How to eat at work: preparing diet snacks. Crunching with help

Snacking between meals is a must, and work shouldn't be an obstacle.

If you eat often, then the blood sugar level practically does not change, but the metabolism, on the contrary, improves.

But it is important to choose healthy foods for small meals in order not only to satisfy hunger, but also to lose weight.

Foods not suitable for snacks

You need to forget about various chocolate bars, chips, buns. it faster carbohydrates which give only a visible feeling of satiety. Already twenty minutes later, when the body turns these carbohydrates into fats and put them off for long-term storage, the feeling of hunger will return again.

Various sweet and salty pastries should be discarded also for the reason that they contain carbohydrates that quickly pass through the digestive tract. Choose foods with a lot of fiber for weight loss and proper snacking. These are fruits and vegetables, cereals.

Foods ideal for snacks

Soluble fiber

Fiber is slowly processed by the body, which means that the feeling of satiety after such a snack at work can be maintained for a long time. Some of the preferred fiber foods for snacks include:

  • beans, peas
  • oat bran
  • fruits (except for bananas and grapes, they contain a lot of sugar)
  • apples
  • mango
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • carrot
  • celery
  • Three fresh, medium-sized carrots contain only 60 calories. But the feeling of hunger after such a snack will not appear soon.

In addition to fiber, fresh fruits also contain carbohydrates. But these are slow carbohydrates from which the body benefits. Particular attention should be paid to citrus fruits, kiwi, apples. Better to buy seasonal fruits that contain a minimum of nitrates.

  • The easiest option for a quick, healthy snack is a salad. Vegetables should be chopped and seasoned with a little olive oil. For a variety of taste, you can add a little cottage cheese, cheese to the salad.


Many protein foods also suitable for small meals in between main meals. But here it is important to eat protein products separately. It can be boiled fish or meat, poultry. Boiled eggs or a slice of cheese will also relieve hunger.

  • Previously, it was believed that cheese is a pest of the figure and many diets banned this product for use. But today, a slice of low-fat cheese is an excellent recommended snack that relieves hunger quickly and for a long time.

Nuts and dried fruits

Immediately you need to make a reservation that it comes not about roasted peanuts and other beer snacks.

If you want to lose weight, you cannot eat nuts in large quantities. But a dozen almonds (about 80 calories), two dozen pistachios (80 calories) will benefit and relieve hunger.

Dried fruits contain a lot of fiber. The most useful option for losing weight is dried cherries. There are only 125 calories in five tablespoons of foods.

Cherries can be added to yogurt for a delicious dessert. You can make ice cream from a banana by adding it to yogurt (grind everything until mushy and freeze).

Yogurt and other dairy products

For a low-calorie snack at home or at work, you can use yogurt. But it is best to choose a natural product without various fruit additives, dyes and sugar. You can add some nuts, pieces of fruit, muesli to yogurt yourself.

  • Many losing weight believe that to get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat only low-fat dairy products, including yogurt. But in fact, it is better to choose foods with medium fat content: they are more natural and healthy for the body.

A glass of milk and kefir is also a great snack while dieting. Kefir normalizes digestion, restores intestinal microflora. If you add pieces of fruit, dried fruits or nuts to kefir, you get a full-fledged dessert.

  • The brain receives a signal from the stomach that food has entered the body within a quarter of an hour. That is, you do not need to fill up to the dump, you just need to wait 20 minutes until the brain receives a signal of satiety.

Knowing the products that are suitable for a healthy and nutritious snack, you can create a varied meal menu for a working day. With the right combination of products, it will turn out to make interesting dietary dishes that will give a feeling of satiety for a long time and heal the body.

Every person in life experiences stress, short-term or long-term. Most of us solve our stress problem by eating buns, sweets and other carbohydrates ...

This is not surprising, because carbohydrates suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Yes, this will reduce the stress level, but the volume of the figure will increase.

Foods lead to stress

Too many foods that are stressful, that is, high in sugar or processed foods, make you tired, irritable, and depressed. These include breakfast cereals, white bread.

Avoid sugar, sweets, and flour products throughout the week. This will lower blood sugar levels, which in turn will slow down the production of stress hormones.

The main food should consist of vegetables and fruits. and meat consumption should be reduced. It can be replaced with soy products or low-fat cheese. Potatoes and rice are also helpful.

Seizing stress without harming the figure

Nutritionists and psychologists recommend switching to healthier foods to "seize" stress, after all, you cannot get rid of this habit overnight. Of course, you will need to find other ways to improve your mood: a favorite hobby, a good movie, playing sports. But if you continue to be drawn to the refrigerator, then try to eat the following foods.

And remember the quantity: bitter chocolate, only 1 slice is enough, nuts or dried fruits - 2-3 pieces.

Chocolate, not less than 70% cocoa beans

Experts have proven that this dark chocolate contains a lot of nutrients. Thanks to natural stimulants - theobromine and caffeine - chocolate helps to cope with fatigue and stress.


Banana contains a ton of serotonin, which is called the "hormone of joy".

Mint tea

Relieves stress and fatigue. True, drinking such tea is better in evening time since has the effect of sleeping pills.

Tropical fruits

Tropical fruits are the best medicine for blues. Kiwi, mango and guava are a storehouse of vitamin C, which provides pep and energy.

Grated Parmesan or other cheese

Cheese contains tryptophan in abundance which benefits mental health: it helps us to be calmer and happier.

Figs and dates

Figs are great for raising your spirits, because they contain vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of serotonin.

A cup of cocoa

Amazing ability cocoa to improve mood and to increase vitality has long been noticed by people.


Lean on the cabbage. Cabbage has a wonderful ability to weaken the activity of the thyroid gland, which in turn calms the nerves.

Broccoli is a product containing B vitamins, in particular folic acid, which helps to reduce the state of anxiety, anxiety, and prevents the development of depression.


Sweet almond oil is used in folk medicine as sedative, and the kernels - from insomnia.

Turkey, chicken, rabbit meat

Turkey meat stimulates energy and helps the body cope better with stress.

These meats are high in tryptophan.


Honey is a natural sedative medicine and an antidepressant that does not irritate the stomach, like many medicines, but, on the contrary, heals them.

Low fat milk

Contains a morphine-like substance casomorphin.


Crunching croutons in front of the TV is better than crisps ... Soothing - tested!

Legumes (soybeans)

They are high in tryptophan. Soy also enhances the body's defenses.


Strawberries are great at fighting bad moods!


Vitamin C, which is found in sufficient quantities in these fruits, will get rid of nervousness and depression.

Fish and seafood

The study found that in countries with a high consumption of oily fish, people are less likely to suffer from depression and that depressed people have less omega-3s in their brains.


Fresh tomatoes and tomato juice are good for you with a general breakdown, weakening of memory, anemia.

Peanut butter, peanuts

One of the best sources of tryptophan is peanut, both whole nuts and peanut butter.


The following elements are responsible for the stress-fighting properties of this product: magnesium, pantothenic acid, vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Lack of pantothenic acid causes chronic fatigue susceptibility to infections and various diseases.


The carbohydrates in grains have a calming, mood-enhancing effect.


It is a rich source of polyphenols - useful substances that block the aggressive influence of the external environment on the body: they remove toxins and have an anti-stress effect. This is why a glass of wine will easily calm you down and boost your mood.

Remember that in times of depression and stress it is best to limit your intake of alcohol, soda, fatty foods, and baked goods.

Buenas Diaz, my dear readers! I sometimes crunch my spine. This is how it happens in the morning when you wake up, pull your stiff back with all your might and you hear this quiet crackling. Or got up from behind the computer after several hours of work and again - rumbled in the back. Does this happen with you?

Who of us has not met such a kind adviser who, having barely heard how you crunched your fingers or your spine, immediately grimaces and starts an edifying conversation ?!

In bright colors, he describes to you how this enjoyable activity, which helps to relax, will lead to arthritis. Your fingers will curl up, and your back will bend into an arc.

But is it really that scary? Can you crunch your spine?

Should you listen to advice?

Let's figure it out!

My research suggests that there are two completely opposite theories.

You can crunch your spine!

To confirm this theory, you need to understand a little about anatomy. Each vertebra or joint has a small cavity that is filled with a special lubricant with nutrients, it is called synovial fluid. This gap can increase over the years.

The larger this cavity, the lower the pressure in it. A number of processes are also associated with the formation of small air bubbles. When they burst, we hear a characteristic crunch.

After a couple of tens of minutes, the gases will dissolve in the liquid again, and you can repeat this trick with a clicking back without any problems.

Earlier, when a person complained to the doctor about the crunch of the spine, he immediately diagnosed him with "salt deposits".

However, if you watch yourself, and fix every time your spine crunches, you will find that this usually happens during stretching and stretching. And at the very beginning, when it comes to playing sports. If you do not have time for sports, I can advise the belt " Ab gymnic" - this is great option keep your muscles in good shape.

A typical situation: a specialist resolutely kneads your back and during massage you hear these characteristic: “Click! Click! Click! " And as if all the bones in the vertebrae fell into place.

The adherents of the first theory say that there should be no reason for fear with such a crunch. That is, it is neither a disease nor a pathology.

But in rare cases, crunching can be a symptom of some back problems. You should be wary only when during it you also feel severe pain.

To get rid of these symptoms, the patient needs to spend several days in bed and take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs until the condition is completely improved.

But in this case, you should well understand that relieving pain does not equate to getting rid of the disease.

Why do we feel relieved after the crunch?

The strong and abrupt movement (for example, when turning), with which we induce a crunch in the spine, helps to release the blockage around muscles and joints.

Therefore, the pain disappears and the stiffness of movements disappears. However, this effect will not last long. If weak muscles load strongly again, then a spasm will once again appear in them.

Only special exercises... With gymnastics, the muscles of the back are strengthened, which means that the myofascial block will occur less and less often.

As a result, when drawing conclusions about whether or not it is harmful to crunch the spine, we rely only on the list of symptoms.

If nothing bothers you besides the crunch, there is no pain in the cervical, chest or lumbar, as well as edema and inflammation, the crunch is completely harmless.

Most importantly, all kinds of studies have not revealed the relationship between crunching and the development of arthritis.

Spine crunching is strictly prohibited!

However, many chiropractors, osteopaths, and orthopedic traumatologists say that crunching the spine is strictly prohibited.

In this position, the joints are destabilized. Therefore, in the future, such people are much more likely to face dislocations and subluxations, as well as pinched nerves.

Experts also say that people who have a history of spinal instability have a tendency to crunch their backs. This is a truly pathological condition that prevents a person from leading a fulfilling life.

Instability in the cervical region

If you eliminate discomfort in cervical spine with the help of active turns of the head, and even helping yourself with this with your hands, in this case, serious problems await you around the corner.

Chiropractors find these patients the most difficult. The impact on this part of the spine should be very delicate and specific. The doctor is very careful when working with the neck.

If the instability is pronounced, then it may even be necessary to wear a special orthopedic collar. Do you want to have this cute accessory in your wardrobe? Then crunch your neck more often.

Such patients are prohibited from performing any independent manipulations. Moreover, doctors say that even a person who is professionally engaged in correcting such deformations is not able to “fix his neck” on his own.

Is it possible to crunch the spine during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are prohibited from crunching their spine in a particularly categorical manner.

Carrying a baby negatively affects our back. During pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity shifts. Its weight is growing rapidly and makes you experience increased stress on the spine.

Only a qualified specialist who knows how to relax the muscles of the spine and how to prevent pathological deformations should solve these problems.

A much more useful activity for these women in a wonderful time will be the course special massage or yoga classes. The latter technique has become more than just popular over the past decade. Almost every person at least once became interested in this ancient method of restoring health.

Yoga has practically no contraindications, it is allowed for children, the elderly and pregnant women. Yoga is recommended both before pregnancy, during gestation and after the birth of a baby. Yoga is universal.

She can easily captivate even a child: they like this training game, where they imagine themselves to be a tree, then a butterfly, or a dog.

At one time, I rummaged through a ton of all kinds of resources in search of interesting and feasible workouts for all family members, but I found the best course here:

Within a month, you will feel significant improvements both in the back area and in general condition.

Is it allowed to crunch vertebrae for patients with osteochondrosis?

This group of people can be given the same unequivocal recommendations not to experiment on their health. the spine is already more vulnerable. Therefore, a sharp and sudden movement in this area can lead to disastrous consequences.

Strictly following your doctor's instructions will result in much more use and faster relief than such amateur performances.

Crunch or not crunch? That is the question!

In general, the conclusions and the answer to the most important question: "Is it possible to crunch the spine?" - they ask themselves.

If this rarely happens to you, you do not experience any pain or discomfort, and in general your back does not give you any trouble, then crunch your health.

In the case when, in addition to the desire to crunch, you have periodic pain in the back area, you are carrying a child or have a history of any disease in this area, then what to do ?! You can only crunch with breadcrumbs.

Then I take my leave and expect you very soon. I want to tell you and your friends (send them a link to this blog) about one very interesting and necessary thing.

And why is the law of universal meanness that all the tastiest things are so harmful? Of course, fatty and sweet foods are bad for our health and interfere. But how can you live without fried potatoes, crispy chips in front of the TV, cookies with condensed milk over a cup of tea?

How? Easily! The recipe is as follows: we take your imagination, a handful of efforts, a pinch of patience and as much desire as possible to be healthy. We mix everything thoroughly and use your satisfied smile as a decoration.

What foods are the most harmful to your figure and health? And what can replace your favorite nasty things? Attention here, ladies and gentlemen.

1. Mayonnaise.

This is a large clot of fat that is evenly distributed over the thighs, and even worse - the heart and blood vessels. It's not so much about the fats contained in mayonnaise, but about their quality. It's just a bomb of trans fats, with dyes, preservatives and emulsifiers as a nice bonus.

An excellent alternative would be sour cream 10–20% fat. It will easily replace the usual harmfulness as a salad dressing. And even better - natural yogurt.

If you still want mayonnaise, then you can cook it at home. It's not difficult at all. Of course, it still will not become a dietary product, but at least you will know the composition of the sauce and gain confidence that there is nothing but natural ingredients in it.

2. Chips and croutons.

The special love of young people. In fact, there is nothing harmful in the base - it's potatoes and bread. But the question is how much oil the chips are fried with. And the bigger question is what additives are used to enhance the flavor.

By the composition of an ordinary bag of some kirieshek, you can learn the periodic table. It is difficult to find so many chemical additives that are very hazardous to health in any other product.

Often times, people eat these foods to satisfy the need to crunch something while working, reading or watching TV. In this case, chips and kirieshki can easily replace vegetable or fruit chips. You can now find a large selection of dried fruits on store shelves. Banana chips - why not a crisp for a snack?

3. Carbonated drinks.

Coca-Cola and Fanta go hand in hand with chips and crackers, of course. Another time bomb, the composition of which is better not to read. Add sugar to the water and color with gouache - it will turn out to be healthier than Coca-Cola anyway. Have you ever heard that she can wash off plaque and rust? Now imagine what happens to your stomach.

Fresh fruit juices and milkshakes are much tastier and healthier. And we're not talking about packaged juices and shakers at McDonald's. We are talking about lovingly prepared fresh juices with our own hands. There are thousands of recipes with many different combinations of ingredients. Refreshing, sweet, juicy, healthy ... What could be better?

4. Sweets, pastries.

Oh, those delicious chocolates, the sweet aroma of pastries and the taste of pastries melting in your mouth. And of course, the habit is to drink tea with sweets after eating. It must be admitted that the dependence is not so much on the taste as on the process. After all, most often, when going for groceries, you do not add a specific dessert to the shopping list, but confine yourself to an indefinite and mysterious: "for tea" ...

For most people, the very fact of consuming something sweet after eating is more important, that's all. And the excessive absorption of sugar and starchy foods, meanwhile, is a direct path to diabetes mellitus, as well as to an extensive waist and hips.

But there are many healthy (in moderation) sweets that are no less tasty than the usual ones, and will easily satisfy your need for ritual eating of desserts over a cup of tea.

These include honey, halva, marshmallows, dark chocolate, as well as dishes prepared by you personally according to the rules healthy eating... Today there are many recipes according to which you can cook goodies from cottage cheese, fruits, honey, wholemeal flour and sugar substitutes. And these desserts, of course, will be a thousand times more useful!

By the way, absolutely harmless sweetener is.

5. Food fried in oil.

Here is fish, it is useful. There is vegetable oil, which is also useful. And you, for example, take and pour half a liter of oil into a frying pan, put the fish there and completely negate the benefits of both one and the other product.

When frying, oil releases carcinogens that increase the risk of cancer. In addition, oil under the influence of high temperatures loses its vitamins and turns into useless fat (the excess of which, as we remember, clogs our blood vessels). And the fish, as a result, is saturated with all these harmful substances and from this it also ceases to be useful.

There are so many ways to cook food! Bake, steam, boil, stew ... Well, if you cannot live without crispy crust on food, then use a non-stick frying pan that will not burn anything without oil.

6. Sausages.

There is such an anecdote:

“- Mom, is cheese healthier than sausages?

"Sonny, these days, even smoking is healthier than sausages."

And it would be funny if it weren't for the sad truth. Who makes these sausages? Of what? To think that there is meat, and you get high-quality protein from them, is ridiculous. This is another repository of fat, preservatives and flavor enhancers. It will be lucky if, in fact, there is no cardboard in the composition.

Homemade pastroma or ham can be a substitute for harmful smoked sausages. It sounds clever, but in reality it is elementary to prepare. Well, if there is absolutely no time to cook, and you really want to put something on the bread, then the boy from the joke was right - cheese is healthier than sausages.

7. Semi-finished products.

These include all ready-to-eat products, which are enough to heat up, boil, etc. These are all kinds of dumplings, frozen cutlets, manti, instant noodles ...

Do you know what is the worst thing about such products? “The most frightening thing is the unknown.” This expression fits here very precisely. Who made these products, with what hands, how many days / months / years they were (underline as appropriate), how many times they have already been frozen and thawed… You cannot know anything for sure. Well, why do you need such surprises?

I have such a thing as junk food. I include all sorts of chips, sweets, crackers and other store-bought stuff in it. But nothing changes the look so dramatically as cooking it at home. Of course, the pluses are obvious. First, we know the composition. Secondly, we can change and supplement this composition according to our own taste, as well as experiment to such an extent that as a result we get something incredible and unexpected in composition, and of course tasty, but who would doubt it))
The main rule in making crackers is their quantity! There is a lot to do because you know how quickly they disappear. They serve as a pleasant addition not only to hot and cold drinks, but to activities such as reading, watching films, heart-to-heart conversations ...
In general, today I decided not to litter the air with photo flood, but to give food not only for the soul, but also for the body. And the food is quite healthy :)
My recipes were written down a long time ago, I can't find the sources, if someone suddenly finds out, signal them.

I'll start with these unusual ones. They are with millet, yes, you can say practically with porridge, but you practically will not feel it in taste. Millet must be washed well, and generally taken good quality so that it does not taste bitter in any way, otherwise all work will be lost.

Millet and Rosemary Crackers

0.5 tbsp dried rosemary
100 g wheat flour
150 g corn flour
150 ml milk
30 g butter
60 g dry millet
1 tsp Sahara
1.5-2 tsp salt

Pour millet with boiling water and leave for an hour.
Next, the millet needs to be washed. Add all other ingredients. Knead the dough, roll it out very thinly (not easy, but quite doable). Cut crackers of the desired size with a mold or glass and bake at 20 ° C for 10 minutes.

Everything is simple, very simple, and fast, not counting the millet soaking time. Rosemary can be added and fresh, completely. And I tasted them in such a company:

Fig .. Juicy, sweet, with a fleshy blood-red pulp ..

This is the only photo session for him this year, it so happened that instead of making something from figs, I ate them just like that))
And for contrast, the combination, of course, well-known to everyone, is cheese, with mold, with blue. It was very emotional))

Well, the recipe is nothing at all, but there are a lot of photos. There are days, foods and dishes that are very conducive to photography.

And the second. I will write the recipe as it should be, but I forgot to do something, so I had to get out))
The recipe is from here.

Tomato Basil Crackers

About 60 pieces:

185 gr. flour
30 gr. butter, cut into pieces
2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh basil
2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp. l. water (approximately)
1 egg white
2 tsp sea ​​salt (I advise you to take less)

Sift flour, add butter, make crumbs. Add basil, tomato paste and pepper and enough water to knead a tough dough, knead the dough, cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, grease the baking sheet. Roll out the dough on a floured surface up to 2 mm thick. Pierce the dough with a fork, cut out 4 cm squares. Place on a baking sheet at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with salt. Bake for about 15 minutes, until golden brown, cool on a baking sheet.

In general, I forgot to add tomato puree to the dough ... I had to grease the crackers with it on top, which is not very correct, but the tomato flavor still turned out, although not to the extent that it should have been. Do not forget;)

We have a long weekend, another incomprehensible holiday, the day of national unity, how!)) What are you planning to do? :)

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