Eating immediately after training. Post-Workout Food - Nutrition Tips

I have a simple question for you. Do you want to achieve any of the following goals:

  • get rid of fat
  • get rid of fat and build muscle
  • increase strength
  • improve performance
  • to be healthy

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your daily focus MUST be on eating the right amount of calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. And this is an indisputable fact.

Your daily total calorie and nutrient intake (from high quality foods) is ALWAYS the most important part of any diet, regardless of your goals.

But here another question arises. What then is second critical aspect diet?

For those who regularly play sports, the answer to this question is simple and scientifically based.

PRE-TRAINING and POST-TRAINING nutrition Are the foods you eat before and after your workout.

After consuming the right amount of calories each day, the next most important and influential factor in your results is how you combine nutrition with exercise.

The reason for this is quite obvious. Nutrition BEFORE and AFTER workouts plays a key role in their effectiveness.

In the most general sense, it looks like this:

  • what you consume front training (and if required and during it) is critical both to its effectiveness and to maximizing your productivity during it.
  • what you eat after training is critical to improving the recovery process (which begins immediately after training) and ensures that the body is provided with everything it needs to recover, and adapt and improve performance.

And although research proves separate benefits ONLY proper nutrition BEFORE exercising, or ONLY eating well AFTER exercise, real experience shows that BOTH of these meals are the key to achieving better results.

Of course, nutrition will not determine your success or failure in training process but the foods you eat before and after your workout will certainly play a positive role in improving your performance.

You just have to consume these foods properly to get the most out of your workout.

Unsurprisingly, the field of nutrition and fitness has become overwhelmed by the emergence of various "experts" dispensing unique special recommendations and supplement companies that produce supposedly "exceptional" products.

Let's not discuss all this nonsense, but rather find out exactly what you should eat before and after training.

Pre-workout nutrition: what to eat before exercising

As you may have guessed, pre-workout meals are your last meal. front training.

In certain cases, pre-workout meals may be related to nutrition. during training (only if necessary).

For this reason, many people group these meals under one name “ energy phase».

The Purpose of Pre-Workout Nutrition

The reason these meals are called the "energy phase" is pretty obvious.

Pre-workout meals play a huge role in providing the body with everything it needs to provide optimal performance during training.

And the purpose of eating during exercise (either in lieu of or with a pre-workout meal) is exactly the same.

In particular, the main goal of a pre-workout meal is to achieve the following effects:

  • reducing the depletion of muscle glycogen stores
  • reduced muscle protein breakdown
  • decreased cortisol levels after exercise

How to do it

To successfully achieve the above goals, your body needs 2 things:

  1. carbohydrates
  2. proteins

This means that in pre-workout intake Your main goal is to consume significant amounts of carbohydrates and proteins in some form (and if necessary during exercise).

it key moment... And if you do all this, then you are doing the right thing.

Now comes the point where everyone starts to give super-difficult advice on how many grams of carbs and proteins you should consume, what foods you should get them from, and how many hours, minutes and seconds before training you should eat to achieve MAXIMUM RESULTS!

And while I find such advice amusing and mostly pointless (in fact, the differences will be minor at best), I cannot leave you without any advice.

Nutrition details will vary slightly depending on your schedule, the time of day you work, the amount of time you have before exercising, the type of workout you intend to do, and of course your preferences.

I will not try to describe everything possible options, but I'll just give you probably the most popular advice on what to eat before exercise

Information provided by Alan Aragon, who is by far one of the smartest and most respected nutrition experts.

Option A: 60-90 minutes before your workout, eat a solid, balanced meal containing:

Protein= 0.5 g per kg of body weight

Carbohydrates= 0.5 g per kg of body weight

You can add fat as you like if it fits into your dietary macronutrient intake. Note that this meal is skipped if you exercise in the morning.

Option B: 30 minutes before or just before training (and / or during training), have a drink or an easily digestible food that contains:

Protein= 0.5 g per kg of body weight

Carbohydrates= 0.5 g per kg of body weight

If you are going to be exercising for 2 hours or more, then it will be helpful for you to take this additional food immediately before your workout, or drink a drink during it. Eat fat at your own discretion and cut it out if you experience stomach discomfort during exercise.

I think everything is pretty clear here.

As for me personally, I stick to an option that is somewhat similar to the first.

  • I eat 1-2 hours before training. My diet consists of solid foods that are high in protein (chicken, fish, beef, egg white, etc.) and high in carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, or any other low glycemic index).

Nothing fancy, just protein and carbohydrates from normal food 1-2 hours before training. This is the option I would recommend to most people.

There is no need to complicate everything and get hung up on details. Alan Aragon himself would advise you the same.

Post-workout nutrition: what to eat after exercise

Post-workout meal is the first meal after workout.

While the pre-workout meal (and / or the meal during exercise) is commonly referred to as the "energy phase," the post-workout meal is called the " anabolic phase».

The Purpose of Post-Workout Nutrition

The reason this meal is called " anabolic phase"Is again obvious, because anabolism means" building "(or even" rebuilding ") something.

Post-workout food intake plays a large role in providing the body with everything it needs to recovery, energy replenishment, and adaptations to those challenges that you threw him during training.

Specifically, the purpose of post-workout meals is to support the following processes:

  • Replenishing muscle glycogen stores depleted during exercise
  • Reduced exercise-induced muscle protein breakdown
  • Accelerating muscle protein synthesis
  • Reduced muscle pain and fatigue
  • Significantly faster overall recovery
  • Decreased cortisol levels

How to do it

To achieve all of the above, your body needs 2 things:

  1. carbohydrates
  2. proteins

Yes, the same 2 things your body needs before training.

So, in your post-workout meal, your the main objectivesoon consume a significant amount of carbohydrates and proteins in any form after exercise.

Why soon? Because after training, your body is more ready than ever to take in protein and carbohydrates. He is able to immediately begin to usefully assimilate them and start those wonderful processes that are listed above.

Most people also believe that calorie absorption (the way they are used when ingested) is best during this period, and they eat the most food during the day.

Excellent if you eat within the first 60 minutes after training but even better - within 30 minutes.

So, your main post-workout goal is to consume a lot of protein and carbohydrates within about 30 minutes after your workout.

If you do that, then you are doing the right thing.

Of course, we have reached the point where everyone wants specifics. How many grams of carbohydrates and proteins, from what products they should come, etc.

And although I again find most of the advice on this topic pointless, I cannot leave you completely without recommendations.

As I did earlier in the section on pre-workout nutrition, here are some of the popular recommendations from Alan Aragon. But this time they are about what to eat after training.

Within 30 minutes of your workout, eat a liquid or solid food that contains:

Protein= 0.5 g per kg of body weight

Carbohydrates= 0.5-1 g per kg of body weight

The amount of fat depends on your daily calorie intake.

For me personally, I usually approach this meal in 3 different ways, again, this is pretty clear.

  • Option "A" : Sometimes I drink a shake of whey protein, which is a protein source (whey is a "fast" protein, but more on that later), and dextrose (a type of sugar commonly used in sports drinks), which serves as a source of carbohydrates. I just put them in a shaker, take it with me to workout and leave it in the car or in a locker. When I finish my workout, I fill a bottle with water, shake it for a few seconds, and I have a post-workout drink that I drink on my way home.
  • Option "B" : sometimes instead of a cocktail, I eat solid food as soon as I get home. I usually eat chicken with a large serving of brown rice, white potatoes, or other high glycemic index food. As I mentioned earlier, this is the only time of day when high glycemic foods take precedence over low glycemic foods.
  • Option "B" : sometimes I combine elements of the previous 2 options. Specifically, I use whey as a protein source and high glycemic foods as a carbohydrate source.

Which option I use and which one I recommend to you depends on many factors.

Option "A" (a shake of protein and dextrose) is considered to be far superior to all others because both ingredients are absorbed faster than any other source of protein or carbohydrates (not to mention that liquids are digested faster than solid foods).

However, if you are smart about your pre-workout nutrition, then it probably doesn’t. of great importance as many people think. Don't get me wrong, I often use this option, and the benefits listed are not the most important.

The really big plus of cocktails is convenience. Just mix and drink. Many people prefer cocktails because they are quick and convenient. Not to mention, some people just don't feel hungry after exercise, so they prefer drinks over solid foods. It all depends on personal preference.

Choices "B" and "C" (solid food or mixed) are more suitable for those who prefer solid food over liquid. Some people enjoy large portions of high glycemic index foods that they usually avoid for the rest of the day.

These options can be especially attractive for those who want to lose fat (they consume fewer calories from solid foods) or for people who find it difficult to control their appetite.

In general, if you understand the essence of good nutrition (consuming enough protein and carbohydrates soon after training), then it doesn't really matter how you do it. It all comes down to personal preference.

There is no need to complicate everything and get hung up on details.

How to eat after a post-workout meal

As for how to eat after a post-workout meal (and when exactly to do it), I again refer you to Alan Aragon's advice.

This is just your next meal on schedule. Whether it will be in 1, 2 or 3 hours does not matter, especially if you ate immediately after training as described above.

I have nothing to add to this.

Summing up on nutrition before and after workouts

Quite simply, to be honest.

It doesn't matter what nutritional gurus say or what supplement companies say. The most important part of your diet is your total daily calorie, protein, fat and carbohydrate intake, not some “magic” meal timing or any other such nonsense.

Proper pre- and post-workout nutrition plays a positive role in achieving overall results.

Does it play a critical role in your ability to burn fat, build muscle, and achieve similar goals? No. Can it make up for your inability to achieve truly serious results? Definitely not.

But given that you are doing all the other important things properly, proper pre- and post-workout nutrition will only improve your results.

Therefore, before and after training, eat foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates, and do not waste time and energy trying to complicate this process.

Answers to frequently asked questions about nutrition before and after training

Before we finish, I want to answer a few questions that many have had after reading this article.

Can you tell more about whey protein? What brand of protein and dextrose do you recommend?

For full information on protein (and protein supplements in general) see later in this guide.

In terms of dextrose, any brand will do. It's pretty cheap, so buy it in bulk if you choose to consume it as a post-workout carb source. I personally prefer Now Foods Dextrose.

My goal is to lose weight. Could EXTRA calories in my pre- and post-workout meals cause excess weight and prevent weight loss?

NO, in no case. Because these are calories ARE NOT EXCEPTIONAL.

They are part of your overall daily diet.

I mean, the extra calories from these meals will become unhealthy, ONLY if you consume them in excess of the calories you should be consuming.

They should only be a PART of your total daily calorie intake that is ideal for you.

That is, if you need to consume 2,500 calories per day (for example), then the calories of your pre- and post-workout meals should be part of those 2,500 calories, and NOT in addition to them.

It seems obvious, but I was often asked a surprised question: "Do I need to count these calories too ?!"

The same goes for proteins, carbohydrates and / or fats. Calories and nutrients these meals are also included in your total daily calories.

If I Do Cardio After strength training What time should I eat after exercise?

You can either eat right after you finish your entire workout (in this case, after cardio), or if you drink a shake after your workout (option A), then you can use 3 other options.

You can also take a short break between strength training and cardio and sip on your post-workout shake.

Or just drink it during cardio.

You can also combine options. Start drinking before cardio and finish during it. If you like, you can start drinking the shake at the end of your strength training session.

In fact, if you consume a certain amount of protein and carbohydrates soon after training, then you are doing everything right.

Some companies make pre- and post-workout sports drinks that contain the same ingredients you mentioned. Can I use them?

You can, but better not.

Firstly, you won't waste your money, because it is much cheaper to buy protein and dextrose and, by adding water, make such a drink yourself.

In addition, you can choose the optimal amount of substances for yourself (and not the one that the manufacturer decided to include), and also not overpay for those useless ingredients that such drinks often include.

That's all there is to know about what, when, why, and how to eat before and after exercise.

Now it's time to talk about what everyone loves to spend a lot of time and money on. I mean sports supplements.

It is widely believed among those who want to lose weight that there are only two ways to normalize the body: exhausting training and a merciless diet. But this is not true. Intense training must be combined with dietary nutrition, which will allow you to quickly reset excess weight without harm to health and heavy loads. Eating the right post-workout diet for weight loss will provide the body with the energy it needs and help normalize metabolism.

Nutritional Principles for Exercise

To lose weight, you need to consume more calories during exercise than the food consumed. But, at the same time, the calories consumed must be sufficient in order to maintain normal health and functioning of the body.

With a "shortage" of the necessary calories, weight loss will occur, but not for long: the body will eventually adjust its metabolism based on the amount of calories it receives, and the process of burning fat will stop. This is exactly what happens in fashion models - they do not eat, but they do not get rid of excess weight in any way, because their metabolism slows down, but there is no muscle mass.

Therefore, it is very important to clearly establish proper nutrition during the period intense training and follow his main principle: "spend more than consume, but consume within the normal range."

Meals before and after sports training depends on two factors:

Morning workouts

The most effective for weight loss are morning classes sports, when a person has not had time to eat anything yet. In the morning hours, the reserves of glycogen in the body are minimal, which means that energy will be taken from body fat.

However, not every person can train on an empty stomach (this depends on the state of the vegetative-vascular system) - many people feel dizzy, palpitations, and darker eyes. In this case, you can 30-40 minutes before morning workout Eat something light but high in carbohydrates (such as banana, bread, or toast).

Day workouts

Before daytime workouts or evening time, you can eat a little complex carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal, pasta), but in 1-1.5 hours - they give energy for a long time.

If you can't eat fully before training, then you can eat banana or dried fruits, drink a cup of coffee with toast. But it is imperative to eat, otherwise the strength for training will not be enough, and the body after physical exercise will require more calories.

What to eat before training

The main principle of nutrition when playing sports is that you cannot eat immediately before starting a workout, otherwise the body will start to consume energy from food in the stomach, and not from fat folds. Therefore, it is imperative to eat before class (2-3 hours).

Pre-workout meals should include protein and carbohydrates and be free of fat. Recommended meals:

  • Poultry (chicken or turkey fillet) with coarsely ground crispbread.
  • Omelet or eggs.
  • Low-fat beefsteak with buckwheat.
  • Oatmeal or rice porridge.
  • Fruit or vegetable salad hic.

The calorie content of your pre-workout meal should be the same as your usual meal.

For building muscle mass you need food rich in proteins (eggs, meat, cottage cheese). Bulky food (meat dishes, soup) is best eaten before training (a couple of hours). And half an hour before the gym, you can eat grapefruit, dried fruits, apples, drink a cup of coffee (or strong green tea). These foods will help tune your body to strength training and mobilize body fat for burning.

What to eat after training

After a workout, organizing proper nutrition includes two main questions.

  • When to eat after exercise.
  • What to eat after exercise.

Nutritional features after sports are not only correct selection products, but also in strict adherence to the regime.

When to eat

There are two common opinions on this question: some sources claim that you need to eat in the very first 20-30 minutes after sports, while others recommend refraining from food for 2-3 hours after sports. The choice of diet depends most often on the characteristics of the body, the intensity of training and on the result that they are trying to achieve.

If the goal of training is simply to lose weight, then you really need to eat 2-3 hours after training. When playing sports, the fat burning mechanism is triggered, which is active for another 2-3 hours. That is, during this time, the body consumes energy from its own fat reserves, and not from food.

However, if you eat half of the calories burned immediately after training (eating, for example, an apple or kefir), then overweight will not return. It's another matter if you fast after a workout for another 2-3 hours, and then gorge yourself, while gaining all the calories spent with interest.

Therefore, you should choose a suitable diet on your own, in which training would not lead to complete exhaustion, and subsequent meals would not turn into overeating.

If the goal of training is not only getting rid of kilograms, but also a beautiful and toned body, it is recommended to eat within 20-30 minutes after training. This time is called the "anabolic window", and everything that will be eaten during this period will be used to increase muscle mass. The main thing is not to overeat and choose the right products for food.

So, if the goal of training is only weight loss, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not eat 2-3 hours before training.
  • Try not to consume protein before training.
  • During and before training, drink only water.
  • After training, you can not eat for 2-3 hours.

If hunger cannot be suppressed, you can eat an apple after training, drink green tea or kefir. When training in the evening, it is better not to go to bed hungry and eat a small amount of vegetables or a little cottage cheese, drink a glass of kefir.

What to eat

The post-workout meal should be focused on low-fat meals, which would be 1/3 carbohydrates and 2/3 protein.

Post-workout meal options:

  • Curd with nuts;
  • Omelets;
  • Lavash with vegetables and chicken breast;
  • Fruit cheese;
  • Fish steak with vegetable salad;
  • Boiled meat with peas;
  • Egg toast;
  • Flakes with milk;
  • Sandwiches with cheese, vegetables, ham, chicken breast;
  • Fruit and vegetable salads;
  • Baked vegetables with fish.

There are tons of meals to eat after your workout. The main thing is the optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in food, and the volume of servings (no more than half of the calories spent).

Do not eat after exercise:

  • Fats;
  • Products containing caffeine.

Fats inhibit the flow of carbohydrates and proteins into the bloodstream from the stomach, so all food should be as fat-free as possible.

Caffeine interferes with the flow of glycogen into muscles, and as a result, protein cannot be used for post-workout recovery.

You should choose your diet yourself. To do this, during the training period, you should listen to the reaction of your body to the foods you eat. So you can derive your own formula for proper nutrition for weight loss.

Sample menu

Post-workout nutrition for weight loss is based on two main principles:

  • Do not overeat and eat in a hurry.
  • You must adhere to the diet.

Therefore, it is best to draw up and adhere to a special fitness menu for weight loss, current and regular sports activities.

1 day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, egg, low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of juice.
  • Second breakfast: fruit salad, low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast, rice, green salad.
  • Afternoon snack: baked potato, fat-free yogurt.
  • Dinner: stewed fish, vegetable salad, apple.

2nd day

  • Breakfast: muesli, egg, fruit, tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: carrot juice, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: stewed potatoes with chicken fillet, Apple.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit.
  • Dinner: baked fish, boiled beans, vegetable salad.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: fruits, oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
  • Second breakfast: banana, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: fish fillet, boiled rice, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, fruit.
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, corn, salad.

4th day

  • Breakfast: grapefruit, hercules porridge, a glass of juice.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.
  • Lunch: baked vegetables, turkey, apple.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad, cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: chicken breast with vegetables.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: peach, oatmeal, omelet, juice.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable juice, rice casserole.
  • Lunch: boiled rice, baked chicken, fresh cucumber.
  • Dinner: veal, corn, kefir.

6th day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, scrambled eggs, a glass of tea.
  • Second breakfast: carrot pancakes, juice.
  • Lunch: rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: baked potatoes, yogurt.
  • Dinner: boiled shrimps with vegetable salad.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: apple, buckwheat, omelet.
  • Second breakfast: peach, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: pasta, boiled chicken, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: dried apricots, yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes, fish, vegetable juice.

The diet contains a balanced amount of protein and carbohydrates and is low in fat, and involves regular fitness training.

Proper nutrition while exercising in the gym is the basis for losing weight, and if you ignore it, then the results from the exercise will not be noticeable. Therefore, you should follow the rules of nutrition, strictly adhere to the diet and carefully monitor the reactions of your body to changes in nutrition and training.

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So, today we'll talk about how to eat before and after training in order to lose weight and in order to build muscle.

If your goal is to build muscle, then exercise and proper nutrition are a must. Workouts in this case should be 4-5 times a week, with large weights and a small number of approaches. Particular attention should be paid precisely to the fact that work with weight should be based on the limit, i.e. the last approach should really be the last, and not so that you can lift dumbbells 20 more times, for example. Cardio exercises should also be, but more in the form of warm-up and cool-down, i.e. not as intense as those who want to lose weight.

If your goal is weight loss, then you need to work with small weights, 3 sets of 10-12 reps (for girls) at a good pace with minimal rest between sets.

15-20 minutes before training, you can have a snack with yogurt (natural) or protein shake and fruit, after which you can train for 30-60 minutes at an intense pace, or 1-1.2 hours, but already of medium intensity, which includes stretching, cardio and strength training.

It should be noted that immediately after training, after 20-30 minutes, there should be an abundant intake of protein and carbohydrate foods. At this time, a metabolic window opens in the body, when the body is actively consuming protein and carbohydrate foods for muscle recovery. What will happen muscle growth otherwise, the muscles will be destroyed.

The optimal nutrition after a workout is a protein shake and cottage cheese, since it is considered the fastest-digesting protein, unlike, for example, meat. The body will spend a lot of time and energy on the assimilation of meat, and after training it needs to immediately get protein and simple carbohydrates. The body needs a lot of protein and carbohydrates at this time, but it will digest everything, because due to a critical condition, he will quickly process them and nothing will be deposited in fat, everything will go to muscle recovery. Never eat fat or drink caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee ...) after exercise, because caffeine interferes with glycogen and interferes with muscle recovery.

The only thing to remember is that such post-workout nutrition is designed only for training aimed at muscle growth, because many are engaged in endurance, fat burning, etc.

Many people prefer to work out in the evenings because of their work. Therefore, the question: how to eat after training, in this case, is also very relevant. Many nutritional guides say you should eat less at the end of the day. Reduce carbohydrates to reduce body fat. However, if you train, then none of these principles apply. So you need to replenish energy reserves in the muscles after training, you still need nutrients for recovery.

After dinner, you need to do something and go to bed after a while. This way you will not gain excess fat, because metabolic processes are accelerated after training, and proteins and carbohydrates are used to replenish reserves.

If you want to lose weight

It is worth noting right away that it is impossible to train on an empty stomach in any case. The stomach is considered hungry if it has not eaten for 8 hours. For example, immediately after waking up, you cannot practice without a light snack, you need to have a snack or drink plain water. Thus, you start the metabolic process for burning fat.

For weight loss, after training, you can not eat for 1 hour, only drink water. After 1 hour, eat a balanced meal of protein and carbohydrates. At the same time, carbohydrates should be healthy, not chocolate, but brown rice, buckwheat, coarse pasta, cereals, bread, vegetables, etc. Protein - fish, chicken, egg whites, etc.

Just don't eat fatty foods after training. And also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.

You can get rid of excess fat only in one case - if you consume more calories per day than you consume.

However, there is a caveat: the consumption of calories must be sufficient for the normal functioning of the body.

In case of a shortage of calories, you will lose weight, but not for long: over time, your body will adjust its metabolism in accordance with the number of calories it receives, and the process of fat loss will stop. At the exit, your metabolism will be even slower than it was. The so-called fashion model syndrome will appear: they eat like birds, but often cannot lose fat due to the fact that they have: a) slow metabolism, b) no muscles. Muscles in themselves are very energy intensive and many calories are spent on their maintenance, even at rest.

Basically, if you follow the principle of “consuming more than consuming, but the second is within the normal range,” you will lose weight without even bothering about what and how much to eat before and after training.

If there is a desire to get confused, then this only optimizes the process of getting rid of fat reserves.

I'm telling you.

Pre- and post-workout nutrition depends on:

a) training time,
b) type of training (strength or aerobic).

Most effective training"For weight loss" - in the morning on an empty stomach. At this time, glycogen stores are minimal, which means that you will draw energy from your own fat, which, in turn, will burn.

If for some reason you cannot train on an empty stomach (many people, for example, feel dizzy), it doesn’t matter: 30-40 minutes before training, eat something light, but carbohydrate (coffee with banana, tea with bread) ...

If you are training not on an empty stomach, but during the day, then an hour and a half before training, I recommend eating a heavy meal of complex carbohydrates (pasta, oatmeal, rice): they will give you energy for a long time. If you didn't manage to eat normally before training and you feel that your strength is "at zero", and you don't want to train at all, then half an hour before training, throw in fast "coals": banana with coffee, dried fruits. Fast carbohydrates are fast, which gives a quick burst of energy. It will allow you to start training and finish up to the "second wind", which will definitely open. It always opens, if you do not catch "overtraining", but you, forgive me, are far from it.

Now for the important thing - post-workout nutrition.

To be honest, I don't think you need to bother with pre-workout nutrition at all. The main thing is not to overdo it with squirrel, from which you crawl around the hall like a sleepy fly. It turned out to throw pasta or buckwheat in an hour and a half - great, no - no problem: eat a banana and go!

But what and when you eat after training is really important. There are many "misunderstandings" here, starting with whether it is worth not eating for two hours after training, and ending with the closure of the anabolic "window".

Let's sort it out in order.

1) "Don't eat two hours after training."

This approach has a right to exist. Moreover, it is very effective, but only for those who are not concerned with the quality of the body. If your goal is to lose fat and nothing else, you really better not consume anything but water after training. Why? In training, you start the fat burning mechanism, which will be active for another couple of hours and after it. Simply put, you are no longer exercising, but you are losing weight even more. During this time, your body consumes its own fat as an energy source. In other words, fat "burns". If after training you throw food in yourself, that is, provide your body with an alternative source of energy, the fat burning process will stop. No, don’t worry: eating after training will not negate the work done (of course, if you didn’t eat a whole goose). You just lost exactly as much as you lost in training, and in the next two hours you took energy not from your own fat, but from food.

The question arises: how much you need to eat after training, so as not to cross out the work done, the purpose of which is to lose weight. Even if not as intense as what you would have with two hours of post-workout hunger strike.

Focus on half of the calories spent, that is, if you burned 600 kcal, then after training, throw 300 in yourself.

What is better for losing weight: "endure" two hours, and then overeat or throw in half of the calories burned right after training? Definitely the second. You can "starve" only on condition that food debauchery does not happen to you in two hours.

I repeat again: two hours after training, only the lady who does not care about the quality of her muscles can not eat. There are such women and they also have a right to exist. I recommend them, if not medical contraindications, train on an empty stomach and eat nothing for two hours after training.

We deal with the rest.

2) "Carbohydrate window": close - do not close.

If your goal is not only weight loss, but also the quality of muscles, then definitely - to close.

At the moment when it was a priority for me to jump from one size to another, I did not close it. Now I am very worried about the quality of my body, and I naturally close it.

How to eat for those who do not spend separate aerobic exercise How do I wrap up a strength workout with a 20 minute cardio session? Stick to a protein ratio. The "window" should be closed within half an hour after training.

Now on what not to consume after exercise:

a) fats,
b) caffeine.

Fat inhibits the flow of proteins and carbohydrates from the stomach into the bloodstream, so watch out for the fat content of protein foods that you consume after exercise. Everything should be as fat-free as possible. No isolate on 2.5% milk, no 5% cottage cheese.

Caffeine interferes with overloading glycogen in muscles and liver and taking protein for muscle recovery, so after training, eliminate everything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and everything with its aftertaste. Even chocolate protein is best avoided, not to mention coffee, which you can only indulge in two hours after training.

Those who are happy with their fat percentage can load as many calories after training as they have spent, but only protein and carbohydrate percentages, depending on the type of training.

Practicing regular exercise for weight loss or for the purpose of improving the body, a person depletes water and energy reserves. Therefore, it is possible to ensure normal well-being and recuperate for the next activities only with proper nutrition after sports. At the same time, it is important to maintain the correct balance in nutrition in order to qualitatively replenish the supply of what was lost and not gain at the same time. It is quite understandable that there are much less requirements for nutrition before training and after people who play sports unprofessionally than for nutrition of athletes. However, they still exist, and these recommendations should be followed. The article below will talk about the features of eating after physical activity, as well as whether it is worth skipping meals after exercise in order to lose weight.

Types of training

In order to competently organize meals for those who are engaged in gyms, there are many features to consider. First of all, how long the training lasts, as well as what kind of activities a person practices.

All types of training are divided into three large groups:

  • Gymnastic - yoga, stretching, and a variety of simple exercises performed at home.
  • Cardio is an active exercise, during which the heart and blood vessels are actively involved. These are fitness, running, aerobics, orbit track and stationary bike classes, etc.
  • Strength - exercises aimed at building muscle mass.

If it comes O professional athletes and bodybuilders, they practice a special sports nutrition system, which clearly indicates when and what exactly to eat.

As for people trying to lose weight, in this case it is important that the diet is balanced and based on natural and healthy products.

For beginners in sports, nutritionists are advised to pay attention to what they eat before exercise. It is not uncommon for those who have just started to practice training, in the course of training or immediately afterwards, their blood sugar levels drop sharply. This leads to the appearance of cold sweats, nausea,. Therefore, it is not worth training on an empty stomach. For an hour and a half before training, you need to eat a little oatmeal or another meal rich in carbohydrates.

Those who practice morning physical activity can have breakfast with a banana, eat muesli, oatmeal, drink tea with the addition of honey. It is important that the products contain complex carbohydrates, therefore, it is not recommended to eat chocolate and sweets before sports activities.

However, if a person practices running, dancing, swimming or other aerobic training, as well as yoga, then it is allowed to do this on an empty stomach, but only if you feel well.

When exercising for weight loss, women should eat mostly protein and carbohydrate foods with a small amount of fat.

If sports are scheduled for the evening, then you should adhere to simple rule: Eat a meal containing complex carbohydrates an hour or an hour and a half before. This will help you fill up with energy for a long time and exercise effectively.

Post-workout nutrition

In the process of physical activity, initially there is a consumption glucose , Further - glycogen , and only then does adipose tissue begin to be consumed. Therefore, after sports, the first step is to restore glucose levels. After doing cardio, it is recommended to have a small snack after 15 minutes. That is, ideally, almost immediately after changing clothes or taking a shower, it is advisable to drink a smoothie or freshly squeezed juice, eat a fruit of your choice. In this case, the recommendations are the same for both girls and guys.

Fasting for several hours after a sports set is a very gross mistake. In this case, metabolic processes in the body slow down, which negatively affects weight loss. However, after a small snack of carbohydrate food, you can refuse to eat for several hours - in this case, with an active metabolism, fat reserves will be burned.

After strength training that a person performs with the aim of increasing muscle mass, you need to eat protein foods. Containing a large amount proteins meals are recommended to be consumed within an hour after the end of the training process.

Ideal in this case is considered protein cocktail... However, it is quite possible to replace it with protein. chicken eggs, chicken breast, fish. You can also eat seafood, vegetables, scrambled eggs. But it is not recommended to eat dairy products immediately after class. Protein food is also important in terms of stimulating the process of losing weight, as it contributes to the active "building" of muscles and metabolism during the day after training and the next day.

Thus, proper post-workout nutrition depends on the type of workout: carbohydrate foods should be consumed after cardio exercise, and protein foods should be consumed after strength training. However, the need to eat after sports activities Means a small snack, not a full meal. You can eat in a few hours.

If a person goes in for sports regularly and under the supervision of a fitness trainer, a professional will explain how to properly arrange nutrition before and after classes. The fact is that in this case it is important to take into account a number of individual characteristics - the intensity and frequency of classes, the characteristics of the organism and the state of health. The ideal option is a diet prepared by a professional trainer.

Nutrition for strength training

Professional bodybuilders and those looking to build muscle should closely follow nutritional advice. It is recommended for such athletes to eat food containing proteins and carbohydrates immediately after a set of strength exercises - for 20-30 minutes. Sports nutrition stipulates that it is at this time that bodybuilders are allowed to include carbohydrates in the menu that have a relatively high glycemic index , - so called fast carbohydrates... It is after training for weight in the athlete's body that the so-called anabolic, post-workout or protein-carbohydrate window opens. And since all those nutrients that are contained in food are included in anabolic processes at this time, post-workout nutrition is very important in order to restore muscles and activate their growth.

In order for a bodybuilder to recover the energy expended, he needs carbohydrates. Not getting enough of them, to restore energy balance, the body begins to destroy muscle tissue, which is unacceptable for a bodybuilder. After training, the body needs 60-100 grams of them. As carbohydrate-containing dishes, cereals are suitable - buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal, rice, as well as bran bread, honey, bananas, fresh juices. According to research by specialists, pomegranate and watermelon juice effectively relieves muscle pain after physical exertion.

Immediately after completing a set of exercises, the bodybuilder is advised to drink a protein shake with fast protein. It will significantly increase the activity of protein synthesis in muscles, as well as contribute to the production of anabolic hormone insulin ... After training, the body needs 20-30 g of protein. Poultry, lean meat, eggs, fish are suitable as protein-containing dishes.

What shouldn't be eaten after class?

For two hours after exercise, you should not consume products containing caffeine, as well as other stimulants: chocolate, coffee, cocoa, tea. Caffeine interferes with the function of insulin by preventing the ingress of glycogen into the liver and muscles.

What to eat after your evening workout?

If the athlete is accustomed to exercising in the evening, he needs to eat a heavy meal at least two hours before starting the exercise. It is recommended to drink a complex protein before going to bed (about 40 g). With absence protein shake before going to bed, you can eat up to 200 g of cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Combined workouts

In order to lose weight, experts advise combining cardio and strength training. It is this "mixture" that will make it possible to strengthen the body, tone the skin and muscles, while losing weight.

If a person is a beginner in sports, in addition to regular exercise in the gym, he also needs to adhere to some recommendations regarding nutrition and drinking regime:

  • The general daily menu should contain slightly fewer calories than a person spends during the day.
  • You should not overeat before exercising, as this can provoke indigestion, belching, and pain during exercise.
  • Since in the process of active exercises there is a tangible loss of fluid, it is important to replenish the water supply in the body in a timely manner. During the exercise, you should drink still water in small sips, taking several sips every fifteen minutes.
  • If cardio and strength exercises are practiced on different days, then the nutrition on each of them should be appropriate. On cardio days, you need to consume less carbohydrates, on days of strength - a minimum of fat.
  • It is important to choose foods that the digestive system responds to normally.


Thus, both those who are professionally involved in sports and people who visit the gym for the purpose of losing weight need to be mindful of their diet. The statement that during the period of weight loss you need to eat as little as possible, and after training it is better to abstain from food altogether, is fundamentally wrong. This can ultimately lead to a deterioration in metabolic processes in the body and, accordingly, slow down weight loss.

Ideally, a fitness trainer should tell about the nutritional features of those who regularly play sports, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. But if a person's diet is dominated by healthy food, and he is not inclined to overeating, then, taking into account the above recommendations, he will be able to organize optimal nutrition before and after training and get the expected result.

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