Abs exercises in 2 weeks. How to tighten your belly in a month

Many people who want to get a flat, tucked and embossed belly are interested in the question of how to quickly pump up the press and achieve desired effect... Stubborn workouts without skipping, your desire and willpower, adherence proper nutrition, drinking regimen, will help to achieve quick fruits.

Today we will tell you how to properly perform exercises for performance, photo and video review of the pros who have achieved the long-awaited cubes.

First of all, a fit and slender body means health, a strong spine and then a beautiful abs. You can carry out the training program both in gym and at home. This requires a minimum of space and some improvised inventory.

Exercise your abdominal muscles up to 4 times a week, rest and remember to eat well. If there is a layer of more than 1.0-1.5 cm on your stomach, then we can disappoint you that in a short time without cardio loads and diet you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Workouts should last at least 60 minutes, where 15-20 of them are given to the abdominal muscles. By practicing intensively for 7 days, you can achieve muscle tone and toned belly, after 2 weeks it will acquire perfect shape and bulges, and after a month of training - the long-awaited cubes.

Exercise on an empty stomach, scientists have proven that fat is burned more intensively, and muscles acquire the desired shape. In the first half of the day protein foods, in the second - fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

How to quickly pump up the press

An inflated belly with gorgeous cubes is within the power of everyone, but not everyone knows how to make it quickly and efficiently. To do it effectively at home you will need:

  1. Willpower, desire, optimistic attitude towards the result and motivation;
  2. Support from relatives;
  3. Free time: no more than 1 hour, including 15-20 minutes for the press / 3-4 times a week;
  4. Stool 2 pcs. (strong, for hanging equipment) / floor / rug.

For the first time, you should not use weighting agents, but when you still want to improve efficiency, you can use dumbbells (1.5-2 kg), if not, then water bottles or devices for hands and feet made by yourself.

You don't need to do a lot of repetitions in the first workout, so that the next day and the next day everything hurts and you can't continue.

In the initial stages, 3-4 sets, increasing them with each workout. For people who have experience in physical activity, it is possible to do more approaches in the initial stages (7-8).

Classes should be fun and enjoyable. Hard - endure, then you are on the way to beautiful body... For the long awaited cubes, pay attention to each section of the abdominal cavity - upper, lower, oblique muscle fibers.

Define 4 exercises for yourself that will have both static and dynamic approaches. Do not forget about cardio if you need to remove body fat.

Warming up the muscles before exercising and stretching afterwards can help reduce the likelihood of injury and improve the elasticity of the muscles.

Basic rules for successful training:

  • Hungry stomach;
  • Cardio training (30-40 minutes);
  • Press (15-20 min.);
  • Monitor your breathing;
  • Warming up before class;
  • Stretching after them;
  • Good music and good mood.

How can you improve your torso and the list of the most effective ways we will describe muscle pumping below.

Down to cubes

Before you start improving your body, you need to adjust your diet and water consumption per day, there should be at least 2 liters. Protein or low carbohydrate diet will contribute to a quick effect.

For growth muscle mass Eat healthy carbs after exercise. To the question of how to pump up the press to cubes in 7 days, we can answer that it is possible if you have worked hard on this for at least 3 weeks before.

Many sources write that it is necessary to train the abdominal muscles daily, but professional trainers say that the muscles need proper rest. Therefore, you should not harm the body in the pursuit of beauty.

How to pump up the press in a short time:

  • For beginners, a minimum of approaches and power loads;
  • Don't set a goal to build cubes in a week;
  • A good mood is guaranteed with a quality approach to the lesson;
  • Perform the first exercises no more than 4-5 times;
  • Train all muscle groups of the peritoneum.

Bodybuilding Tips:

  1. Successful exercises are pleasant muscle fatigue and fighting spirit;
  2. You can and should drink water during exercise;
  3. It doesn't matter where you will go in for sports, the main thing is a great desire;
  4. Build up all kinds of muscles;
  5. Get adequate rest;
  6. Exercise in the morning before eating;
  7. Warm up, so prepare the muscles for intense loads without injuries;
  8. Don't skip classes;
  9. For a high-quality workout of all muscles, increase the approaches according to your endurance and strength;
  10. Make it harder every week by adding the transverse muscles.

Cube Workouts

  • All types of twists: reverse, with straight legs, oblique;
  • "Bike";
  • "Book";
  • Vis on the Swedish wall;
  • Pulling up on a simulator (stool) (20 sec. * 3 sets);
  • The bar is straight / side / with raising the legs (20 sec. * 3 times).

At the beginning, these exercises can be performed no more than 5 stages 10-15 times, increasing with each workout.

Beginners do not need to immediately and sharply tense their muscles, everything should be gradual and enjoyable. You can watch a video tutorial on how to do the exercises correctly.

How to build abs in 7 days

The training program for the week contains a complex aimed at quick result, it will depend on good execution and adherence to the RP.

"Hanging on a simulator / stool / bar." High effective exercise, which is ahead of the order above twisting, but it is difficult for a beginner to do without preliminary physical fitness.

Here you need to correctly focus attention on lifting your legs and maintain an angle, if you have experience, then you can complicate things with straight limbs. Pick up bent or straight, slowly raising and lowering them. So, do as best you can, 2-3 approaches * 5-10 times for initial stage will do quite well.

"Bike". This exercise familiar to many from school times, it can be complicated by adding oblique movements. Do 3-4 approaches * 10-15 times.

"Twists with straight legs." In a prone position, raise your limbs without throwing them high. Do 3-4 repetitions * 10-15 times.

Torso crunches. All types of turns work well both the lower and upper press... Sit down from a prone position, then lie down again. Do 3-4 approaches * 15 times.

"Book". This high-amplitude exercise, in which the upper and lower torso folds quickly, will help eliminate body fat from the waist and tone the muscles. Fold up, choosing for yourself your fast rhythm for 3 sets * 10-15 times.

Diagonal crunches. Well worked out lateral muscles... The exercise is done lying down with bent legs. Put your hands behind your neck, lifting your torso, turn one by one, first in left side 10 times, then to the right 10 times. Take 3-4 sets for a beginner. Do the exercise as quickly as possible.

"Schwarzenegger's Vacuum". Draw in the stomach on exhalation to the limit of its capabilities, so that it "sticks" to the vertebra. At the same time, do not forget to breathe. Do 1-2 times, holding as long as possible, ideally 20 seconds.

It is quite possible to pump up the abs in a week, tighten the flabby muscles, improving the torso and abdominal muscles. By motivating yourself for the result, you can achieve a beautiful relief, success with the opposite sex and high self-esteem.

If a decision is made to tidy up the figure, the recommendations of fitness trainers on how to a short time(in a week, two or a month), you can build abs, get rid of fat in the abdomen and become slim. An important role is played by the correctness of the exercises, their intensity, the number of approaches.

An important nuance when planning workouts for girls is coordinating it with a personal menstrual cycle... Physical activity is undesirable during the cycle, 1 day before and 2 - after it.

Basic training rules for girls:

  • If young men focus on strength exercises to build muscle, then for girls the load must be alternated with stretching and endurance training.
  • You need to start classes at least 2 hours after eating.
  • Do not practice workouts before going to bed (less than 2 hours).
  • More difficult task stands in front of girls who have excess weight in the abdomen. Therefore, abdominal exercises must be combined with weight loss workouts - brisk walking or jogging. Rationally selected diet and body drying - 2 more prerequisites to get rid of body fat.
  • The optimal routine of training is 2-3 during the week. For the press, they often practice daily "pumping" for 15 minutes. Especially if there is motivation for an accelerated course (for example, to tighten up your stomach and pump up your abs as soon as possible).
  • Before moving on to the main complex, you need to warm up, warm up the muscles. This will allow you to achieve the most efficiency from the swing of the press.
  • As a warm-up, you can use dance and gymnastic movements, stretching.

Organization of classes

Experienced trainers say - pump up the press for short term, in a week or two, quite possibly. But do not immediately give yourself maximum loads. At home, a sports rug spread on the floor is enough.

The room should be well ventilated before starting classes. It is ideal to perform the complex with an open window (except for cases when the window faces a gas-polluted road).

Weekly program

It is advisable to do it at the same time. Usually intense workouts experts recommend to spend at intervals of 1-2 days, giving rest to the muscles. To see results within a week, 10-minute ab exercises are preferred to practice daily.

To gain flat belly it is necessary to include in the program strength exercises, including with dumbbells.

The first lesson, for beginners, with a weak level of training.

  • Warm-up to warm up the muscles (jogging in place or dance steps, jump rope);
  • Exercise 1. Raising the legs. Starting position- lying on your back. Approaches - 3, 10 times each.
  • Exercise 2. Straight twists. Perform 10, 3 sets.
  • Exercise 3. Reverse twists. 5-10 times (depending on physical fitness) for 3 sets.
  • Exercise 4. Half-lifts. 3 sets. Each is 10 movements.
  • Exercise 5. Plank. 4 sets (hold for 20 seconds). Break - 1 minute. Add 20 sec. daily.

On the following days, add 1-2 exercises to this complex for different groups muscles. Bring the number of exercises to 10-12. Gradually increase (until a burning sensation in the muscles) the number of repetitions.

Rest between exercises should be no more than 1 minute.

To pump up the press as quickly as possible, you should pay attention to other physical activity. Such regular exercises will be very effective:

  • fast walk;
  • swimming;
  • exercises with dumbbells.

In order to quickly pump up the press (for a week, 2 or a month) special exercises must be supplemented with such types of physical activity as running, swimming or race walking

How to tighten your belly in a month

A girl can see the real results of improving her figure after regular classes in 2 weeks and even more so in a month. The main thing is to persistently follow the set goal and properly organize work on your body.

Basic rules for organizing classes:

  • You need to do at least three times a week. Long breaks between workouts can wipe out all the previously achieved results.
  • Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal. In this case, fat stores previously accumulated by the body are burned. If a different time is chosen for classes, it is important to spend them no earlier than 1 hour after a snack and 2 after a full meal.
  • It is advisable to increase the number of repetitions (the number of exercises) gradually. The first day of class should be the most gentle.
  • It is impossible to get rid of the fat layer on the stomach without organizing a balanced diet and diet.
  • In the development of the press, rapid changes - within a few days - should not be expected. But if the "mechanism is launched" - they will certainly be. It is important to tune in to long and hard work on your body.

Proper nutrition

Once they begin their intense abs workouts, not everyone pays attention to nutrition. Many habitually start their day with coffee, often supplementing it with something sweet. Lunch is either postponed to the evening, or comes down to the usual set of products.

Professional athletes know how to pump up the press in a week. You need not just go on a diet, but go to the correct - more rational saturated diet.

Nutrition rules during the tummy tuck period:

  • Daily ration should consist of one third of proteins, another third - vegetables, 10% - fats, the rest - complex carbohydrates.
  • Divide meals into 5-6 (of which 3 are main). Special recommendation for breakfast. It is the most important of all meals and provides energy for the first half of the day. It is worth giving preference to complex carbohydrates and proteins. It can be porridge, the next day - vegetables with an egg. Experts recommend starting the day with a glass of water in order to effectively and quickly start all processes in the body after a night's relaxation.
  • Do not forget about the correct drinking regime during the day - 300 ml of water per 1 kg of its own weight.
  • Replace “harmful” foods with useful ones. For example, sweet pastries - for dried fruits and nuts; fried fatty meat, sausage - for boiled chicken, veal; sweet soda - for green tea or plain water.

Product Compatibility Chart

Practicing split meals is very effective for weight loss

That is, do not consume proteins and carbohydrates at one meal (meat + porridge, meat + pasta, egg + bread, etc.). Needed: meat + vegetables, pasta + vegetables, fish with vegetables. Avoid combining fats and sugars (the latter should be kept to a minimum).

Exercises for the press for girls

Workouts for girls have their own characteristics. At the first stage, they are aimed at:

  • tightening muscles;
  • removal of fat from the abdomen;
  • giving it a beautiful shape.

These exercises are designed taking into account the characteristics of the female body, they are safer and more gentle. The complex includes training of all sections of the press - upper, lower and lateral.

For upper press

Twisting # 1

Use a special mat.

  1. IP - lying on your back.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, the arms are behind the head. Raising the body to raise and linger.
  3. Go down smoothly. Repeat 15-20 times, for a start - 2 sets.


Lying on your stomach.

  1. The outstretched legs are tense. The fingers are clasped behind the back.
  2. Inhaling, raise your torso (upper part). Press firmly to the surface of the leg.
  3. Hold the torso at the top, making the maximum possible number of slowed-in-out breaths. Start with 10 exercises, 3 sets. Increase the amount of exercise individually until the muscles burn.

Back bends

Perform from a sitting position.

  1. Legs need to be bent at the knees, put your feet on the floor. Hands must be extended in front of you, palms turned up.
  2. Lean back gently, up to an angle of 45 degrees. The upper press is tense. It is better to bend your arms, your fingers are clenched into a fist. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Start 8-10 times. The number of trips is 3.

The letter "T"

This exercise, in addition to the upper section, uses the rest of the muscles of the trunk, develops balance.

  1. The starting position is the classic push-up pose. The torso rests on straight arms, as well as on the toes.
  2. It is necessary to transfer the weight to the right hand, tearing the left off the floor, turn around. Thus, the body together with the arms, as it were, form the letter T. So linger for a few seconds.
  3. Repeat at least 8 times in one direction. Perform the first time 2, and then (depending on the physical form), practice 3 sets.

For the lower press

All exercises should be done 15-20 times (in the first lesson - 10-15 times, depending on how you feel), 3 sets each.

Twisting # 2

Lie on the floor, use a sports mat.

  1. Raise your legs and bend your knees. Keep your hands under your head.
  2. Tighten the torso to bent knees, raising it by 20-30 cm.
  3. Stay at the top for a few seconds.

With the lift of the legs

it strength exercise performed on the back. Slowly raise straight legs until formation right angle.


Sit on the floor, leaning back on bent arms.

  1. Straighten your legs. Raise them slowly by 20-30 cm.
  2. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Pull your legs to your chest.

Repeat as many times as possible.

Lying steps

Lie on the mat, stretched out on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your legs by 30-40 cm, in this position perform quick "steps".

For lateral muscles

This part of the muscles is responsible for the formation of the contours of the figure, waist. For beginners, it is advisable to perform these exercises 8-10 times, the first - 2 approaches, then - 3, with an increase in the number of exercises to 15 or more (focus on well-being - the appearance of a burning sensation).

A set of exercises

The next complex will help without outside help pump up the press at home in a week.

It is recommended to repeat each of the above exercises 15-20 times. For beginners, physically unprepared girls, in the first classes, the number of repetitions should be reduced, focusing on their own feelings - usually this is a burning sensation in strained muscles.

Raising the legs

Raising the torso

Take a position lying on your back. In this case, it is necessary to bend your legs, put your feet on the floor. Hands with elbows apart - in front of the chest or closed behind the head. To rise, without sudden jerks, bringing the body as close as possible to the knees. Get down on the rug. This is the easiest way to lift your torso.

There are also more complex ones. For example, raise your torso to your legs raised at an angle of 60 degrees. In this case, the legs are crossed and bent at the knees. In the gym, this exercise is effective on a Roman chair.


This is an effective exercise for your entire corset, including your abs. Having mastered its classical position, in the future they move on to modifications and complications. You can do the plank from the rest on the palms or on the elbows.

  1. Straighten your legs and rest your fingers. The back is straight, without bending in the lower back, the pelvis does not protrude.
  2. From head to toe, the torso is a straight line. You do not need to raise your head, your gaze is directed downward.

It is performed statically, it is necessary to hold as much as possible. After dropping to the floor, repeat to start again.

Half-lifts ("Spring")

IP - lying down, bend your legs, feet are on the floor.

  1. Tear off the shoulder blades 30 cm from the mat, holding your legs with your hands.
  2. Then straighten your arms, straining your abs.
  3. Perform springy movements with a small amplitude. In one approach - at least 15 movements.


Lie with your back on a gymnastic mat:

  1. Put your hands under the buttocks, palms down (for beginners) or put your hands behind your head (more difficult option). The lower back is firmly pressed to the surface throughout the exercise.
  2. Raise your legs by 30-40 cm.
  3. Bending one leg at the knee, bring it closer to the chest. Extending it, at the same time bending the other leg, repeating the rotation of the bicycle pedals.


The classic option is execution in a position on the back.

Reverse crunches

Performed while lying on the rug bent legs raise.

A beautiful, flat and toned belly - the result integrated approach and rules that must be strictly followed.

  • Simultaneously with the organization of training (ideally - 3-5 days before their start), you need to switch to balanced diet, limiting the use of "harmful" products as much as possible. Eliminate baked goods, sugary carbonated drinks, limit alcohol.
  • Must adhere to general requirements to the number of repetitions and take into account personal feelings. The best marker is the appearance of a burning sensation in the muscles.
  • Intense pace - necessary condition to gain a toned belly in a week. At the same time, exercises are practiced for the entire core. It is important to work out each of the muscles. Some exercises should be done statically or slowly, linger in a certain position for 3-5 (and sometimes longer) seconds.
  • You should not start working on the press without warming up the muscles, warm-up. You can jump rope for a few minutes, run on the spot. Acceptable gymnastic exercises, dance steps, stretching - everything that prepares the muscles for intense work.

It is necessary to introduce exercises for different parts of the press into the complex: these are the upper and lower, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles.

Perform twisting (until the muscles burn), various options leg lifts, deflections, one-legged pelvis lifts, "scissors", "bike". Effectively lifting legs on the horizontal bar, Swedish wall- if there is an opportunity to work out in the gym.

The main thing, how to make the complex more effective, in order to pump up the abs in a week, is to supplement it with other physical activities.

For example, jogging - you can count on weight loss and a more tangible effect on the abs.

By following nutritional and training advice, it is quite possible to achieve beautiful figure with a flat stomach and pumped up abs in a fairly short time.

Useful videos on how to build abs in a week, 2 weeks or a month:

How to pump up the abs for a girl in a month:

How to build abs in a week:

How to build abs in 2 weeks:

Many people dream of a beautiful, pumped-up body, but not everyone can afford going to the gym. Perhaps the most important component of a beautiful figure is a firm, toned belly, both for men and women. In fact, if you work hard, anyone can build abs in 2 weeks at home. Many have probably already tried to play sports at home, but have not received any positive result, and this is not surprising, since solving the problem of a saggy (slightly protruding, having folds, etc.) abdomen requires an integrated approach.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how in 2 weeks at home and what exercises are required for this. Firstly, each person has individual physiological characteristics. For some, in order to lose a couple of extra pounds, it is enough to engage in sports simulators three times a week, but for someone, multi-day diets do not help. Secondly, it all depends on the so-called starting point. If you have an almost flat stomach and would like to perfect it, then two weeks of regular training should be enough. If, with a height of 170 cm, your weight reaches 80 kilograms, you will have to work hard. Many gym instructors are quite skeptical about the question of how to pump up the press in 2 weeks, and yet there are several simple rules which will help you get closer to the body of your dreams in a relatively short time:

1. Monitor your diet. Good physical shape depends primarily on proper nutrition. The main enemies of a flat stomach are all flour, sweet, fatty. Perhaps you should take note of the advice of nutritionists: if you want to be in good health physical form, do not starve, eat several times a day, but in small portions. The daily diet should contain as many fresh vegetables, low-fat fermented milk products as possible. It is not recommended to engage in physical activity immediately after eating. The most the best time for exercises to pump up the press - morning. Waking up, you can drink water, but in no case do not have breakfast before class. To some, this will seem quite difficult, but the result will not be long in coming.

2. Training should begin with a warm-up. Everyone remembers this rule from school. A warm-up is needed in order to prepare the muscles and joints of the body for further physical activity. In addition, the complex simple exercises(tilts to the left and right side, rotating arm movements, stretching) help prevent sprains. The warm-up, as a rule, should take no more than 10 minutes.

3. Since it is possible to pump up the press in 2 weeks only by persistently training, first of all you need to know which exercises are required. For training the upper press, availability sports equipment and any additional projectiles are optional. The technique of exercises for the upper press is as follows: you should lie on your back on a flat, flat surface, throwing your arms behind your head and bending your knees. Next, you need to lift the upper body, trying to reach the knees with the elbows of the hands. The amount of exercise depends on individual physical capabilities. In any case, they must be done to failure.

In a short time, special ones will also help, which mainly consist in raising the legs. One of the most effective ways to build up your abdominal muscles is a technique called a bicycle. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, throw your hands behind your head, bend your knees and perform rotational movements with them. Imagine yourself twisting bicycle pedals.

A similar effect on the abdominal muscles has next exercise: we lie on our back, arms outstretched to the sides. Then we try to pull the legs bent at the knees as close as possible to chest... In this case, you need to try to work the muscles of the abdomen, and not the muscles of the legs. With the right exercise, you will feel how the muscles of your abdomen are being worked out.

If you do not know how to pump up the press in 2 weeks on your own or have already tried to do it, but did not achieve the desired result, you should sign up for the nearest gym... At home, you are limited in training due to the lack of elementary simulators - irreplaceable assistants in the fight for a beautiful toned body. In addition, each instructor, better than any Internet resource, will tell you how to pump up your body in 2 weeks and get in good shape. It is important to remember that nothing comes easy. Constant work on yourself is the undoubted guarantee of a beautiful slim body and excellent health.

If you care about your health and shape, then for sure you are fans of healthy, balanced food and effective physical exercise... Focusing on the latter, we offer you a proven method of shaping beautiful press at home. You will be surprised, but this can be achieved after a week, devoting only 10-20 minutes to exercise.

To begin with, let's repeat the secret of success: 7 exercises 10-20 min / day within a week - and your abs will take on a more toned shape. The main thing is not to stop there and continue regular training for more than 1 week. Why is that? Each person will need a different time for the first "cubes" to appear, but pleasant changes await you by the end of the first week.

You will need:

1. Sofa / armchair / chair;
2. 10-20 minutes / day;
3. Willpower / positive attitude / focus on results / support / motivation ...

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of the couch. Raise your legs so that they do not touch the floor. Now you are in a very uncomfortable posture, you will get seasick, the abdominal muscles are tense. But the back is also at the same time, so help yourself with your hands, resting them on the sofa. Now you have some balance.

Now we bend our legs towards ourselves, and then straighten them. This needs to be done 20 times. We fold and straighten.

Exercise 2

Now let's change the position. Lie on the floor with something soft. Raise your legs 90 degrees (both together), then lower. This exercise must be done 20 times.

Note: in the prone position, it is difficult to raise your legs straight, so help yourself with your hands: putting your hands under your buttocks or supporting them back legs.

Exercise # 3

In the same position we make the well-known "bicycle". Also 20 times.

You can rest after that. But not for long, there are still exercises ahead.

Exercise 4

Again, we do not change the position. Now we try to reach the chest with our knees, swaying back and forth. It is important to understand that from a prone position we bend our legs towards us, reach our chest, then spring-straighten the limbs. And again 20 times.

Exercise 5

Now put your feet on the sofa and lie on the floor with your back. You need to reach your knees with your hands and lie back on your back. We do this 20 times without any changes.

Exercise # 6

Let's complicate it. Now, in the same position, you need to, holding your hands behind your head, reach your knees with your elbows. It will be more effective if right hand will stretch to the left leg and vice versa. Thus, you not only swing the upper abs, but also twist the spine, which is also very useful. Of course, 20 times.

Exercise 7

And finally the last one. Without changing position, now we reach the heels with our hands, we put our hands behind the feet, also crosswise. And also 20 times.

After that, we advise you to take a warm or contrast shower. Give your body a rest and your breathing to recover.

Parting words!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that not everyone will be able to do each exercise 20 times at once. It is best to start with 5-8 reps, gradually increasing by 3 reps every day. It is important to understand: it is better to do less, but for longer. After all, the hardest thing is at the beginning, when the press hurts the next day and no longer wants to do exercises. The most important thing is not quantity, but duration. Of course, don't forget about rest. Also drink plenty of water.

Few people today would be able to give up a fit, beautiful and athletic figure. One of the key components of an excellent physique must be called beautiful belly, which has pronounced muscles press. Even if you do not at all strive for forms, like a bodybuilder, then in order to bring your muscles to a certain tone, you will need to work hard. For many, it is still a mystery how you can pump up your abs, say, in 1 week. However, with a competent program, this is more than real.

What are the abdominal muscles?

Abdominal press it is customary to call the muscles on the walls of the abdomen, these include the straight, external oblique, as well as the internal oblique and, accordingly, transverse. The external and internal oblique muscles are located perpendicular to each other, the transverse bundles are horizontal. So, the relief, aka the notorious "cubes", is formed due to the rectus abdominis muscle, which is located vertically. They are symmetrically bisected by a midline on the abdomen.

Abdominal muscles

The muscles of the press together form a kind of frame, its role is to hold the body. Otherwise, the spine would simply not be able to cope with the colossal load. In addition, the abdominal muscles protect our internal organs... And also the mobility of our body directly depends on the muscles of the press. Strong and pumped up muscles of the press make it possible to withstand enormous loads. This even applies to those that mainly use other muscles.

Having gained a general idea of ​​how exactly the abdominal muscles are arranged and located, as well as what functional role they play, you can understand how exactly they can be best strengthened. It goes without saying that keeping them in shape will require constant and regular training.

Two-week press program

Firstly, in order to have a real effect, the program must be drawn up individually. In half a month, you can develop a certain base, from which you can then develop the press. It is desirable to conditionally divide the course into 2 parts, each of which will be equal to a week. So, we must remember that more does not mean better and according to the principle of "all at once" there will be no effect at all. Consistency is important. Too active abrupt start corny will exhaust and kill further desire to act. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that it is possible to pump the press in 1 week or even in 2 weeks, but only for those people who have only a small layer of fat on their stomachs, or there is none, as such. In short, you need to first drive off excess fat, and then work out the relief of your abs. In the first case, you need a specific diet.

How to pump up the press in 1 - 2 weeks - program

During the first week, the body gradually warms up, so to speak. It is necessary to conditionally outline "training" days for yourself, as the first and third, fifth and seventh. Be sure to devote at least 40 minutes to classes, otherwise even very intense physical labor will not give tangible results.

You should start with stretching, then continue with a ten-minute cardio workout. Then you can move on to work with the press. You will need to do 3 approaches, about 30 body lifts. You can take two minute breaks between all sets. After rest, it is advisable to perform 3 more approaches, each consisting of 30 leg lifts. Then we take a break, after which we perform 3 more times, each of which includes 30 "scissor" strokes. The workout should be completed with stretching exercises. If it's still difficult to do about 30 lifts each, you can start with a smaller amount, but gradually, by the end of the week, you will need to increase it to the above.

By the second week, the abdominal muscles will be sufficiently strengthened, so that you can safely increase physical activity... This can be done in a couple of ways. Or go to exercises with incline bench, or start exercising with weights. In the case of body lifts, even an ordinary dumbbell is suitable; to perform leg lifts, or "scissors", you can use special Velcro weights. If you feel that the load is still not enough, then you need to increase the number of repetitions in each of the approaches.

Components of the weekly press program

How to build abs in 1 - 2 weeks - exercises

The simplest, well-known exercise for the press is a twisting in the prone position. The starting position of the body is to lie on the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and put your hands behind your head. You need to raise the upper half of the body and press it to the knees, then hold on for a few seconds and then return to its original position. At the same time, if you raise your body not very high, then only top part straight abdominal muscles, and if you try to reach with your elbows to your knees, then, accordingly, the lower one works. Be sure to perform the entire exercise smoothly and without any jerks. It is also important to monitor your breathing. The point is that it is necessary to exhale on the rise, then it will be much easier to perform this exercise, moreover, its effectiveness will increase. Regular and correct execution such an exercise helps to build muscle even in a short period of 2 weeks.

To increase the effectiveness of the above exercise, work using incline bench... This relatively simple machine is available in any gym. You can also adjust the lifting height yourself. So, the greater the angle of your inclination, the more difficult it is, respectively, to perform the exercise. In the process of working with the bench, the body must not be lowered to the end. That is, in your lower position, you should not reach the surface of the bench by about 10 centimeters.

Leg lifts will also be effective for the press. To perform them, you should lie on the floor, and place your hands along the body. Next, you should slowly raise your legs until they are at right angles to the floor. After that, they will need to be omitted in the same way. This exercise should be performed not due to "inertia", but by tension of the abdominal muscles. "Scissors" are performed in a similar way. You should raise your legs about 20 centimeters from the floor and then make movements that imitate the work of scissors.

Debunking stereotypes

How to pump up the press in 1 - 2 weeks - the result

There are many mistakes and myths associated with pumping up the press.

For example, exercise alone does not guarantee good abs as a result. In order to remove the layer of fat, you need cardio training and diet.

Excessive fanaticism will not speed up the result, it will simply exhaust you ahead of time.

The effect is only complex.

How to pump up the press in 1 - 2 weeks - video

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