What exercises to do for asthma. Methods and rules of breathing exercises for asthma for adults and children

Breathing is the main function of the body, which ensures its vital activity. Violation of this function can be the cause and effect of organ diseases respiratory system... To restore their normal functioning, it is recommended to use special exercises for training the respiratory muscles. Especially useful breathing exercises at bronchial asthma... They help not only to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also serve as an excellent prevention of the development of complications.

Bronchial asthma is a serious disease that has an allergic component in its nature and proceeds in a chronic form. The main manifestations of the disease are periodic attacks of suffocation, dry cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Treatment of bronchial asthma involves A complex approach, combining drug therapy, physiotherapeutic methods and physiotherapy exercises, one of the methods of which is breathing exercises.

The main symptoms of this disease are due to difficulty breathing due to narrowing of the lumen and spasm of the bronchi. Regular breathing exercises for asthma can improve the patency of the bronchial passages and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Important: Breathing exercises not a substitute medicines... This is an additional method of treating bronchial asthma, which must be combined with drug therapy.

Correct, systematic performance of the appropriate exercises can provide a number of positive results:

  • relaxation of the muscle tissue of the bronchial walls, which leads to the cessation of the spasm and the expansion of the lumens;
  • faster separation of sputum, cleansing of the broncho-pulmonary tract, an increase in the amount of air entering the body;
  • strengthening of all muscles involved in the respiratory process - intercostal, paravertebral, abdominal (diaphragm);
  • the ability to control breathing, due to which you can prevent the occurrence of attacks or reduce their number.

In addition, breathing exercises help to improve the general condition by activating blood circulation, normalizing the state of cardio-vascular system, increase immunity, relieve stress.

The advantages of this method are:

  • the ability to master technology by any person without age restrictions;
  • no need to use special devices;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • ensuring stable remission with regular exercise.

In any case, before performing special breathing exercises for bronchial asthma, you should consult your doctor.

It is contraindicated to engage in physiotherapy exercises:

  • during an attack of suffocation or severe coughing;
  • under extreme weather conditions (rain, extreme heat or cold);
  • in a stuffy, unventilated room;
  • during the period of acute broncho-pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).

Execution technique

In order for classes to be of maximum benefit, training must be carried out:

  • on fresh air at any time of the year, in the absence of such an opportunity - in a room with open windows to ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen;
  • in complete silence, which will allow you to hear your breathing and control the correctness of execution;
  • alone or in ad hoc groups as outside interference or conversations can be breathless;
  • daily - best morning and evening;
  • in combination with physiotherapy.

Important: The main condition for success is the regularity of classes. The exercises are recommended to be performed 2 times a day, carefully observing the indicated breathing and physical movement techniques.

Morning gymnastics

Breathing exercises should be started immediately after waking up. Morning complex contains special breathing exercises for asthma for sputum discharge:

  • In the supine position, inhale, then, on a prolonged exhalation, pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, return to the starting position. Repeat until slight fatigue.
  • Sitting or standing, inhale sharply through your nose, hold your breath for 3 counts, exhale through your mouth, uttering a hissing sound;
  • Inhale through the mouth, close one nostril, exhale through the nose. Repeat by closing the other nostril.
  • Inhale through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, folding your lips into a tube.
  • Sit down at the table, take a glass of water and a straw for drinks. Breathe through a straw, exhaling into the water.

This breathing exercise should be done every morning to clear the bronchi and increase the flow of oxygen to the lungs.

Base complex

except morning exercises there are other special breathing exercises for bronchial asthma, which are recommended to be included in the daytime or evening complex:

  1. Standing, hands on the waist, inhaling deeply, inflate the stomach as much as possible, exhale sharply, pulling the stomach under the ribs.
  2. "Lumberjack" - to rise on tiptoes, hands up, fingers in the castle. Sink sharply on your feet, bending forward with outstretched arms, imitating chopping wood, and at the same time make a sharp exhalation. Return to starting position.
  3. In a standing position with your hands, slightly squeeze the lower part of the chest. Exhale slowly with such sounds - "rrrr", "pffff", "brrroh", "drrroh", "brrh".
  4. Stand straight, lower your arms along the body. Slowly inhaling air, raise your shoulders, while exhaling slowly, lower it with the sound of "kha".

The above complex can be performed independently or combined with yoga and other techniques.


Indian yogis offer their own set of cleansing exercises for the broncho-pulmonary system:

  1. Sit on the floor in the Lotus position or cross-legged in Turkish style. Press the tongue to the front teeth, fix the gaze on the tip of the nose. Take 10 quick inhalation-exhalation cycles, then inhale deeply and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Exhale slowly. Repeat 3 times. Stop at the slightest exertion.
  2. Stand straight, legs apart. Take a slow noisy breath in through your nose and immediately exhale with force through your mouth, folding your lips with a tube and making a series of separate exhalations. In this case, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles should be included in the work. With a weak exhalation, all effectiveness is lost. Repeat 3 times, do 5 times a day.
  3. Stand straight, legs apart. Take a slow noisy breath through your nose, slowly raising your arms above your head. Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, lean forward sharply, lowering your arms perpendicular to the floor and at the same time exhaling through your mouth with the sound "ha". Straighten up with a slow inhalation, raising your arms above your head, immediately exhale slowly, lowering your arms along your torso.
  4. Lie on your back, arms along the body. Take a slow noisy breath through your nose, raising your arms and lowering them to the floor behind your head. Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, sharply raise the legs bent at the knees, wrap your arms around them, press them to your stomach and simultaneously exhale with the sound "ha". Stay in this position for a few seconds, take a slow breath, returning to the starting position.

According to yogis, these exercises help relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract, remove phlegm, prevent an asthma attack, get rid of chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases, and improve lung ventilation.

Strelnikova's gymnastics

The unique technique of Alexandra Strelnikova was originally developed to restore the voice of vocalists. In practice, it turned out that it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory function, relieves conditions in diseases of the respiratory system and in particular in bronchial asthma, and also has a general strengthening and a number of other positive effects on the body.

The implementation of physiotherapy exercises is based on the following principles:

  • inhalation - short and noisy, carried out by the nose as if the aroma is being inhaled;
  • exhalation - passive, performed by the mouth by itself;
  • execution - in a given rhythm to the count of 4.

Exercises have no age restrictions, they are contraindicated only in case of high blood and eye pressure (glaucoma).

Strelnikova's gymnastics consists of a large set of exercises, but only some of them are most effective for asthma. For a better understanding of the execution technique, it is recommended to use the photo and the descriptions below:

  1. "Fists" - standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Take a short breath and at the same time clench your fists, then exhale calmly through your mouth, fists unclench.
  2. "Pump" - standing or sitting, shoulders relaxed, arms down. Take a short breath while leaning forward, rounding your back and performing a movement with your hands that simulates inflation of a tire with a pump. As you exhale, straighten up.
  3. "Epaulets" - standing, legs slightly apart, arms bent at waist level, fingers are slightly clenched into fists. Inhale, sharply stretch your arms slightly forward and downward, spreading your fingers, as if relieving the weight. On exhalation, take the starting position.
  4. "Hug your shoulders" - standing or sitting, arms bent at shoulder level. Inhale, hug yourself by the shoulders, arms should be parallel to each other without crossing. On exhalation, take the starting position.
  5. "Turning your head" - turn your head in one direction, take a breath, immediately in the other direction and take another breath, as if to sniff the air: first on one side, then on the other. Exhale slowly while turning the head through an open mouth.

The last two exercises are very helpful in preventing an attack if done at the first sign of choking. In general, gymnastics is easy and interesting, but to get positive result requires correct execution inhalation and exhalation.

In bronchial asthma, breathing training according to Strelnikova significantly alleviates the condition and reduces the number of attacks. Regular exercises contribute to the expansion of the bronchi, excretion of phlegm, saturation of tissues with oxygen, and improvement of the general condition. At the same time, you should not rely only on them and refuse drug therapy. Gymnastics is just an adjunct to drug treatment, significantly increasing its effectiveness.

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma can be very different and are offered in large quantities. It doesn't make sense to do them all at once. The main thing for obtaining a positive result is the regularity and quality of performance.

First you need to choose a few movements you like, learn how to do them correctly, and then gradually connect new ones, mastering various technicians... If unpleasant sensations appear, you should immediately stop exercising, excluding the exercise that caused the discomfort from further training.

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by asthma attacks. The disease poses a serious threat to human health, therefore, drug treatment is indispensable. An excellent addition to the main therapy can be special exercises... Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are suitable for children and adults.

Respiratory gymnastics technique

Regardless of the type of gymnastics, compliance with the general rules is required. Ignoring the execution technique will not be beneficial, moreover, it can aggravate the patient's condition, causing another attack of suffocation. Therapeutic exercises for bronchial asthma require adherence to the following recommendations:

  1. Correct breathing... Inhalation-exhalation can be carried out through the mouth, nose, depending on the exercise performed. Before starting classes, it is necessary not only to remember how gymnastics is performed, but also how to breathe. Correct breathing is the key to efficiency.
  2. Regularity. One-time training will not bring desired result, even temporary relief may not be there. Respiratory exercise held every day, you need to devote at least an hour to it.
  3. A complex approach. In addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, give up bad habits, follow a diet. Then breathing exercises will be more effective.

Compliance with the exercise technique will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • respiratory muscles develop;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • bronchi are cleared and relaxed;
  • disappear painful sensations in the chest, breathing discomfort.

Interesting! Many doctors were engaged in the development of their own breathing exercises for patients with bronchial asthma. However, the most effective and widespread are two of them - Strelnikova, Buteyko.

Performing gymnastics according to Strelnikova's method is popular with bronchial asthma. To obtain the effect, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Breathing is the main part of breathing during exercise. An energetic, powerful exhalation is impossible without correct inhalation. Try to breathe in the air as deeply as possible.
  2. Exhalation is the passive part of breathing. Strelnikova does not recommend the load on the lungs when removing air from the body. The exhalation is done in no particular order.
  3. Rhythm. Exercises are carried out in a certain rhythm - counting.
  4. Each of them is performed 4 times.
  5. Gymnastics is repeated twice a day.

Interesting! Strelnikova is a vocal teacher, so the rules for doing gymnastics according to her method resemble musical exercises rhythm and count.

The main exercises are:

  1. "Fists". We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. We take a sharp breath with our nose, squeeze our fingers. Then we gently unclench them, making a slow, calm exhalation.
  2. "Epaulets". The position of the body and legs remains the same. Hands on the belt, fingers clenched into fists. We take a sharp breath with our nose, lower our arms, as if throwing a load from our shoulders. We strain especially strongly shoulder muscles... We exhale slowly, bringing our hands back.

Some exercises are performed intensively, resembling dance moves. For example:

  1. Head rotation. For execution, you can stand upright, sit down, lie down. A short, sharp breath accompanies the turn of the head in each direction. Exhale calmly. For comfort, perform similar exercises can be accompanied by rhythmic music.
  2. "Dance". We take one step forward with each leg. We sharply put our hands in front of us, leaving them at eye level, take a sharp breath. We become in starting position, exhale calmly.

Advice! These are just some of the exercises suggested by Strelnikova. Before starting breathing exercises, you need to consult with your doctor, asking him to help you choose the appropriate options.

By the method of K.P.Buteyko

The Buteyko method helps to get rid of asthma attacks, to minimize the relapses of the disease. At the heart of gymnastic exercises the following principles lie:

  • the depth of inspiration decreases;
  • the pause between exhalation and the next inhalation increases.

In total, the inhalation should last 2-3 seconds, the exhalation and the subsequent pause should be 3-4 seconds.

Important! At first, a patient who has begun to perform gymnastics according to the proposed method may experience a lack of air, a phobia of suffocation, and painful sensations. In asthmatics, these phenomena cause fear, but it is important to continue exercising, overpowering yourself.

The Buteyko method implies preparation before doing the exercises. It is carried out simply, it lasts 10-15 minutes:

  • we sit on a chair, keep our back straight, hands on our knees;
  • we relax, close our eyes;
  • breathe quietly, exhale smoothly through the nose.

The result of the preparation should be a feeling of a strong lack of air. Medical complex Buteyko consists of a number of exercises, the main ones are:

  1. Interval breathing. The basic rule of the exercise is the exact observance of the time interval (inhalation - 2-3 seconds, exhalation - 3-4, pause - 3-4). The exercise helps to strengthen the upper part of the lungs, it is used to discharge sputum.
  2. Long breathing - inhale for 7 seconds, exhale for the same amount, pause for 5 seconds. Exercise strengthens the upper lungs, chest, the diaphragm.
  3. Massage. We hold our breath for as long as possible, we massage the reflexogenic areas of the nose.
  4. In-depth long breath... We draw in the stomach as much as possible, we perform the second exercise.
  5. Ventilation. For a minute, take the deepest possible breaths. After that we hold our breath as much as possible.

Important! For the result to be effective, you should not be distracted, talk, take breaks. Concentration, emotional state, the ability to relax are also important.

Benefits of doing gymnastics

Everyone can find a suitable technique, taking into account the characteristics of their body, the degree of the disease. You can perform gymnastics at home, dispensing with improvised means. Doctors advise using other exercises - ballooning is the most popular.

The implementation of a certain technique becomes the best option for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children. All that is required of a person is strict adherence to the recommendations.

Respiratory gymnastics seems to teach a person to breathe again, now he will do it correctly. Oxygen that enters the lungs on inhalation penetrates into all internal organs, vessels, cells. The bronchi dilate, phlegm comes out, asthma symptoms subside, and asthma attacks are less and less frequent.

An important advantage of gymnastics is that a person begins to control breathing. Medication helps fight the causes and effects of asthma. But only exercise ensures correct breathing.

Advice! In pharmacies, you can buy breathing simulators that teach a person to breathe correctly, but they are not available to everyone because of the high price.


It is necessary to postpone breathing exercises in bronchial asthma in the following cases:

  • the appearance of an attack of suffocation;
  • lack of a suitable room (which can be ventilated, creating favorable conditions for training);
  • brisk walking, jogging before gymnastics;
  • transferred bronchitis, other colds;
  • deterioration of the general condition, exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

Respiratory gymnastics is available to everyone. The initial stage of bronchial asthma usually does not require strong medications; exercise is the optimal treatment. If the disease progresses, then gymnastics can be supplemented with drug therapy. You just need to choose a technique, learn the technique and start breathing correctly.

Gymnastics classes, carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations, have a good therapeutic effect for many diseases of the respiratory system.

Bronchial asthma, for which a separate gymnastics has been developed, is no exception.

In honor of whom is it named

The developed technique belongs to Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova - the mother of the famous Alexandra Nikolaevna.

Alexandra Severovna, like her daughter, taught singing and developed this gymnastics in order to give her students a voice.

For the first time, gymnastics testing for the treatment of a disease, and not for voice training, happened when Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was suffering from a severe heart attack.

It was a deep night, there was no need to count on an ambulance at that time: Alexandra Nikolaevna remembered a number of exercises and, using them, was able to relieve a heart attack.

Subsequently, already in the post-war years, Alexandra Nikolaevna patented gymnastics as effective remedy with a variety of respiratory diseases, and not only.

The decision to patent the technique came to the woman after she began to notice that a set of exercises helps not only for setting the voice, but also in the treatment of certain diseases.


This gymnastics has a number of indications:


  • severe diseases in acute form;
  • feverish condition;
  • traumatic injuries of the spinal column;
  • contusion of the brain;
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine;
  • acute visual impairment;
  • glaucoma;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute form of cardiovascular disease;
  • high pressure figures;
  • bleeding.

What is the essence of technology

Inhalation, accompanied by the inability to fully expand the chest - this is the main component of Strelnikova's technique. Hence, this gymnastics got the name "paradoxical".

The main power of gymnastics is aimed at maximizing the training of a person's ability to breathe. In this case, the breath is taken at the moment of the greatest tension of all systems, which allows you to achieve the necessary results.

The exhalation that spontaneously follows the inhalation is not taken into account in gymnastics at all.

In the process of performing gymnastics according to Strelnikova's method, self-regulation is activated, that is, the brain receives a large dose of oxygen, and the muscles receive physical activity.

Video: Demonstration of technique

Basic principles of breathing

Before studying the exercises that are part of the Strelnikova complex, it is necessary to understand the principles on which breathing should be based. If these principles are neglected, then gymnastics will not be effective.

There are 4 of them:

What beneficial effects does it have in the body?

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchial asthma gives a number of effects.

Here are the main ones:

  • There is an active saturation of the tissues of the lungs and blood with atmospheric oxygen, which makes it possible to partially or completely restore the function of the respiratory system.
  • Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, activates the immune processes of organisms.
  • The inflow of fresh air, as well as the active exhalation that naturally accompanies the inhalation, helps the process of cleansing the lungs.
  • Exercise stimulates pulmonary innervation.
  • The ribcage and chest muscles are toned, which helps to reduce shortness of breath or eliminate it altogether.
  • Sound exercises, which are present in the exercise complexes, help to get rid of laryngeal spasm, which also allows you to breathe more freely.

Basic exercises

The complex includes exercises that form the backbone of all gymnastics. Usually, after a step warm-up (simple walking around the room so that for each new step there is a short breath), they are the ones that are performed.

In total, the main cycle includes 7 exercises:

  • Turns. You need to stand freely, the width of the legs should not exceed the width of the shoulders. Further, under the account, the head turns from side to side so that for each turn there is a short breath.

Turns should not be interrupted in the middle, and you should also avoid holding the head in a straight position. 8-10 breaths are performed, then a relaxed exhalation is made.

The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • ears. The starting position is the same. Now, according to the same principle as above, the head tilts from one shoulder to the other. The body must remain completely motionless, only the cervical muscles are allowed to work. For each tilt, there is a short breath.

Inhalation should not be interrupted in the middle, the head is also not held in a straight position. 8-10 breaths are performed, then a relaxed exhalation is made.

The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • small pendulum. The original position does not change. The principle of the exercise is similar to the above, only now the head is tilted to the chest and lifted to the ceiling.

This time, the peculiarity of exhalations is that they are not delayed, allowing air to freely escape from the chest through an open mouth.

  • cat. This time the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Hands, palms down, are placed at waist level. The separation of the feet from the floor during the exercise is inadmissible!

The essence of the exercise is in light turns with squats. Turning the body, transferring the weight to the corresponding leg, take a short breath, then another short breath on the other side. Imagine grabbing something with your hands as you turn.

Important! There is no need to do deep squats, the legs should only bend slightly at the knees. The exhalation is done voluntarily through the mouth. There is no turn in the shoulders, only the waist works.

8-10 breaths are performed. The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • hug yourself. Starting position, as in the first exercise. Hands are raised to shoulder level, and then sharp throws of hands are made with an embrace of oneself by the shoulders. The direction of the hands should remain parallel, no crossing should be allowed.

Make sure not to spread your arms wide during the exercise, do not allow the elbows to be extended. There should be an inhalation for each hug. Perhaps at the moment of the embrace, a slight raising of the head to the ceiling.

8-10 breaths are performed. The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • large pendulum. The starting position is the same. The body is tilted forward, the arms are stretched to the ground - inhale, then the exercise "hug yourself" - also inhale.

The exercise can be done while sitting if the patient is unable to stand up.

8-10 breaths are performed. The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • rifts. For this exercise, one leg is put forward. It is necessary to do a series of short dance squats on bent leg... Then the leg is changed. A short breath is taken for each squat.

Take 8 breaths for each leg. The cycle is repeated 12 times.

Daily complex

V daily complex exercises, there are additional movements that must also be performed.

There are three of them:

  • fists. You need to stand freely, the width of the legs should not exceed the width of the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms just above shoulder level. Compression of the hand into a fist and unclenching are done. Each movement is accompanied by a short breath.

4 breaths are taken. The cycle is repeated 24 times.

  • heavy load. The starting position is the same. The brushes are bent into fists and set at waist level. On inhalation, make sharp movements with the hands downward, straightening the arms at the elbow joint.

8 breaths are taken. The cycle is repeated 12 times.

  • pump. This time the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. They make bends, accompanied by breaths, as if pumping something with a hand pump. For reliability, you can even pick up a newspaper. They do not fully unbend; it is also forbidden to stretch the inhalation.

8 breaths are taken. The cycle is repeated 12 times with intervals of 4-5 seconds between cycles.

Respiratory gymnastics Shooting with an attack of bronchial asthma

If the attack is already fully formed, then it is worth focusing on exercises such as "hug yourself" and "turns".

Also, if the condition allows, you can resort to the exercise "Pump", which can be done not only during exacerbations, but also to prevent the development of an attack.

The patient needs to remember that if gymnastics does not give an effect when an attack develops within 5-7 minutes, then medications must be used.

The effectiveness of gymnastics is highly dependent on the frequency of training. If the classes are carried out to the patient irregularly, then one should not expect that a set of exercises will instantly relieve an attack.

Is this technique effective

It's hard to say for sure:

  1. Some doctors consider this technique, although paradoxical, but still effective for many respiratory and not only diseases.
  2. Someone, on the contrary, believes that there is no point in it, and all known cases of getting rid of seizures - pure water self-hypnosis.

When resorting to Strelnikova's gymnastics, you need to know that there are no scientific grounds, and never have been.

Gymnastics is effective and is used in a set of exercises for the prevention and treatment of asthma, but on what exact principle it works is still unknown.

Precautionary measures

Performing gymnastics, you must follow the precautions:

  • exercise can only be started if the patient feels normal;
  • at a temperature, exercises are not performed;
  • if, as a result of exercise, a coughing attack develops, the patient is given time to clear his throat;
  • exercises are not performed by force "for show".

Is it necessary to consult a doctor

Like any therapeutic measure, Strelnikova's gymnastics has a number of contraindications and features.

An individual consultation with your doctor will help you understand whether the exercise complex will be beneficial, or whether it will only aggravate the situation.

If there is no opportunity to consult a doctor, but there is an attack of bronchial asthma, then you can try using Strelnikova's gymnastics.

If there is no effect, they either use medications or call an ambulance.

If you want to use the technique as a permanent prevention of pulmonary diseases, then a consultation with a doctor is absolutely necessary.

He will not only assess the need for gymnastics, but will also help to adjust the set of exercises depending on the characteristics of the patient.

Bronchial asthma is a disease that requires constant monitoring of its condition. In addition to medication, it is very helpful to engage in specific breathing exercises to relieve an attack. In addition, they will be an excellent prevention of chronic bronchitis.

The main rule required by breathing exercises in asthma is the regularity of classes. You should exercise every day, preferably outdoors, regardless of the weather conditions.

Indications and limitations for performing gymnastics

Breathing exercises for asthma are rapidly gaining popularity, being used not only to treat, but also to help with many other diseases. Even healthy person it will not hurt to carry out these manipulations, increasing your vitality.

There are many sets of exercises that allow you to choose the most suitable. In addition to the healing power, such gymnastics has a versatile effect:

  • enrichment of each cell of the body with oxygen;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of pressure indicators;
  • slag removal;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

As a result of such positive changes in health, a person is more often in high spirits, thanks to getting rid of negative energy. Thus, everyone who wants to improve the condition of their body should try breathing exercises for asthma.

But there are also medical indications for performing a set of exercises:

  • any disease of the respiratory system;
  • heart pain;
  • increased pressure;
  • spine or joint problems;
  • stress and depression;
  • headache.

The most important indicator for the implementation of the complex is diseases of the respiratory system, in particular bronchial asthma. But there are cases when gymnastics is strictly contraindicated. It:

  • any tumors;
  • injury to the vertebral system;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis.

In order to finally choose a set of breathing exercises that is right for you, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. Based on its results, medical recommendations will be given that should be taken into account.

General Exercise

If you are at the beginning of the path to mastering breathing exercises - these classes are for you. They effectively help to cope with the stress caused by the attack of bronchial asthma, and serve as a good prevention against recurrent attacks.

  • Breathing out through the mouth is a full-fledged exercise, for which you don't even need to get out of bed after waking up. Starting position: legs bent at the knees. Start pulling them up as close to your chin as possible, while exhaling deeply through your mouth. Repeat 10-15 times. This exercise well cleanses the respiratory system, eliminating phlegm.
  • Alternating breathing - performed as in sitting position, and standing or lying. Cover one nostril with your finger, inhale deeply, then close the other - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, changing the nostril that you close.
  • Diaphragm breathing is another simple exercise that does not require special conditions... Place your hands on your sides, inhale deeply through your nose, puffing out your stomach strongly. After a second, exhale sharply with your nose, immediately draw in your stomach. Do the exercise 10 times.
  • Pulmonary ventilation, for which you need to sit upright and place your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply through your nose, stretching your arms out in different directions. Exhaling, pull up left leg as close to the chest as possible. Repeat gymnastics alternately with each leg.
  • Intermittent breathing is prohibited for hypertensive patients. Breathe in air sharply, wait 3-4 seconds, exhale with the sounds "z" and "w".

Such simple exercises will help not only to defeat the next attack of bronchial asthma, but also to tone the body.

Strelnikova's method

This is one of the most effective exercise complexes for bronchial asthma. It was originally intended for singers as a voice training. Its effectiveness in asthma was discovered by chance, when the author of the technique, experiencing another attack without the ability to call for help, used her own program. This decision saved her life. So Strelnikova's gymnastics with asthma began to rapidly gain popularity.

The exercises that make up the technique do not require special physical fitness and special conditions... Ease and accessibility are the main advantages of this type of gymnastics.

  • The pump is an exercise that serves not only as prevention, but also very useful during the attack itself. Take any oblong object and begin to depict the process of inflating the wheel. Bending over - inhale, unbending - exhale. Don't strain yourself, keep it simple and natural. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Repeat the exercise at least 8 times, pause and repeat 10 more times.
  • Bends are a great preventative exercise. To do it, bend forward a little, lower your head and bend your elbows. Breathe in briefly and sharply through your nose and exhale in the same position. After two repetitions, pause for 4-6 seconds and re-inhale with an incline. Do the exercise alternating with rest until you feel a little tired.
  • Hug your shoulders - to perform it, bend your elbows and raise them to your shoulders. Turn your palms towards you, keeping them against your neck. Connect your arms sharply, while one of them reaches the opposite shoulder, and the other - the armpits. The exercise can be done on the go, observing a certain rhythm of steps.

Thus, the main movements of Strelnikova's gymnastics:

  • tilt-inhale, which is done abruptly, quickly and simultaneously;
  • hug-breath, which are performed repeatedly and rhythmically.

For exercises using this method to be especially effective, you need to learn how to:

  • inhale - imagine that you smell something, and you try to understand what exactly, taking quick and sharp breaths;
  • exhale - without straining to do it through the mouth;
  • keep track of the tempo - any rhythmic song that you mentally hum will help with this. Inhale loudly, exhale softly. Stick to the rhythm - 65-75 breaths for a minute. Normally, during gymnastics, you should take from 100 to 200 rhythmic breaths, making a pause of 4-6 seconds between them.

If physical exercises with asthma, they do not help to cope with an attack, you must immediately use the usual medicine. After that, you can start gymnastics only the next day.

Yoga for asthma

This is a set of exercises specifically designed to help with asthma.

  • Oxygenation - performed in the lotus position. Stare at the tip of your nose, pressing your tongue firmly against your upper teeth. Sitting in the most comfortable position for yourself, take 8 quick breaths. Next, inhale deeply through your nose, wait 3-6 seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat 3 times.
  • Cleansing breath is one of the most powerful exercises. Stand up straight and take a slow, deep breath. If everything is correct, the wings of the nose should touch the septum. Next, fold your lips with a tube, and begin to slowly exhale air in small portions. The main requirement of the exercise is to inhale as deeply as possible, at which a slight tension is felt in the abdomen.
  • Relaxation - also performed while standing. Inhale slowly and deeply, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. After that, you need to sharply lean forward, exhaling the sound "ha" through your mouth. Straightening with a slow inhalation and arms raised up, lowering during exhalation.
  • Lung stimulation is an exercise performed while lying down. Inhale deeply through your nose, raising your arms as high as possible. Wait 2-3 seconds, then quickly bend your knees and lift. Wrap your arms around your legs, press them to your chest, exhaling with the sound "ha". Rest for 2-3 seconds, then inhale slowly through your mouth, raising your arms, straightening your legs and placing them back on the floor. Hold your breath and exhale through your nose, as slowly as possible, while lowering your arms. Repeat the entire cycle three times.

It should be borne in mind that after performing breathing exercises, you need to fully rest. You also need to immediately stop exercising at the slightest tension in the respiratory organs. Compliance with all the rules of gymnastics and reasonable care in its implementation guarantee high efficiency.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory and allergic disease that requires complex treatment. Today, they use not only and, but also physiotherapy, as well as physiotherapy exercises.

A set of exercises for bronchial asthma not only helps to reduce the number of relapses of the disease, but also improves the general well-being and condition of patients. However, this method is effective only if you do gymnastics correctly and regularly, therefore, every person suffering from this disease must master the technique of performing exercises.

The tasks of exercise therapy for asthma

Physiotherapy exercises for this disease is aimed mainly at improving general state the respiratory system, as well as to reduce the symptoms of the disease during the attack. Thanks to training, blood circulation and lymph drainage in the organs of the chest improves, trophism (nutrition) of the lung tissue is stimulated, and its elasticity improves.

Also, thanks to exercise therapy, the normal ratio of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex is restored, as a result of which the physiological autonomic regulation of the respiratory system improves. This leads to the fact that stress and physical exercise less effect on the respiratory system and do not cause bronchospasm.

In addition, exercise therapy is an excellent prevention of pulmonary emphysema - due to training, tidal volume increases and the ability to gas exchange improves.

Exercise therapy trainers teach their patients how to breathe correctly during an attack (the technique of prolonged exhalation is especially important) - this can significantly alleviate the patient's well-being and reduce the intensity of shortness of breath.

Exercise helps improve chest mobility, develop respiratory muscles, and increase bronchial mucociliary clearance (mucus evacuation).

Since physical education for this disease has a huge number of positive effects, it is recommended not only for patients suffering from the disease, but also for people who smoke or have a predisposition to allergic or inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

How to do gymnastics correctly

Before doing any exercises, you need to consult a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine when, with what intensity and frequency you can train. The doctor, prescribing physiotherapy exercises, must take into account many factors - the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the duration of the course of the disease, the general condition of the patient and his physical fitness.

Regardless of the doctor's prescription, there are general rules, which must always be adhered to when performing a set of exercises for bronchial asthma:

  1. It is advisable to train outdoors or after airing the room.
  2. You can only train outside the period of exacerbation when the respiratory rate does not exceed 20-25 times per minute.
  3. If during gymnastics the state of health has worsened - you need to stop exercise therapy.
  4. Physiotherapy exercises give a more noticeable result in combination with race walking and swimming.
  5. Gradually need increase the number of approaches and exercise, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Observing these requirements, there is no risk to harm your health and worsen the course of the disease.

How does gymnastics affect the patient: basic mechanisms

V remedial gymnastics includes not only physical education, but also sound and breathing exercises. Regular execution this complex leads to an improvement in the neuropsychic state of the patient, and also helps to strengthen the respiratory and circulatory organs.

Physical education promotes the development of muscles, not only intercostal muscles, but also muscles of the back, press, diaphragm. This allows you to normalize the respiratory process, and also increases the vital capacity of the lungs.

Respiratory gymnastics improves the elasticity of the bronchi and lung tissue and their blood circulation. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the edema of the mucous membrane, the expansion of the lumen of the smallest bronchioles, as well as to the rapid evacuation (excretion) of mucus, which is secreted by the glands. All this helps a person to relieve exacerbations of the disease.

Sound breathing exercises also improve the resistance of the bronchi and alveoli, which allows you to keep your lungs in good shape, and prevents the frequent occurrence of attacks of this disease.

And in combination with drug treatment, Exercise therapy helps to alleviate the patient's condition and transfer the disease to the stage of stable remission.

Contraindications to exercise therapy for bronchial asthma

Despite the high effectiveness of training in bronchial asthma, not all patients can do such gymnastics.

There are a number of conditions in which physical activity is contraindicated:

  • serious condition of the patient (exacerbation of the disease, severe shortness of breath);
  • the threat of pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • fever;
  • severe pain syndrome during training;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system of the body.

It is necessary to perform gymnastics with bronchial asthma, but you should not do this if there are obvious contraindications. If you ignore this recommendation, there is a high risk of worsening your own condition.

Remember that if discomfort or pain occurs during training, you must immediately inform your doctor about it.

Exercise therapy complex for bronchial asthma

  1. Necessary turn half-round and spread both arms with palms facing up. Repeat 12-13 times in each direction in turn.
  2. The exercise is carried out in a sitting position, it is necessary to perform side bends, while the hand should slide along the leg of the chair. The tilt should be accompanied by a long exhalation. In the initial position, you need to inhale deeply and slowly. Do it 15 times.
  3. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, fix your hands at waist level. To attempt bring your elbows in front of you exhaling as much as possible. Perform 20-26 times.
  4. Lean on the back of a chair, then you need to sit down slowly, making a long and unhurried exhalation. Get up, take a deep breath. Perform 8-10 times.
  5. The situation is the same. Make body tilts forward exhaling. Inhale, return to the original position. Repeat 25 times.
  6. In the prone position, it is necessary raise a leg while exhaling. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, lower your leg, inhale. Repeat 5-10 times alternately with the left and right extremities.
  7. Stand up straight with your back straight. Walking in place within 2-3 minutes. You can do up to 8 sets per workout.

Complementary exercise for asthma

If the body reacts positively to the implementation of the main set of exercises, the condition does not worsen, then after 2-3 weeks other loads can be added. These include:

  1. Stand facing the gymnastic wall, put your hands on the crossbar, which is at chest level. Take a deep breath tense the muscles of the arms as much as possible, exhale. Do it 5-7 times.
  2. Take a ball in your hand throw off the shoulder(on exhalation). Repeat alternately on the left and right hand(6-10 times).
  3. Take the ball in your hands raised above your head. Throw the ball sharply downwards exhale and relax your hands. Perform 10-13 times.
  4. In a sitting position, arms are extended in elbow joints, are located in a horizontal position, extremely divorced. The legs are bent at the knees, apart. Take a deep breath turn sideways exhaling. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. You need to do it alternately left and right, 10-14 times in each direction.
  5. In a standing position, arms are extended and spread out to the sides. The breath is accompanied by lifting one leg, on exhalation, the leg needs to be relaxed and lowered. Repeat alternately for each leg, 7-10 times.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchial asthma

Respiratory gymnastics can be divided into 2 stages - one part of the exercises is performed at the beginning of the workout, and the second at the end. Most effective techniques breathing exercises:

  1. Within 1 minute breathe deeply, while the respiratory rate should become less and less.
  2. The palms of two hands need to make a fist, and then bring it to the shoulder, at the same time exhaling.
  3. Legs in turn bend and press to the stomach taking a deep breath. Exhale when returning to the original position.
  4. Take a deep breath, exhale as long as possible, pronouncing the sounds "w" and "w".
  5. Perform in a standing position. Left hand put on the stomach, right - on the chest. Controlled breathing for 30 seconds... At the same time, when exhaling, the muscles abdominal should retract and tighten.
  6. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands at the waist. Take a deep breath, then hold your breath for about 3-5 seconds, exhale slowly, uttering the sounds "o", "a". Perform 10-13 times.
  7. Straighten the spine, rest your hands on the back of a chair or a crossbar swedish wall... Breathe in as much as possible through your nose, hold the breath, pulling in the stomach and straining the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds (depending on the patient's capabilities). Exhale gently, relax. Perform 1-2 times, it is allowed to do 3-5 approaches per workout, but with breaks for at least 5 minutes.

Exercise during a flare-up of asthma

During periods of exacerbation of the disease, only light gymnastics, it must be done under the supervision of a doctor, preventing the deterioration of the condition. Exercise therapy experts recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back with a high pillow under your head. Inhale, inflating the stomach, exhale, pulling it in as much as possible. A slight tension should be felt in the abdomen and diaphragm during the exercise. Repeat 5-7 times.
  2. Sitting on a chair with a back. While inhaling through the nose, bend your arms at the elbow joints and touch your shoulders, stay in this position for a few seconds. Exhaling, cross your arms over your chest. Run 5-10 times.
  3. Sitting on the edge of a stool (preferably low). Spread your arms wide inhale strongly while exhaling, bend down and touch the floor with your fingers. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. In a sitting position, arms bent, brought up to shoulder joints... In this position raise your arms to a horizontal position inhaling deeply. Do it 5-10 times.
  5. Sitting on the edge of a chair bend and straighten the foot... At the same time, breathe deeply and clench your hands into fists. Repeat 15 times.

What time is better to choose for classes

It is necessary to prescribe the implementation of the primary set of measures during the period of remission of the disease. After assessing the patient's condition, you need to make sure that he is ready to perform exercise therapy exercises.

For the first few weeks, it is better to conduct classes with a doctor-trainer for exercise therapy. Then, when the patient can do gymnastics on his own, it is allowed to do it at home.

The first half of the day is the best time for exercise. The ideal option is to perform a set of exercises 2 hours after a light breakfast. In no case should you start physiotherapy exercises immediately after eating. Experts say that exercise performed in the fresh air is beneficial. But if this is not possible (for example, in the cold season), then it is worth practicing in a room with a window open for ventilation - this will ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen.

Summing up, we can highlight the main list of recommendations compiled by experienced specialists in the field of exercise therapy. If you strictly adhere to the rules from this list, the effectiveness of the set of exercises increases dramatically, and the number of complications decreases significantly. These rules include:

  1. You need to do it regularly, at least 4-5 times a day, without interrupting the course of treatment for more than 2-3 days.
  2. The duration of the classes should be from 30 to 60 minutes- this is enough to work out all the muscles, to do breathing and sound exercises.
  3. Classes need to be carried out outdoors or in a room where there is sufficient oxygen.
  4. You can only hold your breath under the supervision of a coach... In this case, be sure to rest your hands on the back of a chair or the bar of the gymnastic wall.
  5. Exhale should be 2-4 times longer than inhale.
  6. Every week you need to complicate and change exercises... But this must be done gradually and under the supervision of a specialist.
  7. If the condition worsens or the disease worsens, it is necessary to inform the doctor and reduce the load in training.

Summing up, we can say that the complex of therapeutic loads for bronchial asthma is an excellent addition to drug therapy. Performing exercises regularly will improve your overall well-being and ease the course of the disease.

According to the results of the studies, it was noticed that in people engaged in exercise therapy for 3 months, the frequency of exacerbations decreased by 40-50%, and in patients who perform exercises for more than six months, the number of relapses decreased from 60 to 80%. Therefore, engage physical activity with a disease, it is not only possible, but also necessary.

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