Smooth-bore weapon boar 12 hammer. Variants and modifications

Smoothbore guns, along with pistols and submachine guns, are standard weapons of modern law enforcement and security services. In addition to the psychological effect on the criminal and the powerful stopping effect of the 12-gauge bullet, their advantages should also include high flexibility of use, namely the possibility of using the most different types ammunition: gas, signal, noise cartridges, cartridges with plastic or rubber buckshot, special cartridges for knocking out locks or doors, etc.

Until recently, the police almost without exception used smooth-bore shotguns with a movable forend and a tubular under-barrel magazine, the so-called pump-action shotguns. They were valued for their threatening appearance, reliability and simplicity of design.

The attitude to self-loading smoothbore guns, especially among conservative US police officers, was quite skeptical, it was believed that semi-automatic rifles were supposedly always expensive and unreliable weapons, and their only field of application was “ladies'” weapons (due to softer recoil and automatic reloading).

The wide neck is convenient for changing the magazine, and the abundance of mounting plates make it possible to install tactical accessories to your liking

The appearance on the market in 2003 of the Vepr-12 smoothbore gun, which was assigned the factory index VPO-205, completely dispelled these prejudices. Together with its competitor Saiga-12, the Vepr-12 rifle buried the myth about the unreliability, complexity and high cost of smooth-bore semi-automatic rifles.

Russian designers have managed to create a self-loading rifle with - thanks to its ergonomics and a capacious magazine - high firepower, reliably working with various types of cartridges, at a price of about 500 euros.

Smooth-bore "Vepr" was liked by IPSC shooters and policemen, especially by assault groups, who use them as "first strike weapons." In Russia, "Vepr-12" was certified as a service and civilian weapon, and NATO in 2012, after relevant tests him in the official list of weapons of the bloc countries

The Russian gun was also purchased by Greece (special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs EKAM), France (special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs RAID), Germany (special forces of the Federal Police), the United States, Syria and a number of other countries. The high demand in the domestic and foreign markets prompted the Hammer-Weapon campaign to create a whole series of gun modifications, which formed a unified family of VPO-205/206. They differ in the length of the barrel, the types of muzzle devices and butts, as well as the types of ammunition used, 12/76 or 12/70.

VPO-205-3 is ideal for arming assault groups of police and military units, due to the combination of compactness, firepower and high reliability inherited from the Kalashnikov machine gun

The short model VPO-205-03 with a barrel length of 305 mm looks the most attractive for law enforcement agencies, for self-defense at home and in the office. Like all Vepri, it was created on the basis of the RPK light machine gun, inheriting from it the gas-operated principle of operation and rotary shutter... Of course, the barrel, bolt, receiver and magazine have been modified for the use of rifle cartridges. In addition, the sear of automatic fire was removed from the trigger, a slide delay was introduced and a trigger lock was provided when the butt was folded.

The bore, chamber, stem and gas chambers are chrome-plated. A plus is the magazine shaft with a wide mouth, making it easy to quickly change the magazine. VPO-205-03 is a compact (total length 867 mm, weight 4.2 kg) and at the same time a powerful weapon with an effective firing range of 100 m with a 12/76 cartridge muzzle energy of about 3800 J.

With 5 MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails for mounting optics and accessories, a wide range of interchangeable muzzle attachments and an adjustable tube stock make it a modern and versatile piece of equipment that meets the needs of a wide range of shooters.

The last specialized exhibition of hunting and sporting weapons in Nuremberg was not very successful for Russia. Due to the imposition of sanctions, most Russian arms manufacturers were unable to participate in this exhibition. It is for this reason that the weapons of the Molot-Arms plant were the only representative of Russian weapons.

The most popular weapon, which attracted the attention of special services and law enforcement units from all over Europe, was the line of 12-gauge smoothbore carbines of the Vepr-12 series. The model "Vepr-12" VPO 205-03 turned out to be the most interesting for the security forces, which is optimal for self-defense, since its dimensions make this weapon inconvenient for hunting.

Currently, smooth-bore weapons are very popular among the security services around the world. For example, the pump action shotgun has long been a symbol of the US police force. Unlike pistols, smoothbore guns have a huge psychological impact on criminals, and the twelfth caliber of the weapon has a powerful stopping effect.

In addition, the 12 gauge allows the weapon to use a wide range of different types of ammunition:

  • Ordinary cartridges with buckshot, shot or bullet;
  • Signal or gas cartridges;
  • Traumatic cartridges in which rubber or plastic buckshot is used;
  • Signal or noise cartridges;
  • Various special cartridges, for example, for knocking out locks and so on.

The appearance of the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbine

For many years, the only smoothbore shotguns used by the police and various special forces around the world were pump action shotguns. Such a weapon has a tubular magazine and a movable fore-end, which is used to reload the weapon. Compared to automatic weapons, pump action shotguns have the following advantages:

  • Simplicity and reliability of the design;
  • Reliability in use, ease of reloading in case of misfire;
  • A very formidable appearance.

Although conventional double-barreled guns are much simpler and more reliable than pump-action shotguns, the lack of a magazine made the use of these guns impractical for law enforcement.

The use of automatic smoothbore weapons has always been viewed with skepticism by the police, as such weapons were considered expensive and unreliable. The appearance of automatic rifles of the Saiga and Vepr families forced the police to change their minds.

The first smooth-bore carbine Vepr-12 "Hammer-205" was introduced in 2003. This weapon was created on the basis of the RPK light machine gun. Just like its direct competitor Saiga-12, Vepr-12 Hammer-205 is a simple, reliable and inexpensive weapon that could dispel all preconceptions about the unreliability of smooth-bore semi-automatic carbines.

The first Vepr-12 "Hammer-205" possessed significant combat power and could "digest" cartridges of various types and manufacturers without prejudice to itself. Naturally, the design of the combat PKK, which was used as a base for the creation of the Vepr-12 "Hammer-205", could not be unreliable.

Design features Vepr-12 "Hammer-205-03"

Since the Vepr-12 "Hammer-205-03" is of the greatest interest for self-defense and for power structures, we will consider the design features of the "Vepr" using his example. The Vepr-12 shotgun in version "03" has the following characteristics:

  • The barrel length is only 305 mm, which is very convenient for shooting in confined spaces;
  • Cartridges that are used in Vepre-12 caliber 12x70 and 12x76;
  • Despite its small dimensions, the mass of the short Vepr-12 reaches 4.2 kg;
  • Stores can be 8 or 10 rounds;
  • The sighting range, according to the manufacturer, is 100 meters, although in practice, from such short models, fire is fired at a distance of up to 25 meters.

All carbines of the Vepr series were created on the basis of the Kalashnikov light machine gun. It was from him that he inherited his considerable mass. In addition, the principle of operation of Vepr-12 is based on the same principles, that is, it has a rotary valve and a gas venting principle of the automation. In order to make it possible to shoot from Vepr-12 with 12-gauge cartridges, it was necessary to replace the receiver, barrel, bolt and magazine. In order to exclude the possibility of automatic fire, the sear of automatic fire was removed from the firing mechanism design.

For all its compactness, Vepr-12 in performance 03 remained very powerful weapon, especially over short distances. No matter how the manufacturer claims that you can shoot even at 100 meters, the short barrel will make shooting at such a distance very inaccurate. In order for the weapon to comply with Russian legislation, when the stock is folded, the Vepr-205-03 has a lock.

The reloading of the entire series of Vepr carbines occurs due to the use of the energy of the powder gases, which are discharged into the gas chamber. This uses the energy of the return springs. The blocker, which does not allow firing the short version of the Vepr-12 with the stock folded, is located in the receiver of the weapon. Another feature of all Vepr-12 smoothbore rifles is the presence of a special slide delay, which fixes the movable system in the rearmost position after all the ammunition has been used up.

If the short modifications of the Vepr-12 are more suitable for recreational shooting or for self-defense, then the long modifications of the Vepr-12 are more suitable for hunting. The power of the 12-gauge cartridge, combined with the long barrel of the carbine, gives fairly consistent results when hunting any prey.

Basic modifications Vepr-12

There are a lot of modifications of Vepr-12, but the following models are the main ones:

  • The basic modification is Vepr-12-00. This is a fairly short model, with a barrel length of 430 mm. Due to this length, shooting from a carbine with the stock folded is impossible. For this modification, there are many different nozzles, extensions and flame arresters. The basic modification of the Vepr-12 has a plastic fore-end (as well as the rest of the Vepr-12 models). Variants of the Boar with a wooden forend are very rare, but this, as a rule, is an independent revision. This modification with a folding stock is universal and can be effectively used both for hunting and for self-defense;
  • The next model is Vepr VPO 205-01. This modification has a longer barrel of 570 mm. It is more versatile, as it is better suited for hunting and sports and recreational shooting. For self-defense, this model is better suited to the basic modification "205-00", since it is possible to fire with a folded stock. This model has already been seriously modernized, earlier releases of Vepr-205-01 had a barrel length of 520 mm and were equipped with a non-removable flame arrester. The new modification received a barrel with the ability to screw on various attachments;
  • Vepr-205-02 is the best choice for the hunter who prefers automatic smoothbore shotguns. The barrel is the longest in the Vepr-12 line, its length is 680 mm. Because of this length, the weight of the rifle is 4.55 kg, which does not correspond to the hunter's idea of ​​the weight of a real hunting rifle. For those hunters, whose anatomical and physical capabilities make it possible to easily carry such a heavy weapon, Vepr-205-02 will be a good purchase;
  • Vepr-205-03 is a variant that is suitable for self-defense. For hunting, this weapon is suitable only with the use of various extension cords, which is not very good in terms of safety;
  • Vepr-205-04 is the most interesting and expensive option. Barrel length - 483 mm. The weight of the weapon is 3.9 kg. This is the only model among the Vepr-12 line that is equipped with a wooden stock. However, there is also a modification of the Vepr-205-04 with a telescopic butt. Since the telescopic stock looses over time, it is recommended to purchase the version with a wooden stock, which is very convenient when shooting.

The rest of the Vepr-12 modifications differ only in minor design changes.

Advantages and disadvantages of Vepr smoothbore carbines

The most important advantages of Vepr-12 smoothbore carbines are the following design features:

  • The high rate of fire combined with the power of the 12-gauge rounds makes this weapon truly deadly. Such a rate of fire was achieved due to the use of magazines for 8 and 10 rounds, and the self-loading mode of operation of the Vepr-12, which he owes to his progenitor RPK;
  • The next advantage of the Vepr-12 is its reliability. Despite the fact that automatic weapons do not like harsh operating conditions, the Vepr-12 carbine completely refutes the opinion about the "capriciousness" of automatic smoothbore guns. Many military experts call the Vepr hunting rifle the most reliable automatic rifle in the world. Even in comparison with the Saiga, which is also quite reliable, the Vepr is distinguished by the build quality, for which you have to pay a little extra.

The Vepr's disadvantages are similar for most models, which are based on the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle. Since the Vepr is made on the basis of the PKK, which itself is an improved AK model, the Vepr's reliability is higher than that of the Saiga. That is why the main disadvantages of the Boar are its weight and the Picatinny rail, which interferes with holding the carbine by the forend.

If your choice has settled on the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbine, remember that this is a rather heavy weapon, so its owner must be well physically developed. A wide range of modifications will allow you to choose a weapon just for your needs.

) a self-loading carbine equipped with a smooth barrel. The scope of the weapon is hunting for small and medium-sized game, use in sporting events and for self-defense.

In addition, a number of special forces (Russian and foreign) are equipped with this carbine. The reason is the possibility of creating a dense fire on short distance in a short period of time.

History of creation

The modern economy is based on a dynamic market and everything that happens in it is dictated by consumer demand. This situation is not bypassed by arms enterprises.

Therefore, the management of the Vyatsko-Polyansky plant, seeing the growing popularity of IZhMash products () on the domestic firearms market, in the field of hunting smooth-bore guns, came to the decision to create their own products. Development of VPO-205 or "Vepr" -12 "Hammer" began.

The design was based on the RPK-74 produced in the same place, the design of which has proven itself in numerous conflicts and harsh operating conditions.

Another reason for choosing the Kalashnikov machine gun as the basis was the specificity of the Vyatka-Polyansky plant. The machine gun was produced there in large quantities, the technology was perfected. For the serial production of the VPO-205, minimal modifications to the conveyor line were required.

The Vepr designers originally designed it to perform specific tasks. In particular, use at competitions in practical shooting, for self-defense and the needs of various power units of law enforcement agencies.

Because of these priorities, another area of ​​application of the gun - hunting - suffered a little. The product turned out to be heavy, which is inconvenient during long pedestrian crossings.


Shotgun Vepr-12 "Hammer" is a smooth-bore gun that fully inherited the principle of mechanics and the layout of the Kalashnikov light machine gun. Automation, or rather the principle of its operation, remained unchanged. Only the mass and design characteristics of the bolt group were changed.

The barrel was changed for 12 gauge, the receiver and the bolt group were modified, in the trigger, the possibility of automatic firing was removed.

In order to increase the uptime of the shotgun, the bore and the piston with the rod are chrome-plated.

To improve the overall reliability of the entire device, the neck of the magazine receiver is installed. Its main function is to protect the magazine from mechanical damage when falling from a height. In addition, this device significantly improved the ergonomics of the weapon, in contrast to the receiving window of the AK-based weapon, it is easier to insert a new magazine into such a neck.

The front sight is located at the end of the gas outlet tube. It is possible to adjust the rear sight on the gas chamber block. The distance between the entire front sight and the front sight is relatively small (short sighting line), which is a negative factor and reduces the accuracy of the fire.

The pistol grip is made of matte black plastic and fits comfortably in the hand. The skeletal stock is made of metal, except for the classic design, with a wooden stock, and on all models it is folding.

An adjustable cheek piece is also located on the buttstock, which provides ease of aiming, no matter what type of sight is used.

The fore-end and trim for the gas pipe are made of black plastic. On the side and below there are Weaver strips for installing additional devices on the weapon: a tactical grip, bipod or flashlight.

The Weaver interface is also mounted on the receiver cover. Used for mounting brackets of various sighting systems: optics, collimator. This solved the problem of an AK-like weapon with a side-mounted bracket.

When installing the sight, it was impossible to fold the butt, in addition, this method of attachment greatly disturbed the balance of the weapon.

Specifications. Pros and cons

  • caliber - 12;
  • effective sighting range, m - 100;
  • type of ammunition - Sector box magazine for 10, 8, 4 rounds;
  • fire mode - single;
  • used ammunition - 12/70, 12/76 "Magnum";
  • barrel length, mm - 430.

Vepr-12 "Hammer" / VPO-205 poorly suited for hunting. Huge rate of fire and impressive mass are not the best parameters for this kind of activity. Therefore, the gun is most often used for sports shooting or in police operations. The weapon demonstrates its advantages when storming premises.

Fast speed The discharge of the magazine, coupled with the powerful 12-gauge ammunition, creates a lead squall in a separate area, in just a few seconds.

The second positive quality of the carbine is its reliability and survivability. The light machine gun was the basis for its creation. But the relationship has and negative side... In particular, the large dimensions and weight of the product. 4.3 kg is not a small weight, but thanks to this, the weapon behaves stably during recoil, since it is partially extinguished by the mass.

The negative features include the Weaver rails on the lower part of the forend. They make the gun inconvenient to hold, especially with bare hands.


The Vepr-12 carbine is regularly subjected to various upgrades to meet the needs of consumers. There are options with elongated barrels and special products for shooting sports.

NameBarrel length, cmPossibility of shooting with a folded stockRemovable flame arresterOther differences
VPO-205-0043 YesYesStandard carbine
Vepr-12 / VPO-205-01 or L-52052 YesNo
VPO-205-01 or L-57057 YesYes
VPO-205-0268 YesYesPossibility of unification with the "Bekas" rifle
VPO-205-0330.5 NoYesAutomatic fuse
  • VPO-205-04. Vepr 12 "Hammer", classic execution in wood;
  • VPO-206. Modification 205-00 with a chamber designed for a sleeve length of 70 mm;
  • Vepr-12 IPSC. Federation Approved practical shooting weapon. The difference from the base model is in a double-sided fuse, an improved magazine latch. In addition, the sight has been changed;
  • VPO-205-00-SP. Sports version of the Vepr-12 linear carbine;
  • VPO-205S. A model for use as a service one, it is distinguished by sighting devices and special markings.

The first fact that deserves attention is the countries that exploit the Vepr-12 rifle. These states include not only Russia, where it is certified as a weapon for civilian and official use, but also Greece, and is also recommended for use by NATO countries.

In Greece, they are used in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The model features a telescopic stock, a tactical flashlight and an EOTech collimator sight.

The carabiner is highly adaptable to individual modifications. The scope for tuning is simply unimaginable. With proper skill and the availability of financial resources, the following is subject to replacement: butt, forend, grip, magazine, sights.

In addition, it is worth noting the need for partial revision of the internal mechanisms of the gun.

When buying a new product in a store, you may encounter a number of defects. Not critical, but detrimental to the operation of automation.

In general, Vepr-12 turned out to be successful. It is popular with hunters and sportsmen, and the Vyatka-Polyanskiy plant "Molot" regularly receives orders not only from law enforcement agencies Russian Federation, but also from the authorities of the countries of the Western coalition. In particular, purchases are being carried out to equip the American police special forces.


Vepr-12 is a weapon widely known in Russia and abroad. For its outstanding shooting performance, the Vepr-12 Molot smoothbore carbine has won the attention of the foreign public. In the future, this led to the massive acquisition of this amazing weapon. Today this semi-automatic shotgun is actively used in different countries:

  • Greece;
  • Syria;
  • France;
  • Germany;

The high demand for Vepr-12 "Hammer" is fully justified by a number of advantages, which will be discussed below. Initially, the carbine was developed as a hunting semi-automatic weapon, but later it became widely used in various fields.

The price of the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbine remains noteworthy. Its cost has not changed much since the first release and now varies in the range of 20-40 thousand rubles, depending on the modification.

History of creation and purpose

The domestic enterprise "Molot-Arms", located in the city of Vyatskiye Polyany, managed to create an outstanding offensive weapon of the first shots, designed for the popular 12-gauge rifle cartridges.

It should be recalled that the Vyatsko-Polyansky plant for a long time specialized in the production of the well-known Kalashnikov light machine gun (RPK). The technological line of the enterprise was fine-tuned to the smallest detail, therefore, when developing a new smoothbore carbine, the design of the proven RPK-74 was taken as a basis. This weapon proved to be excellent at shooting ranges and hot spots, so Vepr-12 adopted the best features:

  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • reliability.

Today this weapon is one of the favorite among domestic and foreign special services. Vepr-12 combines mobility, ergonomics, balanced weight and excellent firing accuracy at an aiming distance of up to 100 meters. Most often it is used for combat at short distances: from 3 to 30 meters.

The Vepr-12 "Hammer" smoothbore carbine can be safely considered a defensive weapon. The shotgun has passed the certification of service / civilian weapons, applicable for self-defense. It is curious that in 2012, NATO specialists conducted a series of tests, after which they included Vepr-12 in the official list of weapons of the bloc countries, which led to the popularization of the domestic carbine.

In September of the same year, the presentation of the shotgun took place, during which the Bundeswehr officers actively used it as a support weapon during the assault on fortified objects.

Destructive force the carbine is more than enough for hunting small and medium game, but hunters rarely give it their preference due to its rather large mass.

The device and principle of operation Vepr-12 "Hammer"

By inserting a plastic box magazine and sending a rifle cartridge into the barrel, you can prepare to fire. For greater convenience, the design of the carabiner provides a wide neck: changing the magazine is quick and convenient.

Thanks to the latest quality, Vepr-12 is suitable for training novice shooters. The carbine is widely used for sport shooting in open classrooms. There is also a separate modification of the Vepr-12 IPSC.

The cartridge is sent from the magazine to the barrel after pressing the trigger button. Vepr-12 is classically located in the hands of the shooter, and the butt rests comfortably on the shoulder. The 12-gauge smoothbore rifle has relatively low recoil, making it suitable even for women and teenagers.


From its famous predecessor, the 12-gauge semi-automatic carbine took over another important feature: durability. It is not for nothing that the Vepr-12 is considered one of the best shotguns on the planet for this indicator. First of all, it affects high quality receiver and trigger.

An important structural element is a folding stock. Depending on the modification of the carbine, it can be:

  • metal skeletal type;
  • telescopic;
  • wooden awkward.

An important feature is the trigger lock, which is provided for some models of the unified range. VPO-205-00 does not allow firing with the stock folded, but for VPO-205-01 this is not a problem.

The Vepr-12 design allows the use of a wide range of rifle cartridges 12 x 70, 12 x 76, including the following types:

  • signaling;
  • gas;
  • with rubber / plastic buckshot;
  • noise;
  • special cartridges designed for knocking out locks and doors.

In general, the Vepr-12 "Hammer" semi-automatic shotgun inherited the principle of operation of mechanics and the layout of the RPK. When developing the design of the carbine, the automation remained unchanged. The bolt group underwent minor modifications, but this was done with an amendment to the technical / calculated characteristics firearms... The following elements were changed:

  • barrel bore;
  • bolt carrier;
  • gas chamber.

The manufacturer "Hammer-Weapon" chrome plated them, thereby increasing the service life of the product. The designers of the enterprise guarantee that the carbine works flawlessly in the temperature range of –30 ... +50 degrees Celsius in moderate humidity conditions.


It would be wrong to lead specifications the Vepr-12 "Hammer" carbine as a whole, since the unified range includes 9 options and modifications. However, for acquaintance, it is worth considering in detail the features of the most outstanding models.

Vepr-12 / VPO-205-00 / VPO-205-00 SP / VPO-205-00 SP isp. 02

This modification has an average barrel length of 430 mm. The main distinguishing features are:

  • removable flame arrester;
  • trigger locking mechanism;
  • the inability to fire with the stock folded.

These features make carrying the carabiner as safe as possible. The weapon has a fairly compact size, easy to carry. Models marked with the joint venture are a sports version of the linear carbine.

Vepr-12 / VPO-205-03

Perhaps the most interesting model, combining excellent performance of semi-automatic shooting with 12-gauge rifle cartridges and elaborate ergonomics. A distinctive feature of this model is a shortened barrel - only 305 mm.

The overall dimensions of this carbine are as follows:

  • length - 867 mm;
  • width - 75 mm;
  • height - 290 mm.

When folded, the length is reduced to 601 mm, but due to the butt pressed against the body, the width increases - up to 104 mm. The weight of the Vepr-12 semi-automatic shotgun without a magazine is 4.2 kg.

The weight of this rifle should be discussed separately. Four kilograms without ammunition and additional attachments is a serious obstacle for hunting with long walks. Nevertheless, the heavy weapon fits well in the hand and provides more accurate shooting, which, together with the small recoil, is an excellent indicator.

Vepr-12 / VPO-205-04

The barrel length of this model is 483 mm, but this is not the main difference. The carbine is equipped with an awkward wooden stock, which limits and complicates the carrying of the weapon.

Completion and packaging

For the convenience of consumers, this rifle is supplied in a heavy-duty case made of special military plastic. The weapon fits into the prepared cradle and is securely held during carrying / transportation. Basic equipment includes:

  • optical sight;
  • plastic box store.


Thanks to the familiar design borrowed from the RPK, the disassembly of the Vepr-12 carbine proceeds without any difficulties and does not take much time. It is necessary when repairing the barrel of a weapon, as well as when cleaning its components.


There are many opportunities to improve the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbine. One option is to extend the barrel to a longer model and replace the forend. Many owners of this shotgun expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail is located on the forend. It is convenient in terms of installation additional equipment, but makes holding the weapon less comfortable without it.

That is why, in the course of tuning, many owners of the Vepr-12 semi-automatic shotgun replace the forend with a model with a more convenient, practical surface. It should be borne in mind that the permissible mass of barrels is 600 g.

For more accurate aimed shooting, the carbine can be equipped with a telescopic sight with high proximity rates. The equipment is installed on a Picatinny rail located on the receiver cover. If necessary, you can use a collimator sight.

Using additional equipment

Owners of Vepr-12 "Hammer" can not but rejoice at the variety of additional devices that are freely available. One of the most popular "attachments" is the Ilyin GK-01 muzzle brake-compensator, which makes single shooting more comfortable and enjoyable.

Not less popular are:

  • folding telescopic bipod;
  • sports ergonomic handles;
  • Weaver strips;
  • increased volume box magazines;
  • welded steel or cast duralumin magazine receiver shaft;
  • tactical flashlights;
  • diode infrared and laser illuminators.

The standard butt, if desired, can be replaced with a telescopic one. Some models are equipped with an additional compartment for storing spare batteries for flashlights and laser designators.

Solving the problem of recharging

Many shooters are unhappy with the fact that the volume of a regular box magazine is limited to only 4 rounds. This problem can be solved by purchasing an additional magazine for 10 rounds.

It is not recommended to buy rotary (drum) magazines. Most often, pseudo-spacious models go on sale, since Russian law prohibits stores that can hold more than 10 cartridges of 12 gauge, including 12 x 76 Magnum.

You can increase the speed of changing the magazine by installing a special receiver shaft. This will make the handling of the weapon easier and more convenient, which is very important for sports shooting.

Another problem is the short barrel. After firing, the remaining powder gases are sometimes not enough to reload the carbine. As a result, the bolt does not fully move away and does not send the cartridge into the barrel. A rather stiff return spring can aggravate the situation.

Variants and modifications

Other modifications of the smoothbore carbine:

  1. VPO-206 - equipped with a special chamber designed for 70 mm long sleeves.
  2. VPO-205S - intended for service use, has additional sighting devices and characteristic markings.
  3. Vepr-12 IPSC is a sports model with the following differences:
    1. double-sided push-button fuse;
    2. store reset button;
    3. left-side shutter cocking lever;
    4. lack of standard sighting devices.

The smoothbore carbine has become very popular in private security companies. Small dimensions make Vepr-12 an indispensable weapon for special forces soldiers.

The increased mass of the semi-automatic shotgun imposes a number of restrictions on the shooter. He must be physically well developed to hold the heavy carabiner in place.

The twelfth caliber has a powerful stopping effect, thanks to which it has earned the trust of special forces soldiers. Such weapons are actively used by the security forces of foreign structures, including police officers.

Advantages and disadvantages Vepr 12 "Hammer"

The main disadvantages of this rifle are - heavy weight and the problem with recharging. However, for 90% of owners of the Vepr-12 smoothbore rifle, this is not a big problem.

As for the advantages, it is worth highlighting:

  • excellent rate of fire for 12 gauge weapons;
  • high initial speed bullet flight;
  • a lot of tuning opportunities;
  • high firing efficiency at an aiming distance of 100 m;
  • excellent ergonomics of all parts of the carabiner;
  • comfortable and practical shape.

Last but not least, the aggressive and modern design of the Vepr-12 carbine is in line with modern trends. Blackened steel combined with military grade plastic make this weapon strikingly beautiful.


On the basis of domestic arms concerns, rifles with similar indicators were previously produced. Today, the most obvious competitor for the Vepr-12 carbine is the no less famous Saiga-12. Many Russian experts also put Vepr Pioneer and Bars-4-1 on a par.

Carbine Vepr-12 Hammer VPO-205-02 12/76 L = 680.

Carbine Vepr-12 Hammer VPO-205-02- created on the basis of the Kalashnikov light machine gun, produced for the 12 × 76 cartridge and has a high degree of reliability and reliability when working in various operating conditions.

This sports modification was developed taking into account the wishes of sports shooters:

  • improved gas chamber - a sports version (it also makes cleaning the product easier);
  • there are no mechanical sighting devices, the carbine is equipped with an aiming block with an integrated Picatinny rail;
  • welded magazine receiver with an enlarged neck for easy reloading;
  • push-button type fuse with increased area;
  • bolt carrier buffer to facilitate tempo fire;
  • the stock block is improved for the installation of a telescopic stock (Magpool type);
  • added left bolt handle for quick reloading;
  • mechanism for quick dumping of magazines;
  • enlarged button for removing the AZZ.

Reloading the carbine Vepr VPO 205 02 is carried out by using the energy of the powder gases discharged from the bore into the gas chamber and the energy of the return springs. The barrel bore is locked by turning the bolt around its axis by two lugs during the longitudinal movement of the bolt carrier. The bore and chamber of the barrel, the bolt carrier and the gas chamber are chrome-plated.

How to buy a smoothbore carbine Vepr-12 Hammer VPO-205-02?

We warn you! Licensed goods are not available for purchase through the online store .. Qualified personnel will give full advice on the product, care for it and answer all your questions.
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