Proper nutrition of the Miriman system minus 60. I lost weight myself and helps others

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova has become very popular in the circles of those who dream of losing weight. Having developed this technique on her own experience, the woman began to share with people in need of weight loss. At the moment, the minus 60 system has gained more than a million followers.

Many people wonder why Mirimanova's diet earned such popularity? After all, Catherine is not a nutritionist, and some professionals even reproach her method. Where and how do kilograms magically go?

The origin of the "Minus 60" system

Ekaterina Mirimanova is an ordinary journalist with an ordinary life. And, like everyone else, there are black streaks in life. The loss of a father, the departure of her husband, problems at work - all this played a decisive role. The body, in the fight against stress, began to consume much more food. On a nervous basis, a woman prone to overweight began to gain kilograms at the speed of light.

After the black stripe, there is always a white one. Catherine's life began to improve, a loved one appeared, from whom she soon became pregnant. But the usual rhythm when it came excess weight, stayed. Hormones and new emotions only brightened and strengthened this lifestyle. So the mark on the scales reached 120 kg.

With the advent of a child, everything changes. Appears more active image life, more needs. And then Catherine noticed that the activity is given in her weight very hard. Looking at herself in the mirror with new eyes, the woman was horrified. How could she bring herself to such a state? The husband was happy with everything, he himself weighed about 150 kg, but the chefs, perhaps, should be according to their status. But how ashamed it has become now, with the appearance of a child who must look at his mother, take an example from her, enjoy her love for herself, be proud.

This became the starting point of motivation. Without listening to anyone, the woman went headlong into the study of diets and weight loss programs. Having tested everything on herself, she selected the most effective methods, and those that will not force the body, but will help bring it back to life! So, in the first year Mirimanova lost 50 kg!

Over the next six months, she dropped another 10. Katerina keeps herself in great shape, while not making much effort. It is this moment that attracts people to her diet - ease and effectiveness.

In the future, Ekaterina Mirimanova wrote about 30 books on the topic of losing weight, created a site for helping those who lose weight under the Minus 60 program, opened courses on combating overweight, organized webinars and consultations. And her before and after photos inspire thousands of readers.

Methodical rules

What is the essence of the "System minus 60" diet? The name of the program is due to the fact that the author herself has lost 60 kg. thanks to this system. Before starting Mirimanova's "Minus 60" diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation and do a little propaedeutic work.

  1. The first thing to understand and to deal with is your head. Opportunities for achieving success sit only in the head. And only there is born something that can hinder you. At this point of the "Minus 60" system, you need to achieve the right motivation, attitude.
  2. Are you still putting off losing weight? And the rest have already lost weight! You just need to do it, start right now.
  3. Why Lose Weight? For what? For your beloved! Not for the sake of her husband, not for the sake of children, not for the approval of society. And only for yourself. You need to love yourself before starting to lose weight. Only in love and harmony can you heal your body.
  4. Take a photo of yourself every month you follow the diet. This will help to compare the results, get inspired, and increase motivation for new achievements.
  5. Mirimanova's program teaches you to love yourself, listen to your body, take time and care for yourself. These are the fundamental principles for losing weight.
  6. It is worth starting the "Minus 60" power system gradually. As your weight was gaining in long steps, you should not expect to lose weight in an instant. We reduce portions step by step. We remove deep bowls and large spoons. Learning to hold back. We are gradually reducing the amount of consumption of harmful products. Reduce the sugar in the tea by half a spoon. Little by little, we are switching from milk chocolate to black, of higher quality, expensive varieties, with a high cocoa content. It is necessary to give the body time to get used to innovations, otherwise it will no longer be possible to maintain a correct lifestyle.
  7. It is always important to look at the clock. Diet "Minus 60" implies the differentiation of food in time. In the morning you can eat everything. But only until 12:00, while the body just wakes up, starts up its mechanisms and begins to work actively. After 12:00, approximately until 14:00, at lunchtime, some restrictions are introduced. Do not eat meat with potatoes or grains. Fish cannot be combined with pasta and bread. Only one nutritious, heavy food should be present in the diet of the system. And also you need to exclude fried foods. You need to have dinner according to the Minus 60 system without superheavy food. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish. And the basic rule is no later than 18.00. V evening time you need to free the body from the load of food so that it has time to process everything and calmly rest and recover at night.

Principles of the Mirimanova diet

All advice can be found in books and on the official website of the author of the program "System minus 60". Mirimanova shows everything from her own experience. What attracts everyone to this technique is that in order to lose weight, you do not have to give up your favorite food. Do you want some fried? You are welcome. Sweet? To your health. Can't you go without coffee? And it is not necessary. The main thing is to know the fundamental principles developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova for "Minus 60 kg."

  • You can't skip breakfast. It should start a job gastrointestinal tract... If you're up early and don't feel like eating, you can easily refresh yourself with a slice of cheese, for example. But then it is imperative to make a second, hearty breakfast according to this system.
  • You can drink tea, coffee and alcohol, no matter how strange it may seem. There is no need to forbid the body to feast on its favorite drinks. So you can only tease him, and then you will break off anyway, it will be much worse. So don't skip these drinks, but drink wisely. Add honey to tea instead of sugar. In coffee, substitute brown sugar for regular sugar and reduce the dose. Drink red from alcohol dry wine... It is considered very useful in small amounts for blood vessels and stomach.
  • You can eat sweet things according to the Minus 60 system! If you really can't live without it. But only until 12:00. And butter cakes and milk chocolate should be avoided. Switch to dark chocolate. Learn aesthetics and sophistication. By gradually increasing the level of cocoa in chocolate and its quality, you will learn to taste the delicate taste of solid desserts.
  • You need to eat porridge during the day. Buckwheat and rice will be especially useful. Buy high quality rice. Try steamed first, it tastes almost the same as long-grain. Then try the brown, the healthiest, and the wild.
  • It is not recommended to give up bread in the menu for every day of the Minus 60 system. Eat white bread in the morning. In the second, replace it with rye bread crumbs or bread. And don't combine it with meat or potato dishes. That's the whole secret.
  • Mirimanova's diet considers potatoes and pasta dangerous products... Accordingly, it is better to eat them in the morning, if you cannot refuse them at all. If you use these dishes for lunch or dinner, then you should clearly distinguish them from heavy foods, such as meat with fish or legumes.
  • Dinner should be early. Not earlier than 17.00 and not later than 20.00, even if with your routine it turns out to go to bed only in the middle of the night. This will allow you to feel light in the body in the morning and reduce swelling after sleep.
  • The "Minus 60" system in Mirimanova's nutrition table offers suitable products. But you also need to calculate the lightness and size of the serving. You do not need to combine several of these products if they combine to make a heavy meal.
  • The minus 60 diet includes recipes where fried foods can be included in the diet, but only up to 12 hours. After that, other types of food processing are suitable (boiling, stewing, grilling, etc.).

As for the water, you do not need to "pour" it into yourself in liters. You drink as much as your body requires. Of course, you shouldn't drive yourself to thirst. But also forcing fluid intake will not help you lose weight.

Diet supplements

The Minus 60 diet allowed Ekaterina to lose 60 kg. But besides that, she began to look younger and more beautiful. What's the secret?

  • Don't forget about physical activity! They help to tone the body, tighten sagging skin after losing weight, and restore health to a weakened body. To do this, you do not have to go to the gym and torture yourself on exercise machines several times a week. Home gymnastics and exercises will be sufficient. The main thing is to repeat them every day. It is better to systematically perform 10 minutes every day even simple exercises, thereby giving the body stability and lightness, than plunging it into a stressful state with hourly loads. Ekaterina Mirimanova has developed her own set of exercises, which is accompanied by her photo with instructions and comments. It consists of the simplest swings, bridges, stretches, bends and squats.
  • You need to take care of yourself, besides diet food... Regular scrubbing, massages with brushes and hands, applying creams to the body, baths with salts and oils, contrast showers, body wraps. Be sure to take care of yourself every couple of days. Firstly, it helps to get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, edema. You must help your skin to heal. And secondly, it will raise your psychological stability, self-esteem, self-acceptance, raise your mood, create harmony and comfort in your life, teach you to love yourself!

Diet and menu

A section of one of Mirimanova's books is a table that indicates what foods can be eaten at a certain meal and how to prepare them. She also encourages you to think with your own head, and only draw the foundation from her books. Let's try to figure out an acceptable diet and draw up an approximate menu for a week for each meal separately, taking into account the specifics of the time of day and the work of the body.

Diet "Minus 60" - sample menu for a week:


This is the most permissible meal. Here, Mirimanova's diet on the menu for every day does not consider the products in detail, but only clarifies the small rules for cooking. You can eat as much as you want, but without fanaticism.

Limit your salt and sugar intake a little. Do not forget that fried, sweet, heavy, all your weaknesses can only be eaten until 12:00! Then it takes time to process such food.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: banana, sausage sandwich, slice of cake or pastry, coffee.
  • Day 2: fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms, persimmon, tea.
  • Day 3: pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and fruits, a glass of milk.
  • Day 4: an apple, 2 eggs fried eggs, a sandwich with butter, kefir.
  • Day 5: cottage cheese with fruits, cookies, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 6: oatmeal or rice, half a chocolate bar, cocoa.
  • Day 7: cheese sandwich, slice of pie, milkshake.

Cheesecakes with carrots: video recipe


The Minus 60 program in the weekly menu makes certain adjustments for the lunchtime meal:

  • You can no longer eat sweets for lunch.
  • A useful trick is to use frozen vegetables. Vitamins are saved, and it takes less time.
  • If you are making soup with meat, then do not add potatoes. You can make a vegetarian vegetable soup with potatoes.
  • You cannot cook legumes, mushrooms, canned food and flour with meat.
  • Cook porridge only in water.
  • Buy pasta only from durum wheat.
  • You can eat sushi, but not warm.
  • Eat a little of everything pickled.
  • Dish recipes should exclude butter.
  • Fried is excluded.
  • You can season dishes with any spices and sauces.
  • You can eat only until 14:00.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: baked potatoes with vegetables, a light salad of carrots and beets with yogurt, compote.
  • Day 2: grilled pork chop, rice porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad, dry wine.
  • Day 3: stewed pike perch fish, salad with pepper and tomatoes, tea.
  • Day 4: buckwheat porridge, baked crucian carp in foil, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 5: bean lobio, salad with cabbage and carrots, jelly.
  • Day 6: boiled meatballs, buckwheat porridge, apple, coffee.
  • Day 7: stewed chicken in pineapples, rice porridge, kefir.

Zucchini puree soup: video recipe


Dinner should be the lightest. By the evening, the body relaxes and stops actively processing food. Therefore, heavily loading it is fraught with fat deposits.

  • On the Mirimanova diet, it is recommended to eat only until 18:00. You may need to prepare your own meals separately from your loved ones.
  • Now, in addition to dining borders, you cannot use sunflower oil.
  • Sugar and salt should be completely limited.
  • If you are invited to an evening meal, limit yourself to a glass of wine and slices of cheese.
  • Salty and smoked should not be at all for dinners
  • Sauces should also be avoided.
  • It is forbidden to drink carbonated water, as it whets the appetite.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: vegetable salad with yogurt, water.
  • Day 2: baked trout with shrimps, dry wine.
  • Day 3: cabbage rolls, compote.
  • Day 4: cottage cheese, apple, juice.
  • Day 5: jellied meat, tea.
  • Day 6: baked apples, yogurt.
  • Day 7: cottage cheese, grapefruit, juice.

Healthy Dinner Option: Video Recipe

Cons of diet

  • You will need to rebuild your daily routine and schedule for all meals by the hour, workouts, and personal care.
  • On evening dates, celebrations, you will have to limit yourself to a glass of wine and a light snack.
  • Contraindications are diseases with certain therapeutic restrictions in food. Also, during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • This system is not the recommendation of a professional nutritionist. Nutritionists criticize the allowance of sweet, salty, fried foods. They consider pasta and potatoes to be normal food. As well as legumes, canned vegetables. Many professionals condemn three meals a day, so that you can eat as much as you want. They vote for small meals reusable. In general, the nutritional system contradicts many established canons in the weight loss world.

But whatever critics say, this diet helped Mirimanova lose as much as 60 kg! And now there are many positive reviews from the followers of this diet.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence written by experts and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed dietitians and beauticians strives to be objective, impartial, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in all diets and food systems is the constant restrictions and rejection of all kinds of such desired "harmfulness". But what if losing weight by consuming whatever your heart desires is quite realistic and very effective? And the author's weight loss system from Ekaterina Mirimanova will help you with this.

Weight loss history of the author of the system

Since childhood, Katya was a full child, overweight accumulated for years until she reached the critical level of 120 kg. The woman tried many different diets and, but they did not give long-term results, because each restriction ended in an inevitable breakdown, after which the kilograms that had gone with difficulty returned with interest. And after another such failure, the girl decided, through trial and error, to choose for herself the best way to eat, in which you can eat your favorite foods and lose weight at the same time.

This is how Mirimanova's Diet Minus 60 appeared. With the help of a unique system, Katya managed to lose 60 kilograms in 1.5 years. The figure is significant. It is all the more surprising that those who are losing weight according to the author's system of Ekaterina Mirimanova can eat absolutely any food and, as the author himself says, even what you are thinking about now.

Reviews about Mirimanova's power system Minus 60

Do you think this is incredible? But the reviews about Mirimanova's diet speak for themselves - her program has been successfully working for more than 9 years, and the number of those who have successfully lost weight is growing every year by thousands! In a recent interview with a large women's Internet portal, the band'eros soloist Natasha Ibadin said that she has been successfully following Mirimanova's nutritional system for several years, and after pregnancy she returned to the diet. Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Tikhomirov Alexander Leonidovich also supports Ekaterina's author's diet for both young women and more mature women who are going through a difficult period of menopause. And the famous nutritionist Marianna Trifonova focuses on the rationality of such a diet and its beneficial effect not only on the regulation of eating behavior, but also on the psychological aspect of such a diet. Mirimanova promotes healthy eating without violence against oneself, which is incredibly important and pleasant for everyone who wants to lose weight forever.

As mentioned above, the main advantage of this diet is that it allows you to eat those favorite, but unhealthy foods, which in most diets must be strictly avoided. At the same time, such concessions do not contradict weight loss at all, but on the contrary, it allows you to speed up the result. But there are also disadvantages, since the author insists that this method of losing weight is not a temporary diet.

This is a unique nutritional system that must be adhered to throughout your life in order to keep your weight on the right bar. Therefore, there is no way out of this diet. In addition, this method of losing weight has strict rules regarding meal times and food combinations. Accordingly, at first it can be difficult, because in order to accustom yourself to the rules of the system, you will need some effort and willpower. But all this will more than pay off with excellent results, which are guaranteed by weight loss according to the Minus 60 system.

The principles of nutrition on the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

However, as in any nutritional system, Ekaterina Mirimanova's 60 diet is based on a number of principles and rules that help burn extra calories. The set of these principles allows you to successfully establish eating behavior and improve the performance of almost everyone vital organs, which is confirmed by professional nutritionists, psychologists and therapists commenting on this diet.

Principle # 1. Forgive Yourself

The extra pounds that you gained before are associated precisely with your psycho-emotional state. In other words, you didn’t get fat from a good life. Accept yourself, your body and say to the reflection in the mirror: “I forgive you. I love you!". This important step should not be skipped in any diet, whatever you choose for yourself, because it will allow you to move on, move, finally, from the dead center of apathetic eating and accumulation of excess fats. A difficult path awaits you ahead, do not exclude recessions and disruptions - this is normal! And there is no reason at all to engage in self-criticism and scold yourself for what you have eaten. If you are reading this article, then you have already embarked on this path and are ready to change. Then forgiving yourself will be the key to a successful and effective process that we all strive for - a beautiful slim body and self-confidence!

Principle number 2. Three pillars of the Mirimanova diet

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are an obligatory and urgent rule of Katya's authoring system. Each of these meals is very important and necessary, take it for granted. None of these 3 tricks can be skipped, otherwise you risk breaking loose and overeating too much. This is not critical, but it still removes us from the goal. Therefore, we carefully plan each of our meals and monitor the time of meals. You will learn more about this a little below.

Principle # 3. No snacking

Only 3 classic meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner. And between them there are no seagulls with cookies, fruits, yoghurts, nuts, etc. Only water, as well as coffee, tea, but no sugar or sweeteners. Hence the following principle follows:

Principle number 4. Diet Mirimanova Minus 60 allows you to drink your favorite teas, coffee and even alcohol!

You can drink your favorite hot drink with sugar for breakfast. Over time, you should gradually reduce the amount of sugar in your cup of tea or coffee, so that afterwards you completely eliminate it. Trust me, this will dramatically reduce centimeters on your waist with minimal effort. Among alcoholic beverages, the system only allows dry red wine to be consumed.

Principle # 5. All servings must be the same

What does it mean? If you ate a total of 300 grams of food for breakfast, then both lunch and dinner should also weigh at least 300 grams. From this it follows that you will have to get hold of kitchen scales that will allow you to control your every portion, because volume by eye is a very dangerous method of estimation. Your body will actively hold onto overweight and no, no, yes, and will deceive the eyes, so you should not trust him with such an important process. The same principle works for the saturation of each serving. In other words, when you get up from the table, you should not feel hungry or, conversely, overeat. There should be saturation in the stomach, because there are several hours ahead of you without food until the next meal. And you need to endure them without forbidden snacks and hungry fainting. Therefore, listen carefully to your body.

Principle # 6. Of course, water

And even if this has already filled you with a decent osku, but, as a rule, most losing weight forgets about this simple, but incredibly important rule of successful weight loss and healthy way life. Insufficient water intake leads to its retention in the body, inevitable edema and, as a result, extra pounds. Therefore, at the beginning of the day, we put a 2-liter bottle on the desktop in front of us. pure water and gradually we drink. If plain water seems too boring and fresh, no one forbids diversifying it a little. Add a few slices of fresh cucumber to the cup, you can add a couple of mint leaves, a little lime, lemon or tangerine - all this will be great, which will allow you to quickly, and most importantly, deliciously burn the hated kilograms with health benefits.

Observing these principles, you can not only say goodbye to large sizes of clothes and, but also heal and strengthen your body. The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova Minus 60 is one of the most psychologically motivated programs that allows you to eat everything, but with minor adjustments. Read more about them below.

Basics of the Minus 60 system

Katya Mirimanova encourages you to combine your diet with exercise and body care, which will not only speed up the process of losing weight, but also tighten the skin and tone the muscles.

Fitness and care during weight loss on the Mirimanova system

For physical activity, there are also some recommendations from the author of the system. Be sure to do fitness every day. Even if you signed up for a fitness club, do not neglect short-term systematic stress at home. These can be the most simple exercises such as abs, push-ups and jump rope. If, for some reason, it is not possible to enroll in the gym, Mirimanova offers her own fitness course, which includes exercises for the hips, buttocks, abs, back and arms. You can learn more about the exercises from the videos. [video # 1 and # 2]

Katya did not open up about America's skin care. She advises to do not difficult self-massage every day. in a circular motion, starting from the calves up to the hips, arms from the elbows to the shoulders, and the stomach, on the contrary, from the bottom up. In order for the skin to regularly renew and tone up, prepare a simple homemade belongings from 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, a pinch of cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey and a small amount of your shower gel. You can adjust the thickness of the scrub according to your preferences, but do not make it too thin to make it easier to apply to the skin. Scrubbing should be done no more than 2 times a week. In the fight against stretch marks, the mummy, which is well known to many losing weight, will help. Dissolve 1 tablet in a container with your favorite body cream, carefully apply to problem or dangerous skin areas. Of course, such a cream will not completely remove stretch marks, but it will help to significantly reduce them.

The real results of losing weight on a diet minus 60

Be prepared for the fact that the first 3 weeks of eating according to the Katya system can give excellent results - on average, the plumb line can be about 2 kg per week. But get ready for the fact that after that such a rapid weight loss will stop and over the next weeks, the loss of a kilogram will drop to 1 kg per week. Believe me, this is absolutely normal and healthy weight loss, which will not harm your body and will help you lose yourself directly subcutaneous fat, and not water and muscles, which went away at the beginning of such a diet. On average, women lose weight by 15-25 kg in six months, adhering to the nutritional rules according to the Mirimanova system.

Contraindications for losing weight according to the Mirimanova system

Attention! There are no contraindications for Katya's author's system! Such a food system does not harm the human body at all, even with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetics or allergy sufferers. The only thing that the Minus 60 system does harm is extra pounds!

And remember that Ekaterina Mirimanova's Minus 60 system assumes a long-term and stable result if you choose it not as a temporary diet, but as a program to maintain normal weight for life. That is why Katerina herself calls it nothing more than a system, because it helps to effectively and simply maintain weight, eating healthy throughout life. We wish you great results and cherished slim shapes for many years to come!

System video -60

Exercise videos for the -60 system

Slimming system video -60

Which helped her lose 60 kilograms. You don't even know what she was like before and after from her photo. Today I will analyze in detail the Diet Minus 60 system - a menu for a week, a table of food products and a little healthy recipes... I will tell you what you can and cannot eat, at what time it is preferable.

The table of allowed products and menus for the week can be downloaded, printed and hung on the refrigerator for free. This will be your personal benefit. See the table below in the article.

With the "Minus 60" diet, we divide all food into 3 main meals + 2 snacks. We only eat in small portions, except for breakfast. Purchase a kitchen scale in advance. This is an excellent home assistant in keeping the dish norm. Itself at first was skeptical of them. But after my friend dropped 35 kilos in six months, she realized that this was a necessary thing. After all, it often happens that in the morning nothing climbs, and in the evening we overeat. And the scales will certainly not lie and will show the true error in the calculations.

So, I'll write down the basic rules for each meal:

  • Breakfast. This is the most basic meal of the day. Make it nutritious. Nutritionists agree: breakfast should be. You can even indulge in dark chocolate, a small piece of cake, or a sweet banana. Mirimanova's rule is “until 12 noon you can eat anything, not counting the calorie content”.
  • If you are not used to this regime, then gradually, already on the 2-3 day of the diet, it will change and become a habit. I even wrote,.
  • Lunch. Allow yourself some fruit, low-fat kefir or yogurt for this snack. A small handful of nuts will do. Can i slimming cocktail or .
  • Dinner. There is one rule here: dishes fried in oil are excluded. Soups in meat broth without potatoes. Pasta and potatoes can only be separated from meat and fish. Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and replace the high-starchy foods we are used to. I really enjoy eating brown rice and brown rice noodles. Very satisfying, but there is no overeating. A drop of mayonnaise can be added to dishes until 14 o'clock. You can.
  • Afternoon snack. Perfect as well as For example, apple, pear, citrus fruits, small slices of watermelon. Or grab a snack.
  • Have supper Ekaterina Mirimanova proposes very early and easily. Have dinner with buckwheat porridge with vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese with fresh tomatoes, herbs, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. In the evening, we set a taboo on pasta, legumes, corn, mushrooms and avocados.

You can't eat after 18 hours. This is the strictest immutable rule. And no nighttime snacks!

If you go on a visit, then take a bottle of red dry wine with you. This is permitted. And when visiting, ask to prepare in advance for you a cut of low-fat cheese and vegetables.

Approved Products Table

I collected all the information on the products in a table. There is a download link at the bottom so you can print it. If there is no product in the table, then it is prohibited. Read more in the book.

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To the store

To the store

  • You can eat anything for breakfast. At lunchtime, we introduce restrictions.
  • Lunch and dinner can be prepared in any way, except for frying in oil. Only light sautéing of vegetables is allowed.
  • Instead of white bread, eat rye bread, croutons from it, and crisp bread. Separately, I made up the bread.
  • except for sweet soda
  • You can add dried herbs, balsamic vinegar, spices and garlic.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with the entire system in more detail in her book. And you can download the plate -.

Menu for the week in the table

It is very important to adhere to the diet per day:

  • a good breakfast is a must;
  • have lunch no later than 2 pm;
  • dinner no later than 6 pm;
  • only 2 bites.

Below I have compiled a table with an example of a menu for 7 days. I am writing this menu specifically so that you can imagine how varied food can be on the Minus 60 diet. Then you yourself will be able to figure it out and make yourself a menu as you like. Although, if you are lazy, then you can just repeat these 7 days over and over again 😉

Servings are approximate. Although the diet does not strictly indicate the amount of servings, I recommend an approximate amount for one meal about 250-300 grams.

You can download the menu table for the week.

Keep a food diary and record what you eat each day. At first it was difficult and lazy for me. She often deceived herself by underestimating the portion size or not specifying a particular dish. But the extra centimeters at the waist and bottom said that we should start monitoring the portion size. After buying weights, calculating the volume on a daily basis and analyzing it, I can now clearly see where I was too much and why I ate more after lunch. You can't figure out the weight of the food or the finished dish by eye. Therefore, it is good to have a kitchen scale.

I may sadden you with this news, but the magic wand does not exist. Want to get results? Consider serving sizes, keeping a food diary, and exercising daily.

Several recipes from the menu

Cottage cheese casserole with prunes and apples

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese (but not fat-free) - 1 pack, sweet yogurt - 50 g, pitted prunes - 50 g, one green apple, cinnamon.

It is better to free the apple from the skin. Cut the fruit into smaller pieces, mix with yogurt and cottage cheese. Spread butter on a baking dish. The oven must be preheated to 180 °. Then, using a spoon, transfer the curd-fruit mass into the mold. Send the dish to the oven and bake the dish for 10 to 15 minutes. Check the doneness by piercing the casserole with a match. If the curd doesn't stick to the match, the dish is ready. Also I like . It turns out very quickly and no less tasty.

Pike perch in its own juice

Quite a simple and dietary meal. Take for cooking: pike perch fillet - 200 g, one carrot, one lemon and one medium onion, butter - 10 g, spices for fish.

Rinse the fillets and cut into medium portions. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add any herbs for the fish. Dill, parsley or basil go well with this dish. Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon (all lemon if you want) and pour over the fish. It will be a kind of marinade. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, and chop the onion. Grease a baking dish with butter. The oven must be preheated to 200 °. We spread the fish into a mold. Sprinkle with onions and carrots on top. We put the fish dish in a hot oven. The dish takes 40-50 minutes to cook.

The fish will start juicing very soon. You can carefully pour this juice over the fish. The dish is juicy. In terms of calorie content, it comes out about 85 kcal per 100 grams. While losing weight.

Bean lobio

Beans are a meat substitute for many vegetarians. After all, it contains a lot. Plus it contains a lot that is so useful to us women. In more detail, what are the types of beans and the calorie content of each,.

And in this recipe you will need: 200 g of dry beans, medium onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. walnut, pepper, salt to taste, herbs, garlic 2-3 cloves.

The preparation of this dish must be taken care of in advance. Pour the beans cold water and leave to soak overnight. Boil for about an hour the next day. Drain the decoction of the beans into a separate container. Don't pour it out, we'll need it. Then mash 1/3 of the beans with a potato crusher. Chop the onion, garlic, herbs very finely.

Add the remaining beans to the puree and pour in as much broth as you like. Chop the nuts and add them to the beans. Send onions, garlic, herbs and peppers to the dish. We mix everything.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls

A very nutritious dish, it can be seasoned with a little sour cream. For cooking, take: cabbage leaves, 1 each carrot, bell pepper and tomato. Buckwheat or rice as a filling.

Looking for effective way weight loss people try different diets. Some power systems turn out to be unacceptable, others are complex, and still others are completely unfeasible. The effectiveness of all is different in each individual case. Slimming system Minus 60 appeared thanks to a brave woman who, through her own reflections and at the cost of physical effort, brought her figure to the standard parameters.

The article describes the essence of Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet Minus 60, it is not rigid, but extremely effective. The approximate list of products listed in the material and their use during the day will help you get on the path of fighting for your figure and get the first results in a month! Therefore, it is so in demand and popular. Ekaterina Mirimanova created a system for herself, tested it and distributed it among those who wish. It took her not so long to turn from "bbw" into an elegant lady with a slender waist.

The Russian writer, who has created many fascinating works, became famous in a different way. Since childhood, she suffered from obesity. At different periods of her life she tried to lose weight, but could not achieve an acceptable result. When the figure of 120 kg was approved on the scales, she firmly decided to fight this nuisance. She not only hurt her appearance. She ruined life and health.

Extremely dissatisfied with her size, Catherine decided to invent her own way of losing weight, effective diet... She began to eat according to her own rules. As a result, I lost 60 kg in 1.5 years. It was difficult to recognize her in a new guise.

Catherine decided to tell the public about her experience:

  • created a blog on the Internet;
  • wrote a book that was published in 2005 and became incredibly popular among those who want to lose weight;
  • arranged meetings with women and men suffering from a problem she broke up with and gave them detailed description their methodology.

Her advice has become in demand. The diet itself turned out to be so effective that it was able to satisfy the needs and desire to lose extra pounds of fat in many overweight people... The rave reviews and results of those who lost weight inspired the author to further popularize his idea. healthy nutrition"Minus 60". And the photos of the wonderful reincarnation only confirmed her in the idea that her method really brings real benefits to people.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Victor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova is well known for its fundamental absence of prohibitions. She is shown to women and men who by their nature are stayers, that is, runners on long distances and does not tolerate extreme and rapid weight loss. Fast weight loss is much more harmful than slow weight loss. If you count, then a year and a half is almost 550 days, and if 60 kg, or 60,000 g, are divided by these days, then this will be a weight loss at the rate of one hundred grams per day. This is physiological, and this approach is useful for patients not only with overweight and obesity of the first, second and even third degree, but also suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in the presence of signs of chronic heart failure.

A characteristic and important feature of this diet is the absence of prohibitions. A person should initially set a goal for himself, to which he can go for months, but at the same time he can reward himself with delicious food. In fact, everything is allowed in the morning: biscuit cake, smoked bacon, salad with mayonnaise. The main rule is to observe a strict calorie restriction in the evening hours and not to overeat at night. Even if you remember only this principle, you can lose weight, though not so quickly.

The essence of the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

The well-known weight loss program "Minus 60" is a positive experience of one person. Creating it for herself, Ekaterina Mirimanova was not going to harass her body with strict restrictions, she did not want to create additional spending on expensive products. Her diet is simple and affordable. Anyone who wants to lose weight can use it. The main condition in it is adherence to a sound approach. Modern man always in a hurry somewhere. Many people fail to have breakfast in the morning. This is the main omission that Catherine once noticed. The second drawback is evening overeating, when there is nowhere to rush and you can enjoy your favorite dishes to your heart's content.

Having paid attention to these two components of the lifestyle of almost everyone around, the author of the Minus 60 method decided to eliminate the defect and begin to fight fatty folds on her body. Now she began to eat actively in the morning, until 12 o'clock. In the evening, after 18, - not a crumb in your mouth.

After rereading a lot of special literature, talking with nutritionists, she came to the conclusion that it is necessary to eat hard when the body requires it. Namely, during the hours of greatest wakefulness and physical activity. It's just before lunchtime. The food calorie table helped her to determine the diet and food intake. She decided that this set of rules should always be with her and kept it in her purse.

Video on how Ekaterina Mirimanova lost 60 kg

She began to use cakes and pastries, fatty and high-calorie foods for breakfast. They have many components that go into body fat on the waist, abdomen, sides, other parts of the body. Great physical activity in the morning does not allow this to happen. Excess calories do not turn into folds, but are spent as an energy reserve. In Mirimanova's author's diet, the main subject of losing weight is a clock. His shooters decide what to eat for the moment. Until the middle of the day, the stomach is filled with all your favorite foods, observing reasonable portioning limits. In the second half, there can be no place for fatty, smoked, salty, fried. At sunset, the law of hard prohibition comes into force. Here, the list of acceptable products is strictly limited.

Attention! The basis of nutrition according to Mirimanova's system is time, not food.

The main principle of the Minus 60 diet is to have a good breakfast. Our ancestors adhered to it. This is its reasonable essence. Scientists who have devoted a lot of research to this issue have come to the conclusion: overweight people who avoid (do not have time) to eat breakfast. During the day, they have to eat a lot more food than the body needs. All that is superfluous goes into fat reserves.

Permitted and prohibited products

Mirimanova's diet lacks an exact list of foods that are allowed to be consumed. The only thing that she categorically does not accept is milk chocolate (bitter welcomes) and alcoholic beverages. Bitter contains a large number of useful components that have a positive effect on a slimming figure. Due to the high calorie content, you need to eat it in the morning. The use of white bread is allowed: for breakfast or lunch, no more than 1 slice. Special attention the author of the Msinus 60 slimming system pays for drinks. It is inadmissible to use an intoxicating substance. A glass of wine is permissible as an exception on a serious matter. It is recommended to replace liquids with sugar with plain water. Catherine suggests drinking tea, coffee with milk until noon.

According to the author of the methodology, water should be consumed based on real needs. It makes no sense to fill it in 1.5-2 liters without special need. We'll have to save ourselves from edema. Fans of pasta and potatoes are allowed to eat them in the morning. At this time, it is permissible to combine them with meat, fish. For lunch only with vegetables. Cooking soup with meat broth with potatoes is contraindicated.

Attention! The advantage of the Mirimanova diet is the use of any products of your own choice.

Dinner should include only low-calorie ingredients. Ekaterina Mirimanova has a special opinion regarding this meal. If your schedule does not allow you to go to bed early, dinner can be rescheduled for more late time... However, the interval between wakefulness and sleep should be at least 4 hours. In the last meal, it is permissible to eat, for example, rice-vegetable or fruit casseroles, or simply combine a boiled side dish with fresh or stewed vegetables.

Diet minus sixty menus for a week

There is no strict menu in this diet. The main thing is to properly observe the diet, ration portions and correctly combine products.

Breakfasts can be composed of the following dish options:

  • milk porridge from any cereal with butter, honey (sugar), sandwiches with cheese, tea (coffee);
  • potatoes fried in vegetable oil, sweet coffee;
  • a piece of meat (fish) with a potato (pasta) side dish, tea;
  • pancakes with any filling, sweet tea;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream, a piece of cake (cake), coffee (tea);
  • pita bread with filling, bun with sausage (sandwich with cheese, ham, caviar (optional)), compote;
  • dumplings (dumplings), butter roll, kefir, yogurt or tea.

As you can see, this is a very dense meal. Lunches have a strict rule: you cannot put potatoes (pasta) and meat on the same plate. It is allowed to eat sweet and starchy fruits, drink non-carbonated water, tea, coffee, kefir, natural juices.

Approximate options for lunches according to Mirimanova can be as follows:

  • borscht with meat without potatoes, buckwheat with poultry liver or white meat, stewed separately, rye crackers;
  • potato stew, tomatoes with cheese filling, a piece of black bread.
  • fish from the oven, boiled (stewed) vegetables, beet salad with sour cream;
  • pepper with minced meat, salad from fresh fruits of the garden;
  • chicken baked in the oven, vegetables with cheese.

Dinner - One from the following list:

  • a piece of boiled meat: beef, chicken, lamb;
  • jellied meat (aspic);
  • chicken (fish) from the oven;
  • cutlets;
  • fish kebab.

The weekly menu for the Minus 60 system is diverse. The recipes are simple to execute and do not require a lot of time. This diet is acceptable for most people who are losing weight.

System "Minus 60" menu for every day

The nutritional scheme for this diet is not particularly complicated. The daily menu may include the following composition:

  • Breakfast (strictly until 12 noon): 2 hard-boiled eggs, a sandwich of rye bread, butter and cheese, sweet coffee with milk;
  • Lunch (until 15:00): buckwheat porridge (about 200 g), steamed meat (150 g), beets with a spoonful of mayonnaise. A cup of plain tea.
  • Dinner (until 18:00 or until 20:00): lean cottage cheese (200 g) with grated apple.

In addition to the diet and food rationed in time, it is important to perform a certain set of physical exercises every day. Catherine herself came up with tasks with a load on different parts of the body. Charging shouldn't be exhausting, but regular. Doing sports (fitness, walking, jogging) is permissible at any time of the day and as much as the work schedule allows. The Minus 60 diet is one of better ways getting rid of excess weight load. She does not require moral restrictions and is able to satisfy anyone who is losing weight. The Minus 60 diet is one of the most effective and sparing formulations. A month of such nutrition can lead to tangible results.

Ekaterina Mirimanova recalls that with early childhood was associated with a contradictory relationship with food: her pendulum of inhibitions and disruptions swung, like most of us. In addition, the habit of "seizing" problems led to the fact that after childbirth, against the background of hormonal, household and psychological changes, the future author of the "minus 60" diet reached a record size 56 for herself, and, in her own words, "was at the line ". And she realized that she would either forever remain in the prison of her overweight body, or would change .. This is how the Minus 60 diet was born, which magically transformed Katya herself, and radically changed her life.

Diet minus 60: weight loss system under personal responsibility

As you might guess, the system got its name thanks to the result of the efforts of Ekaterina Mirimanova herself, who lost half of 120 kg.

Ekaterina, who is neither a doctor nor a nutritionist, admits that the entire development of the technique was a pure experiment: the young woman fearlessly and scrupulously tested various weight-loss techniques and strategies in order to eventually add the most effective ones into her own author's system. Applying a minus 60 diet, Mirimanova managed not only to get rid of unwanted "surpluses", but also from 2005 to consistently maintain a new weight.

Those who dream of repeating her success need to prepare themselves for the following three rules.

Rule one

"Tune in to losing weight correctly"

The minus 60 diet took off from the fact that its author began to act - immediately, spontaneously, without waiting for the illusory "right moment." And don't put off until tomorrow, do at least something right now!

Don't blame yourself for gaining weight, or try to start losing weight for the sake of an event or person. Lose weight for your own sake, beloved. This is the most reliable motivation! And most importantly, remember: "A willing person finds 1000 opportunities, an unwilling person finds 1000 reasons." A minus 60 diet helps women think about how, in the cycle of daily worries, it is important to take time for their own needs, to take care of their own self-esteem. And the rest is a consequence of this realization. Ekaterina Mirimanova often calls her weight loss "magic", noting at the same time that this miracle is man-made and each of us is capable of it.

Second rule

"Gradually rebuild your eating habits and move step by step towards your new life."

Healthy foods are introduced gradually into the diet. Diet minus 60 warns: you have to learn to eat adequate portions - remove large plates away and stop "swallowing" food indiscriminately. And at the same time, calculate your favorite and insidious "harmful" product and find a substitute for it that is close in taste, but more correct from a dietary point of view.

The “step-by-step” rule in the minus 60 system also assumes that you do not expect immediate results from yourself and you will not be disappointed without getting it. As excess weight did not appear in one day, it takes time to get rid of it. “Treat weight loss lightly, do not take it as the meaning of life,” advises Ekaterina Mirimanova. And separately warns against fanaticism.

It is also important to remember that in women, eating behavior is directly dependent on mood and menstrual cycle, therefore, it is important to learn to listen to your body and distinguish between needs and whims. In this regard, the minus 60 diet is a very flexible and feminine method.

Rule three of the system minus 60

"Look at the clock"

The minus 60 system teaches: until 12 noon you can eat whatever your heart desires, except milk chocolate! And then - already with an eye on a clear plan:

  • the next meal after noon, lunch, you will have to exclude fried in oil (you can grill);
  • if you dine before 14-00, it is allowed to add a teaspoon of sour cream or mayonnaise to the dish. Do not eat meat / fish with potatoes and pasta together. But as a side dish, you can use rice, buckwheat and vegetables. If you are making soup with meat broth, try not to add potatoes to it, or make a vegetarian broth with any vegetables and root vegetables. For dessert, you can eat permitted fruits: apples, citrus fruits, plums, kiwi, watermelon, prunes, pineapple;
  • closer to dinner, the restrictions on food combinations become more stringent. Skipping the last meal is highly undesirable. You can eat either meat or buckwheat / rice in combination with or without vegetables, cottage cheese or dairy products, with fruits (the same as for lunch), or vegetables (except for potatoes, peas, corn, mushrooms, pumpkin, eggplant, avocado , legumes). Diet minus 16 is allowed to have supper only until 18:00, not later!

Ekaterina Mirimanova was convinced by her own example: you can and need everything that is edible (“sand and glass are not allowed, the rest is allowed,” she jokes). Otherwise, persistent refusal from any product will inevitably lead to a breakdown, which will affect the psyche and nullify the weight loss efforts.

Without enthusiasm, the author of the minus 60 system also refers to tricks like taking auxiliary medications and dietary supplements while losing weight. Its goal is to help her followers establish normal eating behavior without crutches, allowing them to curb bad habits and start the right ones, and not teach them to be afraid of some food like fire and at the same time dream about it to the point of insanity.

Minus 60 System: 10 Steps to Ideal Weight

  • 1 Do not skip breakfast. It is necessary in order to promptly activate metabolic processes in the body. Breakfast doesn't have to be hearty - listen to yourself. You can limit yourself to a couple of rye croutons with cheese and tea / coffee / juice.
  • 2 Tea, coffee, alcohol on the system minus 60 are allowed. If you are used to sugary drinks and cannot drastically change your tastes, then start adding fructose or brown sugar to tea and coffee instead of refined white. And gradually reduce your "dose": if you are used to putting two spoons in a drink, put one and a half, then one, then half a spoon. From alcoholic drinks, give preference to dry red wine, it is better.
  • 3 Women are known to have a hard time living without chocolate. There is no need to refuse, just the minus 60 system suggests replacing milk chocolate with an elite bitter one. Gradually increase the cocoa percentage and gradually you will learn to enjoy the refined sweetness.
  • 4 Use rice and buckwheat as a side dish more often. During the "transition period" it is better to give preference to parboiled rice, then gradually start introducing wild or brown rice. Don't forget about faithful helpers busy women - fresh frozen vegetables! They have almost the same benefits as fresh ones, and they cook even faster and more conveniently.
  • 5 If you cannot refuse white bread, make dates with it only in the morning. In the second half - only rye croutons, or, at worst, rye bread.
  • 6 Potatoes and pasta on the minus 60 system are allowed. But the sooner you eat them, the better, optimally - for breakfast, or without meat addition, if you still eat them for lunch. In the evening menu, pasta and potatoes are not available.
  • 7 The earlier the last meal, the more effective weight loss will be. But without fanaticism, dinner at least at 5 pm will ensure that there is no acute hunger before bed and no difficulty falling asleep. You should move on to observing this point gradually, moving the dinner time by about an hour. According to those for whom the minus 60 system has become a lifestyle, not having food overload after 18 hours has more benefits than reasons for suffering. Without a late dinner, better morning well-being, less swelling.
  • 8 By the way, speaking of edema - contrary to many modern nutritionists, Ekaterina Mirimanova is sure that you should not drink a fixed amount of water through force. Drink as much as you want, not as much as you need. The same principle should be guided by the use of salt.
  • 9 When dining, pay attention not only to formally acceptable foods, but also evaluate the overall lightness of the dish and the size of the serving. Vegetable salad with oil-vinegar dressing, boiled meat, kefir with fruit is a good option, potatoes with meat and mushrooms are bad.
  • 10 Fried in oil falls out of favor after 12 noon. Any other type of heat treatment is allowed: you can boil, stew, bake, grill.

System minus 60 and physical activity

Fitness is an integral part of the minus 60 system, but even here Ekaterina Mirimanova distinguished herself with an original approach. She insists on what to do physical exercise it is necessary as soon as you feel that you have "joined" the new eating schedule. In this case, the main requirement for physical activity is that it should be daily. The duration and specific filling of charging are not as important as its regularity.

Ekaterina Mirimanova. Among them are the well-known bridge, eights with buttocks, swinging legs, raising legs from a prone position - in a word, no exoticism and acrobatics.

Choose and do only those exercises that you are really able to perform: it is unacceptable that physical education evokes any unpleasant emotions in you. Also choose the time in accordance with your own comfort: you can practice even at night!

If you signed up for a gym and started working out with a trainer, this is not a reason to give up home gymnastics. Let this - even a short, but daily warm-up - become a pleasant habitual ritual for you. Accompany her with her favorite music to improve her mood and the result will be noticeable within a month. The author of the minus 60 system suggests taking a picture at the beginning of classes and after four weeks: additional motivation is provided!

The skin you live in

A noticeable weight loss has one feature that should not be overlooked: when the fat begins to melt, the skin is under attack. Stretch marks, wrinkles, general loss of tone - all this can be, if not completely avoided, then significantly minimized! For body care, the minus 60 diet recommends several steps:

  • regular scrubbing of the whole body and especially problem areas natural ground coffee;
  • massage of stretch marks with mummy (a tablet of Altai mountain balm is dissolved in a teaspoon of water and then mixed with your usual body cream);
  • self-massage of the body (towards the heart).

The face and neck should be looked after according to age and skin type, the main thing is to do it regularly and systematically. Such procedures and "self-indulgence" not only improve the condition of the epidermis itself, but also help to get to know oneself better and increase self-esteem, which means that the minus 60 system will give the maximum effect.

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