Relaxing Yoga Before Bedtime: Sample Exercise Sets. Stand on the crown

Sports and fitness


09.08.15 10:46

Morning exercises are able to activate all systems of the body, energizing for the whole day, but very few resort to this method. Most people choose to soak in a warm bed until last minute, dooming yourself to a bad mood and loss of energy. Yoga in bed is a direction that allows you to combine business with pleasure. If you devote no more than 15-30 minutes to such exercises every morning, you can rebuild your regime and make dramatic changes in your well-being, mood, and the level of performance.

  1. People who practice yoga in the morning do not experience physical, mental and emotional fatigue during the day.
  2. Yoga involves a gradual transition from a state of sleep to vigor, allowing you to avoid stress and keep only positive energy.
  3. Despite the fact that all directional manipulations are based on smooth and measured movements, metabolic processes are triggered. This ensures that you burn calories intensively throughout the day and keeps you in shape.

Yoga in bed - simple but effective exercises (can be done in any order and combination)

  • Lying on your back, we stretch our arms up and stretch with our whole body. Then we lower our hands along the body, pull the toes of our legs towards ourselves and bend the lower back.
  • Without changing position, we raise one leg and tighten the muscles, pull the sock, do several circular movements in a small circle. We change legs. Raise two legs, hold them, spread them to the sides and bring them together again.
  • In the same position, we pull one leg towards ourselves, trying to reach with the knee to the chest, while pulling in the stomach. We hold this position for several seconds, change the leg.
  • Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest and grab them with your hands, stretch your chin to your knees. In this position, we swing back and forth, you can try to move to the sides.
  • We turn over on our stomach, legs are straight and slightly apart to the sides, hands are on the forearms, shoulders are perpendicular to the floor. We stretch our feet back, trying to stretch our legs, and slightly bend our back, lifting our stomach from the bed.
  • From the previous position, we move to a new one - we straighten the elbows, deepening the deflection in the back. We do not raise our shoulders; we move our arms as close to the body as possible.
  • We lie on our back, legs straight, arms along the body. Raise and bend slightly upper part body, trying to "stand" on top of the head.
  • We sit on the bed with a straight back and legs, pull the toes towards ourselves, rest our hands on the bed next to the hips. We sit in this position and breathe deeply until the back muscles get tired.
  • We lie on our back, bend our legs at the knees, put our feet as close to the pelvis as possible. We grab the ankles with our hands, gradually tear the body away from the bed, bending in the lower back and raising the pelvis, back, and shoulder blades.
  • We lie on our side, turn the upper leg with the knee up, take it by the sock (first you need to bend it at the knee) and begin to lift it as high as possible. Ideally, you need to achieve that the leg is straightened at the top point. Change the side and work with the other leg.

Performing actions from the complex, you do not need to try to adhere to the purity of movements and postures, on a soft surface this is almost impossible. Manipulations should not be unpleasant or uncomfortable. A lesson is considered successful if, after its completion, a surge of vigor is noted, Have a good mood and lightness appears throughout the body.

For a good rest, you need to learn how to relax your body and mind. For this, it is recommended to practice simple and effective yoga asanas. You can use the services of an instructor, practice individually or in a group. If you don't have enough time or money to go to the gym, meditate at home.

The Yoga Sutra was written over 2000 years ago by the Indian sage Patanjali. The original goal of the practice is not to correct the problem figure. It was only over time that asana-based fitness exercises were developed.

Yoga poses help to achieve the following goals:

  • reunification of spiritual and physical strength;
  • improvement of mental abilities;
  • health and fit of all muscles of the body;
  • restoration of correct breathing;
  • freeing the mind from negativity;
  • meditation and building the future.

It's important to know! Yoga increases endurance, flexibility, improves the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Therefore, exercise is often recommended for cardiovascular diseases and genitourinary pathologies. Also, the Indian practice is suitable for people suffering from respiratory failure.

Cognition own body and reason leads to harmony. A person who practices yoga protects himself from psycho-emotional and physical stress, nervous disorders, insomnia. Exercise can help combat depression.

Features of evening yoga

Evening yoga includes a set of practices. They are designed to relax all muscles and free the mind from the excess of information accumulated during the day. There are exercises that need to be done a few hours before bedtime and activities that need to be done in bed.

Evening activities at home should not be intense. the main task- perform all the asanas correctly and consistently. If you start to feel pain or do not have enough strength, flexibility, endurance, for a while, give up this element.

Purpose of classes

Sleep disturbances are often caused by mental and physical strain. It is possible to get rid of accumulated emotions with the help of meditation. To eliminate the problem, it is best to contact a yogi instructor who will teach you how to correctly perform the necessary asanas.

Evening yoga is performed before bed with the following goals:

  • relaxation of all muscles;
  • restoration of strength;
  • getting rid of stress and negative emotions.

Important! Daily execution exercise helps to improve metabolism. A person's daily routine is getting better, since it is necessary to do yoga always at the same time, about half an hour before bedtime. Also, the complex will benefit pregnant women who suffer from insomnia due to hormonal changes and insufficient physical activity.

For a person starting to get acquainted with spiritual practices, it will be difficult to repeat elements that require flexibility and balance. Many asanas can be traumatic. Therefore, a special yoga before bed for beginners has been developed. The technique will be effective if you additionally follow the rules:

  • The set of exercises should take 15-30 minutes and should be performed a maximum of 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Establish a daily routine, go to bed before 10 at night.
  • Don't do evening yoga right after physical activity or work. Give your body and mind some rest.
  • In the room in which you will study and sleep, it is necessary to do airing.
  • Do not exercise on a full stomach. It is recommended to have dinner around 20.00, and at 21.00 go to yoga.
  • Turn off your music and TV during exercise.

For exercise, purchase a rug and scented candles (lavender, cedar, orange, incense, jasmine). Clothing should not hinder movement, enough space is needed in the room in order to calmly stretch out your legs or arms.

Meditation stage

Meditation is an important milestone for complete relaxation before dreaming. There are several simple poses for its implementation. It is necessary to choose the right one in accordance with your physical capabilities.

  • Lotus position. Suitable for a person with flexibility and experience in performing spiritual practices.
  • Sukhasana pose (in Turkish). Most comfortable position recommended for a beginner. For more comfort, you can place a hard pillow under your back and buttocks.
  • Sitting position on the edge of a chair. In this case, it is allowed to put your feet on the floor.

Find a comfortable position, place relaxed hands on your knees, connect and point your thumb and forefinger up. Sit for a few minutes, restore your breathing (yogis recommend breathing with your stomach), free yourself from unnecessary thoughts. The goal of meditation is complete detachment from the surrounding world.

Asanas you can do before bed

Evening yoga is designed to get relaxation before bed. Therefore, it is recommended to perform simple asanas that do not require skills. Spiritual practices to combat insomnia include the following postures:

During each exercise, you must breathe correctly, straining your abs. If you cannot perform one of the asanas, exclude or replace it with another. Focus on how you feel after yoga. Many also recommend "birch", which helps to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis.

Advice! For greater clarity, you can find on YouTube the trainer Elena Malova, who teaches the basics of yoga. She has 30 minute complex by watching and doing it, you can have a sweet and healthy sleep.

Breathing exercises

The daily complex must be completed with breathing exercises. Control inhalation and exhalation, holding your breath between them for a few seconds. By the end of the exercise, the exhalation becomes prolonged. Try to completely free your lungs from air.

There are several types of breathing practice that promotes complete relaxation:

Important! Proper Deep Breathing Can Help Calm nervous system, relieving stress and overstrain, removing toxins from the body. By increasing the volume of the lungs, endurance is increased.

Yoga class while lying in bed

Yoga in bed provides a sweet and sound sleep. There are many positions that can be done while lying down or sitting on the bed. After completing the above complex, it is recommended to perform the following asanas:

  • Tilt to the legs with a straight back. Grasp your toes with your hands and pull them towards you. If you lack flexibility, you can bend your knees a little.
  • Tilt with a round back. Lean down gently without letting go of your toes.
  • Stretching the hamstring. There are several asanas for this. Raise the straightened leg one by one, feeling tension on back side hips. Then grab your foot and bend your knee, pull your leg up to your chest.
  • Twisting while lying down. Bend right leg and press her knee to the opposite side. The right hand must be tilted to the side.

This complex should also end with shavasana from hatha yoga. If you feel upper body tension or neck pain, snake pose is recommended. Lying in bed, roll over onto your stomach, lift your torso towards the sun with outstretched arms, pull your chin up.

Yoga before bed is done in bed or on a special mat. Do not wait for a quick recovery of the regime. To improve the psycho-emotional state, it is recommended to practice asanas twice a day. Morning meditation and breathing exercises contribute to an easy and quick awakening.

If a girl strives not only to restore sleep, but also to lose weight, it is recommended to train for at least an hour. Spiritual practices increase muscle tone, remove toxins and toxins, and improve metabolism.

For body shaping, it is necessary to change the diet, exclude heavy dinners and alcohol. On the Internet, you can find video tutorials by Katerina Buida, who developed workouts based on elements from dance, yoga and fitness.

For self-knowledge and immersion in new world yoga nidra is recommended for meditation. It is necessary to listen to lectures and perform actions dictated by the voice. Sevastopol teacher Ilya Zhuravlev advises every day before going to bed to mentally guide yourself to achieve the right goals. Such relaxation is especially effective in mental disorders.

Attention! If you have increased blood pressure, varicose veins, renal failure, you should consult your doctor before yoga. To study asanas, contact an instructor or use video tutorials. If you cannot perform the pose correctly, give it up for the first time.

Additional measures to improve sleep

Yoga is an additional mechanism that positively affects work internal organs and the nervous system. To get sound sleep back, you need to understand the cause of the disorder and treat it. Therefore, consult a somnologist or neurologist. Tips for Improving Sleep:

  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • don't take on too much work;
  • get regular rest, recuperating while playing sports or what you love;
  • ventilate the bedroom, sleep on bedding made from natural fabrics;
  • the temperature in the room should be 18-22 degrees;
  • walk in the fresh air more often.

To improve your psychological state, avoid stress, communicate with loved ones more often. Health problems can also affect sleep. Therefore, in the presence of chronic diseases or pathological symptoms, consult a doctor promptly.

There are many asanas described in yoga that can help improve the quality of sleep. When choosing a package, rely on your skill and level of flexibility. During execution, it is recommended to completely free your mind from thoughts and emotions. To do this, it is better to start with meditation, and then move on to static exercises. Change your posture at the slightest discomfort.

The practice of yoga helps to get rid of annoying thoughts, relieve nervous excitement, tension, stress. Designed by yoga teacher Virginie Cohen, this simple set can be done while lying in bed, in your pajamas, without special training and special efforts. You can relax your body, calm your breathing, and improve blood circulation using three simple postures practiced right before bed. However, you can choose from them one or two that are most comfortable - the effect of these exercises will not keep you waiting.


Lying on your back, stretch out in bed; knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart. "Fold out" the lower back so that the kidney zone is as close as possible to the mattress. Slowly lift your lower abdomen up; then - the whole pelvis; then - gradually back, vertebra by vertebra, to the level of the shoulder blades, until the chest touches the chin. Remaining in this position, in a natural rhythm, take seven breaths and exhalations, then slowly, vertebra by vertebra, return your back to starting position... Lie still for a few moments, then repeat from the beginning three times. This pose brings harmony back to the entire body. It helps to relax the legs and pelvis and stimulates the organs in the upper body. It can help relieve tension from the back and relieve pain in the spine.


Seated Twisting

Sit in a Turkish position with your back straight. Slowly turn the upper part of the body together with the head to the right, resting your fingers right hand into the mattress behind you, near the left buttock; Hold your right knee with your left palm. Breathe deeply through your nose, noting how your belly and bottom of your chest fill up on inhalation and fall off on exhalation. Inhale deeply, pulling your spine up, and as you exhale, twist. Try not to lift your shoulders. Take seven inhalations and exhalations and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement in the other direction. This pose "opens" chest and frees up the solar plexus area, where stress often builds up towards the end of the day. Twisting relieves the spine of the stress that it experiences during the day.

Mudra of Energy Centers

The word mudra in Sanskrit means hand posture. Lying on the bed, place a small pillow under the back of your head; legs are separated to the width of the pelvis. Close your eyes and put your hands on your pubis - right to left, thumb right hand on the left thumb. Take a deep breath, hold the air in your lungs for three seconds and exhale slowly. Repeat seven times. Then place your hand on your stomach just below the navel, changing hands (left to right, left thumb to right thumb), and again take seven breaths. Continue breathing in the same rhythm, placing your hands on the solar plexus area; then - to the chest at the level of the heart; then - on the throat, each time swapping the right and left. Stretch your arms along your body, close your eyes and imagine a blue sky. Light clouds float across it, a light breeze blows over you, you breathe in pleasant smells ... and slowly sink into sleep. This pose rests the heart and calms the mind. The five lower chakras are once again filled with lightness and energy. It is better not to work with the upper chakras (forehead and crown) in the evening, so as not to stimulate brain activity before bedtime.

Many of us dream of starting our day with morning exercises, but the coming morning destroys this idea at the root! Our beloved body does not want to get up and even more so to do "some" exercise. In these short videos, you will find a nice compromise between health and laziness: you can start exercising for the lazy right in bed.

Set your alarm 10 minutes early. And you will not have to urgently jump up and run somewhere. All of the presented exercises begin with pleasant morning stretches, which gently awaken your body and make you want to move. Choose one of the presented videos to your liking. Or alternate them as you like best. These simple exercises exercises for the lazy will help you finally wake up and bring all organs and systems of your body into an active state. Most importantly, you will want to get out of bed and start your day with a smile. You will feel a charge of vivacity and health for the whole day.

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