Roll from one foot to the other. Correct foot position when running


Of particular importance to anyone sports activities represent developed legs. As a martial artist, I most attention, about 60% of the training time, I focus on my legs. Causes? The first is sustainability. Strong legs keep balance much better. Secondly, it is fortification. Stuffed shins can be used to hit great lows freely. And the stuffed hips allow you to take the same lows, bringing the opponent's legs into the grip. Third, endurance. Moreover, not only the endurance of the legs develops, but also the functional component. Starts working immediately respiratory system and the muscles of the trunk and upper shoulder girdle develop.

The whole complex is divided into 6 blocks. Warming up. Warm up. Stretching. Power. Strengthening. Hitch. The total time with a careful approach is from 3 hours.

When daily execution this complex, the effect will be in 2 weeks. For example - the ability to sit in a longitudinal twine.

I am as an adept athletics, freerunning, yoga and all that is beautiful, too, in part, although do not let me lie - I completely depend on my legs. Speed, agility and flexibility of the legs are, in my opinion, one of the most important things in general conditioning.

We will tell you how you can get on the path of developing your own legs well, ergonomically and effectively.

The system began to be designed a long time ago, and has been tested on myself.

The system is complete, the complex is not designed for quick execution, but this does not mean that its elements cannot be used separately.


Before starting a workout, the muscles need to be warmed up. This is accomplished in two ways - either dynamic (running) or static (squatting).

The dynamic method also has several options:

- Run 20 minutes in free mode.

- Running with exercise for each circle.

circle straight

circle right side (side steps)

circle with the left side (side steps)

circle back forward

circle straight (cross step)

circle right side (cross step)

circle left side (cross step)

backward circle (cross step)

high thigh circle

a circle with an overlap of shins

The static method consists of several stages:

- Stand up straight, toes. We stretch upward with all our might. The maximum possible rise. Slowly at first - at the top point, count to 10. Do it 20 times. Then quickly - ascent, descent, ascent, descent. Do it 20 times.

- Stance straight, ups on toes, Alternate left and right legs. Slowly and carefully, concentrating on the sensations of the ankle. Bending your knees slightly. Do it 20 times.

- Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, socks apart. The back is straight. Hands in front of you. Squats up right angle between the lower leg and thigh. 50 times.

Running is inherently the most The best way to warm up the muscles. My opinion is that you need to run for half an hour a day at least, without skipping, despite the weather conditions and your own physical condition.

You shouldn't run for more than 40 minutes. In this case, certain rules must be observed. First, the pulse should be no more than 150 beats per minute. Secondly, when running, the position of the foot is soft, with a roll from heel to toe.


The warm-up prepares the muscles for stretching and strength. What is done in the warm-up? Swings and rotations. This is a rather boring stage, but it is necessary for the development of dynamic stretching. This is when, without warming up, in a dark alleyway, you take out your opponent's jaw with a light mawashi jodan. J

To begin with, longitudinal swings. We rest our hands on the wall and stand steadily on one leg, with the other we begin to swing. Trying to do it above the belt. 20 times with one leg, 20 times with the other leg.

Then we move on to rotations. This is done as follows: lift the leg bent at the knee to the waist and begin to rotate it in the hip joint. Thoroughly! Full amplitude without unbending the knee. Back and forth. 10 times. Change legs.

Longitudinal swings again. Trying to swing even higher. Also 20 times.

We repeat the rotation in the hip joint. Concentration on it. Imagine warmth. This will make the muscles relax better, become more flexible. 10 times.

Transverse swings. Stand sideways to the wall and start swinging your leg closest to the wall, maintaining stability and a straight back (!). Try to sweep up to the head in front and above the waist in the back. 20 times with each leg.

Raises the knees to the chest, to the shoulder (over the side), to the opposite shoulder (that is, with the right knee, we stretch to the left shoulder). Intense and sharp. 20 times with each knee.

Transverse swings, resting with both hands on the wall, but the leg bent at the knee now flies forward. That is, just swing the knee. Back, as before, outstretched leg.

Stand straight. The leg bent at the knee is raised to the waist, rotation in the knee joint. The amplitude is maximum. Back and forth. 10 times. Change legs.

Stand straight, leg bent at the knee, raised to the waist. Ankle rotation. Thoroughly. Back and forth. 10 times. Change legs.

We rest our toes on the floor and rotate the leg at the ankle joint. Back and forth. 10 times. Change legs.

Feet shoulder width apart. Grasp your knees with your palms and rotate them inward and outward. 20 times.

Rolling from foot to foot. 3 minutes. Leg position: two shoulder widths.


Stretching prepares muscles for strength. When they are stretched, they are better supplied with blood and oxygen. This allows you to achieve the desired goal - strong legs in the most productive way and without wasting time.

Each exercise is performed with pumping until the muscles are felt to be stretching. The movements are smooth and slow. Perform pumping at least 20 times in each exercise.

Each strengthening of stretching is accompanied by exhalation, and the return to its original state is accompanied by inhalation.

Legs straight, feet together. Bends forward, reach with your hands to your socks, and your forehead to your knees. Do not bend your knees. When pumping, we try to reach the floor first with the tips of our fingers, then with our knuckles (seiken), then with our wrists, then with our palms. Be sure, after straightening, lean back in the lower back.

The legs are as wide as possible to the sides - like a longitudinal split. Hands on the belt. We turn to the sides, without changing the position of the legs, left and right. The hip joint is being developed.

Without changing position, we lean forward, to the right toe, to the left.

Hands on the belt, we begin to bend the knees easily. First in turn, then together.

Without changing the position of the legs, we bend one leg at the knee and sit on the side. Then we rise and sit in the other direction. Gradually lower the pelvis, so as to flow from one position to another only due to cranks in the hip and knee joints.

We unfold longitudinally. Lunges. Hands on the belt. We easily swing on the leg bent at the knee (forward). Then we bend back leg in the knee, we pump in this way.

We change the position and repeat the above in reverse.

From a position when both legs are bent, keeping our hands on the belt, we straighten the forward leg and sit back a little, pulling the sock forward. That is, without lifting the foot off the floor. Change position.

We sit down on the floor.

Legs forward, hands grabbed the ankles, pulling the chest to the knees. The back is straight, the head is straight and slightly up. Look straight ahead! Do not hunch over! Do not bend your knees.

Barrier step. We stretch our forehead to bent knee... It is possible with a U-turn. That is, they first turn towards the outstretched leg and a little further, look behind their back and then, with a sharp jerk, bend over and reach with their forehead to the knee of the leg bent at the knee.

Change legs.

One leg is extended forward, the other, with the foot under the thigh, is pressed with the heel to the groin. We reach for an extended leg. Smoothly like a wave.

Change legs.

Feet together, heels resting against the groin. Butterfly. Easily roll your elbow onto your knee and press your thigh to the floor, bending over. At the same time, we hold the other knee with the other elbow at a distance. And on the other side.

One foot forward, the other foot on the thigh. Pressing lightly on the knee with your hand, stretch the thigh.

Change legs.

We lie down on our stomach. Hands behind your back and grab your ankles. Pull your legs to the back of your head. The thigh muscles are stretched.

Stand up straight and shake your legs easily. As if throwing drops of water from your feet.


We start with the ankles. Rises on the toes. One leg is lifted up and bent at the knee. At least 35 times.

Pistols. The leg is suspended, at the top it is bent at the knee, at the bottom it is straightened parallel to the floor. At least 35 times.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, socks apart. The back is straight. Hands behind your head. Squats all the way. So slow! At the expense of 30. 1 at the top, 30 at the bottom. And back the same way, at the expense. At least 3 times.

Hands behind the head, back straight. Goose step. Straight, sideways, back forward.

From a kneeling position, lifting and throwing the leg forward. To the point of fatigue.

Squats, arms behind the head, back straight. All the way. At least 100 times.

The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. We bend our knees into a right angle, taking the position of an incomplete squat, and stand like this for 3 minutes. (You can also stretch your arms forward, statically strengthening the upper shoulder girdle)


Strengthening the impact surfaces and hardening the legs acts on the heated, stretched and already worked muscles as a massage.

This activity requires two bottles of water. One is 2 liters, the second is 0.5 liters. And a smooth round stick.

First, with force, roll the stick along the shins from the feet to the knees. As long as it is fun. At least 5 minutes per shin.

Then, with a 0.5 liter bottle, hit the shins and thighs. We fill and strengthen bones and muscles. We hit often and sharply. At least 5 minutes per shin and thigh.

We take a bottle of 2 liters and hit the same places in the same way. Special attention on the hips.

With a stick, lightly tap on the hips and finish everything again by rolling over the shins. At least 5 minutes.

HITCH (stretching)

Hitching allows you to relax your muscles by volitional effort and drive blood, energy, oxygen through them.

Lie on your back, stretch your legs. Relax completely. There should be a sensation of relaxation of the leg muscles. How the calf muscles, thigh muscles, gluteal muscles relax.

Stretch the toes and turn the muscles of the legs into strings, feeling a single tension.

Sit on your knees with the raises of the feet pressed to the floor. With your hands, rest on the floor at the middle of your thighs and lift your knees off the floor, stretching the ankle ligaments.

Sitting on your knees, spread your feet to the sides and sit on the floor. Swing up and down, holding your ankles with your hands. Slowly lower yourself back, lying on your back on the floor. By volitional effort, relax the muscles of the thighs. (in yoga, this pose is called Vajrasana - the lightning pose).

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We bring to your attention exemplary complex cross twine stretching exercises of seven exercises. We remind you: just before doing the stretching exercises, you need to warm up well and do a good warm-up. This will increase your stretching efficiency and keep you safe from injury!

Exercise is good for developing the eversion of the pelvic joints.
1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
2. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together.
3. Pull your heels as close to your groin as possible.
4. Bring your knees down as deep as possible and hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) With a partner. You sit in a butterfly pose. The partner slowly lowers your knees down.
2) "The butterfly flaps its wings." You sit in the butterfly pose, but instead of statically pulling the muscles, you do dynamic knees swinging up and down.

Fold the legs apart
Exercise helps stretch the inner thighs and lower back.
1. Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart.
2. Place your hands on the floor between your thighs.
3. Without bending your knees and without lifting your legs off the floor, bend forward, sliding your hands on the floor.

Execution options:
1) Take this pose, but bend not only forward, but also alternately to each leg.

Fold your legs together
The exercise is aimed at working out the lower back and hamstrings. With the socks pulled over, the hamstrings also stretch.
1. Sit on the floor
2. Straighten your knees, bring them together
3. Without bending your back, lean forward
4. In the most taut position, lock for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) Sitting,
2) Standing.
Important! In all parts of the road, keep your back straight!

The main exercise for the eversion of the pelvic. It also stretches the groin muscles well.
1. Kneel down on the floor with your hands and forearms on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly move your knees apart, spreading your legs. You should feel a gentle tension in your groin, but not pain.
3. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 minutes.

Rolling from foot to foot
Main goal: Stretching the groin muscles.
1. Stand with your feet wide apart.
2. One foot is inverted, the other is facing forward.
3. Bend the knee of the leg, the foot of which is twisted, shift your body weight to this leg. This should straighten the other leg.
4. Without lifting the pelvis, repeat with the other leg.
5. The exercise is dynamic, you don't need to linger anywhere.
6. Do 9-15 rolls on each leg.

Deep standing bends
Stretch the back of the thighs and lower back.
It is performed in the same way as the fold of the leg together, with the only difference that in this exercise legs are separated from each other by 30-40 cm.

Disembarkation on a twine
1. Sit down with your knees wide apart.
2. Put your hands on the floor
3. Gently, without sudden movements, spread your legs to the sides.
4. Try to keep your pelvis in line with your legs.
5. In the tightest position, lock for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times

The complex should be performed daily, or day, every other day.

It is important to take into account the biomechanical features of the musculoskeletal system for the correct positioning of the foot when running. Compliance with the recommendations will help reduce trauma to the ankle joint, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

How to run properly

Meeting the conditions for effective running will allow you to get the most out of your physical activity.

Newbies looking to go jogging will need to try various techniques... You need to stop at a method that is comfortable and convenient, the individual characteristics of the structure of the foot must be taken into account. A successful way of conducting exercises, which does not cause pain and muscle spasm during movement.

Running technique

  • Feet;
  • torso;
  • heads.

When choosing a method for setting the foot, the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account and are guided by the sensations that arise during the training process.

Step length

If, while running, the foot is extended far forward, loss of balance and fall is likely. This situation is especially dangerous for the elderly: the result is a fracture of the limbs.

Too short a step is ineffective: such a run causes rapid fatigue. The optimal length is when the center of gravity of the body completely coincides with the point of contact of the foot with the ground.

Correct body and head position

In the process of running, it is necessary to ensure that the body does not bend in the lower back and there is no squatting. Similar errors are found in overweight adolescents and elderly people.

The head is kept straight, avoiding flexion and extension in cervical spine spine.

While running, you should not swing the body to the sides. Most often, movements are caused by improper positioning of the limbs. It is required to ensure that the feet are parallel.

Legs position

Studying the advice of experts when choosing a running technique will need to try all the methods and stop at the right one. Feelings of comfort serve as a guide.

The emergence muscle spasms, pain in the ankles and knee joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities indicates the use of an inappropriate jogging method.


Landing on the forefoot allows for high speed. The technique has a number of serious advantages:

  • the muscles of the lower leg are not tense, and the leg is in the air longer;
  • when landing on toe ankle joint is not injured, the load on it is minimal.

This technique is best suited if you need to run on short distances at a fast pace.

Professional runners use the technique to achieve high performance, but it works with developed calf muscles... In other cases, it will not be possible to avoid muscle-tonic disorders in the lower leg.

For those who begin to practice running loads, it is preferable to focus on other methods of setting the foot. The technique will be turned to after lengthy workouts.

Roll from heel to toe

This method of training is suitable for beginner runners. However, they will need to control so that the roll from heel to toe is smooth. It is recommended to avoid sudden jerking movements while running due to the high risk of rapid wear of the ankle and knee joints.

Running from the heel is most natural for humans, it resembles walking, suitable for long distances.

Roll from toe to heel

The technique involves first placing on the toe, and then smoothly moving the foot to the heel. The use of the technique makes it possible to save a runner's strength and cover considerable distances.

The runner must ensure that the forefoot does not hit the ground. This leads to tension and spasms of the muscles of the arch of the foot. While running, the thigh will need to be lifted higher than usual. It is physiological to put the leg under oneself, which greatly facilitates the work of the joints.

Running from the middle of the foot

When landing on this area of ​​the foot, the load is evenly distributed on the muscles and ligamentous apparatus, concussion internal organs and the spine is minimal. This running method is suitable for beginners and is something in between landing on toe and heel.

Causes of possible foot pain after and during running

The appearance after training or directly during running of unpleasant sensations in the leg requires a mandatory finding out of their cause. If measures are not taken in time, serious complications are possible. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the leg is swollen and red. The symptom indicates the development:

  • injury (fracture or fissure) of the tibia or fibula;
  • ankle arthritis;
  • exacerbation of the heel spur;
  • sprains of the ligaments of the foot.

Older people with osteoporosis sustain traumatic injury when they exercise lightly on their musculoskeletal system while jogging.

Less serious causes of leg pain include:

  • the appearance of calluses and abrasions on the foot;
  • muscle soreness.

To eliminate soreness, it is often enough to purchase comfortable running shoes. Jogging on a hard surface (asphalt) often leads to joint trauma and exacerbation of venous diseases. It is physiological to run on a special stadium surface, grass, sand.

Jogging is contraindicated in people diagnosed with flat feet.

If no pathology is identified, and the pain continues to bother, it will be necessary to adjust the running technique. Ignoring an unpleasant symptom will lead to the fact that jogging, instead of the expected benefit, will bring harm and provoke illness. When setting the leg, you need to choose a method that suits your individual characteristics. anatomical structure lower limbs... It is important to adjust to the correct running pace and increase the load gradually.

A common story: there is little time in the gym and, in order to do everything, you grab dumbbells or a barbell on the fly. It can end with serious injury (see). Golden Rule fitness states: no matter how much time you have for training, the first five to ten minutes should be spent on warm-up and. This will not only insure you against, but also improve the result, because the main goal is to prepare muscles, joints and all body systems for further stress.

Warm up before training. Exercises

1. Circular movements of the shoulders

Target: preparation pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Performance: straight arms in front of the chest, palms facing each other. Inhale - we bring the shoulder blades together, we take our hands to the sides. Exhale - we return to the starting position.

3. Mobilization of the spine

Target: preparation hip joints and the muscles of the pelvic girdle.

Performance: feet shoulder width apart, left hand on the support (or wall), the right one - on the belt. We bend the knee and move it to the side. Continuing Roundabout Circulation, return the leg to its original position.

5. Turning the body

Target: preparation of knee, hip and leg muscles.

Performance: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms in front of you. As we inhale, we squat and tilt the body forward, take our hands back. Exhale - straighten your knees, rise on your toes, hands up. Repeat 15-20 times.

7. Roll from one leg to the other

Target: complex training of the musculoskeletal system.

Performance: complement the previous exercise by touching the floor with the opposite hand.

Each warm-up exercise should be repeated 10-20 times.

In stretching, each position must be held for at least 30 seconds.

Cool Down After Workout

Any workout is. Stretching will help soften it.

1. Relieve tension from the muscles of the lower leg

Denis Bykovskikh

Performance: standing, support on a chair, right leg on the back of the toe, heel right leg lower it to the floor. Repeat with the left leg.

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