Exercises on uneven bars training program. Exercises on the uneven bars

The training program, which is carried out on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, is designed to strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and back. But these same exercises have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, endurance.

Contrary to popular belief, not only boys, but also girls need classes on uneven bars - this will help you look feminine, keep fit figure at any age.

The horizontal bar and bars provide an excellent opportunity to develop the muscles of the arms, chest and back, increase overall tone and drive off excess fat. It doesn't have to be under the guidance of a coach. You can choose the program yourself.

For maximum effectiveness, several simple rules:

Is it possible to pump up on the horizontal bar and uneven bars?

You can, and it's very effective. In the process of work, mice have to lift their own body weight, and this is a rather big load. If the exercises have become too easy, you can increase the number of approaches, change the height of the bars or use special weights - they are put on the legs and increase body weight.

Exercises on the uneven bars and the horizontal bar are available to almost everyone.

The results will be different - it all depends on the frequency of training, the characteristics of the regimen and natural data, but they will definitely be. Therefore, if the goal is to pump up, then it will be achieved with due diligence.

In addition, classes on the uneven bars improve the tone of not only the muscles of the upper body, but also the press, back and partly the legs (for them you can perform additional exercises, we will talk about them later), so regular exercises on the horizontal bar will help to harmoniously develop the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

The horizontal bar remains very popular among fans of a sports lifestyle. AT recent times a separate direction of performing tricks on the horizontal bar and uneven bars arose. This is due to its accessibility - you can find a crossbar in any yard, and if you don’t want to go out, you can put a horizontal bar at home, fixing the door in the opening.

The parallel bars are a little more difficult, but they can also be found in parks or outdoor sports fields. You do not need to buy additional equipment, so classes on the uneven bars and horizontal bars practically do not require financial costs. The second advantage is the simplicity and simultaneous variety of exercises on the horizontal bar.

You can choose a program for yourself without consulting a trainer, while harmoniously developing all the muscles of the body. Classes on the uneven bars are safe - a person is more likely to not be able to do the exercise at all than to do it wrong and get injured, so such exercises can be recommended for beginners.

But besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages that are directly related to the advantages. You can work out in the yard only in good weather, and in winter and in the rain you will have to spend money on a gym or give up training.

The exercises are quite difficult for beginners.

If we are talking about girls, then among them there are many who cannot do the exercises the first time, and this repels them from such activities, destroys motivation. If classes take place in a group, then people with poor preparation are “in the tail”, it is most difficult for them to study, and they leave the group. But any group lessons.

Grip types

Among athletes, there is often debate about how to properly stay on the horizontal bar. In fact, the correct grip does not exist - everything possible options necessary and useful, but the load is distributed differently.

Types of grips for the horizontal bar:

For bars, only a direct grip is possible - in another combination, it is impossible to perform exercises on them. The distance between the bars can be changed by adjusting the complexity of the exercises.

Mode and frequency of classes

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is effective only when the rules of the classes are followed.

The structure of each lesson looks like this:

In the complex, you can add exercises to stretch the muscles. Beginners can limit themselves to one approach, and add the rest if possible. The frequency of training depends on the goal.

To pump up muscle mass, you should exercise according to the 1 + 1 scheme, i.e. Day 1 - active loads, the next - rest.

During rest, there is an active growth of muscle tissue. Then you can complicate the circuit by making several training days contract. To maintain tone, daily low-intensity workouts are important. They won't add muscle mass, but will allow you to maintain a taut shape.

Common mistakes

The exercises on the horizontal bar have their own difficulties that must be taken into account in the classroom.

The table lists common mistakes and rules that will help you avoid them:

Proper execution Mistakes
Breath Inhale in the starting position, exhale - at the moment of the greatest load Voluntary breathing. The athlete gets tired faster, performs fewer approaches
Hand movements Smooth, elbows do not fully extend Sudden movements and full extension of the elbows increase the risk of injury.
Muscle movements not involved in the exercise The neck is completely relaxed, the legs and abs are tensed only when the exercise technique requires it. The tension of "extra" muscles reduces the effectiveness of the main load
Use of weights Weights are used only by experienced athletes Switching to weight training too early increases the risk of injury, accelerates fatigue

Women's set of exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

The training program on the horizontal bar and bars for girls has no fundamental differences from the men's. The main difference is that girls are usually less trained, and they have to start classes with small loads and light exercises that boys do at school. But over time, girls achieve results no worse than boys.

Warm up

Training must begin with a warm-up - it allows you to prepare the muscles, circulatory and respiratory system to active work, reduces the likelihood of injury. The duration of the warm-up is 5-10 minutes. It includes exercises for the neck, shoulder girdle, brushes, lower back and legs.

Particular attention should be paid to the arms and shoulder girdle, and include in the warm-up rotation in the shoulders, including in opposite directions, warm-up of the wrist joints and elbows.

chest exercises

Exercises for the muscles of the chest and back allow you to increase the strength of the arms, create muscle relief. Contrary to popular belief, pumped up muscles of the shoulder girdle will not make the chest beautiful and neat - there are no muscles in the mammary gland itself, so it will look the same as before training. Significantly improve appearance it is possible only with a small chest (1-2 size).

To develop the chest muscles on the horizontal bar, pull-ups are performed in reverse and wide grip, the number of approaches depends on the degree of preparation. On the uneven bars for the same purpose do different kinds push-ups - corner, chest style, diagonal and others.

Exercises for the abs

Program intense training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars includes exercises for the harmonious development of the whole body.

Performing exercises for the press on such shells is associated with great efforts of the abdominal muscles - it is more difficult to perform them than the usual flexion-extension of the body on the floor, the press works more intensively, and the result is more noticeable.

Similar exercises for the press are performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars - raising the knees, and then straight legs, twisting, raising the toes to the shoulders. Knowing your own body and an adequate assessment of the level of fitness will help dose the load.


Stretching is needed to relieve tension from the muscles after exercise. It is performed at a calm pace, which makes it possible to restore breathing after class. Also, girls have a belief that if you stretch, the muscles will not grow too fast, they will form a relief, but they will not be too voluminous, they will retain a feminine look.

The main exercises for stretching the arms are stretching the straight arm to the opposite shoulder and placing the arm bent at the elbow behind the head. With your free hand, you need to pull your hand towards the body in the first case and down in the second. Stretching exercises must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments and joints.

Training plan

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is compiled individually for each student. For a beginner best option- classes every evening to keep fit or according to the 1 + 1 scheme for building mass. The plan of each lesson should include a warm-up, 3 exercises on the crossbar or parallel bars, stretching and breathing recovery.

Before you make a training plan, you need to decide on the goal and choose the exercises that will correspond to it. If the goal is to maintain sportswear, then it is better to take 3 exercises for different groups muscles (chest, arms, abs) and perform the same complex every day.

If the goal is to gain muscle mass, then you should choose 3 exercises for each muscle group and alternate them (arm day, chest day, press day). It is convenient to divide exercises on the horizontal bar and bars on different days. If the training plan is drawn up correctly, then the result becomes visible within a month, even for those who do not shine with physical fitness.

The main thing is the regularity of classes and the correct execution of exercises.. If the result is not satisfactory, then the lesson plan can and should be changed, adjusting to individual characteristics. As an example, you can find ready-made training plans on the network, but you need to be prepared for the fact that they may suit someone, and someone will have to refine them.

The best horizontal bar exercises for girls

It is better for girls to start classes with enough simple exercises This will help you adapt to physical activity will improve the overall tone of the body. Even if a girl cannot or does not want to pump up her relief, classes on the horizontal bar will have a beneficial effect on her physical form, will allow her to remove overweight and create the perfect toned figure.


Hang is the simplest exercise that can be done on the horizontal bar. It is not performed on the uneven bars.

Performing a hang on the horizontal bar:

Vis is perfect as initial exercise. The main task of hanging is to relax the muscles of the back, neck and arms, straighten the spine. It helps to cope with the consequences of both a sedentary lifestyle and excess power loads.

Pull knees to chest

This abs exercise is great for beginners. It is performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Technique for performing on the horizontal bar:

  • starting position- hanging with slightly bent elbows;
  • legs bent at the knees, brought together, in this position they rise to chest level;
  • return to starting position.

All movements are performed smoothly, especially the return to the hang. On the early stages classes, it will be difficult to raise your legs to the desired height, but you should try to raise your knees as close to correct position. Over time, you will be able to do the exercise correctly. The most common mistake is trying to raise your legs with a sharp movement.

This is less effective than gentle lifts and puts you at risk of damaging your elbows. On the uneven bars, the starting position looks like this - the arms support the body above the projectile, the elbows are slightly bent. Performing exercises on the press on the uneven bars is somewhat easier, but the load on the hands is higher.

Hanging leg raise

Starting position - hanging on the crossbar, as in the previous exercise. You need to perform the lift in several stages, especially for beginners.


  • vis (starting position);
  • lifting the knees to the chest;
  • straightening the legs so that the feet are above the crossbar (be sure to raise the pelvis);
  • return to the starting position (possible through knees bent at the chest).

Exercise develops the press and muscles of the thigh, buttocks and back. On uneven bars performed by experienced athletes.

Hanging twists

Twisting is performed upside down. To do this, you need to hold on to the crossbar with your knees and perform flexion and extension of the torso. The exercise can be performed after the hanging leg raises (reverse twisting) have been mastered.


Another exercise for the press. It is performed in the hang on the crossbar. From this position, you need to raise straight legs to a horizontal position so that they form a right angle with the body (hence the name of the exercise). In this position, you need to linger for 10-15 seconds or more if endurance is being trained. It is performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Australian pull-ups

This is a simplified version of pull-ups on the crossbar. The crossbar is set lower than usual, and in the initial position the body is horizontal or at an angle and touches the heels of the floor. When doing pull-ups, you need to pull your shoulders to the crossbar, your face should be above it.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for girls.

In this case, the arms do not lift the entire weight of the body, but only part of it. Over time, you need to raise the crossbar higher, gradually moving from Australian pull-ups to the classics.

Training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for beginners

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for beginners includes simplified exercises. You need to start small - by hanging every day, so that at least 30 minutes spent in a hanging position are accumulated per week. This will relax the spine and back muscles, reducing the risk of injury in the future.

Then you can move on to pull-ups. If the person cannot do this on their own, one can start with the Australian version or ask another person to back it up. Abdominal exercises are performed in the following sequence - pulling up the knees, lifting the legs and corner, twisting. At first, it is desirable that the person involved be insured.

Daily complex for beginners, it may consist of hanging, pull-ups and knee raises.

Even an incompletely performed exercise strengthens the muscles and brings closer the day when the exercises will be performed correctly, and it will be fashionable to move on to more complex ones.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for weight

To build muscle mass, you need intense exercise. It is worth thinking about this when fitness can be called medium or high. A set of exercises is developed for each segment that needs to be pumped up.

During the training, exercises for 1-2 segments and the press are performed. How more approaches, the better, and the duration of each approach should be no more than 8 times. The training scheme is 1 + 1, then 2 + 1 and so on. Work with weights for the limbs and torso is acceptable.

The training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for relief

elaboration muscle relief- an activity for those who have accumulated the desired muscle mass. It requires not only properly selected loads, but also a diet, which is called drying. The selection of exercises is aimed at developing the desired muscle groups.

The program of training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for strength

Pull-ups for strength are an opportunity to work out volume and relief at the same time. To achieve this, it is required to combine intense loads with isolating exercises (on the relief). The program is compiled by analogy with mass training - each workout is devoted to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, exercises for strength, isolation exercises and abs are performed.

Contraindications to exercise

The main contraindication to exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars is injuries to the arms and shoulder girdle (joints, bones, ligaments, muscles). It is impossible to perform the exercises correctly, and it is very easy to damage an already injured area. As for diseases of the spine, they should consult a doctor.

Caution should be exercised in diseases of the bones, cerebral vessels and intercostal neuralgia. The training program on the horizontal bar or uneven bars can be selected for any level of fitness. For beginners, you can start with a hang, and experienced athletes can pick up a complex set of exercises that work on individual muscle bundles.

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about exercises on the uneven bars

Horizontal bar-bars-emphasis:

It is not for nothing that the bars are present at every street sports ground. Indeed, on this projectile, you can do much more options for interesting exercises for the development of the muscles of the torso and shoulders than even on the horizontal bar or crossbar. Moreover, most of the exercises gymnastic elements it is easier for beginners to do it on the uneven bars. The bars are an excellent ally, with the help of which the strength and endurance of the torso develops, as well as the relief is worked out and specific muscles are pumped. Let us consider in more detail what benefits can be derived using this projectile.

What muscle groups swing when exercising on the uneven bars (diagram)

Bars are one of the most popular sports equipment present on most sports grounds, both open and closed. The projectile consists of two parallel crossbars located at a distance of 60 cm from each other on racks. Exercises on the uneven bars are mostly multi-joint and when performed, many muscles of the body swing at the same time.

The main muscles, the development of which is aimed at training on the uneven bars:

  • big and small pectoral muscles;
  • triceps or triceps;
  • deltoid muscles - front muscles of the shoulders;
  • trapezoidal and latissimus dorsi back;
  • biceps brachii or biceps.

Also, while working on the uneven bars, you can perform some types of exercises to work out the abdominal press.

Bars workout - great way pumping the upper body, which is suitable for men and girls. There is an opinion that even doing only on uneven bars, without using a barbell, horizontal bar and block simulators, you can bring your torso into excellent condition. But you need to do it right on the uneven bars. And if intensive muscle growth is necessary, then various weighting agents should be used.

Exercises on the uneven bars

If you're planning on getting your torso in shape by exercising on the uneven bars, it's important to stick to a training regimen and exercise regularly. The most preferred training schedule will be classes every other day, i.e. 3-4 days a week. Every day is not recommended, since the muscles must be loaded in such a way that about 48 hours remain for rest and recovery.

Directly during training, the following principles should be observed:

  • Even a very short workout should start with a warm-up to avoid injury and sprains.
  • During training, be as focused as possible on the exercise.
  • For training, dress according to the weather on the site. If it is cold outside, then try to dress in such a way as to avoid hypothermia of the muscles. The hotter the muscle, the softer, more elastic and less susceptible to traumatic factors.
  • Small breaks are required between sets.

And now let's look at what exercises are the most popular and effective for pumping the muscles of the torso on the uneven bars.

Horizontal dips on bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars is an exercise similar in technique to push-ups from the floor with narrow grip. It is performed in the lying position, and the legs and arms are on the bars from above. The only difference is that on the uneven bars you can lower the body much lower and, accordingly, work out the muscles of the shoulders and chest more effectively. When performing this exercise, it is important not to bring the pelvis forward, as this reduces the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and increases the load on the lower back. It is allowed to move the pelvis back a little, but ideally the body and legs should form a straight line.

Exercise technique:

  1. Starting position - emphasis lying on the uneven bars. Hands holding the crossbars with a direct grip thumb inside, feet with toes are on the crossbars.
  2. While inhaling, we lower the body as low as possible, bending the arms at the elbows, the back remains straight.
  3. Exhaling, slowly rise to the starting position.

This exercise creates good load not only on the muscles, but also on the elbow and wrist joints, so you should carefully monitor your feelings during training, especially if you have had an injury.

Triceps push-ups

For the harmonious development of the figure, it is important to monitor not only the development of the biceps, but also to pump the triceps.

Triceps push-ups differ in technique from classic push-ups, which involve the chest to a greater extent. At correct execution this exercise not only a beautiful relief of the shoulders is formed, but also the posture improves, muscular coordination, strength and endurance develop.

To perform push-ups on the triceps, you need parallel bars located at a standard distance from each other.

Triceps push-up technique:

  1. We focus on the uneven bars, leaning on straight arms. The body is vertical. Legs can be bent or crossed. The gaze is directed forward, the back remains straight.
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, bending and pulling your elbows back. Elbows do not need to be spread to the sides. Try to keep your body upright. We bend our arms to approximately an angle of 90 degrees, it can be a little lower.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your arms, returning to the starting position.

Video: Triceps push-ups on uneven bars

To effectively work out the muscles of the chest, push-ups on the uneven bars will also be very useful. Despite the seeming similarity of the exercises, their execution technique is completely different. To work out the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to slightly round the back and spread the elbows to the sides when doing push-ups. This will allow you to use the necessary muscle group.

Technique for performing push-ups on the chest:

  1. Starting position - emphasis on the bars, elbows look to the sides. The body is located vertically, the back is slightly rounded at the shoulders, the head is lowered down.
  2. While inhaling, we bend our arms, spreading our elbows to the sides, we go down. Bend your arms to approximately right angle. Below is not needed. The range of motion must be incomplete.
  3. As you exhale, we rise up, trying to feel the muscles of the chest as much as possible.
  4. We repeat the required number of times.

Video: Chest push-up technique

Raising the legs in an emphasis

Exercise on the uneven bars to work out the muscles of the press and back. It is easy to perform, even easier than a similar exercise on the bar, because it does not require strong grip. Also, unlike performing a similar exercise on the simulator, on the projectile it is a little more difficult, because the back does not receive support. This allows the development muscle coordination and balance.


  1. Starting position in emphasis on the uneven bars on straight arms, the back is straight, the shoulders are fixed.
  2. As you exhale, raise your legs up as high as possible. We linger in this position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Then, while inhaling, slowly lower the legs to the starting position.

The benefits of push-ups on the uneven bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars have a number of advantages over classic bench presses.

  • Availability. There are bars on every open sports ground and every gym.
  • Convenience. You don't need the help of a coach to deliver the barbell. Work comes from own weight, sometimes with a little weight.
  • When push-ups on the uneven bars develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements.
  • Pants are universal. On them, you can work out almost any muscle group of the body.
  • When exercising on the uneven bars, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and chest are perfectly stretched, which allows them to be worked out several times more efficiently than in the gym.

However, there are also disadvantages to this exercise. The main problem is that the uneven bars are almost completely contraindicated for those who have had a shoulder injury or elbow joint because the load on them is very high.

Weekly uneven bars training program for boys and girls

The uneven bars training program must necessarily include not only the exercises themselves, but also a high-quality warm-up of all the joints that will be involved during the workout.

It is better to practice on the bars and the horizontal bar according to the principle of two workouts in a row every day and one day off. In this case, the first workout should be hard and intense, and the next one should be light. Then a break of one day and again a hard workout. It's easy behind her. This is followed by two days of rest. This mode will allow you to achieve tangible results in the shortest possible time.

Day one: hard workout.

  1. Simple push-ups with a direct wide grip 15 times in 3 sets (for beginners, you can reduce the number of times).
  2. Push-ups on the uneven bars for triceps 15 times in 3 sets.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip (beginners can use Swedish wall), 10 times in 4 sets.
  4. Raising the legs in an emphasis 4 sets of 15 times.
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars horizontal 15 times in 2 sets.
  6. Raising the legs in the hang on the horizontal bar or uneven bars 20 times in 4 sets.

Second day: simple training.

  1. Push-ups on the uneven bars for the pectoral muscles 15 times in 3 sets.
  2. Raising the legs in support 20 times in 4 sets.
  3. Push-ups on triceps 15 times for 3 sets.
  4. Squats 16 times 3 sets.

Third day: rest and recovery. You can just walk, massage and water treatments will also be useful.

So, the bars can become a full-fledged replacement for many simulators, but it should be understood that classes on this projectile require increased attention to technology. If in the hall you can perform isolated exercises on any muscle group, pumping it and spending a minimum of effort on control, then the situation with bars is more complicated. It is important to follow the technique and work out exactly the target muscles. Only in this case, regular training on the uneven bars gives a visible and tangible result.

Bars are perhaps one of the most underrated sports equipment for achieving good physical shape. In addition to the usual working position, in which a conditional chest or triceps is trained, if you have imagination, you can pump anything at all. With the condition that there are parallel bars in almost every yard among high-rise buildings and on every sports ground, you have access to an invaluable simulator.

What muscles work on the uneven bars

Let's start with standard exercises on the uneven bars, when you stand between two pipes, take the support and lower yourself. A lot depends on the angle and amplitude of repetitions.

  • For example, if you spread your elbows to the sides when doing push-ups on the uneven bars, you will help stretch the side of the pectoral muscle, which will enhance its study. In principle, the pectoral muscles are quite easy to pump in this way.
  • If you press your elbows to the body, pushing up on the uneven bars, then the emphasis is on the triceps.
  • When you lean back, you can hit the same triceps and lats much more.

How to practice on the uneven bars

Experimenting with grips, the load changes or accents are placed. And all this with only the same type of exercises. The usual exercises that you did on the floor will be transformed into something else if you do it on the uneven bars. For example, push-ups. Performing them on pipes, the amplitude will be much larger, which will allow you to pump the pectoral muscle very well. There is also a good exercise - a bench press from some surface, where you sit with your back against a bench, put your hands on it and only raise your body horizontally with them, while your legs just lie on the floor. On the uneven bars, obviously, the amplitude is also much larger.

Lifting the body into a seat - standard exercise on the press. On the floor, a problem often arises in the fact that during movements the lower back is rubbed and becomes uncomfortable.

However, here it is worth being careful and controlling yourself. When training, on the uneven bars you can lower the body very low. This could be useful if it did not harm the spine. Everything needs to be done right.

Well, if you have a fantasy or just a desire to know more, then you can come up with so many different strange and very effective exercises. Such gymnastics on the uneven bars will only benefit. In extreme cases, they can even be used as a horizontal bar, you just have to pull yourself up with a corner.

But there is one problem with them - the risk of damaging the joints or getting sprained. This is easily corrected by good and correct technique.

There are no particular contraindications on the uneven bars, except for those who have problems with these same joints or those who do not consciously perform approaches.

If you train with a hot head to just do, then there will be more harm.

Top 9 exercises on uneven bars

1. Standard bar press

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Pull your elbows towards you.
  3. Work to your full potential.

2. Bench press with elbows to the sides

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Move your elbows away from you.
  3. Work to your full potential.

3. Incline Bench Press

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Tilt the body as far forward as possible, and slightly lift the pelvis and hold.

4. Shoulder Press

  1. Get between the bars.
  2. Jump in and push yourself up.
  3. Raise your shoulders up and down.
  4. Lift yourself up with your upper back.

This exercise will work well on the trapezoid, shoulders and neck. Exercise analogue.

5. Push-ups on the uneven bars lying

  1. Take an emphasis lying on the uneven bars.
  2. Get down as low as possible, but do not bend at the waist.

6. Incline Dips Bench Press

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Legs, also, throw on the pipes in front of you.
  3. Tilt the body back.
  4. Get as low as you can.

7. Reverse Bar Press

  1. Jump onto the pipes.
  2. Place your hands with your fingers towards you.
  3. Push up.

8. Walking with your hands on uneven bars

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Use your hands to move to the other end.

extremely interesting and useful exercise. Works as a static and strengthens your body. You can play around and complicate it by requiring movement by jumping with your hands. You can also do push-ups after each shift. It's up to your imagination.

9. Exercise on the press

  1. Jump onto the bars.
  2. Raise your straight legs above the bar.
  3. Move them apart so that they slightly extend beyond the bars.
  4. Slowly lower your legs down.

Bars training program

Thanks to the versatility of the bars, we have a variety that will help to properly distribute the load on different muscles and lengthen your workouts. In principle, as in any other area, the training schedule on the uneven bars is approximately the same - daily or 3 to 1. The difference is that training on the uneven bars every day is strengthening, maintaining and a slight increase in overall tone. If you have a lot of free time and energy, you can do this workout on the uneven bars every day, and on some days some other one, up to the same muscles. This has a positive effect on the overall physical form and discipline.

The order of the complex of exercises on the uneven bars is as follows:

  • Push-ups horizontal (15 times).
  • Standard press (10 times).
  • Bench press back (15 times).
  • Bench press with elbows to the side (10 times).
  • Shoulder press (12 times).
  • Bench press forward (8 times).
  • bench press reverse grip(7 times).
  • Walking on uneven bars with hands.

Rest between sets 70 seconds. It is advisable to perform the set twice, but it depends on your physical development. If it's difficult, then start with one. Climbing is the final exercise, which is recommended to be done at the end of a workout, not a circle. The press, which was described above, serves in order not to slow down the intensity. He is in this text just as an example. good exercise, which, although similar to , is still different. However, if you want to burn more calories, then instead of resting between circles, do this exercise.

Warm up well so as not to get injured.

For beginners in sports who are engaged on the uneven bars, you can try to perform only a standard bench press to get used to it.

For girls standard dips and abs are better, instead of deviations and grip changes.

Push-ups come first in order to more adapt the muscles to the next load, and not the joints. The most trivial but important rule is that you train for yourself, not for someone else. This means that each repetition must be of high quality. Don't sag at the pace. Breathe. No need to hold your breath while doing challenging tasks. This will destroy your body before you reach the end of the first round. AND . This technique will not only improve your performance during training, but also improve the result after it.


Bars are a unique projectile. With the help of them, you can pump everything that you want. Probably, only legs are impossible, but even here you can think of something. Don't limit yourself to pattern exercises. Training should not be focused on one muscle or even a group. A non-standard approach will improve you comprehensively. You will be hardy and strong and not only in those things where you train.

Exercises on uneven bars in video format

There are many different types simulators for training all parts of the body. Bars - one of the most affordable options, you can find these two crossbars in a neighboring yard along with a horizontal bar. If you train correctly according to the scheme in compliance with the technique, you will be able to pump all the muscles of the body using only the bars.

What does the uneven bars contribute to

Some athletes mistakenly believe that the projectile does not provide a lot of choice for exercises, that the main focus of training on the uneven bars is triceps, but this is far from all. When changing the angle of the body position, rearranging the hands, you will have the opportunity to train:

  • back
  • biceps;
  • breast;
  • press;
  • shoulders.

Exercises on the uneven bars are not only push-ups, but also pull-ups, static options, combined approaches. As a rule, work is carried out with your own weight, which will help strengthen muscles and lose weight. If you need to gain mass, you will have to work with weights. The effectiveness of training with this projectile is as high as when working in the gym, subject to the technique and regularity of training. Such classes are well suited for both men and girls.

Bars training program

The choice of a training scheme depends on your goal (lose weight, pump up), the muscle group that needs to be worked out. For example, a guy wants to lose weight and at the same time build more shoulders. He will need to perform at an intense pace with a minimum interval between sets, incomplete push-ups with an inclination. The preparation of a training program should be approached individually, but most schemes include such exercises on the uneven bars:

  • push-ups with an emphasis on triceps;
  • push-ups with an emphasis on the chest;
  • leg lift for the press;
  • parallel pull-ups;
  • regular pull-ups;
  • static press training (corner).

The duration of classes, intensity, number of repetitions of approaches - all this affects the final result. You need to choose a training option based on your goal. Here are some recommendations for beginners that are needed for effective training:

  1. To lose weight. You should perform 10-12 repetitions in each approach, between them take a break of no more than 20 seconds. This will help you keep your heart rate within the required range to speed up the fat burning process. The complex should include at least 3-4 exercises, and the duration cannot exceed 25-30 minutes.
  2. To strengthen the muscles and pump them up a little. It is necessary to engage in a more relaxed pace, rest can be up to 1 minute between sets, which should be at least 4-5 for each exercise. Reps should be at least 15-18. You can use a little weight.
  3. For strength training. In this case, you can not do without additional weight. Take your backpack and put it down heavy books, dumbbells (if available at home) or something to get 6-7 kg of extra weight. In the complex, select 3-4 exercises, perform 3-4 sets of 7-8 repetitions. Rest can be 1-2 minutes.

Exercise technique on uneven bars

To work effectively with this projectile (as with any other), it is important to observe the technique. The result of classes depends on how far your hands will stand, how you breathe. You can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening, the main thing is that you are comfortable and you are not too tired. In the absence of a sufficient amount of energy, there will be no benefit from training, muscle development will not occur. During the approach, you need to control the following points:

  • position of hands and body;
  • breath;
  • movement mechanics.


This is one of the simplest, most popular and effective exercises on the uneven bars. It is easy to perform for beginners (boys and girls), the technique is simple and understandable. There are two main types of push-ups that load different muscle groups:

Classic push-ups on the uneven bars:

  1. Jump onto the projectile or use a stand to get into the starting position.
  2. The arms are parallel, the body is even, the legs can be slightly bent at the knees, keep your head straight, look forward.
  3. Begin to bend your elbows as you inhale, dropping down. Keep your head straight, body slightly tilted forward.
  4. Lower yourself until your shoulders are at the level of the projectile. Then rise again to the starting position as you exhale.
  5. At the end point, the elbows should not be fully extended, otherwise the load from the muscles will be transferred to the joint and the efficiency will be lower. Always keep your elbow slightly bent.
  6. Girls do not always manage to rise from the bottom point. With such a problem, you can swing only with negative approaches: just go down slowly. Then jump back onto the projectile and repeat the lowering. Do this version of the exercise until the muscles get used to it and you have enough strength to perform the lift up.

Chest push-ups:

  1. Get into position as you would with regular push-ups. Place your legs and arms on the crossbars.
  2. Start pushing. Efficiency increases due to the fact that you can go lower. This stretches the muscles of the chest and loads them more. In the usual push-ups, the floor interferes with this.


Not quite a standard option on the uneven bars, it is easier to work in this direction on the horizontal bar, but in the absence of the latter, you can also swing on the uneven bars. Here, too, there are two options for execution: classic pull-ups and a parallel grip. In the first case, use the crossbar as a horizontal bar. Bend your legs and perform any pull-up: wide, narrow, regular or reverse grip. In the second case, a parallel grip is used:

  1. Grasp the projectile with your hands, throw your legs on the crossbars. You must hang on your hands.
  2. Perform pull-ups to the bars on the exhale. Try to use the muscles not in the arms, but in the back.
  3. Return to the starting point.

Bars workout

This sports equipment helps to pump a large number of muscle groups. If you use a comprehensive training program, then in one session you can load the triceps, chest, back, shoulders, and abs well. Below is an example for beginners for the first time. In the future, experienced athletes will need to replace some exercises. Workout example:

  1. Push-ups are classic. The technique of the exercise has been described above. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If you manage to do less, it's okay, do enough to feel the load.
  2. Push-ups for the chest. The technique has been described above. Perform 3-4 sets with the same number of repetitions.
  3. Pull-ups with a parallel grip. 1-20 reps, 3-4 sets.
  4. Press leg raises. Take the starting position, as with classic push-ups. Straighten your arms completely, fix the body and slowly raise straight legs in front of you. You should get a “corner”, at the top point, try to linger for 2-3 seconds, then slowly (without throwing) lower them down. Repeat the movement 10-15 times. Enough 2-3 approaches.


This is one of the few old school (Old School) multi-joint exercises, which are left over from the old, classical school of bodybuilding. In the 50s. of the last century, when the choice of simulators was not as extensive as it is now, push-ups on the uneven bars had no alternative. Over the years, they have remained the base for training triceps and pumping the pectoral muscles. Their undeniable advantage is that the degree of load can be adjusted by the position of the body and arms, as well as the width of the projectile. Although this is not the only plus, thanks to which they have many adherents.

Operating principle

The first thing athletes want to know is what muscles work when doing push-ups on the uneven bars. They are a general strengthening exercise for the entire upper body. Deltas and trapeziums are actively involved. You will not find anything more effective for the pectoral muscles, the emphasis is also shifting to the triceps.

If you spread your elbows as wide as possible and lean forward more, the load will be focused on the lower chest muscles. If the elbows are pressed to the body, and the angle of the body forward is minimal, the work will be done mainly by the triceps.

About anatomy. Triceps in their mass fraction are about 2/3 of the shoulder, and their size plays a very important role in the formation of inflated, beautiful hands. By focusing only on the biceps, athletes will never get a harmoniously developed forearm.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we take into account the training of the chest, then push-ups from the uneven bars have no equal. At the same time, the level of injury risk when performing this exercise also rolls over. Therefore, including them in the training program, you need to get acquainted with both positive and negative points in advance.


  • Targeted study of the necessary muscles;
  • a powerful push to perform all the bench press exercises;
  • most effective exercise for training the pectoral muscles: as a result, they will be drawn very beautifully, the deltas will increase in volume, the shoulders will expand;
  • the formation of an athletic posture: a straight back, deployed shoulders, chest forward.


  • A fairly good physical preparation is required; with untrained triceps, it is difficult to perform push-ups;
  • during the exercise, a very strong overextension of the shoulder occurs, so there are contraindications for its implementation: chronic dislocations and pain in the shoulder joints;
  • increased risk of injury.

If you master the execution technique, observe contraindications and avoid annoying mistakes, you may not notice the shortcomings.

Records. In 1998 English athlete Simon Kent completed 3,989 dips in an hour. In 2002, Lincoln College (also from England) did 140 push-ups in 1 minute.

Execution rules

Due to the high injury risk, the technique must be worked out at 100%. You can’t increase the load and take on the proposed training schemes without mastering it. Otherwise, not only will you not achieve any results, but you also risk injuring yourself. shoulder joints and neck.


  1. The warm-up should be devoted to warming up the shoulder girdle. This will reduce the risk of injury.
  2. It is necessary to start push-ups from the top point, since at the bottom, the muscles are in a stretched state, and the body itself is relaxed.
  3. Choose a comfortable and desired grip width. Firmly clamp the bars with a straight grip. The palms should be turned towards the body. Press the chin firmly against the chest.
  4. Shift the weight onto the arms off the legs, which are now crossing. Pull your shoulders back.
  5. Take a deep breath through your nose. Start a slow descent. The lower the speed, the safer and more efficient the load will be.
  6. Lock in at a comfortable depth. Bring the shoulder blades together, do not slouch. Shoulders should not go in different directions.
  7. The angle at the elbow at the bottom should be 90° or slightly less.
  8. Feeling the stretching of the muscles, you can finally exhale the air with your mouth and begin to rise smoothly. The main thing is to avoid jerks.
  9. At the moment of lifting, it is important not to make any movements with the head, not to swing the body. To fully control and stabilize the position of the body, it is necessary to strain the abs and buttocks as much as possible. But it is necessary to work exclusively at the expense of hands.
  1. Many people ask how to replace push-ups on the uneven bars so that the load is equivalent. You can offer a bench for the bench press, but even this, despite its popularity with bodybuilders, loads the chest less.
  2. Gradually increase the weight of the weights.
  3. Start with triceps-oriented push-ups. And from the next month of training, start doing the chest exercise.
  4. Follow correct breathing: lowering is done on inspiration, lifting - on exhalation.
  5. To avoid injury, make sure that the width of the bars is slightly more than the width of the shoulders.
  6. No need to strive for top speed. The slower you learn to do this, the better the muscles will be worked out.
  7. Girls better start with the gravitron. If before that you have not been engaged in pumping your arms and chest, it will be difficult to complete the exercise. It is better to work in a complex special complex.

If you can’t do push-ups the first time, you need to prepare the body for the load. As leading exercises, experts recommend (regular and wide), from the bench (emphasis on hands from behind).


By slightly changing the execution technique, you can distribute the load in a different way and shift the focus to the desired muscle group. For complex development, work a month - in one style, a month - in another. Start with triceps, then move on to exercises with a wide grip for the chest.

  • Focus on triceps

The body and spine should be as vertical as possible at any time during the push-up. Do not allow the neck to tilt back. The gaze is directed strictly forward, the chin looks at its lowest point on the floor. The legs are either straightened or crossed (as you prefer). The top point is a lockout - full extension of the elbows. The grip should correspond to the width of the shoulders or be slightly narrower. Hands are tightly pressed to the body. The elbows during the exercise move back, but not to the sides. Lowering - to an angle at the elbows of 90 °. At correct technique performing the contraction of the triceps will be felt in full force.

  • Emphasis on the chest

Change the position of the body - and instead of triceps, the chest will be pumped much more powerfully. Tilt your torso forward, and the lowest point at the time of lowering should be as deep as possible. Here you already need to do push-ups on wide bars that exceed (but not much) the width of your shoulders. Elbows are bred at an angle of 45 ° to the body. To ensure the correct tilt of the body, you need to press your chin to your chest, cross your legs, bend your knees and slightly move them forward. Going down to the maximum depth, you should feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles to the limit. At the top point, the arms do not fully straighten out so that there is no shift to the triceps.

  • With weights

You can perform push-ups on bars with weights only after you have worked out the classic with your own weight in the scheme of 3 sets (1 minute interval) of 15 repetitions. To do this, you can use special weighted belts or vests. It is important to perform the lowering and lifting correctly - slowly, without jerking. The bottom point is the most dangerous, so you need to be extremely careful. Correctly draw up a training program with weight: start with minimum loads(in terms of kg and repetitions), gradually increasing them.

Weighted bar push-ups are considered the best alternative to barbell exercises.

  • Partial Reps

Assume a partial lowering of the body (about half), not reaching the bottom point. It is recommended for experienced athletes to perform after the usual scheme in order to “finish off” the muscles.

  • In the simulator

A good alternative to street bars can be a simulator, which is available in almost any gym. Push-ups in the gravitron will be distinguished by the presence of a counterweight. Even beginners can make them. The biceps and triceps are actively working here, but the pectoral muscles will receive a slightly smaller load. The required weight is set, the handrails are wrapped around with brushes, the legs are placed on a special step. Bend the body back. Elbows form a right angle. Shoulder blades as close as possible to each other. Straighten your arms at the elbows so that the muscles tense. This exercise is called the reverse push-up.

  • Pronated grip

Experienced athletes who want to increase the load on the triceps can be advised to do push-ups on the uneven bars with a reverse grip (it is also called pronated). The main "trick" is to grab the bars with your palms away from you (it seems that your arms are turned out).

Schemes and training programs

You need to understand that training programs aimed at developing triceps strength and pumping up chest, will be different for beginners and more trained athletes.

General scheme

Both beginners and experienced athletes will need the following push-up scheme: 3 sets (the interval depends on physical fitness: from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes) for 15 repetitions. During this time, all the target muscles will have time to tire. As soon as you feel an increase in strength, you can take on weights. But then you have to reduce the number of repetitions to 8-10 and increase them gradually along with the weight.

For newbies

For the more experienced

If a physical training allows you to use a more complex scheme. Include push-ups at the beginning of your triceps workout and at the end of your chest workout. It is not recommended to put the bars before the bench press, as you will tire the triceps. You can use the following techniques to limit the increase in the total load.

  1. Partial repetitions after the usual interval repetition pattern.
  2. Forced repetitions, when after regular push-ups you need to do 4-5 more times, but at the same time, your partner must insure your legs, helping with lifting.
  3. Drop sets. Do not pause between sets of push-ups with weights. Instead, reduce the weight each time.
  4. negative reps. Very traumatic, but at the same time effective. Have to take Weight Limit weights with which you can do 5 push-ups. Lowering should be very slow (at least 4 seconds). The rise is done with the help of the legs: just stand on any elevation (bench or stops) and return to the top point.

Approximate training program for 2 months:

If you need to work your chest and triceps well, you don’t have to stress your body with a bench press. It’s difficult, and still you won’t get such a powerful load, as they give her body push-ups on the uneven bars. This is universal exercise, which can be performed both in the hall on special simulator, and on the street in the yard; both men and women; both for gaining muscle mass. So, when compiling the next training program for the near future, do not ignore it.
