Pistol shooting is a sport. Shooting sports

Bullet shooting became part of the very first official Olympic Games, organized back in 1896. At the same time, the arrows fired both from a pistol and from rifles.

Reference. Proposed the idea of ​​incorporating a seven-time French shooting champion Pierre de Coubertin.

International competitions

The world championship in firearms was organized for the first time back in 1897 after the first Olympic Games. Since then, the championships are held regularly every year.

Types of weapons for bullet shooting

Bullet type of shooting is conducted from three main types of weapons. In particular, these are small-caliber, large-caliber and pneumatic species. Moreover, all three types include both pistols and rifles.

Each type has its own programs (exercises) that athletes perform in competitions different levels... Many of them have become part of the Olympic Games.

Pneumatic rifle

Both pneumatic weapons have a standard caliber of 4.5 mm. V this discipline two main programs are included:

  1. VP-4. Performed by both women and the stronger sex. Need to do 40 shots from a distance of 10 meters on a target with a common diameter 30.5 mm... In this case, the diameter of the center, where all athletes strive to get to win, is only 5 mm. The exercise is performed for an hour.
  2. VP-4. Performed only by men. You need to shoot while standing from a short distance in 10 meters. Are taken into account 60 attempts... The entire program is allocated 1 hour 15 minutes.

Photo 1. Air rifle for bullet shooting. The body of the weapon is made of wood.

Air gun

This type of shooting consists of three main programs:

  1. PP-1. From a short distance 10 meters athlete performs 20 test shots. In this case, the target must have a diameter 59.5 mm, but the "ten" - 11.5 mm... Before the shot, each athlete is allowed to execute an unlimited number of control (test) shots. It should be noted that this task is not performed by athletes at Olympic Games.
  2. PP-2. The same small distance - 10 meters... Are taken into account 40 shots that are produced within an hour.
  3. PP-3. Same distance and target. Produced 60 shots in 1 hour 25 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes depending on whether electronic targets are installed.

Small bore rifle

Rifle and pistol can only have one caliber - 5.6 mm. This discipline also includes three main programs:

  1. MV-5. It is performed by girls from a distance of 50 meters in three different positions in such a mandatory sequence: from the knee, lying down, standing. In each position, you need to do 20 shots, that is, there are in total in the program 60. At the same time, in one position, 4 test targets for trial attempts, which in the end do not count. The number of the latter is not limited in any way, but there is a certain time limit: 15 minutes.

Photo 2. Small-bore rifle MV-5 for bullet shooting. A convenient sight is located on the body of the weapon.

  1. MV-6. Suitable only for guys. Also performed from three positions from a distance of 50 meters... The difference from the female version is what needs to be done 120 shots... Of these, for each position - 40 attempts.
  2. MV-9... Performed by both guys and girls. Fire is fired only from a comfortable lying position. Performed 60 shots from the same distance as in previous programs. The entire program can take approximately 50 minutes. More time is not provided.

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Small bore pistol

  1. MP-5. This program is for girls only. It includes two mandatory parts. The first one is called MP-4: from a relatively short distance in 25 meters need to hit the target № 4. For this it is given 30 attempts(the quantity is divided by 6 episodes). Second part - MP-2. It consists in shooting at an emerging target. Also counts 30 attempts... One is given only 3 seconds... At the same time, targets appear every 7 seconds... Between the first and second part, the participants of the competition are given a break of half an hour.
  2. MP-8. Suitable only for the stronger sex, as it is more difficult. As well as the women's program, it consists of two parts. The first one is MP-7... The distance is only 25 meters, and the number of shots taken into account is 30 ... The first five shots can be test shots: only 8 seconds... Those that are already counted after the trial are made as follows: 2 series of 8 seconds, 2 of 6 and 2 of 4. Next, the athlete performs a program called MP-8... As a rule, the break between the first and second part is half an hour.

Useful video

Watch the video, which explains what bullet shooting is and its rules.

Is there a benefit?

Bullet shooting certainly has its fans. She is fascinating and very useful for the development of accuracy and speed of reaction. And this sport also helps to significantly improve concentration.

In this sport, shooting is carried out from pneumatic (4.5 mm), small-caliber (5.6 mm) and large-caliber (7.62 mm for rifles and 7.62-9.65 mm for pistols) rifles and pistols with a bullet. Subdivided into pistol shooting, rifle shooting, rifle shooting at a moving target. The procedure for assigning and confirming sports titles and categories in Russia is determined by the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (ESCC).

Olympic disciplines

The Olympic rifle program includes 5 exercises. Of these, 2 are female (MV-5, VP-4) and 3 are male (MV-6, MV-9, VP-6). The pistol program also includes 5 sets of medals. Of these, 2 are female (MP-5, PP-2) and 3 are male (MP-6, MP-8, PP-3).

Small bore rifle

  • Exercise MB-5 (women): shooting from three positions (prone, standing and from the knee), 60 shots (20 from each position), distance 50 meters, target number 7 (diameter of the black circle 112.4 mm, diameter “tens” 10 mm). There are 4 trial targets for each position, the number of trial shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 2 hours 15 minutes.
  • Exercise MB-6 (men): shooting from three positions (prone, standing and kneeling), 120 shots (40 from each position), distance 50 meters, target No. 7. For each position, 4 trial targets are given (the number of trial shots is not limited). The time for prone shooting is 45 minutes, for standing shooting - 1 hour 15 minutes and for kneeling shooting - 1 hour. In this case, the break when changing positions should be no more than 10 minutes.
  • Exercise MB-9 (men, women): prone shooting, 60 shots, distance 50 meters, target No. 7. 4 trial targets, the number of trial shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.

Pneumatic rifle

  • Exercises VP-4 (women): standing shooting, 40 shots, distance 10 meters, target number 8 (black circle diameter 30.5 mm, size “tens” 0.5 mm). There are 4 test targets for the exercise, the number of test shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Exercise VP-6 (men): standing shooting, 60 shots, distance 10 meters, target number 8. There are 4 trial targets for the exercise, the number of trial shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Small bore pistol

  • Exercise MP-5 (women): Standard pistol. Exercise MP-5 consists of two parts, which are performed sequentially one after the other. The first part - exercise MP-4 (distance 25 meters, target number 4 (black circle diameter 200 mm, diameter "tens" 50 mm), 5 trial shots and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots each). minutes, 5 minutes per series are given to complete the test series). The second part - exercise MP-2, shooting at an emerging target (distance 25 meters, target number 5 (black circle diameter 500 mm, diameter of "tens" 100 mm), 5 trial shots and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots). for one shot - 3 seconds, time between target appearances - 7 seconds). Exercises MP-5, as a rule, are performed within one day, the break between the end of the first half and the beginning of the second should be at least 30 minutes.
  • Exercise MP-6 (men): Freehand pistol. Distance 50 meters, 60 shots, target number 4. The number of test shots is not limited. The exercise is given 2 hours.
  • Exercise MP-8 (men): Standard pistol. Exercise MP-8 consists of two exercises MP-7 (distance 25 meters, target No. 5, 5 trial shots and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots). The trial series is given 8 seconds. The test series are performed in the following order: 2 series 8 seconds each, 2 series of 6 seconds, 2 series of 4 seconds). Exercises MP-8 are performed, as a rule, for two days. The break between the end of the first half of the exercise and the beginning of the second must be at least 30 minutes.

Air gun

  • Exercise PP-1: distance 10 meters, target number 9 (diameter of the black circle 59.5 mm, diameter “tens” 11.5 mm). 20 test shots, the number of test shots is not limited. (Olympic discipline is not)
  • Exercise PP-2: distance 10 meters, target number 9 (diameter of the black circle 59.5 mm, diameter “tens” 11.5 mm). 40 test shots, the number of test shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Exercise PP-3: distance 10 meters, target number 9. 60 test shots, the number of test shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Non-Olympic disciplines

In addition to Olympic exercises, there are many others. MV-9 Zh, AV-5, RP-5, MP-10, etc.

In Russia, an abbreviation has been introduced for each exercise, two letters of which denote the type of weapon, and the numbers - the ordinal number of this exercise in the national sports classification bullet shooting. Exercise types:
VP - pneumatic rifle
MV- small bore rifle
AB- standard large-caliber rifle
PV- arbitrary large-caliber rifle
PP- air gun
MP- small-bore pistol
RP- revolver pistol central combat.

Bullet shooting history

Shooting sports, as such, is one of the oldest applied sports. It originates from competitions in archery and crossbow. With the advent of firearms in the middle of the 14th century, competitions in shooting from smooth-bore guns began, and the creation of rifled weapons led to the development of bullet shooting.

Competitions in rifle and pistol shooting were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896, since 1897 the world championships in bullet shooting have been held. One of the initiators of the inclusion of bullet shooting in the program of the Olympic Games was Pierre de Coubertin, who himself was a seven-time French champion in pistol shooting.

In Russia, shooting began to develop at the end of the 19th century. The first competitions were held in Khabarovsk on May 25, 1898 at the garrison training ground as folk competitions.


  • Official site of the Belarusian Shooting Sport Federation
  • Official Rules for the Russian Bullet Shooting Competition
  • ISSF Official Shooting Competition Rules (Russian)

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  • Livraga, Jorge Angel
  • Computer pioneer

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Shooting sports. Necessary equipment for these sports.

There is an official list in our country basic types sports for 2014-2018. The following types of shooting can be found in it:

· Bullet shooting

· Trap shooting

· Archery

Also officially recognized are

Practical shooting

How do they differ from each other and what equipment is needed to achieve greater success?

Bullet shooting

Variety shooting sports... As a weapon, shooters use 4.5 mm pneumatic weapons, 5.6 mm small-caliber rifles, as well as large-caliber weapons (rifles and pistols) from 7.62 for rifles to 9.65 mm for pistols.

Within the framework of bullet shooting, there are subspecies:

· Pistol shooting

· Rifle shooting

· Rifle shooting at moving targets

As an Olympic discipline, bullet shooting has come a long way. For the first time, shooting competitions were registered at the Olympic Games in Athens, 1896. In our country, at about the same time also bullet sport began its development, first as "garrison fun", and by 1952 the USSR represented its athletes in this discipline at the Olympic Games. A distinctive feature of bullet shooting is the use of rifled weapons.

To prevent injury, in this sport, it is recommended to purchase as well as safety glasses.

Novice shooters can purchase semi-professional, , and .

Trap shooting

Skeet shooting differs from bullet shooting in the type of weapon used. Smooth-bore weapons are used in clay pigeon shooting. The essence of this discipline is that the shooter fires from smoothbore weapons, ammunition with shot, the target is "saucers". This sport appeared almost simultaneously with hunting. At the beginning of the 20th century, the discipline was already Olympic.

The unloading system will also be an important acquisition. Since the shooting is carried out from a smooth-bore weapon, the same as that of hunters, you can use and ... For more accurate and convenient use, it is recommended to purchase a tactical, or.

Skeet shooting also involves a wider variety of clothing than bullet shooting. , as it is the guarantor of your "stability". As pants it is worth choosing , since their cut is designed just for shooting sports. As outerwear, preference should be given ... In autumn or spring it is recommended to use ... For the role of a headdress, the advantage should be given .


Is also Olympic view sports, from the beginning of the 20th century. In this sport, you can get an advantage solely through clothing. It is also recommended to use comfortable tactical trousers, shoes, as well as a comfortable top, as well as in clay pigeon shooting, a headgear in the form of a baseball cap also plays an important role.

Shooting from standard and service weapons

Military applied sport. In our country, this sport has become widespread in such state structures as:


Ministry of Justice






Ministry of Internal Affairs

In this sport, they use such weapons as: Makarov pistol, Kalashnikov assault rifle, sniper rifle Dragunov.

You can purchase including the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

In exercises with a machine gun and a rifle, it is allowed to use .

Used as clothing ... Don't forget about additional security measures and purchasing and .

Practical shooting

As it is clear from the name of the discipline, the essence of this sport is the assimilation and development of techniques that correspond to real cases of using weapons. Athlete within practical shooting must be accurate and fast.

Other types of shooting

In addition to the above, there are such types of shooting as:

· Sniping

· Varminting

· Benchrest

In these sports, the main thing is not to forget about the basic means of protection (headphones and glasses), everything else should be chosen individually for the shooter.

Indirectly, shooting sports include airsoft, paintball and similar sports. What you need to buy for airsoft, .

The history of bullet shooting has a fairly long history.

Competitions for accuracy, for hitting the "bull's-eye" are based on competitions in archery and crossbow.

With the advent of firearms in the middle of the 14th century, shooting competitions began. First from smoothbore guns. And the creation of rifled weapons led to the development of such a sport as bullet shooting.

Unlike other sports, where athletes compete in single combat with each other, in bullet shooting, the shooter leads the most difficult of the fights - a duel with himself. Here it is important to be able to control oneself, to show everything that you have learned in training, to use your competitive experience.

Accurate sports shooting is a difficult coordination skill. It is possible for everyone to master it, but with the expenditure of a lot of work and time to study the foundations of the theory of shooting, the material part of the weapon, and most importantly, to master the technique of a well-aimed shot, to systematically improve its elements, to consolidate and improve the acquired skills.

Shooting sports form an athlete's composure, endurance, observation, eye and will to win. Achieving records requires not only perfect shooting technique, but also the ability to control your emotions.

Rifle and pistol shooting competitions were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896.

The shooter's actions are characterized by monotony, static work of the muscles of the legs, trunk and arms at the time of the shot. The process of executing a shot requires fine coordination of movements and muscle memory.

Bullet shooting places specific demands on the physical ability of the athlete. If for representatives of speed-strength sports physical training is leading in the training process, then bullet shooting imposes limited requirements in this sense, designed for the optimal development of such special physical qualities as coordination - stability, static endurance.

Every athlete is filled with excitement before and during the competition. However, such a negative influence of this factor on the result, as in bullet shooting, is not observed in any other sport. This is due to the fact that the actions of the shooter are in the nature of subtly and precisely coordinated movements, which vary greatly under the influence of the state of the shooter.

At the right time, the shooter must be able to concentrate, disconnect from the environment, not notice the presence of spectators, judges, not react to noise, conversations, etc., suppress involuntary thoughts that are not related to the work being performed.

Shooting is carried out in closed, open and semi-closed shooting ranges and shooting ranges at various distances: 10, 25, 50, 300 m. The pace and rhythm of shooting, the selection of appropriate sighting devices and light filters, the method of aiming and trigger control depend on the nature and degree of illumination of the shooting range or shooting range. ... Unexpected changes in illumination require instant corrections from the shooter.

Wind has a significant effect on shooting, reducing the stability of the "shooter - weapon" system, as well as the temperature environment... Mirage can be attributed to one of the most difficult obstacles for marksmanship. Each shooting range and shooting range, although they meet the requirements of the competition rules, still have their own characteristics, on which the shooting result depends to a certain extent.

In the line of fire there is a constant incessant noise and it is not only about the sounds of shots. For the shooter, these sounds are like a background and are perceived by him subconsciously. The source of constant noise is the movement of spectators and judges, conversations of spectators and much more. Out of all the variety of sounds, the shooter's subconscious mind singles out those that are meaningful for him. This can be an appeal to him, a remark, advice or an exchange of views between the audience about his results, behavior, equipment. The reaction to these irritations can cause hasty, ill-considered actions and, as a result, the loss of precious glasses.

The chief physician of the medical and physical dispensary Lueva Elena Borisovna tells us about the benefits and dangers of this sport for health:

Bullet shooting plays a role in both the physical and the moral and volitional development of a teenager. During bullet shooting, schoolchildren develop such qualities as psychological activity, attention, emotional stability, volitional efforts.

Psychological activity is closely related to attention. Shooting classes are structured in such a way that psychological activity is selective and, depending on the stage of execution of each shot, attention is focused on its elements in turn.

Shooting develops memory. Shooters have such a concept as “shot mark” - capturing the position of sights in relation to the point or area of ​​aiming at the moment of triggering. Emotional tension is always present in shooting competitions, therefore, sportsmen-shooters must have developed resistance to stressful situations and control over their emotions. The only thing that can be damaged when practicing bullet shooting is the eyes. For this, it is necessary to carry out prevention, drink vitamins for the eyes.

I invite you to meet a bullet shooting coach

Ilnitskaya Tatiana, candidate for master of sports in bullet shooting, has been involved in this sport for over 20 years. Favorite weapon is a rifle. She became a coach by the will of fate. There was no one to deal with the guys. In 2002, a bullet shooting department was opened at the base sports school"Zhastar".

"Lada": Tatiana, at what age do you accept children in the section?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya:We accept children from 12 years old to the section. Training is free, trainings are held from morning to evening. The guys come at a convenient time for them.

"Lada": How many people are constantly engaged in the section? And who is more - boys or girls?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: The section is attended by 60-70 people. The overwhelming majority are boys. But we have a lot of stubborn girls who achieve good results... Our athletes go to regional competitions and overall results we have good indicators.

"Lada": What are the requirements for those wishing to come to study in the section?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: Bullet shooting, like other sports, places great demands on the athlete as a person. He must have high moral qualities, emotional stability. V extreme conditions, an athlete must show such qualities of character as - perseverance, determination and endurance.

"Lada":Bullet shooting is a non-dynamic sport; athletes spend hours learning to stand and hold weapons in their hands. Does it happen that after a couple of classes the guys don't come back to you?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: Yes, it happens and often. I would say that this sport is very good for phlegmatic and calm people. Having come to us, many are waiting for a drive, that they will immediately be given a weapon in their hands and will have the opportunity to shoot. This is not true. We teach first general position, rules of conduct in the shooting range, stance, and only after a couple of months we are allowed to shoot.

"Lada": How much does an athlete's outfit cost?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya:In training, a uniform is not needed, only in competitions A set of uniform for a shooter costs about 150,000 tenge. It is also important that athletes are given uniforms in the section and there is no need to buy them. The sponsors gave it to us. The only problem in the shooting range is that there is not enough quality weapons, all of them have remained from the times of the USSR.

When we entered the shooting range, we saw beginners standing motionless in a stance. It turns out that in this position they can stand for hours - this is necessary for the hand to get used to the weapon, as well as to improve coordination of movement.

Only guys from senior group fired, hitting the target accurately. In this shooting range, they teach how to shoot from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber pistols and rifles.

The professional form of the shooter weighs 3-4 kg. The jacket with special inserts on the back and elbows resembles a corset, it is impossible to bend in it, and leather gloves are an essential attribute of an athlete.

My joy knew no bounds when they gave me a rifle. Once I had the opportunity to shoot at the Dynamo stadium in Moscow and smell the gunpowder of the Mosin three-line rifle, Saiga and Kalashnikov. Love to firearms I have been experiencing since childhood. It's drive and adrenaline - at such a moment you feel like a Bond girl.

Now girls under 16 are recruited into the section. Why girls? - you ask. So girls can not only "shoot" with their eyes, but also handle weapons well.

I would like to wish you, dear readers, good health, excellent endurance and 100% accuracy!

Brouss Nika
Using materials from the site www.sportaim.ru

Shooting sport is one of the oldest applied sports. First, they competed in archery and crossbow shooting, with the advent of firearms in the middle of the 14th century, they began to compete in shooting from smooth-bore guns. The creation of rifled weapons led to the emergence of bullet shooting.

In addition to practical shooting, which you can learn a lot about from our previous articles, to the main types shooting sport include: bullet, clay pigeon shooting, benchrest, varminting and sniping.

1. Bullet shooting

The type of shooting sport in which athletes use rifled weapons: pneumatic, small-bore and large bore rifles and pistols. Target - static and moving targets in the shooting range. Shooting can be done prone, standing or kneeling.

Bullet shooting was included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896. One of the initiators was Pierre de Coubertin, who himself was a seven-time French champion in shooting. Now at the Olympics in this sport, medals are played in 10 exercises: 5 from a rifle and 5 from a pistol.

Olympic exercise:

  • VP-6(men) - air rifle. Distance 10 meters, target number 8, 60 standing shots.
  • VP-4(women) - air rifle. Distance 10 meters, target number 8, 40 standing shots.
  • MV-6(men) - small bore rifle. Shooting from three positions (prone, standing, kneeling). Distance 50 meters, target number 7. It is necessary to fire 40 shots from each position.

  • MV-5(women) - small bore rifle. Shooting from three positions (prone, standing, kneeling). Distance 50 meters, target number 7. It is necessary to fire 20 shots from each position.
  • MV-9(men) - small bore rifle. Distance 50 meters, target number 7. 60 shots prone.
  • PP-2(women) - pneumatic pistol. Distance 10 meters, target number 9. 40 shots.

  • PP-3(men) - pneumatic pistol. Distance 10 meters, target number 9. 60 shots.
  • MP-5(women) - standard small bore pistol. Distance 25 meters. The exercise is divided into 2 parts. The first - 30 shots at a fixed target No. 4, the second - 30 shots at an emerging target No. 5.
  • MP-6(men) - an arbitrary small-bore pistol. Distance 50 meters, target number 4. 60 shots.
  • MP-8(men) - standard small bore pistol. Distance 25 meters, 5 simultaneously appearing targets №5. 60 shots.

In addition to Olympic disciplines the bullet shooting program includes a number of non-Olympic ones.

2. Skeet shooting

Skeet shooting is shooting at special flying skeet targets. Shooting is carried out in open ranges from a smooth-bore, but not a pneumatic gun.

Trap shooting dates back to the Middle Ages. Then the hunters organized bird shooting competitions. The first Olympic medals in clay pigeon shooting were awarded in 1900. Then the fire was fired at live pigeons thrown into the air, a little later the birds changed their plates.

V Olympic program includes competitions in 3 disciplines clay pigeon shooting: trench stand, round stand and double ladder.

  • trench stand (TRAP). Athletes shoot skeet, which 15 throwers throw out of the trench in a random direction. The shooter does not know where it will fly until the target leaves. 1 round is given for each target.

  • double ladder. Competitions are held on the principle of a trench stand, only the plates are thrown out not one by one, but in pairs. The shooting is carried out in a doublet.

  • round stand. The arrows move from one firing point to another (there are 8 in total), changing the angle of fire. The plates fly out at different heights, the targets fly towards each other.

There is another discipline of clay pigeon shooting, which is not included in the program of the Olympic Games - sporting.

Sporting(hunting shooting) is a type of trap shooting that unites almost all sports and hunting disciplines. Athletes need to shoot targets flying through the air and moving on the ground, simulating the flight of birds and the running of animals.

3. Benchrest

Shooting and technical sport, which is based on high-precision shooting. Benchrest appeared in the process of sighting small arms with a sandbag.

Benchrest- this is shooting for accuracy. The main task of the shooter is to make 5 (or 10) shots at one point. sits at a special table, the rifle is installed with the forearm on the front stop. Athletes in this kind of shooting sport must be able to “read” and compensate for the wind, without this skill, high results in benchrest cannot be achieved.

Benchrest competitions are held for both short and long distances.

  • benchrest BR-50- shooting from small-caliber devices;
  • short benchrest- shooting at a distance of 100, 200 or 300 (meters or yards);
  • Benchrest Long Range- shooting at a distance of 500, 600, 1000 (meters or yards) and a mile.


A kind of high-precision shooting, which is based on the type of hunting for rodents (marmots, rats and other small animals).

For varminting, there is a special type of weapon designed specifically for this sport: the Varmint Rifle. It is a small-bore rifle (5.6 mm) equipped with a heavy barrel and a strong telescopic sight (tenfold or more magnification).

Shooting is carried out from a stop (tripod or stand). Artificial targets imitating the silhouette of marmots are used as targets in varminting.

5. Sniping

Sniping is shooting for accuracy from different positions, at previously unknown distances in a limited period of time in the field. Sportsmen shoot from sniper rifles.

Sniping is divided into sport and practical.

1) sports- This is target shooting for the sake of achieving the best result and getting prizes;

2) practical- the lot of servicemen and law enforcement officers. Practical sniping, in turn, is divided into:

  • police officer- competitions in the conditions of urban development, at distances of the location of objects in the city (on average 50-300 meters;
  • military- shooters have to shoot at a distance of 500 to 1500 meters in mountainous and wooded areas
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