One-handed kettlebell bench press lying down. The most effective kettlebell exercises

Fitness expert Sergey Strukov translated Greg Dea's text on the best shoulder exercise for the library of the Federation of Fitness Professionals.

One-handed kettlebell press suits everyone

Whether you are looking to improve power and strength, or do pattern recovery rehabilitation, the one-handed kettlebell press is suitable for all of these purposes.

I used this exercise to compensate for the high volume of throws, holds, serves and contacts with volleyball and handball players of international level. Athletes who systematically perform one-arm presses as part of a workout program will increase punch power and endurance.

But even if you're just doing fitness, you can use it to improve your posture and increase shoulder strength.

The one-arm press is the best as it meets the following criteria:

1. Safe start and end position.
2. Safe movement pattern.
3. Development of "push" power.
4. Identification and protection of weak links.

Now let us explain in more detail each of the listed advantages.

Safe start and end position

The starting and ending positions of the one-handed press are safer than other popular strength exercises for the shoulder, such as front and side raises. A long lever, when lifting weights in front of you and over the sides, often forces the scapula to move away from a stable position at the beginning and at the end of the movement. It is like lifting a crane off the ground before lifting a load onto a tall building.

Rises in front of you and across the sides cause more shoulder problems than any other exercise, targeting the muscles that try to hold the shoulder blades in relation to the neck and torso (trapezoidal and diamond-shaped).

The main role of the scapula is to support the arm. It can move freely to maintain the correct position of the glenoid fossa in relation to the head of the shoulder. With a "pterygoid" scapula (the medial edge moves away from the chest or tilts forward), or the medial / upper part of the scapula is higher than the lateral part, which puts the glenoid fossa in a position that limits the lifting of the arm. This is wrong and not stable. In this position, the blade loses the required orientation.

The one-arm press, on the other hand, suggests the correct position. With one-handed presses, the scapula is dynamically stable, there is unlimited freedom of movement with situational support and maintaining the correct position.

The movement begins in a stance, with the kettlebell directly in front of the shoulder. The kettlebell is located on the forearm, on the outside of the hand clenched into a fist, the elbow is directed forward. The palm of the hand is directed towards the face. In the final position, the kettlebell is strictly above the shoulder, the elbow is straightened. Both of these positions, starting and ending, stabilize the position of the scapula.

Safe movement pattern

Press from starting to ending position should be vertical. The elbow in the initial position is directed forward, and in the final position - to the side. This means that the shoulder joint moves from a neutral position to an outward rotation position, while the scapula moves in a safer retraction and upward rotation position, opening up space for the shoulder joint to rotate and slide in a well-balanced position.

Another useful overhead press that the author of the article advises: Bottoms-Up Kettlebell Presses for Solid Shoulders

One-handed kettlebell press - "clean" movement... It is almost impossible to determine the correspondence of temporal parameters, sequence and coordination of a movement pattern. However, if the pattern is unstable, abrupt, or splits into stages, we call the movement "dirty and heavy." In essence, the opposite movement is smooth, which we call "clean and light."

One-handed press position does not lead to pigeon movement: Many shoulder strength exercises that involve lifting weights from behind the head result in an attempt to remove the weight from the neck. The result is a movement reminiscent of the movement of a pigeon's head, hence the name "pigeoning". Pigeon movement displaces the joints and activates the muscles in the upper neck, resulting in pain and limited movement of the head and neck. If you want to avoid the “pigeon” movements, watch your neck when pulling to the chest or lifting in front of you. When you press a kettlebell with one hand, the kettlebell is squeezed out of the normal position of the neck over your head, so there is no “pigeon” movement.

In the bench press pattern, the scapula is further tilted back, freeing up space for the rotator cuff to work and minimizing the risk of collision. In addition to tilting back, the scapula pivots upward, opening up even more space. To implement the rotation of the scapula, a coordinated contraction of all muscles of the back is required.

Jogging power development

This is a great exercise for developing "jogging power". Power is work done per unit of time, so it requires strength, speed, and movement control.

The advantage of the vertical press is the ability to lift more weight than when lifting in front of you or over the sides due to the relatively short lever. The stimulation of the upper limb is greater and the scapula remains stable. When the load is too large, the movement loses speed, which means power. It becomes dirty and difficult. In this situation, the bench press can do more work with a stable shoulder blade and more weights than with competing exercises (pulls to the chest, lifts over the sides or in front of you).

By the way, Zozhnik also has a review of the American Council on Exercise scientific study.However, in that study, we did not test a kettlebell with one hand.

Weak links protection

The final benefit of this excellent exercise is the ability to eliminate the weak links that are associated with the risk of injury.

The thoracic spine and rib cage, and whatever is attached to them, are involved in the one-handed press in the same way as in the two-handed press. It is difficult for us to understand and imagine precise joint movements that require complex coordination between stabilizers and main movers. When someone can no longer perform reps or the weight lifted reaches a plateau, we assume that they have simply reached their limit. But fatigue is not always the reason.

If you get a different number of repetitions of kettlebell presses with your left and right hands, we understand that the cause of asymmetry can be in the thoracic spine, chest, all associated muscles, neck and shoulder girdle. Identifying the difference in sides guides us towards improving function in these areas, removing barriers to bench improvement. When a weak link is identified in dirty and heavy repetitions, we can change the weight and conditions of the performance to further improve.

When the burden is too large for a normal pattern, compensatory movements appear. Most of the compensation comes from leaning the person back to turn the movement into an angle press for the pectoral muscles. In this case, the neck makes a "pigeon" movement, the lower back flexes, and the shoulder blade moves away from the optimal position. "Pigeon" neck - dysfunctional compensation that impairs the stability of the trunk. It can lead to pain, limitation of movement and impaired motor control - three well-known risks of injury.

There are two easy ways to fix this error:

1. Sit down and complete the approach... This reduces the demands on the hips and pelvis while providing a stable position for the lower back. Or you can stabilize your hips and pelvis by placing one foot on a chair or bench. The bent hip of the raised leg reduces the likelihood of the pelvis tilting forward and arching in the lower back.

Placing your foot on a bench will help.

If the lower back is still arched, simply raise your leg above the chair or bench to prevent this. I prefer this one-legged option as it involves surface pressure through the feet, ankles, knees and thighs rather than the six pelvic bones. This is a more complex exercise that does more than just the shoulder girdle.
Placing your foot on a box can help correct pelvic rotation.

2. The second method is to reduce weight and cleanly complete the set... This is not the best choice as long as the person compensates for the light weight by chasing reps. It is also a less favorable strategy as it requires conscious control of the technique. Self-restraint methods are preferred for adaptation over conscious control methods. It helps keep the pattern in your nervous system better than losing weight.

Balanced Leverage - Strong Leverage

If you want good shoulders, then you need to switch to the one-arm press in your bench workout.

I have used this simple strategy for many years to train athletes with a lot of shoulder work. The combination of position, pattern, and power adjustment provided protection for athletes in preseason as well as combining with other core exercises. With the one-arm press, I improved the throwing ability of the Chinese national handball superstar with ruptured lip and rotator cuff tendon. I used the bench press for my own development and had no problem surprising the big guys with starting weights greater than their maximum lifts in front of me.

Despite the apparent complexity of positions and pattern, none of my athletes who pressed to failure suffered injury or post-exercise pain. Try this exercise. It is working.

Take strength to the next level with these kettlebell workouts.

If you are short on time (as, indeed, most of us), then on your next trip to the gym, choose a kettlebell. Why? Kettlebell lifting is both cardio training and strength training. According to a recent study, subjects who exercised with a weight (16 kg on average) for four weeks increased their tissue oxygen consumption rate (VO2) index by 6%, that is, that oxygen, which is a reliable indicator of cardiovascular health. system and which the body can use effectively during high-intensity training

In the same study, those subjects who did circuit training for the same amount of time did not increase VO2. At the same time, a number of other studies confirm that training with kettlebells effectively increases strength and has more effect on muscles than squats with jumps.

The beauty of kettlebell training - with the right approach - is in their versatility. “Just one subject, and how many exercise options: from high-intensity fat-burning kettlebell training to low-rep strength training. They are great for developing hip strength without the risk of injury like deadlift. ”

We've prepared five programs for you to help you figure out how to properly train with kettlebells.

  1. Supersets for fast results
  2. Five exercises to gain muscle mass or burn fat
  3. The five best abs exercises
  4. Circular strength training
  5. Increased difficulty training using two kettlebells.

But before we move on to the exercises, let's decide on the choice of a projectile.

  1. Professional standard“I love professional kettlebells (see picture above) because they are the same size regardless of weight,” explains Turner. "It's handy when doing difficult exercises."
  2. Iron casting“I prefer cast iron over rubber. It seems to me that they are more stable. This allows you to perform high-quality exercises such as the wrist deadlift, when it is necessary to shift the weight of the whole body to them. "
  3. Ideal weight“For men, I would recommend a weight of 16-20 kilograms. They are heavy enough to load muscles and pump up a kettlebell, but light enough to allow for high-intensity exercises and high reps. "

A set of exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups

The beauty of kettlebell training programs is that dynamic, natural movement helps you simultaneously benefit from both fat-burning cardio workouts and high-weight workouts to build muscle. In order for the workout to be the most effective, we have collected exercises in supersets.

How to do

Do one set of ten repetitions of the first exercise in the superset, and then immediately ten repetitions of the second exercise. Rest for 60 seconds and repeat. In total, you need to complete four supersets. Relax for two minutes and move on to the next superset. For exercises on one side, on the first set, do the exercises on one side, and then on the other. For progression of loads, add one repetition to each set until you get to 15, then increase the weight and start again with 10 repetitions.

Why it works

Is it possible to pump up kettlebells with this training program? Undoubtedly. This program includes three supersets, which are a couple of exercises performed one after another without interruption. In the first superset, the emphasis is on the chest, back and core muscles. In the second, we work out the press in a standing position, and in the third, in a horizontal position. The result is a faster heart rate, allowing you to effectively burn fat and build large, strong abs.

Approximate weight

Ideally, you should use a 16 kg kettlebell for the first two supersets and 12 kg for the latter.

Superset 1. Composite advantage

Work your entire upper body with just two exercises.

1A. Bench press on the floor

Lie on the floor, hold a weight in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push upward, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting the body. Lowering one hand, straighten the other by the same principle. Repeat the arm press alternately in a calm rhythm.

1B. Kettlebell traction

Stand in a plank position on straight arms with an emphasis on the weights. Pull one up, moving your elbow back towards your hips. Lower the kettlebell, repeat with the other hand. Keep your core muscles tense, keeping your hips still.

Tip: “This is a great core and back exercise that helps increase stability and therefore core strength,” explains Turner. "Bring your feet as close as possible to complicate the exercise."

Superset 2. Dynamic force

Use your core muscles to stay in position.

2A. "Mill"

2B. "Eight"

Pass the kettlebell back between your legs, moving from one hand to the other. Move the kettlebell back and forth with one hand, then repeat the movement with the other. Try to keep the movements as smooth as possible.

Tip: "This is an excellent core workout exercise because the specific movement requires that the abdominal muscles are constantly tense, which allows you to effectively maintain balance."

Superset 3. Benefits of core muscles

Finish your workout with exercises that burn your abs

3A. Bench press

Holding two weights over your head, sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the projectile towards your chest. Tighten the abdominal muscles to rise to the starting position, with a push, straighten your arms up.

3B. Moving weights in the bar

You can perform each set of exercises with kettlebells at home or in the gym, the result will not change from the place of training.

Advice: “A good way to diversify the bar. The further from the body you place the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To further complicate the exercise, you can slightly lift the projectile off the floor. "

5 exercises to burn fat and gain mass

These five kettlebell exercises are designed to help you lose weight and build muscle at the same time. Use a kettlebell weight such that the last repetition of the last exercise is given to you as hard as possible, but without breaking the technique. Choose a training complex in accordance with your goals:

Fat burning

If your goal is to get rid of those extra centimeters, do 10 reps for each exercise. Fat burning kettlebell workout is performed in a circle, with no rest in between. Then rest for 60 seconds and repeat the circle. In total, you need to make five circles.

Increase in load: Add one repetition for each round until you reach fifteen. Then move on to heavier kettlebells, starting again with ten reps.

Muscle gain

If your goal is lean muscle mass, do 12 reps per set, then rest for 45-60 seconds. It is necessary to do 4 sets of each exercise, rest no more than 90 seconds between exercises.

Increase in load: Add one repetition for each round until you reach fifteen. Then move on to heavier kettlebells, starting again with 12 reps.

1. Jerk of a kettlebell

Swing the kettlebell between your legs while moving your hips forward. Once it reaches abdominal height, extend your elbow back and raise your hand under and around the kettlebell to stand in the kettlebell-on-chest position, then lower it between your legs and repeat the movement.

Tip: “Make sure not to pull the kettlebell too far from your body. This is a great exercise for developing strength. "

2. Press from behind the head

Stand in a kettlebell-on-chest position, holding it at shoulder level with your elbow to your side for added support. Push up straight overhead using the most effective path to reduce shoulder stress.

Tip: “Start with your elbow under the kettlebell, then push your hand in a straight line, gradually turning it so that the palm is facing forward in the final position. If you are using a lot of weight, you can start from the chest. "

3. Weight snatch

Swing the kettlebell between your legs while moving your hips forward. When it is just below the level of the chest, return the elbow back and raise your hand under and around the kettlebell, using the resulting impulse to bring the kettlebell straight over your head.

Tip: “Try to avoid a position where your hand is under the kettlebell and do not press in a separate motion. The exercise should be done in one smooth motion. "

4. Mill

Starting position: standing straight, kettlebell in an outstretched hand above the head, legs wider than shoulders. The distribution of weight should be biased towards the hand holding the weight. Looking at the weight, lower the body down until you touch the floor with your other hand.

Tip: “The Mill exercise looks intimidating, but it’s worth doing to strengthen your core and shoulder stability. Also, this exercise is great for stretching the back of the thigh. "

5. Moving weights in the bar

Stand in a plank position on straight arms, the body is in a straight line from crown to heels, place a kettlebell on the right side. Move your left hand under the body, take the kettlebell and move it to the left side. Repeat on the other side.

The five best abdominal exercises

Bodyweight exercises are great for working out basic abdominal strength. But if you want to get a stone press with clearly visible cubes, then you need to add weights to the workout. One of the most effective ways is kettlebells.

We have already talked about and want to expand the list of movements with additional weight.

“I use kettlebells because they are versatile. They allow you to do both basic exercises and exercises for all muscle groups, suitable for beginners and professionals, they can be used both in the gym and at home, ”explains Ashton Turner, co-founder of the fitness club in London, strength gainer. “Exercising on one side upsets the balance, forcing the body to use the muscles harder to stay in place. Any movement behind the head, for example, "Melnitsa", in addition to balance, also requires the involvement of the core muscles. "

How to do

Do three sets of ten repetitions, rest 45 seconds between sets, 90 seconds between exercises. To increase the load, add one repetition in each set to each workout, until you get to 15. Then switch to heavier weights. while again starting with ten repetitions.

Why it works

These exercises will help you develop your anti-rotation abilities, which will help you stay on your feet more firmly. Also, this training program will allow you to achieve a stone press, and qualitatively work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

1. Bench press lying on the floor

Lie on the floor, hold a weight in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push the kettlebell upward, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting the body. Lowering one hand, straighten the other by the same principle.

Tip: “By lying on the floor, you increase core stability, thus reducing the risk of injury,” explains Turner. “I offer my clients to 'imprint' their lower back into the floor. This helps prevent lower back flexion and disengagement of the abdominal muscles. "

2. Mill

Starting position: standing straight, kettlebell in an outstretched hand above the head, legs wider than shoulders. The distribution of weight should be biased towards the hand holding the weight. Looking at the weight, lower the body down until you touch the floor with your other hand.

Tip: “The Mill exercise looks intimidating, but it’s worth doing to strengthen your core and shoulder stability. Also, this exercise is great for stretching the back of the thigh. "

3. Side press

Starting position: kettlebell at shoulder level. Tighten your core muscles, lower your torso to the side while straightening your arm. Try to keep the kettlebell as still as possible, move your body instead. Having reached the bottom point, return to the starting position.

Tip: “Great exercise for the obliques as you need to maintain balance while pressing the kettlebell from the body. The lower you go, the more the intensity of the exercise becomes, and the center of gravity also shifts. "

4. Press with flexion of the body

Holding two weights over your head, sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the kettlebells towards your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles to rise to the starting position, and push your arms straight up.

Tip: “Sitting upright, tighten your pelvis, and when you go down, twist your back, trying to alternately touch the floor with each vertebra. The slower you move, the harder your abs work. "

5. Moving weights in the bar

Stand in a plank position on straight arms, the body is in a straight line from crown to heels, place a kettlebell on the right side. Move your left hand under the body, take the kettlebell and move it to the left side. Change hands and repeat the movement.

Tip: “A good way to diversify the bar. The further from the body you place the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To further complicate the exercise, you can slightly lift the kettlebell off the floor. "

Circuit training with kettlebells for strength

“The goal of this circuit training with kettlebells is to increase strength,” explains Ashton Turner, trainer at Evolve 353 Fitness Club in London. The selected exercises are transferred to other types of load, for example, running and jumping. They also build strength by focusing on the back muscles. This means that this workout is perfect for rugby and football people. "

How to do

You can do both circles and the closing exercise or, if you are short on time, one of the two circles and the closing exercise. During circuit training, all exercises are performed in a circle, one approach each, without rest. Keeping track of the time it takes you to complete a circle and try to shorten it by at least a couple of seconds with each workout is a great motivation and a way to track your progress.

Circuit workout 1

1A. Swing the kettlebell with one hand

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Tighten your core muscles, bring your shoulder blades together, and lift the kettlebell back between your legs to start swinging. When you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh and buttocks, pull your hips forward, swinging the kettlebell in front of you. Squeeze your buttocks as much as possible and lift the kettlebell to shoulder level.

Tip: “Exercise develops a good sense of balance. When doing kettlebell swings with one hand, you should tense your core and obliques as much as possible to prevent twisting. "

1B. One-handed kettlebell jerk

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side

Start by swinging the kettlebell with one hand, but when it is between your legs, shrug your shoulders back and up so that the kettlebell is as close to your body as possible. Raise your elbow to bring the kettlebell up. When it is level with the elbow, rotate your arm under the weight and push upward until the weight is level over your head.

Tip: “This exercise is good for building strength because it engages multiple muscle groups at once and requires extra effort to complete the movement. It also increases the strength and stability of the shoulder joint. "

1C. Moving weights in the bar

Repetitions: 16-24 on each side

Start with the plank position on outstretched arms, place a kettlebell on your right side. Keep your hips curled and your core tense throughout the exercise. Move your left hand under the body and grab the weight. Move it to the other side, making sure that your hips remain straight. Lower and repeat with the other hand.

Tip: “One of the main conditions for strength training in this exercise is tight core muscles. This exercise allows you to understand how to control your core muscles and also develops a sense of balance. "

Circuit workout 2

Do one set of each exercise in order. Rest 60 seconds between circles. There are eight circles in total.

2A. Swing with two weights

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side

Stand straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, and take a kettlebell of the same weight in each hand. Tighten your core muscles, bring your shoulder blades together, and push the kettlebells back between your legs to start swinging. When you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh and glutes, move your hips forward, swinging the kettlebells in front of you. Squeeze your buttocks as much as possible and lift the kettlebells to shoulder level.

Tip: "Performing swings with two kettlebells, you increase the used weight, which allows you to work more efficiently for strength."

2B. Push of two weights

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side

Start in the same way as if you were doing kettlebell swings. Once they reach belly height, extend your elbows back and raise your arms under and around the kettlebell to stand in the kettlebell-on-chest position, then lower them between your legs and repeat the movement.

Tip: "This is an explosive exercise in strength development."

2C. Hand traction

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side

Stand in a plank position on straight arms with an emphasis on the weights. Put your legs a little wider than usual for more stability, tighten the muscles of the core and buttocks. Pull one kettlebell up, moving your elbow back towards your hips and bringing your shoulder blades together. Move your body weight to the other hand. Lower the kettlebell, repeat with the other hand. Keep your core muscles tense, keeping your hips still.

Tip “This is a great core and back exercise that helps increase the stability, and therefore strength, of the core. To complicate the exercise, bring your feet as close as possible. "

Final exercise

3. Swing with two hands

Time: 60 seconds

Perform as many two-arm swings as possible in one minute, then rest for a minute. Write down your best result and try to improve it with each subsequent workout. However, the main focus should be on the technique of the exercise, not the number of repetitions. Only 8-10 approaches.

A set of exercises with two kettlebells for a double result

When you figured out the exercises for beginners and learned how to correctly perform basic exercises with kettlebells, such as swings, press and jerks, you can move on to a more complex option. “Using two kettlebells is a level of increased difficulty as it requires a strong sense of balance and muscle control,” explains Ashton Turner, trainer at Evolve 353 in London. "Besides, two 16kg weights seem lighter than one 32kg."

How to do

Do three sets of ten repetitions, rest 45 seconds between sets, 90 seconds between exercises. The second exercise involves alternating kettlebell presses for each repetition. To increase the load, add one repetition in each set to each workout, until you get to 15. Then move to heavier kettlebells, while again starting with ten repetitions.

Why it works

By using two weights instead of one, you are not breaking any rules. It doesn't matter if you use one or two, the load increases in the same way. The main thing is to make sure that you do the exercise the same way with both hands, otherwise you risk serious injury to the shoulder joint.

1. Swing with two weights

Perform kettlebell swings between your legs until you are in a neutral position (this activates the gluteal muscles). Try to keep your wrists as close to your hips as possible. At the top, tense the gluteal muscles to reduce the stress on the lower back.

Tip: “Place your legs a little wider than when performing the same exercise, but with one kettlebell. This gives you ample room for both kettlebells, and you can more effectively work your thighs, glutes, and hamstrings. "

2. Pressing kettlebells

Stand up straight in a kettlebell-on-chest position, then do a deep squat. Alternately perform the kettlebell press from behind the head, looking in the direction of movement of the projectile.

Tip: "An excellent test for the hips and thoracic spine, as well as for the stability of the shoulder joint."

3. Snatch with two kettlebells

Swing the kettlebells between your legs while pulling your hips forward. When they are just below chest height, bring your elbows back and raise your arms under and around the kettlebell, using the momentum to bring the kettlebell straight over your head.

Tip: “Try to avoid a position where your hands are under the kettlebells and do not press in a separate movement. The exercise should be done in one smooth movement. Two kettlebells greatly increase the difficulty and effectiveness of the exercise because you need to perform the same movement with both shoulder joints. "

Stand in a kettlebell-on-chest position, holding the shells at shoulder level, pressing your elbows to your side for added support. Push the kettlebell straight up over your head using the most effective way to reduce the stress on your shoulder joint.

Tip: "Make sure both elbows are directly under the weight during the push and the weight is directly over the shoulders during the repetition."

Target muscles: Chest
Equipment: weights
Place the kettlebell on the floor and lie down so that it is at shoulder level. Turn your body towards the kettlebell and grab it. Lie on the floor while gradually lifting the kettlebell. Bend your arm at the elbow and put it next to the body, if you put it close, the load will fall on the triceps. If you put your arm at a 45-degree angle, the load will be greater on the pectoral muscle. Keep your shoulders fully flat on the floor. If you took the kettlebell in your left hand, then your right leg remains straight. The left leg bends at the knee and rests on the floor. The other hand rests on the floor at a 90 degree angle for support.
Squeeze the kettlebell up while exhaling, turning your wrist so your palm faces forward. Straighten your arm completely. At the top point, strain the pectoral muscle and triceps, then gently lower your arm. Lowering your hand, the kettlebell should not lie on the bicep itself, place it on the brachialis, the outer part of the arm. Repeat.
Watch the position of the kettlebell on your hand, it should rest on the outside of your forearm. Place a mat under your body to increase the amplitude. Errors: separation of part of the back from the floor, eversion of the hand.

Random program

In the past few years, the popularity of kettlebell training has grown by leaps and bounds in all countries of the world. Thousands of people have developed muscle and cardiovascular endurance through kettlebell training. However, not everyone knows that kettlebell training is a great way to increase muscle mass and strength.

Is kettlebell training the best way to build muscle and increase strength? Of course not. A progressively increasing load, for example, when training with dumbbells, will always reign in this regard. However, if you like to train with kettlebells, if this is the only equipment that you have at home, if you want to get bigger and stronger, then this article is for you.

The best kettlebell exercises.

Let's take a look at the most effective kettlebell exercises to help you get bigger and stronger, and then move on to your training program.

Weightlifter's arsenal:

  • Swing from bottom to top, the kettlebell is held with both hands.
  • Two-handed kettlebell jerk.
  • "Windmill".
  • "Turkish rise".
  • Army press with weights.
  • Row of kettlebells with both hands to the belt in the slope.
  • Pull-ups on a crossbar with a kettlebell suspended from a belt.
  • Bench press lying on the floor.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that most of the above exercises require two weights. Why? The reason is obvious - the higher the degree of resistance, the faster muscle tissue hypertrophy occurs and strength arrives. Let's take a closer look at this point of view using the army kettlebell bench press.

When you squeeze a 32-kilogram kettlebell overhead, your body fights the resistance of a 32-kilogram weight. And when you squeeze two such weights over your head, then your body already overcomes the resistance of 64 kilograms. I say "body" because the military bench press is all about the body when done correctly. In order to squeeze out a lot of weight overhead, you need to contract the muscles of the glutes, legs, abdomen, back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps.

The more weight your body has to overcome, the more intense the exercise and the higher the degree of muscle tissue hypertrophy. If working with just one kettlebell were more effective, why would thousands of bodybuilders and weightlifters suddenly focus on multi-joint exercises with two dumbbells?

Let's take another exercise as an example - squats with weights on the shoulders. Do you really think squats with one 40kg kettlebell will be more effective than squats with two? Of course, when doing single kettlebell squats, your core muscles work hard to maintain balance, but you still only work with 40 kilograms. And squatting with two kettlebells, you will overcome the resistance of 80 kilograms. And believe me, this is much more difficult than it sounds. Keeping two large kettlebells in place while doing squats requires deep concentration, a strong body, and sturdy running shoes. Result? You will have muscular and strong legs.

One of the few exercises listed above that is performed with one kettlebell is the "Turkish lift". This is a very useful exercise. First, the Turkish Lift develops the core strength needed to perform heavy leg and overhead presses. Secondly, the "Turkish lift" develops the flexibility and strength of the shoulder girdle, which is necessary for the heavy bench press in the prone position. The windmill is also good for developing core and shoulder muscles. However, the "Turkish rise" is still the best option.

Attack plan.

Weeks 1-4: 5x5 style training.

5x5 style training is a standard scheme that has been proven effective over time. It is an extremely effective way to develop muscle strength and mass. This system was the favorite of the legendary bodybuilder Reg Park, who was the idol of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Here's how it works. Find a working weight with which you can complete five sets of five reps. When and if you can complete all five sets of five reps, increase the weight by 2.5 to 5 kilograms and try to do the same five sets of five reps. Rest between sets - three minutes.

Obviously, a progressive increase in load is impossible in the case of using kettlebells, so you have to come up with something else. One of the factors that you can manipulate is time under stress. When you can complete five sets of five reps at a fast pace, increase the negative phase of the rep to four seconds and the positive phase to two seconds. When this becomes easy for you, try spending five seconds lifting the weight, holding a distinct pause at the top of the movement, and spending five seconds lowering the weight.

Another factor that is entirely in your control is the rest pauses between sets. Instead of resting for three minutes, pause for two minutes. When you can easily transfer this too, reduce the pauses between sets to 90 seconds, then to 60 seconds. When you can do five sets of five reps at a slow pace and with a one minute break between sets, you will surely be ready to handle heavier kettlebells.

The third factor that you can control is the type of exercise. When you can complete five sets of five repetitions on the army bench press while standing, move on to the bench press in a sitting position, and then to the squat press. When you can easily complete five sets of five repetitions in an exercise such as two-handed bottom-up swings, switch to a two-handed snatch. There is always something that can make the exercise more difficult and the training program more effective.

Here is an example of a 5x5 style kettlebell training program.

Day 1.

  • Army press with weights.
  • Pulling up on a bar with a kettlebell suspended from the waist using a special belt.

Do one set of the first exercise, rest for a minute and do the set of the second exercise, rest for a minute, then do the second set of the first exercise, and so on. Continue in this spirit until you have done five sets of each exercise.

  • Squats with kettlebells on the shoulders.

  • Swing from bottom to top, the kettlebell is held with two hands.

This pair of exercises is performed in the same way as the first.

  • "Windmill" - 5x5 (first with the left, then with the right hand).

Especially for athletes who have only one kettlebell and that is at home. The good thing about this exercise is that it pumps the muscles of the left and right half of the body separately. The essence of this kettlebell press is that due to the rotation of the body, the muscles stretch better before contraction. Exercise is more suitable as an additional load, it has its own specifics and loads the pectoral muscles and triceps almost equally.

Starting position

Place the kettlebell on the floor and lie down so that it is at shoulder level. Turn your body towards the kettlebell and grab it. Lie on the floor while gradually lifting the kettlebell. Bend your arm at the elbow and put it next to the body, if you put it close, the load will fall on the triceps. If you put your arm at a 45-degree angle, the load will be greater on the pectoral muscle. Keep your shoulders fully flat on the floor. If you took the kettlebell in your left hand, then the right leg remains straight. The left leg is bent at the knee and rests on the floor with a toe or foot, depending on flexibility. In this case, the pelvis must be torn off the floor and put on its side as far as possible. The other hand rests on the floor at a 90 degree angle for support. The stomach will need to be drawn in, and the lower back will need to be tightened.

Technique for performing a kettlebell press with one hand while lying on the floor

Squeeze the weight up while exhaling, straighten your arm completely. At the top point, strain the pectoral muscle and triceps, then gently lower your arm. Lowering your hand, the kettlebell should not lie on the bicep itself, place it on the brachialis, the outer part of the arm.

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