Kremlin diet table full menu. Sample menu for the day

Is it possible to lose 30 pounds of excess fat in just 1 month? On the Kremlin diet, this is real! Find out what to eat and drink so that you can buy yourself two sizes smaller in 30 days.

Effective system of protein mono-diet for weight loss "Kremlin" diet with its appearance has caused a lot of controversy. The source of the idea was the diet of American astronauts, and the author was Robert Atkins. The principle of losing weight is based on reducing the carbohydrates contained in the diet to almost zero. In the daily menu, you need to count not calories, but the amount of carbohydrates. This weight loss system has helped many to lose kilograms, but not all of it fit. What is the essence of this idea, and for whom can it be effective?


The principle of the Kremlin food system is to eliminate carbohydrates from food. We will tell you a description of its rules and the whole truth about it in our review.

Where to start a person who decides to try to lose weight in the Kremlin? Check out the table for the basics of this diet. To determine what you can eat on a carbohydrate-free diet, look at the carbohydrate content of the meal, and choose those foods that have the least amount of them. The main diet will consist of meat products and meat, fish, cheese. The first 2 weeks the amount of carbohydrates is limited to 20 grams, then they can be gradually increased to 40. The rules prohibit sugar, sweets, bread products. In addition, you can not eat any cereals and potatoes.

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet for weight loss is about 10 kilograms in 14 days. Of course, it all depends on the state of the body losing weight. Although the calorie content of dishes is not limited, you need to eat in moderation, not forgetting about physical activity. Then the result will be most effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many are interested in the question, is the Kremlin diet harmful? Like any power supply system, it has its pros and cons.


  • effective weight loss;
  • skin problems associated with the use of carbohydrates go away;
  • you do not need to starve, you can eat your fill;
  • varied diet.


  • the presence of contraindications for health reasons;
  • sweet lovers find it difficult to comply with restrictions.

The Kremlin diet can only harm people with the following diseases:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • bowel problems;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The consequences of a carbohydrate-free diet for a healthy person are only positive: it goes away excess weight, the skin is cleansed, the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced. Try to consume protein foods first for a week, then, having achieved a positive result in losing weight and listening to the state of health, prolong protein menu for another week. So bring it up to a month, and you will achieve a positive and sustainable result in weight loss!


Compliance with the nutritional system according to Dr. Atkins is divided into the following time periods:

  1. Stage 1 of the diet lasts 2 weeks, and the total amount of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day is 20 grams.
  2. The duration of stage 2 depends on the rate of weight loss (typically 4 to 6 weeks). At this stage, you can add 5 grams of carbs per week until you reach 40, and if the weight continues to decline, then you can move on to the next stage of losing weight.
  3. At stage 3, 10 grams are added per week. The total amount of carbohydrates in food daily should not exceed 60 grams.
  4. Stage 4 is aimed at maintaining the achieved result of weight loss and involves the use of regular food while maintaining the restriction of carbohydrate intake.

The first phase of the diet is especially difficult and important. During this period, the body adapts to expend energy obtained not from food, but from the available supply of fat deposits. Observing all the restrictions, you can lose up to 10 kg in 14 days. The first stage menu consists of proteins and fats: fish, meat, cheese, eggs. At the first stage on the diet, alcohol, coffee, sugar and sweets, fruits, nuts, and potatoes are excluded from the menu.

The recipes for the first stage should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates. For example, a meat salad with vegetables contains about 4 grams of them. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 g pork;
  • a tomato;
  • zucchini;
  • 50 gr. lettuce.

Salt the chopped pork and fry in olive oil. Chop tomatoes, zucchini, tear lettuce and stir. Put the prepared meat on top. Season with a mixture of olive oil, black pepper, mustard, broth and balsamic vinegar.

Complete product scoring table

Using a table that shows the amount of carbohydrates in products, a rating is made by points, that is, the product is given exactly as many points as the number of grams of carbohydrates it contains.

When composing a diet for weight loss, proceed from the number of points contained in each food, in accordance with the table of points. It is detailed enough to compose a diet for any period.

To understand if such a diet is right for you, it is advisable to try to hold out on it for 10 days. Remember your weight before starting to lose weight and weigh yourself after 10 days of a carbohydrate-free diet. If you easily withstood and the result of losing weight is obvious, continue in the same spirit. When designing a menu for 10 days, use the table with points and recipes for ready meals.

First, make yourself a menu for the week. Choose the ingredients with the lower score from the table and cook according to your favorite recipes.

When choosing recipes for dishes, exclude dishes from potatoes, all types of cereals and some vegetables with a high carbohydrate content. For example, a beef mushroom recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • beef (200 g);
  • 50 g of fresh oyster mushrooms and 50 g of any canned mushrooms;
  • 100 g asparagus;
  • beef broth;
  • cream;
  • cognac.

Boil the asparagus in salted water. Cut the mushrooms and fry in butter. Lightly fry the beef in butter and remove from the pan. Pour 50 g of broth, brandy, cream into the remaining oil, sprinkle with spices and boil slightly. Serve the meat with mushrooms and asparagus with the resulting sauce.


On every day

The Kremlin's recipe for losing weight is quite simple: exclude prohibited foods and consume permitted ones. You don't even need to limit yourself to portion sizes, but you shouldn't overeat either. While observing dietary restrictions, start exercising or exercising.

The process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet is quite intense, so without regular physical activity, your skin can lose elasticity, and your muscles become flabby!

Do not forget about drinking up to two liters of pure, still water daily. Once you start adhering to the Kremlin's weight loss system, make a rough menu based on your daily score. Use the scoring table for popular foods or experiment with new recipes.

Name of the dish Points
cutlets 9
dumplings 13
chicken broth 0
squash caviar 8
pea soup with meat 20
vegetable soup 16
noodles 6
cabbage soup 12
mushroom soup 15
pickle 6
meat broth 0
lecho 18
canned corn 14
roast 10
stewed liver 8
pilaf 18
meatballs 14
stuffed cabbage 8
mushrooms with sour cream 3
stewed cabbage 5
the vinaigrette 8
mashed potatoes 16
fried potatoes 24
vegetable stew 10
vareniki 16
pasta casserole 15
syrniki 18
pancakes, pancakes 32
vegetable pepper 11
canned fish 0
seaweed 4
canned beans 15
olives 6
ice cream 24
custard cake 62

Since the list of permitted products is quite large, it is realistic to compose the most varied diet for every taste from it.

Recipes for every day

  • Fantasia chicken salad (4 b / 100 gr.): You need 200 gr. canned pineapple, 350 gr. Peking cabbage, 200 gr. chicken fillet, mayonnaise, green onions. Dice the boiled chicken fillet, add chopped cabbage, diced pineapple and green onions. Mix everything with mayonnaise.
  • "Multicolored" salad (4.5 b / 100 gr.): For a company you will need 200 gr. potatoes, 0.5 kg of boiled beef, 200 gr. cucumbers, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper. Cut the vegetables into equal pieces. Chop the raw beef and fry in a deep skillet in vegetable oil. Add potatoes and continue to fry for 5 minutes. Add the sliced ​​cucumbers and cook for another 2 minutes, stirring well. Remove skillet from heat, add chopped peppers and mayonnaise.
  • Liver pate (4 b / 100 g.). Fry onions, add beef or chicken liver (200 gr.) And fry in a pan until tender. Grind the fried liver in a blender, adding butter, herbs and spices.

For the first week

The first seven days on a protein diet are the most difficult. They will show you if this system is right for you. In the first week, your daily diet should be no more than 20 points. Your list of what you eat for the first week should not include sweets, alcohol and coffee. Drink plenty of water and consume a vitamin complex.

Example of a weekly menu

  • Monday (number of points 19.5). For breakfast - two sausages, one boiled egg, cheese, tea. For lunch - chicken broth, salad with vegetables and mushrooms, tea. Snack - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. For dinner - fried salmon, lettuce, kefir.
  • Tuesday (21.5). Breakfast - scrambled eggs from two eggs, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea. For lunch - pickle, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack - a glass of milk. For dinner - boiled fish, seaweed salad, tea.
  • Wednesday (20.5). Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, rosehip infusion. Lunch - kharcho, pickled mushrooms, tea. Snack - yogurt. Dinner - stewed cabbage with sausages, tea.
  • Thursday (20). Omelet with cheese and sausage, tea. Lunch - noodles, pork chop, tea. Snack - cheese. Dinner - boiled broccoli, chicken liver in sour cream, tea.
  • Friday (19.5). Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese 100 g, egg, ham. For lunch - borsch, sauerkraut salad, tea. Snack - avocado. Dinner - shrimps, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Saturday (20.5). Breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomato, tea. Lunch - steak, cucumber, lettuce, tea. Snack - tomato juice. Dinner - fried zucchini, 2 sausages, tea.
  • Sunday (20). Breakfast - squash caviar, egg, sausage, tea. Lunch - meat broth, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack - milk. Dinner - fried chicken breast, lettuce, tea.

Low Carb Recipes for the First Week

  • Meat in cheese and sour cream sauce (1 point / 100 gr.). Take 200 g of veal, 50 ml of sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, salt, pepper. Fry the meat until a crust appears, add sour cream, grated cheese and spices. Simmer meat with gravy until tender (about 20 minutes).
  • Chicken kebab (2.5 / 100 gr.). 500 g chicken fillet, 200 g of mushrooms (champignons), mayonnaise, ketchup, spices. Combine the ketchup, mayonnaise, salt and spices and marinate the diced chicken and mushrooms in this sauce. After half an hour, string the mushrooms and chicken on skewers and bake in the oven on the grill rack.
  • Cabbage soup in chicken broth (2.6 / 10 gr.). Take 300 g of chicken fillet, onion, carrot, tomato, 200 g of sauerkraut. Cook chicken bouillon... Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes. Saute the carrots and onions cut into strips, add the chopped tomato, a little broth and simmer. Add the sauteed vegetables, chopped chicken and sauerkraut to the broth and simmer until the cabbage is tender. Spices and salt to taste.

You want to spend the evening away from home, and in a public place of food you are afraid to break out for dessert. Be aware that some cities already have restaurants that offer their diners a carbohydrate-free menu. For example, the restaurant "Kremlin diet" (St. Petersburg).

For 10 days

In the first week, you should lose three to five kilograms of weight. Having reached positive results continue to follow the 20 grams daily diet using the chart. Diversify your diet with new dishes.

An example of a daily menu:

  • for breakfast omelet with onions and mushrooms, tea without sugar;
  • for lunch grilled chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, tea;
  • for an afternoon snack - olives;
  • for dinner, seafood salad, mint tea.

The value of this menu will be 19 grams.

Or this option:

  • scrambled eggs with sausages, tea for breakfast;
  • for lunch, pork chop, fresh cabbage salad, tea;
  • snack - 30 g cashews;
  • for dinner, fried eggplants with mayonnaise and garlic, low-fat kefir.

For 2 week

The first 14 days constitute the introductory period. At this time, the most stringent food restrictions are established.

The diet menu for 14 days excludes sugar, pastries, sweets, potatoes, carrots, nuts, fruits, juices (except tomato), alcohol and coffee. To compose the diet are welcome: all types of meat, fish, poultry and seafood, eggs, cheeses, cucumbers, green salad, tea and, of course, water. When buying sausages in the store, pay attention to their composition. Manufacturers often replace meat with other components, which may contain carbohydrates.

After two weeks of a protein diet, if the desired result in weight loss is achieved, proceed to the next period, gradually increasing the carbohydrate content of the food. Ideally, during this period, you will lose up to 10 kg.

For a month

A month on protein nutrition includes the menu of the first and second stages. For the introductory two-week period, you meet the 20-gram carbohydrate limit daily. The second two - go to the second period of weight loss, gradually increasing the number of points in food. It can be increased only if there is a decrease in weight. If, during the first 2 weeks, you allowed yourself to be in error in nutrition and did not reach desired result, then return to the daily limit of the first period.

In accordance with the table of permitted foods, in the second stage, you can expand your diet with cream, processed cheese, fruits.

Use fried cheese, a variety of nuts, olives, seeds, and avocados for monthly snacks. Eating protein and fat throughout the month can inevitably lead to constipation, so be sure to include more vegetables and bran in your diet.

Our favorite foods and the Kremlin diet

The list of foods that can be consumed on the Kremlin diet is quite diverse. Allowed foods are anything low in carbohydrates: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, some vegetables. But what about our favorite foods?

For example, it is forbidden to eat desserts, because they contain such an amount of carbohydrates, which is equal to your daily allowance. That is why at the first stage it is strictly forbidden to use them. On the second and third, as you gradually begin to increase your points consumed per day, you can indulge in a low-carb dessert such as strawberries in cream.

Take 100 g of washed strawberries and 50 g of cream, a tablespoon of sugar, a little liquor. Mix the liqueur with sugar and pour over the berries. Put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This dessert contains 16 points.

Cravings for sweets, especially at first, can be quenched with sweeteners, which are sold in any supermarket. They do not contain sugar, but there is a lot of controversy over their safety. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only at the beginning, as a transition from sugar to no sugar.

As for alcohol, it is allowed by the Kremlin food. Allowed dry red and white wine that does not contain sugar, as well as strong alcoholic drinks - whiskey, vodka, brandy, gin. Different types beer contain different amount points, but in general beer is not recommended. If you do happen to drink beer, read the label carefully and choose the beer that contains the least carbohydrates. And remember that alcohol stimulates your appetite and can push you to step back from restrictions. That is why alcohol is completely prohibited in the first two weeks of the Kremlin diet.

Cutlets, like any meat, are welcome in the diet. They can be not only meat, but also fish or chicken. However, when choosing a recipe for cooking, pay attention that the minced meat does not include bread, rice and vegetables.

Sushi is a very popular dish in our country, and many can no longer imagine their life without it. However, rice is one of the most high-carb sushi ingredients. A solution for lovers of Japanese cuisine can be the use of sashimi, miso soup, or other rice-free dishes offered by Japanese restaurants.

Buckwheat, like rice, must be excluded from your diet. If you are very fond of buckwheat, then buckwheat mono-diet for weight loss is better for you.

But mushrooms, with the exception of dried ones, are welcomed by the Kremlin menu. They can be fried or eaten salted. From vegetables, you can use cabbage, both raw and stewed. For example, you can make a mushroom stew.

Sauerkraut has the lowest score and is also rich in vitamin C and fiber, which is essential for anyone on a protein diet.

But the favorite dishes of traditional Russian cuisine - cheese cakes and pancakes will have to be excluded altogether due to the huge amount of sugar and flour they contain.

The Kremlin food system allows milk, but in small quantities, since it does not have a zero carbohydrate value.

As for fruits, they have a high carbohydrate value. Therefore, at the first stage, they are prohibited. Only at subsequent stages can you afford to introduce a small amount of fruit into the diet.

Only low-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed (zucchini, eggplant, radish, tomatoes, cucumbers). They can be eaten raw or prepared as salads for a diet.

For example, make a Greek salad. Toss in lettuce, pitted olives, bell peppers, tomato, and low-fat cottage cheese. Season with olive oil and spices.

The popular Mimosa salad is also suitable for the last stages of the "Kremlin" (since it contains potatoes, it is not recommended to use it for the first 14 days). Take a can of canned fish, head onions, a couple of boiled potatoes, 3 hard-boiled eggs, and boiled carrots. Finely grate all ingredients into separate containers. Lay the salad in the following layers: fish, onions, mayonnaise, proteins, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, yolks.

Since the protein diet still limits the variety of food consumed, it is recommended to use vitamins with the Kremlin diet, especially at the first, most severe stage.


Since the "Kremlin" is a fairly long-term nutritional system for losing weight, those who are losing weight always have many questions. The most popular ones are:

1. What to do if the weight has risen on the Kremlin diet? Sometimes a situation arises when, at the first stage, the weight went down, and moving on to the second stage, you found that the weight is stagnant. First, check all the prepared foods you buy at the store for hidden carbs. First of all, pay attention to sausage, sausages, cottage cheese, yogurt.

2. What if the diet does not reduce weight at all? Eliminate the most high-calorie foods from the protein diet, such as nuts, butter, lard. Perhaps you are consuming too many calories and spending too little. Add exercise to your lifestyle to be effective.

3. Why doesn't weight go away on a diet, if all the rules and restrictions are followed? If you strictly follow all the rules, and the weight does not decrease, consult your doctor. You may have a thyroid disorder that can affect your body weight.

4. How much can you lose on a diet? Each organism is different. Some people give up everything after the first week, because they cannot deny themselves a sweet tooth. However, most healthy people perfectly tolerate this nutritional system and get effective results... For a month of feeding on the system, you can lose from 10 to 30 kg.

A huge number of diets have been invented today, but each of these systems has its drawbacks. Either the diet restricts protein intake too much, or it offers such a meager diet that many cannot stand it. Therefore, women always dream of finding a diet for themselves that does not deplete the body, which means that it does not become a threat to health, the menu of which is diverse enough so as not to burn out with envy of colleagues or family members during lunch, and plus everything else - so that it also helped to lose weight. Agree, the requirements are not too high, there are such systems, and today we will talk about one of them. This is the Kremlin one for $ 20. - this is not the cost of your lunch, but a special method of calculating the calorie content of food.

Methodology author

Who invented this system, today it is problematic to determine, as well as why it received such a name. at $ 20) is very similar to Atkins' complex weight loss system, but it has its own characteristics. First of all, it is a lightweight version that is most suitable for Russian realities. Today we want to tell you in detail what this system is. Despite the fact that it has existed for a long time and everyone has heard the name, many believe that this is an expensive weight loss system for show business stars. This is not at all the case, any of you can afford the Kremlin diet. Menu for $ 20 is a set of completely ordinary products that we all see on the table every day. The emphasis here is on reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein foods. This is not surprising, because protein is the most important building material for all tissues of your body, and carbohydrates (especially buns and sugar) are the worst enemies of a slender figure.

Difference from other protein diets

Today there are a lot of them. This is the popular Ducan technique, and many others. All of them are designed to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates, and take the vacant place with protein products, the breakdown of which the body spends more energy than it receives in return. Thus, higher up, the body begins to experience and expend the stored fat. So what makes the Kremlin diet so different? Menu for $ 20 - this is, first of all, the almost complete absence of restrictions. You can choose any products yourself; you just need to check the tables so that the carbohydrate content in food does not exceed the notorious 20 points at first, and 40 later. It can be french fries and cheese, meat and chocolate, the only caveat is that if today you have eaten 100 g of ice cream or 50 g of biscuit cake, then your diet will be limited. But making up a diet of protein products and vegetables, you can completely not feel hunger and gradually lose weight. A dream, and nothing more.

We outline the result

It is the ultimate goal that inspires us to feats, so it is very important for each person to know what he can count on. The Kremlin diet for weight loss is a method that is guaranteed to give results. This is confirmed by hundreds of studies and personal experience many women. But the benefits of such weight loss are questioned by doctors. An excess of protein and fat in the diet and rapid weight loss - all this is stress for the body, and such a diet cannot be called useful and rational. In addition, after completing the course, there is a great chance to quickly return back everything that you dropped, since there was no complete restructuring of the power system.

However, many are not interested in what will happen next. The most important thing is to get the result immediately, to get rid of the hated 2, 5, 20 kilograms. And the more excess weight you have, the faster the first result will be. The Kremlin diet for weight loss is a guaranteed success in the struggle for harmony in a short time.

Arguments for

Probably, it makes little sense to stick to this weight loss system if you need to get rid of two or three kilograms. In this case, you will be helped more. sports loads when limiting sweets and starchy foods in the diet. But if your goal is more global and you need serious body shaping, then the Kremlin diet for 10 days is ideal for you. The good thing about this diet is that you can eat a significant amount of foods that give 0 points according to the table. This does not mean that you can eat them without measure, stick to a reasonable framework. You do not even have to remember about the feeling of hunger, and also torment yourself with monotonous dishes. Among the allowed dishes are salads with mayonnaise and caviar, fatty cheeses. If you are invited to a celebration, then you can even alcohol, however, forget about sweet cocktails and wines, as well as liqueurs and beer.

Your family and friends will be very surprised by the abundance and variety of dishes on your table, as well as fantastic results. With a lot of excess weight, a person begins to simply melt before our eyes. The Kremlin diet for 10 days with small individual adjustments is perfect for the whole family. A large amount of protein will benefit men who are engaged in manual labor, athletes, as well as women who want to lose extra pounds. The convenience of this system is also important. You don't have to painfully count calories and cook fantastic meals. Everything is extremely simple, you can eat any food, all their variety is allowed by the Kremlin diet. The scoring table will make it easy for you to find your chosen food and determine how much you can afford. Accordingly, choosing products "weighing" 0 or 1 point, you leave yourself a wide range of options for meals for the next rest of the day (in total, you need to keep within 20 points per day). But by choosing you will see how small your portion is. You will not have time to feel, and the daily ration is already exhausted.

Basic postulates

The essence of the Kremlin diet is a radical change in the food system. Somehow it is accepted in our country that women (especially those who want to lose weight) refuse meat and lard, cheese and butter and lean on rice and buckwheat. As a result, the body rebelles, triggering hunger signals over and over again to make up for protein losses. We, feeling discomfort, begin to drown it out with crackers and sweet tea. Therefore, the weight stands still, the body is exhausted from protein starvation, muscles are depleted, there is no strength for anything. But a portion of meat can give a feeling of satisfaction for long hours, a large supply of energy and strength.

The arguments against

Like any other, the Kremlin diet also has its drawbacks. Carbohydrates are very important for the body, they are a source of fiber and energy, so you should not completely abandon cereals and vegetables. And if you follow the recommendations of this system, then very little space is allocated for these products in the power system. If vegetables in small quantities can still be left, then you will have to forget about bread, sugar and cereals. Do not console yourself with the fact that just put a spoon in the tea, it will nullify all your efforts. At first, all fruits, valuable sources of vitamins and antioxidants, and healthy fiber are excluded.

A lack of carbohydrates can be a serious challenge for people with chronic diseases. These are primarily problems with the kidneys and stomach, intestines and liver. Therefore, before starting a diet, it would be good to consult with your doctor.


Forget dieting if you are preparing to be a mother. A pregnant woman needs a full and varied diet, and any diet is contraindicated. This rule holds true for breastfeeding, wait until it ends before dieting. It is not suitable for children and adolescents, obesity at this age should be treated only under the supervision of an experienced doctor and nutritionist. Any surgical interventions, treatment with severe drugs, depressive disorders are all direct contraindications. It will be very difficult to tolerate the diet for people who are used to eating mostly plant foods, although they are much less likely to be overweight.

Fluid intake

Another point to note is the need to drink plenty of water. This rule is observed almost always when you need to get rid of excess weight, because water helps not only fill the stomach and relieve you of hunger, but also flush toxins and decay products from the body. This is especially important when consuming a large amount of protein foods, which, in fact, is what characterizes the Kremlin diet. The scoring table does not reflect the nutritional value of the foods you eat, it only focuses on carbohydrate counts, so you don't see the whole picture. A protein diet puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, as there is a significant loss of fluid. It is for compensation that the recommendation is given to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.

Main steps

Let's take a closer look at how the Kremlin diet goes. You can always look at the points awarded for products in the tables provided in the article, we will not dwell on this. All the time the diet is usually divided into three stages. The first one is introductory, your body prepares to actively get rid of fat reserves. It is the strictest in terms of carbohydrate intake, which will have to be virtually eliminated. This stage lasts about two weeks, for the sake of a great goal, you can withstand. It is allowed to eat meat and fish, eggs and seafood, cheese, animal and vegetable oils. But sweets, fruits and starchy vegetables (corn, potatoes, carrots) are completely excluded.

During this time, your metabolism will accelerate, and the body will turn into a fat burning machine. Within a week, you will understand how well the Kremlin diet works. The results will depend on you (how closely you follow the recommendations), as well as on the initial weight. In addition, in order to effectively lose weight, it is necessary to increase physical exercise, for example, start walking from work.

We continue the course of weight loss

The second stage begins from the third week and lasts until the moment you achieve the desired result. Every week you add 5 points to your daily allowance, and so on, until you reach 40 points. You need to monitor your weight every day. If you notice that you have gained weight, return to the first stage. Finally, the third stage helps to maintain the result. It lasts indefinitely. Gradually, you add 10 more points to your daily diet (once a week) until you reach 60 points. Experimentally choose foods that promote weight gain, drowsiness, and poor digestion, and avoid them. If you are gaining weight, return to the second stage.

Sample menu for the day

We will describe only a few options, in fact, you can think of many more. So, what is the Kremlin diet. The menu for the day can be prepared in advance, in the evening, so as not to waste time. For breakfast, 100 g of fried zucchini or 2 boiled sausages, 50 g of cheese, scrambled eggs from two eggs or 100 g of tomatoes are perfect. You can drink unsweetened tea or coffee.

For lunch, prepare yourself 100 g of mashed potatoes or 200 g of cabbage soup, 150 g of baked chicken or boiled pork. The afternoon snack will be quite light, it can be 100 g of orange or 50 g of pistachios. For dinner, an excellent option would be leafy salad or sauerkraut (100 g), stewed fish in tomato or meat baked in breadcrumbs (200 g). As you can see, it is very difficult to stay hungry.

Recipes for every day

You can cook a wide variety of dishes with the Kremlin diet. If you like pancakes and omelettes, then this is the option for you. You will need 2-3 eggs and a few tablespoons of milk. Beat into a homogeneous mass and pour into a preheated frying pan, greased with oil. Fry quickly on both sides and bring to readiness in the microwave or oven.

You can also cook first courses at your pleasure. An excellent option will become celery soup. To do this, take 600 g of celery, 1 carrot and 1 onion and a couple of tomatoes for 5 liters. Cook the vegetables until soft and chop in a blender. And if you can't stand celery, then prepare cabbage soup with sorrel and mushrooms.

Make a delicious salad for a snack. You will need 100 cheese and sour cream, herbs, boiled breast (200 g), 100 g of tomatoes, bell pepper and 100 g of root celery. Cut vegetables and herbs.

O slim figure many women and men dream. How easy is it to lose weight without starving? There are many methods that can help you lose weight and feel comfortable while dieting. One of these weight loss systems is the Kremlin diet or the Kremlin. It is a special way of eating that will help you lose weight, not excluding fried meat, mayonnaise, sour cream and other protein and fatty foods from the diet. What are the basic principles of the Kremlin diet? How to compose a menu for meals using this method?

Diet stages and what foods can be consumed

The main principle of the Kremlin is nutrition with a strict restriction of foods high in carbohydrates. Why do people lose weight while following this nutritional system? To understand this point, it is necessary to consider some of the physiological and chemical processes that occur in a person when eating food. After eating, some time passes - and it begins to be absorbed by our body. For this process to take place normally, carbohydrates must participate in it, which help break down fats and proteins.

And what happens if there is not enough of them in food? With a lack of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are not broken down, but they are simply removed from our body. In this case, the body does not receive calories for life from low-carbohydrate food, so it is forced to spend its body fat... Hence the conclusion: the less carbohydrates we eat, the faster we lose weight.

A diet based on the above principle will help to remove up to 6 kg of excess weight in 8 days. And adhering to this nutritional system for 1-1.5 months, you can really lose 8-15 kg. When compiling the menu, you must use a special calculation system in conventional units. For weight loss, you need to eat no more than $ 40 per day, and to maintain weight at the same level, no more than $ 60. In the Kremlin diet, 1 cu = 1 g of carbohydrates.

The Kremlin diet is a diet with a minimum carbohydrate content. But high-calorie foods with a high content of protein and fat in the diet of losing weight according to this system are present in abundance. This ensures that while following this diet, the person will feel comfortable and not hungry. This means that he will lose weight easily and without stress. You can eat on this system at any time of the day, but overeating at night is not recommended. What products are allowed to be used to compose the menu for this diet?

Fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms, cheese are the basis of food in the Kremlin. The menu can include dishes from pork, poultry, beef, seafood, fish of different varieties. It is recommended to eat meat so as not to combine it in one meal with carbohydrate foods (potatoes, cereals, bread). Cottage cheese, nuts, vegetable oil, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, daikon), which contain few carbohydrates, dry wines, whiskey, vodka, unsweetened tea - all this is allowed to eat and drink if you follow this diet ...

You can eat hard cheeses, sausages (preferably without dyes and chemical additives). What cannot be eaten during the Kremlin diet? The main rule is not to include foods rich in carbohydrates in the diet. This means that fruits, berries, vegetables rich in carbohydrates, pasta, spaghetti, sweets, pastries, beer, sugary drinks, wines and other foods that contain a lot of sugar should not be included in the menu of those who are losing weight on the Kremlin.

The Kremlin diet consists of 4 stages:

  1. First stage the diet lasts 14 days. At that time daily ration is compiled so that the amount of carbohydrates in it is no more than 20 cu. For this, flour, fruits, sweets, starchy vegetables are excluded from the menu. But meat, eggs, fish, cheese, butter are allowed to eat. During this period, losing weight on the Kremlin diet, some can lose 10 kg, while others - 1.5 kg.
  2. From this time on, the diet is gradually replenished with additional carbohydrates. 5 cu per week are added. The maximum daily intake of carbohydrates that you can afford at this stage is 40 USD. It is important to eat in moderation and not overeat or starve. In this case, you need to control your weight using weights. If the weight starts to increase, then it is necessary to return to the daily carbohydrate rate of 20 cu. and repeat the first step. And when you have almost achieved the desired result (there is still 2 kg left to remove), then proceed to stage 3.
  3. It is recommended to follow this period of the diet for 2-3 months until you completely lose weight. The amount of carbohydrates per week is increased by 10 cu. It is advisable to stretch this process for a long period of time, because it will help to achieve weight loss faster. At this stage, you should understand what is the ideal daily intake of carbohydrates for you to maintain your desired weight. It should be borne in mind that for most people the maximum daily dose is 60 USD.
  4. Stick to your daily carbohydrate intake at all times. However, sometimes you can eat a cake or other high-carb meal. The main thing is not to return to old habits.

Sample menu of the Kremlin diet for 10 days

Losing weight on the Kremlin diet, you will not feel the exhausting feeling of hunger, because your diet will be filled with high-calorie meals with a minimum content of carbohydrates. This ensures that the process of parting with overweight will take place without stress and nervous tension. Subject to this nutritional system, you must drink up to 2 liters of water. The Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, which is presented below, will help you lose weight quickly.

Diet day

4 sausages (3), cauliflower salad (5), green or black unsweetened tea (0)

a plate of soup with onions and herbs in chicken broth (250 g) (5), barbecue (lamb) (0), vegetable salad with mushrooms (6), coffee (0)

200 g unsweetened cottage cheese (6)

shrimp (2), 200 g fried sea / river fish (0), tea (0)

omelet made from 4 eggs, cheese (3), tea

bowl of celery soup (250 g) (8), carrot salad (7), escalope (0), a glass of dry wine

peanuts up to 30 g (5 cu)

boiled sea / river fish (0), lettuce (4), a glass of dry wine (2), cheese (1),

fried eggplant (5), 3 sausages (0), unsweetened tea (0)

vegetable soup up to 250 g (6), salad with chopped cabbage (5), pork chop (0), unsweetened coffee (0)

10 pieces of olives (2)

sea ​​/ river fish (0), tomato (6), up to 200 ml of kefir (6)

fried eggs (2 eggs + chopped ham) (1), hard cheese (1), tea / coffee

150 g salad with mushrooms (champignons) and vegetables, (6), soup with celery 250 g (8), steak (0), tea

cheese about 200 g

small 1 tomato (6), boiled chicken (0), tea

cottage cheese 150 grams (5), 2 pcs. boiled eggs stuffed with fried mushrooms (1), tea

beet salad with vegetable oil (7), chicken broth (5), kebab (lamb) (0), tea

roasted peanuts 30 g (5)

100 cauliflower (boiled) (5), fried chicken breast (0), tea

100 g freshly prepared / purchased squash caviar (8), 4 sausages (3), tea

200 g boiled chicken (0), boiled liver (6), cucumber salad (3), tea

avocado 1 pc. (5)

tomato (6), 200 g of boiled meat, (0), 200 g of kefir (10)

fried eggs (eggs + ham) (1), hard cheese (1), green / black tea

ear with any fish (5), 250 g of chicken fried in a pan (5), beetroot and cabbage salad (6)


boiled sea ​​fish(0), pouring lettuce (2), kefir 1 tbsp.

meals similar to the 1 day menu

meals similar to the menu 2 days

meals similar to the menu 3 days

How to use the Kremlin score table

To correctly compose the menu for the Kremlin diet, it is convenient to use a table with data on the carbohydrate content of different products. With this information, it is easy to choose a food for the day that would be nutritious and contain the required amount of carbohydrates. The table below shows the carbohydrate content per 100 g of product.

Complete table of scores for ready meals

The list below will help you navigate and see which foods are completely inappropriate for the Kremlin diet menu for the first week. For example, sweets cannot be eaten because they contain more than $ 20. White bread contains 48 cu per 100 g, so at the first stage it is not recommended. There are only 2 cu in cheeses. in 100 g, in an egg - 0.5 cu, so these products are more suitable for a losing weight diet. And here is yogurt, in which 16 cu in 100 g, it is better not to choose in the menu for the 1st period, but sometimes it is appropriate to include it in the diet in the 3rd and 4th periods of the diet.

Recipes for dishes for every day

The low-carb foods selected from the table make it easy to prepare nutritious and delicious meals. By consuming them, you can lose weight without discomfort and hunger. Try to make your menu varied. You should not give up vegetables at all, because this will negatively affect your health. Below are recipes for meals that are great for eating while observing the Kremlin diet.

Creole soup

To prepare meat soup, you will need the following ingredients: 200 g of chicken, 25 g of rice, 40 g of onion, 20 g of bell pepper, 1 tomato, salt, ground black pepper, celery, 50 g of oil, herbs. Cut the poultry meat from the bones, on which to cook the broth. Fry pieces of chicken with bell pepper and onions. Then put the cooked broth into the meat and cook until tender. Add cooked rice, chopped tomato and herbs.


To prepare this simple, delicious dish, take 4 egg whites, ½ cup milk, 30 g cheese, a little butter, salt, tomato, herbs. Whisk the whites with milk with a mixer or fork. Salt. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the whipped mass over it. Top with tomato slices, herbs and grated cheese. Bake in the oven or microwave. In reviews, those who have lost weight on the Kremlin diet say that this dish is perfect for breakfast.

Photos before and after losing weight

Every day the number of people suffering from excess weight does not decrease. And the number of different diets is only increasing. Everyone can choose the option most suitable for him. But one of the most popular and most effective today is the Kremlin diet. For a long time, its principle was kept secret, according to rumors, it was used only by the party authorities and the country's elite.

Now the diet is available to almost everyone. Its success lies in the fact that it gives quick and excellent results and, more importantly, your excess weight will not return long after you get out of it.

General information about the Kremlin diet

  • Duration: 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Features: classic protein diet with a low concentration of carbohydrates.
  • Price: Since this diet does not require any special foods, it is quite affordable and compatible with your usual budget.
  • Result: over 5 kg per week, over 8 kg in 8 weeks.
  • Recommended frequency: once a year.
  • Additional effect: useful when playing sports. Protein intake supports muscle mass and helps to get rid of excessive fat accumulation.
  • Contraindications: The diet is not recommended for persons with diseases of the digestive system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Before you go on this diet, consult your doctor.

Nutrition principles

The Kremlin diet attracts many with its simplicity. You don't have to drastically change your daily diet. The bottom line is to cut back on the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Protein foods are preferred.

Carbohydrates are essential for the body to maintain physical and mental performance. At the same time, they have a high glycemic index, make you feel hungry and accumulate in the body as fat. When the body does not receive enough carbohydrates, it begins to use its own resources from the accumulated fat. That is why the results of the Kremlin diet can be seen already from the first week.

In order to ensure convenience in calculating the ration, each dish is counted in points (points) or conventional units (cu). They correspond to the amount of carbohydrates in the product per 100 g.

The Kremlin diet differs from the rest in that it does not regulate the number of meals. Most advise you to eat 3-4 times a day. You probably won't want to eat more often, as protein keeps you feeling full for a long time. Plus, if you don't eat too often, it will be easier for you to score.

The main stages of the diet

  1. Initial stage: from 7 to 14 days, during which you are allowed to consume up to 20 cu. e. per day.
  1. Main stage: up to 6 weeks, during which you can eat up to 40 cu. e. per day.
  1. Final stage: starting from week 7, you can afford up to $ 60. e. per day.

Food: what is not allowed?

The list of products that are included in the list of prohibited is as follows:

  • bread,
  • sugar, sweets,
  • carbonated drinks, fruit juices,
  • bananas, figs, grapes,
  • cereals,
  • pasta,
  • legumes, including peanuts,
  • vegetables containing starch.

Sample menu for 1 week


  • Breakfast: cheese (75 g), 2 boiled eggs, a slice of ham, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, soup with mushrooms and spinach, turkey fillet, tea.
  • Dinner: 2 tomatoes, half a glass of kefir.

As a snack, 100 grams of nuts are allowed.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), 2 eggs, mushrooms, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, pork chop, sugar-free tea.
  • Dinner: broccoli (100 g), roasted turkey breast, tea without sugar.

As a snack, 100 g of cheese is allowed.


  • Breakfast: 1 sausage, stewed eggplant (200 g), mushrooms, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: seaweed (150 g), soup with green peas and Brussels sprouts, 3 pieces of barbecue, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled fish fillet (250 g), 2 tomatoes, a glass of kefir.

It is allowed to eat 10-15 olives as a snack.


  • Breakfast: fresh cabbage salad, 3 sausages, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with mushrooms, broth with green onion and dill feathers, 2-3 meatballs, tea.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled fish (250 g), green salad, tea without sugar.

As a snack, you are allowed to eat 200 g of cheese.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs (scrambled eggs) with cheese, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: carrot salad (100 g), soup, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled fish fillet (250 g), 150 g of cheese, green salad (250 g).

As a snack, it is allowed to eat nuts (30 g).


  • Breakfast: cheese (100 g), omelet with sausage, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: fish soup, vinaigrette, 250 g of fried chicken, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese (200 g), green salad (150 g), a glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast: 3 boiled sausages, 100 g of eggplant or zucchini caviar, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes), soup, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled meat (200 g), cucumber, a glass of kefir.

As a snack - nuts (50 g).

A prerequisite The Kremlin diet is to consume enough water. The process of losing extra pounds will be slower if you do not drink about 2 liters of water per day. Please note that tea, coffee and other drinks do not count - we are talking about clean drinking water.

At first it will not be easy for you - you will have to drink through force. But after about 2 weeks, the drinking regimen will become a habit, and this will not be problematic for you. Do not neglect this advice. While observing the Kremlin diet, the load on the kidneys increases. Water helps them do their job.

In addition, due to a decrease in the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed, vitamin deficiencies can occur in the body. Therefore, during the diet, it is advisable to take a complex of vitamins and minerals.

The Kremlin's diet is good because. In addition, such a tandem will contribute to the fastest weight loss... And the results achieved with this diet last for a very long time.

In the 90s, there were rumors about this food system that with its help many deputies and high-ranking officials were able to noticeably lose weight, including Yuri Luzhkov (the mayor of Moscow) and Sergei Tsoi (his press secretary). Soon the secrets were revealed - this is how it appeared Kremlin diet, the popularity of which has not fallen for 2 decades.

The essence

It is based on a scientific treatise called "Conditions effective nutrition, which are used in the development of menus for astronauts and the US military "(therefore it is sometimes called the method of American astronauts).

The fundamental principle is the minimum consumption of carbohydrates, at which the body begins to actively expend energy reserves of fatty deposits. The focus is not on how much food you ate, but how much carbohydrates you absorbed along with it.

All products are measured in points, or conventional units (cu): 1 point = 1 cu. e. = 1 g of carbohydrates. At each separate stage, you need to use no more than a certain amount of these y. e. Therefore, there should always be a specially developed table of products and dishes with their indication in front of your eyes.

So the essence of the Kremlin diet is its low-carb diet. The weight loss systems of Atkins and Kwasniewski are very similar to her.

From the life of the stars. According to some sources, the Kremlin diet helped Larisa Dolina, Nikolai Rastorguev, Elena Kukarskaya, Alexei Panayotov and many other celebrities lose weight.

How does it work?

Low-carb nutrition systems always deliver the most top scores(8-15 kg per month), so it is quite possible to noticeably lose weight on the Kremlin diet. Changes in diet cause many of the body's systems to work in a completely different direction, which ultimately leads to weight loss:

  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy, leads to ketosis - the breakdown of stored fat;
  • accordingly, deposits on problematic parts bodies gradually disappear;
  • together with them, the orange peel becomes less pronounced, and with the simultaneous use of anti-cellulite ointments and gels, you can completely get rid of it;
  • the state of ketosis is characterized by the normalization of metabolism, within which lipolysis also occurs - as a result, new fat reserves are not deposited;
  • the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is reduced, due to which unexpected emissions of inulin do not occur - merciless attacks of hunger are not felt.

As a result, the weight decreases - for some people quickly (up to 10 kg in the first 2 weeks), for others more slowly (minus 8 kg per month).

If, after going through all the stages, you do not feel any results, you should seek help from nutritionists (perhaps you did something wrong) or doctors (often the problem concerns health).

Description of the stages

The Kremlin diet refers to fairly strict nutritional systems. Some argue that you cannot just call it a program, since it is a whole philosophy of life. To lose weight with its help, you need to go through stages, the sequence and essence of which cannot be changed.

Stage 1. Induction phase

Duration - 2 weeks. The result is minus 10 kg.

The amount of carbohydrates is only 20 grams (= 20 points) per day. You should not change the previous diet, let it be as usual: 3 times a day + snacks at any time.

Look for recipes with points - they will save time on calculations. Portions are regular in size, you can eat until you are full, but do not overeat. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water and take a multivitamin.

Constipation is possible - treat them with plant fiber (eat more cabbage, lettuce,).

  • meat, meat products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • bird;
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • nuts (sometimes only from stage 2 of the diet are allowed);
  • vegetable oils, a small amount of mayonnaise and sour cream, fish oil;
  • drinks: water, tea, coffee;
  • sweeteners: cyclomate, saccharin, except aspartame;
  • green vegetables (about 500 grams per day): lettuce, sorrel, radish, radish, olives, olives, dill, garlic, rosemary, parsley;
  • other vegetables (300 grams per day): asparagus, rhubarb, daikon, eggplant, celery root, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, spinach, onions, peas, beans, turnips, all types of cabbage.
  • sweets, honey, sugar, sweeteners (fructose, maltose, etc.), aspartame;
  • starchy vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets (if only in small quantities);
  • fruits and juices from them;
  • cooking fats;
  • alcohol;
  • drinks with caffeine.

As you can see from this table, breakfast is far from the main meal in the Kremlin diet. Focus on lunch.

Stage 2. Phase of active weight loss

Her task is to determine your individual daily portion of carbohydrates to get rid of unnecessary pounds. If you have already dropped as many as needed in the first stage, the number of points is determined to maintain stability. For this, the rate increases by 5 cu. in Week.

This requires constant monitoring of body weight. If you exceeded the number of points, fell out or began to gain weight again, you need to return to the first phase. Stage 2 workouts will help speed up weight loss. It is advisable to take a blood test to track your health.

As a result, weight loss should stop at one indicator - this will be the final point of the second stage, so its duration is very individual. Expect about a month.

The list of products is supplemented by the following:

  • vegetables: sweet red pepper, tomatoes, avocado;
  • dairy products: heavy cream, processed cheese, fibrous, homemade, fetaki;
  • More nuts: almonds, sunflower seeds, roasted peanuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans
  • fruits and berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, melon;
  • juices without salt and sugar : lemon, tomato;
  • alcohol (some experts strongly recommend refraining from drinking it).

Stage 3. Transition phase

The amount of carbohydrates in the diet continues to increase by 10 grams per week. The task is to make the body lose weight further. Exercise will help. If within a week the indicators have not budged, you will have to reduce the number of points of food consumed by 5 cu. e.

Duration - until the moment you achieve the desired result. This usually takes a couple of weeks.

What can be added to the menu:

  • starchy vegetables: potatoes, split peas, spinach, parsnips;
  • nuts: peeled peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes: beans, lentils;
  • berries and fruits: cherries, grapes, apples, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit, bananas, plums, mangoes;
  • fruit cocktails diluted with water (1: 1);
  • cereals: rice, barley, sesame seeds, bread.

Stage 4. The phase of maintenance (consolidation)

Low-carb eating continues - from now on, it should become a permanent way of life. You had to find out how many carbohydrates per day you can eat fearlessly, what foods provoke weight gain.

Weight control continues. As soon as the extra 3-4 kg are gained, the amount of daily carbohydrate intake is immediately reduced. You still need to drink a lot of water and play sports.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Kremlin diet has its advantages that attract so many people to it, and disadvantages that can negate the desire to use it.


  • Effectiveness: The lost pounds and the melting centimeters show that the system is working.
  • Lack of sharp bouts of hunger.
  • Diet variety.
  • Possibility of eating meat and alcohol.
  • Getting rid of bad food habits (sugar cravings, for example).
  • Lasting results: if you consistently go through all the stages, lost kilos will not return.
  • The presence of vegetables and fruits will prevent vitamin depletion.
  • Raising the level of "good cholesterol".


  • In the process of breaking down fats, ketone bodies are formed - highly toxic elements that can damage cells. They cause intoxication, in which the kidneys, liver, and brain suffer, but it runs latently, and the side effects do not immediately "come around".
  • To draw up a menu, you should always have a scale and a table of points at hand - there is too much trouble.
  • A large burden on the kidneys due to the abundance of proteins, which can lead to the formation of stones and the development of gout.
  • Animal fats damage blood vessels and can provoke atherosclerosis.
  • Diet serves as a catalyst for male diseases that can manifest themselves later.
  • Deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and calcium.
  • The restriction of fiber in the diet leads to disorders of the intestinal microflora, intoxication with harmful products and constipation.
  • "Zombie": instead of food, a person sees only the "sum of points" and as a result becomes a hostage of this far from ideal type of food.

The cons of the Kremlin diet are serious enough to be ignored. Given its restrictive nature, with such weight loss, it is necessary to take medications to replenish the nutrient deficiency. Before you try the technique on yourself, you need to consult a doctor.

What does science say? Not so long ago, the English print edition of the New England Journal of Medicine published the sensational results of research conducted by British experts. They found that the Kremlin diet increases the level of "good cholesterol" and lowers the fatty acid, which provokes a stroke.


To avoid side effects after losing weight, you need to clearly observe the contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney pathology;
  • gout and urine acid diathesis;
  • the formation of stones;
  • violations in the functioning of the liver;
  • frequent constipation;
  • dysbiosis;
  • menopause, pregnancy, lactation;
  • children and old age.

Experts strongly recommend that you consult with a therapist before going on a diet. Side effects can manifest themselves only after a few months and require a separate medical recovery course for an exhausted and malfunctioning organism.

Required tables

And now we turn on the printer and print all the variants of the tables that are necessary for calculating points in the framework of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. There are many of them, but you need to sit with them once, sort them out and then actively use them when drawing up the menu, taking into account the peculiarities of the stage you are at.

These are complete tables of individual product points (per 100 grams).

You will also need complete tables of ready meals. Regardless of scrupulously calculating points at the stove, which will take a long time, just look for the appropriate recipe - and enjoy the variety of the diet.

Such a table of carbohydrates should hang in the kitchen of everyone who is losing weight so that the dishes do not outweigh the daily norm. e. (conventional units).


It seems to many that the Kremlin diet is intended for the elite, and therefore the products for it are expensive and exotic. In fact, even for ordinary people, it is very easy to create a menu for a week at the rate of 20 points every day.

If you need to make a menu for 10 days or for 2 weeks, just repeat the proposed diet again, which fits perfectly into stages I and II.


We offer ideal recipes for the first stage - dishes with already calculated points (per 100 g)

Chicken in white sauce / 2.5 points


  • 500 gr chicken fillet;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • ½ onion;
  • 250 ml fat-free;
  • 250 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.


  1. Cut the chicken into cubes, the onion into half rings.
  2. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, kefir separately.
  3. Fry onions, add meat to it, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour in the sauce, add herbs, crushed garlic.
  5. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  6. Simmer until tender.

Celery soup / 8 points


  • 300 grams of celery stalk;
  • 100 grams of celery root;
  • 1 onion;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Wash and chop the vegetables.
  2. Boil over low heat until soft.
  3. Beat in a blender.
  4. Add a little sour cream.
  5. You can add chicken broth instead of water.

Sauerkraut salad / 5 points


  • 500 grams of sauerkraut;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • spices.


  1. Grind vegetables.
  2. Stir in butter.
  3. Add spices.

Many have successfully used the Kremlin diet for weight loss, although this technique has garnered a lot of critics. Despite the duration and predominantly protein food in the diet, it allows you to lose up to 15 kg per month. The main thing is to count the points every day and not get lost.

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