Muscle tests for examining the lower extremities. Core Muscle Development Guide: Anatomy, Tests, and Workout Program Lyakhovich Tests to Measure Foot Muscle Strength

Exercises in our magazine are usually provided with the following remarks: "for beginners", "for experienced", "for advanced". The point is, fitness is a whole science. Almost mathematical logic of the sequence of increasing loads operates here. Imagine you signed up for exhausting step aerobics, and your the cardiovascular system well, completely rash. This is really dangerous! The same with strength exercises... For beginners, the range of motion in the joints is usually limited, so they are advised to train on simulators. Over time, flexibility will increase, then you can take on free weights, for example, doing hand raises with dumbbells lying down. If you take such dilutions on the very first day, shoulder joints be subjected to unnecessary and, again, dangerous stress.

Do you know your own fitness level? If not, take our easy tests. You will know exactly what level of load you can handle. Arrange similar "exams" for yourself every six months. The results will help you understand if there is any benefit from training, or you, God forbid, are marking time in one place.

Muscle strength

What it is? This is the amount of one-time maximum effort that your muscle is capable of. Simply put, this is your personal best in a particular exercise. The greater the result, the higher the strength. Why do you need strength? The fact is, the stronger your muscles, the better your physical form- both in direct and figuratively... A figure with sluggish, skinny muscles is never beautiful. Strength comes as you train, so your strength level can be used to accurately calculate your personal fitness category.

Test " Maximum weight in the bench press. " There is an exercise in the world that will allow you to assess the strength of all the muscles of the body in one fell swoop. This is the bench press you know well. In this case, it will have to be performed with a barbell. Here's how to take the test.

After 10-15 minutes of general warm-up, start the bench press. Do 4 reps with a barbell at about 50% of your normal working weight first, then 3 more with 60% and 2 with 75%. Finish the warm-up with two reps of 85% and 90% weights (one for each weight). Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets.

The warm-up has put you on full alert. Now we proceed to the test itself. By eye, estimate the weight that you can cleanly squeeze out exactly 10 times. Squeezed out? Then see the table. There is a direct connection between the result in 10 repetitions and a one-time record. Knowing your 10-rep weight limit can easily set a one-time maximum.

Note: Do not even try to squeeze the barbell "at one time". It's too dangerous! Special measures are needed, such as bandaging the elbows and wrists. In addition, such attempts are made only in the presence of several insurance partners.

If you've done all 10 reps but feel like you could do 1 or 2 extra reps, add 2.5-5 kg ​​and try again. Rest for at least 3 minutes before a new set. If, on the contrary, the attempt was unsuccessful, reduce the weight by the same 2.5-5 kg. After completing the test, divide your maximum result in kg by your body weight, and calculate your fitness level:

How to increase muscle strength? To do this, train exactly one week a month in the so-called. "Power" mode. You do not need to change anything in your set of exercises. The only thing that is required is to raise the weights sharply and do 4-6 repetitions per set. The sets themselves are no more than 2.

Muscle endurance

What it is? The ability of a muscle to lift weight for a long time without rest. Scientifically speaking, we are talking about the so-called. " strength endurance". This is not at all the same as running endurance. Running endurance is more dependent on the fitness of the heart. However, increasing strength endurance does not inevitably increase heart muscle endurance.

Push-up test. Time it and see how long you can do the floor push-ups. Usually push-ups are done like this. You lie on the floor, place your palms on the floor at shoulder level, squeeze your body weight up. At the top, your body is straight. You lean on your hands and toes. The female version is different. First you need to kneel down and only then take the position of rest on your hands. So you will do push-ups - from your knees. Get a good rest and start push-ups. Do them without interruptions and stops until you are completely exhausted, until you collapse to the floor.

High> 3 minutes
Average1- 3 minutes
Short<1 минута

How to train strength endurance? Take on less weight than usual, but do more repetitions in the set. For example, instead of 12-15 repetitions, do 20-30.

LevelDistance (km)
Average1,6 – 2,4

To increase cardiovascular endurance, do aerobics in an intensive mode 3-5 times a week for 45-60 minutes (heart rate: 65% -75% of maximum).


What it is? It's about the mobility of your joints. The joints have the greatest amplitude in childhood. Then the amplitude decreases steadily. In old age, joints often cease to bend altogether. Curiously, the decrease in joint mobility is just a reaction to an immobilized lifestyle. If you exercise your joints, they will be childishly flexible even for up to a hundred years! An example of this is the venerable Indian yogis with their unique flexibility. In fitness, joint mobility is very important. If your mobility has deteriorated, you will not be able to do full strength strength exercises. This will greatly reduce their effectiveness.

Sit and Reach Test. After warming up, sit on the floor and spread your straight legs exactly 25 centimeters wide. (Make preliminary marks on the floor.) At heel level, draw a line on the floor. Place one hand on the other, bend over and slowly slide forward on the floor. You can't bend your knees! Slide as far as you can. Ask your partner to mark the extreme position of the palms. Repeat two more times. Select the farthest mark and measure the distance between it and the line of the feet.

High> 20 cm
Average5 - 20 cm
Short<5 см

To increase flexibility, stretch for 10-15 minutes after each strength session. Focus on the larger muscle groups such as the thighs, back, and chest first, then move on to the smaller muscles (calves and arms).

Body composition

What it is? This is the percentage of your body's muscle to fatty tissue. You cannot completely get rid of fat (and it is impossible). But to drive off a certain amount of excess fat - everyone can do it. What is the norm here? Doctors believe that in a healthy woman's body, fat should make up 19-24% of her total body weight. The rest is in bones, muscles and fluids.

Test "Measurement of the fat fold". In many sports stores, you can buy a simple plastic meter. The instruction will tell you where to make pinches on the body and how to do the calculations. By the way, many fitness clubs offer such testing today. If you are doing fitness to lose weight, this test should be done every 3-4 weeks. Record your results in your training diary to see your progress.

LevelFat content
Below normal15% - 18%
Norm19% - 24%
Above normalFrom 25%

Combine regular aerobic exercise and strength training with a smart diet. This lifestyle is guaranteed to lead you to weight loss. It is common knowledge that the pounds dropped are returned. Every 2-3 weeks body fat gains by 0.5%. Exercise vigorously, eat right, and measure regularly to prevent gains.

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The muscles of the core provide support to the spine and are involved in almost every movement. The muscles of the core provide support to the spine and are involved in almost every movement. We figure out how to test core strength and stability and provide a comprehensive workout program to develop them.

The core muscles are far from just the rectus abdominis muscles, or the abs, as many believe. This is a whole complex of muscles that is involved in almost any movement.

These muscles contract both isometrically and isotonically, they can stabilize movement, transfer tension from one limb to another, or serve as a source of movement in general.

Core muscle structure

This muscle group has three levels of depth, and many muscles are hidden under those that most people prefer to train, that is, under the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Here is a list of the external muscles that make up this group:

  • rectus abdominis muscles;
  • external oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  • latissimus dorsi;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • adductor muscles;
  • trapezius muscles.

The second layer of core muscles:

  • internal oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  • muscles that straighten the spine;
  • infraspinatus muscles.

The third layer of core muscles:

  • transverse abdominal muscles;
  • iliopsoas muscles;
  • pelvic floor muscles;
  • diaphragm;
  • square muscles of the lower back;
  • multiple muscles.

Core muscle function

More often than not, the core muscles act as stabilizers and a center for the transmission of force, rather than a source of movement.

Many people train these muscles with isolated exercises, such as abdominal or back muscles. They do crunches or lifts instead of functional exercises like deadlifts, squats, push-ups, and many other closed kinetic chain exercises.

Closed chain (or closed chain) exercises are performed with a rigidly anchored body segment. For example, when you do push-ups, your hands and feet are rigidly fixed: they stand on the floor and do not move.

When you train with isolated exercises, you not only lose sight of the basic function of your core muscles, but you also lose the opportunity to develop strength and become more effective in controlling your movements.

Developed core muscles give us the ability to control the strength we use. According to the work of researcher Andy Waldhem, there are five different components of core stability: strength, endurance, flexibility, movement control, and functionality.

Without control of movement and functionality, the other three components are useless: a fish that has been pulled out of the water cannot do anything, no matter how strong and tough it is.

Keeping your core stable during any activity, be it running, jerking a barbell or lifting weights at home, you reduce the risk of back injury.

How to measure core stability and core strength

Functional Movement Assessment can be used to measure your level of core stability.

The Functional Movement Screen (FNS) is a system of seven tests that objectively assess an athlete's basic motor skills. This system was developed by American physiotherapists Gray Cook and Lee Burton.

Body stability test using push-ups

In the FNS test, there are several estimates - from 0 to 3, where 0 - movement causes pain, 1 - the test is not completed or not fully completed, 2 - the test is performed with compensatory movements or in a light version, 3 - the movement is performed perfectly. We will use a simplified version of the test with a score of 2 and two options: passed / failed.

First, stand in the position of the lowest push-up point: you are lying on the floor, palms are next to your shoulders, your feet are on the pads. In men, the palms should be at the level of the chin, in women - at the level of the collarbones.

In one motion, lift yourself up from this position, keeping the body straight. To make it easier to assess the result, you can use a bodybar: put it along your back to understand how straight the body remains.

  • You must maintain correct posture throughout the test (arms should not move lower).
  • The chest and abdomen are lifted off the floor at the same time.
  • The body rises as a whole, without deflection in the spine (to find out, use a stick).

If any of these criteria are missing, the test will not be valid. You have three attempts to complete the assessment.

If you successfully passed the stability test, try to assess your strength.

Core Strength Test

The plank and side plank determine the static strength of the core, while pulling the knees to the chest while hanging and raising the legs to the horizontal bar measure the dynamic strength.

We also suggest evaluating the strength and stability of the back of the core by performing one rep of the deadlift with the appropriate weight.

Elbow plank

Stand in a plank on your elbows and hold it for 90 seconds. During this time, the back should be straight and the hips raised. You can use the bodybar again to assess the accuracy of the pose. The forearms are parallel to the back, the elbows are exactly under the shoulders.

  • take a starting position with your elbows under your shoulders;
  • tighten your quads and lift your knees;
  • squeeze your buttocks;
  • tighten the rectus abdominis muscles.

When all three muscle groups contract correctly, the hips will be in the correct position and the lower back deflection will be eliminated.

Side bar

Hold the side plank for 60 seconds. The elbow should be clearly under the shoulder, and the feet should be one on top of the other. The upright position must be held both horizontally and vertically.

Knees to chest or feet to horizontal bar

Do five pull-ups of the knees to the chest for a passing score and five raises to the bar for the maximum score.

Check shoulder alignment before lifting your legs to make the exercise safe for the shoulder joint. To do this, try to lower and straighten your shoulders while hanging.

Slowly and carefully raise your legs to the horizontal bar (or knees to your chest), and then lower them just as slowly, without jerking. Do five reps.

To pass this strength test, you must maintain complete control of your movement rather than using momentum to achieve your full range of motion. Plus, you shouldn't be in pain.


Do one repetition of the deadlift using the weight table below. For best results, do one medium or more deadlift repetition.

Deadlift for adult men, weight in kg

Body weight, kg Untrained Newbie Average level Advanced level Highest level
52 42,5 82,5 92,5 135 175
56 47,5 87,5 100 145 187,5
60 50 95 110 155 200
67 57,5 107,5 122,5 172,5 217,5
75 62,5 115 135 185 235
82 67,5 125 142,5 200 250
90 70 132,5 152,5 207,5 257,5
100 75 137,5 160 217,5 265
110 77,5 145 165 222,5 270
125 80 147,5 170 227,5 272,5
145 82,5 152,5 172,5 230 277,5
145+ 85 155 177,5 232,5 280

And here is a table of weights for women.

Deadlift for adult women, weight in kg

Body weight, kg Untrained Newbie Average level Advanced level Highest level
44 25 47,5 50 80 105
48 27,5 52,5 60 85 110
52 30 55 62,5 90 115
56 32,5 60 67,5 95 120
60 35 62,5 72,5 100 125
67 37,5 67,5 80 110 135
75 40 72,5 85 117,5 145
82 42,5 80 92,5 125 150
90 45 87,5 97,5 130 160
90+ 50 90 105 137,5 165

So you've rated the stability and strength of your core muscles. Once you have passed all the tests, no additional training is required. If you could not, you need to strengthen the muscles of the core.

Below is a comprehensive workout for this muscle group to help you develop stability and strength.

Core workout

1st day


Sets and Reps: 6x6.

Try to gradually lower the height or exercise with a lighter elastic while maintaining the correct technique.

2. For beginners: the plank.

Sets: 6 x 15 seconds.

Get into the correct plank position, tighten your quads, glutes and abs to help your back into a neutral position.

3. For beginners: side plank.

Advanced: Knee side plank.

Sets: 3 x 15 seconds on each side.

Stand in a side plank on bent knees and keep a straight line from knees to hips and hips to shoulders.

2nd day

1. For beginners: push-ups with hands on a hill.

Advanced: Push-ups with rubber band support.

Sets and Reps: 8 × 4.

Concentrate on maintaining the correct body position. There is no need to go lower to the detriment of technology. Try to do more sets.

2. For beginners: the plank.

Advanced Level: Knee Plank.

Sets: 4 x 30 seconds.

3. Lateral curvature of the plank.

Sets and Reps: 4 × 5 on each side.

Take the position of the side plank, then slowly lower your hips and again raise your body to its original position.

3rd day

1. For beginners: push-ups with hands on a hill.

Advanced: Push-ups with rubber band support.

Sets and Reps: 10 x 2.

2. For beginners: the plank.

Advanced Level: Knee Plank.

Sets: 3 x 45 seconds.

3. Side plank.

Sets: 4 x 30 seconds.

4th day

1. Walking on arms and legs (bear gait).

Approaches: 5 × 20 meters.

Use as low an elevation as possible or the thinnest elastic band.

2. Plank 3 minutes.

Take short breaks if necessary, but no longer than 20 seconds.

5th day

1. Medball throws from the chest.

Sets and Reps: 5 × 6.

Throw the ball 70-80% of your maximum effort. Concentrate on body position and core tension for best results. Maximum effort throws are not recommended unless you are trained to do so.

2. Leg lifts.

Sets and Reps: 4 × 8.

Lie on the floor with your hands under your buttocks to support your lower back. Legs do not drop to the floor between reps.

3. Straight plank and side plank, only 6 minutes.

Keep the plank straight as long as you can and then move to the side plank. If you can no longer hold the plank position, do a burpee 5 times, and then return to the plank.

Repeat the workout for the first five days, gradually increasing the difficulty of the exercises, until you can successfully complete the bench and side plank tests. Only then is it worth moving on to the next set of exercises.

6th day

1. Deadlift.

Sets and Reps: 3 x 10.

Pick a weight with which you can complete all reps while maintaining correct body position. At the same time, you should feel a sufficient load.

2. For beginners: hanging on a horizontal bar, 4 sets of 15 seconds.

Advanced: Knee Raises, 4 sets of 6.

Try to lower and straighten your shoulders (see photo above).


Advanced: Hanging knees to chest.

Sets and Reps: 3 x 8.

If possible, perform a knee lift on a horizontal bar, keep your shoulders laid back and down. If it is not possible to practice on a horizontal bar, use a Roman chair, gymnastic rings, plyometric boxes.

7th day

1. Deadlift.

Sets and Reps: 4 × 8.

Increase the weight by 10% of the weight in the previous workout.

2. For beginners: hanging on a horizontal bar, 4 times for 20 seconds.

Advanced: Knee Chin-ups, 5 sets of 6.

Keep your shoulders in the correct position.

3. For Beginners: Hanging Knee Raises.

Advanced: knees to chest while hanging.

Sets and Reps: 4 × 8.

Control movement, do not use momentum.

8th day

1. Deadlift.

Sets and Reps: 5 × 6.

Increase the weight by 10%, follow the technique.

2. For beginners: hanging on a horizontal bar, 4 times for 30 seconds.

Advanced Level: Knee Raises, 4 sets of 8.

If you can bench press 120 kg, you are probably very strong. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able, for example, to push a stalled car uphill if necessary. Because pushing the Zhiguli requires different muscles than pushing the barbell. And during training, we all have a tendency to pump those muscles that work best for us and neglect those that are poorly developed. Often we do not even know our own weak points. This test will help you determine your general fitness level and find gaps in your muscle shield. And you can eliminate the shortcomings with the same exercises that are given in the test.


Check yourself every month and plan your workouts to develop weak muscles.

Determines the strength and endurance of the muscles in the upper back and shoulders.

Lie on the floor under the bar on a small rug. Grasp the bar with a straight grip and, keeping your back straight, pull yourself up. Time that you can hold out in this position.

  • 1-20 seconds is bad
  • 21-40 seconds - average
  • 41-60 seconds is good
  • More than 60 seconds is excellent

How to improve performance:

Regularly pull up in this way, doing 3-4 sets. Perform as many pull-ups as possible with each set. This exercise should be alternated with the bench press.

Determines the endurance to dynamic loads.

Step up and down stairs quickly for 3 minutes. Count your heart rate in 10 seconds. Multiply the resulting number by 6.

Physical fitness level:

Age 20-30 years old:

  • More than 160 - bad
  • Within 152-159 - average
  • Less than 151 is excellent

Age 30-40 years old:

  • More than 152 - bad
  • Within 144-151 - average
  • Less than 143 is excellent

Age 40-50 years old:

  • More than 144 - bad
  • Within 136-143 - average
  • Less than 135 is excellent

Age over 50:

  • More than 136 - bad
  • Within 126-135 - average
  • Less than 125 is excellent

How to improve performance:

Do a dynamic sport (basketball, tennis, football) in the fresh air for half an hour three times a week. Then increase your workout time to 40 minutes. Your heart will gradually get used to the stress.

Determines the strength of the triceps and chest muscles.

Take the position "Support lying". Lower yourself down for 3 seconds until your chest touches the floor. Hold this position for 2 seconds, and then quickly return to the starting position. How many of these slow push-ups can you do?

Physical fitness level:

  • 1-10 - bad
  • 11-20 - medium
  • 21-30 - good
  • More than 30 - excellent

How to improve performance:

Do this exercise three times a week, gradually increasing the number of push-ups until you can do 30 push-ups in a row.

Determines the strength of the abdominal muscles (abs).

Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides. Raise your straight legs up. Keeping your straightened legs together, begin to lower them slowly, without lifting your back from the floor. If your back does come off the floor, pay attention to the angle that your legs are currently making with the floor.

Physical fitness level:

  • 90-60 degrees is bad
  • Less than 45 degrees is good
  • 0 - excellent

How to improve performance:

Do this exercise three times a week for three sets until you can lower your legs all the way to the floor without lifting your back. Do not do this exercise if you have a sore lower back!

See also

Muscle strength test

Before you start exercising, you need to determine in which parts of your body the muscles are most weakened. When you understand this, start training these muscles first.

1. Stand up straight. Legs together. Relax and lean forward. Try to bend as low as possible. Keep your legs straight. If you succeed in this exercise, then the muscles in the back, the mobility of the lower legs and the elasticity of the tendons are in order. If you fail to do this, therefore, your muscles are contracted and tense.

2. Lying on the floor, on your back, hook your legs on a chair and try to lift your torso. If you succeed in doing this exercise at least once, then the muscles of the thighs and abdomen can fully support your weight.

3. Check the strength of the abdominal muscles. Lying on the floor, bend your legs, press your heels to your buttocks, and rest your socks on the floor. The exercise was successful if the feet did not come off the floor.

4. Check the strength of the muscles in the lower back. Lying on your stomach, interlace your hands behind your neck. Place a pillow under your belly. Raise your legs without bending your knees. Hold them in this position for 1–5 s.

The physical perfection of the body is in your hands. And the key to it is in systematic exercise and sports. Exercise, movement, muscle work are necessary for the human body just as air and food are needed. Physical exercises are so diverse that it is possible, by selectively applying them, to correct various deficiencies in the figure, in physical development. So, if you have a reduced vital capacity of the lungs, a narrow chest - go in for swimming. A year of systematic studies will pass, and these shortcomings will be eliminated. With weak development of leg muscles, the queen of sports - athletics - will greatly benefit you. The muscles of the back and abdominals are best developed by gymnastics.

What kind of sport, what physical exercises are the best to do? This is not an easy question. Indeed, there are so many types of sports and exercise that choosing the best option for yourself is not easy. Firstly, morning hygienic exercises should be a mandatory type of physical exercise - exercise, which is of great importance for the human body. It removes the body after a night's sleep from an inhibited state, increases the excitability of the cerebral cortex, eliminates congestion, improves general condition, and enhances blood circulation. A person doing hygienic gymnastics in the morning feels a surge of vivacity, cheerfulness, with which he is "charged" for the whole day. The duration of morning hygienic exercises should be at least 10-15 minutes and include 7-10 exercises. Particular attention should be paid to breathing exercises, exercises on the movements of all joints of the limbs, the spine, alternately, muscles should be involved in the work. The complex of morning exercises should not include strength exercises and at a fast pace, intense jogging. Secondly, if you haven't done a particular sport, try to structure your day so that you have time for an hour's walk in the fresh air. But walk not with the lazy step of a loafer, but briskly, rhythmically. Watch your breathing. Scientists have found that for average physical activity, a person needs to take at least 16,000 steps annually. To a certain extent, an hour-long walk can compensate for this. Third, take another half hour of time to complete the following set of exercises:

1. Running on the spot at an average pace of 1-2 minutes.

2. Flexion of the arms in the lying position with support on the knees.

3. Sitting on a stool (legs fixed) - tilting back. Keep your hands behind your head. The same exercise can be done on the floor with your legs secured.

4. Legs shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, turn the torso to the right. Bending over, touch the toe of the right leg with your left hand, the same to the other side.

5. Lying on your back, raise straight legs followed by touching the floor behind your head.

6. Balance on one leg, first with additional support.

7. Lying on a stool (face down on the floor, legs fixed) - bend over.

8. Squat on one leg with additional support.

9. Jumps (60 jumps in 30 s).

10. Walking at first at a fast pace, then at a slower pace.

This complex will help you strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs, abdominals, increase the flexibility of the figure, and develop such an important quality as endurance. Exercise should be treated in the same way as medication. In both cases, dosage is needed. A small dosage of exercise will not bring any result, but an excessive dosage can harm: overwork will develop, sleep will be disturbed, weakness will appear, and sometimes heart problems. Thus, in the life of each of us, hygienic gymnastics, a walk in the fresh air, a set of physical exercises for the daytime and hardening are obligatory. Their systematic implementation will be the key to your health, beauty, grace.

Physical education for the lazy. If you find it difficult to force yourself to do exercises in the morning, you want to lie down, soak up a warm bed, then the next mini-exercise is for you. You can do it right in bed.

1. First you need to stretch well (you can under the covers, just remove the pillow). Stretch your legs, knees straight, toes touching the edge of the bed. Hands above your head. Tighten, then relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Lying on your back, arms along the body. Slightly bent at the knee, slowly raise the right leg and lower it behind the straightened left. Return to starting position. The same with the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. Lying on your back, lift your legs straight at the knees as far as you can, 4–5 times.

4. And now lying on your stomach. Bend over, lifting your legs, shoulders and head, hands are pressed to the body. Tighten, then relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

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Use the seven tests in this article to get the answer to your question. In addition, we'll show you how to improve your fitness.

Ask ten different trainers about what fitness is, you get ten different answers. There are no clear evaluation criteria here. A marathon runner works for endurance, a powerlifter for strength, and both think they are in great physical shape. On the other hand, ask the same experts to name the main parameters of a truly healthy, strong man - and on some issues they will agree for sure.

First, the core (abs, lower back, pelvis ...) - the health of the spine and leg joints depends on it. Secondly, the legs themselves. Whether you want to jump high, run fast or roll the barbell, your legs must be strong. Thirdly, a powerful "top" (chest, shoulders, biceps ...), so that you can pull up, do push-ups or skillfully chop wood without stopping. And, of course, you have to be hardy enough to be able to run a couple of kilometers without shortness of breath.

If you want to achieve excellent results in all respects, focus on the best. For example, Craig Alexander, world triathlon champion, whose heart is a powerful motor that runs on a bottle of water and a couple of bananas. And also - Patrick Willis, defender of the San Francisco 49's, UFC fighter Josh Koschik and captain of the Chicago Blackhawks Jonathan Toes. The physical form of these people requires a unique, barely achievable combination of speed, strength, agility, power.

In this article you will find the secrets of their preparation, as well as special fitness tests that will allow you to understand what shape you are in.



Fitness starts somewhere in the middle of your body. Actually, this is where it ends if you have a weak lower back and a flabby belly. The concepts of "unstable core" and "good physical shape" are incompatible in principle. Core muscles not only protect the spine and joints from injury, it is also the most important transmission link that transfers the effort from the legs to the arms and vice versa. This is why we will begin our tests with the bar, a fundamental way of assessing core endurance and stability.

TEST No. 1

Take a lying position, standing on your forearms, so that your elbows are exactly under the shoulder joints. Spread your feet to the width of the pelvis, bring the body in line with the legs. Straighten your legs completely, draw in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. This is the bar. Now your task is to stay in this position for 60 seconds. Happened? Well done - rest for 2 minutes and do the same with your feet on the bench. Succeeded? Very well, rest for another 2 minutes and try the most difficult option: return your feet to the floor, and put your hands so that your elbows are not under the shoulder joints, but exactly on the line of sight (in other words, move your elbows forward). Try to hold out for a minute in this position.


Below the average: you cannot resist the usual 60 seconds bar.
Average level: you hold the bar for 60 seconds.
Above average: you hold the plank with your feet on the bench for 60 seconds.
MH level! You keep your elbow plank in line of sight for 60 seconds.

Strive for more

Start and end each workout with a plank variation that you CANNOT hold for 60 seconds. Do 2 sets, resting 2 minutes in between. When all of the plank options described above are a cinch, try the Walking Plank. Put your feet on the bench and alternately pull one or the other knee to your chest, without changing the position of your arms and body. Try to "pass" this way for 60 seconds. If you succeed, you are a real monster, worthy to encroach on the option for the elite: do the "walking bar", resting your feet on the wall. If you can stay here for 60 seconds too - upload a video of this event on Youtube and send the link to us - we will make you the fitness star of the site!


25 years old, 183 cm, 110 kg
4 minutes is able to hold the usual bar

A rally in American football lasts an average of 4 seconds. During this time, San Francisco 49’s linebacker Patrick Willis may need to knock a 150-kilogram striker out of the way, jump a meter up to jump over a midfielder, or run 50 meters to knock a quarterback down. He is a super combination of sprinter, basketball player and sumo wrestler. Only more embossed. “I know that I am gifted genetically, - recognized by Phillips. “But I also understand that I have to work very hard to realize this gift in full.”

To work is to work hard trying to improve your performance every day, every workout, and every game. His training focuses on the harmonious development of speed, strength and agility. He works a lot with the barbell, preferring low-rep work in multi-joint movements. “I squat and bench with weights that can help me on the field during the game. For example, on the bench, I try to overcome the weight of my opponents. I start with a hundred for 6 repetitions - for a warm-up. Then 125 pounds for 5 repetitions. And I finish with 150 kilograms for 4 repetitions - here is the defender of the enemy. I follow a similar principle in squatting. "

What's the secret? Three types of core fitness

"Your core is useful for everything - strength, agility and explosive strength",- instructs Willis, who does a variety of core exercises every workout. Planks and side planks develop its endurance. Folds, hanging leg raises and hyperextension give strength, and the bike and Russian twists give its body the ability to rotate powerfully but safely. "I keep the planks to failure, and in all other exercises I strive for the greatest number of repetitions - from 10 to 20, no less."


If posture were the main indicator of a strong core, the sentries at the mausoleum would be considered the most outstanding athletes. The ability of the core to stabilize your body in a static position is only the first step. How about a more serious test: Is your core able to securely hold your spine in a secure position while your upper and lower limbs move actively? Do not rush to answer until you try to sit with a barbell over your head.

This test is good in that it not only allows you to assess how strong your core is in dynamics, but also helps to identify joints whose mobility is not well developed to complete the exercise completely. “Overhead squats say a lot about hip and knee health. As well as the ankle, shoulder joints and shoulder blades ",- says fitness guru Alvin Cosgrove.

TEST No. 2

Take any straight stick - even a bar from a barbell, even a handle from a shovel. Take it with a wide grip (about one and a half times wider than your shoulders), lift it on absolutely straight arms above your head, straighten your back. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes slightly outward and bend your knees slightly. Without bending your arms, without bending the body, without bringing your knees and without lifting your heels from the floor, sit in the maximum possible squat depth. Be careful - this test is not as easy to perform as it might seem at first glance.


Below the average: you cannot sit down to a right angle without leaning forward.
Average level: you can sink below a right angle, but only if you lift your heels off the floor.
Above average: you are able to drop into a full squat without bending forward or bending your arms.
MH level! You can go down to a full squat with a standard 20kg Olympic bar without losing balance or breaking technique.

Strive for more

When doing full squats with a barbell overhead, you will not only have to sit down, but also stand up.

Do the barbell squat as one of your warm-up exercises before each workout. First, work on a low weight technique: watch for the deflection in the lower back, the heels pressed tightly to the floor, and that the bar is directly above the crown of the head. Start with 2 sets of 10-12 reps. Once your technique is flawless, start adding 5kg per week. Fitness guru Alvin Cosgrove suggests that in the process of mastering overhead squats, additionally practice lumberjacks and squats on one leg - these exercises will develop in you a sense of balance and add strength to your legs and core.


32 years old, 175 cm, 80 kg
(30 + 30) x3. This is the number of pull-ups, push-ups and sets that Koschik does in training

One round in the UFC is a furious compote of flying fists, knees and heels, followed by painful throws. For someone in the ring, these five minutes can seem like an eternity, especially if the individual being described is trying to wriggle out of the choke hold at the very end of the round. Mixed martial arts require the harmonious development of endurance, explosive strength, flexibility and agility. To achieve this, Josh Koschik devotes a lot of time to complex exercises, bringing his heart rate during loads to 180 beats per minute. “I need strength even when I'm exhausted,- explains Koscik, who, among other things, boasts a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. - I force my muscles to work to failure, then, gritting my teeth, squeeze out a few more repetitions. " Koschik trains 4 hours a day, but his strength training is based on short circles of 6 minutes each. The approximate composition of each circle is 12 bench presses, 30 jumps on the bench, 10 pulls with one hand in an incline, 20 blows with a sledgehammer on the tire, 60 seconds of working with horizontal ropes, 60 seconds of running uphill on a track and pushing loaded sleds (15 -20 meters). Then - a minute of rest and all over again. And so five circles. “I train with maximum intensity because this is what happens during the fight, Josh smiles. - Any manifestation of weakness will not go unnoticed in the ring. "


Get yourself two heavy ropes. Each must be at least 10 meters long. The longer, the harder it will be for you. Warm up properly, then take the ropes by the ends and, lifting them up, hit the ground with force, sending a wave along the ropes. Do this for 30 seconds. Stop, breathe for 30 seconds, then do it all over again. In total, 5 such approaches need to be done. For best results, do this exercise 3 times a week.


Lumberjack on his knee with a lower block. Attach a standard rope handle to the bottom block. Extend the rope to one side relative to the metal ring in which it is threaded, and grasp it with both hands from above, placing them as far apart as possible. Get on your right knee with your right side facing the block. Hold the handle in straight hands between the block and your right foot. Straighten up and take a breath. As you exhale, turn your arms to the left and up, without changing the original position of the legs and pelvis. Smoothly return to starting position and repeat. Do 10-12 reps for each side 2-3 times a week.

Lumberjack on his knee with a top block. In fact, this is such an exercise, but the handle is attached to the upper block, and you need to pull it with straight arms from top to bottom to the opposite thigh. Do 10-12 reps for each side 2-3 times a week.



Strength and speed are usually considered contradictory qualities, although in reality they are not. The maximum strength result consists not only of the strength of the athlete as such, but also of the speed with which he is able to develop this strength. Experienced athletes have known this for a long time, so they train not only "pure" strength with large weights, but also explosive strength - with relatively small ones, while trying to accelerate the projectile as much as possible.

"The deadlift is perhaps the most accurate indicator of strength, if only because it is most similar to real" power "movements from life - for example, lifting a bag of cement from the floor or moving a sofa."- mentored by Mike Robertson, Certified Fitness and Athletic Trainer. Deadlift refers to exercises that train the so-called "back chain": several muscle groups located on the dorsum of the body, which include the gluteal muscles, the hamstrings, the extensors of the spine and the trapezius. It is these muscles that determine the effectiveness of running, jumping or trying to stay on your feet when someone tries to drop you. In addition, these muscles are from the category of the largest and most responsive to growth, so doing the deadlift is one of the surest ways to "put on" a few pounds of muscle mass in a relatively short time.

TEST No. 3

Get close to the bar so that your shins touch the bar. Feet - the width of the pelvis. Taking your pelvis back, sit down and grab the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your hips. Rotate your lower back, spread your shoulder blades and stretch your arms, lifting your shoulders as high as possible. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Pushing with your feet, lift the barbell off the floor and, as soon as the bar is level with your knees, push your pelvis forward with force and your shoulders back until you are fully straightened. After exhaling, lock yourself in this position for a second and return the barbell to the floor.

Start gently with small weights. Gradually add discs to the bar until you reach the one-time maximum. Try to do no more than three really hard attempts to minimize the possibility of injury.


Below the average: your maximum is a barbell that weighs less than yourself.
Average level: barbell weight within 1–1.25 of your own.
Above average: barbell weight from 1.25 to 1.5 of yours.
MH level! You are pulling heavier than 1.5 times your own weight.

Strive for more

The best way to improve your deadlift performance is to do it regularly. However, it would be unwise to limit yourself to just one variation of this wonderful exercise. Robertson recommends doing the "straight-legged" deadlift more often, which works more effectively on the hip extensors. Take the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than your hips. The position of the legs is the same as for a normal deadlift. Bend slightly in the lumbar region. Taking your pelvis back, bend forward until the bar is lowered to the middle of your lower leg. Keep an eye on the constant position of the lower back! Without stopping at the lowest point, immediately straighten up, powerfully feeding the pelvis forward. To maximize the load on the buttocks and hamstrings, do not bend your knees more than the original angle and additionally strain your buttocks at the top of the thrust point. Do 3 sets of 6 reps twice a week, gradually increasing your working weight. After 8 weeks, try your hand at the floor deadlift again - Robertson promises you will be pleasantly surprised.


Unless you belong to the competitive powerlifting or weightlifting community, it is very rare in your sporting life to have to stand on the ground. More often you have to run and jump fast, especially pushing off with one leg.

TEST No. 4

Often, a vertical jump is used to measure the explosive force of the legs, but it is quite difficult to measure the effectiveness of its implementation - additional equipment is required. This is why coaches are much more likely to use a test as simple as the standing long jump. All you need is a floor with something to indicate where the jump starts, such as a chalk line. Come close to her and put your toes on the very edge. Spread your legs at a comfortable width, hang your arms along the body. With a lightning movement, hooking down and taking your arms back, jump as far forward as possible. Be sure to land on both feet, otherwise the test will not be valid. Measure the resulting distance - from the starting line to the heels. If one leg "flew" further than the other, measure the length of the jump along the heel of the one that was left behind.


Below the average: you jumped less than 1.8 m.
Average level: you jumped 1.8 to 2.1 m.
Above average: jump length - from 2.1 to 2.5 m.
MH level! Jump length - over 2.5 m.

Strive for more

The strength you gain from doing the deadlift regularly will help with the solo jump. But for greater benefit while playing the same football, your body must be able to effectively perform several jumps in a row, accompanied by a sharp change in direction of movement, inclines and accelerations. To help you do that well, familiarize yourself with the lower block broaches and the one-leg glute bridge. The first will add speed to you, and the second will help to equalize the strength abilities of both limbs, which is extremely important for ensuring injury safety for many years.


22 years old, 186 cm, 96 kg
2.95 meters - jump length of Jonathan Toes

Imagine a sprint - a short, no more than 45-60 seconds, intense jerk that breaks the heart and burns the lungs with hot air. And you are running on the ice, trying to maintain balance, standing on thin metal runners. In your hands you have a stick that interferes with movement, and the space around is filled with the opposing team's players looking for a convenient moment to smudge you on the side. Repeat this sprint 20 times without being guided by clearly regulated rest pauses. This is how the captain of the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team, Jonathan Towes, the youngest Stanley Cup and Olympic gold medalist, works. “The NHL's cardiovascular endurance and strength requirements are no match for any fitness training system that comes to mind. says Toes. - The hockey player has to be fast, strong and have a great sense of balance, because in fact you are on one leg for most of the game. If your core is weak, any blow that is not the strongest will easily knock you off your feet! " Tousa's strength training program consists of complex movements that train balance and strength (deadlifts and push-ups), explosive strength (bench hops and side-to-side ski jumps), and muscular endurance (lunges and squats).


“The combination of stepping lunges and plyometrics builds strength and endurance in my legs, my primary tool on the ice. I usually do 5 minutes of forward stepping lungs and then 5 minutes of backward stepping lungs. Then I rest for 2 minutes and perform 3 sets of 10 jumps on the bench. " Start gradually: 1 minute forward lunges and 1 minute back lunges. Rest for 60 seconds, then do 2 sets of 10 hops on a bench 50-60 cm high.


Glute bridge with one leg. Put two benches in parallel so that you can sit on both at once as follows: arms and upper back - on one, and the foot of the leg bent at a right angle - on the other (you just need to straighten the other leg and put it next to the first). Loin and pelvis, respectively, in free flight. Maintaining balance and tensing the muscles of the back of the thigh of the working leg, raise the pelvis as high as possible, hold for a second and return to the starting position, trying to easily touch the floor with the buttocks. Try to start with your stronger leg, this will give the other leg a reference in the number of repetitions. Do 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps 2-3 times a week. If it's too easy to do this with your own weight, place a dumbbell of suitable weight on your lower abdomen.

Broaches on the lower block. How much do you want to increase your deadlift? The question is not idle, because the exercise that Mike Robertson wants to offer you looks so strange from the outside that only a very purposeful person would dare to do this 2-3 times a week. So, attach the rope handle to the bottom block. Stand with your back to the block, bend over and grasp the ends of the handle with both hands - the cable should be between your legs. Now, bending your lower back and slightly bending your knees, straighten your body and stretch the cable towards you. At the top point, the handle of the cable will be exactly on your crotch, so do not stand for so long, but immediately bend over, returning to the starting position, and repeat. Do 8-12 reps at maximum speed without breaking technique.



The barbell press is undoubtedly the best exercise for developing strength and mass in the pectoral muscles. However, doing regular push-ups can be tricky, even for those with good bench presses. The fact is that push-ups actually work more muscles than bench press. In addition to the main movers - the pectoral, deltoid and triceps, which are also easy to bring to extreme fatigue, push-ups load most of the core muscles: from the abdominal muscles to the hip flexors. But the most important advantage of push-ups is the special effect of activating a whole network of seemingly insignificant muscles that stabilize the shoulder blades and shoulder joints, which does not happen when working with a barbell. This is why we know so much about injuries occurring to bench presses, but it is extremely rare to hear something like this from bodyweight training enthusiasts.

If you are very fond of working with the bar, but avoid doing push-ups, the next test can be quite humiliating. If anything, there were complaints to the author of the test - Martin Rooney.

TEST No. 5

Take a lying position. Place your palms exactly under the shoulder joints. Put your feet on the toes at the width of the pelvis. Bring the body in line with the legs. Bending your arms, lower your body down until your nose touches the floor. Hold this position for 1 second (this is an indispensable condition!), And then return to the starting position. Perform as many push-ups as possible without changing your starting position.


Below the average: you were able to do less than 15 push-ups.
Average level: you did 16-29 push-ups.
Above average: you mastered 30-44 push-ups.
MH level! Your record is over 45 push-ups.

Strive for more

You can increase your push-up record with just 2 workouts per week. At least Rooney himself is sure of this. On the first day, do 6 sets of 10 push-ups. The first two sets are regular, the third and fourth sets are with feet on the bench, and the last two sets are with narrow palms. Rest between sets - 2 minutes. On the second workout, do 3 sets of 20-25 reps (or each to failure), resting 90 seconds between sets. After finishing the last, third set, rest for 3-5 minutes and push to the maximum, trying to break your personal best. After 8 weeks of such training, take TEST # 5 again.


Just as the bench press pushed push-ups out of the gym, the vertical deadlift has quietly replaced the old gym hit - pull-ups. To a great extent, it should be noted, unfortunately. At first glance, both exercises - both the vertical row and pull-ups, load the same muscles: the lats, the lower and middle parts of the traps and the back of the deltoids. However, in fact, pull-ups capture much more of the most important regions of the body than the "wings" coveted by many. Due to the fact that you do not sit on the simulator, but dangle on the crossbar, resisting the forces that seek to dangerously stretch your spine along the axis, the muscles of the thigh and the extensors of the spine are connected to the lats and their synergists. "Pull-ups are the ultimate test of strength and endurance for the muscles of the entire upper body, assessing how reliably your core is protecting and stabilizing the spine."- Alvin Cosgrove is sure. Of course, vertical pulls are orders of magnitude lighter, but as with many things in life, limited effort produces limited results.

TEST No. 6

Hang on the bar with a reverse grip shoulder-width apart. Pull up by bringing your chest as close as possible to the horizontal bar. Hold at the top point for 1 second and smoothly return to the starting position. The rep is only valid if you start the pull-up from fully extended arms.


Below the average: you can pull up less than 3 times.
Average level: you can pull up 3-7 times.
Above average: your limit is 8-10 repetitions.
MH level! You can do over 10 reps.

Strive for more

Take half of your chin-up maximum. For example, your record is 8 repetitions, which means that your approaches will consist of 4 repetitions, no more. Do 3-4 sets of 4 reps, resting 90 seconds in between. Reduce the rest pause between sets by 15 seconds each week. That way, by week 9, you'll be ready to complete one long set with zero rest break. No matter how successful your training is, in any case, after 9 weeks of such training, your result in pull-ups will improve significantly.


It's hard to think of anything more useful for survival than running. How many times did our ancestors flee from larger and more aggressive predators! However, we often misunderstand running. Most of us think of running as “aerobic exercise,” which effectively means using energy sources available only in the presence of oxygen.

However, this is only true for low-intensity and long runs. During a sprint, our body tends to use faster and more powerful energy sources than fat - the main source of energy for aerobic work. In addition, running is a test for specific muscle endurance, not just the cardiovascular system. For example, a good swimmer will have a perfectly trained cardiovascular system, however, getting on the treadmill, he may not show outstanding results. This is because not only the heart and lungs, but also the muscles of the legs must be sufficiently prepared to run well, long and fast.

TEST No. 7

It is best to take this test on the stadium track. You can use the simulator, but then set the incline on the track to 2º to simulate running on a real surface. During the test, you will need to run 1 mile (1.6 km).


Below the average: you need more than 12 minutes to run one mile.
Average level: you spent 9-12 minutes.
Above average: you ran a mile in 6-8 minutes.
MH level! You can easily run a mile in less than 6 minutes.

Strive for more

Use Dowell's program to start running faster. After a five-minute warm-up of two minutes of brisk walking and three minutes of light jogging, do an interval workout. Accelerate as much as possible for 60 seconds, then walk at a brisk pace for 60 seconds, then run at a leisurely pace for 2 minutes. All this counts in one cycle. Do 3-4 of these cycles for each workout for the first week. Add one cycle every next week. That is, if on the first week you did 4 cycles, on the second do 5 cycles, on the third - 6, and so on. When you get to 8 cycles, reduce the brisk walking time in each cycle to 30 seconds. That is, accelerate for 60 seconds, walk for 30 seconds and slowly run for 2 minutes. After 8 weeks of interval training, take TEST # 7 again.


37 years old, 163 cm, 70 kg
2:30 is the time Craig Alexander is able to run 1 km

If someone tells you that the most important thing in triathlon is to be able to run long and tediously, swim or pedal, spit in his shameless and poorly educated eyes. Even in such an essentially endurance sport, it is not those who reach the end of the distance that win, but those who did it faster than others. Craig Alexander swims 8 km at an average speed of 100 m in 65 seconds, bikes 180 km at an average speed of 40 km / h and runs 42 km at an average speed of 1 km in 4 minutes 45 seconds. Not slow at all! His total time to cover the entire distance is 8 hours 20 minutes and 21 seconds. The key to this success is efficiency. “I spend a huge amount of time practicing techniques and raising my lactate threshold,”- Alexander admits. The lactate threshold is a special state, reaching which the cells of your body no longer have time to get rid of lactate (a by-product of metabolism) faster than it produces it, as a result of which the muscles refuse to continue to work with the same intensity.

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