How to fight correctly if the enemy is stronger than you. How to deal with a street fight? Video: psychological preparation for hand-to-hand combat

Fighters who have fought at least once with an opponent who is a head taller and more, know for sure that these are very uncomfortable opponents! Few people like to get a jab in the nose or front kick to the head, and even not be able to respond later, since the opponent is out of range of the blow (Now I will tell you about 7 basic tactical chips that need to be used in battle.

Top 7 Tactical Tips for High Opponent Fighting muay thai and in self-defense on the street:

Always try to be at a long or short distance, but never at an average distance.

The long distance should be such that the opponent cannot reach you with either punches or kicks, of course you cannot reach him yourself. But your primary task is to quickly close the distance and enter the short one, where you will already be delivering hard blows, and it will not be convenient for your opponent, because of the long limbs! The main thing is not to stand on middle distance and do not exchange blows - since tall fighters in Thai boxing, and in any martial arts, have longer limbs, and you will get hit first, but you will not get hit yourself - this should be immediately taught in Muay Thai training.

2.Use kicks and moves

Using kicks and side-shifting tends to be very good result in battle with high adversary by Muay Thai rules or in self-defense on the street!

The purpose of this tactic is to sharply close the distance with kicks, while your opponent defends against your low kicks, you can get close and land a couple of punches. But then you need to immediately break the distance with a retreat, or, even better, move in a circle behind the opponent's back, so that he could not answer!

3 use trick blows

Try to use deceiving blows in order to see how the enemy reacts to them. the main objective- scare the fighter with a deceitful blow, and while he will do protective action, come close sharply and strike a heavy blow!

4) be ready to take punches

As it is not pleasant - but without it, no matter how. You have to be prepared to miss punches to the head and body! Sometimes, it is even worthwhile to specifically take a blow in order to shorten the distance and respond with a harder blow.

Taking punches is generally a very important skill for any fighter to develop in Muay Thai training! And for self-defense on the street, it can become almost decisive.

5) work with uppercuts in the clinch

Tall fighters, very often knit in battle in battle. From this position, it is difficult to win a good grip, and the likelihood of getting a knee to the head or an elbow from the top is very high.

In this position, it is quite effective to punch uppercuts into the body and head, but this must be done quickly and consistently, so that the opponent thinks more about his defense than about striking.

6. Change Attack Levels

Since the opponent is higher by the head (and more), then hitting the chin with a blow will be problematic! In such cases, you will need to work on different levels- low kicks on the legs, middle kicks and straight kicks with side kicks on the body. This is necessary so that the opponent would begin to lower his arms, and you taught him that you strike exclusively on the body and legs.

When you see that the enemy has forgotten about the protection of the head, then try to get close to short distance and hard to hit - it is especially good to pass the right cross from the top!

7 learn to resist attacks from a distance

Tall fighters almost always work from a distance and throw long jabs as well as circular kicks. You need to learn to resist such attacks and immediately counterattack!

In Muay Thai training, of course, all this is worked out and you should devote to this. great attention especially if you are not tall for your weight! Learn to dodge jabs by knocking your opponent down and hitting the body, as well as blocking from kicks and immediately responding with your kick!


As you can see, it is possible and necessary to resist tall fighters, especially in Muay Thai or in self-defense on the street, when all the punches are allowed and you can work out your own effective tactics!

I hope this article "How to fight against a tall fighter in Muay Thai and for self-defense on the street - Muay Thai Training" was useful and interesting for you, I also have a video lesson on Muay Thai "How to work against a tall fighter", in which I am all showing.

Be sure to write in the comments below what tactics do you use against tall and short fighters? Good luck with your training!

How to fight and not screw up

Fight rules or how to behave in a fight

Many boys imagine getting into and out of fights victorious, scattering a dozen villains around. In reality, the fight turns into an annoying misunderstanding, fraught with trauma and unpleasant memories. VOS offers a set of guidelines to help you swing your fists effectively and minimize damage.

"How not to screw up" is a rubric in which the VOS editorial staff lovingly collects the accumulated experience piece by piece and draws conclusions: how not to screw up, how to find answers to difficult questions how to get out of difficult situations, how to make your life is easy and joyful.

If you realize that you are close to the epicenter of aggression, but are not yet involved in a showdown, you need to quickly understand whether you will get involved. You can never be completely sure whether it is appropriate to intervene in a quarrel or scene that at first glance seemed unfair to you. You just need to decide whether this is your business, and never come back to this issue. Sometimes it also happens that no one asked you at all, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a fight.

1. Try to avoid a fight until the end.

The best fight is the one that didn't take place. Diplomacy can not always help, but it never hurts to try to reduce a person's aggression to nothing - check if there is still a misunderstanding between you and your opponent. If the conflict cannot be resolved by talking or it is a matter of honor, always start the fight first, but in such a way that it is unexpected and gives the desired result.

2. The calmer you are, the more effective

Try to focus not on the adrenaline rush and excitement, but on the factors around you.

A couple of calm sniffs (if you have time for them) will help you focus on more important things than your own fear. Remember that the tension builds only within you, and everything around is the same.

3. Determine the purpose of the fight

3. Determine the purpose of the fight

There are two main types of fights. Usually they fight in order to protect someone's honor, to vent resentment, or to restore order and calm. Such a fight can occur if you need to land a showy person, cool the ardor of an aggressive person, or prevent the offender from getting off the ground. Sometimes the abuser may also be your own friend who needs to be reassured. In such a situation, certain rules of polite combat should be followed.

In other cases, the goal is to render a person harmless at any cost. These are situations where there is a threat to someone's life or you are faced with unmotivated violence and decided to intervene. Then we forget about honor, rules and decency and turn to animal instincts, in the world of which there is no place for fear and remorse.

The essence of a polite fight:you cannot seriously injure an opponent if the goal is to measure strength or calm him down.

Dastardly tricks - tricks, the correct application of which instantly leads to the neutralization of the opponent. Often, using them, you run the risk of seriously injuring a person, so they are allowed only in extreme situations.

4. Be attentive and ready for anything

Remember: general concepts about the rules and laws of fighting in a street or bar fight does not exist. Each of the participants defines them for himself. And if you are not ready to use dastardly techniques, because they seem unworthy to you, then you need to understand that your opponent may be more than ready to use them.

Do not rely on the decency of the enemy and fairness by default.

5. Judiciously assess your strengths and the strength of the enemy

This will help you understand whether it will be necessary to resort to dastardly but effective tricks or to run away altogether. There is nothing wrong with running away, if the opponent's forces are noticeably superior to yours or you are simply not ready for battle. Do not try to grab a knife or a traumatic pistol from the attacker's hands with a beautiful movement, just run. The exception is situations when you need to protect a friend or girlfriend, and you were unable to escape together.

6. Pay attention to details

5 rules of polite combat

If you managed to break your opponent's hand, you don't need to break it.

If your opponent falls in battle, do not kick him in the face or liver.

The use of piercing, heavy objects is prohibited.

No need to pour boiling water on a person's face.

If a defeated enemy hits the floor with his fist and begs you to stop, then the battle is over.

Estimate the mass and height of the enemy. It depends on whether you need to impose close combat or keep your distance. It is difficult to work with lanky from a distance, but with strong short ones it is more convenient to work from afar.

See if the knuckles on your opponent's fists are full: if so, then he has a punch and he may turn out to be a boxer. Broken ears, a strong hand with fingers and a pumped-up trapezoid behind the neck give away a fighter: as a rule, there is no chance against them in a fight.

7. Determine the specifics of the space

In a feast situation, suspecting something was wrong, look for a container with a liquid (ideally, if it is alcoholic or hot drink): in the event of a sharp attack, you can splash it in the face of the attacker. Notice an ashtray or other heavy object that you can throw at the attacker's head. You can make a rose out of a glass bottle, but in order to just scare the attacker, otherwise you risk inflicting too dangerous injuries on the person, after which you still have to take him to the hospital and sit in prison yourself. If you have entered a battle against several opponents, always move towards the outermost one in order to reduce the number of attackers at the same time. Drive them in circles.

8. In an emergency, use a fail-safe technique.

Most likely, few of the readers took special training courses, but if you do not exclude an extreme situation for yourself, you need to remember the most vulnerabilities human body.

You can resort to the techniques listed below only if absolutely necessary and more often in the form of protection.

Neck, Adam's apple

Even a not very strong blow with the edge of the palm or with the knuckles of bent fingers is enough to buy time, or even neutralize the opponent altogether, simply not giving him the opportunity to breathe.


Confidently hitting your opponent with tight palms on the ears, you will definitely give yourself a few seconds to think about further actions, while the stunned one is disoriented. Beat on both ears at the same time.


No one has yet canceled the good old ball kick in order to completely discourage the enemy from continuing to act. Most often this has to be done with the foot, or with the knee, or with a good swing with the ankle.

The main thing is to do it unexpectedly.


Even the most fragile and lightest woman is capable of breaking the nose of a healthy man with a well-directed blow of the lower part of her palm from the bottom up. If you are a woman, then immediately run away.


If you correctly land a strong object in it from a normal swing, then it will at least crack.


Press and poke at them with whatever you want - it is almost impossible to pierce your eyes, unless you have an awl or a knife in your hands. This is the only thing that you can try to take against the wrestlers whom you nevertheless let too close to you. Although, if this happens, it will not help you much.



Striking him is dangerous, but extremely effective.

Theory and practice are different things, so remember that in reality things can go very differently. Usually everything happens quickly and rather awkwardly. A wise and experienced fighter will always try to avoid a fight, because he understands that no one needs it. Do not get fooled by stupid and primitive provocations: more often than not, you are incited to act first in order to make you guilty.

Take care of yourself and others.


If you think that the most important thing in victory is strength, combat, self-defense skills, then you are mistaken. Of course, all this is important, but the first thing important condition Is the strength of the spirit and psychological readiness of the fighter. The psychological fighter provides 85%.
How to develop the psychological abilities of a fighter:

Develop the ability to intuitively sense the threat of an attack. Observe who is in your field of vision, if you can expect a threat, and which one. If the attack happens, it will not be sudden, and you will have time to take control of the situation.

If someone can pose a threat, instantly replay in your imagination your actions when attacking (which ones to use, how you avoid blows, what handy means you can use for self-defense, etc.).

Learn to assess the situation as a whole. Is it possible to avoid a fight - for example, to get the attackers to talk and resolve the situation peacefully. Or even flee. (In fact, the best self-defense is a failed attack!)

If your intuition tells you that your affairs are very bad, attack first. The goal is to incapacitate the enemy with 1-2 blows.

Principles of Victory in Street Fighting:
- The best defense is offense.
- The attack should be sudden and as painful as possible for the enemy. Therefore, you need to attack as hard as possible.
- Use for self-defense as much as possible effective techniques aimed at the vulnerable parts of the enemy's body. Or use handy means to defend yourself.
- From the first or second, your opponent should be out of order. You have 1-2 seconds to deal another 1-2 crushing blows.
- There are no rules of honor in street fighting. Your opponent won't feel sorry for you if you fail. On the contrary, he will become even more cruel. Therefore, the enemy must be neutralized.

When an attack occurs, the enemy always surpasses you (in strength, weight, height, number of attackers). Perhaps your opponent is armed. In any case, he feels his advantage. Otherwise, he would be afraid to attack you. Therefore, win in street fight is possible only with appropriate preparation. A well-planned one will help you with this. Moreover, the training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a day.


Do not exceed self-defense!
We need to act within the framework of the law.

Useful advice

If you want to learn how to defend yourself, you need a well thought out combination workout:
- practicing techniques 2-3 times a week
(for a start, 5-6 techniques, but they need to be worked out to automatism and crushing force of the blow)
- use strikes in a bunch;
- techniques should be simple, but effective, suitable for you personally;
- train on simulators that simulate opponents;
- include in the workout also physical fitness endurance, speed of reaction;
- conduct a training session with your friends or participate in sparring in sports section, or sign up for the hand-to-hand combat section.


Some athletes, even with impeccable technique, cannot find their way to victory in any way. Maybe it's a matter of psychology. Character traits that ensure victory are brought up from childhood. These are not the most positive qualities for life - aggressiveness, cruelty, perseverance. But for victory in battle, they are irreplaceable.


Work on getting into a state of aggression. To do this, use the grin exercise. Have you ever noticed how two cats fight? Yes, they do not fight at all, but simply hiss at each other for a long time, showing their grinning jaws. The one who is the first to lose his grin is inferior. Your task is to learn how to reproduce an animal grin on your face with all the emotions attached to it in your soul. This grin should appear in you as soon as you see enemy... Along with your grin, aggression arises, and it gives you extra strength.

The next quality required for unconditional is cruelty. Describe it as an inability to feel sorry for painful sensations enemy... Your task is to learn to include this quality in yourself at the moment when it is necessary. For example, . The very way to develop cruelty in yourself is to self-code. Think of the times in life when you were violent. Try to experience this state again.

And finally, perseverance. It is impossible without it. Perseverance must be understood as intransigence. Were you offended, but you could not fight back? It's okay, you are not defeated yet. Victory over you can be recorded when you accept that you have been offended. Repeat to yourself several times a day: "I am a superman. I always achieve my goal. I can do anything. Everything obeys me." small above themselves. It relaxes, gradually deprives you of self-confidence. Be persistent and you are invincible.

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You should know that conflict is a normal situation. No wonder they say that: "How many people, so many opinions." Therefore, disputes and conflicts occur both in the family and at work. But a protracted, insoluble conflict threatens to develop into enmity and hatred, which should never be allowed. You need to learn how to get out of the conflict situations, since you happen to get into it.


The conflict can be ended by force if one of the parties is higher in the hierarchical ladder. This makes it possible to quickly end the conflict, but leaves the very cause of the conflict unresolved. The one who ended the conflict by his action will have to constantly be on alert and confirm his right to use force.

If the conflicting sides are separated, the conflict will also end, but both sides will remain in post-conflict situations without any satisfaction, which can affect the most painful way and leave a mark on the entire future existence.

The conflict can be ended by the way when both sides make concessions and come to some kind of compromise solution, which partially takes into account the interests of both sides. It can also be a completely new solution that will suit both sides and be completely reconciled. This is the most constructive form of situations, it is used even after military confrontation.

Sometimes resolved with the help of a third party. And it is not a fact that in the case of the use of a violent method, the last word will remain with the one who is stronger in the conflict. The brightest of such conflict resolution is participation in covering the weaker one.

With the participation of a third party, conflicts are resolved in court and in arbitration, where the rightness of each party to the conflict is considered from the point of view of the system of law and public authority.

It is wrong to think that a conflict always presupposes that one side has won and the other has lost. Of course have situations, which can be attributed to the option "loss - win", but there are others. There is a variant of the development of events "loss - loss", when the losing side prevents the other from winning and acts in such a way that the victory does not go to anyone.

The most effective option would be "win - win", which allows the two sides to use their differences not as a reason for battle, but as an excuse to find the most optimal solution that can satisfy both parties. Which option to choose is up to you.

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It already turns out that there are no identical people in the physical sense and sometimes you have to deal with a more serious and powerful opponent.
Moreover, the question here is not even about sports. There are people who are simply psychologically stronger, they have stronger nerves.
So what can a weaker opponent do?

You will need

  • Constant training


Every athlete and not only progresses only if he competes with a stronger rival, such is the pattern. There is no getting away from this. This is necessary, first of all, for progress in some direction and not only.
There are some powerful tips that can be applied to different situations, be it sparring, running on the track, or fighting on the street. Knowing and applying these strategies, you can count on success in a particular fight, even if your opponent is obviously stronger.
1. First, just think and analyze: your opponent cannot surpass you in all respects, he must have an "Achilles heel" - his weakness... This is what you should focus on. If, for example, he is overweight, then his reaction is slowed down. Also, he may not be as hardy as you - and use this in a certain situation.

2. To defeat more strong man on the street or, you just need to want it badly! Perhaps this statement is hackneyed or sounds strange. But, it is not so! Very often you have to see an absolute passive attitude or ordinary people, which does not bode well. You win only when you have an inner fuse, the core of the winner is the absolute truth.

3. Defeating a larger opponent will not be so hard if you use the moment of surprise in your actions. Just attack an unprotected place quickly and mercilessly. And do it with all your might! Then he will not have time to undertake reverse actions... As a popular saying goes: "The larger the cabinet, the louder it falls!" This just applies to the moment of surprise.

4. Never, never, never lose faith in yourself! This indirectly coincides with the psychological mood of the champion, but it is a deeper and more lasting concept. You must live with this faith constantly and even in difficult situations it will come to your aid. Even when the others will not believe in you.

5. Get stronger. Yes. It's simple. To defeat a more serious opponent, you yourself have to become one. It's in your best interest. To become stronger means to develop. Train every day, be better than you were yesterday. If you don't, nobody will help you! The main victory is victory over oneself. Take action and you will succeed!


On your physical fitness and psychological attitude

Useful advice

Get Stronger
Exercise every day
Don't lose faith in yourself
Attack quickly and suddenly


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Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club said, "You don't know anything about yourself if you've never fought." How much this corresponds to the truth is not worth judging. Another thing is that a street fight can lie in wait for you not only in a dark alleyway, but also in the hall of the highest class restaurant shining with lights. Therefore, you need to know how to win a fight.


Try to get rid of excess clothing that might grab you. Take off your jacket, scarf, stay in one shirt or sweater. Try to stay away from objects such as steps or curbs that could trip over or seriously injure your head if you fall.

To deal with the excitement that comes before a fight, speak up. Speak and breathe actively. Do not grow into the ground in front of the enemy, move, shake yourself, jump. This will prevent the attacker from grabbing your breasts.

If you see what's inevitable, hit first. Yes, this is not gentlemanly, but you are not in the ring. But you get a certain advantage, as you strike at a stationary target. Such a blow will be more effective and, perhaps, after it the fight will end altogether.

Don't be limited. Several quick, sharp blows do much more damage and exert severe psychological pressure. Hit in a series of two or three hits and immediately retreat to a safe distance.

Forget the rules of decency. Strike with your head, knees, elbows, bite, spit in your opponent's face with relish. Your task is not to win on points, but to remain as intact as possible.

Head bangs to the face from close range, otherwise they are useless. Swipe on the bridge of the nose is able to turn off your opponent for a long time.

Do not try to hit the body or head without fail. Kicks on the legs are no less effective, as they allow you to stop the movement of the opponent. And a sharp blow to the shin is one of the most painful. Hit in the groin only if you are sure of the strength of your blow, otherwise you will only infuriate your enemy.

Move constantly. Don't give your opponent a chance to inflict a strong beat... Avoid direct blows to the head. Do not allow yourself to be driven into a corner - it will be impossible to get out of there without severe damage.

the main task- always stay. If, nevertheless, you are knocked to the ground and kicked, do not lie still. Move, try to crawl, spin - this will make it harder to hit and you will receive fewer hits. Strive to get to your feet faster. You can portray an epileptic seizure - this will puzzle your opponent and give you a chance to return to a combat position.

After stopping the attacker, do not try to finish him off. Get out of the battlefield. There is no guarantee that a well-armed company is in no hurry to help your enemy. It is better to get out of the fight in one piece than to prove your fighting viability to the company of aggressive-minded persons.

Victories in the life of each person depend on his knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to have more victories, you need to work a lot and carefully on yourself. Moreover, psychologists have helped and developed a number of recommendations on how to achieve success as often as possible in all your endeavors.


First, analyze yourself. Your job is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It depends on what goals you should pursue and what to give up. Thus, you can minimize the number of "not your" tasks and direct more energy to the really important tasks.

Throw away feelings of guilt or shame - they only pull you back. For your actions in achieving your goals, you should not feel uncomfortable. This means that you need to think over the tactics of your behavior very well in order to carry out all matters with dignity and benefit. You need to defend your beliefs and goals calmly, without raising your voice and not trying to humiliate the interlocutor. In this case, you will be respected, which means that they will often listen to your opinion and advice.

To become successful in everything, you need to change your attitude towards yourself. You should not use negative words and words with the prefix not in relation to your own person. If you often say that you are old, ugly, lazy, lacking in initiative and other equally “pleasant” things, you risk being such a person. Have you ever heard of successful non-initiative, lazy and stupid successful people?

Don't be discouraged if you fail. Remember that this is also an experience, albeit a negative one. After all, everything that does not kill makes a person stronger. The main thing is to correctly draw conclusions from what happened. If you have offended a person as a result of your actions, do not hesitate to apologize to him. If you messed up something in the project or any other business, spend some free time to fix the error.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A person can endure a lot. And troubles and failures only temper. In addition, analyzing your mistakes, you learn something new, find other options for getting out of this situation.

Don't live in the past. We analyzed, corrected mistakes and forward - to new achievements, taking into account the already existing achievements.

Take your time, feel the environment. It is she who will tell you best moment to complete a particular case. This way you can develop your intuition.

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Useful advice

If you feel that there are some invisible barriers in front of you that prevent you from moving forward and becoming a winner in life, turn to a professional. The psychologist will be able to understand what the reason is and will help you get rid of it.

Negotiation is an integral part of any workflow. They can relate to hiring employees, communicating with customers or suppliers, etc. Victory in negotiations can be achieved only if you have experience and the ability to correctly move towards your goal.


Prepare for negotiations in advance. To emerge victorious from them, you need to know as much as possible about your opponent's position. Gather as much information as possible about the issue to be discussed. You must have strong arguments that can turn the tide of negotiations in your favor.

If you want to emerge victorious from the negotiations, never lay out all your intentions to the interlocutor. The main mistake that you can make during a conversation is disclosing your actions, which will follow in the event that events unfold in your favor. By telling your interlocutor ahead of time about what you intend to take, you give him the opportunity to prepare for the consequences. Thus, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to use new trump cards to defend your position. Try to be prepared for any actions of the interlocutor, but never warn him about possible retaliatory actions.

Good way to win negotiations - to present yourself as an incompetent person in the issue under discussion. Make the person you are talking to believe that you are completely ignorant of the topic. Let him believe that your defeat in the upcoming negotiations is inevitable. In the course of these negotiations, you will need to appear as a completely different person, possessing a whole set of tools that allow you to easily destroy any arguments of your opponent. This tactic will help you make your opponent lose vigilance. He will not be ready to communicate with you and, most likely, will lose the negotiations.

Make your interlocutor speak first, draw out as much information as possible, let him speak as much as possible. Negotiation is a verbal duel in which the parties exchange arguments in an attempt to weaken the opponent's position. The more a person talks, the more he reveals his cards. Remember that the person you are talking to can be an experienced negotiator. He most likely knows these tricks. If you cannot bend your line, try to put pressure on emotions, become a certain irritant for your opponent. Get him to make emotional decisions.

Act like you have nothing to lose. Do not show the interlocutor that the results of the negotiations are very important to you. Practice shows that a person who has nothing to lose almost always wins. A good example would be communicating with a supplier of any product who is ready to make discounts, does not do it, and at the same time has many competitors in his field of activity. If you cannot agree with him on terms that are acceptable to you, show him that he is not a monopolist, and you are ready to turn to other suppliers.

A chance to get into a situation where you have to apply physical strength, there is always. At the same time, even a trained person with a delivered blow sometimes gives in, forgetting about his skills, falling into a panic.

It has long been noted that the most strong fighters, participating in fights without rules, emerge from dysfunctional quarters, where they have to constantly defend their rights with their fists. At the level of reflexes of such fighters, it is laid down to fight without fear of receiving a painful blow. They have polished every movement, although it does not look as beautiful as shown in films or in demonstrations of martial artists.

Winner psychology

In order to win everyone in a fight, you need to have the psychology of a winner, that is, to be confident in your abilities. How is this confidence acquired? In practice, when there is a contact fight and a victory is won. But in a calmer world, Spartan training conditions are not for everyone. You can increase your self-confidence by sparring in sports hall lightly striking the opponent so as not to cause or get injured. Skills are gradually developed, which are deposited at the level of reflexes.

Before the fight, even if it is against five or ten opponents, there is no need to think about defeat or consequences. If the fight cannot be avoided, you need to relax and try to use all your skills for the benefit of future victory. Cheek brings success.

Inner calm

Renowned champion fighters say you can't hate your opponent. Emotions overwhelm, cloud the mind. Only a cold mind and clear calculation can bring victory. You need to imagine that in front of you is a simple person, a reflection of yourself, who just needs to be defeated.

While maintaining inner calmness, it is best to look in the eyes. In the eyes of the opponent, you can find out about the upcoming attack, as they reflect the intention. Even if you missed an attack, don't despair. There is not a single soldier who has not received a body or face at least once.

Against a group of people. Choose a leader

If you have to confront a group of people, you can very quickly resolve the conflict, incapacitating only one person. To do this, you need to determine who is the leader and knock him out. When the "sticky" people see that the leader is knocked out, the herd feeling prompts them to run wherever they look. They will forget about their intentions, since they are dictated by the will of the defeated leader.

Beating any opponent is good. But you need to remember that main rival- you yourself. Having conquered yourself, your laziness, cowardice, indecision, you can compete with others. At the same time, you do not need to attack first - this is a sign of a low level of development and inner cowardice.

Very often, a conflict begins due to the fact that an unfounded claim or accusation is expressed to you. This can happen at work, in the family, in transport, when communicating with friends or acquaintances, and in general, a conflict can arise just out of the blue. I sincerely hope that following my instructions, you will come out with honor from any conflict situation.

Summary: in a conflict situation, never make excuses, do not ask counter questions and immediately proceed to the first stage of your counterattack!

It is necessary to counterattack immediately, not allowing the opponent to come to his senses. However, determine the direction of the attack not on the personality of the conflict person, but on his statements, paraphrasing the latter exactly the opposite. For example:

You: "This is a superficial and I would say an amateurish statement"!

Thus, by means of a counter-affirmation (and not a question), we destroy a conflict attack at the very beginning, as, for example, you swat a mosquito that has not yet managed to sting you.

The next stage is aimed at consolidating its dominant position in the conflict. Again, we speak at once, not letting the opponent insert a word. Let's expand our dialogue:

Conflict: "You are bad about your duties!"
You: “This is a superficial and I would say an amateurish statement! In fact, I take my duties extremely responsibly, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently ”!

Summary: Never explain anything to the aggressor, and instead of making excuses, formulate a confident statement that is the opposite of the statement of the conflicting person.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the counterattack. Launch a whole set of arguments on the aggressor to prove your case. Let's get back to the dialogue:

Conflict: "You are bad about your duties!"

1. This month, I have been rewarded many times by management for excellent work.

3. Leaders set me up as an example to other employees and so on ...

Summary: you need to clearly remember or have at hand facts confirming your positive qualities or merits.

And the last stage - we emphasize the incompetence or immaturity of the opponent, indirectly classifying him as people with limited knowledge and carriers of malicious intent. Let's get back with the dialogue:

Conflict: "You are bad about your duties!"
You: “This is a superficial and I would say an amateurish statement! In fact, I take my duties extremely responsibly, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently! This is evidenced by the following facts:

1. This month I have been rewarded many times by management for excellent work.
2. I regularly fulfill and overfulfill my personal plan.
3. Managers set me up as an example to other employees and so on ... "

Again you: “I was always amazed and amused at the same time by people who make such stupid, peremptory and amateurish statements. A reasonable person would rather provide a rationale rather than stoop to such a cheap provocation. And why do people like to show their incompetence so much ?! "

Summary: Be sure to do the third, finishing blow! After 10 seconds, the conflicted person will forever be discouraged from doing business with you.

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Be careful. This technique should not be applied to your boss or to the person on whom your future comfortable existence depends. This is a cannon, and you shouldn't shoot the sparrows with it.

Useful advice

Don't ask counter questions. Never make excuses.


It is not the size of the dog that matters in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. How to defeat an opponent who is taller, larger, heavier and stronger than you in a fight? How to defeat a strong opponent in a fight?

Let's face it, size matters, but that's not all it takes. Even if you are smaller than your opponent, you can be faster, smarter and smarter than him. Benefit from everything. Having a mind is much more important than animal strength.

Unlike facing a peer-to-peer opponent, fighting a larger opponent presents certain challenges. The following steps will help you win the fight, or at least stay safe and sound!

1. Be fair about your chances. Do not get involved in a fight with a larger opponent if there is an opportunity to avoid collision. You will find yourself in an unenviable position because of its size.

2. Choose the smartest solution. You have two choices when facing a larger, potentially more powerful opponent: fight or run. Retreating is not a manifestation of cowardice, but a reasonable decision in order to survive. It is foolish to get involved in a fight without confidence in victory.

3. Use the element of surprise. If you are cornered and the situation leaves you no choice, prepare emotionally and physically for a fight and don't be too predictable. Pretend not to be ready to attack, and unexpectedly stab the solar plexus (the soft area on the body between the chest and abdominal muscles). This will more than frighten him.

4. Prepare a contingency plan. If you are unable to intimidate him with a surprise attack, get into a fighting pose and follow the instructions:

Always protect your head with your elbows. The bigger guy can easily punch you in the head thanks to his advantage in reach.

Consider the capabilities of your opponent: large reach and power due to its mass. Maintain your distance. To break through his defenses and strike, use the correct parrying tactics (block and deflect the attack) or move your leg forward to compensate for the lack of an advantage in reach, find an unprotected area and strike. (Dodge and wiggle so that the enemy misses and loses balance.) This is a rather risky maneuver, but effective when performed correctly.

To compensate for the large reach: when the opponent makes a direct attack, you need to bend down, wait for time to hit the forearm and continue with a series of punches to the body or to the head, while getting closer to him. The main thing is to damage his forearm to eliminate the attack.

It will be more effective to parry blows than block the attack. Parrying gives you the opportunity to counterattack, while blocking can cause damage. But without proper timing, effective parrying is impossible.

Never try to fight honestly if the advantage is not on your side. Your goal is to use common sense and practicality to protect yourself at all costs. This is not competition or bragging. This is the usual self-defense. There are no rules in a street fight. If you have a pen, bottle or stone in your hand, use it in self-defense. Throw a handful of sand in your opponent's eyes or cut his leg with a cutter. Blinding him with hot sauce or pepper, you can temporarily neutralize the enemy and manage to deliver a series of blows during this time or retreat and avoid a fight. As far as circumstances permit, try not to get involved in street fights without a weapon. Unlike wrestling, in a real battle, everything is not fair. In addition, if the attacker sees in your hands a dangerous weapon that can harm him, it is quite possible that he will retreat or hesitate to attack. This will be your victory.

You will be helped by the ability to handle martial arts tools (sticks, nunchucks, shinai sword, etc.) Do not expect a short, thin guy with his bare hands to beat an opponent twice as hard and taller than him. While this is possible if the short guy has superior speed and skill, it is very rare. In reality, a larger opponent can be overpowered by skill with weapons or by retreating, instead of launching a blind attack. Weapons are a more effective option.

Close combat is suitable for undersized fighters. Correct timing is important, as tall wrestlers prefer open combat due to their larger reach.

Play a dirty game. Do not be afraid to hit him in the groin, throat, fingers in the eyes, bite his ear (as Iron Mike against a bigger opponent, Holyfield, which was unacceptable in the ring, but could save you in a real strike). By grabbing an enemy by the hair, you can effectively reduce his ability to move. By pulling his hair down, you can deliver an uppercut or knee kick to the face. Tactics not used in wrestling and boxing can be perfectly acceptable in a street fight.

There are four ways to break your grip and get out of the grip of a larger man. Use head blow to face, bite ( chewing muscles in the human body, those located in the jaw area have the greatest strength.) But be careful, as your opponent's blood may contain HIV or other infectious viruses. By stepping hard on your opponent's toes, you can end the bear grip. You can also try twisting his fingers out to release the grip.

Use a punching bag in your workouts to help you develop strength. Strength, speed, endurance and skill are attainable qualities. Hard work and training will help you achieve this.

You are constantly on the move. As Ali said, "fly like a butterfly, sorry like a bee." Move forward, backward, sideways, in a circle. Footwork is a very important factor applied with the ability to strike at the right moment. Never stand in one place and on straight feet, a large rival will easily take over the situation if you let him.

It is worth developing such effective technique like sliding, squatting and swinging before striking a vigorous punch. Smaller than your opponent, you are more likely to outnumber him in speed. Use the lightness of your weight and practice the basics of evasive combat. Bruce Lee (the birth name of Li Xiaolong, which means "Dragon Li" in Chinese) said that "the main evasion technique is to hit, while avoiding the enemy's strike." In a fight against a large opponent, you must behave like a bullfighter in a fight with a bull, dodging his attacks and flirting with his power.

Leaving aside and looking for inconvenient corners for the enemy - good method compensate for the difference in reach zones. Dodging attacks gives you the opportunity to find an open area in his defense and makes you less predictable. However, it takes a lot of practice and training to master this skill.

Close combat with a larger opponent can be too risky. In this case, it is very important, among others, to use the dodge technique. Run away if you get the chance.

Use your speed, lightness and agility. Capacious hits are preferred for smaller fighters. Punching bag exercises will help you develop your speed and speed of punches.

Low Manny Pacquiao nicknamed "Pacman" after defeating the "golden boy" Oscar de la Hoya said: "Speed ​​is the key to defeating him."

Speed ​​means not only the swiftness of the blows, but also the dexterous and quick work of the legs. This means that you need to master the skill of smoothly entering and exiting the combat zone with ease.

Learn to strike back. Prevent enemy attacks or strike back after dodging.

Combine blows to confuse your opponent. Do not use the same attack more than twice in the same combo.

Bluff. Pretend you want to strike and immediately attack for real. Use a deceptive maneuver by pretending to strike from the left, then strike from the right into the solar plexus. Experiment with hit combinations. Fraudulent maneuvers are aimed at distracting the enemy's attention, disrupting his coordination and concentration. Bruce Lee said: "When two equal fighters collide, the one who bluffs best wins."

When you are out of reach, do not try to punch in the face unless you are sure you are capable of knocking out your opponent. The advantage in the reach will allow him to easily strike you back, and a failed knockout attempt will only make him angry. This would be unwise given your disadvantage. Instead, attack with side kicks at the closest available target, the knee or groin. You can only slap an opponent in the face if they are stunned or writhing in pain. A blow to the head is best done when approaching.

It is much more effective to hit more vulnerable parts of the body, such as knee joints, groin, eyes, bridge of the nose, kidney and heart areas, neck and solar plexus. These areas are most sensitive to pain.

Regardless of the size of the man, a blow to the perineum will cause unbearable pain. Even world-class heavyweight boxers bend over in pain after being hit in the groin with sufficient force, accidentally or deliberately. This may be considered foul play, but it is effective. A powerful groin uppercut (you can use it unexpectedly) is one of the most powerful moves against a larger opponent. Practice an uppercut with a punching bag to develop a powerful kick to the groin.

Time to get closer. When you are within reach, use techniques that are effective in close combat, such as head striking in the face, hook to the jaw, knee striking in the groin, and elbow striking the solar plexus.

How many times have you watched a boxer get hit in the face by an opponent during a match? A headbutt to the face can easily cause bleeding. Use it in close combat whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Striking the back of your opponent's head with the edge of your hand after pulling his head down by the hair can be life-threatening. This is an extremely dangerous technique that can cause instant death or life-long paralysis due to possible damage to the spine. Never use this technique unless you are in a life-threatening situation.

A blow to the temple with the "cutting part" of the fist can stun and discoordinate your enemy. Striking this area of ​​the head with a weapon can kill him, so be careful and only attack if your life or someone else's life is in danger.

A blow to the ears can cause the opponent to lose balance or even lose consciousness. Ears are the center of our balance.

Master the art of lying down. In this position, success depends on the ability to use a system of leverage to pin down and subdue the enemy, or on the knowledge of techniques that can cause damage to the joints. In prone combat, you can use techniques such as wringing fingers, hitting the eyes, thrusting in the throat and groin. Many pay Special attention using jiu-jitsu techniques, and while the use of arms and legs in this context is quite effective, do not forget that the opponent's grip can be removed with the usual twisting of the fingers. In a prone battle, it is not the size of the enemy that is important, but skill and capture techniques.

The "grab and hit" strategy (a la Ricky Hatton) suits small fighters. By pressing close to your opponent, closing the distance between you (entering the clinch), you prevent them from using ranged strikes, while you can use your advantage with short, powerful strikes at close range.

5. Remember your benefits. You have them

Smaller people tend to be lighter and slimmer, which is essential when dodging and dodging attacks in combat. Most of them work excellently with their feet when moving.

They are also more agile, which complements the swiftness of the strikes. Although their attack is weaker in strength, they compensate for this with speed and more hits.

They are generally more resilient than their larger opponents.

They are in a better position to deliver a devastating uppercut to a tall opponent in the jaw, solar plexus, or kidney area.

During a prone fight, they are harder to pin down or grab because their center of gravity is closer.

While the short arm length is a disadvantage during ranged combat, it can be beneficial in melee combat. The short arm length makes it easier to execute short hooks and uppercuts.

Psychologically short fighters tend to be more motivated due to a deeper understanding of the task at hand when facing a large opponent. While the latter often underestimate the former, which leads to overconfidence.


In a fight against a taller opponent, you must be able to properly use your reach. This is about convergence and distance. You must be able to determine when it is best to get out of the enemy's reach, and when to get close to him. Benefit from your small reach, neutralize its lift by reducing the distance. Never be within his reach.

Keep your eyes on your opponent. If you are trying to use a throw, do it quickly, before it gets ahead of you.

In practical self-defense, as Bruce Lee argued, the line of defense should start with a side kick to the knee. This is very effective due to the comparative static and unstable knee position, besides, the kick has the largest attack zone. Kicking the knee does not require long range and is one of the most easily accessible and vulnerable areas of the body. But you need to develop a punching force in order to be able to inflict strong enough damage.

Sam Langford, boxing champion in heavyweight early 20th century, popularized the statement "Hit the torso and the head will fall." His height was only 170 cm, but he defeated almost every taller opponent in the ring. In a fight with a tall opponent, undersized fighters should try to hit the torso, since, given the difference in height, this is more acceptable for them. A punch to the head can follow a powerful direct punch or uppercut to the solar plexus or kidneys.

Training sparring with a larger, taller opponent is good practice for developing and mastering skill and technique.

Rely mainly on kicks (especially if your larger opponent is only using fists) because the legs longer than arms... This will help compensate for your lack of reach. Fist punches can be used in close combat or at medium range.

There is nothing wrong with living in constant expectation of a fight. The statement "Providence - the best part valor "means that there are things that even a brave person will not talk about: running away is not an occasion for complacency, but sometimes it is the only way to a favorable outcome of a fight.

Top kick back hand performed roundabout from top to bottom towards the opponent's head. This is a very clever counterattack technique used to defeat the "blind spot" of a larger enemy.

Always remember that size really matters. A larger opponent can do more damage thanks to the power of his blows. But strategy and brains are much more important. There is an old boxing adage, "A good big boxer will always beat a good little boxer." Following this rule, if you are smaller than your opponent, you should not be as good as him, but much better. If he's bigger than you, you should be smarter. The main condition for victory is the confidence that you are superior in skill and have the best fighting technique. Having an equal skill level is not enough as it has an advantage.

Shout. A loud, high-pitched and unexpected scream will not only surprise the enemy, but will also signal to passers-by who may come to your aid.

The solar plexus is a vital center of the body. An uppercut aimed at the solar plexus can cause excruciating pain or even death. Since the impact is directed from the bottom up, high sensitivity internal organs pain leads to severe shock. With a bruise, a pain signal is sent to the brain, causing partial paralysis, rapid breathing and unbearable suffering.

Muay Thai boxers practice a devastating shin kick. The best way master this technique - training with a punching bag.

From this useful article, you will certainly learn about how to defeat a stronger opponent.
I never cease to be amazed at how the weaker sex gradually becomes militant and strong.
I received another letter not from a man, but from a brave girl.
Polina wants to know if it is possible to win in a fight with an opponent stronger than herself?
And how is this implemented technically?
Tips for all occasions will not work here, and technique does not always prevail in a fight.
Even in boxing, power is no longer dominant. Everything is decided by speed and intelligence.

How to defeat a strong opponent

In order to try to defeat a stronger opponent in a fight, you must adhere to these useful tips:

one). A more prepared opponent, in most cases, knows about it. Consequently, he may not be ready for your surprise attack. Hence rule number one. Contract and deliver the first striking blow. As a rule, it is painful hold or damage at close range. Without letting the enemy come to his senses, run away. Recovering himself, he will knock you out. This advice applies primarily to women. Heels can be used, but not stockings)
2). Do not conduct protracted negotiations with the enemy and do not give him time to attack, taking a few steps back. This is the mistake of many people in the street. By pushing you against the wall, a stronger opponent will not give you any chance of winning.
3). Conquer your fear. This is the most basic rule. Initially, realizing that you have a physically strong enemy in front of you, you can chicken out and blunt your already shaken composure. In a street fight, you will not have free time for psychological preparation. Train your courage skills ahead of time.
4). Try to outsmart your prepared opponent. If you are already squeezed into a corner and have nowhere to run, go to humiliation and ask for mercy, forcing the foe to celebrate the victory in advance. Speak to him with the phrases “I will give everything” and beg him not to hit him in the face. Instead of the promised loot, return him a powerful blow to the jaw, groin or nose bridge, temporarily disabling the boogey. And then do the "legs")
five). To defeat a stronger opponent, you must learn to defend well. Weak defense is defeat. Remember this. Even if a more prepared invader wants to inflict on you crushing blow, you have a chance for a technically competent defense that allows you to block the onslaught and subsequently knock out your opponent.

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