Leisure sports in the middle group winter theme. Entertainment for middle preschool age "Winter fun

Marina Viktorovna Vitskova
Scenario physical education"Winter-winter, sports country" for children middle group

Target: develop emotional interest in motor activity in children.


Develop dexterity, quickness, courage, endurance;

Strengthen the ability of children to walk on an inclined board; perform jumps; jump on the right and left legs; roll the hoop;

Foster the need for movement.

Children enter the hall and get up scattered.

Educator. Hello guys! I wish you a Happy New Year!

I wish you a good mood. Winter, guys, is a time of vacations, a time of fun games and fun. And in winter, there are winter Olympic Games... Therefore, today we will be engaged in physical education, keeping up with the athletes. We will call our event "Zimushka - winter - a sports country!" Guys, stand in a column!

Children are rebuilding in a column one after another.

Educator. You guys know that in winter you can clearly see the tracks of animals and birds in the snow. Let us walk in the snow like cubs.

Walking on outside feet, hands behind the back.

Educator. And now we go like a wolf.

Walking on heels, hands behind the head.

Educator... And now let's go through like bunnies that sneak behind a Christmas tree so that the wolf does not hear.

Walking on toes. Educator. Here the birds, overtaking each other, fly after the crumbs.

Running with a change of leader.

Educator. And now normal running in a column one after another.

General developmental exercises with rattles

1. Forming and walking in a column with rattles. Running in a scattered direction and tributaries in place.

2. Walking and building in links.

I. p.: Stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Show the rattle! - stretch your arms forward - to the sides, return to starting position... (4-5 times)

I. p.: Sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt, rattles on the back of the floor. Turn to the right, take the rattle, call, say "Tinker Bell", put the rattle in its place, return to its original position, (repeat 3-4 times in each direction)

I. p.: Stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lower. Bend down, shake the rattle several times, return to the starting position. (5-6 times)

I. p.: Lie on your back, arms along the body. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up, touch the knees with rattles, return to the starting position. (5-6 times)

I. p.: Lying on his stomach. "We are funny Parsley" - raise your head, arms forward, clap your hands by 1-2, return to the starting position. (4-5 times)

Educator. Now, my guys, guess the riddle:

They slapped me with a shovel

They made me a hunchback

They beat me, beat me,

Ice water was poured over.

And they all rode afterwards

From my hump in a herd.

Children: This is a snow slide.

Educator: Guys, now we will go up the hill with you.

Walking on an inclined board, walking on a log, hands arbitrarily, running on an inclined board. (2-3 times)

Educator. Again a new riddle, guys, guess:

An asterisk, whirling, sparkles,

And it melts quickly in the palm.

Became a drop in my hand

Like a tear on my cheek

Children: These are snowflakes

Educator: That's right, well done

Jumping in place on the right and left legs alternating with walking in place. (4 times each)

Educator. Together, all my guys, guess a new riddle:

We made a snowball

They made a hat on it,

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out ...

Children: snowman

Rolling the hoop in an arbitrary direction followed by jumping in the hoop. (2-3 times).

Educator. In winter, you guys and I play outdoor games and compete. But it takes a lot of training to become real athletes. The relay race will help us in this: Baba Yaga "

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds the bucket by the handle with one hand and the mop in the other. In this position, it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the stupa and broom to the next participant.

Educator... Now it's time for us kids to rest.

Finger gymnastics "Snowman"

We made a snowball We make a ball with both hands,

We made a hat on it.We connect our hands in a ring and put it on our head,

Attached the nose and instantly we put our fists to the nose,

The result is a snowman. Draw the figure of a snowman with both hands.

Educator. Today a snowman came to visit us and he wants to play with us.

Snowman Catching Game

We all go in a circle (go in a circle)

We all go, we all go (stop)

We'll go up to the Snowman (go in a circle)

And then let's go back. (going out of the circle)

One, two, three - (clap)

Snowman, you catch us! (run away)

Snowman: I played with you for a long time

I'm really tired.

Breathing exercises after the game.

Educator. On this, guys, our event came to an end, you and I have become real athletes. And now it's time for us to say goodbye, kids. Goodbye, guys!

Children go to the group.

MBDOU "Pot'minsky Kindergarten»

Physical culture leisure

"Winter Adventure"

(second youngest group)


Mikhailova M.I.



Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers.


Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

Formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, their relationships.


Enrichment of the active vocabulary.


Performing general developmental exercises (walking, running, crawling, throwing).

Development of dexterity, attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

Development of positive emotions from playing with the character.

Material and equipment: tree, fox costume, bell, basket with snowballs, squirrel toy, basket with treats, arc (h = 90cm).

Preliminary work: carrying out physical education, entertainment, conversations with children, seasons, wild animals. Reading fiction. Acquaintance and carrying out outdoor games with children. Selection of pieces of music.

Leisure course:

(Children enter the hall to cheerful music)


Pours white snow

All the trees are covered with hoarfrost.

We go out for a walk

This winter evening.

We are not afraid of frost

Let it frighten with the cold

With him in the cold winter

We are very close friends!


Are we friends with the frost, guys?

Children: Yes!


I suggest, guys,

You will get into the winter forest.

The animals are not sleeping there yet,

There are snowdrifts up to heaven.

Educator: But first, let's get some warm clothes.

(Game - massage "Dressing warmly")

We will put on our boots (they stroke both feet at the same time)

Hat - warmer (stroking the head)

And of course mittens (stroking hands one by one) Quick fur coat (stroking the body) And let's go all together. We'll walk faster. (Children go in circles one after another)

Here are huge drifts

Let's raise our legs high.

(Raise their knees high, keeping their hands on their belt)

Along the icy path

Walking slowly

(Walk on tiptoes, hands on the belt)

So as not to fall into the snow

We must hurry

(They run one after another across the hall)

Put the skis on your feet

And we'll ride in the snow

(squat on bent legs, imitating the movements of a skier)

We will go around the trees

we will not shake the snow from their branches.

(running like a snake)

General developmental exercises.

Educator: Here is a clearing, here is a forest, here is a tree to heaven.

  1. “This is what she is,

The Christmas tree is big! "

(Put your hands up, reach out.)

2 ... “The tree has fluffed up its paws,

She began to show off.

And boys and girls

They began to admire.

All the guys like

Herringbone is a beauty ".

(Spread your fingers apart, turn the body to the right, left, arms to the sides).

3 ... "The little handles-crumbs will not freeze -

We'll clap our hands "

(Children clap their hands)

  1. "So that our feet do not chill,

We will sink a little "

(Children stamp their feet)

5 ... "Who sits under the tree

And wiggles your ears?

We sat down - stood up together,

We haven't seen anyone. "

(Squats, arms along the body).

  1. And then the squirrel galloped,

I saw a miracle tree,

I began to jump, have fun

And spin around you. "

(Jumping on two legs, around its axis).

Educator: Who else lives in the forest?

Children: Wolves, bears, hares, foxes, etc.

Basic movements.

Educator: Guys, I have a magic bell.

"Bell, turn the bells of the kids into bears"

(Crawling on all fours under an arc).

"The bell, turn the ringing of the children into a bunny."

(Jumping on two legs with forward movement).

Educator: Oh, someone is in a hurry to visit us.

(Music sounds. Fox appears)


It smells like a hare on the edge,

Here I will set traps.

I'll lie by the tree -

I’ll hunt down stupid rabbits!

Traps will not work -

I'll catch them by the ears.

(Outdoor game "Fox and Hares")

Fox. How clever and careful they are. I didn't catch a single hare.

Educator... So the fox wants to catch hares. Well, let's chase her away, take snowballs, throw at the fox.

(Outdoor game "Snowballs")

(The fox throws snowballs at the children and runs away at the end.)

Educator... "Bell, turn the bells of the children."

Well done, my guys!

Dexterous, skillful

Friendly and brave!


Look, the squirrel is back.

She really enjoyed playing with you

And she decided to treat you to.


Thank you, squirrel for the treat.

Did you like the winter forest?

Now follow me

We go home along the path.

Scenario of physical education in the middle group
"Journey to the winter forest"

Prepared by: educator

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired at physical education... Develop attention, observation. Create a friendly atmosphere, bring joy to children.
Benefits: 2 snowflakes for each child, 2 Pilates, a crawling stand, snowballs, 6 balls, 2 baskets, a treat in the form of pies, a model of a house, a tape recorder with recordings of children's songs and funny music
1 introduction
Educator: Powdered the tracks,
Decorated the windows
I gave joy to the children,
And I gave it a ride on a sled.
What do you think it is? That's right, winter! I invite you to visit the winter forest! And now I will ask you a riddle:
Hey guys don't be sad
Go out to charge,
Just don't yawn before
You will guess the riddle.
The stars circled
A little bit in the air.
Sat down and melted
On my palm.
Children: Snowflakes.
Educator: Now we will fly with you like snowflakes.
1. "Light snowflakes" - walking on toes, hands up.
2. "On an ice path" - walking on heels, hands behind the head.
3. "Through the snowdrifts" - walking with a high knee lift
4 . "Treading paths" - walking in small steps, hands on the belt.
5 "Catch the Snowflake" - bounces with pops over your head.
6. "Blizzard is sweeping" - easy run.
Educator: You are now snowflakes - white fluffs, fly in all directions! (children raise 2 snowflakes)
2. General developmental exercises. Complex "Winter Fantasy"
1). "Snowflakes are flying"
I. p. - legs in a narrow path, snowflakes at the bottom
1.-hands forward
2.-up, wave snowflakes
4- lower (5-6 times)
2). Show snowflakes
and. p. - legs shoulder-width apart, snowflakes at the chest
1.-turn right, arms extended
2.- and. NS.
3 the same in the other direction
4.- and. NS.
3) "Snowflakes are flying in the wind"
and. p. - the same, snowflakes at the top
1-2- tilt to the right, left.
3 and. NS.
4) "Snowflakes are falling to the ground"
and. n. - legs in a narrow path, arms forward
1-sit down, put snowflakes in front of you
2 –and. NS.
3-sit down, take snowflakes
4 - and. NS.
5) "Let's dance with snowflakes"
Jumping in different ways
Breathing exercise"The breeze plays with snowflakes"
Children hold snowflakes with 2 fingers and, drawing air through their noses, blow on the snowflakes.
Educator: How much snow has covered, everything has become white
3. P / and "Find your snowdrift"
Children get into hoops for 2 people. To the music, they run around the hall, with the end of the music they occupy each of their hoops. (3 times)
From behind the tree, Little Red Riding Hood comes out with a basket in her hands, walks through the hall, singing the first verse of "The Song of Little Red Riding Hood." Stops, as if looking at the path, notices children
Little Red Riding Hood:
It turns out that I am not alone in the forest. Hello!
Educator: Hello, girl! What is your name?
Little Red Riding Hood:
My name is Little Red Riding Hood!
What are you doing in the forest?
Little Red Riding Hood:
Mom baked pies and asked them to take them to her sick grandmother. I often visit my grandmother. But then winter came, all the paths were covered with snow. And I think I'm lost (crying)
Educator: Don't cry, Little Red Riding Hood, we will help you find your way to your grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood:
Thanks guys, I will be very glad!
Children stand in a column one by one.
4. Play exercise"Path to grandmother"
1) "Snow Bridge" - walking on Pilates, arms out to the sides.
2) "Jumping over snowdrifts" - jumping over Pilates
3) "Fallen tree in front" - climbing on a rope raised to a height of 60 cm, without touching the floor with your hands.
A wolf runs out from behind a tree.
Wolf: Hello!
(children say hello)
Wolf: I've been watching you for a long time. Just don't understand, what are you doing in my forest?
Educator: Wolf, first of all, the forest is not yours, you just live in it. Secondly, the guys and Little Red Riding Hood and I are looking for the road that leads to the grandmother's house. Can you help us find her?
Wolf: Of course, I will help, I know all the paths in the forest. Just play with me first. I see you have so many snowballs. Shall we have a snowy battle?
Educator: Guys! Let's play snowballs with the wolf!
5. "Playing snowballs"
Children with a wolf play snowballs. The wolf "surrenders" and lies on its back.
We collect snowballs in one hoop.
6. Game-competition "Pass the snowballs".
Children are built in 2 teams: a team of girls led by Little Red Riding Hood and a team of boys led by a wolf. Whose team will pass the balls over the head faster? (3 balls for each team)
Educator: Wolf, now show the way to grandmother, you promised.
Wolf: I promised, I will help (speaks aside): It would not hurt to outwit you, he will send you along the longest path. Well, I'll be the first to run to my grandmother and eat her!
Educator: Wolf, what are you up to there?
Wolf: Nothing special, I remember a short cut
Educator: What path should we take?
(The wolf points the way in the opposite direction from the house, says goodbye and runs away)
Educator: Guys, it seems to me that the wolf is up to something. Let's go not on the path that he showed us, but follow him.
(the wolf appears again and runs in zigzags towards the house)
7. Game exercise "Thread and needle"
Children, Little Red Riding Hood join hands, in front of the teacher and on tiptoes run after the wolf. The wolf runs ahead and does not seem to notice anyone. All together run to the house.
Educator: Oh, you wanted to outsmart us. Go away, wolf!
(The wolf runs away, grandmother leaves the house and meets the children)
Grandma: Thank you Little Red Riding Hood and the guys for visiting me. Thanks for the pies, I can't eat so much alone. Help yourself!
The children thank their grandmother and say goodbye to her and Little Red Riding Hood.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

kindergarten number 8 combined type

Physical culture entertainment

"Winter's Tale"

(Middle group)

Instructor for physical culture

A.V. Pogodin

Volodarsk, 2017

Target: introducing children to healthy way life, creating a positive emotional mood

- to form a desire to participate in games and relay races;
- to develop physical activity, the ability to act on a signal, coordination of movements, agility, speed, accuracy;
- to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the character.

Funds: trays (2 pcs.),
baskets (2 pcs.),
plastic snowflakes and real or made of thick paper icicles (according to the number of competitions and relay races),
snowballs or white medicine balls (according to the number of participants),
inflatable pools (2 pcs.),
small rubber balls (according to the number of children),
hockey sticks (2 pcs.),
gate (2sh.),
skittles (8-10 pcs.),
sweets: cookies and candies,
medals (for each participant)

Leisure participants: presenter, Snowman, children.

Event progress:
Children together with the presenter enter the hall. On the chest of children are the emblems of "Snowflakes" and "Icicles".
Guys, winter has come. Snowy, frosty. See how much snow has covered. So that we don't get bored, let's blind our friend - a snowman. Guys, stand in a circle.

Snowman game

Now winter has come, hurray! (clap their hands)
Glad to the snow kids!
Oh! The job is not easy - (hold your head, shake your head)
We make a snowman! (rolling a lump of snow)
We'll put someone on whom (bends forward with outstretched hands)
We'll bring up our eyes, (make movements with their hands near the face to the right and left)
Insert a nose-carrot, (attach both fists in turn to the face)
We'll find the hat. (make your hands a "house" above your head)
Here is what a snowman, (movement "spring")
Snow White Fat Man!

snowman I am a funny Snowman.
I am neither small nor great.
Instead of potato eyes
Carrot nose.

Aren't you afraid of the cold?



The leader helps the children line up in 2 columns. Teams "Snowflakes" and "Icicles"

    Relay "One snowball, two snowball"

/ teams line up in 2 columns one after another, in front of them, at a distance of 6-8 m, snowballs lie in hoops. There is a basket next to each team. On the command “One - two - three! Bring snowballs! " team members take turns running to the pile, take a snowball, return to the team, put the snowball in the basket and stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task faster is considered the winner.

Leading: You see, Snowman, whatfast guys! Let's see how accurate they are?

    Competition "Hit the Target"

The teams of the participants remain in the columns. In front of each team is a basket of snowballs. Large-diameter baskets are placed in front of the teams at a distance of 2 m. At the signal “One - two! Do not snooze! And throw snowballs sooner! " the participants take a snowball from the basket one by one, throw it at the target, stand at the end of the column. The competition is not for speed, but for performance. Whoever has more snowballs in the basket is the team and the winner

Leading: Well done! Sharp guys!


Snowman: With joy.

    Outdoor game "Freeze"

Children sit on the bench, Snowman on the opposite side. Children sneak up to him on their toes and then clap their hands loudly. The snowman wakes up and says the words:
Snowman: I am a cheerful Snowman from childhood accustomed to the cold.
Whom I catch up, I turn into an icicle.

The children run to the bench and the Snowman catches up with them.

Leading : Well done, guys, and you are a Snowman. We played very merrily.

Leading : Snowman, now let the guys and I come up with a task for you. For example, let's check if you know winter fun.

    Outdoor game "Guess the winter fun"

Children, together with the presenter, stand in a circle, join hands. The snowman stands outside the circle, facing away from the guys. Participants agree on what movement they will show, then go in a circle, pronounce the words:
In an even circle
One after another
We go step by step.
Stand still!
Friendly together
Let's do it like this ...

Children show some kind of movement, for example, imitate playing snowballs, ice skating, skiing, sledging, building a snowman. The snowman turns to the children, guesses the winter fun. The game is repeated 3-4 times again.

Snowman, you are great!

Children thank Snowman, say goodbye to him.

A Snowman enters the hall to the music.

Snowman: I am a funny Snowman.
I am neither small nor great.
Instead of potato eyes
Carrot nose.

Thank you guys for blinding me.
Aren't you afraid of the cold?

Leading :
No. Snowman, the guys and I run and play, we are not afraid to freeze. Our guys are fast, strong, dexterous.

Snowman: But we will check it now. I brought snowballs for you.

Leading: Snowman, we want to play with you. Will you play the game "Freeze" with the guys?

Snowman: With joy.

Snowman: I am a funny Snowman

I got used to the cold since childhood.

Who am I catching up with

I turn it into an icicle.


Snowman: Well done boys. I had fun with you. Here are some presents from me. I have to go. Goodbye.

Sports entertainment for children of the middle group

"Winter walk"

Tasks: Create in children good mood... Develop in a playful way physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance. Maintain interest in winter outdoor games. Strengthen the ability to perform various exercises to the music. To bring up organization, independence. To cultivate a team spirit, interest in games - fun.

Equipment:2 hoops, "snowballs", 2 clubs, 2 pucks, 2 arcs, 6 artificial Christmas trees, a toy bear,treat for children .

The course of entertainment

Instructor:Guys, what time of year?

Children: Winter.

Instructor:That's right, children, winter. It's winter outside, look out the window: the trees are white, wrapped in snow, Winter is a wonderful time of the year. In winter, you can go sledding, and run on skis, make a snowman, and play snowballs!

And in winter, how good it is, the snow is spinning, frosty. Let's take a winter walk with you today. Aren't you afraid of frost? (No). Well, then let's get ready for the road.

We put on pants, one leg, we put on the other leg. We put on the blouse, one, two, we smoothed the blouse well. We put on felt boots, one felt boots, the second felt boots. We put on a hat, do not forget the hat, yes, do not forget, we have tied it. The buttons on the fur coat were buttoned, well to the end to the end. And now they took a scarf, put it on and tied it up and now, we're ready!

So we all got ready to go. They all turned one after another. We walk through the snowdrifts, raising our legs. Handles on the belt, above the legs. And on the ice, we lightly, lightly quietly step our hands to the sides, stretched up on toes, stretched. Well done. And the snowflakes flew, crunched underfoot, went on their heels. (Hands behind your back). So that we don't fall through the snow, we will rush quickly, quickly. And we go to walking. Stop once, twice.

Guys, look how beautiful it is in winter (Attention to the screen)

Here is a birch tree, but a tree is looking at us. In the sky, snowflakes whirl and quietly fall on the ground. Let us take a walk through our winter meadow.

Complex game gymnastics to music with the inclusion of massage and outdoor games.

Game "Ay-dili-didi-dili"

One, two, three, four, five, we'll get together again.

Guys come to me.

Here the breeze blew

It blew cold

It's winter winter

She waved her sleeve

Flew from a height

White fluff

On trees, on bushes

Snowflakes are falling

Guys look at our palms

Snowflakes also fell, let's blow them off (Come on)

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Blow on your palms. Oh, how great you are, how great you are at.

Guys, what games do you like to play in winter.

Children:I love sledding in winter, playing snowballs, making a snowman. That's right, guys, well done - all this is winter fun (Attention to the screen)

Instructor:Oh, frost, frost, frost

he grabs us by the nose,

And we are not afraid, but we are having fun.

Let's take skis with poles
and let's go for a ride in the forest.
And we are not afraid, but we will move in.

Now we will divide into teams. I wonder which of the teams will be the most agile, the fastest, the most resourceful, and, of course, the most fun!

You are ready?

1. Relay "Hit the target" (with snowballs).

2. Relay "Hockey" (with a stick to score the puck into the goal)

3. Guess riddles.

Who whitens the glades with white

Who writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds

Decorated all the windows? (Freezing)

They stood all summer

Winters were waiting

Waited for the pores

We rushed off the mountain. (Sled)

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it on the run.

I fly from them with an arrow,

And they follow me again! (Skis)

3. Relay "Who is faster" (Snake running between the trees)

Instructor:Well done, we did the job! Now let's rest.

"Snowman" (relaxation)

Instructor: “Guys, imagine that you are a snowman. You were fashioned by children, and now they are gone. The snowman has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the side, and stands on strong legs (tension of all the muscles of the body). Morning has come, the sun is shining. So it starts to bake, and the snowman feels that it is melting. First the head, then the hands. Gradually, the body begins to melt little by little. The snowman turns into a puddle.

Relaxing music sounds.

Instructor:Guys look at what a huge snowdrift.

The instructor opens a snowdrift and takes a bear from there.

Instructor: Mishka was watching us.He prepared cones for you, see how many cones are near the trees. Take one bump at a time, Mishka wants to see how we can do massage.

Massage "Bumps"

Instructor:But wait, Mishka is saying something to me. He has a surprise for youa basket of cones, but the cones in the basket are not simple, but magic candies in them. The bear gives the basket and goes to his den.Guys, did you like our winter walk? (Yes!)

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