A developed set of physical exercises that has withstood a thousand years. A versatile set of exercises for busy people


Abstract on the topic:

A set of exercises for physical culture

Completed by: student of group RE-407

Tokarev Denis

Saint Petersburg

2010 year


Physical culture, being one of the facets of general culture, largely determines the behavior of a person in production, in school, in everyday life, in communication. The development of physical culture and sports is one of the most important components of a strong social policy, which can ensure the real implementation of humanistic ideals, values ​​and norms, open up a wide scope for identifying people's abilities, meeting their interests and needs.


Before starting the main part of your workout, you will need to do the exercises below each time.

The cardiovascular system, as well as your muscles, ligaments, bones and joints, should be prepared for stress. Your movements should be fluid and your body flexible.

Exercise # 1:

Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders. Bend forward, trying to reach your ankles with your fingers.

30 seconds-1 minute

Exercise number 2:

Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders. Bend forward, trying to reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg, transferring your body weight to it. Keep your back straight.

Exercise duration:

30 seconds-1 minute


To achieve maximum effect especially when you are working the muscles of the arms, it is very important to perform the movements slowly and synchronously in order to create a constant load on the muscles.

If you are already trained enough, you can make the exercise harder by using weights such as dumbbells. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Some exercises are performed with elastic band Thera-Band, which is most suitable for these purposes, however, you can use any other rubber twine.

Exercise # 1:

Muscles of the outer side of the shoulders

Get on one knee. Take a dumbbell, rest your elbow on your thigh. Stretch this hand and try to keep it that way. The second hand is on the belt.

Execution options:

Try moving your hand up and down.

Number of repetitions:

1st stage - 8-10

2nd stage - 8-10 (2 sets)

Exercise number 2:

Muscle shoulder girdle, arms and chest

Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms down at chest level. Clench your fists, open your forearms with your palms up and back, pressing your shoulders close to your body.

Number of repetitions:

1st stage - 8-10

2nd stage - 8-10 (3 sets)

The rest of the warm-up exercises can be found in the bibliography.


Good abdominal muscle tone promotes proper placement internal organs in the abdominal cavity and correct posture(the spine is securely supported by the abdominal and back muscles). Abdominal Press plays crucial role in the process of breathing and in all kinds of daily movements. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen and maintain the abdominal muscles in "working" condition, but this is not the case when all means are good. Muscles should develop symmetrically, acquiring the same thickness throughout their entire length. Chaotic exercise can cause muscles to develop unevenly, creating zones of "least resistance".

Exercise should not only pursue aesthetic goals, but also promote muscle performance. Beautiful muscles, obtained thanks to, say, electrical stimulation and at the same time not allowing you to sit down from a supine position is hardly a desirable result. To improve health and at the same time improve your figure, there are many various factors.

Exercise # 1:

Breeding and flattening of straight legs with contraction of the abdominal muscles

How to do it?

Starting position: sitting and leaning on hands, straight legs are raised. Spread and bring your legs apart, keeping your stomach tense.

How to breathe?

Exhale through your mouth every eight movements.

For beginners: do two sets of 10 movements. Rest for 1 minute between sets. Too difficult? Do the exercise lying on your back with your legs upright.

For the more trained: do two sets of 20 movements.

Rest 30 seconds between sets.

Exercise number 2:

Pulling a straight leg to the left and right shoulder with a stationary body

How to do it?

Lying on your back and keeping one leg on the floor, and the body raised motionlessly, pull the other leg alternately to the left shoulder and to the right.

How to breathe?

Exhale through your mouth as your feet are closer to you.

How many reps should you do?

For beginners:

make 12 movements with your left foot. Rest for 30 seconds and work with your right foot. Too difficult? Lower the case to the floor.

For the more trained:

do 20 movements with your left foot, then 20 with your right.

The rest of the warm-up exercises can be found in the bibliography.


After the description of each exercise, the duration of its execution is indicated. If you are a beginner, you should train in Stage 1, but if you are trained enough, train in Stage 2. To achieve maximum effect, it is very important to perform the movements slowly and synchronously in order to create a constant load on the muscles.

If you are already trained enough, you can make it harder by using weights for your legs. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Use a mat when doing the exercises while kneeling or lying down.

Sit on the edge of a chair with a straight line in front of you. right leg, back straight, pull the sock towards you.

Exercise # 1:

Execution options:

· Pull the toe of the raised leg forward.

Rotate the raised leg in hip joint.

1st stage / 2nd stage

The number of repetitions is / 8-10.

Exercise number 2:

Lie on your side, rise on one elbow. Swing up with your right leg, keeping your lower leg in weight.

Execution options:

· Pull your heel up instead of a toe.

· Hold the raised leg for a few seconds, maintaining tension, you can make a small jerk.

· Bend and straighten both legs.

1st stage / 2nd stage

Reps 8-10 / 8-10

Break between sets - / 15 seconds

The number of repetitions - / 8-10

The rest of the warm-up exercises can be found in the bibliography.


The function of the spine is directly related to the condition of the back muscles. Via following exercises you will strengthen your back muscles and your spine will become stable. Stable position the spine is provided through the targeted development of the musculature. It is also necessary to develop coordination of movements. Only in this way will you ensure correct position your spine. Our exercises will help you with this!

We offer two levels of workload: the first (for beginners) and the second (for the advanced). Increase the load gradually. If the exercise is easy for you, start right away from the second level.

Exercise # 1:

Bending one leg at the knee and throwing it over the other, turn your head in the opposite direction. Hands to the side

Reps: 2-3

Exercise number 2:

Keeping your back straight, pull your lower leg towards your buttocks.

Duration: 20-30 seconds

Reps: 2-3

Break between sets: 20 seconds

The rest of the warm-up exercises can be found in the bibliography.


Exercise # 1:

Get on your knees, bend your back and stretch your arms forward, palms on the floor. Raising your pelvis, move your torso forward. Feel the tension in the muscles in your chest, arms, and shoulder girdle.

Exercise duration: 3 times for 30 seconds

Break between sets: 20 seconds

Exercise number 2:

Lie on your stomach, bend your right leg at the knee and bring it to the pelvis, grab your foot with your right hand. Breathe evenly and deeply, with each exhalation, gently pull your leg towards you, trying not to create tension. Change legs after 20 seconds. Do 3 reps for each leg.

Exercise duration: 3 times for 20 seconds

Break between sets: 20seconds

The rest of the warm-up exercises can be found in the bibliography.


When it comes to physical activity person, then we mean sport exercises... Physical activity includes active games and entertainment. Anyone needs exercise stress, therefore, doctors recommend performing a set of general developmental physical education exercises several times a week, especially if he is not able to assess how much he moves a day and does not go to the gym.

To maintain health, everyone must be physically active every day. During exercise, the muscles become stronger, the muscles become more resilient, and the person can optimally use his energy. By exercising a load on certain muscle groups, you can increase their volume. Gymnastics also allows you to control your weight: by doing exercises, you can get rid of extra pounds by spending additional calories that the body receives due to improper nutrition.

The positive effect of general developmental exercises (GPA):

  1. The heart is also a muscle, so exercise of cardio-vascular system good for human health. Correct and dosed loads make the heart healthier and more resilient. With physical activity, the walls of the vessels become more elastic.
  2. Motor skills are developed. Special exercises help a person develop flexibility, a sense of balance. During the exercise, the sports equipment is better mastered.
  3. Physical activity helps to actively combat stress. If a person suffers from depression or anxiety, then physical education copes well with such problems. Vigorous exercise can lower the hormones cortisol and increase the pleasure hormones endorphins.

It's helpful to do gymnastics with someone else - it's a great way to communicate.

A set of developmental physical education exercises improves heart function. People who are actively involved in sports are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases. It also reduces the likelihood of stroke and diabetes. These diseases often appear due to excess weight... Constant control over the body and muscles allows you to regulate those extra pounds.

Physical education according to the scheme developed by the attending physician helps elderly people. If a person shows active physical activity all his life, then in old age he has fewer diseases. Exercise helps keep your mind clear because your brain works better when you are physically active.

Exercise helps pregnant women prepare for childbirth. And after the appearance of the baby, the mother will quickly get in shape.

Joint execution physical exercise increases trust in a married couple. Exercise improves mood and well-being.

Not all people can control the amount of food they eat, the physical education ORU helps to fight this problem. By doing simple exercises, the hormones ghrelin, which increase appetite, are lowered.

A person who loves sports can quickly get rid of bad habits. Active movement reduces the urge to smoke and drink. Sport increases the dose of pleasure hormones that were previously replaced by nicotine.

Exercise practically does not harm a person. If you adhere to the safety rules when performing complex complexes, you can avoid injury. When doing the initial exercises, you do not need to chase results. The intensity of training should be increased gradually. This is especially important for beginners who, due to excessive zeal, can get injured or stretch their muscles. You cannot combine active training with rigid diets, because the body is quickly depleted, and there will be no strength left for exercise. Gymnastics has contraindications:

  1. Neurological diseases.
  2. Spine injury.
  3. Any wounds on the body.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. High or low blood pressure.

If a person has a cold, then it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery. Exercises can be resumed only after consultation with the attending physician. If physical education is associated with weight lifting, then it is not recommended to lift heavy weight otherwise you may get stretched or injured.

During exercise, you need to control your pulse and breathing. If a person is actively involved in physical education, then it is necessary to correctly draw up a daily routine, setting aside time for good sleep and rest. Any movement performed incorrectly can lead to injury. With an active motor load, it is necessary to eat correctly and evenly. Only in this case, classes will be beneficial and not harm the body.

The average person needs 9 to 20% fat for the body to function properly. If you reduce the percentage of fat too much, then you can face serious illnesses. When doing the exercises, you need to remember that it is not the duration of the workout that is important, but its intensity. If you incorrectly calculate the time of physical education, then you can harm your health. One complex should be performed for no more than 60 seconds, but the pace should be intense. For a full physical development it is necessary to perform gymnastics for the muscles of the whole body.

General developmental complex

Most people are shown general developmental physical education exercises. For students, schoolchildren and other people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in sitting position, such activities are simply necessary. In addition, they do not take a lot of time and you can do them at home.

Exercises for the arms and shoulders are performed first. With time upper limbs and the shoulders lose their firmness and become relaxed. As a result, posture may deteriorate. By performing a simple complex, you can tighten the muscle tone of the arms and shoulder girdle. The training is carried out in several rounds. Warm up before doing any exercise.

  1. You will need dumbbells for the exercise.
  2. 10 exercises are performed at a time.
  3. It is necessary to rest the knee of the right leg and right hand on a flat surface.
  4. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles tense.
  5. You can't raise your head too high.
  6. The dumbbell is taken in left hand, the brush is bent.
  7. The elbow remains motionless.
  8. The hand with dumbbells straightens.
  9. Then the hand rises with the palm up, in this position you need to fix it for 5 seconds.
  10. Next, you need to return to initial position.

An effective workout for developing the arms and shoulder girdle is knee push-ups. At least 10 repetitions must be performed at a time. To perform gymnastics, you need to focus on your knees, cross your feet with each other, raise your body above the floor. The palms should be close to each other. Then you need to draw in the stomach, while the elbows remain bent, and lower to the floor. Then you need to slowly straighten up and return to the starting position.

For the neck, a set of general developmental exercises is designed in such a way as to do without additional items. The exercises are simple, even a schoolchild can perform them anywhere - in sports hall or at home. Typically, such training is carried out in physical education lessons in comprehensive school... If there are problems associated with neurology, then the exercises are recommended to be performed in a static mode.

If during the exercise a person feels discomfort or pain, then the amplitude of the movements is reduced, the number of repetitions should be reduced. If the pain does not stop, then physical education is postponed until the person is fully recovered.

Pendulum exercise:

  1. The person takes a comfortable and comfortable position, while the head should be straight.
  2. The neck is tilted to the left.
  3. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Then a tilt is made in the opposite direction.
  5. Repeat at least 6 times on each side.

The next exercise is called the airplane. You need to lie on the floor with your stomach. Hands are spread to the side. In this position, a person is in 20 seconds. Then, smoothly and neatly, spread the hands to the sides 3 times. Next, the right hand bends so that it is above the left. Then you should change hands.

The most effective training for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, this is a squat. Legs are placed shoulder-width apart. The gymnastics is performed with the hips parallel to the floor. 10 approaches are performed at a time.

In the table of the complex of general developmental physical education exercises, training with raising the legs while lying down occupies a key position. Gymnastics is good for both adults and children. Several muscle groups are involved during the workout. ... How to do the Lying Leg Raise workout:

  1. The person lies down on a flat surface.
  2. Both legs are bent and lifted off the floor to form a 45-degree angle.
  3. Then the legs are spread to the side, fixed in this position.
  4. Then they slowly come together with the knees.

To be effective, you need to perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

An even posture makes a person more attractive. It is also essential for health. To keep your back straight and even, you need to do special exercises.

The "reed" exercise is well suited for posture. You need to get down on your knees, your hands clasp over your head. Then the brushes are turned inside out inside up. Hands reach for the ceiling. You need to perform 3 tilts in each direction. Then they smoothly and neatly return to their original position. When doing gymnastics, it is important that the back remains straight and the arms do not bend at the elbows. In total, you need to do 5 approaches.

To perform the exercise "worm", you need to sit on your heels, put your hands on your knees. The legs are spread apart, the elbows are bent and lowered to the floor. It is necessary to tilt your head and stay in this position for 15 seconds. The recommended number of repetitions is 4 times.

In order for the back to be straight and beautiful, it is necessary to perform a complex to form balance. In the course of gymnastics, all muscles are strengthened and the tone of the back muscles increases. It is especially shown to pupils of elementary grades, who have a high risk of developing scoliosis during this period due to unusual load on the back.

The complex is performed using a support or lying on the floor. Exercises are done in one place or when a person is in motion. Exercise on site:

  1. Jumping.
  2. Various movements of the legs and arms.
  3. Torso turns.
  4. Straight stand on heels or toes.

Gymnastics in motion includes walking of various kinds, the use of weights, overcoming obstacles, dance moves and easy running.

Breathing to combat stress

Respiratory gymnastics allows you to get rid of extra pounds, normalize digestion and put your nerves in order. There are 3 main exercises that can help you relax and combat stress:

  1. Epaulets.
  2. Pump.
  3. Palms.

The shoulder strap exercise is performed while standing on the floor. Hands must be pressed tightly to the stomach. You need to take 9 breaths in a row. There is a break of 5 seconds between them. As you exhale, you push your hands to the floor. In this case, the arms are straightened. When you exhale, your hands are pressed against your stomach again.

When performing the "pump" exercise, the person stands leaning slightly downward. In the middle of the slope, you need to inhale air through your nose. The inhalation ends when the bend is completed. Then you need to straighten up and take a break for 5 seconds. 12 repetitions are done in a row.

The palm exercise is done as follows:

  1. 5 deep breaths are taken through the nose.
  2. Exhale quietly through the mouth.
  3. When inhaling, you must clench your fists.
  4. You need to linger for 7 seconds, and then lower your hands.
  5. When inhaling, the abdomen and shoulders are relaxed.

The palm workout should be done 12 times in a row.

Correctly distributed physical activity has a positive effect on human health. If you perform several times a week simple exercises then it has a positive effect on posture and muscles. Physical education helps to restore vitality and prolong youth.

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How to lose weight in 5 minutes a day?

During World War I military establishment The US commissioned Walter Camp to develop a set of exercises to maintain combat shape, and he suggested the "daily dozen" - short, regular workouts that keep the body healthy and nimble, but not exhausting.

Camp came up with this complex in part because existing exercises seemed too complicated and boring to him. Another reason was the already familiar idea that modern technologies are robbing people of the health and dexterity that were characteristic of our distant ancestors.

After the war, this set of exercises spread throughout the world. Brochures describing the "daily dozen" sold in the millions, as did audio tapes with instructions. The Camp complex became known all over the world.

What is a "daily dozen"

This is a simple workout that should be done with ease and enjoyment. It develops flexibility, improves posture, muscle coordination and .

Camp argued that exercise had a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, in particular the intestines, and also pumped cognitive functions, improving brain function.

The Daily Dozen is suitable for any adult, but is especially useful for middle-aged people who notice some tightness in their bodies and sit for most of the day.

Daily Dozen Exercises

Exercise 1. Circles with hands

Develops the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest, improves posture.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing up.
  • Slowly trace your hands into small circles, about 15 centimeters in diameter. Most of the movement comes from the shoulders, with tension felt at the back of the shoulders.
  • Perform five laps forward and five backward.

Exercise 2. Bends with hands behind the head

Stretches the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back, improves posture.

  • Stand up straight with your hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, tilt your body forward to 45 degrees, neck in line with your back, look at the floor in front of you.
  • Inhale, straighten up, raise your head.
  • Bend back slightly to feel the stretch in your abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.
  • Straighten up. The head remains raised.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3. Raising the arms

Develops shoulder strength, strengthens the arch of the foot.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level, palms facing down.
  • With an inhalation, rise on your toes, raise your arms up 45 degrees.
  • With an exhalation, stand on your foot entirely, lower your arms to parallel with the floor.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4. Deep side bend

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and waist, stimulates the liver and intestines.

  • Stand straight, raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down - this is the starting position.
  • Raise your left hand up, lower your right hand down along the body.
  • Begin to tilt to the right of the hips, the right hand crawls along the leg to the knee, the left one twists around the head. At the extreme point, the left palm rests on or near the right ear.
  • Slowly straighten up, extending your arms to the starting position.
  • Make a similar tilt to the other side.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5. Twisting

Raises and expands chest... Stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight, with a breath, bend your elbows, place your fists under your armpits.
  • Continuing to inhale, take your shoulders back, bend slightly in the chest, expanding the chest, lift your head up and look at the ceiling.

  • With an exhalation, move your arms forward, then spread them to the sides.
  • While holding your breath, bend forward to parallel with the floor, pull your arms back.

  • Straighten up and move your arms forward, and then spread them to the sides.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6. Squat on toes

Strengthens the arch of the foot, lower leg and back muscles.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, turn down with your palms.
  • Inhale on your toes.
  • Continuing to inhale, lower yourself into a squat.
  • As you exhale, rise from the squat.
  • Continuing to exhale, lower yourself to a full foot.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 7. Rotation of the shoulders

Strengthens the shoulder muscles.

  • Stand up straight and lift your shoulders as you inhale.
  • Continuing to inhale, push your shoulders forward.
  • As you exhale, lower your shoulders.
  • As you continue to exhale, bring your shoulders back.
  • Repeat ten times.

Exercise 8. Turning the arms

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

  • Stand up straight with your arms folded in front of you, palms facing you.
  • Raise your arms in a circle crosswise (the right palm outlines a circle on the left side, the left on the right), at the top, turn your palms outward.

  • Lower your arms in a circle without crossing them (the right palm draws a circle to the right, and the left palm to the left).

  • Repeat five times.
  • Lower your arms, don't cross them. The palms are next to the hips.
  • Raise your arms in a circle, turning your palms out.
  • Lower your arms crosswise, opening your palms towards you.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 9. Head tilt

Strengthens the muscles of the neck, improves control over them.

  • Stand up straight, tilt your head forward.
  • Tilt your head to the left.
  • Tilt your head back.
  • Tilt your head to the right.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 10. "Mill"

Develops flexibility of the back muscles.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level.
  • Bend over, swinging your body to the left and bending your right knee. Right hand touches the floor between the legs, the left is extended upward. The head is turned to the ceiling, the gaze is directed to the left hand.
  • Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Do it five times in each direction.

Exercise 11. Body Tilts

Strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest and stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight, raise your hands above your head and interlace your fingers into a lock, turning your palms towards your head. The closer the hands are to the head, the more effective the exercise is.
  • Lean forward gently. The movement is controlled, without jerks and extreme inclinations.
  • Lean to the right.
  • Lean back.
  • Lean to the left.
  • Make five bends in each direction.

Exercise 12. "Wings"

Strengthens the muscles of the back and shoulders, develops the diaphragm.

  • Stand straight with your feet together, your toes slightly turned outward, your arms hanging freely along your body.
  • As you inhale, raise your straight arms in front of you.
  • Continuing to inhale, spread your arms to the sides.
  • As you finish inhaling, raise your arms above your head, palms facing forward.
  • As you exhale, make a bend, put your hands behind your back and raise. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise nine more times.

Since the exercises do not cause fatigue and do not take much time, Camp recommended doing them every day at least once, and ideally three times: morning, afternoon and evening.

Camp also advised supplementing workouts with ten hours of walks on fresh air a week (a little less than an hour and a half a day) to support health and longevity.

Men are very busy today as we live in a vibrant culture that leaves very little time for regular exercise. Against this backdrop, Charles Atlas has developed an excellent 10-minute core exercise routine. Of course, 10 minutes of exercise a day cannot correct body imperfections and return good physical fitness but they are quite enough to prevent muscle wasting and maintain good physical shape. This exercise technique has shown very good results. The undoubted plus of this complex is that you do not need any additional devices.

So are you ready to start? Then get ready and start working!

A set of physical exercises

Stretching the spine. This simple exercise will keep your spine flexible. Stand up straight and fold your hands behind your head into the "lock". Then bend over so that your elbows touch your knees. Return to starting position. Do 12 reps.

Deep squats. This exercise is the basis for a good workout of the quads of the thigh, buttocks and muscles - the flexors of the legs. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt. Sit down to the floor. Stand up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

Finger Rises. This exercise develops calf muscles... Put your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width apart. Get up high on your toes. Lower your heels to the floor. To increase the load, you can stand with your toes on a small elevation, for example, on a thick book, and so do the exercise.

Lying push-ups. Lean on the toes of outstretched straight legs and on two arms spaced shoulder-width apart. Lower your straight body to the floor by bending your arms, then return to the starting position, pushing up from the floor with your hands. Decrease or increase your arm width to target different muscle groups.

Lifting the body. Sit on your buttocks (preferably on a rug). Raise your straight legs and place them on a chair or sofa. Then lift your glutes and core as high as you can. Return to starting position.

Raising the legs. This exercise will work out the press, it is one of the main ones. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs straight in front of you. Put your hands on the floor behind the body. Quickly lift your straight legs up so that your body and legs form a V. Lower your legs.

A bike. This exercise will perfectly work all the abdominal muscles, it is very simple to perform. Lie on the floor, close your hands behind your head, raise your legs at a 45-degree angle to the floor, and slowly begin to simulate pedaling. When the left knee is on top, raise your torso and touch it with your right elbow. Then do the same with the right knee and left elbow.

These days, the problem of excess weight is so popular that there is probably no point in talking about it. Millions of women and men around the world struggle every day with extra centimeters, and this struggle does not always bring the desired results. Very often, having tried fasting days and all kinds of diets, women torture themselves with the same question, why do I eat very little and still not lose weight? Everything is very simple - reducing the diet will not be able to give the desired result without certain physical activity.

It is possible that the prospect of performing exercise for weight loss will not give you great joy. But don't forget that magic never happens. But if you are persistent and persistent, then desired result- a stunning figure - will not keep you waiting long.

Things to do?

Choosing one or another type of physical activity is necessary not only according to personal preferences. The choice of exercise will directly depend on which parts of the body you need to correct. For example, for those who do not have obvious signs of obesity, it is better to focus on jogging, gymnastics, shaping or light types of aerobics.

Where is the best place to do these physical exercises, you ask? Anywhere: in the gym, fitness center, in the pool and even at home, especially since mastering them is not so difficult. The main thing is by all means to agree sports activities with your doctor so that there are no contraindications for health reasons.

A few words about proper nutrition

Even if you unquestioningly and regularly do all the exercises, but do not limit yourself in food - positive result can not expect. Notice it comes it is about proper nutrition, and not about diets. Be sure to give up semi-finished products (even if after training you will be too lazy to cook dinner), do not eat fried food, ketchup, mayonnaise, alcohol. Certainly after intense workout You are supposed to have a hearty dinner, but you should not overeat on other days.

What you will need for classes:

A rug for doing exercises on the floor;
A narrow bench with a rather elastic upholstery;
Sports uniform, footwear and special gloves;

At home, it is best to do the exercises three times a week, with intervals between sessions on the same day. The ideal time for training is from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 20.00. Classes should be carried out regularly and exclusively with a positive attitude.

Remember that anyone a set of exercises for weight loss effective no more than 4 weeks, and then the body begins to adapt to stress. It is at this moment that you need to either increase the load, or change the set of exercises. Fulfill exercise for weight loss at home best not earlier than two hours before meals or before bedtime. Moreover, you should definitely like them. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be much more modest than you expect.

Each lesson must begin with a warm-up, and for this you need to remember school physical education lessons.

As we already said, there are special exercises for each problem area of ​​the body. We will talk about them now.

So, let's begin:

Slimming Exercises

The belly is one of the most problem areas for most of the fairer sex. Moreover, this problem can bother even those who have no reason to worry about their figure. The thing is that it is on the belly of a woman that the most fat accumulates.

First of all, I would like to warn you that you never do only exercises to lose weight on the abdomen. By themselves, they will not help you lose weight. In this case, you are threatened with strengthening and increasing muscles, as a result of which you may be completely without a waist.

To achieve maximum results, you should alternate between different ones, applying different amplitudes for this. Let's take a look at the most common of these exercises:

Twisting exercise

Its action is directed to the rectus muscles and it must be performed with a small amplitude. To do this, you must lie on the floor and firmly press your lower back to it. Bend your legs at the knees, point your elbows in different directions and put your hands behind your head. As you inhale, lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, while lifting your chin up. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Reverse twisting exercise

Like the previous one, this exercise is performed with a small amplitude. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. While inhaling, tear off the shoulder blades and head from the floor, while lifting the pelvis. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Raising the torso

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. While inhaling, lift the body off the floor and slowly rise to your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Raise our legs

Large amplitude is important in this exercise. Sit on a chair and lean on the edge. As you inhale, pull your legs to the body, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles

To do this, sit on a chair and perform oblique body turns. For oblique muscles, all of the above exercises are also suitable, but they must be performed with small turns.

Slimming Exercises

First of all, decide where your legs should lose weight: on the thighs or on the calves.

The following will help you get rid of extra centimeters and make the skin and muscles of the legs more elastic:

Stand straight, keep your hands on your belt and rise on your leg, bent forward at the knee, and then slowly straighten it. For each leg, this exercise must be repeated 8 times. Take a 15 second break and repeat the exercise again. In total, you should have 8 sets.

To tighten the muscles on the front of your thighs and glutes, perform forward lunges. But remember that this exercise must be alternated on different knees, and at the same time your hands should rest on your hips.

You can remove flabbiness from the inside of the thighs in this way: lie on your back and spread your outstretched legs. Make sure that during this exercise your legs do not lean back or forward.

If you are worried body fat from the outside of the thighs, lift the top straight leg while in the supine position. During this exercise, the sock must be pulled towards you. Change legs after eight sets.

Do you have fat calves? Then by all means try these exercises for weight loss:

Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull your socks towards you.

You can also stand near the wall, strongly rest your hands on it. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the shin of the opposite leg.

Don't forget about running on the spot as well. It has been proven to be one of the most versatile remedies for stored fat.

Slimming Hip Exercises

The hip area, when fighting overweight, is one of the most problematic. But don't despair! Do all of the below regularly and you will achieve a significant reduction in the size of your thighs.

Take a horizontal position, put your hands on your buttocks. Keep your legs straight. Lift them up and in this position bring them together and spread them 10 times (the muscles should be tense).

Kneel down, drop your arms and straighten your feet. At the same time, lower yourself to the floor on the right near your feet and tilt your body to the left. Hands during this exercise should be straight and extended in front of you. Then return to the starting position with a jerk. This exercise is done 10 times on each side.

The following exercise will help you get rid of cellulite on your thighs. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your socks out. Keeping your arms straight, you need to slowly squat, straining the muscles of the hips and buttocks. Sitting down, pause for a while, and stand up, making an effort. This must be repeated 10 times, performing 3 approaches.

Lie on your right side, rest on an arm bent at the elbow, and bend your upper leg at the knee. Shift your leg forward. At the same time, raise and lower your lower leg as high as possible. On each side, you need to do eight sets of two lifts. This exercise is simply irreplaceable for training the inner thigh, so it should be done as often as possible.

In order to reduce the size of your hips, you need to stand on your left knee and lean on straight arms. After that, it is necessary to take the right leg to the right and back, straighten it and touch the floor with an elongated toe. You can also raise your leg and do circular motion up and left, and then down and right. This must be done 10 times without stopping. Remember that the leg cannot be bent at the knee and also the lower back cannot be flexed. The entire exercise must be repeated for the left leg.

The most effective exercise to reduce the size of the hips are performed lying down. To do this, you must completely relax the entire upper part your torso and lie on your side. The upper leg must be bent and put on the lower one.

Bend your legs slightly at the knees, place them shoulder-width apart, and take your arms back. After that, bend them at the elbows, bend your pelvis forward and try to rise on your toes. In this position, you need to freeze for a few seconds. This exercise must be repeated eight times.

Exercises for slimming the buttocks

To get rid of saggy buttocks, it is enough to regularly perform a set of simple exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet apart. Try to squeeze any object between your knees (a cushion, a book, etc.). You should sit up straight and hold onto the seat with your hands. Squeeze the object firmly with your thigh muscles and remain in this position for one minute. After that, you can relax and start again with the exercise.

To do the following, you will need to kneel down and put your hands on your belt. After that, sit on the floor, first on the right, and then on the left buttock. This exercise should be done until you begin to feel fatigue in the muscles of the buttocks. Don't take the easy path - don't sit on your feet. This will have absolutely no effect. Although this exercise is difficult at first, you will learn it very quickly.

For this exercise, you will need to lean your head and back against a wall, bend your legs at the knees and tighten your muscles. In this position, you should sit for at least one minute. This can be difficult at first, so you can shorten the time a little at first. While doing this exercise, make sure that your nape, buttocks and back do not come off the wall. Otherwise, this exercise will have absolutely no effect.

Grasp your right knee with both hands and pull it gently towards your chest, fixing this position for at least 20 seconds. Repeat the same steps with the other leg. This exercise must be performed 5-10 times with each leg.

Lie on your back and rest your feet on the wall. Strain gluteal muscles, trying to raise the hips and pelvis off the floor, while not lifting your back. It will be very difficult for you to do this at first. But over time, you will be able to perform up to 10 of these lifts in one exercise.

Unfortunately, we very often do not have enough time for ourselves. But here it is important for everyone who wants to lose weight to learn that if you don’t take care of yourself, then no one else will do it for you. In addition, in our time, you can just as effectively engage in physical exercise right at home. To do this, now it is enough to familiarize yourself with the methodology for performing the exercises on the Internet. Your perseverance, proper nutrition(in no case forget about it!), a great desire to become even more attractive - and in a few months you will notice how your figure has changed, and the parameters have reached the desired size. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly - and you will gain not only beauty, but also health!

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