Rhythmic gymnastics from 3 years old. Is it worth giving a child to rhythmic gymnastics and what do such lessons give? Side effects of intense exercise

Rhythmic gymnastics has a strong appeal not only for little girls who love beautiful shiny gymnastics costumes, but also for moms who want their children to be strong, graceful and successful. After all rhythmic gymnastics Is both acrobatics, dancing and good psychological preparation. But behind the beautiful cover there is a whole invisible world - hard work, disappointments, defeats, injuries. Of course, if you have the opportunity and desire, you must definitely give the girl a lesson. But you need to know all the positive and negative sides that are present in this sport.

How old is it possible to practice

Rhythmic gymnastics can be practiced regularly from the age of four. Up to this age (at three years old), you can bring the baby to the gym once a week in order to interest him and so that he gets used to the situation. From the age of four, a child is taken to gymnastics unofficially, two or three times a week. Moreover, in the first lessons, the presence of parents is mandatory (not in the gym, but near the sports school), in order to smooth out the psychological discomfort that the child may have, if possible.

But at the same time, at the age of four there are girls who are well physically prepared and psychologically tuned to classes no worse than older children. Of course, such children are an exception, but it is precisely such gifted children that coaches are looking for. The sooner you start practicing, the better, because such children are perfectly stretched to twine, make folds and, in general, difficulties will be easier to tolerate if they become a habit in some way. However, if the child is interested, there will be no problems with classes. Officially sports schools they recruit girls at 4 - 5 years old, such children preschool age can already take responsibility for future results.

If the child does not want to exercise

It happens so that the child wants to go to school, but, faced with difficulties, begins to be mischievous and say that he does not need this. In such conditions, it is impossible to effectively conduct classes. You need to interest the child - buy the girl a beautiful tracksuit. Or let them practice in smart performance costumes. Do a beautiful hairstyle for class, light baby make-up. With such promises - to buy a gymnastic hoop, a winding for a hoop, clubs and beautifully decorate them, you can persuade a child to practice effectively for a long time.

It is necessary to intensively distract the child from difficulties before the first competition. If the result is positive and the child won a prize, his eyes will light up and this will be a good incentive to study in the future. If it did not work out, you need to focus on the elements and exercises that worked best and praise the child. You also need to pay a little attention to mistakes so that the child can improve his level in subsequent lessons.

You might think that Small child does not understand anything, and he can simply be forced to go to gymnastics. But in rhythmic, like artistic gymnastics, children grow up very early. Constant stress and discipline quickly make them psychologically older and a lot can be explained to such a child as an adult. Therefore, explain to your child the advantages of gymnastics (they can be more successful), future prospects (you can get a profession early) and it will be easier for such an athlete to do it.

School schedule and performance

There is often an opinion that gymnasts do not have the opportunity to fully study at school and attend other sections. This is partly true, because at an early age, children are engaged in rhythmic gymnastics up to three hours a day, three to four times a week. And very soon, in the second or third year, the load increases to three to four hours a day, and classes are held daily.

But you need to take into account that a child, having a busy schedule, becomes more disciplined, and the productivity of work increases significantly. If the girl is responsible, even when she comes home at eight in the evening, she will have a quick dinner and in an hour and a half will be able to do as many homework assignments as an ordinary schoolboy does in three to four hours. After all, if there are no additional activities, the child sits for a long time at the computer or walks aimlessly in the yard, and homework turns into throwing between food, games and sitting on social networks.

So school performance depends entirely on the efforts of parents to try to help do their homework, namely to explain to the child the points that he does not understand well, for example, in mathematics or foreign language... After all, there are successful gymnasts who attend a sports school every day and at the same time are excellent students in ordinary schools.

A similar situation is with the music school. There is an opinion that it is impossible to combine a sports and music school (in addition to the usual general education). But this is absolutely not the case. The fact is that classes in music school consist of four hours a week - two hours for a practical lesson, one hour for solfeggio, one hour for music literature, and you don't have to take part in the choir - this is optional. Gymnastics with a daily visit, it takes at least 20 hours a week, in reality it is more for successful athletes (who can do more, preparing for competitions), so if you agree with a coach and choose a music school closer, you can quite successfully get a music education as well. Moreover, the time practical training can be corrected, and music literature and solfeggio do not have to be visited every time.

Such irregular classes in a music school can negatively affect a girl's musical success, but have a positive effect on her sports success. After all, such a switch to another type of activity further disciplines the child and also gives the body a psychological break from constant physical activity... The main problem in visiting another section is the will sports coach, who is usually very jealous of his sport and is categorically opposed to attending another type of activity, a music school in our case. And no arguments that this is for general development, is good for the girl and that it will not hurt sports, do not work.

Sometimes it only remains to correct the lessons so that the sports school does not notice the lessons in the music school, thinking, for example, that the child walks at such a time, for example, on English language, trainers are more loyal and less jealous of language courses. Moreover, it is necessary to correct it so that additional exercises are before training, since no one will let go of training, at least on a regular basis.

Underwater rocks

There will be a coach in rhythmic gymnastics. No wonder, every sport will have a coach. But if the mentor spends up to 30 hours a week with the child, then a lot depends on him. Building a relationship with a coach is fairly straightforward, but there are circumstances where you can be unhappy with him - for example, in a group, he will give preference to someone else. In gymnastics, the children of the coach's acquaintances, the children of other coaches and the children of important (and wealthy) people are engaged, they will be in the first place. You may be unhappy with the situation, but you must understand that if your child is not a “protégé”, then you can only come to the fore with triple work, there are no other ways. The situation is similar with refereeing, it is not always objective, but having a serious advantage in an impeccably executed complex program, subjectivity can be overcome and get a decent assessment.

There is no point in swearing with the coach - it will only hurt the child who spends tens of hours a week with the pupil and will always be able to recoup, for example, scolding for the exercises. After a ruined relationship, switching to another coach will be a difficult task, since a student in gymnastics is considered almost the property of a coach and the only way out of him is to leave a sports school. And even if there is an opportunity to go to another coach in the same school, the teaching staff can be very friendly, and there will be the same training option or even worse.

One more point - rhythmic gymnastics, even for beginners, will require costs. Costumes, accessories, travel will be worth the money. But keep in mind that gymnastics is a very difficult job. Not every adult works as hard throughout the day as young gymnasts work for several hours, constantly doing exercises. Therefore, the child does not need to skimp on extra beautiful accessories - let it be his salary. There is another side of the coin - a child who suffers from gymnastics begins to feel sorry at home. Thus, a hard worker in rhythmic gymnastics, even if he and a super-champion becomes a bum. If nothing is done, the problem may be noticed late. It's just that classes in general education and sports schools are not enough for upbringing, so let's do our homework - clean up, wash the dishes, at least a little, you can also specially plant a vegetable garden for labor education.

Rhythmic gymnastics, due to the many difficult exercises, leads to numerous injuries and chronic diseases. Therefore, if the child has pain in joints, knees, ankles and a break in exercises did not improve, think about switching to another sport, perhaps dance Sport, where gymnastic training is useful, but there will not be such a load.

“Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport for the strong, very strong girls... Sitting on a split for the first time is very painful, and any achievement is given through severe pain, which not every child can withstand "- says the bronze medalist Olympic Games 2012 Lyubov Cherkashina.

An experienced athlete believes that crucial role in the formation girls gymnasts parents play. If you feel sorry for your daughter all the time, then the champion will not come out of her, many leave precisely because they cannot endure the pain, she notes. So is it worth even giving your baby to such a cruel sport?

Why is it worth giving a baby to gymnastics?

  • The girl will form fit figure, correct gait and even posture.
  • Successful gymnasts have an "iron" character, because they have to endure hellish pain. Whether your baby needs such a character is up to you.
  • Willpower, endurance, discipline, patience - all these qualities are brought up by gymnastics.
  • In addition to physical data, the girl will develop an ear for music.
  • Developed and stretched muscles make it possible to forget about ordinary childhood injuries outside of training.

Why shouldn't you do rhythmic gymnastics?

At performances, the girls seem to flutter on the carpet, bend like plasticine dolls, but such skills are very difficult for them. The first years of training become a real torture for them, in order to stretch their muscles they have to endure severe pain.

“I have always liked rhythmic gymnastics, I gave my daughter away with pleasure and looked forward to beautiful performances. Parents were not allowed into the gym during the workout, but my daughter came out crying all the time. The coach said that this is normal, the first two or three years really hurt a lot. On the open lesson I was convinced of this myself, my baby with burning tears for the first time sat down on the twine. I took pity on her, we no longer started going to trainings, ”says the mother of the failed five-year-old athlete Viktoria Katkova.

So, the main disadvantage of this sport is the severe pain that the child will have to endure. And here the question is pertinent: for what? Olympic champion becomes one of the millions, and the rest at the age of 20 end their careers, at best becoming a coach. In addition, gymnasts receive sprains, and sometimes tears of ligaments, are on diets, and train five times a week.

Another drawback is the financial component. Fees and prize funds much less than in mass sports. But swimwear and sports equipment are not cheap. For example, a children's swimsuit for classes will cost at least five thousand rubles, and an outfit for performances can cost all 50 thousand.

Who is contraindicated in rhythmic gymnastics?

  • Children with diabetes.
  • With heart disease.
  • For any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Girls diagnosed with scoliosis.
  • Those with visual impairment.

Who is rhythmic gymnastics suitable for?

  • A fragile, graceful girl.
  • A girl of medium and small stature.
  • That little girl who has a sense of rhythm and an ear for music.
  • A girl with character, not a little crybaby.

When to send the baby to class?

Any coach will tell you that you need to start classes as early as possible. Children's flexibility and plasticity without proper training "weakens" every year, and therefore many mothers bring their daughters to a sports school at the age of three. Pediatricians strongly oppose such an early introduction to severe sports, they advise starting classes no earlier than five years.

If you are seriously thinking about a career as a gymnast for your little one, then do not waste time! After six years, flexibility begins to decline, and by the age of eight, it is almost impossible to join the sport.

How are gymnastics classes going?

For the first year, no one will “stretch” the baby with all his might, put her on a twine and put her on the bridge. At first, the coach will “check” what the child is capable of, evaluate his natural data, and only then he will begin to improve them. The first few months of training take place in a playful way, then the simplest elements are introduced: a stand on the shoulder blades, a wave, a bridge, and already in the second year of training, the girls begin to train at full strength.

If you decide to send your daughter to this sport, then the first thing to do is to trust the coach! You should not give advice, take part in training. Do not dictate your own rules, even if it seems to you that the coach is too strict in relation to your little one.

We told you about what rhythmic gymnastics is, and how difficult it is for young athletes to have beautiful and graceful performances. Should I give my daughter to this sport? Yes, if you have the courage! And not for the girl, but for you - your parents. You will have to comfort and support her after each workout, and make sure that she can endure the next stretch.

Have you ever imagined your daughter as a rhythmic gymnast?

Welcome to the Elite rhythmic gymnastics school in Moscow. It is in our section that your daughter will be able to realize herself and become a great athlete! Rhythmic gymnastics is recognized as the most graceful, graceful and beautiful sport for children, which will give a girl flexibility, ability to control the body, health, dexterity and purposefulness for life.

Our team consists of masters of sports and well-known choreographers, who are focused on achieving excellent results. You can find prices and reviews of classes on our website.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children in the South-Western Administrative District

There are several groups in our school, therefore, before the registration, the first trial lesson is required, in which the trainer determines the level of training. For girls are presented:

  • Initial level of preparation.
  • Advanced level. Professional training of schoolgirls from 8 to 14 years old who have been engaged in gymnastics for several years.
  • Intensive classes that include choreographic exercises.

The groups have several directions, depending on the goal set by the young athlete.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children: reviews

Should I give a girl to sports? Advantages of classes in the rhythmic gymnastics section:

  • Earlier hardening, which reduces the risk of developing colds.
  • The condition of the musculoskeletal system improves, scoliosis and flat feet disappear.
  • The gymnasts develop the habit of gracefully and femininely taking positions and making every movement.
  • The psycho-emotional state improves. In the process of training, the hormone of happiness is produced, and the achievement of success in the implementation of an element or an elegant execution of the program causes self-satisfaction.
  • High rate of discipline. WITH early years athletes fulfill the coach's requirements.
  • Serious approach to any business.
  • Slim for life.
  • Self-confidence.
  • How old are you to go to rhythmic gymnastics? Ideal age 3-6 years old.
  • Girls know how not only to win, but also to accept the bitterness of defeat.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most popular types sports for girls. And this is not surprising, young gymnasts are delighted with bright costumes, communication with peers and the first small victories. For parents, in turn, it is important that their girls grow up to be graceful, strong and successful. Gymnastics is perfect sport to achieve these goals. It includes dance elements, acrobatic studies and good psychological preparation... Thanks to this, gymnasts from a young age have grace, plasticity, flexibility, a sense of rhythm and psychological stability.

It is important for parents that their girls grow up to be graceful, strong and successful.

Parents should be aware that behind the outer veneer of this romantic sport there can be a hidden world: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries of your child. You should also correlate desires with financial capabilities, gymnastics is not a cheap sport. Sewing bright costumes, buying the necessary equipment and shoes will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Having evaluated the pros and cons of sports, as well as the potential and desire of you and your child, it is imperative to send the girl to the training of rhythmic gymnastics.

The beginning of rhythmic gymnastics classes

How old is it possible to practice

At what age to start doing gymnastics depends on the goals. You can start classes for yourself personally, that is, to maintain harmony, the formation of flexibility and plasticity, you can at any age. However, it must be remembered that there is a strict age limit for serious gymnastics.

For the first time, you should come to training at the age of 3 years. At this age, bring your child to the rhythmic gymnastics room for one hour a week. This is necessary for the baby to get used to the environment. At 4 years old, the baby can be brought to classes 2-3 times a week, however, to overcome psychological discomfort, parents should be close to the sports school at this time.

The official recruitment of young athletes in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of five. At this age, qualified coaches can make a cruel selection, after which only those children who are well developed, both physically and psychologically, remain in the sport.

Parents should be prepared to spend a lot of time training. By the age of 12-14, the gymnast will spend 5 hours in the gym every day. Therefore, one should prepare a child from childhood for the fact that sport requires certain efforts, without which it is impossible to achieve success.

How to interest a child in rhythmic gymnastics

Children and sports are inextricably linked, however, when a child begins to play sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal. Sooner or later, a young athlete will face difficulties and will not want to go to classes.

When a child begins to play sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal.

Parents often think that children do not understand anything due to their age and that they can simply be forced to go to gymnastics. However, remember that children in sports mature psychologically very early, so try to explain the benefits of sports to your child:

  • Prospects for the future
  • You can get a profession early
  • The figure of a gymnast girl is slim and fit
  • Internal psychological core

If the child is too young for serious conversations about the future and interest in prospects, try not to force him, but to distract him:

  • Buying beautiful shape for classes
  • Workout with makeup and hair
  • Workout in a swimsuit for performances
  • Purchase of inventory and accessories (rope, ball, etc.)

The most important thing is to distract the child before the first performance. If the result is successful, then he will have an incentive to study for a long time. If the first time turns out to be unsuccessful, do not scold the athlete, but praise for the elements that have turned out. In both cases, it is necessary to devote a little time to mistakes so that the next time the little athlete improves his result.

Never compare a child with others, and in no case say in front of him that there are few chances in competitions, because very strong competitors will compete. By doing this, you doom your young athlete to low self-esteem. If you think that the child is still too young and does not understand anything, you are deeply mistaken. At a young age, children absorb any information like a sponge.

Gymnastics for beginners

The best way to get started is to enroll in a sports school. However, gymnastics is available to all ages. If you decide to go in for sports at a conscious age, it is best to start with individual lessons in rhythmic gymnastics. A qualified trainer will appreciate your sports opportunities and the state of the body. He will be able to build a teaching methodology for a girl in such a way as to get desired result in a minimum amount of time and without negative consequences.

behind the outer veneer of this romantic sport can hide a hidden world: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries.

If it is not possible to take in rhythmic gymnastics individual sessions in gyms, start exercising at home. Get a rug and a comfortable sports uniform, consult your doctor about the absence of contraindications and start doing gymnastics exercises for beginners.

Rhythmic gymnastics for beginners includes rules, the implementation of which will help in achieving results:

  • Exercise regularly (3-4 times a week)
  • The duration of the lesson must be at least 30 minutes
  • Don't eat 40 minutes before starting workout
  • Warm-up is required element training, it must be remembered that you need to develop all muscle groups to avoid injury
  • After training, you need to cool down and stretch.

Basic exercises

Gymnastics will help you learn rhythmic gymnastics at home. basic exercises, they include the general office, so the implementation of these elements by beginners does not require special skills. They should be performed physically separately. When your muscles get stronger and the body gets used to the stress, you should move on to more complex elements.


Beginners should do the exercise on a chair. We make 15 repetitions of the left and right foot... Angle ahead standing leg should be blunt, the knee should not protrude beyond the heel. The knee of the supporting leg drops to the floor. Exercise engages the abdominal muscles, thighs, and glutes.


They are carried out with support on the wall. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, the hand reaches to the knee. We do 10-15 repetitions. We perform the exercise exclusively on warmed up muscles. The muscles of the body are involved.


Legs should be spread wide, making sure that the toes point straight ahead. We transfer the body weight from the left leg to the right, perform 15 approaches. Exercise engages the inner thighs and buttocks.

Push ups

Beginners should start the exercise with an emphasis on the knees. To obtain the desired effect, you need to keep your back straight and reach with your chest to the floor. The exercise targets the muscles in your back, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Raising the knees

We stretch our arms parallel to the floor, start walking, pull our knees towards the hands.

School schedule and performance

People believe that serious sport cannot be combined with good study. This opinion is completely wrong. Athletes often do better than their peers through discipline and responsibility. A busy schedule from childhood allows the child to concentrate on homework and complete lessons faster than peers.

Rhythmic gymnastics occupies a special place among aesthetic sports. It is beauty and grace that attract athletes and connoisseurs: in combination with an excellent musical component and with additional items - a hoop, ribbon, ball, club - we get an exciting show, a triumph of aesthetics and physical fitness.

Russian athletes traditionally excel in this sport. It is no coincidence that in many cities there are sections, children's and youth sports schools (CYSS), in which experienced coaches train girls in the direction of "Rhythmic gymnastics". Our city was no exception: if there is a desire and free time, girls can attend these unusual trainings, which take place on a special gymnastic carpet.

Indeed, the advantages of rhythmic gymnastics are obvious: posture and bearing are improved, muscles and musculature are strengthened. This activity has an excellent effect on the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems... Do not forget about increasing coordination, endurance, flexibility. In addition, girls learn more about world culture, develop musical and artistic taste, and learn to work in a team.

Choosing the right shoes for your young gymnast

The main mistake parents choosing shoes for their daughter, who started rhythmic gymnastics, is that they buy gym shoes or ballet slippers. This is fundamentally wrong! It is worth considering the specifics of the lesson and choosing other shoes, namely half shoes. Their main advantage is an easy fit on the leg and inexpensive cost. With their help, you can easily perform various movements and turns, and outwardly they look very nice. But in any case, depending on the age, the characteristics of training and the structure of the foot, it is better to consult with a trainer or teacher on this issue.

How to avoid injury in rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that attracts with its beauty and grace. But not everyone knows that behind the external lightness and smoothness of movements of athletes are hidden years of hard training, during which it happens that everyone would like to avoid - injury. Everyone wants to protect themselves from them: the gymnasts themselves, and their parents, and coaches. The risk of injury depends on which coach the young lady falls into. An experienced specialist is fluent in all techniques, perfectly understands the psychology and physical capabilities of girls different ages... He will not overload a fragile body in order to quickly achieve a result. In addition, it is important in which room the training takes place. Too small a hall indirectly affects injuries: athletes may collide with each other or bump into gymnastic apparatus, so such "boxes" are best avoided. It is also important to maintain a balance between exercise and rest, as excessive exercise risks damaging muscles and tendons.

Rhythmic gymnastics in numbers

What do gymnastics and mathematics have in common? Probably accuracy: it is adventurous and wrong to rely "at random" both in science and in sports. Certain values ​​that are the standard in rhythmic gymnastics cannot be neglected. For example, the diameter of a hoop for a competition must strictly have a value within the range of 80-90 cm, and its weight must exceed 300 g. It is also clearly stated what weight and diameter one more element should have - a ball (diameter - 18-20 cm, weight - at least 400 g). Another beautiful component of rhythmic gymnastics - clubs - should be 40-50 cm long.

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