How to pump up your arms for volume. Fundamentals for Proper Training

Many people want to know how to pump up their hands at home? But it’s very simple! First, you need to eat right and do exercises for example with dumbbells, a barbell, and also working on a horizontal bar. Technique is very important correct execution exercise.

You can do it not only in the gym but also at home. Many people regularly visit gyms where experienced trainers help them with strength and cardio training. Enlarging and tightening your arms is the primary concern of most beginners.

Possession of beautiful and prominent muscles can be achieved only under the condition of hard work both when exercising in a fitness center and when training at home, and if there is no desire, then the result will have to wait for a long time. To pump up your arms, it is important to include in your diet foods rich in nutrients and vitamins.

A little biology on how to pump up your arms at home

What are the muscles of the arms in general? Muscles are fibers that intertwine with each other. Between them is a fluid called sarcoplasm. There are slow and fast types of fibers, mainly the latter are pumped, which are responsible for speed and strength.

Slow ones can also increase in size, they are designed to overcome prolonged loads (that is, they directly affect a person's stamina). The increase in muscle volume occurs due to the growth of fibers and an increase in fluid.

The right sports equipment for pumping up your arms at home

Hand-focused exercises are based on lifting your own weight or sports equipment. For development, it is important to combine training and use the following accessories: dumbbells; barbell; horizontal bar; bench. You can pump up your arms when using strength training equipment and weights, but the use of the above equipment can replace additional devices.

Correct sports nutrition

In order to develop muscles at home, you need to eat right. Need to pay Special attention by the amount nutrients and calories in food, otherwise it will take a long time to swing your arms.

  • Food should be taken 2 hours before and after sports. If you transfer the reception directly to the exercises themselves at home, then discomfort will appear, and about desired result you can forget. But do not go to extremes, with a long break between eating and exercising, a feeling of hunger can be created and a lack of strength appears, and it will be extremely difficult to increase muscles at home.
  • Reset if necessary excess weight it is worth limiting the intake of high-calorie foods. What food should be excluded from the diet can be found on the calorie calculator, which is developed taking into account physical data, age and gender. A nutritionist will also help you find a list of recommended foods. As a result, the number of calories received per day should be 1200-1500. At lower numbers, basic metabolism will not be maintained, which will certainly affect health, and you can forget about the desire to pump up your arms.
  • But to increase the mass, it is necessary to add foods such as eggs, fish, milk and cottage cheese to the diet. It is they who have the highest numbers of protein content, from which muscle tissue is built.
  • In order to pump up the muscles of the arms, it is important to consume the carbohydrates required for physical activity... Substances provide energy for sports at home. Sugar and chocolate have fast digestible carbohydrates, substances are almost instantly released into the bloodstream and also quickly leave there. Therefore, such foods are not recommended for overweight people.
  • It is best to give preference to "long-playing" carbohydrates, which can be found in vegetables, cereals, bread, pasta made from durum wheat, and some nuts. When such food is included in the diet, it will be easy to pump up at home.
  • Fats are also required for sports. However, even when pumping up your hands, you should limit their consumption. When practicing at home, you need to eat about 5 times in 24 hours. You shouldn't eat at all while playing sports.

Protein foods

In addition, protein can be obtained not only from natural products, but also from proteins. These drugs can be found at any sports store. They, unlike steroids, do not pose any health hazard, if you do not overdo it, because protein is protein. We talked about how to take protein in previous issues. Be sure to read it! Therefore, with a sufficient content of this substance in food, it is not difficult to pump up your hands and at home.

1) When playing sports, it is best to give preference to steamed, boiled and stewed foods, but vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw. To pump up your hands, you need to give up fatty, salty and smoked foods, completely exclude sweet confectionery and fast food, the latter can also have a bad effect on health.

2) When intense training at home, one should not starve, since the body will not be able to withstand stress, which will lead to illness. It is important to eat in moderation, sports are not always able to burn all the calories that a person consumes in a day.

Sample menu for the day

Meals should be diversified with new dishes and not limited to the same set.

Arm muscles

It is known that our limbs are made up of many muscles:

  • Biceps.
  • Triceps.
  • Muscles of the forearm.

In order to increase physical indicators at home, you need to use exercises aimed at different parts of them. Below are the rules and tips to build your hands. Exercises should be combined, only then the body will be developed evenly. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of training, on which the effectiveness of training directly depends.

Biceps-Increase superficial muscle, which first catches the eye, is most often the main task not only for beginners, but also for professionals. Indeed, it largely depends on it indicative view the human body, and to increase the biceps at home, movements involving traction are used own body or sports equipment, such as pull-ups, barbell lifts.

Triceps- This muscle is about 2/3 of the volume of the arm, so its development is necessary. Flexion or extension actions are best for building triceps at home. The muscle consists of three heads, and if girls are encouraged to use isolated machines for each of them, then guys should develop all parts of the triceps at a time, using, for example, push-ups and a press with a narrow grip.


The muscles located in the forearm also need to be paid attention to in class. In order to pump them up at home, quite specific exercises are used: wrist lifts of the barbell, kneeling; lifting the bar reverse grip... There are also many types of dumbbell exercises that develop the muscles of the forearm.


As mentioned above, to pump up your arms, you only need a horizontal bar, a barbell and dumbbells. With these sports accessories, you can perform a variety of movements that increase the muscles in your body at home. Instead of a horizontal bar, you can purchase wall bars with bars, this will be the best option to pump up your arms, a bench for performing some types of load should be bought together with a barbell, most often such a complex is equipped with additional simulators for arms or legs.

Before you start drawing up a training plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations for doing exercises at home for pumping up the muscles of the arms, and for the rest of the body:

  • Proper execution is much more important than striving to use large weights.
  • Warm up movements and stretching must be done before training.
  • Classes should not be stopped abruptly, it is best to set aside time for a cool down.
  • It is worth combining tension with relaxation and not exercising to the point of fanaticism.


"How to pump up your arms?" - perform pull-ups. This is a versatile exercise that requires you to lift your own weight. There are three options for its implementation: short grip, wide and medium grip - each of them is aimed at a specific muscle group. It is important to follow the execution technique, and then the result will appear soon:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to swing and jerk, pumping up your arms will be problematic.
  2. In the highest position, the chin should be above the crossbar, but with a wide grip of the horizontal bar it touches the chest.
  3. The body must always be vertical to the floor.
  4. Inhalation is carried out when lowering, and exhalation is carried out when bending the arms.

Medium Grip Pull-ups:

The most common version of doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar is performed to develop the muscles evenly, it is quite possible to pump up your arms when using it. The technique is very simple: medium grip (arms shoulder-width apart), the torso is vertically level with the floor, and only the shoulders deviate slightly when reaching the top point. Most often, pull-ups are performed with a direct grip (that is, with the palms facing away from you).

Pulling up on the horizontal bar with an average grip. Execution technique

Pull-ups with a narrow grip

Exercise is aimed at working out the deltas and serrated muscles, it is easier than other options for performing pull-ups, therefore it is very often performed with weights at home.

The technique is quite different from the previous view, while there are several different variations in the pull-ups themselves, here is the most common: the back is slightly bent at the lower back, the arms are bent at the elbows, the body moves vertically, and the chin reaches the crossbar.

Brushes should be placed as close as possible to each other, usually a distance of 0.1 m is chosen, when there is no likelihood of their twisting. It is quite problematic to pump up your arms by performing exclusively pull-ups, but it is necessary to use them.

Wide grip pull-ups

This type of pull-up has a small range of motion and is aimed at developing the muscles of the back. It is dangerous for joints and ligaments, so weights are undesirable both in the gym and at home.

Correct execution technique: hands are located approximately on the palm on each side wider than the middle grip, the body rises due to the back muscles, which are pumped up most of all, but you need to touch the bar with your chest.

Reverse grip pull-ups

This grip can be used with all previous pull-ups. As a rule, it is performed with less effort, since most of the load is transferred to the biceps.

Sports dumbbells

Dumbbell exercises should be included in the workout. Their weight should be calculated based on physical capabilities, for a start, 8-10 kg or less is usually suitable. It is important to understand that the development of muscles is possible only if the execution technique is observed, and the pursuit of large weights hinders this. There are many movements that target different muscles in the arms.

Dumbbell Biceps Exercises

This muscle should be pumped several times every 7 days, then it will be shown standing exercises for this:

  1. Lifting two dumbbells while standing. First you need to take a straight stance with a little bent legs... Hands are pressed to the body. The lifting of the dumbbell is carried out by turning the hands with the palms to the top, it is then that it will be easiest to pump up the biceps. You can bend the limbs in turn, it depends on preference. Breathing, as in other exercises, is reduced to exhalation at the moment of effort, in this case - to directly return the dumbbells to their initial position, and inhalation - to lower the shells.
  2. Lifting shells while sitting. This exercise is great for practicing at home. Its development is based on the simultaneous lifting of dumbbells from a sitting position, in which it is best to develop biceps. While standing there is an opportunity to help oneself with the body or back, which reduces the efficiency of movement. Work out this exercise at home, you can use a chair, there is an option with lifting dumbbells in turn.
  3. Lowering dumbbells while seated with more bicep work. This exercise is aimed at increasing the individual muscle, the biceps takes over the main work, which is why the exercise is included in the training of many professional bodybuilders. To pump up your arms, you can use a stool or sports bench... First you need to sit down, spread your legs wider, tilt your body, lower your hand with a dumbbell to the floor, while the other hand rests on the corresponding knee. Then the limb is flexed with the projectile to the maximum, at the top point it is worthwhile to linger for a few moments, and then lower the dumbbell down. For bending the arm, exhalation should occur, for lowering - inhalation.

Exercises with dumbbells for biceps. Execution technique

To pump up your arms, you should pay special attention to the development of the triceps. The muscle should be given no less time than the biceps, since it takes up a significant part of the arm. The following are the most effective dumbbell exercises for pumping triceps:

  1. Lifting a dumbbell with one hand from behind the head. Building muscle using this exercise is easy enough. Starting position: stand straight, hand with a dumbbell raised on the head, and the second grabs the lower back. Then the projectile is lowered behind the head, while only the muscles of the arm should be used, otherwise the movements will lose effectiveness. Next, the dumbbell must be returned, the number of repetitions is 8-12. You can exercise at home using such movements while sitting on a bench.
  2. Lifting a kettlebell or dumbbell with your hands behind your head. This exercise is similar to the previous one, the only difference being the use of the other hand. And the technique of movements is similar: you need to stand up (or sit down), raise your arms with a dumbbell over your head and gently lower them behind your back, after which the body should take its initial position.
  3. French press with a dumbbell. This workout great for pumping up your arms. It consists in bending at the elbow joints of the deflected arms with dumbbells (or a barbell). So, initial position: lying on a bench or on the floor, arms outstretched and slightly tilted behind the head. Then, smooth inclinations of the limbs with projectiles are performed, while only the forearm moves, but the shoulder cannot be moved, then the efficiency will decrease.

Triceps bench exercises

Barbell Exercises

The barbell is a great tool to pump up your arms, chest and back. For practicing with it, it is worth purchasing a special bench with tilt adjustment. There are many exercises with this shell at home, the following are the best ones for the development of biceps, triceps and forearm:

  1. Barbell bench press. This is one of the most universal exercises with a barbell, when it is performed, the load is distributed almost over the entire body, and the arms also noticeably develop. The barbell press can be performed at different inclinations of the bench, increasing or decreasing the load on individual parts of the body. There are several grips: narrow, medium and wide. The first is aimed at developing the arms, when using the latter, the work of the back and chest increases, but the middle one evenly develops all the muscles.
  2. French press with a barbell. This exercise completely repeats the dumbbell bench press technique. You can pump up your arms when using both options. The bench press can be used when exercising at home.
  3. Lifting the bar while standing. The exercise is aimed at developing the biceps, triceps (depending on the grip) and forearms. It consists in lifting the apparatus from a standing position to the chest and is suitable for all athletes. Grip width affects more / less working out different parts biceps. Using the reverse grip, you can better pump up the triceps.

Barbell Exercises

Fundamentals for Proper Training

It is important not only to correctly perform hand exercises, but also to draw up a lesson plan. It is necessary to calculate the weight, number of repetitions, approaches and classes per week. You can only pump up your arms with full dedication. If in the gym a trainer can help you understand the technique of working out one or another version of the exercise and spur you on to training, then when practicing at home it all depends on the person.

Number of lessons

Many people think that the number of exercises directly affects the result, and therefore you need to train every day. However, such intensive training can be ineffective. The pumping of the arms both in the gym and at home should take place on the condition of a combination of training and rest, otherwise the muscles will not grow. Therefore, it is best to train 3-4 times in seven days, but give all your best.

If you need to lose weight before pumping, then you can do more times using cardio (running, cycling, jumping, swimming). If you build a training schedule and adhere strictly to it, then you can achieve the desired result.

Organization of the lesson

When building a workout plan, you should adhere to the following tips on how to quickly pump up your arms at home:

  • Important A complex approach... You cannot be limited to a certain number of movements, it is important to combine and add new elements to the workout in order to pump up your arms. So, only for biceps and triceps should be used 3-4 exercises.
  • The training should take place until the muscles being worked out are completely fatigued.
  • It is best to draw up several training plans that can be alternated, and after some time, supplemented.
  • It is not at all necessary to thoroughly work out all the muscles of the arms for each lesson; each workout can be focused on a separate part of the limbs. So, in the first lesson, biceps are pumped most of all, and in the second, triceps, and so on.
  • The result usually appears after one month of hard work.
  • In no case should you focus specifically on pumping your hands. Leaving the rest of the body unattended, then the body will develop disproportionately.

Number of repetitions

Scientists have found that to achieve the best result, the number of repetitions in each exercise should be about 6-12 times. In this case, the weight should be calculated in such a way that the athlete makes maximum efforts, while performing all the movements correctly. This explains why even 300 push-ups have little effect on arm muscle pumping. Of course, high repetitions have their advantages, but they cannot become the basis for training, only supplement it.

Workout time

Classes should be carried out systematically and according to the plan, you should not miss a workout and be out of schedule, this can have a bad effect on the result. As already mentioned, you should not pump up your arms exclusively, and everyone determines the exact time spent on exercises for the muscles of the limbs for himself. However, the total training time (subject to maximum efficiency) should be about one hour, and the hours for organizing classes at home - from 18 to 19.

Errors in organizing classes

Even professional athletes often make some mistakes, namely:

  • train every day without rest;
  • pump the same parts of the arms;
  • warm up poorly, which turns into health problems;
  • eat poorly.

The desire to pump up one part of the body at home turns into disproportionate development, and the use of monotonous exercises threatens to slow down the growth of mass. Daily workouts exhaust the athlete, professional bodybuilders train about 5-6 days a week, but they use various drugs that help them increase mass or better tolerate weights, which, of course, cannot be an option for ordinary people.


Pump up your arms with correct setting classes, the presence of will and the correct execution of movements is not difficult, even at home. It is important to thoroughly plan the number of workouts, approaches and repetitions and not to skip classes. If you follow the description of the correct execution of the exercises and the advice for the exercises described in this article, pumping up your arms and other body parts on your own is a completely achievable goal.

We recommend that you also read a very informative article on how to build abs at home on our website! In this article, we have revealed the most working techniques that will help you pump up a press quickly with a guaranteed result. Thank you all for your attention and see you soon in new articles.

Hello everyone. In this issue we will talk about how to quickly pump up your arms (biceps and triceps). We will fully deal with all issues related to arm training, discuss the mechanics, muscle anatomy and impact different exercises on different parts of the muscles of the arms. Well, at the end, we will consider the nuances of compiling training programs for maximum rapid growth arm muscles.

The biceps consists of two heads:

  1. Long(long tendon, but the muscle is small) is located on the outside of the arm.
  2. Short(short tendon, but the muscle is large) is located on the inside of the hand.

Both heads are connected to form one tendon that sits next to the elbow joint. The tendon itself is attached slightly inward (to the side of the forearm). This means that in addition to bending the arm, the biceps can still supinate it (i.e. turn the palm to the side thumb). I think everyone understands what we are talking about, i.e. many perform supination dumbbell biceps curls. And this is exactly the steering wheel that I am now theoretically talking about.


According to statistics, there are no problems with the development of a short head (the one located on the inner part of the arm), it reacts perfectly to the load, and grows well from any bending of the arm. But, with the development of a long head, the one on the outside of the arm, most have problems!


In order to fight external head (long), you need to take your elbows as far behind your back as possible, this is the only way to turn on outer part biceps.

In order to fight inner head (short), on the contrary, you need to bring your elbows forward as much as possible.

GRABS when working on BICEPS

The wider your grip , the more the inner head will work.

The narrower your grip , the more the external head will work. In general, I do not recommend a narrow grip. In theory, the narrower the grip, the more you will bring your elbows forward, and based on the above (if the elbows are brought forward), then the inner head turns on strongly.


This brachialis muscle, plays very important role... It is located under the muscle (i.e. under the biceps) and is involved in most of the work during the bituhi training (takes about 50-70% for itself). It is this muscle that allows you to work with heavy weights in curls with a barbell while standing, and not the biceps itself.

The best exercises to train biceps

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps
  2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination
  3. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while lying on an incline bench
  4. Hammer bends (HAMMERS)


Triceps consists of three heads:

  1. Lateral head(she is external)
  2. Medial head (she is medium or small elbow, located next to the elbow)
  3. Long head (she is internal, attached to the back of the shoulder blade)

All three heads are in one ligament, in the elbow region, and that is why all three heads work simultaneously in all exercises that involve the triceps. However, each head is not trained evenly! Those. each of the heads receives its own degree of load (this depends on the mechanics of the exercise).

Each of the 3 heads (connected, because they work in a bundle) but they can be either short or long. This case depends on your genetics. HOWEVER, this can be easily checked and found out! For example, if your triceps are short, then it looks longer and more massive. And if it is long, then the triceps looks short with a peak.

2. Biceps and triceps (small muscle groups) grow ONLY in conjunction with large muscle groups (LEGS, CHEST, BACK). That is why all other attempts to build up the muscle mass of the arms by hammering into the remaining large muscle groups (legs, back, chest) are reduced to zero. You won't succeed, take my word for it! This is usually resorted to by beginners (beachgoers) who seek to develop ostentatious muscles (such as biceps, abs) while hammering on the BACK, CHEST, and LEGS! HOWEVER, SHAH AND MAT! If you seriously train large muscle groups (CHEST, BACK, LEGS), then small ones will grow EVEN BY YOURSELF, because they have no way out!

CONCLUSION: It is imperative to train large muscle groups (CHEST, BACK, LEGS) without missing a single workout, then small muscle groups (arms, deltas) will grow.

3. Absence correct technique doing exercises + lack of mental brain-muscle connection, this is exactly when you seem to be doing exercises for biceps, and your biceps are not clogged, but your forearms or back. You do not feel your muscles, you do everything at random in the hope of getting everything at once, without making the PROPER EFFORT!

The cure here is to learn how to do the exercises correctly, grab an empty bar and learn. Do 5-10 sets of LIGHTWEIGHT (FEEL) your biceps, burning it, bleeding () think of your biceps when training it. This applies not only to the biceps, but also to other muscle groups. It's just that our topic is now bitz, and he gave an example.

Exercise sequence

Remember once and for all: We START with heavy basic exercises and end with lighter - secondary (isolation exercises).


  1. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing
  2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing with supination
  3. Reverse Grip Barbell Curl
  4. Dumbbell Hammer Curls


  1. Concentrated biceps curls
  2. Bench Larry Scott with a barbell or trainer stand or it looks like larry scott's bench only with a block. (WTF: D)

FOR TRICEPS, the main basic exercises are:

  1. narrow grip bench press
  2. bars


  1. French press barbells
  2. extension at vertical block (although with the proper execution style, it can be considered basic).
We create as much as possible effective programs workouts

P.S. I forgot to tell you about one very effective reception for pumping up your hands! Its essence is simple, we will alternate the exercises of the antagonists of BICEPS and TRICEPS! Those. it will look like this:

  1. basic exercise for biceps 4x6-12
  2. basic exercise for triceps 4x6-12
  3. basic for biceps 4x6-12
  4. basic for triceps 4x 6-12

See this alternation? First comes biceps, then triceps, then biceps again, etc. This is a very effective feature that you should definitely use! By the way, always start your workout with biceps, followed by triceps. Otherwise, if you start with the triceps, it will limit the strength of your biceps curls. Basically, this rule applies to initial stage for beginners and intermediate levels of training, for more advanced (experienced) ones, look at the situation (because for advanced ones, starting a workout with triceps is a chance to give at least some unfamiliar stress in order to start growth.

And so the training program:

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps, standing 4x6-12
  2. Bench press, lying with a narrow grip 4x6-12
  3. Hammer curls "(HAMMERS with dumbbells standing) 4x6-12
  4. Dips (emphasis on triceps) 4x6-12

That's all. THIS IS THE MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE COMPLEX FOR FAST GROWTH OF MUSCLE MASS OF THE HANDS. Nothing else is needed! I personally train according to this scheme, I am satisfied with the result.

For more advanced athletes, the scheme is as follows.

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Bars (accent triceps) 4x6-12
  3. Lifting the bar with a reverse grip 4x6-12
  4. Press the bar with a narrow grip 4x6-12
  5. Lifting dumbbells for biceps, standing 3-4x6-12
  6. French bench press 4x6-12

Remember that any workout should be no longer than 45 minutes. This should be kept in mind all the time!

You can think of a whole lot of these working patterns. I brought you quickly compiled by me personally, based on many articles on this site, I cited sources for the main articles, read, study, I hope you were interested, now you will definitely succeed in pumping up the HANDS OF TITANIUM, see you soon, friends.

Best regards, administrator.

Flabby muscles are completely unattractive. You can tighten the muscles of the arms in the shortest possible time if you engage in vigorous training on a regular basis. Each muscle group requires individual intensity and exercise. The result will be obvious after a week of complex lessons.

If you are engaged in acrobatics, pole dancing, power martial arts, then you need to first of all direct the main load to the hands. The first and most elementary thing you can use is an expander, or, in extreme cases, a rubber ball. Perform the maximum number of contractions allowed, alternating exercise with warm-up fingers. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 0.5 - 0.7 m. Put your palms against the wall, push off as sharply and strongly as possible, lowering to the starting position, and again a sharp push away from the wall. Repeat 50 times, alternating with another exercise. Do the same for each hand separately. Execute circular rotation brushes in different directions.

Get ready for push-ups from the floor, if it's hard to push-ups on an elongated body, then get on your knees and push up 10 times, then hold out in the position for 10 seconds. Move both palms under chest and try to push up 5 times, this exercise may not work right away if the hands are weak enough. Take a position on your hands, as before a push-up, spread your palms and turn them to the sides. Try to jump, while to land on the cams, with the next jump, land on your palms and so alternate 15 times. Stretch your hand forward, and with the second pull the fingers of the outstretched hand towards you, hold in this position for 20 seconds. Change your hand. For a few wear hours a day sports weights on the hands. After the week has passed, increase the time. Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you, put your palms in front of you: fold your wrists side by side, and fingers apart. Having created support, slowly transfer your body weight to your hands and hold this position for 20 seconds. Start training your biceps or forearm muscles. You will definitely need dumbbells - the optimal weight is 4 gk / 1 dumbbell. Sit on a bench or stool, alternately raise and lower the dumbbell with one of your hands, bringing it as close to you as possible. At the top point, fix the dumbbell for 5 seconds, then lower it. Take a standing or sitting position and perform the hammer movement: bend your arms with dumbbells towards your shoulders while inhaling and lower as you exhale - alternately or at the same time. Regular breathing is extremely important. Classic push-ups are the most common and effective method swaying all muscle groups. In the prone position, set wide grip- arms shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, the body is even, feet are at the width of the pelvis. Inhale and slowly bend your elbows, without touching the floor, return to the starting position. Perform 15 push-ups. Do a classic push-up, but with a cotton. After clapping, land on slightly bent palms. Good and quick result give exercises on the horizontal bar. Grab the bar, bending your back, bring your shoulder blades together and try to slowly pull yourself up, you need to raise your chin by the horizontal bar and slowly lower yourself. Try to do 5 pull-ups in 3 reps.

Greetings, my dears! Today we will continue our epic cycle of notes on pumping issues, and consider a thematic note with the title - how to pump up your hands? As usual, first we will lay down all the necessary theoretical basis- let's go through anatomy and kinesiology, and then we will practice - consider best programs hand training.

So, take your seats, we begin.

How to pump up your arms? The theoretical side of the issue.

This is the second note from a similar cycle, in the first we examined the muscle group of the delta and dealt with the issues of its buildup, therefore, if you have not yet paid your respects to this creation :), then be so kind as to do this by following the link. In this article, we will tackle our pens. I must say right away that the calculations below are valid for both sexes, and ladies will also be able to improve this problem area- to make it more toned, pumped up and embossed, therefore, young ladies, we also shake the information on the mustache (or not, you don’t have a mustache, you can use your hair :)... Well, actually enough pouring water, let's get to the point.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Arm anatomy and muscle atlas

The arms are rather small, but very revealing muscle group, in which two parts can be conditionally distinguished:

  • front (25% arm volume)- biceps, brachial (brachialis), brachioradial (brachyradialis);
  • back (75% arm volume)- triceps triceps With 3 the heads are long, lateral and medial.

Let's dwell on each muscle in a little more detail and start with ...

I. Front of the hand

The muscles of the front of the hand include:

# 1. Biceps

Biceps brachii, consisting of short and long heads. The first attaches to the front of the scapula and crosses the arm down to the radius, the second originates from the scapula but takes a longer route, also attaching to the radius.

# 2. Brachialis

Starts in the middle humerus runs down it and attaches to the other bone of the forearm. The brachialis is not involved in pronation or supination of the arm and its main role is to assist in flexion elbow joint.

No. 3. Brachyradialis

A forearm muscle that originates at the humerus and attaches to the end of the radius.

The assembled front part of the hand is the following picture.

II. Rear part arms

The muscles of the rear of the hand include:


Triceps muscle of the shoulder, the developed heads of which form a horseshoe shape. Triceps anatomy includes three heads - lateral, medial and long. The first runs from the humerus down the arm and attaches to a mass called the olecranon. The second starts at back side humerus and attaches to your elbow. The third runs from the scapula in the region of the humerus and descends down to the olecranon process. Due to this scapular attachment, you can move the arm and shoulder slightly backward to isolate the muscles.

The work of the muscles of the biceps and triceps in exercises is clearly demonstrated by the following image.

A complete muscular atlas of arm muscles presents such a picture.

Skeletal anatomy

Bones and joints play an important role in the movement of the arms. Understanding how they work will help you better select exercises and maximize target muscle involvement.

Three important key joints in the front of the arm that affect biceps training are the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. All of them are tied in movements when training the arms and each performs its own function, the elbow - participates in rotation / rotation of the arms and flexion of the elbow joint when lifting the biceps, the shoulder - it is crossed by the long head of the biceps, the wrist - changes the position of the forearms and is responsible for the movements of pronation and supination.

These same joints are also important when training triceps. When raising the arm above the head, the shoulder joint and a long triceps head that stretches and contracts as you move. Extension of the arm, for example, in exercises such as the triceps extension, requires extension of the elbow joint.

Muscle functions in practice

It is important not only to know how the hands are arranged, it is important to know their functions using the example of real movements, i.e. how muscles, bones and joints work together in resistance training in the gym. And we'll start with ...

I. Front of the hand

While working out the front of the arm, rotation of the hand allows you to “hook” different flexor muscles of the elbow. In total, there are three options for gripping dumbbells:

# 1. Supination

Supination is a rotational movement in which the palm is facing up. When lifting dumbbells, biceps helps to bend and supine the arms. When this grip is used, the biceps brachii receives the most beneficial load and works more efficiently.

# 2. Neutral grip

A neutral grip is when the hands are facing each other. This position is most beneficial for the development of the brachialis, for example, when lifting a dumbbell with a hammer grip.

No. 3. Pronation

A rotational motion with the hand with the palms facing down. Pronation automatically relieves stress on the biceps. This position is most beneficial for the development of brachyradialis, for example, when lifting a dumbbell with a reverse grip.

II. Back of the hand

The main functions of the back of the arm are extension / flexion of the elbow and extension / flexion of the elbow behind the head. When the first movement occurs, everyone is equally involved in the work. 3 triceps heads. Raising the arm above the head shifts the focus to long head triceps.


The long head is so named not for a simple reason, it really is the largest, and so is its contribution to the volume of the arm.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In order for the biceps to receive a comprehensive load, you need to perform exercises with different grips, and you need to start training with a supinated grip (as it provides the highest weight load), then change the grip to neutral and finish off, taking the dumbbell / barbell with a pronated grip.

As for the triceps, the most effective strategy for working it out is to use different positions of the arm relative to the centerline of the body - sitting, standing and lying. Moreover, the triceps muscle of the shoulder receives the greatest weight load during the bench press (narrow grip / French bench), so they should be placed at the beginning of the workout. The rest of the auxiliary exercises should be those in which the athlete is in a standing-sitting position.

So, let's go directly to the pumping-theoretical side of the issue.

How to pump up your arms? Swing theory.

The following information is purely exclusive and I stumbled upon it while studying ancient file sets (already for 1993 year) American scientific fitness journals. Now we will learn how to swing arms from a scientific and anatomical point of view.

Hand kinesiology or what you need to know to pump up huge hands?

The very movement of the hand from full extension to full compression is carried out by 4 -x muscles working together, performing duplication of work. Brachyradialis begins the lifting movement due to its location on the arm. After that, the biceps is included in the work, then "control" is transferred to an area called the brachialis, which completes the movement of the arm, its flexion.

In bodybuilding, it is important to know when every muscle starts and stops working. this understanding allows you to achieve better results in the development of muscles. Thus, in any exercise (in this case, on hands) there are strengths and weaknesses in the movement. Deceiving the weak links means that you are jumping over part of the muscle, without giving it the necessary load and the right stimulus to grow. Such cheating (cheating) prevents a certain area of ​​the arms from growing properly. Therefore, it is imperative for building large biceps to observe the ideal technique when performing exercises.

The question you should ask yourself, for example, when lifting dumbbells for biceps: “Do you just want to move the weight from point A to point B or you want to fully work out the biceps and big hands? ”. When it comes to moving a limb, some muscles do their job better than others depending on where they are in relation to the joints.

In the illustration, the brachyradialis is close to the elbow, which is a good position to start the full extension movement. After the movement begins, the biceps and brachialis take on the load, starting from certain angles of rise. The biceps is the main driving force, but it is aided by brachialis (when flexing) and brachyradialis (when extending). Thus, both muscles perform the middle part of the movement - first the biceps starts, then the brachialis, which completes the flexion of the arm.

The conclusion from all of the above is that each muscle has a certain range of work, and for an athlete who decides to build massive arms, it is important to understand which exercises, which areas of movement / parts of the arms, capture.

Let's take a look at the exercises (and the order in which they follow each other) in order to maximize the involvement of different areas of the muscles of the hands in the work.

Exercise number 1

Lifting the bar for biceps, a straight bar is a basic exercise that must be performed first in a workout for mass. All the load falls on biceps shoulder. The nuance is starting from a position in 10 degrees, i.e. at the lowest point, the arms should not be fully extended. Then you need to focus on exercises for different muscles biceps (meaning brachial / brachioradial) and do them in a specific range of motion.

Exercise number 2

Extension of the arms on a Scott bench with a straight bar - best exercise to focus on 2 biceps heads. The range in which you will work starting from 15-30 and reaching 105 degrees. It was he (such an angular range) provides maximum load on the biceps brachii.

Exercise number 3

Rotation / supination when lifting dumbbells while sitting on a bench (lifting dumbbells with twisting hands)... Sit on a bench with an upward slope, in this position, the biceps will be maximally stretched. The starting position is a pronated grip of the dumbbells, then they are turned and supinated.

The supine action allows all three muscles to be involved - biceps, brachialis and brachyradialis.

Exercise number 4

Concentrated dumbbell curls are an exercise that acts on the brachialis, which in turn pushes the biceps out and creates its peak. The main work starts with 15-30 degrees and continues up to 120 , the final phase of flexion of the arm. Key point the exercise is a small turn of the hand at the very beginning of the movement. Do not lower your hand all the way down, but start from the corner in 15-30 degrees, and then keep the tension in the muscles throughout the entire upward movement.

Exercise number 5

Hammer lifts - can be the final exercise in training the muscles of the arms (biceps). The main "mover" is brachyradialis. Dumbbell lifts should be carried out slowly and under control, bringing the hand to the corner in 90 degrees. The weakness of this muscle takes away the size of the biceps, so it makes sense to engage in its development through the appropriate exercise.

Well, here, in fact, everything in theory, the specific program part and the practical aspects of the training, we will consider in the second part of the article, so we are far from diverging, to be continued ... as they say.


Another seriously pumping note has come to an end, yes, not everything has been sorted out, or rather there is no main thing, practice, but after all, we do not say goodbye, right? And we say to each other "see you soon." Until the next part, we are waiting, sir, soon on all TVs in the country :)!

PS. and what chips do you use when training biceps, inject!


With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Who among the guys doesn't dream of big, sculpted triceps and biceps?

Want to look fit and fit to stand out from the crowd? Then read on and you will find out how to pump up your arms at home.

I am a bodybuilder with a lot of experience, and I want to say that arm training is my favorite.

If you don't have enough time or desire to go to gym- dont be upset. You can pump up your arms at home.

From my experience, I declare that arm isolation exercises are in a great way build muscle mass. You just need to also correctly plan your diet, it must contain a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats so that the total muscle mass body, and with it the muscles of the arms.

Currently, you will find a wide variety of home arm exercises to build biceps and triceps, but I want to tell you about the most productive ones. Thanks to them, I can boast of the relief of my hands!

First of all, you will need sports equipment, these will be the most common basic simulators, nothing supernatural.

  • Dumbbell set
  • Curved bar
  • Pull-up bar
  • Adjustable bench press

Fortunately, any equipment and simulator can be bought in the online store with home delivery, you can find worthwhile things at a low price.

Hand training takes time and diligence

Exercises for training the muscles of the hands are simple, they can be performed at home by anyone who wants to have beautiful relief muscles. The main thing in this business is to be patient and forget about laziness. Consistency is very important: your workouts should become constant, they should not be neglected.

If you are lean by your constitution, then you should exercise 4-5 times a week and eat hard.

Be prepared that the result does not appear as quickly as you would like. 2 weeks is too much short term... I repeat, you have to be patient.

But if you are persistent and consistent, your efforts will not be in vain. You will be proud of your hands!

Swing your arms 1-2 times a week

Do not dwell on 1-2 simple exercises for the biceps and think that this will be enough. I recommend that you do 3-4 biceps and triceps exercises.

You have to get your muscles to work at full strength.

I never tire of repeating that if you do not feel muscle pain after exercising, then such training is ineffective.

Do you know the best way to do the exercises? I'll tell you my secret now. One day I do biceps exercises and pectoral muscles, and the next - on the triceps and back.

Do not be surprised, below I will explain what and how you will do.

If you have weak muscle mass, then you will need 6-8 weeks for a more or less pronounced result.

Do not forget about other muscle groups: your body must develop in proportion. Otherwise, you will look like Popeye the sailor.

Hand exercises at home

One common and very stupid mistake most beginners make is they swing their biceps every day.

It is not at all surprising that such training does not bring them any results. Grief-stricken bodybuilders get frustrated, burn out quickly, and gradually wind down their physical activity.

Remember one important thing: in order for your muscles to grow, they need rest.

I boldly declare to you that nice results give both isolating exercises and complex exercises.

During training, I pay attention to both large and small muscle groups.

For example, as I said before, one day I swing my biceps and chest, and the next day I swing my triceps and back.

Of course, all people are different, but I talk about my experience, about what helped me.

A set of exercises for hands at home

Exercises for biceps

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Insulating arm fold on block

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Standing biceps curl

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Dumbbell Curl

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Triceps exercises

Video: a set of hand exercises at home

The bottom line on how to pump up your arms at home

It is not at all necessary to visit the gym to have embossed pumped up arms. If you have a standard set of weights, then it is quite possible to swing your arms at home.

All you need is dumbbells, a barbell and a pull-up bar. The arm exercises are very simple and will be easy for you to do! Put your favorite music in the background, and go!

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