Respiratory gymnastics in music lessons. Methodological manual "Musical and health-improving work with children in a preschool educational institution - the use of health-saving technologies in music lessons"

Popova Anna Sergeevna,

music director

MADOU Kindergarten No. 88 of Tyumen


A sick child who lags behind in physical development gets tired faster, he has unstable attention, weak memory, low efficiency. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. It is especially effective to carry out health-improving work using such a powerful tool in solving educational, educational and correctional tasks as music. Moreover, it is music of all types of art that is the most powerful means of influencing a person.

Musical development of a child in the aspect of health preservation with its effectiveness has long been beyond doubt. Since ancient times, music has been used by physicians for the treatment and recovery of patients. And currently her healing effect scientifically proven. Scientists have even created a whole direction in official medicine - music therapy. For example, in St. Petersburg there is a successful center, where doctors-composers compose their “personal” music for each sick child, curing even cerebral palsy and mental retardation. Most people use music just intuitively to raise their mood, work capacity, and improve their well-being. And no rest is complete without music. Scientists have found that the child's body harmonizes the sound "la" of the first octave. That by changing the rhythmic pattern of the melody, one can even change the composition of the blood, not to mention the blood pressure. Investigating the influence of music on the human body, scientists have found out which musical masterpieces cure certain diseases. For example, violin and piano music is good for the treatment of nervous diseases, the harp is indispensable in cardiology, the cello helps people with kidney problems, the oboe and clarinet will help the liver, the flute will help to relax and easily cope with insomnia.

Mozart's music is considered multidisciplinary: it is prescribed for fatigue, headache, depression, and even for colds. This phenomenon, not yet fully explained, was called the "Mozart effect."

The music of romantic composers (Chopin, Schubert, Liszt, Tchaikovsky) relieves stress well. Helps focus attention. Sacred and religious music relieves pain very well. Jazz, blues, reggae cheer up, relieve depression. Beethoven's Sonata No. 7 cures gastritis. The headache is relieved by Oginsky's Polonaise. The suite "Peer Gynt" by Grieg normalizes sleep and brain function. Mozart's music contributes to the development of mental abilities in children. Blood pressure and heart activity are normalized by Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Even small amounts of rock music can relieve stress and muscle fatigue.

Based on these conclusions, I build my work with children, using modern health-saving technologies. Therefore, with preschoolers it is necessary to carry out this work in a playful way. That is, the usual types of musical activity can be diversified with health benefits.


The purpose of introducing health-saving technologies: preserving and strengthening mental and physical health children.


1.Systematize the exercise of physical education in the classroom (during sedentary activities - singing, listening to music),

2.In the beginning and at the end of the lesson, introduce elements that allow you to tune the children in the right way (to cheer up, calm down),

3. Introduce health-promoting elements during dance and play and dramatization.

The elements of health preservation include the following activities:

  • Logo rhythmics(this is a method of overcoming speech disorders by developing the motor sphere in combination with words and music);
  • Finger gymnastics (development of fine motor skills);
  • Psycho-gymnastics (sketches, games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche, both cognitive and emotional-personal). Mimic exercises can be attributed to psycho-gymnastics; relaxation; communicative play and dancing; sketches for the development of expressive movements, staging; music therapy;
  • Respiratory and articulatory gymnastics. Breathing affects sound production, articulation, and voice development.
  • Rhythmoplasty physiological need of a child's developing organism.

Software and methodological support

Basic program

"From birth to school" N.Ye. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilieva

Partial programs

"Rhythmic Mosaic" by A.I. Burenina

additional literature

Burenina A. I. Rhythmic mosaic: (Rhythmic plastics program for children of preschool and younger school age).

Galtsova E.A. "Funny stories about everything in the world."

O. N. Arsenevskaya. The system of musical and health-improving work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises.

Alyabyeva E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment:


Alyabyeva E.A. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten: Methodological materials to help psychologists and teachers.

Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids: Scenarios for lessons with children 3-4 years old. (Development program.)

V. A. Knysh, I. I. Komar, E. B. Loban, Yu. V. Dudak Logorhythmic minutes: thematic lessons for preschoolers.

A.L. Sirotyuk Correction of the development of intelligence of preschoolers

Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games.

Analysis of health-saving technologies


Logorhythmic classes are aimed at correcting general and small movements, developing coordination "speech - movement", expanding the vocabulary in children, contribute to the improvement of psychophysical functions, the development of emotionality, communication skills.

Psychologists and speech therapists believe that in early childhood the rate of speech development is much higher than in subsequent years. If by the end of the first year of life the child's vocabulary includes 8-10 words, then at three years - up to 1 thousand words. Teachers and parents should help children master their native language, accumulate a significant vocabulary, and teach them to pronounce all sounds.

In the third year of a child's life, speech becomes the dominant line of development. The vocabulary is quickly updated, the ability to build sentences is improving, the sound side of speech is improving. The child learns to compare, build conclusions of a visual-effective nature. Speech serves as a means of communication and self-regulation of behavior. It becomes more meaningful and expressive. The child can pronounce words with different intonation and volume, change the rate of speech. He is able to understand the meaning of qualitative adjectives denoting shape, color, size, taste.

I devote a special place in the work on the speech of children to musical games, singing and movement to music. This is due to the fact that music primarily affects the emotional sphere of the child. On positive reactions, children learn the material better and faster, imperceptibly learn to speak correctly.

Logorhythmic lessons are based on a close connection between words, movement and music and include finger, speech, musical-movement and communication games, exercises for the development of gross and fine motor skills, dancing to rhythmic declarations or singing of an adult, rhythmic games with musical instruments, poems with movements. In this regard, I have to conduct integrated classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist.

In the classroom, the basic pedagogical principles are observed - sequence, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and the clear pronunciation of sounds accessible by age is enriched, the vocabulary of children is enriched.

Logorhythmic classes are held once a week by a music director and speech therapist. Good results can be achieved only with the joint work of teachers. The music director combines music, speech and movement, the speech therapist continues this work in speech classes and in play activities children. Such a complex form prevents speech disorders in children and contributes to the development of the personality as a whole.

Practice has shown that regular inclusion of logo rhythmic elements in music lessons contributes to the rapid development of speech and musicality, forms a positive emotional attitude, and teaches communication with peers.

A prerequisite for the development of motor, auditory and speech skills is multiple repetition of the studied material in order to create healthy dynamic stereotypes.

Logorhythmic games contribute to the creation of a benevolent, emotionally rich atmosphere of joint creativity of children and adults. The desire of every child to imitate an adult and actively participate in the lesson process is realized thanks to the musical accompaniment of staging games, dancing, and singing songs. The use of fairy tale characters, attributes of role-playing games stimulates the activity of children to speech and other forms of activity.


The fingertips are the second brain. In human life, the hand plays important role throughout his life.

Touching something with his hand, a person immediately knows what kind of thing it is. The work of the fingers is really infinitely varied and important for every person. You can touch, take, stroke, pinch with your fingers ... It is impossible to list all the verbs that describe everything that can be done with our hands and fingers.

In my classes, I include finger training exercises along with stimulating effects on speech development, which are a powerful means of increasing the performance of the brain. The formation of the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of digital motor skills sets the stage for the subsequent formation of speech.

Thus, the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers plays the role of a stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and in particular speech. Exercises with younger preschoolers must be performed at a slow pace from 3 to 5 times, first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with two hands together. The instructions to the child should be calm, friendly and clear.

In music lessons, finger games are most often performed to music - like melodies, songs, accompanied by illustrations, finger or shadow theater. A special place is occupied by "finger tales" - familiar to preschoolers - "Rukavichka", "Teremok", "Kolobok" and others are adapted for the possibility of showing them with hand movements and most often have a poetic form.


Sometimes children have to make tremendous efforts to control their emotions, to restrain themselves, to hide them from strangers. To teach your child to restrain, control their emotions, let him feel this "control" and how it "works" in a playful way. These exercises for relaxation, stress relief, and creating a play situation may be useful to you in difficult times.

To do this, I use relaxation:

Removal of emotional stress.

Exercise children in the ability to depict expressively and emotionally separate emotions and movements.

Correction of mood and individual character traits.

Autorelaxation training.

First of all, such classes are shown to children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, hot-tempered, withdrawn, with neuroses, character disorders, slight mental retardation and other neuropsychiatric disorders located on the border of health and illness.

It is equally important to use psycho-gymnastics in psycho-preventive work with practically healthy children for the purpose of psychophysical relaxation.

Psycho-gymnastics, first of all, is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, at the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and at the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation.

Children study various emotions and learn to manage them, master the alphabet of expression of emotions. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and give them the opportunity to express themselves.


Respiratory gymnastics corrects speech breathing disorders, helps to develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation.

central nervous system. Violation of the function of speech breathing is considered: rise chest up and drawing in the abdomen while inhaling; inhaling too much; rapid breathing; short expiration; inability to make an inconspicuous air intake; improper posture. The essence of the developed methods for the restoration and development of this function is in the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through training the respiratory muscles and regulating the work of the respiratory center.

Performing breathing exercises helps to maintain,

improve the health of the child. It makes it possible to recharge with vivacity and cheerfulness, to maintain high efficiency. Gymnastics is well remembered and after a workout is performed easily and freely.

In addition, breathing exercises have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body:

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including the lung tissue;

Promotes the restoration of the nervous regulation of the central nervous system, disturbed during the course of the disease;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi;

Restores disturbed nasal breathing;

Corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that have developed in the process of diseases.

Articulation gymnastics allows you to exercise

development of articulatory motor skills:

Teaching children the simplest articulatory movements to imitate an adult;

development of control over the position of the mouth.

Gymnastics can be done both individually and with the whole group, at any time of the day (excluding 20 minutes before meals and 1 hour after meals). The classroom should be well ventilated.


Musical-rhythmic movements are a synthetic type of activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will develop both ear for music and motor abilities, as well as those mental processes that underlie them. However, engaging in the same type of activity, you can pursue different goals, for example, to focus on the development of a sense of rhythm in children, or motor skills, artistry, etc., depending on which institution, in what conditions and why this work is being done.

The main focus of the elements of rhythmoplasty in music lessons is the psychological liberation of the child through mastering his own body as an expressive ("musical") instrument. So I practice

Rhythmic movements and dances bring children a lot of joy and delight. The age of the children does not really matter. Toddlers especially love rhythmic movements to music, besides, they still do not have a feeling of shyness, like older children.

Dances, rhythmic movements are the physiological need of a child's developing organism. They mobilize physical strength, develop grace, coordination of movements, musicality, strengthen and develop muscles, improve breathing, actively affect blood circulation, contribute to the production of many substances necessary for the child's body.

Rhythmic and smooth movements increase blood flow to the lungs - they are more saturated with oxygen. The heart works more rhythmically, actively supplying blood to all organs, delivering oxygen, nutrients and more fully taking away harmful metabolic products. The load on the abdominal muscles normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Movement promotes sleep better than any sleeping pill.

The speed of reaction, coordination of movements, conscious mastery of dance, rhythmic movements are also important for the mental development of children. In music lessons, the child is engaged in rhythmoplasty in a team, and this contributes to the development of organization, discipline, responsibility, mutual assistance, attentive attitude to others, and independence in children.

Music is very important in rhythmoplasty classes. The right music is the success of the lesson. Music regulates movements and gives a clear idea of ​​the relationship between time, space and movement, affects the emotions of children, creating a certain mood in them, and at the same time affects the expressiveness of children's movements.

Requirements for the selection of music:

When choosing music, it is necessary to strive to ensure that it meets the requirements of high artistry, educates the child's taste, enriches him with various musical impressions and at the same time evokes a motor reaction, is comfortable for motor exercises.

From the point of view of accessibility, music for movement should be: small in volume (from 1.5 minutes for the younger ones to 3-4 minutes for the older ones); moderate in pace (moderately fast or moderately slow) for younger preschoolers and varied (fast, slow, with acceleration and deceleration) for older ones; 2 or 3-part (each part of the music is contrasting in sound), with a clear, clear phrasing for younger preschoolers and varied in form (variations, rondo, etc.) for older children. The musical image, character, mood of a musical work should be understandable to children (for example, music of a pictorial nature - "doge dick", "the wind shakes leaves", "bunny jumps", etc. - for kids and more complex in artistic image, mood - in accordance with the music - for seniors).

It is desirable that the musical works be sufficiently diverse in genre (dance, lullabies, songs, marching melodies) and in character (cheerful, perky, calm, sad, humorous, solemn, graceful, etc.).

Requirements for the selection of movements

In rhythmic plastics, movements must correspond to the music, and also be: accessible to the motor abilities of children (in terms of coordination of movements, dexterity, accuracy, plasticity); understandable by the content of the game image (for example, for the younger ones - the world of toys, the surrounding nature, characters of popular cartoons; for the older ones - heroes fairy tales, experiences of various states, etc.); varied, non-stereotypical, including various initial positions: standing, sitting, lying, on all fours, on knees, etc.

In addition to the above elements of health-saving technologies, in music lessons, you can use speech games, game massage, music therapy, dance therapy, articulatory gymnastics, health and phonopedic exercises (on the recommendation and under the supervision of a pediatrician), etc.


Highlights of introducing health-saving technologies

To introduce the main points of health-saving technologies, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To solve the first problem - to systematize physical education in the classroom (during sedentary activities - singing, listening to music) - I use finger, articulatory and breathing exercises to help warm up before singing .. Articulation and breathing exercises Finger and gesture games are interesting, entertaining , do not require a lot of time (1.5-2 minutes), are easy to remember, performed as shown by an adult. They allow children to relax during sedentary activities - singing, listening to music, and at the same time do not allow children to distract their attention from listening, learning, etc.

To solve the second task, posed as a result of the analysis of the lesson, at the beginning and end of the lesson I introduce elements of psycho-gymnastics, which make it possible to tune children in the right way (to cheer up, calm down),

To solve the third problem posed as a result of the analysis of the lesson, during dances and games-dramatizations I use elements of logo rhythm, psycho-gymnastics, rhythmoplasty.

The organization of work is carried out in three directions:

Group and individual work with kids .

Interaction and educational work with parents.

Collaboration of preschool teachers.

Work with children

Algorithm for conducting a music lesson using health-saving technologies (types of activities vary depending on the lesson plan and the mood of the children).

1. Greetings. Psycho-gymnastic exercise to tune in to the working mood.

2. Introductory walking. Musical rhythmic movements, logorhythmic exercises.

3. Listening to music (active and passive). Physical education - finger or gesture game - 1 exercise.

4. Singing, songwriting: chants, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, as a physical education - finger or gesture play-1 exercise.

5. Dances, dance creativity with elements of rhythmoplastics.

6. Theatrical creativity with elements of logo rhythmics, rhythmoplastics, psycho-gymnastics (facial expressions, pantomime). Musical games, round dances.

7. Game on DMI. Creative music making.

8. Farewell. Psycho-gymnastic relaxation exercise.

The use of logo rhythmics in music lessons. Examples of elements of logo rhythmics in music lessons.

Logorhythmic exercises in music lessons, I conduct mainly during musical rhythmic movements and games-dramatizations. In the future, I use them in holidays and entertainment so that all children are involved in the performance.

Song with movements "Lullaby" (1st, 2nd junior groups)

I use it in dramatization games and as a final relaxation exercise.

Oh, lyuli-lushenki,

Put your hand on your hand

Bainki-baiushenki ...

and wiggle them.

Sleep well at night

Yes, grow by the hour.

Raise their hands up.

Musical director. The baby is sleeping. The cat curled up into a ball and also dozed off. And we will rest with you.

Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the sound of a lullaby (cassette "Lullabies"). Then they sit down, stretch, get up and calmly leave the hall.

Poem with movements "Snowball is falling" (middle group).

I use it in musical-rhythmic movements and games - dramatizations, and, in the future, on holidays and entertainment ( New Year, in the wake of the holiday) to involve all children in the course of the action.

Snow is falling

Put their hands up

White chill

slowly lower them,

And snowflakes are flying onto the path.

making soft strokes of the brushes-

My dear friend

Pull forward one

Little friend

hand, then the other.

Substitute your palms rather.

Rotate with the hands.

Let the snow fly

Let the snow fly

Rotate with the hands.

Spinning and fluttering in the air

turn palms

How on palms

Ours will fall

up and down.

That snow will melt right away.

Press their palms together on the last word.

Exercise "How we take care of the garden" on the coordination of speech with movements to the music (senior, preparatory group).

I use it in musical-rhythmic movements and games - dramatizations, and, in the future, on holidays and entertainment ( autumn holiday) to involve all children in the course of the action.

(You can perform to the melody of the Russian folk song "Like at our gates".)

In chorus. Our garden is in order -

We dug up the beds in the spring.

(Simulate working with a shovel)

We weeded the garden.

Bend over or sit down, reach the floor with your hands)

Watered the vegetable garden ... (Wiggle back and forth)

We planted cabbage in the small holes.

(Squat down, wrap your hands around your knees)

All summer she grew fat

It grew in breadth and height.

(Slowly rise, hands on the belt, turns the torso to the right - to the left)

And now she is cramped white,

Says: - Step aside!

(Feet shoulder width apart, stamp your foot at the end of the phrase)

The use of finger games. Examples of finger games

I use it as physical minutes during listening or singing (I try to make the subject matter of the work consonant with the exercise, for example, the exercise "Steamer", "Captain" when learning the repertoire for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, "Teremok" - for the New Year, etc.). We learn complex exercises in several stages, and then often return to them. In one session, we usually repeat a well-learned exercise and work on a new one.

1,2 younger group.

The steamer sails along the river and puffs like a stove.

Both palms are on the edge, the little fingers are pressed, the thumbs are raised up.

Middle group

I'm sailing on a white boat

Waves with pearl foam.

I am a brave captain

I am not afraid of a hurricane.

White seagulls are circling

They are also not afraid of the wind.

Only scares the bird's cry

A flock of golden fish.

And, having traveled around the wonderful countries,

Looking at the oceans

Hero Traveler

I will return home to my mother

Direct the ends of the fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, slightly opening them. While pronouncing the rhyme, show how the boat sways on the waves, and then with the smooth movements of the hands - the waves themselves. Then, according to the text of the verse, show a seagull, crossing your arms, connecting your palms with the back side and wave your fingers together. With straightened palms with fingers pressed together, depict fish. Show how the fish swim in the water with smooth movements of the palms.

Senior preparatory group.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

He is not low, not high, high.

Like a mouse runs across the field,

Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Well, and in response to the mouse - silence.

Then she settled in the house.

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field.

He is not low, not high, high.

As a frog runs across the field,

she stopped at the door and knocks:

Frog: Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Mouse: I, Mouse, live in the house,

I chew pies with raspberries.

Frog: I am a frog, I am a frog,

I can sing ditties!

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field.

He is not low, not high, high.

As on the field, the Bunny runs across the field,

he stopped at the door and knocked:

Bunny: Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Mouse: I, Mouse, chew pies,

Frog: I, Frog, sing ditties. And who are you?

Bunny: I am a Gray Bunny -

Play the pipe!

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field.

He is not low, not high, high.

As the fox runs across the field,

she stopped at the door and knocks:

Chanterelle: Who, who lives in the little house? Who,

who lives in the low?

Mouse: I, Mouse, chew pies,

Frog: I, Frog, sing ditties.

Bunny: I am a Gray Bunny-

Play the pipe!

I am a beautiful Chanterelle,

I'll knit mittens for everyone!

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field.

He is not low, not high, high.

As on the field, the fields Bear is walking,

stopped at the door and roars

Mishka: Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

The beasts Bear were scared

And scattered in fright!

"Run" with the index and middle fingers right hand on the palm of the left - the gesture "Mouse",

press their index finger to their lips,

they put their hands on the roof of the tower

slap their hands on the knees - gesture "Frog",

clatter with the fist of their right hand on the palm of their left,

mouse gesture,

"Sculpt pies with their palms",

gesture "Frog",

show with their hands "the roof of the house",

the middle and forefingers of the right hand are extended upward, the rest are squeezed - the "Bunny" gesture,

knock with the fist of the right hand on the palm of the left,

mouse gesture,

gesture "Frog",

"Bunny" gesture,

imitate playing the pipe,

show with their hands "the roof of the house",

soft movements of the hands,

knock with the fist of the right hand on the palm of the left,

mouse gesture,

gesture "Frog",

"Bunny" gesture,

imitate playing the pipe,

soft movements of the hands,

stroking hands alternately,

show with their hands "the roof of the house",

stomp their feet loudly, bang their fists on fists,

knock with the fist of their right hand about

left palm,

squeeze your fingers into a "lock"

spread their arms to the sides.

The use of rhythmoplasty in music lessons. Examples of elements of rhythmoplastics in music lessons.

I do rhythmoplasty exercises mainly during dances and dramatizations. In the future, I use them in holidays and entertainment so that all children are involved in the performance.

An example of a fragment of a musical lesson with the use of elements of rhythmoplastics.

"Merry Travelers". Music by M. Starokadomsky

Tasks: development of coordination of movement of arms and legs in the process of walking, speed of reaction, the ability to combine movements with music and words.


I.P. - ( starting position). Children stand behind each other.

Walking one after another at a brisk pace.

I. P. - standing face in a circle.

To the words "Tra-ta-ta" - three claps to the right at the head.

Repetition - three claps to the left.

On the words "We take a cat with us" - on 4 jumps, hands down.

To the words "chizhika" - bend forward, hands backward with a "tail",

"Dog" - sit down slightly, arms in front of you, bent at the elbows, brushes are pubescent,

"Petku-bully" - a step in place, at the same time swinging movements with arms bent at the elbows,

"Monkey" - tilt to the right, arms bent at the elbows, palms forward,

"Parrot" - tilt in the same position to the left,

"Here" - hands forward.

"What kind of company" - give up.

Repetition of the last phrase - the movements are the same, at the end - a step in place.

walking with a stomping step, rotation with arms bent at the elbows (locomotive)

To repeat the music, change the direction of movement, hands "hold the steering wheel" - an imitation of driving.

Chorus: the movements are the same.

Singing: jumping in a circle one after another (for children 3-3.5 years old, instead of jumping - walking).

Starting with the words "The sun shone for us," children 4.5-5 years old, simultaneously with jumping, perform swinging crossing movements with their arms over their heads ("breeze"). These movements can be performed scattered and to the chorus stop facing the audience (teacher).

Chorus: the movements are the same.

On the last chord - jump in place, hands up.

The use of psycho-gymnastics. Examples of exercises for using elements of psycho-gymnastics in music lessons.

I use psycho-gymnastic exercises in my classes at the beginning of the lesson - to help the children tune in to a working mood (depending on their mood); at the end of the lesson - for relaxation so that the children calm down before leaving for the group; in the process of games - dramatization - to help children enter this or that image.

"Air balloons"

Purpose: Relieve stress, calm children.

All players are standing or sitting in a circle. The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that now we are going to inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring the imaginary balloon to your lips and, inflating your cheeks, slowly inflate it through your parted lips. Watch with your eyes how your ball gets bigger and bigger, how the patterns grow on it. Have you presented? I also presented your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the ball does not burst. Now show them to each other. "

"Ship and Wind"

Objective: Set the group up for a working mood, especially if the children are tired.

All players are standing or sitting in a circle. The presenter gives instructions:

“Imagine that our sailboat is sailing on the waves, but suddenly it stopped. Let's help him and invite the wind to help him. Breathe in the air, pull in your cheeks strongly ... And now exhale the air noisily through your mouth, and let the wind that has escaped at will urge the boat. Let's try again. I want to hear the wind rustling! "

The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"Blind dance"

Goal: Develop trust in each other, relieve excessive muscle tension.

The facilitator gives instructions: “Break into pairs. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be "blind". The other will remain "sighted" and will be able to drive the "blind". Now join hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. "

First, you can put the children in pairs and ask them to join hands. The one who sees, moves his hands to the music, and the blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without letting go of his hands for 1–2 minutes. Then the children change roles. If the anxious child refuses to close his eyes, calm him down and do not insist. Let him dance with open eyes.


For coordination of movements, group work.

Purpose: The game teaches trust.

The success of the promotion of all depends on the ability of each to coordinate their efforts with the actions of the rest of the participants. The presenter gives instructions: “Guys, now we will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together. Line up in a chain, put your hands on the shoulders of the one in front. Squeeze a balloon or ball between the belly of one player and the back of the other. Touch your hands to hot air balloon(ball) is strictly prohibited! The first participant in the chain holds his ball in outstretched arms. Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of hands, you must follow a certain route. "

"Change of rhythms"

Purpose: To help anxious children join the general rhythm of work, relieve excessive muscle tension.

If the teacher wants to attract the attention of children, he begins to clap his hands and loudly, to the beat of the claps, count: one, two, three, four ... three, four ... Gradually the teacher, and after him the children, claps less and less, counts more and more slowly.

The use of respiratory and articulatory gymnastics. Examples.

I use it as a 1-2 minute warm-up before and during singing.

Breathing exercise "In the Forest"

Musical director: “How easy it is to breathe in the forest, the air is clean and fresh. Let's breathe fresh air". Into the account - 1, 2 - inhale through the nose 3, 4 - exhale through the mouth.

Breathing exercise "Turntables".

Props: toys - turntables (a strip of paper, a ribbon).

Take a short breath through your nose and a long exhale into the toy.

Interaction and educational work with parents.

Interaction and educational work with parents is carried out through consultations, meetings on the topic of child health preservation in the family, preparation of visual material with advice and recommendations for lessons with a child outside the preschool educational institution at information stands, holding master classes with parents on the use of health-preserving technologies.

Collaboration of preschool teachers.

Joint work with preschool educational institutions includes consultations, joint planning of independent musical activities for children, preparation of visual material with advice and recommendations for classes with children at information stands, conducting master classes for teachers on the use of health-saving technologies.


Our kindergarten is of general developmental type. There are 10 groups in the garden, aged from 2 to 7 years. Children with poor health also visit him. Therefore, for our team, the topic of health preservation has become one of the main topics in our work.

According to medical statistics, the number of preschoolers with chronic diseases is increasing every year. Only a few percent of absolutely healthy first-graders enter school.

Despite the tendency to revive a healthy lifestyle in Russian families, its active propaganda in the media, most parents do not take due care of their child's health, do not instill in him love for the people around him, nature and himself. Therefore, teachers of preschool institutions, including music directors, must comprehensively solve the problems of the child's physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development, actively introducing the most effective health-preserving technologies into this process.

Musical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions is considered a new direction in the musical education of preschoolers. Along with educational and upbringing tasks, it is necessary to solve health problems, such as:

1. Maintain and strengthen physical and mental health.

2. Create an environment that ensures the emotional well-being of every child.

3. With the help of health-preserving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body (activate protective properties, resistance to diseases).

4.Shape correct posture, hygiene skills.

Musical and health-improving work in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process, aimed at the development of musical and creative abilities of children, the preservation and strengthening of their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child.


1. Alyabyeva E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006 .-- 64 p.

Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids: Scenarios for lessons with children 3-4 years old. (Development program.) - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 144 p.

Logorhythmic minutes: thematic classes for preschoolers / author-comp. V. A. Knysh, I. I. Komar, E. B. Loban, Yu. V. Dudak - Minsk: Aversev, 2009 .-- 188 p.

A.L. Sirotyuk Correction of the development of intelligence in preschoolers. - M .: TC

Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games. M., 1999.

Alyabyeva E.A. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten: Methodological materials to help psychologists and teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003 .-- 88 p.

Burenina A. I. Rhythmic mosaic: (Rhythmic plastics program for children of preschool and primary school age). - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - SPb .: LOIRO, 2000 .-- 220 p.

Galtsova E.A. "Funny stories about everything in the world"

O. N. Arsenevskaya. The system of musical and health-improving work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises-Volgograd: Teacher, 2011-204s.

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

This article contains recommendations for music directors of preschool educational institutions on the use of music therapy - methods and techniques for working with children to preserve their emotional well-being in music lessons: the use of psycho-gymnastics, valeological songs, speech communication games, playing music on children's musical instruments.



Use of health-saving technologies

At music lessons at the preschool educational institution

music director

MDOU "Pesyankovsky d / s" Solnyshko "

Yasyreva Nadezhda Ivanovna

The upbringing of a healthy younger generation of Russian citizens is the primary task of the state, on the solution of which its future prosperity largely depends.

Health is a basic value and a necessary condition for the full mental, physical and social development of a child. Without creating the foundation of health in preschool childhood, it is difficult to shape health in the future.

In all existing complex programs of upbringing and training in preschool educational institutions, the leader declares the thesis about the priority of activities related to protecting the child's health, increasing his functional capabilities, the level of physical, mental development and motor fitness.

However, current trends in society indicate the opposite - the number of children with various health problems from birth, early or preschool age is growing.

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive growth and development of the body and its increased sensitivity to the influences of the natural and social environment, including preventive and health-improving measures taken in kindergarten.

Preserving the health of the child - the main task standing in front of all kindergarten staff. Experience shows that only the joint work of teachers and medical workers to improve the health of children can give the desired effect.

Essence (meaning) of experience: music is one of the means physical development children. Musical development is very important for any child. And this does not mean at all that it is necessary to raise a genius musician from a baby from the cradle, but it is in our power to teach him to listen, understand music, enjoy it. Music perceived by the auditory receptor affects not only the emotional, but also the general the physical state human, causes reactions associated with changes in blood circulation, respiration.

This conclusion served as the impetus for the creation of a work experience that combines traditional music studies with wellness activities.

The purpose of music and health education in preschool educational institution is: strengthening of mental and physical health, the development of musical and creative abilities, the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of the work on this problem, a system of musical and health-improving work was created, combining traditional music lessons with health-improving activities. Within the framework of the system of musical and recreational work, forms of organizing musical and recreational activities have been developed.

Novelty: In music lessons, it is possible and necessary to use modern health-preserving technologies in a playful way. You can diversify your musical activities with health benefits.

Availability: The system of musical and recreational work can be used in the educational process of preschool institutions and institutions of additional education.

Effectiveness: Increase in indicators of physical development and development respiratory system children. Improvement of motor skills and qualities (plasticity, coordination, orientation in space); improving vocal skills and abilities.

The basis of this experience is based onprograms and teaching aids:

on music education: "Methodology of musical education in kindergarten" N. Vetlugina, "Holiday every day" by I. Kaplunova, "Music education in kindergarten" by M. Zatsepina, "Music education of preschoolers" by O. Radynova, Program "Elementary music-making with preschoolers "T. Tyutyunnikova, the program" Rhythmic mosaic "," Top-clap, kids "A. Burenina; technologies E. Zheleznova "Rhythm for kids", "Finger games", "Educational musical games", "Games for health", T. Lobanova "educational games as a health-preserving basis", VV Emelyanov "Phonopedic development of the vocal apparatus", E.A.Alyabyeva "Correctional classes", A.P. Zarina "Music and movements in correctional work"

The health of a child is not only the absence of disease, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, the improvement of children in last years becomes a priority in the work of many preschool educational institutions. Teachers and doctors are looking for new methods of preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating favorable conditions for their implementation, based on the results of diagnosing the state of health and the individual characteristics of each child.

Musical and recreational work in preschoolers is a fairly new direction in the musical education of preschoolers.

The purpose of the work: to organize musical and health-improving work in a preschool educational institution, which ensures each child strengthens mental and physical health, identifies and develops musical and creative abilities, forms a habit of healthy way life.

In addition to educational and upbringing tasks, such work sets itself health-improving tasks:
1. Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.
2. Create an environment that ensures the emotional well-being of every child.
3. With the help of health-preserving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body (activate protective properties, resistance to diseases).

Musical and health-improving work in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the musical and creative abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child.

The results of this work are:

1. The stability of the emotional well-being of each child
2. Reducing the incidence rate (mostly colds)
3. Increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
4. Increasing the level of speech development
5. Stability of physical and mental performance.

For the full development of the musical and physical abilities of children, at our preschool educational institution, all the necessary conditions... Music and gymnasium, playground, music corners in groups are equipped with appropriate equipment for carrying out music and health-improving work and meet hygienic requirements.

The system of musical and health-improving work involves the use of a variety of health-preserving technologies. Among them are valeological chants, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, health and phonopedic exercises, play massage, finger games, speech games, music therapy. I would like to dwell on some technologies in more detail.

Valeological songsgreat start any musical activity. They cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the world around them, and prepare the voice for singing.

Good morning!

Good morning! / Turn to each other
Smile soon! / Spread their arms to the sides
And all day today / Clap their hands
It will be more fun.

We will smoothen the forehead / Movement in the text
Spout and cheeks
We will be beautiful / Gradually raise their hands up,
Like flowers in the garden / performing "lanterns"

Rub our palms / Movement through the text
Stronger, stronger
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder.

We'll rub our ears now
And we will save health
Let's smile again
Good luck everyone!

I use valeological songs both at the beginning of the lesson and instead of the usual physical minutes. Simple kind texts and a melody consisting of sounds of the major scale have a positive effect on the mood of children, improve the emotional climate in the classroom.

Spending at the beginning school year monitoring, I always note for myself children with speech disorders and often sick children. After all, weakened breathing does not allow the child to fully pronounce phrases, build sentences correctly, even sing songs - you have to breathe in air more often. Therefore, in my work, I pay special attention to breathing exercises.

Exercises on the development of breathingplay an important role in the health improvement system of preschoolers. Physicians have proven that breathing exercises have a psychotherapeutic, healing and even therapeutic effect on children. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply (including lung tissue), helps to restore the central nervous system, improves the drainage function of the bronchi, and restores disturbed nasal breathing.

The main tasks breathing exercises are:

1. Strengthen the physiological respiration of children

2. Train the strength of inhalation and exhalation
3. Form correct speech breathing (short inhalation - long exhalation)
4. Develop a long breath.

Work on breathing precedes singing songs, and can also be an independent activity. In a playful way, using simple exercises, I teach children to breathe correctly. Singing with breathing exercises preceding it has a psychotherapeutic, healing and even curative effect on children.

When working with preschoolers, I use the simple exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, who developed the well-known method of breathing exercises for health improvement. The principles of this technique are a short and sharp inhalation through the nose in combination with movement and passive exhalation.

Exercise "Palms"
(after A.N. Strelnikova)

Goodies-palms, sonorous clappers
We squeeze our palms, inhale correctly with our nose.
We unclench our palms, then we breathe out calmly.

(At the expense of "one" - grasping movements with our palms (we squeeze them into fists), simultaneously with the movement we inhale noisily through our nose. Immediately after a short breath, the palms are unclenched - exhale)

There, on the hills, sits an eccentric
Sits and blows this way and that.
It blows up
It blows sideways
It blows up and down.

Then the teacher puts an autumn leaf (snowflake, cloud, bird, balloon) cut out of paper in his palm and brings it to the child's mouth. Calling the child's name, he gently blows the sheet off. The child catches it and, blowing it off, calls the name of the next child.

When learning songs in music lessons, I often observe that some children pronounce certain sounds incorrectly. This indicates an incomplete development of the speech apparatus. We can help every child cope with these difficulties with special exercises.articulatory gymnastics.It helps to train the movements necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, syllables, whole words. Exercises are carried out in conjunction with a speech therapist preschool educational institution, who helps to select the right exercises for articulatory gymnastics and teach them with children. In this case, it is important to follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. Regular use articulation exercises improves the speech quality of children and, accordingly, the quality of singing.

Monitoring carried out at the end of the school year allows observing the positive dynamics of speech development in children. Children began to speak better, read poetry with pleasure, play roles in children's parties.

One more interesting element musical and health-improving work in our kindergarten -gamerhythmic exercises... These are special exercises for coordinating movements with music, and I use them in my music lessons. Play and movement are the most important components of children's life. Such exercises contribute to the development of the child's imagination, musical and creative abilities, the formation of the perception process and the inclusion of both hemispheres of the brain in the work, relieves muscle stiffness, improves physical well-being, and increases the sociability of children. Through playful and rhythmic exercises, the child expresses his feelings and releases the accumulated energy, turning it into an act of creativity.

There is a weak rain, like this ... / quietly and rarely pops in
/ hands (half)
Well, clap, guys, everyone is with me! / children repeat the movement

And sometimes it rains heavily, like this ... / claps his hands harder
/ (quarter)
Clap again, guys, everyone is with me! / children repeat the movement

And there are also miracles in the sky -
thunder thunders and a THUNDERSTORM begins! / stomps and claps
/ at the same time (eighths).
/ Children pick up the movements

Slap-slap-slap - / Children tapping rhythmically
I walk through the puddles. / palms on the legs.
Squelch-squelch-squelch - / They stamp their feet rhythmically.
Water in your shoes.
Drip-Drip-Drip - / Raise your hands up and rit-
/ they snap their fingers -
I need an umbrella. with / simultaneous movement of the hands from top to bottom.
Op-op-op - / Cross your arms over your chest and
Water down the back. / rhythmically pat on the forearms.

Bul-bul-bul - / Perform a rhythmic prune-
The hat fell. / zhinku.
Oh-oh-oh, / Shake their head, hands to the head.
Water is everywhere.
Yes, yes, yes, / They nod their heads rhythmically.
So sorry for myself.
Always dress in the rain!

I use elements in my workplay massage... Why is it pleasant for us to clap our hands, walk barefoot? Why does everyone - both adults and children - like massage? The thing is that by massaging certain points of the body, we unconsciously send positive signals to the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and other organs. Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, tones the central nervous system. In addition, it lifts the mood and improves the well-being of a person. A child can easily learn this through play. In music lessons, play massage is performed to the accompaniment of music - the words are sung (or rhythmodeclamation is used), or the music just sounds in the background.

The use of play massage by A. Umanskaya, M. Kartushina increases the protective properties of the whole organism. The incidence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is decreasing.

(children get up one after another "train")

Rain, rain, we need
Go home / slap your hands on the back

Thunder, thunder like from cannons
Today is a holiday at the frogs / beaten with fists

Hail, hail, pouring hail
Everyone under the roofs is sitting / tapping their fingers

Only my little brother in a puddle
Fish for us for dinner / stroking the back with their palms

(children turn 180 degrees and repeat the massage again)

It's cold outside

It's cold outside! / Stroke hands
Well, everybody rub your nose! / Rub the tip of the nose.
There is no need for us to beat the thumbs / Threaten with the right index finger.
Well, everyone took up their ears:
Twisted, twisted,
So they warmed their ears! / Indicative and thumbs/ hold on to the earlobes
/ and rotate them forward, then backward.
They knocked on the knees, / They knock on the knees with their palms.
They patted on the shoulders, / Hands - crosswise at chest level, slap their palms on the shoulders.
They stomped with their feet! / Stomp their feet.

An important place in music lessonsare occupied by finger games.There is a direct connection between hand movements and the pronunciation of words. Researchers studying the mechanisms of speech argue that the speech areas of the brain in children are partially formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers. In addition, biologically active points are important for the whole organism on the palms of people. In this regard, finger games are of particular interest, which allow you to knead, massage fingers and palms in a playful way, having a beneficial effect on all internal organs... I use in my work finger games by E. Zheleznova, O. Uzorova, which are performed to music. A simple, easy-to-remember melody and accessible movements allow you to include finger games in classes from the age of three (second junior group). The texts for these games should be pretty simple - Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes, short poems.

Finger games develop the child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for writing, drawing), combine finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking.


We looked out the window / make a "window" with the fingers of both hands
A cat walks along the path / "runs" with the index and middle fingers
/ of the right hand on the left hand.
With such a mustache / show "long mustache"
With such eyes / show "big eyes"
The cat is singing a song
Calls us to walk soon / "call" right hand

Sand house

Here is a large sandbox / spread their arms to the sides
With polka-dot roof / arms "house" above the head
We build a house out of sand / banging with a fist on a fist
There are five windows in the house / show an open palm - "five"
The first is for a bunny / fingers are bent in turn
The second is for the scoop
In the third, the doll stands
In the fourth, there are two mushrooms.
In the fifth round window
We put the cat to sleep / palms "sleep" under the cheek
Only a cat has little space / shake a finger
Jump! And they broke our house / they slap their hands on their knees.

Speech games - one of the forms of creative work with children, not only in the work of a speech therapist and educator, but also in musical education. It has been proven that ear for music develops in conjunction with speech. Means of musical expression - rhythm, tempo, timbre, dynamics - are also characteristic of speech. Thus, the use of speech games in music lessons allows children from an early age to master the whole complex of expressive means of music. Working in this direction, I rely on the methodology of K. Orff. Speech games, accompanied by movements, sounding gestures (claps, clicks, slaps, etc.), sounds of children's musical instruments, perfectly develops a sense of rhythm. The rhythm of music in combination with recitation is easier for children to learn, and supporting the tex with movements or playing music contributes to better memorization, more emotional reproduction. Gestures, plastic, facial expressions in speech games encourage children to improvise, to reveal their creative potential. I use speech games in class with older preschoolers. According to K. Orf's methodology, a cycle of thematic classes "Sounds around us" was conducted during the academic year.

Leaf fall

Autumn, autumn! Leaf fall! (rhythmic claps)

Autumn caulk forest (finger clicks)

Red leaves rustle (rub with palm on palm)

And they fly, fly, fly! (shaking hands)

Music therapy - one of the promising areas of health improvement work in the preschool educational institution. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life. Listening to correctly selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic etudes by M. Chistyakova increases the immunity of children, relieves stress and irritability, headache and muscle pain, restores calm breathing.
Modern information superimposed on ancient knowledge shows that the sounds of various musical instruments have different effects on the human body: the sound of percussion instruments can give a feeling of stability, confidence, and physically invigorate. Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. Music played by keyboard instruments, especially piano music, corresponds to the intellectual sphere. Stringed instruments directly affect the heart, while vocal music affects the entire body, but most of all, the throat.

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously. Children should listen to music in dosage, depending on the time of day, the type of activity, even the mood of the children. In our kindergarten, we practice the use of music during the morning reception - after all, the separation from home and parents is, albeit a small, but everyday trauma for the child. For relaxation, release of emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in a daytime sleep, it is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial influence of classical and special relaxing music, filled with the sounds of nature. Special attention we pay attention to the musical-reflex awakening of children after daytime sleep... This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children. Having heard the sound of familiar music, it is easier and calmer for babies to move from a state of complete rest to active activity. In addition, you can carry out sets of simple exercises to the music without lifting the kids out of bed.

(a set of exercises for awakening)

Here are fluffy rabbits sleeping peacefully in their beds
But the hares will have enough sleep, it's time for the gray ones to get up.

Pull the right handle, pull the left handle.
He opens his eyes, we play with the legs.

We tighten the legs, straighten the legs
And now we run quickly along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side,
And we'll wake up completely!

The use of health-preserving technologies in musical education has yielded results. The monitoring carried out at the end of the school year showed good dynamics in the musical development of preschoolers. Children began to get sick less often, miss classes less and, accordingly, learned the material of the program better. Percentage of children showing high level musical and creative development (according to the results of the final monitoring) has grown significantly.

It should be noted that the success of the performed musical and health-improving work depends not only on the work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, but also on the attitude to this problem in the family. In order to educate parents on this issue, consultations, open classes, joint musical and sports events and entertainment are held. Parents willingly take part in such events. The use of health-saving technologies not only in the classroom at preschool educational institutions, but also in family education helps to more effectively develop the musical abilities of preschoolers, to maintain and strengthen their health. To help parents, folders-moving are made out, containing articulation, finger, speech games and other material that can be used at home.

Improving the health of children, creating emotional comfort is the most important task of the preschool educational institution. The organization of musical and health-improving work in the kindergarten using modern methods of health preservation ensures a more careful attitude towards the physical and mental health of children, helps to solve the problems of physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child in a complex, actively introducing the most effective health-preserving technologies into this process. After all, the well-being of society largely depends on the state of health of children.

Terpugova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
Position: music director
Educational institution: MBOU "Elykaevskaya secondary school"
Locality: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region
Material name: Article
Theme:"Using health-saving technologies in music lessons
Date of publication: 22.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

The use of health-saving technologies for

music lessons at the preschool educational institution


Terpugova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Kemerovo district MBOU

"Elykaevskaya secondary school"



Analysis of the theory

Health-saving technologies concept

Goal and tasks






3.1. Valeological songs - chants

3.2. Breathing exercises

3.3. Articulation gymnastics

3.4. Play massage

3.5. Finger games

3.6. Speech games and exercises

3.7. Music therapy

3.8. Rhythmoplasty

4. The main points of the introduction of health-saving technologies

4.1. Work with children. The algorithm for conducting music lessons with

using health-saving technologies

4.2. Health preservation rules






Intensive development of the modern Russian state in the last

time makes ever higher demands on a person and his health,

and in the XXI century they become paramount.



gets tired


attention, poor memory, low performance. Despite the trend

revival of a healthy lifestyle in Russian families, active

propaganda in the media, most parents do not

take due care of the health of their child, do not vaccinate him

love for the people around him, nature and himself.

Having an absolutely healthy child is not just a phantom dream, to




reality. Based on the principle "healthy child - successful child",









health improvement

Analysis of the theory

Since ancient times, music has been used by healers to heal and

health improvement of patients. And at present, its therapeutic effect has been proven.

scientifically. Investigating the influence of music on the human body, scientists have found out

what musical masterpieces cure certain diseases. For example,

treatment nervous




irreplaceable in cardiology, cello helps people with

sick kidneys,

help liver, the flute

helps to relax and easily copes with insomnia.

Music of romantic composers (Chopin, Schubert, Liszt, Tchaikovsky)

shoots well stress. Helps focus attention.

Spiritual and religious music is very good at shooting painful syndrome.

rock music



capable of

take off nervous

tension and muscle fatigue.

V.M. Bekhterev proved that music can cause and weaken arousal


P.N. Anokhin, studying the influence of the major or minor scale on






working capacity


In "Theory and methods of upbringing in kindergarten" N. Vetlugina writes that









ear for music help to enhance mental activity.

Thus, music is one of the means of physical development of children.

2.1. Health-saving technologies concept

Musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution is considered a new direction

in the musical education of preschoolers.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at






the present



technology "and includes a system of measures that presuppose the relationship and

interaction of all factors educational environment, aimed at

preservation of the child's health and active formation of a healthy image

life at all stages of his education and development.

carried out

health-preserving educational technologies, if during implementation

the used pedagogical system solves the problem of maintaining health







ways of working.

Goal and tasks





to provide




to form

the necessary

skills and abilities not only of a general educational nature, but also of a healthy one






physical education in the classroom (during

sedentary activities - singing, listening to music),

2.In the beginning and end

classes introduce elements that allow you to customize

children in the right way (to cheer up, calm down),


the elements

health savings


The results of musical and health-improving work are:

Improving the level of development of musical and creative abilities

The stability of the emotional well-being of every child.

Increasing the level of speech development.

Decrease in the incidence rate.

Stability of physical and mental performance in all

seasons of the year regardless of the weather.

Music lessons and health-preserving technologies at


It is necessary to carry out this work with preschoolers in a playful way. That is

the usual types of musical activity can be diversified with benefit

for the health of children. For example, passive listening to music can be changed from











it is better to accompany games with musical rhythmic movements (the same

logo rhythm), with playing children's musical instruments.

The system of musical and health-improving work involves the use of





Valeological chants

All musical studies begin with them. Simple, kind texts

cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the environment

peace, improve the emotional climate in the classroom, prepare the voice for

singing. They can be used in a group.


chanting songs


remember and show more interest in a short song. Available

for perception and reproduction, the texts and a pleasant melody raise

mood, set a positive tone, improve the emotional climate by

Breathing exercises



health improvement of preschoolers.



pronouncing phrases, building sentences correctly, even singing songs -

you have to breathe in air more often.

The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons:

Strengthen the physiological respiration of children (without speech).

Form correct speech breathing (short inhalation - long exhalation).

Train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

Develop a long breath.



is an







exercises are performed under the count, part - to the music.









has a positive effect on metabolic processes; promote recovery




restores disturbed nasal breathing; corrects developed in






Articulation gymnastics



are called



development of mobility, dexterity of the tongue, lips, cheeks, bridle.

We do gymnastics for arms, legs, so that they become strong and

dexterous. The same gymnastics is necessary for the speech organs, where the language

(main muscle) needs good enough development to perform

subtle, targeted movements.

In the initial period, articulatory gymnastics must be performed

in front of the mirror.

Articulation gymnastics does not take much time, but it is effective



to eliminate




to warm


motor skills,

expressive diction.





carried out




activity, makes the perception and content of the song more conscious.

So, "traveling" with the tongue, children get to know all the parts

speech apparatus: tongue, teeth, lips, palate. As a result of this work





skills, musical memory and attention improve.

Game massage.


the simplest



music lessons massage takes place to music - words are sung,






self-massage, develop small muscles of the fingers. To make children

even more interesting, you can invite them to become heroes of famous fairy tales,




"Sculpt" or "paint" their body and face.





massage, affecting biologically active points of the body, beneficially

affect internal organs.

indicated points, and massage them with gentle finger movements, slightly

pressing or lightly stroking. Massaging specific parts








more efficiently

talks to his body, compliments him: “My beloved

pens "," What a wonderful nose! "," Now I will knead my little legs ", etc.

Finger games.

Finger games are of particular interest, because on the palms

people, there are biologically active points important for the whole organism.

Finger games are another essential technique in music lessons.

They develop fine motor skills, are responsible for speech, develop creativity,

fantasy, develop expressiveness of speech. Sometimes fast, sometimes measured





smoothness, regularity, rhythm of speech, develops breathing. Games allow

knead, massage fingers and palms, having a beneficial effect on

all internal organs.

Speech games and exercises

Speech making is necessary, since the ear for music develops in

close connection with speech hearing. The basis is children's folklore.


are added




movement, sonorous and colouristic means.








In addition, the formation of speech in a person occurs with the participation of gestures that

can accompany, decorate and even replace words. Plastic brings in

speech making




The use of speech games in music lessons effectively affects






Music therapy

An important component of the musical and health-improving work of the preschool educational institution. it









game activity. Hearing the right music increases

immunity of children, relieves stress and irritability, headache and

muscle pain, restores calm breathing. Hearing is correct

selected music increases the immunity of children, relieves stress and

irritability, headache and muscle pain, restores calm


The main





classes, - psychological liberation of the child through the development of his

own body. A lot of joy and delight is brought to children by rhythmic





grace, coordination of movements, musicality, strengthen and develop

muscles, improve breathing, actively affect blood circulation.

Rhythmoplasty exercises are carried out mainly during dancing and





music therapy. In the future, they can be used on holidays and


Algorithm for conducting a music lesson using

health-saving technologies

1. Greetings. Psycho-gymnastic exercise for attunement to work

2. Introductory walking. Musical-rhythmic

movements, logorhythmic


3. Listening to music (active and passive). Physical education - finger

or gesture play - 1 exercise.






breathing exercises, as a physical education - finger or

gesture game-1 exercise

5. Dances, dance creativity with elements of rhythmoplastics.




logo rhythmics,


psycho-gymnastics (facial expressions, pantomime). Musical games, round dances.

7. Game on DMI. Creative music making.

8. Farewell. Psycho-gymnastic relaxation exercise.

There are ten golden rules for preserving health:

1. Observe the daily routine!

2. Pay more attention to food!

3. Move more!

4. Sleep in a cool room!

5. Do not extinguish anger in yourself, let it break out!

6. Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

7. Drive away the despondency and blues!

9. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

10. Wish yourself and others only the best!





health savings

effective when considering individual and age characteristics of each



under construction

planning aimed at the assimilation of certain content by children,

and pedagogical improvisation, varying the course of the lesson, its content and





the head



organizes independent music making for children in a group.

Thus, health-saving technologies can be viewed as

one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods

and methods of organizing training for preschoolers, without prejudice to their health.


Arsenevskaya O.N. The system of musical and health-improving work in

kindergarten: classes, games, exercises Volgograd "Teacher", 2011

2. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythm for toddlers: Scenarios for activities with children

3-4 years old. (Development program.) Moscow, Sfera shopping center 2005

3. Kartushina M.Yu. Wellness activities with children 6-7 years old - Moscow,

Sfera shopping center 2008

4. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games Moscow, 1999.

5. Burenina A. I. Rhythmic mosaic: (Program for rhythmic

plastic for preschool and primary school children). - 2nd

ed., rev. and add. - SP "LOIRO", 2000

6. Podolskaya E.I. Forms of health improvement for children 4-7 years old, Volgograd, ed.

"Teacher", 2009


Practical material no. 1

"Merry Journey" (rhythmoplasty classes)

Summary of a lesson in rhythmic plastics in the 2nd junior group

"Fun trip"

Priority tasks:

Raising interest, the need for movement to music;

Development of auditory attention, the ability to perform movements in

in accordance with the character and tempo of the music;

Enrichment of listening and movement experience, skill

meaningfully use expressive movements in accordance with

in a musical and playful way, the ability to perform the exercise about the beginning

until the end, without being distracted, by showing an adult.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall. They sit on the chairs. The arms and legs wake up.

No. Greeting "Good morning"

Teacher: I want to go on a trip and take you with me.

Do you agree? But first, I need to test your strong legs.

Walking while sitting on high chairs.

Now I need to check your pens.

Rhythmic claps.

Well, well, you can go on a trip, but I won't tell you where.

No. Composition - "Happy Travelers"

(lyrics by S. Mikhalkov, music by M. Starokadomsky collection 2 "Rhythmic Mosaic"


Teacher: We came with you to the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!

Look, a bear is sleeping under the tree. Why?

That's right, because it's winter now. Shall we wake up the bear?

№ Game "Wake up the bear" (2-3 times)

Teacher: The bear is angry because we don't let him sleep.

Let him sleep. And I'll play and dance with you.

(transform into a bear)

Educator: I have magic BELLS

(shows a large bell)

Correctly low.

(shows a small bell)

What kind of bell is this? Correctly small. What is his voice?

(Distribute bells to children)

№ "Game - dance with bells"

(music "Icy and Santa Claus" Sat "Dance, baby number 2 TI Suvorov)

(Part I of the music - the teacher dances with a large bell, Part II - children

with small ones)

Teacher: Do you want to become bears too? (transforming children)

No. Composition "Teddy bear"(collection "Rhythmic Mosaic" A. I.


(transforming children)

Teacher: Well, let the bear sleep. And we will go further.

№ Reads the poem "Horse"(A. Barto)

“I love my horse

I will comb her fur smoothly

I will invite a ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit "

No. Horse(straight gallop)

What do you need to tell the horse to go?

How can you stop a horse?

Tr-r-r-r ...

№ Movement to the music of N. Potolovsky "Horses".

Teacher: Look, someone left bows under the tree.

Oh, what beautiful bows! Multi-colored! (Fixing primary colors)

How do girls decorate themselves with bows?

How can boys decorate themselves with bows?

I guessed - it was the bunnies who left the bows after the holiday.

Let's dance with them.

№ "Dance with bows"

(music "Meow Mouse" collection "Dance, baby" No. 2 by T.I. Suvorov)

Teacher: Let's put the bows in a basket and leave them under the Christmas tree, let the bunnies

dancing. I don't want to leave, but I have to go back to kindergarten.

Take your seats in the trailers.

№ Musical game "Train"(music E. Filippenko)

Teacher: Here we are in kindergarten.

What a fun journey we had.

Did you like it?

No. Play self-massage(stroking hands, feet, head)

Teacher: Our strong legs helped us on the journey.

Thank you legs! - stroking.

And funny hands.

Thank you handles! - stroking

And guys, well done! - iron heads


The children say goodbye and leave the hall.


Breathing is life. Hardly anyone will object to the truth of such a statement. Indeed, the body can do without solid food for several months, without water for several days, then without air for only a few minutes.

The priority of the breathing process for life makes the ability to perfectly master this almost the main ability of a person to work miracles with his body, get rid of diseases, and become healthy. Therefore, the problem of preserving the health of a preschooler and instilling a healthy lifestyle in them is very relevant today.
Purpose: To preserve and strengthen the health of the preschooler, the formation of a habit to a healthy lifestyle.


Give children a basic understanding of the respiratory system.

Develop and strengthen the health of children through the system of breathing exercises.

To bring to an understanding of the importance of respect for the respiratory organs and proper care for them.

The system of musical and health-improving work involves the use of health-saving technologies in a musical lesson, one of which is breathing exercises.

It has a positive effect on:

Metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply;

Promotes the restoration of the central nervous system;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi;

Restores the violation of nasal breathing.

Singing, melodeclamation, special speech games contribute to the development of the voice (the basis of which is correct breathing). Before singing songs, we practice breathing, articulatory gymnastics, phonopedic and wellness exercises for the throat and vocal cords that affect the health of frequently ill children, as well as children with speech disorders.

The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons are:

Strengthening the physiological respiration of children (without speech).

Training the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

Inspiratory duration development.

As a result of breathing exercises at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system increase, the development of the singing abilities of children. Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body. The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself. A slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with anxiety and irritability. While doing breathing exercises in class, we make sure that the child does not have symptoms of hyperventilation of the lungs (rapid breathing, a sharp change in complexion, trembling of the hands, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs). If your head starts spinning, put your palms together (with a scoop), bring them close to your face and breathe deeply into them several times (2-3 times).

Let us give as an example exercises for the formation of diaphragmatic breathing using music therapy.

Imagine that you have a small, small balloon in your belly. He really likes to be inflated and deflated. Try to inflate it. To inflate it large, the air must be inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Let's see who has the biggest ball.

Exercises for children with nasal breathing problems with music:

Starting position standing. The mouth is closed. Close one half of the nose with a finger, breathe alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose.

While standing, inhale through one half of the nose, and exhale through the other up to 5-6 times.

Standing with your feet together, your nose is pinched by your toes. Slowly, count loudly to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose (5-6 times)

Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On a lengthened exhalation, pronounce the sound "mmm" (slowly up to 8 times).



IP: lying or sitting. The child puts his hand on the diaphragm and breathes deeply. Inhale and exhale through the nose.

The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and accompanied by rhyming:

The hippos sat down and touched their tummies.

Then the tummy rises (inhale),

Then the tummy goes down (exhalation).


"Zhu-u-u," said the winged beetle,

I'll sit and buzz. "


Children are given the following setting: "Whose train will go longer?"

It is suggested to take a deep breath through the nose. At the sign of the muses. the head of the train goes: "Chukh-chukh-chukh" - as long as there is enough breath. That "little train" will win. That took longer to breathe.


Children are encouraged to “inflate air balloons"(Short breathing through the nose). First we inflate the balloon, then with the sound "ts-s-s" - we deflate, making a complete discharge of air. For control, you need to keep your hand on your stomach.



It should be pronounced on one exhalation, without additional inhalation of air:

Like on a hill, on a hillock

Lived 33 Egorki,

One Egorka, two Egorkas….

The more “Egorok” a child can name, the more his lung capacity is.

Several exercises that are advisable to use in the classroom of theatrical activities.


Take a deep breath and exhale slowly say "puff .."


Take a deep breath, then, interrupting, exhale slowly and say "puff-puff-puff ..."


Take a deep breath and, exhaling sharply, pronounce "wow!"

"Little owl".

Take a deep breath, stopping abruptly. Exhale and say "uh-uh-uh-uh-uh .."


Take a deep breath and, exhaling, make the sound "oo-oo-oo". while, as it were, raising the sound from the bottom up.


Take a deep breath and, while exhaling loudly, pronounce "pumpkin-who-who-who-who .."

With each pronunciation of the word "who" the voice becomes quieter and quieter.


Inhale and exhale the sound "w-w-w-w", the lips should now fold into a tube, then stretch into a smile.


Inhale and as you exhale, on a high note, pronounce the sound "z-z-z", then increasing the sound, then weakening. "


Inhale and as you exhale, pronounce "ah-ah-ah .." The sound should be like when rocking a baby.


As you exhale, pronounce the sound "and-and-and .." Lips are stretched into a smile.

In order to create an emotional mood, motivate children to perform these exercises, as well as activate their attention, the teacher can combine similar exercises a single game plot. So, for example, the story about the "trip to grandmother" can be the basis for playing training on the development of breathing and voice.


We arrived at my grandmother's in the village. Grandmother made the guests sit at the table and put the samovar on. The samovar warmed up, warmed up and boiled: "puff-puff" (exhale). And next to him is a small teapot: "puff-puff-puff-puff .." (exhale) Grandmother poured tea for the children into mugs, and it is hot. In order not to burn yourself, you need to blow into the mug: "Fu-u!". In the house, mosquitoes fly - "z-z-z-z". But we are not afraid of them and we drink delicious tea: "Whoop!" (inhale the air). We drank tea and went for a walk.

It's warm outside, bees are flying around - "w-w-w-w". It smells deliciously of flowers ... (we inhale the smell of flowers). They walked, walked and came to a great mountain. And on the mountain you can see an incomprehensible silhouette. We will shout out loud: "Who are you?" And the echo will answer us: "Who-who-who." Suddenly we heard the howl of wolves: "oo-oo-oo-oo". And we decided to go home as soon as possible. At home, my grandmother told us to go to bed. And to make us fall asleep faster, my grandmother sang us a lullaby: "A-ah-ah-ah."


Children can use breathing exercises not only in kindergarten throughout the day, but also at home with their parents. The exercises below will teach you and your baby about breathing self-defense.

"Big and small".

Standing straight. On exhalation, the child stands on tiptoe, stretches upward with his hands, showing how big he is. Fix this position for a few seconds. On the exhale, the child should lower his hands down, then sit down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time say "uh", hide his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.


Walk slowly and smoothly across the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your arms while inhaling, lower them while exhaling, pronouncing "g-y-y". Repeat with your child 8-10 times.


Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and one leg, bent at the knee, bring forward. Lock the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly saying "shhhh". Repeat 6-7 times.


Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. As you exhale, fold your hands with a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your hands to "cut through" the space between your legs. Say bang. Repeat 6-8 times.


Stand with your feet together, arms up. Rotate slowly with straight arms, uttering "g-rr" as you exhale. As the movements accelerate, the sounds become louder. Repeat 7-8 times


Place your legs together, Imagine how the frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: crouching slightly, inhaling, jump forward. After landing, "croak". Repeat 3-4 times.


Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, as you exhale, say "ay". Change intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat 5-6 times.

Using modern health-preserving technologies in a playful way, you can protect children from off-season diseases. It must be remembered that positive results for the health improvement of preschoolers are possible only with the joint work of the entire kindergarten team and parents.


Breathing exercises play an important role in the health improvement system of preschoolers. It is worth paying attention to children who are often ill with various speech disorders. After all, weakened breathing does not allow the child to fully pronounce phrases, build correctly



Respiratory gymnastics in music lessons in a playful way

State budgetary preschool

educational institution kindergarten №77

Primorsky district, St. Petersburg.

Breathing exercises

in music lessons

in a playful way.

Musical director:

Melnikova Vera Nikolaevna

Breathing exercises play an important role in the health improvement system of preschoolers. It is worth paying attention to children who are often ill with various speech disorders. After all, weakened breathing does not allow the child to fully pronounce phrases, build sentences correctly, even sing songs - they have to breathe air more often.

The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons:

Strengthen the physical breathing of children (without speech)

Form correct speech breathing (short inhalation - long exhalation)

Train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

Develop a prolonged exhalation.

Therapeutic effects:

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;

Promotes the restoration of the central nervous system;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi;

Restores disturbed nasal breathing;

Corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that developed in the course of diseases.

When performing exercises, certain rules must be observed:

Inhale is loud, short, active (it's just noisy to sniff the whole room, as if sniffing).

The exhalation is absolutely passive, it goes out through the nose or through the mouth (as it is convenient for anyone). It is forbidden to think about exhalation. The air should go away by itself after each inhalation.

Each exercise should be taught by children to automatism (about a month)

Blowing bubbles

1. When tilting the head to the chest, inhale through the nose, straining the muscles of the nasopharynx.

2. Raise your head up and calmly exhale air through your nose, as if blowing soap bubbles.

3. Without lowering the head, inhale through the nose, straining the muscles of the nasopharynx.

4. Exhale calmly through the nose with the head down. Repeat 3-5 times.


Prepare a spinning toy before starting the game. Outside

demonstrate how it starts spinning in the wind. Then offer to blow on it yourself: “Come on, let's make the wind - let's blow on the turntable! "


For this game, children's ceramic, wooden or plastic whistles in the form of various birds and animals are suitable. Give the child a whistle and offer to blow it for a melodic loud whistle.

Cheerful balls.

To play, you need a light plastic ball, for example - for table tennis... Put the ball on the table or on the floor and invite the child to blow on it with force - so that it rolls as far as possible. You can arrange a competition: who will roll the ball next.

Leaf fall.

Cut out yellow, red, orange "autumn leaves" from thin double-sided colored paper, and also prepare a plastic bucket. We lay out the leaves on the table, then invite the child to blow on them until they are all on the floor, and then put them in a bucket: “Imagine that it’s autumn. Beautiful leaves fall from the trees. The wind blew scattered all the leaves on the ground! Let's make the wind blow on the leaves. " The game can be repeated several times.

Talking talk.

You ask questions, the kid answers.

How does a locomotive speak? Tu - tu - tu - tu.

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