Exercise patterns on gymnastic bars. Gymnastics at school

On the uneven bars, swing, strength and static exercises, ups, downs, turns, somersaults, somersaults, turns, kicks and circles, various stops and handstands, all kinds of dismounts are performed.

Exercises on the uneven bars contribute to the versatile development of the muscular system of the trainees, especially the arms and shoulder girdle, improve the ability to accurately coordinate efforts and orientate in space. The device of the beams and their main dimensions are shown in Figure 46.

Rice. 46. ​​The device of the beams

To successfully master exercises on the uneven bars, you must first master the stops, stands, the rational swinging technique in the stops, auxiliary movements in the shoulder joints when accelerating the swinging movements and pushing off the poles in lifts, turns and somersaults. At the beginning of the training, it is advisable to use stands and low bars, since in this case it is easier for the trainees to provide assistance. When performing exercises on the uneven bars, a variety of methods of assistance and belaying are widely used. When learning lifts and somersaults, help is provided by supporting or pushing the athlete (trainee) from below under the legs, pelvis or shoulders. If the trainee needs help when he is above the poles (when performing a swing forward, bending back and forth, handstands, etc.), then an elevation (chair, gymnastic table or horse) is used. In all cases, assistance should be provided in such a way that the belayer's hands do not interfere with the movements of the athlete (trainee).

Emphasis... In the support, the body is in a straight position, the chest is deployed, the head is straight, sagging in the shoulder joints is not allowed, straight arms rest on the poles in front from above with the entire palmar surface. To develop the muscles that hold the body in the support, exercises with a tennis ball, jumping in support, prolonged holding of the support, flexion and extension of the arms in support and swinging (by the number of times) are used.

Flexion and extension of the arms in support... It should be performed in the support position, arms and legs are straightened, lowering is performed until the arms are completely bent, and extension - until they are completely straightened (the position of the stop is fixed for 1 s). Teach - with the help, insure - from the bottom of the poles, supporting the thigh and lower leg.

Stop angle... Emphasis, raise straight legs parallel to the poles, arms are straightened; without changing the position of the torso, leave the chest unfolded and not sag in the shoulder joints.

The sequence of learning: raise and lower your legs in support; fix the angle with support under the pelvis and legs; raise bent legs in support, hips higher, straighten and bend legs repeatedly.

Swinging in focus... Swinging consists of swinging movements forward and backward, swinging in support is performed with fully straightened arms, without sagging in the shoulder joints, with the entire palmar surface resting on the poles from above. Bending at the hip joints, swing your legs forward, slightly tilt your shoulders back and, lifting the pelvis, start swinging back; passing a vertical position, strengthen the swing due to the movement of the legs backward; at the same time, bring the shoulders slightly forward beyond the support. When performing swinging, do not lower the body in the shoulder joints, look forward.

The emphasis on the hands. In the support on the hands, the body is held straight, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the hands clasp the poles, resting on them from above. The shoulders should be at a 45 ° angle to the poles. This is beneficial both for keeping the body in support and for performing the swing motion.

Before performing an emphasis on the hands, the gymnast sets the width of the poles to the length of the forearm and hand. It is not easy for a beginner gymnast to stay on such poles, especially when swinging. In the process of training, the muscles of the shoulder girdle are quickly strengthened, this width of the poles becomes familiar and convenient for performing more complex elements and connections.

When performing most exercises involving lifting the shoulders to a higher position, it is advisable to use a swinging whip movement. Performing a swing with a whip, the gymnast, along with swinging the body, makes active movements with his legs relative to the body, mainly in the lumbar part. Thus, the legs sometimes overtake, then lag behind him, or, conversely, lag behind and overtake. There can be two or more such movements with the legs, depending on which element is being performed.

Stand on the shoulders with the force of gray legs apart(fig. 47). From gray, legs apart, intercept the hands forward; bending your arms, raise your back and legs (keeping the body on bent arms); unbending, put your shoulders slightly in front of the hands; spread your elbows to the sides; raise your legs to an upright position; connect your legs; bend over and fix the stand.

Rice. 47. Shoulderstand strength

The sequence of learning: the stand is studied on standing with the help, then on low and high bars. On low bars, belay from above, on high bars - from the bottom of the poles. For self-belay, bend and spread your legs, in case of a fall, be ready to hold on to your shoulder, back or chest.

Shoulderstand swing back(fig. 48). Swinging in support; swing back at the moment when the legs rise above shoulder level, slowly bending your arms, move your shoulders forward, gently lower onto your shoulders and fix the stand. In this case, take your head back, spread your elbows to the sides, bend.

The sequence of learning: perform a stand on the shoulders on stands, low and high bars; on low bars - a stand on the shoulders with a swing back with the help and support of the trainee by the legs; when performing a rack on high bars, provide assistance under the chest and back from below the poles.

Rice. 48. Shoulderstand swing back

Roll back from a shoulder stand with interception of hands forward to support on hands. In a shoulderstand, rise, release your arms, stretching them out, and quickly intercept the poles forward, slow down the movement of your legs and then continue swinging to perform the following elements (rest on your hands, bent over, etc.).

The sequence of learning: in a shoulder stand with the help of two belayers supporting the trainee under the shoulders, chest and back from below with the poles, release your arms and slowly lower the body, keeping it in a horizontal position, and grab your arms forward by the poles.

Handstand. When performing a stand, the arms, back and legs are located in one straight line, the whole body is stretched up as much as possible (it is impractical to bend strongly in the stand).

The sequence of learning: perform a stand on the floor or standing with a swing of one and pushing the other leg with the support of the legs against the wall or with the help of a partner; first, the stand is performed with a swoop, then - by force. The gymnast must learn to hold the bar before starting to study the handstand with a swing on the uneven bars.

Kip-up(fig. 49). Waving in the support on the hands; swing forward, raise the straight body above the poles, fold gently, bringing the legs closer to the chest (lower the pelvis to the poles) and, without stopping, straighten out, directing the legs and pelvis up and forward. Extension is performed with a quick and short movement of the legs, which helps push the shoulders up and forward; Continuing the extension and pressing on the poles with your hands, go to the point of support, slow down the movement of the legs and complete the lift with a high swing back.

Rice. 49. Kip-up

The sequence of learning: perform the lifting with the legs apart in the gray; then - lifting with the kip with support under the back from the bottom of the poles; when going to close-up stop the trainee with support for the legs; after that, perform a kip-up on the mat, which two belayers must quickly move under the trainee; insure while standing on the side; in the event of a fall forward, be ready to support the trainee under the chest from the bottom of the poles.

Kick-back lift from a hang angle... Bend quickly from a hang with an angle swing forward, bringing your legs closer to your head (“cover”); with a backward movement of the body, direct the pelvis and legs up and forward with active pressure with your hands on the poles; going at close range, straighten up, swing back.

The sequence of learning: perform swinging in the hang, bent over (on the swing in front and behind, unbend, and in the middle of the swing, bend as much as possible); at the ends of the bars, make a kip-up from the hang with the help under the back and legs; the same, but from a hanging angle in the middle of the bars with support under the back and legs from below the bars.

Swing back up(fig. 50). Waving in the support on the hands; swing forward - emphasis on the arms bent over; unbending, send the body forward and up and pull the shoulders to the hands; after passing the vertical position, strengthen the swing due to the active movement of the legs back and up; at the same time, pressing with your hands on the poles and sending your shoulders forward and up, straighten your arms and go straight. When going to the stop, the body is bent, the legs are not lower than shoulder level. Pulling (throwing) the shoulders to the hands can also be performed with a swing forward.

Rice. 50. Ascent with a swoop back

The sequence of learning: pull up the shoulders to the hands with support under the back from the bottom of the poles; then - swinging in support with bending of arms on swing forward and extension on swing backward; after that - lifting with a swing back with the help, supporting on the swing back from below from below the poles under the chest and hips with holding in the support for the trainee to feel the final phase of the movement.

Swing forward(fig. 51). Waving in the support on the hands; swing forward, after the vertical, bend slightly and make an energetic forward and upward movement of the chest; pushing off with your shoulders and at the same time with powerful pressure with your hands on the poles down and back, go to close range; when reaching the stop, pull the body forward, and then swing back.

Rice. 51. Ascent with a swoop forward

The sequence of learning: from the support lying on the hands in front of the legs apart after a slight lowering of the body in the shoulder joints by active repulsion with the shoulders from the poles and pressing with the brushes on them, step out into the gray legs apart; perform a swing forward with support under the back with the right hand, and with the left - accompanying the legs from below with the poles; in the event of a fall forward, when going to the point of support, support the student under the chest from the bottom of the poles.

Bent forward somersault(fig. 52). Gray legs apart; grab your arms forward closer to your hips; bending and raising the pelvis, put your shoulders to your hands; spread the elbows to the sides; tilt your head forward (chin to your chest), without letting go of your hands, start a somersault: having balanced the body in a bent position and joining your legs, grab your arms forward and only then finish a somersault with your legs apart.

Rice. 52. Bent forward roll

The sequence of learning: perform a forward roll, bending over on mats or an acrobatic track; then - somersault forward on the uneven bars with the help of the bottom poles and support under the back and pelvis.

Backward roll bent over(fig. 53). After a large swing back, passing a vertical position, at the bottom, begin a slight bending of the body forward (look at the toes of the legs); approaching the vertical position at the top, bend over; spread your arms to the sides, turning your palms up; pressing the poles with your hands, take your head back; after passing a stand on the shoulders, as soon as possible, grab the poles as quickly as possible.

The sequence of learning: perform swinging in support on the hands with raising the straight body up to the limit; then - from a stand on the shoulders - spreading the arms to the sides and lowering the body downward with the hands gripping the poles.

Rice. 53. Backward roll bending

Turn back under the poles point-blank... This element is a necessary exercise for senior gymnasts. On the basis of his technique, turns are performed from a support or from a hanging while standing to hanging, in an emphasis on hands, in a stand on the shoulders, in a handstand. To perform a turn from the support with a swing forward, start the fall, directing the legs forward and up and pulling off when moving to the hanging, bent over. Having reached the vertical, begin the extension of the body, directing the legs upward, complete it with a powerful accentuated movement of the back (without deflection) and pressing with your hands on the poles. Following this, quickly intercept your hands at close range and put your hands in their original place.

The sequence of learning: from a jump, perform a turn back to the hanging while standing, trying to raise the shoulders as high as possible above the poles; then - lifting back to point-blank from the hang while standing at the ends of the poles, facing outward with support under the shoulder after jumping to the hang, bent over, and also - under the stomach and legs when going to point-blank; the same, but in the middle of the beams; after that - turn to the point of support after falling from the support with the help of the trainer, which, when unbending the body, supports the legs with one hand, and pushes under the stomach with the other.

Raise with an arc to the support on the hands... It is performed after falling back from a support or jumping from a hang while standing. When moving down to the hanging, the gymnast is bent over as much as possible pulled away from the support; rounding your back and tilting your head to your chest. Without fixing the bent position, he begins to energetically guide the body, bringing the pelvis closer to the hands before the shoulders cross the vertical of the grip points. Continuing to move up and forward, the athlete completes the straightening of the body by quickly and shortly moving it to the support on the hands. In the final position, the straightened body must be at an angle of at least 45 ° to the poles.

The sequence of learning: from a jump, perform a hanging bent over and an arc dismount at the ends of the bars with the help of two partners supporting the shoulder and back; from a jump - hanging bent over and lifting in an arc with the help of a mat, laid on a pole; then - lifting with an arc with the help under the back.

Turning in a circle with a stroke forward from the stop(fig. 54). Performing a large swing with an almost straight body, the gymnast, giving his shoulders slightly forward, begins to bend towards the vertical; flexion continues until the gymnast's body transitions to a single support (support on one arm) position. Having passed the vertical and slightly taking the shoulders back, the athlete from the moment of crossing the level of the poles in a spiral manner from the legs to the body begins to turn, with a throwing movement of the body upward continues to complete it with straightening the body; simultaneously with the accelerating turn of the shoulders to the left or to the right at the highest point of the swing, he pushes off with one hand and, actively leaning on the other, sequentially completes the execution of the element with a soft grip.

Rice. 54. Turn in a circle with a swoop forward

The sequence of learning: to master the sequence and rhythm of interception of hands in an emphasis lying behind, resting your feet on an elevation (30–40 cm); mark the poles with chalk on the floor; swing forward to perform a dismount with a turn in a circle with a support on one hand; then - swing forward on low bars while keeping the athlete in the single-support phase, legs - not lower than 45 °, the trainer stands on the platform from the side opposite to the direction of the turn, and grabs the gymnast by the trunk and legs, holding him at the highest turning point; swinging forward with the help is first performed with swinging, then from the stand; after catching the poles, the coach brings the gymnast to the rack.

Back flip to point blank(fig. 55). From the handstand, the gymnast begins to move with increasing speed to the vertical and performs an energetic forward swing. At the vertical, it quickly bends and maintains this position to the horizontal on a swing forward, keeping the head lowered to the chest; at the same time, he needs to control the movement of his legs with his gaze. Just before departure, the gymnast vigorously unbends, raises his shoulders and releases his arms. In flight, his body, slowly rotating, rises up from the support, and his hands in a quick circular motion grab the poles. Restraining the movement of the body, the gymnast performs a forward swing.

Rice. 55. Backflip point-blank

Active extension of the body before departure is extremely important. One of its beneficial consequences is an increase in pressure with the hands on the support, i.e. increased repulsion from the poles. All this contributes to the high reach upward.

The sequence of learning: perform swinging in support with an emphasis on the forward swing; then - back somersault to support on the hands and back somersault to support on low uneven bars with the help of a lance (hanging or hand) with a small swing with a gradual increase in amplitude. Protect together, standing on the side, be ready to support under the chest.

Leap forward with a swing to the right with a turn left-circle(fig. 56). In an emphasis, swing forward, passing a vertical position, bend slightly and accelerate the movement of the legs to the right and forward; starting with them an energetic turn to the left, push off with the right hand; then - left; raise the body high, turn to the left in a circle, finish the turn; grabbing the pole with your right hand, jump off.

Rice. 56. Jump forward swing to the right with a turn to the left-circle

The sequence of learning on low uneven bars is to perform a dismount to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands; on low bars - dismount with a turn in a circle. Standing on the side, be ready to catch the trainee under the back at the moment of landing.

Side jump with 90 ° turn(fig. 57). Gray on the right pole on the left thigh; swing your right leg and arms up and to the left to raise the pelvis; transfer the weight of the body to the left hand, push off with the left hip from the pole and, connecting the legs, turn to the left 90 °, bend and jump off with the left side to the uneven bars.

Rice. 57. Side jump with 90 ° turn

The sequence of learning: from the saddle on the right pole, swing the right leg with the extension of the left and transfer the weight of the body to the left hand, followed by a return to the starting position (3-4 times); from the gray on the right pole - swing with the right leg with extension of the left; side dismount with support with the right foot on the left hand rail; then - a sideways dismount with the help on low and high bars, which turns out to be with the left hand behind the wrist, and with the right hand under the pelvis or back; keep the right hand on low bars on top of the poles, and on high bars - from below, in case of a fall, support the trainee under the chest.

Bouncing the leg apart from the ends of the bars... At the end of the swing back, bring the shoulders forward; then, raising the pelvis, bend slightly; spread your legs wide and, vigorously pushing off with your hands, bend and land.

The sequence of learning: on low uneven bars, perform a dismount with a swing of one leg and a turn to the left (right); then - the dismount of the leg apart from the support while bent over on the uneven bars; after that - the dismount of the leg apart with the help and support of the arm and shoulder.

Forward somersault bent over into the dismount(fig. 58). The dismount is performed after a high back swing. When the legs reach the level of the poles, the swing increases, and at the same time the body shifts towards the dismount. When it rises above 45 °, you need to quickly bend at the hip joints, take your shoulders back and, pressing your hands on the poles, push the body to the side, tilt your head forward, look at your legs. Completing the somersault, land, standing sideways to the uneven bars.

Rice. 58. Forward somersault, bent over into a dismount

The sequence of learning: on high bars with a swing backward, fly into a handstand on a gymnastic table, installed at the level of the poles; on low uneven bars - a jump forward somersault with a shift of the body to the side, belay by the hand; on high bars - forward somersault with help and belay (one pushes the trainee to the side, the second holds by the shoulder and forearm, pulling the gymnast towards himself and holding until the moment of landing).

Some are very biased towards training on the uneven bars, calling the fans of these harsh, but simple as a stick, shells "turnstiles". Probably, this is because not everyone will be able to show themselves as a good fellow on the uneven bars.

In fact, the bars are one of the most ingenious human creations. There are bars in almost every yard, and if not, then you can equip them at home and calmly swing and improve your body without paying for going to the gym. Of course, not all muscle groups can be pumped on the uneven bars (certainly not the legs), but everything above the waist acquires a natural stethem-like beauty and power. Of course, if you do not exclude other shells and proper nutrition.

Here are 6 must-have exercises on the uneven bars, after which you will not be afraid of anything in your life.

1. Push-ups

Here you need skill-training, otherwise, already at the initial stage, you can beautifully slide off the horizontal bar right with your face to your native land. But it's worth a try, because nothing trains the triceps like this exercise.

1. So, you need to take the position of emphasis on the uneven bars on straight arms.
2. Slowly, without too much fuss, bend your elbows, lowering until then, at the same level with the elbow joint.
3. Then, just as slowly, without jerking, return to the starting position.

The main thing is, while performing this exercise, press your elbows to the body, and tilt the body slightly back. In no case do not work with weights, otherwise there is a great risk of injury to the ligaments. Anyway, never do that in the first two sets.

2. Diagonal push-ups

In this exercise, you need to slightly swap your legs and arms. Simply put, it must be performed strictly upside down.

1. So, put your palms on the ground a little wider than your shoulders, and put your straight legs on the uneven bars: one foot on one crossbar, the other on the other.
2. Make sure that the body is in line with the legs. You don't need to lift your pelvis and bend your knees. Even if you are standing diagonally to the floor, there is nothing wrong with that.
3. Everything is very simple - bend your elbows, facing the floor as close as possible.
4. Return to straight arms and repeat all over again.

You can do exactly the same diagonal push-ups. In this case, for each repetition, the emphasis is placed first on one edge, and then on the other. The point of support forms a kind of straight line with the leg, keep this in mind.

3. Hanging crunches

Another exercise to be done upside down. Who said that twisting should not be done on the uneven bars? Stop communicating with this person, for he is your enemy. The main thing is to do everything with high quality and without risk to life.

1. Throw your legs onto one bar of the uneven bars and hook them onto the second so that one bar goes under the knees and the other over the ankles.
2. Hands behind the head, elbows to the sides. Pull your chest up to the bar.

Remember that this exercise cannot be done for too long, otherwise you will have enough blow. The exercise itself is much more difficult than usual, because not only the work of the muscles affects here, but also your position. Upside down, everything seems more complicated.

4. Lifting straight lines with a turn

Exercise in the style of "two birds with one stone." Here you have an equally good load on your arms and on your abs. However, we must warn you that this exercise is much harder than it might seem at first glance.

1. Stand on straight arms, bringing your legs slightly bent at the knees forward.
2. Smoothly raise your legs above the uneven bars. The slower the better.
3. Now, without lowering your legs, turn first to the right and then to the left.
4. After that, return to the starting position with your legs down. Then repeat.

5. Jumping on hands

The exercise is as simple as it sounds. Nothing supernatural, just jumping on your hands. Before doing this, however, make sure that the projectile does not fall apart under you.

1. Stand on straight arms.
2. Trying to help yourself with your legs and not bend your elbows too much, jump on your arms as high as possible.
3. If you are doing the exercise on long street bars, you can "jump" along the length of the bar from one end to the other.

There are many different types of equipment for training all parts of the body. Bars are one of the most affordable options; you can find these two crossbars in a neighboring yard along with a horizontal bar. If you train correctly according to the scheme, observing the technique, you will be able to pump all the muscles of the body using only the uneven bars.

What does uneven bars help?

Some athletes mistakenly believe that the apparatus does not provide a lot of choice for exercise, that the main focus of training on the uneven bars is triceps, but this is not all. When you change the angle of the body position, rearrange your arms, you will have the opportunity to train:

  • back;
  • biceps;
  • breast;
  • Press;
  • shoulders.

Exercises on the uneven bars are not only push-ups, but also pull-ups, static options, combined approaches. As a rule, work is carried out with its own weight, which will help strengthen muscles and lose weight. If you need to gain weight, you will have to work with weights. The effectiveness of training with this apparatus is as high as when working in a gym, provided that the technique and regularity of training are observed. Such activities are good for both men and girls.

Bars training program

The choice of a training scheme depends on your goal (lose weight, build up), a muscle group that needs to be worked out. For example, a guy wants to lose weight and at the same time build more shoulders. He will need to perform incomplete incline push-ups at an intense pace with a minimum gap between sets. The preparation of a training program should be approached individually, but most schemes include the following exercises on the uneven bars:

  • push-ups with an emphasis on triceps;
  • push-ups with an emphasis on the chest;
  • lifting the legs for the press;
  • parallel pull-ups;
  • regular pull-ups;
  • static workout of the press (corner).

The duration of the classes, the intensity, the number of repetitions of approaches - all this affects the final result. You need to choose a training option based on your goal. Here are some guidelines for beginners for effective training:

  1. To lose weight. You should perform 10-12 repetitions in each approach, take a break of no more than 20 seconds between them. This will help you keep your heart rate in the correct range to speed up the fat burning process. The complex should include at least 3-4 exercises, and the duration cannot exceed 25-30 minutes.
  2. To strengthen the muscles and pump them up a little. It is necessary to train at a more relaxed pace, rest can be up to 1 minute between sets, which should be at least 4-5 for each exercise. There should be at least 15-18 repetitions. A slight weight can be used.
  3. For strength training. In this case, you cannot do without additional weight. Grab a backpack and place heavy books, dumbbells (if available at home) or something to add 6-7kg of extra weight. In the complex, select 3-4 exercises, perform 3-4 sets of 7-8 repetitions. Rest can be 1-2 minutes.

Exercise technique on uneven bars

To work effectively with this apparatus (as with any other), it is important to follow the technique. The result of the exercise depends on how far your hands will stand, how you breathe. You can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening, as long as you feel comfortable and not too tired. In the absence of sufficient energy, there will be no benefit from training, and muscle development will not occur. During the execution of the approach, you need to control the following points:

  • hand and body position;
  • breath;
  • mechanics of movement.

Push ups

This is one of the simplest, most popular and effective parallel bar exercises. It is easy to perform for beginners (guys and girls), the technique is simple and straightforward. There are two main types of push-ups that load different muscle groups:

Classic dips on the uneven bars:

  1. Jump onto the projectile or use the stand to take the starting position.
  2. The arms are parallel, the body is even, the legs can be slightly bent at the knees, keep your head straight, look forward.
  3. Begin to bend your elbows as you inhale, going down. Keep your head straight, the body tilted slightly forward.
  4. Lower until your shoulders are at the level of the projectile. Then rise again to the starting position as you exhale.
  5. At the end point, the elbows should not be fully extended, otherwise the load from the muscles will shift to the joint and the efficiency will be lower. Always keep your elbow slightly bent.
  6. Girls do not always manage to rise from the bottom point. With such a problem, you can only swing negative approaches: just go down slowly. Then jump back onto the projectile and repeat the descent. Do this version of the exercise until the muscles get used to it and you have enough strength to perform the lift up.

Push-ups with an emphasis on the thoracic region:

  1. Take a position like a regular push-up from the floor. Place your legs and arms on the crossbars.
  2. Start pushing up. The efficiency is increased due to the fact that you can go lower. This stretches the chest muscles and puts more stress on them. In the usual push-ups, the floor interferes with this.


Not quite a standard version on the uneven bars, it is easier in this direction to work on the horizontal bar, but in the absence of the latter, you can swing on the uneven bars. Here, too, there are two options for performing: classic pull-ups and parallel grip. In the first case, use the crossbar as a horizontal bar. Bend your legs and do any pull-ups: wide, narrow, regular or reverse grip. In the second case, a parallel grip is used:

  1. Grasp the projectile with your hands, throw your legs onto the crossbars. You have to hang on your hands.
  2. Exhale as you pull up on the bars. Try to use the muscles not in your arms, but in your back.
  3. Return to the starting point.

Workout on uneven bars

This sports equipment helps to pump a large number of muscle groups. If you use a comprehensive training program, then in one lesson you can well load the triceps, chest, back, shoulders, and abs. Below is an example for beginners for the first time. In the future, experienced athletes will need to replace some of the exercises. Training example:

  1. Push-ups are classic. The exercise technique has been described above. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If you can do less, it's okay, do enough to feel the load.
  2. Push-ups for the chest. The technique has been described above. Perform 3-4 sets with the same number of reps.
  3. Parallel grip pull-ups. 1-20 reps, 3-4 sets.
  4. Raises the legs for the press. Take the starting position, as with classic push-ups. Straighten your arms completely, fix the body and slowly raise your straight legs in front of you. You should get a "corner", at the top point, try to linger for 2-3 seconds, then slowly (without throwing) lower them down. Repeat the movement 10-15 times. 2-3 approaches are enough.


The horizontal bar and the parallel bars together can be a powerful tool for the development of muscles. But, even in the solo version, exercises on the uneven bars can significantly transform your arms and chest.

What muscles swing on the uneven bars

Which muscles work when push-ups on the uneven bars depends on the exercise option.

In general, the parallel bars allow you to train your triceps, shoulders, and pecs. They also allow you to load the abdominals.

The point of all exercises on the uneven bars boils down to the fact that you squeeze your body with your hands from the parallel bars in a vertical plane. Some craftsmen are able to perform complex movements with their legs up, but this is more from the field of gymnastics. Most people exercise in the usual position for everyone - with their feet down. We will analyze the last case.

The variability in muscle work depends on the tilt of your torso relative to the vertical and on the distance between the bars.

Take the triceps brachii as an example. Triceps makes up the bulk of the arm above the elbow. About 70 percent. Therefore, this muscle will be mainly responsible for the volume of your arms. To work out the triceps, push-ups will be very useful. They noticeably increase the girth of the shoulder.

Try it yourself - a month before training, measure the volume of the triceps (straight arm). Stable 3-4 sets every 3 days. After a month (it turns out, about 10 workouts will take place), repeat the measurements. You will most likely find progress of at least 1 cm relative to the old volumes. This is how the bars affect the triceps.

Let's look at exercise options that focus on different muscle groups.

Types of push-ups on the uneven bars

Exercises performed on the uneven bars are not as versatile as it might seem. All the variety can be reduced to push-ups for the pectoral muscles and for the triceps.

An uneven bar training program does not have to include both types of push-ups, since it is still better to pump the chest in the gym with the help of dumbbell presses and dilutions at different angles.

It is more convenient to swing the triceps already mentioned above on the uneven bars, but the active load on them, especially when working with weights, can lead to soreness in the elbows. Therefore, if you train outdoors and not in the gym, it is better to evenly distribute the load across all muscle groups. That is, to swing on the uneven bars and arms and chest.

Consider both push-ups separately.

Triceps push-ups

The scheme of push-ups on the bars for training triceps is as follows:

  • The elbows are pressed to the body, the body is perpendicular to the ground (we try not to lean forward with our nose).
  • You should not go down too much; it is enough to bend your elbows to a right angle. At the lowest point, the load goes to the shoulders and chest.
  • Partial extension of the arms at the elbows is allowed. Fully straightening them while working with weights can lead to soreness.

To do push-ups conveniently, you need to find such bars, the distance between which corresponds to the width of your shoulders.

Non-parallel bars are common in new gyms. That is, they narrow relative to each other on one side, and, accordingly, expand on the other. There is no unequivocal convenience here - it is convenient for someone, but not very much for someone.

But you can choose the width you need in any situation, as well as unfold the brush as you like. By the way, a slight pronation of the arms will be very helpful, as it reduces the load on the elbows.

Wide bars are better for pumping your chest. For triceps training, narrow parallel bars are the best option.

Push-ups on the chest

Push-ups for training chest have the following features:

  • You need to tilt the body slightly forward, and spread your elbows to the sides.
  • You should descend low (do this carefully, watching the sensations in the elbows and shoulders).

Simply put, your task is to lean forward and sink deeply down. If you do not tilt the body, the upper chest will work mainly. Leaning forward will involve the remaining parts. The wider the elbows, the lower the pumping area of ​​the pectoral muscles.

The most important thing is to feel your muscles. Then you will determine the individual method of push-ups so that the part of the chest you need works. If you don't feel well which muscles are working, then expect pain after training - it will tell you what exactly you were pumping.

The dips program does not have to include both types of exercises.

Universal type of push-ups

Most often, they are wrung out on the uneven bars like this:

  • We stand on straight arms on the uneven bars. There is no need to tilt the body, legs are crossed or tightly pressed to each other. The elbow position is average, the most comfortable for you.
  • You can lean forward a little. We go down all the way (the range of motion for each will be different, it all depends on the mobility of the joints and the elasticity of the tendons).
  • After reaching the bottom point, we go up due to the strength of the triceps and pectoral muscles. We try not to sway, as inertia will appear at the exit, which will push the legs forward. We also try not to take our legs back during lowering, otherwise the inertia during movement will be greater.

Rest as much as you need between sets if you are doing your best. And for 60-90 seconds, if you work according to an individual plan. These push-ups give an overall uniform development to your torso.

Schemes for increasing the number of push-ups

How to increase the number of dips?

There are two options - or lose weight well, then you will become lighter, and push-ups will be easier. There is no sense in this option. Or increase the strength and endurance of your muscles. This option suits us.

This is not about maximum strength - you just want to push more with your own weight, right? If so, here is a progress chart that will give you a small boost to your results.

  1. Try for a month to practice 1 set daily in the classic version of push-ups. Warm up first, then push up to maximum. This is an express option that gives quick results. The main thing is to give 5 days to rest the muscles in a month. You will be surprised by your result.
  2. Be prepared for a small loss of volume right away (maybe there won't be any losses, but there won't be any growth either).

Even if you did 25 push-ups in your last workout (that is, this is the thirtieth workout), after 5 days of rest, you will most likely be able to do 30 or more push-ups.

There is also a slower scheme.

  1. Practice in an approaching version in 1-2 days. It is better to choose the frequency of exercises - once every 3 days, so that the triceps and chest have a good rest. Then the progress will be more noticeable not only in endurance, but also in strength.
  2. The bottom line is that you are doing a maximum of 3 sets. And the rest between sets should be such that you recover (maybe it even takes 3-5 minutes).

And the last scheme is work with weights.

  1. Following this method, do push-ups every 3 days with additional weight 6-10 times.
  2. By doing this, you will definitely achieve an increase in the number of push-ups without additional weight.

Also, remember - your own weight may start to grow. This should also be taken into account when you analyze your results.

For example, you did 20 push-ups with your own weight of 65 kg. Then you gained 5 kg, including muscle. And now you do 21 push-ups. However, this is still progress - you have become heavier. If you weighed 65 kg, you would do 25 push-ups.

Among other things, the thickness of the bars will affect the number of push-ups. If your maximum varies in different places, check the diameter of the pipes. The thinner the pipe, the more difficult it is to hold onto it.

Possible problems with push-ups

Are push-ups on the uneven bars beneficial? As with any common physical exercise, of course. This is both an improvement in blood flow and the development of muscles.

Now about the possible harm:

  • Do not jump off the bars onto your heels or straight legs. In general, it is better to go down from them, rather than jump off. This will save you from injuries to the joints and spine.
  • If you work with large weights on the triceps, sooner or later the elbows begin to hurt. Consider this point and choose the load carefully.
  • Also, if you increase the extra weight quickly, your collarbones and shoulders may suffer.
  • You should not practice on unstable uneven bars - you can fall.
  • If one pipe is lower or higher than the other, it is undesirable to push up!
  • When it rains, if you really want to work out, wear special gloves, otherwise you also risk slipping off (wearing gloves in winter is mandatory).

Exercise on the press

To work your abdominal muscles, you need to sit on one bar and place your legs under the other.

  • Lean back, keeping your back straight and crossing your arms over your chest. As soon as you deviate from the vertical, the abdominal muscles are included in the work. Due to them, you hold the body throughout the entire movement.
  • At the bottom, do not arch your back.
  • Lift up to the vertical position of the body.

When doing this exercise, be careful, keep your feet firmly on the second bar and control the position of your back.

Triceps and chest push-ups, as well as core raises are the main exercises performed on the uneven bars. There will be few bars to work out other muscles. Therefore, do not forget about the horizontal bar, dumbbells and other training methods.

The design of this apparatus allows you to perform a large number of a wide variety of exercises, and not only gymnastics, but also general physical fitness. Exercises for general physical fitness are performed with the aim of improving flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination. Artistic gymnastics exercises are dynamic combinations, consisting mainly of swing elements. However, at the initial stage of teaching exercises on uneven bars of different heights, the simplest swing exercises performed in mixed hanging and supports, as well as static elements, are the main teaching material.

When performing the exercises, various grips are used: in the hang - a grip from above (all five fingers grasp the pole from above); bottom grip (all five fingers grip the pole from the opposite side); different grip (one hand performs a grip from above, the other from below); reverse grip (hands with palms facing outward, grip from below); in support for all types of grip, as usual.

projectile parallel bars sports exercise


Mixed Hangs

  • 1. Hang crouched on the lower pole. It is carried out from swinging bends in the hang on the upper pole (h / f). Swing forward, bend your legs, lift them forward and put them on the lower rail (n / g).
  • 2. Hang crouched on the lower pole on one leg, the other down.

It is performed in the same way as the first exercise, but only one leg is placed on n / g.

3. Hang crouched on the lower pole on one leg, the other forward.

It is performed in the same way as the first exercise, but after the bent legs raised forward are lowered to n / g, one leg is straightened forward.

4. Jump with bending legs to hang while lying on the lower pole.

From swinging bends in the hang on the h / f, swing the legs forward, lift them forward and, straightening, put them on the n / f.

5. Jump by bending the leg in the hang while lying astride the lower pole.

From swinging bends in the hang to h / f, swing one leg forward, jump over n / w and, straightening, lower to n / w.

6. Swing one leg to the hang while lying astride the lower pole.

From swinging bends in the hang on the h / f, swing one to the side and up, perform a jump over the n / f to the hanging while lying on top of the n / f.

7. Swing legs apart to hang while lying on the lower pole. From swinging bends, swing back, actively pushing the shoulders forward and unbending in the hip joints, quickly direct the legs down and back. Swing forward sharply bend at the hip joints, spread the legs wide apart and jump over the n / f. Connect your legs, bend over and take a hanging position while lying down.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From the hang, standing at the gymnastic wall, by pushing the legs, hanging crouched on a 2-3 rail, hanging standing bent over, legs apart on a 2-3 rail.
  • 2. From the hang to the h / f, swing forward, the hang crouched on the n / f; swing forward hanging standing bent over, legs apart on n / g.
  • 3. From hanging to h / f, swing the legs apart to hang while lying on the h / f with the help and independently.

Insurance. Help stand to the left and back of the student. When swinging back, hold the hand below the elbow with the right hand, and push the front of the thigh with the left. When performing a forward swing, support from below under the thigh with your left hand.

8. Swing with two legs to the hang while lying on the lower pole. The technique of execution, the sequence of training, help and insurance are identical to exercise. 7, but the legs are not spread anywhere.

1. From hanging, squatting on the lower rail with a push of two legs, lifting point-blank to the upper rail (fig. 1). From a hang, squatting on n / f, with a quick push with two legs, straighten at the knee and hip joints and, sharply pressing on the h / f with straight arms from top to bottom, submit the hips to the h / f, then move the torso forward to the support. The lift is carried out only through straight arms.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From the hang, sitting down on the lower rail of the gymnastic wall, take the hanging position while standing.
  • 2. From a hang, standing bent over on the gymnastic wall, with straight arms, straightening, submit the body to the wall with the help and independently.
  • 3. From a hang, crouching with a grip on the n / g or a low crossbar, jumping point-blank through straight arms with the help and independently.
  • 4. From a hang, squatting on the lower grip for the h / f, pushing two legs, straightening and jerking with straight hands on the h / f, touch the thighs with the h / f and jump with the help and independently.
  • 5. From the hang, squatting on the n / w ascent point-blank on the h / w with the help and independently.

Insurance. At the moment of repulsion, the teacher provides assistance, standing under the h / f to the left of the student, supporting the right hand under the lower back, with the left hand on the lower leg.

2. From hanging, squatting on one on the lower pole with a push of one and with the extension of the other ascent point-blank on the upper pole.

It is performed from a hang by squatting on one on the n / f, the other leg touches the toe with the toe. At the moment of repulsion and extension of the trunk, the free leg moves forward and upward, touching the h / f, then the legs are connected, the body moves forward, the legs are pulled back and the transition is made to the h / f.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. All the lead-up exercises used in the previous lift.
  • 2. From the hang, squatting on one on the n / g, the other leg touches the h / f with a toe, straighten up until the supporting leg and trunk are fully straightened, the free leg moves along the h / f until the body is fully straightened, arms are straight.
  • 3. The same, but perform with a push, at the end of the movement connect the legs, touch the hips with the hips and jump off. Perform with the help and yourself.
  • 4. From the hang, squatting on one on the n / w rise with the kip point-to-point on the h / w with the help and independently.

Insurance. At the moment of repulsion, the teacher provides assistance, standing under the h / f from the side of the student's supporting leg, supporting with one hand under the lower back, the other for the lower leg.

3. Lifting with a flip point-blank on the lower pole by pushing against the upper pole. From a hang, standing on bent arms on n / g, with a swing of one and a push with the other, put the foot of the swing leg on the h / f and, pushing against the h / f, connect the legs, directing them back through the n / g. Lower your legs with your hips to n / f, straighten out at the hip joints (without lowering your legs), go straight, raise your head and bend.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. In an emphasis on n / w or a low crossbar, lower the body forward and downward, then straighten out, straightening your arms, return to support. First, perform the exercise with. The teacher holds the legs so that they do not fall down, and helps to straighten up, supporting them under the shoulder.
  • 2. From a hang, standing on bent arms on n / f, with a swing of one and a push with the other, hanging bending over on n / w with support with legs about h / w.
  • 3. From the hang, bending to the n / f with support about the h / f, with a swing of one and pushing the other, a coup at close range on the n / f.
  • 4. From a hang, standing on n / f, lifting by a coup point-blank on n / f, swinging one and pushing the other with a support about h / f, with the help and independently.

Insurance. Provide help, standing on the right inside the bars. At the moment of the coup, support your legs with your left hand, with your right hand over your shoulder.

4. Lifting by turning to the support on the lower pole (fig. 2). From a hang, standing on bent arms, with a swing of one and a push with the other, connect your legs, directing them up and back through the pole and, without unbending your arms, lower your hips onto the pole. Straightening your arms, straighten your hip joints (without lowering your legs), go straight, raise your head and bend.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. All lead-up exercises from the previous rise.
  • 2. In the hang, bending in front on the n / w or low crossbar, pull yourself up, drop into the hang.
  • 3. From a hang, standing on bent arms on a low or low crossbar, swing one leg and push the other, joining the legs, touch the crossbar with the hips.
  • 4. Lifting by overturn to the stop by swinging one and pushing the other with the help of and independently.

Insurance. Provide help while standing on the right behind the bar, with the left hand under the lower back, with the right hand under the hips. When you exit at close range - with the right hand on the shoulder, with the left from below under the thighs.

5. From the hang, squatting on one on the lower pole, swinging with one and pushing the other ascent by turning point-blank on the upper pole (Fig. 3). From a hang, squatting on one leg on and / w, bending your arms, take the swing leg back. Swing with one leg and push with the other, continuing to bend your arms, connect your legs, directing them up and back through the h / f. Bending at the hip joints, lower your legs with your hips to the h / f. All subsequent actions should be performed in the same way as in a coup point-blank on n / w.

When teaching lifting with a coup, pay attention to an energetic, quick movement of the legs up and back through the pole, the ability to hold on bent arms in the hanging, bending over and to quickly extend the body when going to support.

Lifting the curtain in the hanging position while lying on top after falling from the support on top of the lower pole(fig. 4).

After dropping into the hang of the curtain from the support on top, perform a wide (to the end of the amplitude) swing with the free leg and simultaneously grab the upper arm with the hands. Straighten the supporting leg, bend.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. Swinging in a hanging curtain on the n / w or low crossbar.
  • 2. Hanging the curtain with a clap over the head on a swing back.
  • 3. Lifting the curtain with alternate interception behind the high / well. At the beginning of training, the h / f is lowered low, then raised high (with help).
  • 4. Lifting the curtain after falling from the support on top of the lowered pole with the help and independently.
  • 5. Lifting the curtain after falling from the support on top of a high pole with the help and independently.

Insurance. Provide help, standing to the right of the student inside the bars, with the left hand under the back, with the right hand - pressing on the thigh from above.

7. Lifting from the top to the hanging while lying on top with the interception of the hands for the upper pole .

Performed: from a running start, from a hang by an angle, after a fall from an emphasis on horseback. The execution technique and the sequence for learning the top lift are identical to the low bar lift (see Rise on page 34). To teach this ascent, use exercise. 3 - 5 from the previous curtain rise.

1. From an emphasis on the upper pole, fall back with a swing, bending your legs to the hang while lying on the lower pole . From the emphasis on the h / w, begin an active movement with the shoulders back on straight arms, keeping the pelvis at the pole. Then bend at the hip joints, bend your legs, jump them over the n / g, unbending, straighten your legs and lower them to n / g. In the hanging position, bend over, tilt your head back.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From an emphasis on n / w, by moving the torso backward, downward bending the legs into a hanging position, lying on a hill of mats or helping hands.
  • 2. From the emphasis on the h / f recession, bending the legs in the hanging position while lying on the n / f, covered with 1-2 foam rubber mats with the help and independently.
  • 3. From emphasis on the h / f decline in the hanging position with the help and independently. Insurance. Provide help, standing to the left of the student inside the bars, with the left hand under the thigh, with the right hand under the back.
  • 2. From an emphasis on the upper pole, fall backward with a swing of one leg to the hang while lying astride the lower pole.
  • 3. From the support on the upper rail, fall back, bent over to the hanging position while lying on the lower rail.
  • 4. From an emphasis on the upper rail, fall backward with a swing of the legs apart to hang while lying on the lower rail.
  • 5... From an emphasis on the upper rail, drop back into a hanging curtain on the lower rail with an interception for the lower rail.

The technique of execution, the sequence of training, assistance and insurance are identical to the teaching of the first exercise.


  • 1. From the hang, lying on the lower pole, turn around to hang while lying on the back of the hips, with alternate interception with the hands.
  • 2. From the hang, lying on the lower rail, swing right to the left with a turn around to the left to hang while lying on top of the right.
  • 3. From the hang, lying on the lower pole, turn left to sit on the left thigh with the left hand grip on the upper pole, right to the side.

From a hang, lying on n / g, intercept with the left hand in / w crosswise over the right reverse grip. Turning to the left, press the left hand on the h / f, releasing the right, sit on the left thigh, take the right leg back, bend the left, bend, bend the right hand to the side.

4. From the hang, lying on the lower pole, circle with the right leg with a turn to the left by 450 0 sitting on the left thigh.

From the hang while lying, raise the right leg forward and, turning to the left, intercept the right hand from above behind the left, go to the hanging position while lying astride the back. Continuing the turn to the left by another 180 °, intercept the left hand with a grip from above for the right and with the right swing through n / f, go to the hanging position while lying on the n / f. Releasing the right hand, press the left on the h / f and, with a turn to the left, perform a sit on the left thigh.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From hanging on n / w turn left by 90 ° to sit on the left thigh.
  • 2. From the hang lying on the n / w turn 360 ° to the hanging lying with alternate interception with the hands behind the h / w.
  • 3. From a hang, lying on top from behind with the right hand on the n / g, grip for the h / f with the left hand from below, right from above. Turn to the left by 180 ° in the hanging position on n / f with the subsequent transition to the saddle on the left thigh.
  • 4. Complete the turn with and without assistance.
  • 5. From the hang, lying on the lower pole, a circle on the right with a turn to the left at 270 0 gray on the right thigh.

From the hang, lying on n / w, raise the right leg forward and, turning to the left, intercept the right hand from above behind the left. Continuing the turn by another 180 °, release the left hand and, pressing the right hand on the h / f, swing the right through the n / f, sit on the right thigh. Take the left leg back, bend the right, left arm to the side, bend.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From the hang, lying on the n / f sit on the right thigh.
  • 2. From the hang, lying on top from behind with the right, grip for the h / f with the left hand from above, with the right from below. Turn to the left by 90 ° with a swing of the right through n / f to the saddle on the right thigh.
  • 3. Complete the turn with and without assistance.

Insurance. To provide help, standing on the left inside the bars, support the right hand under the lower back, with the left - "accompanying" the student's leg. As you turn, the teacher moves back to the right and supports with the left hand under the lower back, and with the right hand for the right leg.

1. Backward turn from the support, riding on the lower pole( rice. five).

From the support, riding on n / g, rise on your hands and take the leg back. Then bend the front leg, catch it on the n / g and free fall backwards, followed by an active movement of the free leg forward, perform a turn. Finishing the turn, raise your shoulders back and up, straighten your supporting leg, bend over and go to support on top.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. From an emphasis on top of the lower leg abduction backward with a curtain on the other with the help. The teacher, standing on the side, holds the student by the swing leg and under the shoulder. The supporting leg should be bent enough for a good grip on the pole, and the arms and swing leg should be straight.
  • 2. From swinging the curtain in the hanging on a low crossbeam, lifting by overturn to support from the top with the help of the teacher.
  • 3. Turning back with the curtain from the support on top of a low crossbar and with the help of and independently.

Insurance. Assist with one hand on the shoulder, the other on the forearm, standing in front of the side of the student.

  • 2. Forward swing riding on the lower pole.
  • 3. Backward riding on the lower pole. See Crossbar Exercises.

1. From the support at the back on the lower pole, face outward, swing forward, jump off at an angle. From the support from the back to the n / f, swing your legs forward to an angle of 90 °, tear the pelvis off the pole and, pushing off with your hands, jump onto the mats.

Sequence of training:

  • 1. Dismount from a saddle on a horse with handles using and independently.
  • 2. The same from a gray on a horse without handles and a log.
  • 3. Jump off at an angle from the support at the back to the n / g with the help of and independently.

Insurance. Support at the moment of swinging legs forward with one hand under the hips from below, with the other under the back while standing on the side.

2. From the support, riding on the lower pole, by swinging one forward, dismount with a turn of 90 0 and 270 0 .

From the support with the top right on the n / g, intercept the right hand with a grip from below. Swing the legs to the left with an accentuated movement of the left leg, push off with the left hand and, transferring the weight of the body to the right hand, swing the left leg over the pole with a turn to the right. Connecting your legs, bend over, take your left hand upward and gently land with your right side to the projectile.

3. From the gray on the thigh, a dismount with a turn in a circle.

From the saddle on the left thigh to the n / g grip with the left hand behind the h / f, right to the side, put the right hand with a grip from the bottom from behind on the n / g and, leaning on the right hand, connect the legs. Release the h / w and jump off with a turn to the right.

4. From the gray at an angle on the lower rail across the back swing, the dismount bent over with a turn in a circle.

From a gray angle on n / g across the grip with the left hand for the h / f, right to the side. Spread your legs apart, leaning forward, grab your right hand with a reverse grip for n / f in front and swing backward with a swing with your left back through n / f, push off with your left hand from the h / f. Turn left in a circle, connecting your legs, bend and land with your right side to the projectile.

From the gray on the thigh on the lower pole, dismount with an angle backward.

From the saddle on the left thigh, swing forward, perform the saddle across the corner with the left hand for the h / w, right to the side. Then take a reverse grip with your right hand for the n / f in front of the thigh. Turning to the left in a circle, swing your legs over the n / f and, leaning on the right hand, push off with the left from the h / f, straighten out at the hip joints. Land with your right side to the projectile.

Sequence of training:

1. From the gray hair longitudinally to the n / w, facing the h / f, grip with the left hand for the h / f, the right for the n / f at the thigh, swinging to the left through the n / f dismount. Perform first with the help of a teacher. The teacher assists with both hands (as you turn) around the waist, standing on the right back.

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