The benefits of cycling for children. Cycling is of great benefit to the child

Is there any benefit to cycling? And, if so, which one? Today we will try to find out why doctors and psychologists unanimously repeat: the bicycle should become the same required attribute childhood, like soft toys. Moreover, for the health and well-being of a teenager, a high-quality "iron horse" will also not be an unnecessary luxury at all. Judge for yourself - before you is a weighty and very convincing list of obvious advantages ...

Coordination of movements

The benefits of cycling for a child from three years invaluable. After all, such an activity trains the vestibular apparatus, allows you to learn how to coordinate your movements, work with your arms and legs simultaneously, and keep balance. With each trip, the child becomes more agile and confident in his abilities (which will positively affect both sports skills and his character).

And yet, many doctors do not recommend teaching a child to ride a bike until the age of three. At this age, the abdominal muscles in babies are still weak, and serious physical activity can cause the development of a hernia. But "passive riding" is considered quite safe - that is, after putting a child on a bicycle, put his feet on a stand so that he does not reach the pedal, and, holding the steering wheel and saddle, ride him around the apartment or on the playground. Do not even hesitate - the baby will definitely like it!

Muscles are toned

Cycling develops the calf and other muscles lower limbs, press and small pelvis. That's why bicycle rides will allow you to avoid many problems in an older age (for example, various disorders of the genital organs).

Skating with children's flat feet is of great importance. Working with feet, the child eliminates the slightest signs of illness and strengthens the muscles of the feet. However, parents should watch out for correct setting legs. The kid should rest on the pedals only with his fingers. The rest of the foot should remain unused.

Correct posture

The bike develops well long muscles body, that is, a natural muscle corset that strengthens the spine and prevents it from bending. Therefore, the baby who early childhood rides a bicycle, in the future we will have beautiful posture... Cycling is also recommended as a treatment for children with X-legs. Putting a wide bar between the child's legs, you can correct their curvature (a specialist can tell you more about this).

Beautiful figure

If the child has excessive obesity, then against its background may develop various complexes... This is especially true for adolescents. But the problem has a simple solution. Cycling normalizes metabolism and helps burn excess calories. The figure of the forming girl becomes more slender, and in future young men the muscle relief becomes more distinct.

Hardy heart

During cycling, blood vessels and heart muscle are strengthened. The overall endurance of the body is significantly increased. Thanks to this, your child will feel better, less tired, difficulties in learning and sports will be much easier to overcome. Again, this will have the best effect on the formation of his life attitudes. It is not for nothing that they say: "in a healthy body - a spirit!"

Healthy lungs

Outdoor cycling, like most sports, is a great workout for respiratory system... As a result, the volume of the lungs increases, due to which the oxygen content in the blood increases. Each organ begins to function better, tissue regeneration is accelerated, efficiency increases, brain function improves, and the risk of developing depressive conditions and chronic fatigue syndrome decreases.

Good vision

A teenager, riding a bicycle, is forced to look into the distance in front of him, and with peripheral vision - to see what is nearby. At this time, the eye muscles are trained, which become more elastic. Such prevention of myopia is especially important for those who spend a lot of time reading books, a computer, a smartphone (very often these very activities lead to visual impairment).

Strong immunity

Regular cycling improves appetite and strengthens the body's defense against infectious diseases. Immunity becomes practically invulnerable to infectious and colds. But it is important to take into account that such an effect can be achieved only by training in a park or outside the city, where the air is saturated with negative ones and phytoncides. On the contrary, "driving" in the city clouds of exhaust gases can cause serious harm to the health of both a child and an adult.

Nervous system

Teenagers spend a lot of time at school, at their desks. Then they are forced to sit for a few more hours. homework... Cycling is soothing nervous system, helps fight stress and distracts from unpleasant thoughts. Cycling makes it easier to cope with training loads, and sleep becomes more restful and sound.

Concentration of attention

A young cyclist needs to do several things at once: hold the steering wheel, pedal and watch the road so as not to bump into obstacles. For a small child riding on the sidewalk, pedestrians and animals can be obstacles. And for a teenager who is interested in exploring the surroundings on his two-wheeled vehicle, knowledge and observance of traffic rules becomes relevant.

Positive mood

Fresh air and physical activity lead to the production of endorphins - the very hormones that make a person happy, energetic and contribute to a positive perception of the world around them. As a result, after a walk, the child will maintain an upbeat mood and excellent health for a long time.


With the advent of the bicycle, the child begins to reach out to children with a similar hobby. Agree, a union based on the principle of love for sports is a great thing! Thus, the bicycle helps to make new friends with whom you can travel for hours on the streets, make exciting journeys and share impressions.

For preschool and junior children school age a gift such as a bicycle can become not just a two-wheeled friend, but also very useful for health vehicle... And it's not just about developing leg muscles and the ability to keep balance.

The fact is that a bicycle for a child's body is essentially a simulator that:

  1. Develops the vestibular apparatus and coordination (earlier in the article "Why is the carousel useful?" We wrote that the development of this organ of the inner ear directly affects brain activity child)
  2. Improves the blood supply to the pelvic organs (today this is a very relevant moment, since stagnant processes in the pelvis and legs are a serious problem of the computer generation)
  3. Increases blood oxygen saturation, which is beneficial for the whole body as a whole and for the brain in particular
  4. Develops the lungs
  5. Improves metabolism
  6. Increases the level of endurance not only of the calf and thigh muscles, but, again, of the whole body
  7. Strengthens blood vessels and trains the heart
  8. Improves mood and appetite - and this is a healthy hormonal and emotional background

All this helps to increase immunity. Of course, the above points are also true for an adult organism, but a child's one is in a developmental stage, so the influence on it is more pronounced.

And one more important point - a bicycle for primary school children can be an excellent prevention of visual impairment. While riding a bicycle, the child looks mainly into the distance, which compensates for the regular eye strain, for hours looking at textbooks and notebooks.

Outdoor cycling in the countryside is especially useful. But remember that driving with a child on a busy highway is dangerous, and harmful for the lungs - exhaust gases are not the same as Fresh air, even if the track is ten kilometers from the city. Drive to the walking area.

Parents who are interested in selling Cobra anti-radars or radar detectors of another company are reminded that active radars are prohibited for use in the vast majority of countries, including all CIS countries and Europe. Active devices are those that not only warn the driver about the proximity of the traffic police radar, but distort their signal. Be vigilant and trust only trusted manufacturers like Cobra and other firms of the same level.

A country bike ride will allow you not only to improve your health, but also to spend more interesting time with your child. By the way, do not think that the bike is only dedicated to the summer season. Modern bicycles allow you to overcome snowdrifts, which is undoubtedly more difficult, but also more effective in terms of training strength and endurance.

P.S. Special protective equipment (helmet, knee pads, etc.) were not invented for beauty

“How to teach a child to ride a bike?” Is perhaps the most common question among parents who are cyclists. Here are some tips to help you do this easily.

Children's cycling progress

To teach a child to ride, it is not necessary to wait until he can pedal. Connect the child seat to your bike, secure your toddler and ride with him regularly. Be enthusiastic so that your children can follow your example.

Over time they will get used to physical activity and will gradually switch to their own bicycles, gaining freedom of action. Self-reliance is the strongest motivator for most children.

Tip: Teach your child to wear a helmet while riding in the child's bike seat. It is much easier to instill the basics of safety in childhood.

Various options for equipping bicycles for a comfortable ride with children

Child bike seat

Toddlers need to be able to sit and keep their heads straight before they can be taken with them. There are many laws that limit the age of a child to ride a bike (at least 1 year old) and require a special seat and helmet.

Most of the seats attach to the rear of the bike and are suitable for children weighing up to 18 kg. High backs support baby's shoulders and head. Although they do not weigh much, these types of seats can affect the maneuverability of the bike. Remember, if you fall, your child will suffer as well.

Advice: the child will feel every bump and unevenness much more than you, because the chair is located at the back. Lower the wheels slightly to increase cushioning.

Bike trailer

It is a popular solution for toddlers and children under 6 years of age. You ride and the children sit and enjoy the views. The trailers are stable and easy to operate. Even if you fall, your child will not be hurt.

Tip: Place a pillow under your child's head to avoid shaking too much

Trailers have their drawbacks. Children sit rather low, which makes them difficult to see and they are more susceptible to exhaust gases from cars. Also note that older children can get bored with this passive mode of transport.

Balance bike (balance bike)

This is the most basic bike without pedals and chain, just wheels and a frame. Toddlers can ride these bicycles using their feet as brakes. Children aged 2 to 5 years old will be able to learn how to balance and steer. The better they get, the quicker they can get on the pedal bike.

Trailed bike

Trailed bikes (such as those produced by the Trail-a-bike brand) allow your child to pedal and feel independent, albeit with your help, in balance and control. This unicycle attaches to your seatpost or rack so it can pivot. This bike is suitable for children aged 4 to 7 years. You will be able to travel much further than a child's stamina would be.

Training bike

Bikes with safety wheels can give your child the confidence to start riding on their own. Over time, the casters can be removed. These are single speed bicycles with foot brakes, although hand brakes may be fitted on some models in the future.

Children bicycle

If your child is ready for their own two-wheeler, don't make the common mistake of buying a growth bike. This will only slow down your child's progress for several years. At the time of buying Special attention should be given to the size of the wheels (not the frame). The most common wheels are 16, 20 and 24 inches. If the child can sit up and put his feet on the ground, then the size is correct.

Tandem bike

A bike designed for two, good for beginners. The adult tandem bike can be converted slightly so that the child can pedal with you. Some manufacturers make tandem bikes for children and adults that steer and brake while pedaling both.

Learning steps and parenting assistance

Self-driving is such a delight! You can start learning to skate early. preschool age because the body quickly adapts to new skills, and the fear of falling is also minimized.


you can develop the child's interest in cycling with early years thanks to stable tricycles. Then comes the period of mastering a two-wheeled "horse" with additional wheels to maintain balance. And of course, the day when parents are allowed to ride only on two wheels becomes a real reward for all children!


Skating training tricycle often begins at a time when the child is still not walking well. With their help, children are easily taught to control and pedal. The child does not have to be forced to ride - it is enough to buy a tricycle and leave it in sight for the child to start research activities on his own.

Most children, over time, intuitively understand what to do with new toy... However, to speed up the process, you can clearly show that the pedals turn with their feet, and the steering wheel turns in any direction. Preschool children find it difficult to develop high speed on a tricycle, which makes it ideal for walking in the park or in the front yard. While the parents walk at their own pace, the kids learn to ride.


It is difficult to find a child who would refuse to ride a bike. However, no matter how dexterous and strong your kids are, you cannot immediately put children on two-wheeled models and deprive them of support. Hurrying up with the purchase of an "adult" is likely to develop in the child a deep fear of cycling!

Start training " adult riding»Safest with mastering travel two-wheeled bike with additional safety wheels. Training wheels are mounted at different heights depending on the skills of the child. First, they are placed closer to the ground to ensure maximum balance and to teach the baby to reckon with their existence when turning. Gradually, the wheels are raised higher and higher (in secret from the baby), until it becomes obvious that the child no longer needs to be insured and he keeps his balance perfectly!

The nuances of riding a bike with safety wheels:

At the beginning of the training, the child should be warned not to turn at high speed and to slow down before turning to avoid falling. Many toddlers of preschool age get their first bumps on two-wheeled bikes just because they are used to the stability of their first tricycles.
It is important to teach children not only to maintain balance, but also to correctly calculate the response of the technique to the impact. For example, when braking, the rear wheel will slow down differently on a straight paved road or on a bumpy dirt surface. It is important to draw the attention of a preschool child to this circumstance and teach him to carefully monitor the condition of the bike.
Parents need to take care of the correct installation of the safety wheels. An extremely common mistake is when the training wheels are mounted flush with the rear wheel- this leads to loss of control on uneven surfaces (bumps, holes).
The safety wheels are located on different levels off the ground so as not to touch the surface when braking, otherwise the brakes may become completely useless. You need to install them at different levels, and not one wheel should touch the ground when the bike is upright. They protect children from losing balance and falling, but they do not replace the need to maintain balance.

The preschool age is characterized by quick learning to ride a bicycle. It is enough to make regular cycling trips so that the need for training wheels quickly disappears by itself. Have you noticed that for the last two or three days the baby has excellent balance while riding and the additional wheels have stopped touching the ground? This means that the time has come to get rid of them - the child can already be released into "free swimming"!


The moment when parents remove the training wheels will delight any child! Therefore, you can make a real holiday out of him, be sure to tell the kid that he is already ready to ride a bike "like an adult."

Help from parents

Most children of preschool age (5-6 years old) keep their balance perfectly and quickly learn to respond to obstacles that arise. However, when first attempting to ride without training wheels, a supportive parental presence is important. Mostly, parental involvement at this stage is reduced to psychological support. But you cannot distance yourself from the child and leave him alone with the road! Parents should hold the child by the shoulders, demonstrating their presence and run next to the bike.

At this stage, the kid will mainly learn to steer - it is quite difficult at first to correctly direct the bike in the right direction. It is important not to tell a preschool child where to go - this will teach him to make independent decisions. Will drive into a curb, puddle or pit? Fine! He will understand that actions lead to certain consequences. Parents just need to show that when in trouble, you need to make an effort to get yourself and your bike out of the danger zone. Such training is very useful for the formation of independence in a young, preschool child.


Riding a bike without the participation of parents is the final cycle of training. You should not push the child to travel independently, the child should feel himself that he no longer needs constant help from his parents!

Can you already see that the child is able to ride on his own, but the child does not want to be left without your support? It is useful for preschool age to hear words of approval and pride from parents for any new achievements. Therefore, praise your child for how cleverly he rides a bike, trying more and more often to say that he already does everything himself!

Sometimes you have to go for a trick to save your baby from the need for parental help. Go for a walk with your friends and tell your baby that you will help him ride a bike, but a little later - when you finish an important conversation. Children of this age begin to languish with boredom after 10-15 minutes of waiting, so they cannot resist the temptation and try to drive on their own!

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