein, pure water, fruit.

A similar phenomenon is often found with. A woman in a position experiences strong heart attacks, may lose consciousness. In most cases, this is a consequence of anemia - a lack of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the body. The problem should be solved by taking special medications containing iron and vitamins in an easily digestible form.

If the analyzes do not give an answer why the pressure changes sharply and there is a strong heartbeat, you need to take care of your health:

  • devote time to sports, physiotherapy exercises swimming or dancing;
  • regularly take light medications with a sedative effect (Persen, Sedafiton, valerian extract);
  • walk every day for at least 1-2 hours;
  • pick up a complex of breathing practice yoga;
  • do not use exhausting diets.

An active life combined with a nutritious diet helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Gradually, attacks of strong heartbeat disappear: the body copes with the load under stress, does not respond to weather changes. Every year you should visit a therapist for tests on the level of hemoglobin and potassium, monitor your weight.

How to identify the cause of an irregular heart rhythm?

In most cases, following the simple recommendations of a cardiologist, it is possible to completely defeat the problem, to exclude its recurrence. But doctors warn that there are a number of symptoms that indicate serious heart disease that require immediate treatment:

  1. strong beats of the heart at night;
  2. the appearance of a panic fear of sudden death;
  3. the beating is accompanied by pain in the sternum, burning, tingling;
  4. the skin turns pale or turns red;
  5. there is a tremor of the hands;

If such violations occur, it is necessary to urgently seek qualified diagnostics. It includes: ultrasound of the heart and digestive organs, liver, kidneys, electrocardiogram, a number of tests for hormones, proteins, hemoglobin. In difficult situations, the patient is recommended to undergo a complete computer examination, which can detect neoplasms, oncological tumors, and lung damage.

A strong heartbeat often occurs in a pre-infarction state, stroke, coronary artery disease. These are dangerous pathologies that threaten the patient's life. To eliminate a painful problem, a number of drugs should be taken:

  • cardiac glycolysides (Digoxin, Korglikon, Novodigal);
  • beta blockers (Atenolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol);
  • sedative complexes (Sedafiton, motherwort or peony tincture);
  • special antioxidants (Preductal, Triducard).

If an attack of a rapid heartbeat happened at night, a person may wake up with a panic attack, be afraid of sudden heart shocks and pain. Urgent action needs to be taken:

  1. Wash with cool water, rinse your hands up to the elbows.
  2. Drink a few sips of sweet tea or iced water.
  3. Walk around the room, try to cough to stimulate the movement of blood.
  4. Take Valocordin, Corvalol, Valerian Extract.

Popular recipes help to relieve unpleasant symptoms and strengthen the heart muscle. Within 10-14 days, you can take a decoction of St. John's wort, mixed with hawthorn, wild rose, dry motherwort. This tea is drunk several times a day, adding a little honey. A mild sedative effect is provided by lemon balm, valerian root, chamomile.

Doctors warn that strong heart beats dangerous symptom, therefore, you should not self-medicate, take potent drugs on the recommendation of friends or neighbors. Ignoring the problem often leads to the development of necrosis of individual parts of the heart bag, ischemic disease, and ends with incurable complications.

Contusion accounts for up to seventy percent. A heart subject to a stroke, depending on how severe the damage has occurred, may cope with the consequences on its own or the help of doctors will be needed. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order not to waste time if the diagnosis shows the need to undergo treatment.

Features of the injury

If there is a closed injury in the area of ​​the left side of the chest, then the possibility of a heart injury is not excluded. This problem has such features that it is not always possible to guess about it, a contusion of the heart is determined by examination. It occurs as a result of the application of mechanical force to the chest, which is transmitted to the heart.

The heart is an organ in which the continuous circulation of blood flows operates, the valves work well, the conducting system functions, transmitting impulses from the pacemakers to the chambers. The consequences of a traumatic blow depend on:

  • from the strength of this action,
  • what phase of the heart was at that moment,
  • direction of impact.

The disease code according to the international classification scale (mkb-10) is designated S26 (heart injury).

In some cameras, the movement can slow down, even stop during a sharp mechanical impact. During this time, blood flow to the heart continues to flow. The blood in the chambers of the heart, when exposed to a sharp impact, responds to a hydrodynamic phenomenon that can pose a danger to heart health.

The following reactions to a blow are possible:

  • overflow of cameras,
  • their overload,
  • stretching and resizing cavities,
  • squeezing of departments,
  • rib damage to the heart
  • dissociation of blood flow,
  • displacement of the heart,
  • sharp functional disorders can provoke mechanical damage to the heart:
    • myocardial damage,
    • damage to valves.

Classification and forms

Experts distinguish two types of clinical manifestations that can be caused by a stroke in the heart area:

  • angina pectoris,
  • infarction-like.

Determining which clinical type the symptoms of a particular patient can be attributed to gives an immediate clue about the tactics of treatment. To exclude the possibility of development of a contusion in an infarct-like case, the volume of therapy performed by the infusion method is limited. In the first case, such a limitation is not provided.

Heart contusion can be divided into components:

  • contusion of the heart muscles,
  • contusion of the coronary vessels,
  • contusion of valves,
  • combined injury.

Causes of occurrence

Heart contusion can occur if there is a blow to the chest in the area of ​​the projection of the heart. This action is possible:

  • in case of an accident:
    • falling from height,
    • blast shock
    • in an emergency - hitting the steering wheel with your chest;
    • in production - when working with heavy objects, when the tool kicks back or other unforeseen situation;
    • hydrotrauma,
    • hit by a stone
  • or how sports injury:
    • hitting a ball in a soccer game,
    • during a single combats match,
    • other accidental injuries.


Heart contusion can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • interruptions of cardiac activity,
  • chest pain
  • heartbeat,
  • shortness of breath, in some cases, choking;
  • cyanosis,
  • pains similar to sensations during;
  • expansion of the boundaries of the heart,
  • the pain factor manifests itself either after an injury immediately or after a few hours;
  • the appearance of uncharacteristic noises, muffled tones are heard;
  • decrease in blood pressure throughout the week,
  • if there was a violation papillary muscle, for example, its rupture, then a rough systolic murmur will be heard;
  • loss of consciousness,
  • with severe heart damage from a stroke, heart failure with congestion may develop.

Violations may occur:

  • heart vessels,
  • spasm of the coronary arteries,
  • hemorrhages in the muscles of the heart,
  • rhythm disturbances
  • for minor injuries: microbleeds, hematomas;
  • when a traumatic blow of great strength is possible:
    • rupture of valve elements,
    • damage to the muscles of the heart.

There may be signs:

  • cold sweat
  • anxiety,
  • loss of mind
  • bloating in the region of the heart,
  • causeless horror,
  • tingling sensation in your fingertips
  • pulsation of large veins.

We will tell you about ECG and other methods of diagnosing heart contusion further.


The specialist listens to complaints and makes the heart work with a stethoscope. To clarify, do research:

  • An electrocardiogram reflects the electrical impulses of the heart. If the results of this method show a normal result, then you can be sure that serious negative consequences there is no bruise.
  • Echocardiography is indicated in cases where there are signs of hemodynamic impairment. In situations of contusion, a transesophageal study is used.
  • Holter observation - recording of heart impulses throughout the day. It makes it possible to understand what factors are associated with possible deviations from the norm of the readings. The patient wears a portable sensor attached to his body and keeps a chronological record of activities, stress, mood.
  • Laboratory research. Analyzes are carried out for the content of substances that may indicate that the myocardium is damaged:
    • Isozyme MB,
    • troponin.


To help a patient with a contusion of the heart, he is admitted to a hospital. Treatment takes place in the intensive care unit, if an urgent operation is not required. The treatment program is carried out under close monitoring of changes in the patient's condition.


If necessary, activities are carried out:

  • to restore the ability of the myocardium to contract,
  • treatment of hemodynamic disorders,
  • antiarrhythmic therapy,
  • improved metabolism,
  • rehabilitation measures.


Specialists, depending on what violations occurred as a result of injury, can prescribe:

  • drugs that relieve heart pain, these can be:
    • droperidol (with saline)
    • (with saline)
    • omnopod,
    • morphine,
  • antiarrhythmic drugs:
    • isoptin,
    • trazikor,
    • panangin,
    • potassium chloride,
  • with heart failure:
    • diuretics
    • cardiac glycosides,
    • medicines containing potassium.


  • If mechanical damage to the walls or elements of the valves occurs in the heart, the patient will need urgent surgical assistance.
  • In the case of a transverse blockade (complete), measures are taken for pacing.

Folk remedies

For bruises, folk methods are successfully used. A bruised heart can be fraught with serious threats, so self-medication is unacceptable.

With the permission of a specialist, you can apply:

  • The bruised place is helped by cold and calm.
  • The plantain application can help relieve the effects of injury.
  • The same, only crushed wormwood is applied.
  • A solution is made with laundry soap, a bandage soaked in this solution is applied to the bruise.

About the potato method folk treatment heart contusion will tell the following video:


Preventing bruising my heart with everyone possible consequences there will be an exclusion of the possibility of injury to the chest in the region of the heart. Safety precautions must be followed:

  • Drivers should always wear their seat belt.
  • Construction site installers should strap onto structures to prevent falls.
  • IN sports activities remember that the area of ​​the heart must be protected from blows.

Complications and consequences of heart contusion

A contusion of the heart is a severe stress for the body. This inflicts a tangible blow on various systems. Symptoms of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy can be a consequence of trauma.

Often, when a serious injury is received, it is a contusion of the heart that becomes the cause of death, although it may not be detected. This situation occurs in three fourth cases of fatal injuries. After treatment in a hospital, when needed surgery if there was a cessation of blood circulation, the probability of death is high, up to 88%.

Children, youths and even experienced athletes often die in gyms. Damage to the region of the heart by a strong blow to the chest, causes instant death.

The cause of concussion.

A concussion is caused by a sharp, direct blow to the chest area. Cardiac arrest is caused by damage to the heart muscle. Doctors have proven that this explains the sudden death of young men and boys during sporting events and training in gyms.

In ancient China, this was one of the main techniques of martial arts: they killed the enemy with one precise blow to the heart.

If we turn to the numbers, we can find out that average age children killed in sports grounds- 15 - 10 years, and over 25 years of age such misfortunes occur less often. 95% of boys and men are injured while playing baseball, football, playing field hockey and with the puck, in collisions during the game. In hockey and football, players deliberately expose their chests to take the blow and throw the puck or ball away.

Very often, trouble comes in nature, on the playground, from hitting a ball, a swing. Sudden cardiac arrest can occur even without visible damage to the heart. Urgent resuscitation measures are needed, which can be carried out by coaches, doctors, and the athletes themselves. Quickly, promptly providing first aid, you can save the kids.

When it is too late, even the resuscitation teams do not help with their modern equipment. A blow to the chest causes a long arrhythmia followed by spasm of the coronary arteries. In another way, it can be explained as follows: the heart, like a motor pumps blood through the arteries to the brain, to the lungs, after a sharp blow to the chest - the heart stops pumping, instead of rhythmic jerks, only flutter. And if you don't start it (like a motor), it stops.

Why do children suffer more than adults? Children have an immature chest and weak intercostal muscles. In adults, ribs and muscle are strong, so only five out of a hundred athletes can get this injury.

How can this formidable complication be prevented?

Coaches and sports doctors need to educate young players not to be exposed to direct puck and ball hits.

For athletes and children, buy quality, certified protective equipment.

Doctors, educators, parents themselves should carry out mass explanatory work on the prevention of concussion in children in kindergartens and schools.

IN sports schools, sports halls, stadiums, it is necessary to organize a medical service, with modern resuscitation portable equipment.

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