How to build chin muscles. How to build cheekbones: the best exercises

Physiognomists assure that the face, like the eyes, can be a mirror of the soul. Genes, hormones, and lifestyle also affect appearance. For someone who knows this, it is enough to look closely at a person to tell how he lives.

Scientists are never tired of proving that a person can give out a lot important information about the identity of its owner. We present to you the results of the latest research of physiognomists.

Human facial features

  1. Face shape
    Keith Welker of the University of Colorado Boulder, by studying the ratio of the width to the height of the face of football players, participants in the 2010 World Cup, was able to predict the approximate number of goals that each player will score. The smaller the ratio, he decided, the more a person tends to dominate.
  2. Big cheekbones
    Scientists from University College London have shown that men with wide faces and large cheekbones high level testosterone. Such people are aggressive and powerful rebels. Filmmakers often cast them in as villains or alpha males.

  3. Wrinkles
    What can wrinkles indicate? Not only about age. When experiencing or portraying emotions, a person uses different muscle groups. "Crow's feet" in the corners of the lips indicate that their owner often laughs and is an optimist in life. The folds between the eyebrows and on the forehead betray a serious, gloomy, brooding personality.

  4. Profession in the frame
    Some people, taking pictures, more often turn the left side of their faces towards the lens, considering it more photogenic, others - the right. Scientists at the University of South Australia saw a pattern in this.

    They proved that creative people show the left cheek to the photographer, and techies show the right cheek. Right side the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for thinking, analysis and synthesis, and the left is controlled by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions. Hence the desire to demonstrate your working side.

  5. Selfies are a reflection of personality
  6. Nose size and ambition
    In 2013, an interesting study of the shape of the human nose was published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Scientists have proven that ambitious individuals, prone to maximalism and perfectionism, have large noses.

    A large and fleshy tip of the nose is most often found in investors, businessmen, financiers, and neat and small in people who are indifferent to material savings.

  7. The Dorian Gray Effect
    Lifestyle affects appearance. All good and bad habits are imprinted on the face and body. Look at Lindsay Lohan. You don't need to be a physiognomist to understand that she abused alcohol and that it was because of this that she got so old at a young age.

There are a number of generally accepted standards according to which a person's appearance is considered ideal or close to ideal. So, even the ancient Greek sculptors, inspired by the beauty of the human body, tried to convey in their sculptures the so-called "correct" facial features, distinguished by proportionality and harmony. Since then, little has changed: in the fashion and beauty industry to today preserved ideas about.

For example, if you read an interview with the notorious plastic surgeon from the United States, Dr. Palmer, you can conclude that the most important role in the visual perception of appearance, it is not the eyes, lips or nose that play, but the cheeks. The attractiveness of a person, notes Palmer, is 75% dependent on how pronounced his cheekbones are, while the remaining 25% are lips, nose, neck, chin, skin condition.

If you can achieve perfect skin with the help of competent care, then changing the structure of the face without the help of a plastic surgeon is not so easy, but still possible. But knowing what cheekbones are, and what they are, you can easily determine your type of appearance, and correctly correct imperfections with makeup.

So, if we turn to science, and look for the word "cheekbone" in the anatomical dictionary, we will find the following definition:

"The cheekbone is the area of ​​bone that forms the eye socket, protruding slightly under the eye with its sharp end."

If you look at the anatomical atlas in order to see in a picture or photo where the cheekbones are on the face, we can conclude that they are located in a person at the same level as the inner opening of the ear.

Let's move on from anatomy to how to determine where the cheekbones are on your face. If you look at the photo of beautiful cheekbones, you can understand that this is the most protruding part of the cheeks, which is located at the level of the middle of the ears. However, the decisive role in the perception of the cheekbones is played by their shape.

To find out the location and shape of your cheekbones, you need:

  • stand in front of a mirror;
  • pull in your cheeks as much as possible;
  • now your cheekbones are as noticeable as possible, and you can carefully examine them;
  • To determine the line of the cheekbones, you can also place your index finger between the ear and the edge of the mouth - in this position, it will be directly under the finger.

For maximum accuracy, ask someone else to take your photo with their cheeks pulled in when performing the diagnosis. The printed photo allows not only more attentively than in the mirror, to examine the location and line of the cheekbones, but also to determine their shape by circling the protruding parts in the photo with a felt-tip pen.

In men and women, the cheekbones have different shapes and locations. As a rule, in men, they are low and flat in shape. It is the guys with such cheekbones that are preferred when selecting for modeling agencies, because the guy in the photo with a masculine appearance is able to win the heart of more than one lady. As for the female cheekbones, in the fair sex they are more rounded and more pronounced than in men.

If you pay attention to the photos of celebrities who were considered at different times, you can note a similar feature, namely, expressive cheekbones, giving the appearance both femininity and expressiveness.

By the way, not everyone famous women beautiful cheekbones were given by nature. Many of them turned to plastic in order to get their hands on it. However, many successful photos of Hollywood beauties are just the result of knowing your face shape and well-chosen makeup.

We will tell you about the secrets of determining the shape of the cheekbones and their correction further.

What are the shapes of cheekbones depending on the type of face?

Among all possible options the location and shape of the cheekbones can be divided into five main types. Let's consider them in more detail.

High cheekbones

For a long time, high cheekbones were also considered in men. According to physiognomy, pronounced cheekbones are a sign of strength, love of freedom, self-confidence. This can be easily verified by looking at the images or photos of the rulers. different countries... Regardless of the era, it was precisely these features that were predominantly endowed with outstanding generals, emperors, kings, presidents. Thus, high cheekbones play a role external sign, according to which their owner is subconsciously perceived as a person with pronounced leadership qualities.

How to identify high cheekbones? It is enough to pay attention to the features of the face, having considered your successful photo in full face. With a high location, the cheekbone originates at the temple, becomes narrower downward, has a bend near the eye sockets. At the same time, it may stand out clearly, or it may not be noticeable at all, but the face will always seem narrowed downwards. Most often, this type of zygomatic bone can be found in women with a heart-shaped, oval or elongated face type. As for nationality, high cheekbones are most common among owners of exotic appearance, for example, when representatives of different nationalities meet in a woman's family. However, for European women, this type is also not uncommon.

Tip: if, by the will of nature, you are the happy owner of high cheekbones, it is very important to monitor the fluctuations in your weight. So, a couple of extra pounds will immediately make your cheeks plump, but excessive thinness, on the contrary, will lead to the fact that you will look unhealthy painful.

The main advantage that high cheekbones give is the absence of the need to apply bright makeup daily. With such an expressive type of appearance, a restrained make-up in neutral tones will be enough to emphasize natural beauty.

High cheekbones - photo by Angelina Jolie

Low cheekbones

They are usually found in men. But for a woman's appearance, the low position of the zygomatic bone is also not uncommon. If you compare the male and female low cheekbones in the photo, you can see a visible similarity, despite the fact that the female features are still softer. In this case, the cheekbone originates near the corners of the mouth, bending smoothly, and ends at the earlobes. Most often found in such face shapes as a triangle, square, circle.

If we talk about the visual perception of this type of appearance, it can be noted that people with low cheekbones are seen by others as conservative, inclined to compromise for their own peace of mind. At the same time, it is the inner calmness that is the main strength of people with this type of appearance, as it allows them to achieve even the most difficult goals. This confirms the fact that among people with low cheekbones there are many who have achieved significant success in show business - for example, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston or Christina Ricci.

Low cheekbones - photo by Christina Ricci

Wide cheekbones

Looking at the photo of wide cheekbones, you can see that in most cases they visually duplicate the shape of the chin. This type is found, as a rule, in the owners of round or square faces. If you look at the photos of girls who had Mongols in their family, you will notice that most of them have them of this type, therefore this type is also called "Mongolian cheekbones".
Wide cheekbones are also called a trademark among top models, while such an image is often created artificially with the help of makeup, to make faces more expressive on the catwalk. In real life, wide female cheekbones are combined with a wide face, and therefore applying a lot of makeup may be inappropriate. Wearers of this type are better off being careful with facial contouring, especially when using blush.

Wide cheekbones - photo by Keira Knightley

Center cheekbones

This arrangement is considered quite rare. The first thing that distinguishes the owner of the centrally located cheekbones from other girls is the characteristic "apples" (bulges) when smiling. Most often, this type of location of the zygomatic bone occurs in people with an oval, elongated or heart-shaped face. Among the celebrities, you can find many famous girls with cheekbones in the center of the face: Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman. However, it is worth remembering that the perfect photos of Hollywood movie divas are the result of the careful work of makeup artists. In real life, the owners of such an unusual appearance should be wary of makeup, since excessively highlighted ones can divert attention from the eyes and lips.

Center Cheekbones - Photo by Halle Berry

Small cheekbones

The last type that we will consider is the structure of the bone, in which the zygomatic part does not differ large size and expressive form. As a rule, it is found in girls with a round face type. How to identify small cheekbones? It is enough to smile at yourself in front of the mirror: if your cheeks do not rise at the same time, then you are referring to this. Those who have traveled to Asia at least once, or are familiar with the culture of Asian countries, know that small cheekbones are a traditional type of appearance for them, in connection with which this type of location is also called "Asian cheekbones". This type of bone structure can be found in many stars, for example, Julia Roberts and Victoria Beckham. The secret of attractiveness in this case will depend on well-chosen makeup, which will help to make protruding cheekbones for those who have them insufficiently.

Small cheekbones - Photo by Victoria Beckham

So, we looked at what cheekbones are and how they look with different face shapes. In order to make the cheekbones more expressive, there are simple makeup rules, adhering to which you can achieve that the cheekbones become higher, lower, hide unnecessarily large or visually enlarge small ones.

How to make expressive cheekbones

To change the shape of your cheekbones in a non-surgical way, there are two ways:

  1. Visual correction with makeup.

About that, and here we will talk about their visual correction.

The rules for making up cheekbones are quite simple: you need to know the type of face, as well as the shape and size of the cheekbones.

  • For a round face you should use the minimum amount of makeup, and do not try to draw a prominent line of the cheekbones. On this type of face, the cheekbones will appear wide. In order to hide wide cheekbones in women, you should use a blush of cold light shades, additionally applying them also to the wings of the nose, temples and the jaw line.
  • Owners oval face type it is necessary to strive to achieve a natural effect. By nature, high cheekbones are found in women with just such an appearance, and therefore all that remains is to slightly emphasize the lateral parts of the face with the help of light powder or highlighter.
  • Square face type with low cheekbones, it is easily corrected by applying dark shades of blush to the side zones of the forehead. In order to visually reduce them and give it a rounded shape, it is necessary to darken the area under them. To complete the contouring, highlights are created on the chin and in the center of the forehead.
  • With a triangular face type the main corrective technique is to darken the hairline and jaw line with dark shades. The same should be done for the tip of the chin and the wings of the nose. But the area of ​​the eyes, the back of the nose and the middle of the chin, on the contrary, must be lightened. This can be done using light powder or highlighter.
  • If you are a lucky owner elongated face, and, most likely, "perfect" high cheekbones, all that remains to be done is to minimize the darkening of the cheekbone area and the tip of the chin. The area of ​​the bridge of the nose and the center of the forehead are lightened with white powder.

Correct cheekbone makeup

So, there are different types of female and male appearance depending on the location and size of the cheekbones. Traditionally, tall are considered ideal, which taper downward. Small cheekbones, too narrow, or, conversely, their wide type requires correction with makeup.

We will note that the cheekbones are an individual feature of each person, but whether it is beautiful or not depends on the trends of fashion and the era.

Not only the condition of the skin makes it possible to perceive the appearance more youthful and well-groomed. Floated contours are a consequence of loss of muscle tone, accumulation of fatty deposits and edema. A balanced diet and beauty care helps to maintain the sharpness of the oval and cheekbones. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to exercise cheekbones on your face. The face, like the body, needs training. If the muscles do not receive the required load, they begin to atrophy. As a result, asymmetry appears on the face. The opposite situation also happens when some muscles are in hypertonicity in relation to the rest. This is due to a person's habit of frowning, smiling, making grimaces, which leads to the fact that a certain expression appears on the face, which appears more and more over the years. The face always seems tense. Another point is the aging of the skin, which, coupled with the loss of muscle tone, radically changes the oval of the face. Borders lose their clarity, serious creases appear in places where the greatest facial expressions are manifested, tissue sinking occurs. In such a situation, facial gymnastics can be a real salvation.

Is it possible with the help of exercises to make cheekbones on the face

Expressive facial features always make the image brighter and more sophisticated. With regular exercises for the cheekbones of the face, you can significantly improve the appearance, but be patient, since it is impossible to quickly make the cheekbones exercises for men and girls. First of all, you need to turn this procedure into a daily ritual. The best time for exercise - morning. The muscles are most relaxed at this time, in addition, gymnastics helps to remove morning swelling. After a few weeks of regular training, the first noticeable results will appear, since it is quite within the power of every person to achieve cheekbones on the face, even with light exercises.

It is IMPORTANT to note that training process carried out on a previously cleansed and moisturized face. After applying the care products, you need to wait a while (until the products are absorbed).

Don't expect miracles from exercise. It will not be possible to completely solve the problem of sagging skin or a floating oval. Exercise is a good preventive measure against premature aging. It can also be done as an adjunct to other facials. But one should not expect that with exercises alone it is possible to restore youth and elasticity to the face. Any problem must be approached comprehensively.

Gymnastics for the cheekbones of the face is called face building (translated from English as “face construction). Regular exercise really allows you to significantly change the contours of the face without surgery. In some cases, the face changes beyond recognition. Gymnastics for slimming the cheekbones of the face includes the following exercises:

  1. Cheeks tightly filled with air squeeze back side palms. The fingers are located on the ears.
  2. The thumb is located on the inside of the cheek. The cheek muscles tighten and press the finger against the gum. The exercise is done symmetrically for both cheeks.
  3. The lips take on a round shape. The tongue is pressed against the cheek with inside... The muscles in the cheeks are tense, and this should be felt with the tongue. Exercise until you feel muscle fatigue.
  4. Open your mouth vigorously, stretch your lips on purpose so that your teeth are completely exposed. Keep such a tense grin until the first discomfort in the neck.
  5. Pull your lips out, as if for a kiss. In this position, they need to be strongly squeezed and moved from one corner to another.
  6. Place the index fingers in the mouth so that they touch the cheeks from the inside. Muscles need to try to push the fingers out of the mouth.
  7. In a standing or sitting position with a straight neck and back, move the chin forward and backward only with the muscles of the head and neck.
  8. "Massage" with a spoon allows you not only to form a higher and sharper cheekbone, but also to remove excess fluid from the tissues. The convex side of the spoon is pressed on the area under the cheekbone, moving from the nose to the temples.
  9. You need to imagine that there is a ball in the mouth. It needs to be moved from one cheek, through the upper lip to the other cheek, and then through the lower lip to the original point. The direction of movement must be changed.
  10. The pencil or pen must be clamped with your teeth. Within 5 minutes, you need to write numbers or an alphabet in the air.
  11. In front of the mirror, you need to stand with a straight back. In this position, all vowels are pronounced. You need to speak clearly, drawn out, opening your mouth wide and straining your muscles.
  12. Fold the lips in the shape of the letter "O" and press them strongly against the teeth. Put the index fingers on the cheekbone under the eyes. Now you need to smile very openly. Movements are smooth.
  13. With your mouth open, you need to press your lips to the gums. In this position, the muscles of the face should already be well tensed. With your palms, you need to tighten the skin from the chin to the forehead, moving along the lateral surfaces of the face. At the first sign of fatigue and heat, the exercise is stopped. The face must be returned to its usual position and breathed through the mouth.
  14. Turning the head from side to side with a delay of 15 - 20 seconds at the extreme point.
  15. Circular movements of the head clockwise and counterclockwise. The head must be kept straight without throwing it back.
  16. Throw your head back, deliberately pointing your chin up and your shoulders down.
  17. The starting position is sitting on a chair with a perfectly straight back. Maintaining the position of the back, the head is tilted back. You need to cover the upper lip with the lower lip and linger for 10 seconds.

Using these exercises, you can make the cheekbones on the face of girls like from the cover of a glossy magazine. In addition, to improve the area under the eyes and smooth the nasolabial folds, you need to open your mouth wide and tilt your head forward. In this position, active blinking occurs. To get rid of wrinkles around the lips, you can alternately puff the lips with a delay of 10 seconds. Sagging of the eyelid can be avoided by bulging the eyes. In this case, the eyebrows must remain motionless. Tension and relaxation during this exercise should alternate at equal intervals.

In the program "All will be good" tells how to make Hollywood cheekbones:

How to make your face wider with exercise

Each face has its own characteristics. Sometimes a person is faced with the task of visually enlarging the area of ​​the cheekbones. How to make your face wider with exercises:

  1. Relax the area of ​​the mouth, while the lips are slightly parted. The chin rests on the toes to create resistance. The head needs to be made up and down movements.
  2. Take air into your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other.
  3. Sit at the table and put your hands on the surface with an emphasis on your elbows. Place your face between your hands clenched into a fist so that your mouth is at the level of your fists. You need to make pressing movements with your hands, and try to stretch your lips in a smile.
  4. Being in a supine position with your hands behind your head and your elbows apart, raise your head only with the neck muscles by 10 counts.
  5. Push the lower jaw forward and stay in this position until discomfort occurs.

With these exercises, you can pump the cheeks on the girls' faces. Since it is impossible to make the cheekbones on the face with exercises in a week, you need to draw up a schedule and set yourself up for a long-term period. Each exercise should be done every day in 2 - 3 sets. The minimum changes can be seen in the first week of classes, if you record the intermediate result in a photograph. The first changes will occur due to the acquisition of muscle tone. In the second and third week, a deeper study begins.

  • For achievement maximum effect such exercises should be performed 30 times;
  • Complexes of exercises for the cheekbones should not be accompanied by severe overstrain. Otherwise, the next day, unpleasant and painful sensations may appear;
  • The main rule of any activity is regularity, calmness and lack of fuss;
  • Workout should be combined with massage, grooming and proper nutrition... It is recommended to exclude sweet and salty foods from the diet, as they provoke fluid retention and edema. It is worth eating more vegetables and fermented milk products (especially kefir and fermented baked milk). A contrast shower, washing with a decoction of herbs and applying lotions has a positive effect;
  • Gymnastics is done only on a clean and moist face;
  • After cleansing, you need to warm up the muscles. Take air into the mouth and actively roll it into the cavity. Outside, you can make a light massage with patting and pinching movements;
  • It is recommended to look in the mirror when doing the exercises;
  • Movements should not create discomfort, manipulations should be done smoothly and slowly;
  • Muscles should be tried to strain to the maximum until a slight burning sensation appears.

Is it possible to achieve a good result in a week

Every person dreams of getting quick results from any of their actions. The main question before starting workouts is how to make the cheekbones on the girls' faces in a week with minimal exercises. It is worth considering the initial state. It is much easier for young girls with young skin to form clear cheekbones than in women and men of age. Excess weight, age changes and lymph congestion greatly change the shape of the face. Reach quick results in advanced cases it will not work. If the face needs a little correction, then with daily activities for 10 - 15 minutes, you can get a good result in a week. In addition, compliance with sleep patterns, nutrition and intake of the required amount of clean drinking water affects the effectiveness of training.

Here are a few more simple exercises for your cheekbones:


Facial gymnastics is effective at any age. Exercises help young girls to remove teenage cheeks, and men to create a more brutal chin and cheekbones. For people more mature age working out the facial muscles helps to remove creases and wrinkles, tighten the face contour, remove the effect of a tired face (drooping tissue). You can choose a single daily complex exercises, or you can draw up a whole training program, where the exercises will alternate by day or week. Nice results will appear in 15 - 20 days from the beginning of training. It should be borne in mind that gymnastics must enter the daily routine forever, otherwise the effect of training will disappear very quickly, and the condition of the face may become even worse than it was before the exercises.

Health and beauty: Slightly sunken cheeks, chiselled chin and beautifully defined cheekbones - make the face oval refined, graceful, expressive and beautiful. A certain set of exercises will help to tighten the muscles of the face and make the cheekbones more expressive.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

Slightly sunken cheeks, chiseled chin and beautifully defined cheekbones - make the face oval refined, graceful, expressive and beautiful. But sometimes not everyone can boast of such beauty. Most often this applies to those who have already turned 30.

To achieve the ideal face contour, there are now a huge number of techniques. These can be: cosmetic procedures, massages, thread lifting, myostimulation, as well as surgery.

Nowadays, more and more often they give preference to fashion trends and the desire to get results as quickly as possible. Many people forget about such effective and popular methods of exposure as facial gymnastics. A certain set of exercises will help make the cheekbones more expressive and tighten the muscles of the face. .

Why do you need facial exercises?

Certain changes occur in our skin with age. It loses its elasticity muscle tone... All this leads to the appearance of a double chin, sagging cheeks. The result of such an impact is the deformation of the oval of the face.... This problem is faced not only by women, but also by men.

To age-related changes were as less noticeable as possible, it is necessary to regularly train the muscles of the face. This will help to increase muscle tone, smooth the skin, and, consequently, reduce the number of wrinkles.

TO positive sides this method must also include the fact thatyou can do it at home and without spending a lot of material resources.

At the moment, there are a huge number of exercise complexes that help correct this flaw. We will discuss the most popular and effective ones. But before performing any exercises, you must familiarize yourself withrules for their implementation:

  • Before starting, you need to cleanse your face and apply a cream
  • It is advisable to perform the complex while sitting in front of a mirror and in a relaxed position.
  • Execution should be smooth and slow
  • Muscles must be strained to the maximum
  • Exercise should be done regularly.
  • By time - 10-15 minutes
  • Correctly performed several repetitions of the exercises will cause muscles lung burning.

Slimming exercises for face and cheekbones

Taking away excess weight from our body, we often forget about how such changes will be reflected on our face. The skin of this area is very sensitive and reacts quickly to all changes. In order to emphasize the oval of the face, to highlight the cheekbones, to get rid of the double chin, it is not necessary to do so much. So,the most effective ways:

  • Masks;
  • Diets;
  • Massages;
  • Special exercises.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: exercises

All lessons are repeated 10-15 times.

  • "Eights". It is necessary to take a pencil or pen in your mouth and draw an eight or infinity sign in the air. You can write other symbols as well. The main task is to tighten all the muscles of the face and vigorous movements of the lips.
  • Pull the lips into a tube and pronounce the vowels a-and-o-u-y.
  • Squeeze your hands and place them on your cheeks in the cheekbones. Press lightly. Try to smile as wide as possible, overcoming hand resistance.
  • Turn your head in different directions, linger at the maximum points for 5-10 seconds.
  • Take air in your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other for 5 minutes. After this exercise, tension should be felt in the cheek area.
  • Throw your head back and in this position begin to move your jaw, bringing it forward and then back.

These exercises will help you to remove swellings in 2-3 weeks, highlight the oval of the face and raise muscle tone.

Exercises for the cheekbones

Most girls often ask the question: "How to pump up the cheekbones of the face?" Not many people decide to go for an operation to install implants. In this case, it will not be superfluous to remember the exercises that will help not only to make the cheekbones, but also to remove the drooping chin, and also to change the oval of the face. The effect of such procedures will not be long in coming. The main condition is regular execution.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises

1. Inhale deeply, puff out your cheeks and distribute the air inside. Place your palms on your cheeks. Keep your fingers on your ears. Press down on your cheeks and feel resistance.

2. Thumb pull the bottom of the cheek from the inside, and press the tension back to the teeth. Repeat for both cheeks.

3. Sit in a chair and tilt your head back. Clench your teeth. Pull your shoulders down and "separate" your head from your shoulders. The muscles of the neck should be tense.

4. Round the lips in an "O" shape. Press your tongue against your cheek. Resist with your cheek. Do this until you feel tired in your facial muscles. Relax and repeat the exercise.

You can perform these exercises any number of times and times, but do not overexert yourself. Recommended 10-15 minutes daily. You can increase the number, but without fanaticism. They will help you pump up your cheekbones and create a beautiful face shape.

Evgenia Baglyk: exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

In cosmetology, a term such as "Face building" ... Translated from English. "Face" - face, "built" - to build. It is a facial muscle strengthening system that allows you to shape your face. Famous face building coach Evgeniya Balgyk claims that by doing the exercises below for 15 minutes a day, the results will be noticeable in 2 weeks. This complex was developed by cosmetologist Jacqueline Kennedy.

Lesson 1 In order to get rid of wrinkles around the lips, you must always keep in good shape. circular muscle lips. To do this, pronounce the vowels clearly and abruptly: "A", "O", "U", "E", "Y".

Session 2 To improve the contour of the face, it is necessary lower jaw stretch forward slightly. No need to strain your lower lip. Doing this exercise regularly will help get rid of a double chin.

Session 3 To increase the volume of the lips, it is necessary to pull them forward, as if pronouncing the letter "P".

Session 4 Alternating inflating will help prevent sagging cheeks.

Session 5 Puffing up each lip in turn and moving up and down will help prevent wrinkles around the mouth.

Session 6 To prevent the eyelids from drooping, the exercise for the eyes "5 kopecks" will help. The eyebrows should not move during execution. It is necessary to alternate tension with muscle relaxation.

Session 7 To improve the condition of the nasolabial crease and the area under the eyes. It is necessary to open your mouth as much as possible, tilt your head forward a little and blink quickly.

In order to achieve positive feedback and effective results it is necessary to perform each exercise at least 30 times. Now you know how to make your cheekbones expressive and everything is in your hands. The main thing is systematic training and focus on positive results... Good luck! For more information on facebuilding exercises, see the video:


How to pump up the cheekbones of a girl who wants to have an aristocratic face, but not resort to plastic surgery. There are a number of exercises you can do yourself at home.


All exercises that are associated with a facelift, with the return of his tone, as well as pumping up the cheekbones, have their own special name. This is toning. This procedure is based on physical therapy. By increasing the tone of the facial muscles, the cheekbones are lifted.

All exercises help not only to pump up the cheekbones, but also to rejuvenate the face. Increasing muscle tone also makes the skin smoother and more elastic. This way you can quickly get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin. This means that the face will look young and fit again.

  1. "Fish head". This exercise should be started by pulling the cheeks inward. In this case, the lips should not open the mouth. They need to be tightly closed. Once everything has worked out, you need to smile. You need to stay with such facial expressions for 10 seconds. Then repeat everything again. And so 5 more times.
  2. "Blow-off ball". To perform the exercise, you must first draw air into your mouth. Then blow off one cheek with your hand. After inflating it, deflate the second cheek. Do this so many times until you get bored.
  3. "Happy smile". You need to smile for all 32 teeth. In this case, one should smile. The eyes should be wide open. And so smile 8-10 times.
  4. Letters O and X. It is necessary to repeat these letters in turn. In this case, the muscles of the face should work as hard as possible.
  5. "Ball and Fish". First you need to draw in your lips. Then the lips should be folded so that they resemble a fish. Then open one corner of your mouth and draw in air. Then repeat the procedure on the other side.
  6. "Doll's face". You need to smile hard. Then take two fingers and press, where there are folds near the mouth. This is followed until resistance is felt. You need to hold the position with pressed cheeks for 30 seconds. Then do this exercise 10 more times.
  7. "Bee". The exercise should be started with a closed mouth. Then inhale deeply through your nose. Chew with your mouth so that the gaseous substance passes over the cheeks. With all this, you need to imitate a bee with the sound "bz".
  8. "Bow". This exercise is done like a normal nod. First, throw your head back. Then tilt sharply forward. So do as much as possible.

To consolidate the result, you need to adhere to the following tips.

  • Drink 2 liters of ordinary water per day. Drink in even portions. Then there will be no more swelling on the face.
  • Vitaminize your diet. You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Refuse fast food. There are many harmful additives in it.
  • Chewing gum helps to strengthen the cheekbones.

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  • An attractive figure is also formed due to correctly formed shoulder muscles, so many are interested in how to pump up a girl's triceps ...

  • There are many women who complain that their hands are either too thin or their skin is loose. Therefore, the question is ...

  • Many people want to have a stretch short time, but do not know how to correctly sit on the split in just a month. V…
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