Massage for 7 month old baby to strengthen muscles. Crawling on all fours

Baby 7 months: what the baby can do, what to do with him, educational games and exercises, developmental features.

In each section of the article you will find:
1) Description of the list of skills of the child 7 months by the end of this month of development. What will he learn in a month?
2) Features of child development- what every mother needs to know.
3) The list of educational exercises and games for a child of 7 months in this direction of development.
At the end of the article you will find rhymes for playing games with a baby at seven months.

Child 7 months old: features of development, games and exercises

The first direction. The physical development of the child at 7 months.

What a seven-month-old baby can do by the end of this month:

Crawls quickly in all directions. Crawls up the steps to a low children's slide.
Learns to sit down on her own.
Can change the position of the body from a sitting position - for example, after sitting, lie on his tummy.
Learns to stand at the support, holding on to the railing of the crib or leaning on the seat of an armchair, chair, sofa. If the child manages to stand at the support, then he can stand there for 1-1.5 minutes. Then he sits down - goes down on one knee, bends the other leg and, leaning on, gets on all fours or sits down.
He learns, holding on to the support, to take a side step (one or two steps).

What physical exercises are good for your baby?

At 7 months of age for muscle development abdominal and the formation of the ability to sit down, sitting down is very useful.
When the child learns to sit down, he turns his head towards the toy from a lying position on his side, after which he sits down, leaning on his hand.

Sitting down.

Exercise 1. Sitting down. The kid is lying on his back. Take his hands. Slightly pulling up the arms bent at the elbows, induce the child to sit down. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise 2. Sitting down with support for one hand. The child lies on his back. Secure his knees with one hand, and hold the handle set aside with the other. Gently pull the child by the hand and say: "Sit down, Sasha!" Repeat 2 times. Once for the right handle, the second for the left handle.
It is good if you interest the kid with the toy in this exercise.
At first, the child will not sit for long, but then he will master this movement, which is new for him.
It is impossible to force a child to sit down, here you need to "follow him" and act taking into account his capabilities at a given moment in time.

For more information about how the baby learns to sit, what exercises he needs and is useful, what sitting posture is correct and incorrect - in the article

A game for the development of crawling for a child of 7 months.

Place sounding toys in different places in the room, cover them so that they are not visible with napkins. Start sounding with a single toy - for example, swing a bell. But don't show the toy. The kid will become interested, and he will crawl to the toy and look under the napkin. Then let your child play with this toy. Show how you can grip the object with the handle (how you can grip from the top, side, bottom, etc.).
Then repeat the game with another sounding object. At the end of his crawling path, the kid should be waiting for something interesting for him, hidden under a napkin.

Second direction. Social and emotional development of a child at 7 months.

What you need to know about the emotional development of a 7 month old baby?

By the end of the month, i.e. by eight months the child will have emotional attachment to a particular adult. This is usually a mom or other adult who is taking care of the baby. This attachment is very necessary for the child, therefore it is very undesirable to break it, send the child to a nursery or hand it over to a nanny. Affection means that a toddler can have a favorite adult, and that's okay!

Attachment to the mother will be formed only if the mother acts as an interesting partner in the game for the child, if she supports his initiative.

It is very important that adults, while praising the baby, emphasize what they are praising for, for what specific actions: “This is how well Anya opens her mouth!”, “Clever girl! I put all the balls in the box! " A general positive assessment or affection is no longer enough, the baby is drawn to business communication with an adult. It is important for him that his mother expresses pleasure in his concrete actions, supports his actions in the world around him, and not just caresses him. Although the weasel, of course, is not canceled! But it just becomes too little for the baby! He needs to go further in his development - to business cooperation with his mother in an interesting game for him!

Always praise the kid, tell him that he is “smart”, “beloved”, “well done”, “good”. With these words and your emotional attitude and support, you will create an atmosphere of joyful business cooperation that a child of 7 months and older needs.

What a 7 month old baby can do by the end of this month:

Reacts to the mood of adults, reacts to it. Have fun if they are hilarious.
Interested in other children - watching, laughing or babbling.
He actively plays nursery rhymes: "Ladushki", "Crow", "Hide and Seek", "Ku-ku" and others.
Shows sensitivity to adult praise. Seeks adult attention with a smile or a whimper.
Displays affection for close adults, can distinguish the most beloved among all adults.

Third direction. Cognitive speech development of a child at 7 months.

1. Sensory development.

At the age of 7 months, business communication with the mother is very important for the child. He no longer just lacks affection and attention, he needs a mother who will be a partner in the study of the world around him, who will show new ways of acting with objects, who will acquaint him with the world around him.

What a child can do:

Recognizes objects from different distances and shown under different angles vision.
Seeks to examine objects in all ways.
Works with many items, and not with one or two as it was before. Can transfer objects from hand to hand. In games with objects, both hands are involved.
Learns "straight and reverse actions". For example, folds and unfolds, puts rings on a bar and removes them. In these active actions, the child's idea of ​​himself as an active, acting person is formed!
Acts with toys depending on their properties: rolls balls, puts cubes on top of each other or knocks them against each other, puts toys out of a bucket and puts them back, opens the lids of boxes, pushes, squeezes, pushes, shakes, knocks, turns over and so on Further.
He takes objects in different ways: he takes large objects with his whole palm, and small ones - with a pinch.
Can work with an interesting toy for 3-6 minutes, and together with an adult for up to 8-10 minutes.

2. Development of speech.

What a seven-month-old baby can do by the end of this month:

At seven months, a child can actively perform movements in various nursery rhymes - magpie-crow, sweethearts, hide-and-seek, goat. He can perform the necessary learned movements by word. That is, as soon as the child hears the familiar words of the nursery rhyme performed by the mother, he immediately begins to do the action.
The kid knows how to perform actions at the request of an adult: give, drink, etc.

The kid babbles actively, repeating different syllables. She repeats syllables loudly, clearly. Babbling is very active when the child is interested in something.

Plays roll calls with her mother, repeating syllables after her. And the mother repeats his syllables after the baby. This is how the speech apparatus develops and trains.

To the question "Where ...?" points with a finger at the desired object. At an earlier age, in response to this question, the baby pointed to an object placed in a permanent place. And now he can point with his finger and at an object that has been rearranged to another place.

A child can find an object among other two or three familiar objects - in response to the question "Where ...?" he looks in the right direction. The question "Where ...?" must be asked several times, giving a pause of 5 seconds.

Hearing his name, the child turns to you, crawls towards you.

How to conduct a developmental speech lesson-roll call with a child of 7 months?

In order for roll calls to really develop the baby's speech, you need to know what syllables and sounds your child is already speaking. It is from this "speech base" of the baby that speech classes begin - roll calls.

During roll calls, the child must see the mother's face, listen to her, and monitor the articulation. And for this you need to think over the place of the roll call so that it is convenient for the baby to look at you, so that a harsh light does not hit his eyes.

What should be the structure of a roll call with a child of 7 months

Below I give the structure of the roll call, developed by L. N. Pavlova, Ph.D. in Psychology, the authors of many books and manuals on the development of young children. It is advisable to conduct such mini-classes every day so that the child successfully forms preparatory speech skills.
Introductory part. Lean over your baby to focus on your face. Stroke him, call him by name, holding out the vowels of the baby's name: "AAaaaaanechka!" and pronouncing the name with different intonation: “Aaaanechka? AAaaanechka! " Then pause for 15-20 seconds.

Part 1. "Roll call". You pronounce the sounds and syllables that your baby is already speaking. Then pause for 15-20 seconds. If the baby responded - repeated after you, repeat the sounds again after him.
Part 2. "Sounded Toy". Show a sounding toy, sound it. Let your baby focus on sound. Then pause for 15-20 seconds.
Part 3. Re-display of the toy. Show playful action with a toy, onomatopoeia. Name the toy.
Part 4. Repetition of the first part.
Part 5. In conclusion Sing a song or tell a rhyme about the toy shown.

Is it useful to listen to fairy tales for little ones with a child of 7 months?

With a child of 7 months, you can already listen to audio recordings of fairy tales, but in a special way. If you just put an audio recording for the baby and leave the room, then you will not get any developmental result. Speech just sounding nearby does not affect the development of the child's speech.

But if you sit next to the baby, listen to a fairy tale with enthusiasm, he will begin to watch you. And your passion will be passed on to him. The baby will begin to listen to what the mother is listening to so intently.

You can listen to it for 5 minutes. And the more times you listen to the same recording, the more joy the child will experience from recognizing sounds familiar to him.

While listening, you can move your lips, persuade-repeat words. This will additionally attract the attention of the baby.
And even greater developmental effect will be if you tell fairy tales yourself, with pleasure, with different expressive intonations! It is to tell, and not to read from a book. It doesn't matter that the child is not speaking yet. He learns to listen to the sounds of speech!

Developmental games and exercises with a child of seven months: the preparatory stage of speech development

Game 1. Display of toys and actions with them.

How to conduct a play-show of a toy with a child at 7 months old?

First part games - activities. First, attract the child to the toy (move the toy, name it: "Here is a bunny. The bunny is jumping: hop-hop-hop!" help him.

The second part of the game-lesson. Let the kid himself act with a toy, examine it from all sides. As soon as interest in the toy falls and the actions with it become monotonous, proceed to the third part of the play activity with the toy.

The third part of the game is activities. In the third part, show the baby yourself different plots with a toy. The toy can hide. You can sing a song or tell a rhyme or nursery rhyme, accompanying it with actions with a toy. You can also "dance" with a toy.

Useful Tips for conducting an educational game - showing a toy to a child of 7 months:

Council number 1. Repeat the name of the toy, its signs, actions many times during the show: “Here is a cockerel. The cockerel is beautiful. The cockerel sings: "Kukareku!" Or like this: “Here is a cockerel walking (showing the action). Found the grains! The cockerel pecks at the seeds (showing the action) "Or it can be done differently:" The cockerel sings (showing the action). The cockerel hid. Where is the cockerel? Anya found a cockerel and began to dance with him: la-la-la, la-la-la. "

Council number 2. In one such game, 1-2 actions are shown and called. V next game- next 1-2 new actions.

Very useful advice number 3 :). For those who have not given up reading this long article, but want to know all the nuances and details! I have prepared for you main secret, which will ensure the kid's interest in classes and their effectiveness! This is the key to success, and now you will learn how to captivate your baby and how to guarantee yourself 100% success!

The fact is that at the age of 7 months, a child is not yet able to consciously and voluntarily focus on a toy. Therefore, the so-called "Indicative reactions" That is, a situation is created when the baby will involuntarily look at the toy.

How to create such a situation:

The sudden appearance of a toy (from under a bright scarf, from a bright bag, from a bright box). They take out the toy, name it, show 1-2 actions - and - attention is the main thing! - then put it back in a box, under a handkerchief or in a bright bag! It is very important! The toy must be hidden! And then again unexpectedly get it and show a new action. And again, unexpectedly, to remove it - it ran away, the toy hid.
The effect of contrasting actions and unexpected change of action. For example, first the bunny rides a horse, and then suddenly - boo! Fell! Please note that vivid experiences will lead to the fact that at this moment the baby will not repeat the necessary syllables after you, he will be all in emotions. It should be so! Babbling - repeating syllables - the baby will be in between shows (when you hide the toy and sing a song).

Game 2. Actions with toys to imitate.

For example: lay out the balls, roll them and put them in a box. Or open your purse, get your pussy, close your purse.

You show the action, and the baby repeats it or does it in his own way. For example, you put the cubes in a cart and he takes them back out. Or you put the balls into two groups by color (yellow separately, blue separately), and the baby mixes them again. It is at the age of 7 months that the child masters the opposite actions (put on-take off, put on-off), so he will happily join such a game.

In playing with toys with a child of 7 months, you can and should include materials with different textures. Even the same patchwork balls can be velvet, and chintz, and flannel, or on one ball, pieces of different materials are combined. This develops the baby's tactile sensitivity.

Interesting ball games for children and games and poems for them were developed by F. Frebel. You can get acquainted with them in the article

How to teach a child new actions?

Usually, such training happens intuitively by itself, because the mother adjusts to the baby. But if we speak "in science" :). then teaching the baby a new action (give ..., show goodbye, etc. is three stages:

First step. The new action is called an adult and is performed by the adult together with the child. The adult makes the necessary movement with the child's hand. This is called the "passive movement method".
Second phase. You act in front of the child's eyes, prompting the toddler to perform a movement (“show method with the word”).
Stage three. The kid does an action at your word without showing ("okay", "goodbye", "give", etc.)

Game 3. Games with pictures.

At seven months, a child can already find a familiar object in the picture, that is, recognize a well-known volumetric object in a plane image.

Game 4. Development games fine motor skills.

Play with toys for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive development of the child. These are games with balls, cubes, cones, rings, which are fixed in a garland on a ribbon. Games with educational books and educational rugs. Playing with materials with different textures to develop tactile sensitivity.

Games for the development of fine motor skills can be found in the article
How to make a developmental book for the development of fine motor skills, you will learn from the article

Game 5. Learning to grab objects with two hands.

Give the child holding one toy another toy, and help her to pick it up with the other hand.
Next time, help your toddler learn to move the toy from one hand to the other.

You can play the drum with two hands at once. Give your baby two sticks or rattles to tap on the table. The child will be happy to knock with both hands.

Say at this time the words of a rhythmic rhyme or nursery rhyme. For instance:

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
The cat's house caught fire.

Knock knock, hammer,
We will build a house for the dolls.

Poems for games - shows of toys with a child of 7 months.

You need to say the texts, as it were, singing, stretching out vowel sounds, rhythmically, clearly, clearly, at an average speech rate (not fast)


I'm riding a horse
Clink, clink, clink, clink!
Eh, sit down, I'll pump it!
Clink, clink, clink, clink! (T, Volgina).


- Who woke up early? - Cockerel.
He lifted up the red comb.
The cockerel sang: "Ku-ka-re-ku!
Who else is lying there on its side? " (S. Prokofieva)


Ding-ding, ding-ding-dooooo!
Perezvooooon is heard everywhere!
Rattle, play!
Amuse our baby!


Loves to drum
To drum for a long time
Long barabaaaanit,


The pussy came up to the children
The milk beamed.
Milk beamed
MEOW! She spoke.
Määyau, määäu, määyau (N. Frenkel).

Like a cat-cat
The coat is very good!
Like a cat's mustache
Amazing beauty!
Glaaaazki daredevil!
The teeth are whiter!


Little zaaaainky
Wanted baaaaaainki,
Wanted baaaaa-inky
Because maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The gray bunny is sitting
And wiggles his ears.
Vooot - soooo, voooot-taaaak,
And wiggles his ears.
Bunny is cold to sit
You need to warm your paws,
Vooot-taaak, vooot-taaak,
You need to warm the paws.


Play for us, Anya, at a tambourine,
We will clap our hands.
Play for us, play
Give Mom the tambourine!

The child sits on the lap of an adult, the adult shakes him to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme and says:

A dog walked across the bridge
Four legs, the fifth is a tail.
If the bridge collapses
That sobaaaaaka svaaaalitsya! (we simulate falling into a fossa from the knees)


There is a horned goat,
There is a butted goat,
Who does not eat porridge,
Doesn't drink milk:
Gore, gore!


Tiiishe, guuuuli, don't make a fuss.
Don't wake up my deeeeet.
Do not bother, guuuulenki,
Fly away, guuuulenki!


Maaaaa little birdie
She flew to us, to us, to us.
Maaaaa little bird
I will give the seeds, I will give them, I will give them!
The bird sat on the window,
Sit a little more
Wait, don't fly away
Flew away, ay!

7 months- a unique period of child development! I wish you and your baby happiness, may he please you! O further development You will learn the child from the following articles of the Native Path website. And in this short 2-minute video, at the end of the article, let's recall all the features of the development of a baby at 7 months:

All newborn babies come into this world with bent arms and legs and tightly clenched fists. The movements of the infant's limbs are irregular. This phenomenon is completely normal and is called "physiological tone". The task of parents is to eliminate this tone and help their baby to comprehend the science of conscious movements. Massage will help you with this.

Massage types

Depending on the goal pursued, massage is divided into the following types:

  • medical;
  • prophylactic;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic.

Massage therapy should be performed by a specialist. It can be prescribed for the following diseases identified in the baby:

  • hypertonicity or hypotension;
  • dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • congenital joint dislocation;
  • acquired or congenital clubfoot;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • flat feet;
  • deformity of the legs (X- or O-shaped).

For each disease, its own special massage techniques are used, which, as a rule, differ from each other.

Preventive massage recommended for all newborns if there are no contraindications. Sessions of such a massage can improve blood circulation and appetite, normalize metabolism, and normalize breathing. In children with increased excitability, behavior is stabilized and sleep is normalized. It turns out that massage can reduce the content of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone, when its content is high, the body's immune defenses are destroyed. Consequently, under the influence of massage, the child's immunity also improves.

Since preventive massage is carried out in most cases by the parents themselves, its sessions are an additional way of contact between the baby and mom or dad. Undoubtedly, this will improve the psychological state of the baby.

Therapeutic and prophylactic massage , as well as therapeutic, is prescribed by a doctor and is carried out by specialists. It involves massaging the entire body, giving special attention problem areas... This type of massage is able to normalize blood circulation, improve work of cardio-vascular system, correct the defective state of bones and muscles, eliminate intestinal colic. It is also recommended for diseases of the respiratory, genitourinary and digestive systems. Therapeutic and prophylactic massage has a beneficial effect on the baby's motor abilities. The child will quickly learn to roll over, sit down and crawl.

Benefits / pros of massage

There are many receptors on our skin that, when irritated, send signals to the brain. This is how the work and development of all nervous system of a person, and massage occupies a leading position here. After all, it is during a massage session that most of the nerve receptors are irritated.

When massaging the body, blood circulation improves, and this has a positive effect on the condition of any internal organ... That is why preventive massage sessions are recommended for all babies in their first year of life.

For babies, massage replaces gymnastics. In addition, hearing and visual abilities are not yet sufficiently developed in newborns, the whole world is felt through touch. Therefore, it is massage that develops the emotional state of the baby and the ability to perceive the world around.

Pediatricians consider massage to be a reliable tool for the prevention of various diseases, since the well-coordinated work of all organs depends on it.

We have already mentioned the beneficial effect of massage procedures on the immune system of the newborn. So, as a result of this influence, the child will less often "catch" various infections and colds.

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Massage sessions are good for the digestive system, relieving intestinal colic and constipation in children. They also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helping to form correct posture and, if necessary, restore physical shape.

When do you need a massage

Massage for newborns is usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • hypotrophy;
  • valgus and flat hallux valgus stop;
  • tremors of various parts of the body;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • dysplasia of the hip joints;
  • clubfoot, flat feet, deformity of the legs;
  • scoliosis;
  • deformation chest.

A massage course can also be prescribed as part of therapy bronchial asthma, pneumonia, fractures of the extremities, etc. It is also shown with increased tone of the extremities and constipation.

However, if the baby did not have any special indications for massage, they can and should be practiced on their own at home. Naturally observing the necessary conditions, and, after consulting a pediatrician.


  • Any type of massage will not be of any benefit if your baby has a high body temperature. It is contraindicated for various injuries or diseases of the skin (especially of a pustular nature), increased fragility of bones, diseases of the circulatory system, ARVI.
  • It is advisable to give up massage procedures in the midst of the acute stage of any disease.
  • In the presence of an umbilical hernia, massage should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, since in this case it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pinching the hernia.
  • In children with a heart defect, massage sessions should be monitored by a pediatric cardiologist.
  • It is not recommended to carry out massage and with increased nervousness of the baby, since this condition causes increased tone muscles.

In any case, the massage course should be prescribed by a doctor, "amateur performance" is unacceptable.

Fundamental rules

You can start doing massage no earlier than the baby "knocks" 20 days old. In children under the age of 3 months, you cannot massage the fontanel area and under the knees, elbow bend, armpits, interior thighs. Pressing and shock movements, patting are also contraindicated, so you will only cause excessive irritation of the receptors and increased nervous excitability of the baby.

  1. The temperature in the room should be between 18 and 23 degrees. The most important thing is the temperature regime in the room. Do not forget that the baby will be completely undressed for a while and may freeze. There is no need to reassure yourself that the body heats up during the massage. This axiom applies to an adult. For crumbs, massaging movements are more stroking than power ones, and therefore the warming effect is practically zero. The onset of hiccups and the temperature of the baby's nose can tell you that the baby is cold. We read articles about, and it is useful to read the article on the hardening procedure, namely.
  2. For the massage, you should prepare a changing table or any flat surface. Cover with a thin blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The surface should be wide enough so that you can roll your baby over without hindrance.
  3. It is advisable to equip the place for the massage in advance with everything you need. Consider what may come in handy and ensure that these tools are within easy reach. You should not be distracted and leave the crumb, even put your mobile phone next to it. It is also advisable to spread an absorbent reusable diaper, because the baby still cannot control the urination process.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to your hands as well. Long nails are undesirable not only for massage, they are superfluous and. The beauty of the hands and good manicure are possible with short nails, so cut them off while the baby is at a tender age. It is also recommended that you remove all jewelry from your hands. You absolutely do not need an extra possibility of injury.
  5. Know how to choose the right time for the procedure. After all, you can roughly calculate when the child asks for food and sleep. Massage is best done one and a half to two hours after feeding. Even with a little discomfort on the part of the baby, the process will not give positive results.
  6. During the massage, do not be silent, talk to your child. Any children's songs and nursery rhymes will be useful. Such simultaneous activities not only tune the baby to a positive, but also develop his listening and speaking abilities.
  7. Gradual complication of exercises and an increase in the time of massage procedures.
  8. Direction of massage movements: strictly from bottom to top, from the periphery to the center.
  9. Movements should be careful and not cause discomfort to the baby.
  10. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes.

Step by step technique

Let us remind you right away that there are no strength movements when performing a massage, a newborn should not be. Only light stroking movements.

  • We always start with the little handles. We massage each finger separately, unclench our fists and pay attention to our palms. We smoothly move on to massage the wrist and gradually rise higher. Do not touch the armpits.
  • Smoothly moving on to the legs. First, we massage the foot, not forgetting to pay attention to each toe. Next, we perform light massaging movements in the direction from the foot to the groin. Be careful with the knees, there should be no effect on the joints. We don't touch the area under the knees at all.

Important! During the massage procedure, the arms and legs of the newborn should be in a bent state!

  • Gradually move on to the tummy and stroke it clockwise from the navel. Next, we close our hands on the midline of the tummy and begin to make sliding movements: one hand moves up and the other down. At the same time, we try to avoid exposure to the genitals.
  • We begin to massage the baby's chest in the direction from the sternum to the shoulders, then from the sternum to the sides. Avoid the breasts.
  • Turn the baby over on its stomach and gently massage the neck. In those moments when the baby is trying to raise or turn his head, it is recommended to stop all movements.
  • Next, we begin to massage the back. There are two directions of movement - from the waist to the shoulders, then from the spine to the sides. The spine itself is not massaged. Stroke the ass in the direction from the lateral surface of the thighs to the coccyx area.
  • We spread the crumb on the left side and carefully run our hand along the paravertebral lines in the direction from the sacrum to the head. In this case, the child should slightly bend forward. We do no more than three movements and repeat the same in the position on the right side.
  • We put the child in starting position and massage the head, avoiding the fontanel area (probably not worth explaining why). Don't forget about the ears. We also devote a little time and affection to them.

We finish the massage with stroking movements all over the body.

Massage for babies from 1 to 3 months in pictures

Mastering all these "wisdom" is not as difficult as it seems at first. We hope that with our help you will become a professional massage therapist for your baby.

Exercises for month old baby are selected taking into account his general condition, as well as individual characteristics.

The main massage techniques according to V.I. Vasichkin

  • Stroking- manipulation, in which the masseur, without moving the skin into folds, slides over the child's skin with varying degrees of pressure;
  • Trituration- a technique in which the masseur's hand makes a shift, stretching of the underlying tissues;
  • Kneading- a technique in which the massaging hand performs three stages: fixation, squeezing or squeezing, rolling. This technique is rarely used in baby massage, preferably by a specialist.
  • Vibration- manipulation, in which the massage therapist transfers various vibrational movements to the child. At the age of one month, this is usually a pat.


With our fingers, stroke the face of the crumbs from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and then to the cheeks. If after the whole process the baby lies relaxed and calm, then turn him over on his tummy and stroke the back with long movements, smoothly, from head to feet. If you notice that the baby is fidgeting, he does not like something and does not relax, do not continue to massage, it is better to stop. Perhaps the baby is worried about something.

Massage for a child in the first month is a necessary means of regulating the work of the flexor and extensor muscles, the activity of the nervous system and the general harmonious development of a newborn baby.

Note to moms!

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Second half of life- this is a turning point not only for the crumbs, but also for his parents: we are no longer a kitten, completely dependent on the will of the mother or father. Gradually, a person appears, persistently seeking the fulfillment of his desires. He demands to take him in his arms, drink him, shake him, play and in no case turn his back on him, and even more so - leave him alone. And he also admires his reflection in the mirror!

Child mental development

If the parents constantly pronounced the names of the objects surrounding the child, then at 7 months to the question "Where ..?" he finds them with his gaze. The baby already distinguishes between mother and father, knows the names of brothers and sisters. The result of systematic training are the first consciously pronounced repetitions of syllables against the background of babbling.

Simple rattles are no longer enough for the kid. Curiosity requires opening jingling boxes, dolls, rubber squeaky toys.

If the child is watered from a cup, then, as a rule, he drinks gently.

Cognitive development of the child

Every day a 7-month-old baby experiences fewer fears of the world around him and seeks to learn about it. He no longer cries when someone else's adult appears, but carefully examines him, daring to interact with him (to walk in response to speech, smile, take the proposed toy). This is the age when a baby can be introduced without tears to musical toys or noisy household appliances.

The baby not only waves with rattles, but also knocks. At the same time, he takes toys in both hands at once and manipulates with them. Follows the falling object with his gaze. If, while moving, the child bumps into a hard toy, he rolls off of it on his own, without waiting for the help of his parents in crying. And the first sad experiences of falling from a height are reinforced by the understanding of the danger: the baby is already avoiding the edge of the sofa or the handrails of the crib and playpen.

Child motor development

The kid already prefers to play while sitting, balancing his arms and body, spreading his legs wide apart, which allows him to "roll over" on his side less and less. Held by the armpits by an adult, he stands on unbent legs, leaning on his entire foot. If the parents paid attention to the development of the crawling skill, it is in the seventh month that they will see the fruits of their labor: the baby tries to crawl not only on his bellies, but also raising his ass high and kneeling down.

The child can roll over on his stomach or back, in any way trying to reach the thing of interest to him. In doing so, he learns to use handrails, ropes or rings to help himself.

How to do massage and gymnastics for a 7 month old baby

Complex change gymnastic exercises and massage at the age of 7 months is associated with his need for freedom of movement, in their variety and accuracy. Thanks to daily activities, the baby becomes more and more independent, confident and at the same time careful. Exercise should be done daily, an hour after any meal. Here is the recommended exercise sequence:

  • a baby sitting and holding on to the rings crosses his arms on his chest, and then spreads them to the sides, performs circular movements with his hands;
  • to the baby lying on its back, alternately and together, bend and unbend the legs, imitating steps or riding a bicycle;
  • clockwise tummy massage;
  • turning the body from the back to the tummy through the right side;
  • back muscle massage: kneading, stroking, patting;
  • spread the baby's arms to the sides and in this position help him to sit down;
  • circular movements with arms spread apart;
  • in the prone position - raise straightened legs;
  • the hands of an adult - under the lower back of a lying child - to raise him above the support;
  • turning the body from the back to the tummy through the left flank;
  • to lift the crumb lying on the stomach above the surface by the arms straightened above the head;
  • stimulate crawling on the stomach;
  • chest massage: patting, kneading and vibration.

It is better to perform the whole complex at once, repeating the exercises 2 to 5 times, but without bringing the baby to pronounced fatigue. Remember: the child who enjoys the activity will independently repeat its fragments in the game.

When a child turns 6 months old, he can sit on his own, roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If he is pulled by his arms, he will try to get to his feet.
By this time, as a rule, he already knows how to crawl. At this age should be given great attention such exercises that stimulate coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system.
Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc. However, it is worth remembering that these commands should be given in an affectionate form so that gymnastics classes are a joy for the child , and the exercises were performed with pleasure.
Technique of massage and gymnastics
Reduction of hands on the chest
I. p.: Lying on your back.
The technique for performing this exercise was described above. However, for a 6-month-old child, it needs to be slightly complicated: the child may not hold onto the hands of the masseur, but some round toy, for example, a rattle, a ring for teeth, etc.
Pulling the round toy, spread the child's arms in different directions and cross them on the chest. This exercise should be repeated 8 times, while crossing the child's hands periodically alternating: first, the left hand should be at the top, then the right, etc. The exercise should be done vigorously, but carefully so as not to injure the child.
Alternate and simultaneous leg flexion
I. p.: Lying on your back.
massage for children from 6 to 9 months
Figure 34.
Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should take the child by the shins and first together, and then in turn bend and straighten them at the knees: bend and straighten right leg, left leg and then both legs together (fig. 34). All 3 steps must be repeated 6 times.
Flip from back to stomach
I. p.: Lying on your back.
To perform the exercise, the child should be ordered to turn on his stomach. To help your child do this exercise, you need to slightly rotate his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which the flip is performed. The exercise is performed once a day.
Back and buttocks massage
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.
The procedure helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks. Its implementation consists in the alternate application of stroking, rubbing, sawing, gripping, beating and pinching. As always, start the massage procedure with a few strokes. After that, you need to start rubbing the muscles of the back with your palms and sawing them with the ribs of the palms. Rubbing and sawing should be finished with stroking. After rubbing, sawing and stroking, you need to go on to gripping kneading. It starts in the area long muscles back and continues on the buttocks. After kneading, you should again do a few strokes and only then proceed to tapping and pinching. The entire procedure must be completed with a few strokes. All techniques are recommended to be repeated 3 times.
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.

Figure 35 Back and Buttocks Massage
Exercise helps the child develop crawling skills. To perform it, you should take the child's heels with your thumb and middle finger. In this case, the forefinger of the masseur should be between the feet of the baby.
Gently but vigorously bend the child's legs, and after 1-2 seconds, unbend. After performing this movement 3-4 times, the child will push off from the hands of the masseur and crawl on his own (Fig. 35). When the child gets used to the exercise, the leg curls will not need to be done simultaneously, but alternately.
Belly massage
I. p.: Lying on your back.
The procedure consists in alternating stroking, rubbing, sawing and pinching techniques.
At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do a few strokes. After that, you can start rubbing. It should be done with the pads of the fingers. Then again do a few strokes and proceed to sawing, which is performed with the ribs of the palms along the rectus abdominis muscles. After sawing, you need to return to stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to do a few pinching of the skin around the navel. The latter method is a good preventive measure against the development of a hernia. The massage ends with stroking the rectus abdominis muscles. Each technique should be repeated 3 times.
Back squat
I. p.: Lying on your back.
Baby belly massage

Figure 36.
Exercise helps the child develop crawling skills. The method of its implementation has been described in detail above. However, due to the fact that at 6 months of age the child becomes more independent, the exercise can be slightly complicated. To do this, you need to support the child's knees with one hand, and thumb the massage therapist's free hand should be in the baby's palm.
Take the baby's hand aside and ask him to sit down. When the child takes the desired position, the masseur should smoothly move his hand from the bottom up along his spine. In this case, the baby's back will be straightened. At the end of the procedure, the child must be carefully lowered so that he lies on right side(fig. 36). This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Raising straightened legs
I. p.: Lying on your back.

Figure 37 Straightened Leg Raises
Exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles and joints of the child. To complete it, you need to take the child by the shins, and thumbs should grab the lower leg, and the rest should be on the kneecaps.
The child's legs should be straightened, held in this position for 1-2 seconds and gently lowered. This exercise is repeated 7 times (fig. 37).
Flip from back to stomach
Detailed description of this exercise given above.
Raising the torso from a prone position
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.

Flip from back to stomach
Figure 38.
Exercise helps develop the muscles in your back and abdomen. To perform it, you should put the masseur's thumbs in the palms of the child and force him to clench his fists. The rest of your fingers need to support the child by the wrists.
Raise the child's arms over the sides and pull slightly. In this case, the child's head, reflexively thrown back, will rise up, and his heels will rest against the masseur. You need to pull up the child until he gets down on his knees (Fig. 38).
This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Breast massage
I. p.: Lying on your back.
This procedure helps to strengthen and develop the muscles of the chest. Its implementation is associated with the alternate use of stroking and vibration massage. The massage begins with several circular strokes, which should be carried out in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders. After that, you need to do stroking along the intercostal arches. After stroking, you need to start vibration massage. The whole procedure ends with circular strokes. All massage techniques must be done 3 times.
Squat with support for bent arms
Starting position: lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop and strengthen the joints in the arms and legs. To do it, you need to put your index fingers in the child's palms and force him to clench his fists so that he can hold his fingers on his own. Spread the child's arms wide to the sides and, slightly pulling his arms, ask him to sit down. If the baby does a good job, after a while the exercise can be complicated by using not fingers for support, but a round toy (rattle, etc.), convenient for gripping. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Circular rotations by hands
The methodology for carrying out this exercise is described above. When the baby is 8 months old, the exercise should be harder. The baby should do it from a sitting position, holding onto the rings placed in his hands (Fig. 39). Squatting with support for bent arms massage the baby

so , children's massage and gymnastics according to the method of Irina Krasikova for a healthy child at the age of 6-9 months.

Before that, it will be useful for you to read, "", and also, the author periodically refers to them.

IV set of exercises for baby massage and gymnastics for a child at 6-9 months
Lesson plan

1. Crossing the arms on the chest 6-8 times.

2. Exercises for the legs:

Simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs, 4-6 times;

Flexion and extension of the legs, alternately 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Turn from back to stomach (one way).

4. Back and gluteal area massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Rubbing: over the entire surface 2-3 times;

Stroking - each method 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Kneading: over the entire surface of the back 2-3 times;

Stimulating techniques: tapping, pinching of the gluteal muscles.

5. Crawling on all fours.

6. Belly massage:

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times;

Rubbing: with fingertips, 2-3 times;

Sawing on the rectus abdominis muscles, 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times.

7. Sitting down with flexion of the spine, 2 times.

8. Circular motions hands, 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage.

10. Raising straightened legs, 6-8 times.

11. Raising from a prone position, 1-2 times.

12. Breast massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down for bent arms, 1-2 times.

14. Boxing, 5-6 times with each hand.

15. "Wheelbarrow".

Practice of baby massage and gymnastics for a healthy child aged 6-9 months by Irina Krasikova
1. Crossing the arms on the chest

Complicate this familiar exercise (see. III set No. 2) by placing rings or other convenient toys in the child's hands. Gradually accelerate and decelerate the pace of movements, repeat the exercise 6-8 times under a rhythmic count.

2. Exercises for the legs

Simultaneous flexion and extension perform the child's legs 4-6 times (see. III complex number 5). Flexion and extension of the legs are alternately done as follows: grasp the child's legs in the lower leg area. Then bend and unbend your legs alternately at different rates, imitating walking and running (Fig. 66). This exercise is passive; all the muscles in the legs and feet work if you provide support for them with your little fingers.

3. Turn from back to stomach

After 6 months, the rotation is performed without support by the hand at the request: "Turn on your stomach." You can help the child by slightly turning the pelvis and showing the toy from the side where he should turn.

4. Back massage

The back and buttocks massage is maintained and carried out according to the previous plan (see. III complex number 7):

Stroking the entire back and buttocks, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, sawing over the entire surface of the back and buttocks, rubbing with the back of bent fingers;

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Kneading the back muscles;

Kneading the buttocks with the right and left hand alternately (5-6 movements); -

Stroking 2-3 times;

Nodding or pinching of the gluteal region.

5. Crawling on all fours

The child leans well on straightened arms and may already be trying to stand or crawl on all fours. If not, help him by putting the baby on all fours and, having interested him in the toy, encourage him to crawl.

Crawling is a passive-active exercise, it is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulder girdle... After the child learns to crawl on his own, this exercise can be completely excluded from the lesson, but given the opportunity to crawl on the floor.

6. Belly massage

Follow the familiar plan (III complex number 9):

Stroking: circular, counter and oblique abdominal muscles 2-3 times each method;

Rubbing: with fingertips, sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times each.

7. Sitting down with spinal flexion

This exercise is already familiar to you (see III complex number 10).

After 8 months, you can sit down the baby, supporting one hand (Fig. 68).

Support the baby's knees with your left hand. With your right hand, take the child by the right hand and with the words: "sit down, sit down," etc., encourage the child to sit, leaning on the elbow.

While the child is sitting, slide your fingers along the spine from bottom to top until the back is extended. Then slowly place the baby on his back, more precisely, on his left side. This exercise is an active workout of the abdominal muscles.

Performed 2 times, and the second time you need to hold your knees right hand, and with the left support the child for left hand and lay it on its right side.

8. Circular movements with hands

Complicate this familiar exercise (see III set No. 15) by placing rings or toys that are comfortable to grip into the child's hands. Perform arm movements slowly, under a rhythmic count, since this is a difficult exercise in coordination. Repeat 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage(see II complex No. 11)
10. Raising straightened legs

AND . p.: the child lies on his back.

With thumbs and forefingers, palms facing the child, grasp his lower legs; Place the rest of your fingers on the kneecaps. Raise your straightened legs to an upright position and slowly lower them (fig. 69). Then raise your legs alternately (fig. 70). Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

11. Raising from a prone position with support for straightened arms

I. p.: The child lies on his stomach.

Let your child wrap your thumbs around while supporting them with the rest of your fingers. Take the child's straightened arms to the sides (to avoid bending, rest your palms on your elbows), then raise your straight arms to your head at ear level. The baby raises his head back and up and rests his feet on your stomach (Fig. 71). Continue to raise it to a kneeling position (fig. 72, 73).

After 8 months, this exercise is performed with rings, and the child can rise to a standing position. Lifting the trunk is an active movement, the muscles of the arms, back and legs work intensively. The exercise is done 1-2 times; remember to keep your child's hands at ear level to prevent damage to the shoulder joints.

12. Breast massage

It is carried out according to the following plan (see II complex No. 14):

Stroking the upper chest, 2-3 times;

Stroking the intercostal space, 2-3 times;

Vibration massage, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down with bent arms

I. p.: The child lies on his back.

Let your child wrap your index fingers so that the palms of the child are facing him. Spread your arms just shoulder-width apart, then with a request: "sit down," and gently tugging on the arms, encourage the child to sit down (Fig. 74). And so 1-2 times.

If the baby is capable of such tension, then he raises his head and torso and pulls himself up, bending his arms. If the child's arms remain straightened, then the exercise should be considered premature. In the future, you can put rings in the child's hands.

14. "Boxing" This is an exercise you are familiar with (see. III complex) after 8 months can be done in a sitting position.

15. "Wheelbarrow" (walking on hands)

V at the end of the lesson, lift the child horizontally above the table so that he rests on straightened arms, it is more convenient to grab the legs with a “fork”, with the other hand you can support them under the stomach. In this position, the child raises his head and walks forward on his hands (Fig. 75).

We looked at a set of exercises children's massage and gymnastics at 6-9 monthevaccording to the method of Irina Krasikova.

Health to you and your children

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