Correct swing. Benefits of low weight training

Salute to all lovers healthy way life. Today we once again turn to the question of how to swing properly at home. To begin with, I will try to refute the myth that it is unrealistic to pump up at home, you must definitely visit the gym and take all kinds of supplements. And there are two points of view. All gym goers talk about the futility of home workouts, and they are right.

Indeed, in order for muscles to grow constantly, they must constantly experience "stress". You should increase the load on a regular basis by increasing the barbell weight, thereby preventing the muscles from getting used to the load. They, the muscles, in turn, will respond with growth, provided that you eat right.

But the gym visitors have their own goals: they want to become huge, compete in some bodybuilding competition, and, of course, training at home will not suit them.

Now let's look at pumping up muscles at home from the side of a simple layman, a person who just wants to have a trained body. He does not need huge, 56 centimeter biceps, breasts larger than his girlfriend, no, he does not need all of this. He needs a beautiful, athletic physique, having which, you can safely go to the beach in the summer and show off your embossed abs and drawn breasts. For such people, training at home is the easiest and most affordable way.

We pump muscles at home correctly

So, how to build muscle at home... This is a fairly simple matter, but you need to be patient and stock up on willpower. First, you need to understand simple rules, without adherence to which, your training will not only not bring you results, in the form of a sports figure, it will be completely useless.

1. Rule number - proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for muscle growth, that's 85% of your success. Without good nutrition, all your efforts will be in vain. And by good nutrition, I don't mean that you have to start eating like an elephant on everything that comes to hand. By good nutrition, I mean the following:

  • you definitely need to increase your protein intake (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese), if for an ordinary person the protein intake is 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight, then you need to use 1.5 proteins per kilogram of body weight;
  • It is very important to reduce your carbohydrate intake, we need carbohydrates to maintain life and for the energy that we need during exercise. Therefore, we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast ones (sugar, bread, rolls). We eat slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, buckwheat, pasta) and only in the first half of the day. Your dinner should consist entirely of protein foods, plus some vegetables or fruits.

2. We talked about nutrition, now let's move on to training. Since our muscles will not receive a serious load, in the form heavy dumbbells and barbells, we will expose our muscles to other stresses. We will use circuit training and cardio workouts. Cardio training, not only will help you "pump" endurance, it will also help get rid of excess weight... With the help of a circuit training, which consists of only seven exercises, we will pump the whole body., Four times a week.

Circuit training at home

How to swing at home we have already told, now it's time to show. Here are seven exercises with which you will pump your entire body, four times a week. First, review all the exercises, and then we will write out a program of them for you.


Surely, at school you pulled yourself up. We remember. This will be the first exercise.

Do 10 pull-ups and immediately proceed to the next exercise.

Explosive push-ups

These are the same push-ups that you do. But at the moment when you are down, you need to push up as much as possible so that your palms are off the floor.

Do 8 explosive push-ups, and without rest, immediately to the next exercise.

Squats on one leg

Look at the picture below, squat the same way. Right leg throw it on a chair, move the left one slightly forward. Sit down and climb back up.

Squat 8 times on each leg.

Reverse grip pull-ups

Pull-ups again, this time for pumping the biceps. As you exercise, try to feel their work.

Do 12 reps and run to another exercise.

Push-ups on the arms against the wall

Stand on your hands, head down. Place your feet against the wall. Slowly lower yourself down and also return up.

Do at least 5 reps.

Push-ups on chairs

Take two chairs (prepare them in advance). On one, throw your legs, on the second, rest your hands. Do push-ups, feel how the triceps work? Wonderful.

Do this 12 times and proceed to the last exercise.

Hanging leg raises

Hang on a horizontal bar and raise your legs as high as possible. Take your time, do not sway, do controlled lifts and feel the work of the press.

Do 12 lifts.

Congratulations, you have completed the first circle of 7 exercises, now rest for a couple of minutes and repeat the circle again. Make at least 4 circles... If you don't have a horizontal bar at home, then you can go to the nearest sports ground and train there.

Home workout program

As I promised, here's to you detailed program circuit training. You will have to train 4 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On rest days, I recommend stretching or jogging. Try to increase the number of circles or the number of repetitions of the exercises each week. Choose for yourself.

Hope you enjoy the exercise and enjoy the program. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Many people believe with confidence that positive sides gym visits are obvious, but unfortunately there are those who find gymnastics a waste of time. Athletes can confidently say, for example: I go to the gym, which means I am a strong, healthy, beautiful person. But, alas, it so happened that some consider it respectable to have a beer belly. Or, many say they already have an athletic physique. In this article we will try to list the main positive aspects of classes in gym... For some, this will turn out to be new knowledge, but for others.

    The very first plus is, of course, a slim body... After going to the gym for a while, you can happily see in the mirror a more slender and strong man... The opposite sex is also quickly noticed. Muscle growth is immediate. But this requires quality training.

    When playing sports, you have to monitor your health, have a good rest, because if you do not follow these requirements, then all training will be in vain.

    Undoubtedly, when exercising in the gym, testosterone levels increase. This is the so-called male hormone, which is produced very little in adulthood.

    In addition, well-being improves, because enhanced training strengthens the immune system, increasing protection against various diseases and the like.

    It also has a big effect on the performance of the whole body, a little exercise every morning - and the body is charged with energy for the whole day.

    If you regularly work out in the gym, then a person becomes stronger, tempered character, and he can stand up for himself in difficult times. This also includes character training. He trains first. To practice, you need to go to workout regularly. An athlete becomes very confident in himself, having a pumped-up body, you can gain respect in any team.

    Anyone, whether a beginner or a professional, can proudly say: I go to the gym and I'm proud of it! For most athletes, going to the gym is a lifelong goal.

Of course, the advantages of exercising in the gym can be enumerated for a very long time. But, probably, this is enough for the reader to think about his health, and start going in for sports, developing, giving up bad habits, but those who have already achieved this have simply learned something new.

2013-04-02 09:38:11

The benefits of a gym are obvious. It's like an avalanche that only increases with every passing minute. Training first strengthens willpower, then health, raise self-esteem, increase energy reserves, create positive thinking, and so on, inevitably leading a person to success in any endeavors (no matter sports, work, business or creativity), but the gym allows you to start more and useful acquaintances.

2013-04-10 08:19:20

I believe that everything should be in moderation, and if a person does not even think that a rocking chair is what he needs, then at least he needs to lead a healthy way of life. Nemolo is important and move a lot, eat normally. If none of this is there, then at least fitness is definitely necessary for you

Light is the weight with which we are able to perform a large number of repetitions (15 or more). It can be concluded that this weight is approximately half of the one-time maximum.

Professional bodybuilders know that when working with low weights and using a large number of repetitions, only slow fibers which are not responsible for muscle strength and mass. From this it follows that if your plans are to pump up large and strong muscles, then you need to work with heavy weights and perform 6-12 repetitions in the approach. This is the only way to turn on the slow fibers and make the muscles grow.

Train with not large weights makes sense if you've already built up a lot of muscle mass and need to work out to burn fat (dry). But even in this case, you must work to failure and pick up such a weight on the apparatus that after completing 15-20 repetitions there is no longer any strength left for the next repetition. If you do not feel particularly tired, then you need to increase the weight on the apparatus - otherwise, do not expect results.

Next important point... When working with light weight, it is necessary to shorten the break (rest) between sets. It is important to prevent the outflow of blood from the muscles: reducing the rest between sets, you will solve this problem. I believe that 40-60 seconds will be enough to get some rest and recharge before the next set.

When should you use light weights?

  1. When pumping
  2. When working in an explosive style
  3. When training to burn fat
  4. When you need to take a break from hard work after grueling strength training
  5. Overtrained
  6. When recovering from injuries suffered

And remember - small weights are good in small amounts. The core of your program is heavy volume training. Lightweight work should be of an auxiliary nature.

The need to work with large weights

Q: You constantly emphasize the need for heavy lifting with large weights. You have said many times that hard work is necessary to effective growth... And yet I know a bodybuilder who wins the competition and doesn't strain too much in training. He trains easily and gains mass amazingly. How so?

Answer: the information we give is aimed at supporting the average student. This is a man who needs help, a guy who has problems with weight gain, who sheds sweat in buckets and does not sleep at night, trying to figure out if it's worth it. Hard work for him and heavy weights necessary. He won't grow up without them. He needs to toss coal into his furnace every meter of the way, and anyone who convinces him otherwise is lying.

Some, however, were more fortunate. They are different from us mere mortals. These are the ones we call "easygainers" and they are luckier than the devil himself. You can admire them. You can be jealous if you like it better. Just don't make the mistake of trying to swing just like them. You will be finished.

Isigainers can break all the rules and keep growing. They can wave light dumbbells and grow arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger's. They can eat tutti frutti ice cream and win a competition prize for best abdominal development. One has to put up with their existence only because it is against the law to poison them.

One of my most physically developed friends spends half an hour in training and has never eaten any supplements in his life. He's too lazy to squat and grows well without it. But the main thing to remember is that this type of person is unusual. They don't compile statistics. He has a special metabolism or something else that allows him to build up big muscles with a little physical effort and even less mental effort.

Very, very few can train in this way and still grow. If you can - if you are an isigener - then you are wasting your time on our articles. You don’t need help. If you are not an izigainer - if your fate is as difficult as that of the rest - do not get confused and do not go astray. You cannot swing like an isigeiner and succeed. It has innate benefits that you lack.

Swing right
in the gym is very important, because the result of your training directly depends on it. But the correctness of training is determined not only by general, but also by individual factors. Thus, for a beginner athlete, a properly constructed split is one thing, but for a more advanced athlete it is quite another, while the training stage should also be taken into account. Some rules of characters for the set muscle mass, others during the study of strength indicators and still others during the work on quality. It is important to note that it is not possible to consider training separately from recovery, since training process is a system of loads and adaptation. During exercise, you create stress that triggers the synthesis process contractile proteins, but at the end of it begins even more important stage- recovery, on which, in fact, your progress depends. If you train properly, but then do not recover, then instead of growth, regression will occur, and constant training in an underrecovery mode, in general, will lead to a training plateau.

In this article, you will learn how to properly swing in the gym, taking into account the fitness level, the purpose of the training and the recovery capabilities of the athlete. You will also learn general rules workouts that should be followed regardless of the specific training program... However, not all of these recommendations are regulatory, as each person has their own genetics and reacts differently to training stress. A very large number of factors play a role here from muscle composition before pharmacological support. But there are also rules that are always true! For example, the progression of loads and the regularity of training. At the same time, there are some rules that you need to take into account, but this does not mean that they cannot be adapted for yourself. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary, and for this it is necessary to observe one more inviolable rule - to keep a training diary!

General training rules

The volume of training must be such that the body is able to digest it, so the duration of the training is the key factor in this case. Training in the gym depends on its goal, but it should not exceed 60 minutes. This refers to direct training with iron, not including warm-ups. The bottom line is that in 60 minutes the hormonal background sharply deteriorates, the level of testosterone and insulin falls, as a result of which catabolic processes begin to prevail over anabolic ones, and instead of progress, regression occurs. Of course, here it is also important to take into account the intensity of the training, which directly depends on which muscle fibers You are working on. That is why, when an athlete trains for strength, it is possible to swing longer than during weight training, since in the first case, glycolytic and high-threshold fast muscle fibers are trained, and in the second, oxidative ones.

The time under load and the rest time between sets depend on the goal, strength or mass. If, in order to properly swing for strength, it is necessary to load the muscles in each approach for 10-20 seconds, which is approximately equal to 3-6 repetitions, then, training for the mass, the athlete performs 6-12 repetitions, as a result of which the muscles are under load for 20- 50 seconds. But the rest time between approaches during strength training, on the contrary, is greater, the athlete can rest for 5 and 10 minutes, and during weight gain, the rest lasts up to 1 minute between sets. Tellingly, during relief workouts, the rest between sets is even less, and the reps are even more, while such a workout is the shortest. It is not difficult to conclude that as the intensity increases, the duration of the workout decreases.

Load progression is an inviolable rule of training, which is to constantly try to give your muscles a lot of stress. This progress is most easily accomplished by increasing the weights on the bar. This does not mean that you need to grow from workout to workout in all sets of all exercises, no, it does not work that way. It is enough for you to perform at least one approach in the basic exercise for the trained muscle group with a lot of weight. Let's say you try pump up breasts , which means that the basic exercise is a bench press or an angle press, in which, first of all, you should try to progress. At the same time, in other exercises it is also necessary to try to increase the weight, but again, not necessarily in all approaches.

But even if you swing absolutely correctly, most likely, very soon it will be problematic to progress due to weight. Actually, even when it is possible, it will still rarely turn out to increase the weight and keep the number of repetitions at the same level. More often than not, you will increase the weight and the reps will drop. Therefore, the progression of loads will occur in cycles. In the first cycle, you will increase the weight, respectively, the repetitions will fall, and in the second cycle you will try to perform the same number of repetitions with more weight. Such a progression scheme is the simplest and most effective, but over time its effectiveness begins to decline and then you have to apply more progressive methods workouts. They are not better, just when the muscles are already accustomed to a certain stress, then in order to "surprise" them, to give them an incentive to adapt, an unusual load is needed. The bottom line is that the growth of muscle mass is only an external reflection of the body's adaptation to the load that it receives in training.

Consistency is another training rule that should always be followed, not depending on training level or training stage. First of all, you need training diary , which will help to comply with the principle of constant progression of loads. Without a diary, you won't be able to track your progress or make adjustments to your workout routine, because your workouts simply won't be a system. A lot of guys are engaged without a diary, and they have no results for years, so be sure to start a diary, record everything in it and try to break your previous "records" every workout. At the same time, it is not enough just to swing correctly, it is also important to recover correctly. What exactly should be done for correct recovery, we will consider later, since it depends on the specific training cycle, for now it is important to note that recovery should lead to supercompensation .

Output : the rules of training must be followed in order for the body to receive an adequate load during training, so that the athlete can avoid overtraining. At the same time, you should definitely try to progress the load, since this is the only way to force the body to adapt, and the adaptation of the body externally will look like an increase in muscle mass. In order for progress to become possible, it is necessary to keep a training diary and monitor recovery, since it is possible to progress in one single case if the muscles reach the moment of supercompensation during their next training.

How start right sway

A beginner athlete, first of all, must correctly set a goal for himself, since on initial stage there is no need to strive to gain muscle mass, or to increase strength indicators, this will have to be done in the future. The main task of a novice athlete is to prepare all body systems for future exercises in the gym. First of all, it is necessary to develop muscle feeling , that is, to work out the technique and learn how to properly contract muscle fibers. In the best way to achieve this goal are circuit training, in which small working weights are used, about 50%, and such training should consist of basic exercises. Training program for beginners perfect for solving these problems. This training period lasts from 2 to 4 months, depending on physical fitness athlete.

We have already written in detail about the recommendations for beginners in the article about bodybuilding for beginners , here we will briefly note the basic rules: during training, the athlete should not achieve a positive refusal, for this purpose only 50% of the working weight is used; workouts should be short and last no more than 40 minutes; workouts should be circular, and the exercise technique should be perfect. Preparatory stage training is the most important, so we strongly recommend not to rush, in 2 months you still will not gain muscle mass, no matter how correctly you swing, especially since without proper preparation your body simply will not digest such a load that can theoretically stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Get some patience and spend at least 2 months preparing. Believe me, it will pay off threefold and in the very near future!

As needed swing properly by weight

Gaining muscle mass is a process of gradual muscle hypertrophy due to regular exercise of a certain type. But in the process of training, not just muscles are trained, but certain muscle qualities. For hypertrophy, it is most effective to train qualities strength endurance muscles, that is, the ability to do hard work for a long time. That is why bodybuilders train in volume, in a large number of sets and reps. The most important rules for mass training are the speed at each repetition, the total muscle time under load in the set, the rest between sets, and the total number of barbell lifts per workout. On the other side of the muscle building process is recovery, which, as you already know, must provide the ability to achieve supercompensation. Your task is to select an adequate load that can stimulate hypertrophy and which your body can digest, as well as the selection of an adequate recovery system. You will now find out how it looks from a practical point of view, but remember that everything is individual, therefore, if on average you need to rest 2 weeks between heavy leg workouts, then 10 days may be enough for you, and 20 days will not be enough for your partner. so don't be afraid to experiment!

Weight training rules

Duration of weight training should not exceed 60 minutes, preferably within 50. Each approach should last from 20 to 40 seconds, during which time you should do 6 to 12 repetitions, depending on the exercise you are doing. The barbell squat is more difficult than the bench press. narrow grip, so in 50 seconds you can do about 8 reps of squats and about 12 reps of the close grip bench press. This is why "triceps like a lot of reps." The bottom line is that muscles grow best when energy is supplied through glycolysis. In general, there are three methods of supplying energy to muscles: 2 anaerobic and 1 aerobic. During the first 10-20 seconds, the athlete depletes the supply of creatine phosphate, over the next 20-30 seconds the supply of glycogen, after which the muscles begin to "acidify" - this is the process of energy supply with the participation of air.

Since in order to properly swing to mass, it is necessary to deplete glycogen stores, then it takes so long to recover between sets so that it is enough to restore glycogen stores. Optimal time rest is 1 minute. Would it be helpful to have more rest? Yes, it would be! But then your tonnage per workout would be low. You remember that the process of muscle hypertrophy is the process of adaptation of the body to performing volumetric strength work, therefore, the KPSh, the number of barbell lifts, should be large per workout. There is a method to increase the rest time between sets, without decreasing the KPSh, this is a super series of 2-3 exercises, most often 2. The athlete builds training split so that in 1 workout you pump 2 muscle groups of antagonists, for example, biceps and triceps, and trains with supersets.

This training method is suitable for more advanced athletes who can no longer do more in simple ways training, but this is perhaps the first thing that should be included in your weight training program when the muscles stop responding to stress. Super series are performed as follows: you perform a biceps approach, after which you immediately perform a triceps approach without rest, then rest for a minute and repeat everything again. Thus, each muscle rests for 2 minutes, while it is actively washed with blood when you train its antagonist. The classic pairs of antagonist muscles are: biceps and triceps, back and chest, quadriceps and hamstrings, front and middle deltas.

The required number of approaches per training for a working muscle group differs depending on the level of training of the athlete and the muscle group itself. For athletes who have just switched to a split system after a period of preparation, large muscle groups 6-8 working approaches should be performed, for small muscle groups 4-5 approaches. For athletes who have already trained for six months, you can increase the number of approaches to 10-12 and 6-8, respectively. In the future, the volume of training must be adjusted more individually, experimenting and recording the result in the training diary. Most likely, you will add exercises to some muscle groups faster than to others, since each of us has our own genetics. But all this should also be provided correct system recovery.

Any man who wants to be respected in society not only for his mind often thinks about his physical data. However, it's one thing to think about it, and another thing to start.

This article will tell you exactly how you need to act in order for your fitness progress to amaze others.

Where to study - at home or in the gym?

Often people who are far from sports have a question: where is it better to train, in the gym or at home? The answer depends on your goals. If the task is to acquire volumetric harmonious muscles, then there is only one way - a fitness center or gym.

And if you just want to slightly change your physique, then home workouts are also suitable, but without additional weight, progress will quickly stop, and buying dumbbells and barbells at home will hardly cost less than a gym membership.

Therefore, after classes at home, in order to continue to grow and develop, in any case, you need to go to sport Club... Is there any point in wasting time at home when it will be possible to study in a specially equipped center with much greater comfort and progress?

How to start exercising?

To start training, you should definitely set a goal for yourself, because the right motivation is already half the victory.

Most readers do not need to be motivated additionally, because the main motivation is reflection in the mirror. And if someone tells you that he would not like to gain a few kilograms of high-quality muscle mass, then, believe me, he is at least disingenuous.

Classes should start with an examination by a doctor, if you have not done this before. After all, it is possible that some exercises should be excluded from the training program (we will tell you about the preparation of the program below).

This sometimes happens, for example, with back or neck injuries, but even if you have such problems, then do not be discouraged, there are a huge number of exercises now and there are different ways to work on certain muscles that can be used even with injuries.

When the first stage is passed, it's time to move on to buying a subscription. There will not be perfect advice, but it is still better to visit the gym, which is located near home, work or study, because after a workout, rest is very important.

At the moment, there is now such an abundance of fitness centers that any reader will find a gym to their liking. The only one practical advice, which can be given: do not skimp on your health. Indeed, with rare exceptions, the price is directly proportional to the quality of the services provided.

Agree, swimming in a warm pool and visiting after a workout is not only very pleasant, but also useful.

Warm up

Whatever kind of sport you do, you should remember one very important thing, without which training will not only not bring results, but also can harm your health. It is about the warm-up.

After all, heavy weights, without which training for gaining muscle mass is unthinkable, will have a devastating effect on unheated muscles and joints.

Agree, it will be a shame to get seriously injured because you wanted to save 5-10 minutes on simple warming up exercises.

How exactly to warm up is still known from school physical education lessons: simple movements starting from the upper body.

Also, before each exercise, several approaches with small weights should be done, gradually increasing the weight to the working one. This will perfectly warm up muscles and joints and protect against injury.

Training program how to pump muscles correctly

You bought a subscription and started training. The main mistake beginners at this point is a completely ill-conceived training program. At the moment, there are many programs on how to properly pump the muscles of the body, and each of them has its own advantages.

At the initial stage, the following scheme is most suitable: 1st workout: legs, shoulders, 2nd: chest, trits, 3rd back, biceps.

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