Why do horses sit on the left side. Why are horses approached from the left side?

Landing on a horse is carried out from the “at attention” position, in which the rider stands at the left shoulder of the horse with the reins disassembled, as when driving on the rein (Fig. 12, A).

In order to learn how to properly and quickly mount a horse, you first need to do it in divisions, in three steps.

According to the "one" count - turning to the right, throw the rein right hand over the head to the neck and, taking a step to the right, simultaneously align and tighten the reins (Fig. 12, B and C). Then with your left hand you intercept the reins at the neck (with the grip of the mane) and, having made a half turn to the right, with your right hand you take hold of the stirrup, turning it with the outer side towards you (Fig. 12, D). This movement ends the first account. On the count of "two" - insert your left foot into the stirrup, grab the back pommel with your right hand and push your right foot, helping with your hands, go point blank on your left foot, stretched out on the stirrup (Fig. 12, E). With your right hand, lean on the front of the saddle and carry a straight right leg through the horse's croup, simultaneously turning to face forward and lowering smoothly into the saddle (Fig. 12, E). On the count of "three" - "take" the stirrup with your right foot, disassemble the reins and take the position of the correct landing on the spot (Fig. 13). The stirrup must be taken from the outer (away from the horse) side so that the putlisch belt does not twist, but lies smoothly along the shin of the leg,

After landing several times on divisions into three counts, you can proceed to merge all these movements together and ensure that they are all done consistently, quickly, clearly and naturally, one after another. Dismounting from a horse occurs in reverse order to the "quiet" position.

Namely: according to the count "one" - with your left hand you take both reins with a mane, and with your right hand you lean on the front pommel and take your right foot out of the stirrup.

On the count of "two" - transfer the right Leg over the croup and put it on the ground, take the left foot out of the stirrup and put it on the right. On the count of "three" - making a Half turn and a step to the left, remove the reins from the neck and with a turn to the left stand at attention.

After the rider has learned to mount and dismount correctly, his main task remains to acquire the correct fit, that is, to properly hold the torso, arms and legs while sitting on the horse. With a proper fit, the torso should always be vertical, the head should also be kept straight and look forward.

Rice. 12. The sequence of movements of the rider when landing on a horse.

Shoulders should be. deployed, the back is straight, the loin is slightly bent forward. Hands from shoulder to elbow should be kept along the body, vertically and naturally bent at the elbows, with fingers clenched into a fist. Fists should be kept upright, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Proper fit.

The thigh should point forward and downward at an angle of approximately 45° to the vertical line. The knee is tightly pressed to the saddle. The lower leg is directed from the knee back and down, forming an angle of approximately 105-115 ° under the knee.

The foot should always be in a horizontal position, and care must be taken that from the very first lessons the socks do not fall down, which is often observed in beginner riders. The position described above is essential for standing still and for very slow movements at the trot and canter. With an increase in the speed of movement, the body is fed forward and it is recommended to shorten the stirrup.

When shortening the stirrup, the popliteal angle decreases, but it should never be less than right angle, even in the jump (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14: Position of the rider: A - during normal riding; B - during the jump.

It is necessary to ensure that the leg from the knee down does not go too forward or backward, but keeps correct position, in which the perpendicular, lowered from the knee down, should touch the toe of the boot, and the heel should lie at the side, immediately behind the girth. This position of the lower leg must not be changed under any circumstances.

You have a short stirrup or a long one, your body is strongly forward or you sit straight - the position of the leg from the knee down should always be the same. Once you have mastered the requirements of proper seating, you can move on to learning the means and methods of controlling the horse.

Before you sit on a horse, you need to understand it in order to establish contact with the horse from the very beginning of training. To do this, in our first lessons we talk about horses, their habits, the basics of behavior, show how to properly care for and feed horses. We conduct our classes on different horses and in natural conditions (in the forest and on the banks of the river). This allows the novice rider to as soon as possible get acquainted with the world of horses, understand their motivation for behavior.

Develop balance

Unfortunately, life in big city there is a very serious drawback - physical inactivity - an insufficiently mobile lifestyle. As a result, our motor skills are limited to basic ones, and the level of development of the supporting-motor apparatus leaves much to be desired, therefore, from the first lessons, we teach our students to keep balance while sitting on a horse, which is achieved by students performing special training exercises. But balance is not only balance, balancing - this skill adjusts to the movements of the horse that are constantly changing in the process of running and terrain.

How to sit on a horse

The horse is mounted from the "at attention" position, in which the rider stands at the left shoulder of the horse with the reins disassembled, as when driving on the bit.
In order to learn how to properly and quickly mount a horse, you first need to do it in divisions, in three steps.
According to the count of "one" - turning to the right, throw the rein with your right hand over your head to your neck and, taking a step to the right, simultaneously align and tighten the rein.
Then with your left hand you intercept the reins at the neck (with the grip of the mane) and, having made a half turn to the right, with your right hand you take hold of the stirrup, turning it with the outer side towards you. This movement ends the first account.
On the count of "two" - insert your left foot into the stirrup, grab the back pommel with your right hand and push your right foot, helping with your hands, go point blank on your left foot, stretching out on the stirrup. With your right hand, rest on the front of the saddle and carry the straight right leg over the horse's croup, while turning to face forward and lowering smoothly into the saddle.
On the count of "three" - "take" the stirrup with your right foot, disassemble the reins and take the position of the correct landing on the spot.
The stirrup must be taken from the outer (away from the horse) side so that the putlisch belt does not twist, but lies smoothly along the shin of the leg,
After landing several times on divisions into three counts, you can proceed to merge all these movements together and ensure that they are all done consistently, quickly, clearly and naturally, one after another.
Dismounting from the horse occurs in the reverse order to the “at attention” position.
Namely: according to the count "one" - with your left hand you take both reins with a mane, and with your right hand you lean on the front pommel and take your right foot out of the stirrup.
On the count of "two" - transfer the right Leg over the croup and put it on the ground, take the left foot out of the stirrup and put it on the right.
On the count of "three" - making a Half turn and a step to the left, remove the reins from the neck and with a turn to the left stand at attention.
After the rider has learned to mount and dismount correctly, his main task remains to acquire the correct fit, that is, to properly hold the torso, arms and legs while sitting on the horse.
With a proper fit, the torso should always be vertical, the head should also be kept straight and look forward.
The shoulders should be deployed, the back is straight, the lower back is slightly bent forward. Hands from shoulder to elbow should be kept along the body, vertically and naturally bent at the elbows, with fingers clenched into a fist. Fists should be kept upright, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
The thigh should point forward and downward at an angle of approximately 45° to the vertical line. The knee is tightly pressed to the saddle. The lower leg is directed from the knee back and down, forming an angle of approximately 105-115 ° under the knee.
The foot should always be in a horizontal position, and care must be taken that from the very first lessons the socks do not fall down, which is often observed in beginner riders.
The position described above is essential for standing still and for very slow movements at the trot and canter. With an increase in the speed of movement, the body is fed forward and it is recommended to shorten the stirrup.
When the stirrup is shortened, the popliteal angle decreases, but it should never be less than a right angle, even in a jump.
It is necessary to ensure that the leg from the knee down does not go too far forward or backward, but maintains the correct position, in which the perpendicular, lowered from the knee down, should touch the toe of the boot, and the heel should lie at the side, immediately behind the girth. This position of the lower leg must not be changed under any circumstances. You have a short stirrup or a long one, your body is strongly forward or you sit straight - the position of the leg from the knee down should always be the same.
Once you have mastered the requirements of proper seating, you can move on to learning the means and methods of controlling the horse.

It so happened historically that it is customary to approach a horse from the left side. This rule has its roots in history.

The right to ride at one time belonged exclusively to the nobility and warriors, that is, people who carry weapons - swords and swords. The weapon was mounted on the left side, which made landing on a horse with right side very difficult. When horse-drawn carriages appeared, they also boarded on the left side of the sidewalk. This is how left-hand traffic appeared for the first time. The British are distinguished by conservatism, and therefore, when the first cars appeared, they continued to sit in them in the same way as in carriages, that is, on the left side.

There is another nuance associated with the biological characteristics of the animal itself. Horses have a peculiar vision. They see less detail but have a wider field of view. Also, their eyes are very sensitive to movement, but at the same time they do not distinguish well the distance to a moving object. In addition, horses have blind spots, namely just in front of the muzzle and right behind the croup. The first blind spot has a length of up to one and a half meters, it is rather difficult to determine the size of the second. But it is the blind spot behind the croup that is the most dangerous. When approaching a horse from behind, there is a serious risk that at the slightest noise the animal will begin to kick out of fright. Such fearfulness is quite understandable if we remember that in the wild, horses have a large number of natural enemies.

That is why, that is, for the sake of your own safety, you must approach the horse only from the side of the shoulder. So the animal manages to notice the walker in time and is not afraid of him. Thus, the combination of historical habits and biological nuances of the animal gives rise to the rule of the left side.

General rules for communicating with a horse

The most important rule mentioned above is to approach the horse only from the side. At the same time, it is advisable to talk to her and not make sudden movements. Bridling, saddling a horse, landing on it and dismounting, as well as cleaning the animal are also carried out only on the left side. Horses are initially taught that a person is on the left when working with them.

In addition, always wear safe clothing and use only safe equipment. It must include a helmet, boots or boots with hard toes. You can get injured even just by working without sitting on it. Therefore, a helmet and special shoes must be worn even in cases where a horseback ride is not planned.

It is also strictly forbidden to wrap around the hand any equipment that is connected to the horse. This applies to the leash, reins, cord and everything else.

A saddled horse is led to the landing site by the bridle. At the same time, the stirrups must be pulled up along the putlische in advance so that the metal lies on the wing of the saddle and does not hit the horse on the sides when moving.

Whenever you lead a bridled horse, keep the reins together no further than 20-25 cm from his chin. The reins should not be wrapped around fingers or hands.

Before as sit in the saddle, approach the horse from the left side, stand at his left front leg. Take the reins (snaffle only) in the palm of your left hand. Then, raising your palm up on the crest of the neck just above the withers, grab a part of the mane, tightly squeezing the hair in a fist. Why take the mane? This is an element of insurance. If the horse suddenly starts moving or carries, we will have a fulcrum in our hand, firmly connected with the horse's body. It will allow you to maintain balance and stand on your feet, even if you have to do a short run next to the horse.

Having done the preliminary preparation, stand in front of the left stirrup. Take it with your right hand and insert your foot into it with your toe forward about a third of your foot. With your right hand, grasp the rear pommel. Place your left knee very firmly on the saddle wing. This will provide you with insurance against possible slippage of the saddle if the girths are not securely tightened and will give you a third point of support when the right leg leaves the ground.

With your right hand on the pommel, spring your right foot off the ground and push your body up.

It is important that the rider from the first landing understands that he should not pull himself onto the horse with the strength of his hands, but should throw his body up with the push of his right leg while resting his left on the stirrup and knee. It is necessary to make a push with such force, as if you are going to jump over a horse. Having made a push, pay attention to the fact that the toe of the right leg is pulled back and, when moving it over the croup, does not touch the horse either with a heel, or even more so with a spur.

Carrying a straight right leg over the horse's croup, the rider simultaneously transfers support to left hand, releases the right one and carries it to the front pommel, and he calmly, softening the landing by the pressure of the airlocks on the wings of the saddle, sinks onto the seat.

Never let yourself thump in the saddle like on a sofa, namely, lower yourself. An abrupt landing, a careless touch of the spurs to the sides of the horse during landing, disturb the animal, cause a reflex desire to prevent the rider from sitting down.

Sitting on the horse, the rider inserts the right foot into the stirrup and dismantles the reins. Having done this, he looks around, checking the position of the body. The body to the pelvis should occupy a vertical position, the feet should be parallel to the body of the horse, but do not touch it, the heels should be slightly lowered (pulled) down.

This position of the legs raises the knees and gives the rider the opportunity to make the knees a fixed point of support. In this position, only due to locks and maintaining balance, the rider can ride in an arena trot and a reduced canter even without support on the stirrup, without a rein, lowering his arms vertically down or spreading them to the sides.

When you have mastered the techniques of a standard military cavalry saddle, try the second, accelerated method - pushing.

Stand to the left of the horse with your chest to the middle of the saddle. Take a strand of mane and a rein in your left hand, lean on the front pommel, with your right - on the back pommel. Straighten your body. Push off the ground with your feet at the same time and push up with your hands, as athletes do, to reach the parallel bars at point-blank range.

Swing your right leg over the horse's croup and lower yourself into the saddle, softening the landing with the locks.

Lowering into the saddle, insert your right foot into the stirrup. Take the right strap of the snaffle rein in your hand, let go of the mane.

You are on a horse.

Having mastered the standard method of mounting in the saddle and making sure that the horse treats you without fear or opposition, if enough physical strength and training, experience the method of landing in a swoop from the ground.

To do this, stand with your left side to the horse, take a rein and a strand of mane, push off from the ground, as is done with high jumps using the “scissors” method, simultaneously swing your right leg, throw your body up, throw the fly leg over the rear pommel of the saddle and sit in it. At the same time, as in other cases, try not to drop your entire body weight on the horse’s back with a blow, but slow down the landing with your hands and locks.

Large animals were quite expectedly perceived by our ancestors as a way of transportation. In this case, the person is located on the back of the animal, which is controlled with the help of reins. Due to the physical complexion and features, not every animal could be tamed and used for these purposes. Today, riding is more associated with horses. The ability to ride and hold well in the saddle is considered a sign of aristocracy. How to ride a horse, you can learn from this article.

The first evidence of the domestication of horses is found in the Scythian culture. V Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome the Thracian and Thessalian cavalry were very popular, the need for training in this skill became the reason for the emergence of the riding academy. However, at that time, the entire set of knowledge available to us was not yet formed.

The military significance of the cavalry in military affairs has constantly changed over the entire period of our civilization; in Rome, the mounted cavalry was only an auxiliary military force and was not highly skilled. The key problem was the use of bare horses. As a result, a fighter could not achieve great skill in combat without having a sufficiently confident landing, provided with the help of equipment.

In Europe, horseback riding appeared as a result of cultural and economic borrowings from the Persians. Europeans used horses primarily for military purposes. For quite a short time riding reached great heights and became a real military art, which eventually became privileged, since most of the aristocrats entered the military service.

The requirements for riding have changed many times due to changes in the purpose of using horses and, as a result, the nature of riding, culture and fashion. Nowadays, this knowledge is of a cumulative nature, it is expressed in the directions of professional, amateur equestrian sports and represent separate disciplines intended for obtaining professional and amateur skills. We are talking about such areas as dressage, show jumping, horse riding, triathlon, racing, vaulting.

V Lately there is a return of interest in horseback riding and horses as an environmentally friendly mode of transport. Many homeowners in outlying suburbs keep horses as domesticated pets. The horse continues to be an indispensable helper on the farm, many breeds eat pasture and feel great when grazing. For this reason, the farmer, having a reliable mode of transport, does not spend finances on fuel.

Where to begin?

Many people, even if they have a desire to learn how to ride a horse, are afraid of this kind of leisure and sport. To get rid of the complexes, it is better to visit specialized institutions where professional trainers are engaged in horse riding training.

"Golden Age"

Anyone can get riding skills, at any age the skills will help increase physical activity and support natural physical form. Children are especially quick to adopt skills, but children's training requires the work of an experienced coach to eliminate rather high risks of injury.

It is possible to achieve perfection and successfully participate in competitions even if you start training after 30 years. Age and physical restrictions for this type of amateur and professional sports does not exist. Depending on the acquired skills, riders can perform certain exercises. The easiest way to ride a horse is to walk (trot). This is quite enough for regular walks in the park and enjoyment. The rider can improve as needed.

What breed of horse is best for training?

Horse riding as a culture developed in parallel among different peoples and was divided into two types: the use of horses without preliminary coaching and purposeful methodological training of the horse, resulting in the fulfillment of the rider's commands.

Acquaintance with the horse and emotional contact - important point learning

The eastern peoples are characterized by the use of the first method, riding bareback horses is practiced. This is also typical for Russia - in farms, in Cossack settlements, among riders who independently learned to control a horse. At the same time, it is worth noting that those innate riders who intuitively know how to ride a horse adhere to the unspoken rules for controlling the animal's behavior, seating, and movements while riding.

For civilized European peoples and, as a result, for the Austrian and German school, the use of an artificial method is characteristic, which has changed over many centuries and has come down to us in an aggregated form. Knowledge is a combination of military skills, fashion requirements, aristocratic signs of behavior. At the same time, one cannot say that the established rules are correct, indisputable and unambiguous. In equestrianism, everything is determined by the practice and purpose for which riding is used.

In our time, coaches also use elements or a complete artificial riding methodology. Due to the serious preparation of the horse, when a beginner gets into the saddle, he can feel completely safe.

For this reason, the choice of horse breed does not matter. All training horses are trained for classic riding and calmly obey the instructor. As a rule, with the observance of elementary precautions during training, it is impossible to fall, and the horse behaves calmly and comfortably for the rider.

From theory to practice: how to learn to ride?

Horse introduction and greeting

Training horses are quite loyal to new riders and do not show aggressiveness. If you are learning to ride a young owner's animal, try to keep the owner close to you during the first contact.

Pat the horse gently on the neck, patting lightly, and stroke. Horses love such caresses and respond with friendliness. Aggressive behavior in domestic or training horses is extremely rare. This usually happens after receiving a negative experience from a person.

Sometimes an animal may behave unfriendly because it has health problems, is spoiled, or is so trained to communicate with "outsiders". In a poorly tuned animal, the ears are pressed back or stand in a house, the legs are tense, the tail and head are raised up. Ears are usually raised also during meals and requests for treats.

Stroke the horse, saying kind words, until he relaxes and lowers his ears. These representatives of the animal world are sensitive to the mood and timbre of the voice.

Complementary foods can only be used with the permission of the instructor. Usually this type of taming is not used, but horses love sweets: dried fruits (dates, dried apricots), bread, sugar, watermelon, red carrots. In the equestrian ammunition store you can buy specialized complementary foods.

Turn your back to the horse, press against the neck, if you want to show affection, throw back the reins. If this is done in the traditional way with a sharp jerky movement, the horse will react negatively.


When landing, you can grab the mane at the withers, it is convenient, and also not painful for the horse, since there are no nerve endings. It is not recommended to hold on to the saddle because of the danger of turning it over. Pull up on the rein and grab it at the same time as the mane.

Place your left foot in the stirrup, jump, holding on to the mane and swing your right foot. Put your foot on the second stirrup, tighten the reins. You need to stay in the saddle with your hips. Avoid sudden movements with the reins. Many horses are not accustomed to this and may react abruptly to painful movements of the reins and bridles.

The horses move if the rider makes characteristic movements or encourages her with his feet.

Video - Learning to ride a horse

Equipment for horseback riding

One of the main skills is the ability to saddle a horse and dress all necessary equipment. It includes:

  • bridle, a device for controlling a horse;
  • hakamora - a type of bit;
  • saddle;
  • girth;
  • gel on a saddle pad or fur coat;
  • saddle pad - a pad between the saddle and the horse's back, made of soft quilted material. Additionally, a fur coat is provided;
  • bandages and boots for legs.

The equipment includes the rider's clothing and a helmet, which is necessary element full outfit. Even ignoring the recommendations for choosing clothes, be sure to initial stage use helmet.

It is possible to ride a bare horse, but this requires skills and a good physical training.

How to sit in the saddle

Get into the correct seating position as shown in the illustration and hold the reins in a comfortable way so that it is secured in your hands.

Lock the reins.

Take the correct position when landing. Keep your shoulders straight otherwise in a crosswind or turn, you can slip off the saddle.

Video - Step

How to manage a horse?

For beginners, it is important to learn several types of horse movement or gait: walk, trot, canter and amble. Walking allows you to move on horseback while walking. Greater skill requires trotting at a higher speed than walking. Experienced riders let their horse into a swift gallop. They master these movements gradually, depending on the level of physical fitness of the rider. The trot and canter gaits require adaptive control of the horse and good body sensitivity.

Important! To master the trot and canter, you will need at least 2 workouts per week. With episodic visits to the club, it makes sense to stop at the "step". In order for the horse to walk, it is encouraged by patting the legs on the hips and on the neck.

Initially, the training of a novice rider is carried out with training on a lunge, with the help of a long rein, which is in the hands of an instructor, so there is no control at this stage. there is talk. While working on the lunge, the skills that will be required to perform the trot are practiced. The rider must learn to "lighten up", that is, to make swinging movements in time with the horse's run.

Stopping and dismounting

It is believed that to stop the horse you need to pull the reins. However, this movement is painful, for this reason it makes no sense to inconvenience the horse. The animal is stopped with the foot and body.

Don't forget to pat the horse's neck as a token of gratitude for obedience. You need to get off the horse by grabbing the mane, stretching your leg out of the stirrup and throwing it to the other side.

Basic riding rules

Riding rules help reduce physical activity rider. They are as follows:

  • before the start of the movement, the horse is “collected” (balanced) - bring your legs under the body and surrender your head at the back of the head. Move the torso forward from the waist, increase the pressure of the legs and pull the reins a little;
  • when moving in a straight line with legs and reins, the horse is kept straight, if it deviates, it is controlled with the help of unilateral leg movements, pulling the reins from the back side of the deviation;
  • the reins are tightened so as to feel the connection between the hands and the bridle;
  • do not use sudden movements unnecessarily.

Rules of behavior with a horse and installation:

  • do not forget about common sense;
  • a horse is a large animal that can intentionally or unintentionally cause damage to health, so safety should always come first;
  • before you calmly go for a walk, you will need at least 10 riding lessons;
  • do not use the trot and gallop gaits after the basic 10 lessons;
  • you will need to learn the rules of falling and grouping.

Video - Rules for falling from a horse

Paces: ways to move a riding horse

Gaits - types of movement of horses, divided into natural and artificial. The most simple and accessible for study is considered to be a "step".

When walking, the horse's speed is 2 m/s. Simultaneously strikes with 2 hooves, while two legs are also in the air. When trotting, the speed develops up to 10 m / s, two hoof strikes are also clearly visible, but the legs move “diagonally” crosswise. A special type of trotters was obtained by the selection method. This breed can trot for a long time without getting tired and without going into a canter that is uncomfortable for the rider, maximum speed achieved with brisk movement.

The amble was formed as a natural gait, in which a higher speed develops than in the trot. Usually horses move either amble or trot.

At a gallop, a speed of 70 km / h is reached, three hoof beats are clearly audible. There are three varieties:

  • slow - for arena circus riding;
  • medium - normal;
  • fast - field.

There may be several more types of natural gaits:

  • celt (telt) or move (very fast step), due to the natural signs of Icelandic horses. Practically absent now in European breeds due to targeted selection, it is a sign for culling an individual;
  • march - found in Brazilian horses, comfortable for the rider;
  • dzhurga - characteristic of the Karabair breed, speed between trot and step, very comfortable;
  • pass fino (small step);
  • slapak is a medium gait between a trot and a gallop. Also applies to incorrect gaits, the horse is retrained to traditional views movement.

Video - Celt

A number of artificial gaits are used in horse training:

  • passage;
  • piaffe;
  • spanish step;
  • spanish lynx;
  • gallop on three legs;
  • gallop back.

Artificial gaits are used in performances and demonstrations.

Description of the lynx as a gait

When moving at a trot, the horse alternately changes pairs of legs diagonally, this is the so-called alternating two-hoofed support. It is important to observe the correct landing, changing the position of the body helps to control the pace of movement of the animal. There are reduced, medium and extended trot. When trotting, breeding trotters can overtake other breeds.

How to trot properly

Trot is a comfortable medium pace. The horse simultaneously beats with its hooves when the left rear crosses with the right front. The gait can be lazy and strong, up to a very vigorous run.

Video - Lynx

Video - Posting trot and gallop

Common Rider Mistakes While Trotting

TO common mistakes when performing a gait, lynxes include:

  • poor posture and poor horse handling skills;
  • a nervous movement that knocks the horse down;
  • lack of rhythmic movement "up and down" with the horse;
  • the changing rhythm of the rider's movement;
  • at the posting trot, riders often move vigorously;
  • in the training trot the rider partly sits on the horse as if riding on a bench - the correct seating of the rider is very important, otherwise the rider will shake.

There are several types of lynx, which are characterized by their own mistakes. Master the exercises "from simple to complex", moving on to more complex forms of gaits.

Trot Warnings

There are a few caveats to keep in mind when doing a trot:

  • trot is mastered only after learning the step;
  • trotting is usually done in pairs, as it is dangerous view movement;
  • it is not recommended to change intonation when communicating with a horse;
  • fast driving can be associated with ambient noise, often frightening the animal, which can break into a gallop.

It is recommended to learn the trot with an experienced certified instructor and attend classes regularly. In this case, personal achievements in the field of riding are guaranteed. After mastering the usual technique, we recommend that you take up special types of gaits: the Spanish trot and passage.

Clothes and uniform for riding

Clothing is part of the rider's equipment. Traditional costumes consist of elastic trousers, leather leggings, a comfortable jacket made of soft tissue, high gloves and a helmet. The style that originates from their equestrian outfit is called derby. It is great for everyday wear.

Classic set and types of clothing for riders:

  • redingote - a long jacket;
  • breeches - short trousers;
  • leggings - boots;
  • amazon - women's costume;
  • spurs (optional);
  • helmet (helmet);
  • cylinder - a headdress for men;
  • tailcoat - clothing for men.

Russian companies do not produce riding clothes, but they can be ordered from the atelier. For trousers, thick knitwear is used. Seamless models are preferred, but if this is not possible, seam processing is required to prevent chafing of the skin while riding. Pay attention to the specific cut of the trousers, which provides a comfortable fit for the rider in the saddle. For jackets, soft wool is chosen, warmer than expected for the current weather, since during a gallop the rider often gets into cold air currents, which can lead to local hypothermia.

There are no uniform requirements for riding clothes; the cut of the uniform is dictated by convenience. For safety reasons, you will need a helmet, for convenience, good leather gloves that will protect the skin of the hands from mechanical damage on the reins.
