Olimp Whey Protein. Feeling constantly tired

Polish protein from the mid-range price range with a high protein content, 26 g per serving is one of the best results. But, a serving in olimp whey protein complex 100% is also more than average for proteins and is 35 g. Perhaps this is a little trick.

Marketing tricks also include the word "complex" in the title. Basically it's a concentrate. whey protein, and the isolate is clearly in a small amount here, probably to call this protein complex.

Olimp itself has been on the market for about 20 years. Like most European proteins, olimp whey protein complex complies with HACCP and GMP quality standards.

The composition is usual for this price, proteins and carbohydrates in a reasonable amount, there is no aspartame, which, by the way, is not harmful in small quantities.


Quantity nutrients per serving (1 scoop or 35 g):

  • Calories - 134 kcal
  • Total fat - 1.5 g
  • Total Carbs - 3.9g
  • Protein - 26 g
  • Salt - 0.3 g


ultrafiltered whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, flavouring, acidity regulator, sweeteners, sucralose, thickener.

How to use

Mix one serving (1 scoop or 35 g) with 200 ml of water or low fat milk.

Take olimp whey protein complex 100% Need immediately after training and / or an hour before it. Also drink whey protein between main meals and in the morning, right after waking up.

Inexpensive alternative in the form of a blend of isolate with whey protein concentrate from Germany

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Olimp Whey protein Complex is a protein based on ultra-filtered whey concentrate and whey isolate, which makes it a product with a high biological value, since whey contains all the amino acids the body needs for growth and recovery muscle mass with the highest degree of absorption.

Whey protein is one of the most popular species protein, as it is the most active source of protein. Of all the proteins, whey is the closest in amino acid composition to the proteins of human muscle tissue, while it has the best anabolic ability. In addition, whey contains the highest amount of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), which play a key role in muscle building.

V Whey Protein Complex Whey comes in two forms: ultra-filtered whey concentrate and whey isolate.

Ultrafiltered Whey Concentrate is produced by a cross-microfiltration process that uses low temperature purification of the concentrate, so the result is a supplement with at least 80 percent protein, which is low in lactose and fat and retains all the beneficial sub-fractions. In addition, the whey concentrate obtained by this method contains a lot of calcium and a small amount of sodium. This method of obtaining protein involves the use of high-tech ceramic filters, which is a natural non-chemical process that does not use various catalysts for chemical reactions.

Whey Isolate contains, as a rule, up to 90-96 percent of protein. It contains almost no lactose, fat and cholesterol and has a high-quality amino acid profile, which is extremely important in terms of muscle building.

Composition of Olimp Whey Protein Complex:

Recommendations for the use of Olimp Whey Protein Complex:
Directions - Mix 35 g of powder (5.5 flat tablespoons or 4 scoops) with 150-200 ml of water and drink before breakfast, between meals, after training or at bedtime, one to three servings per day.

Servings Per Container:
700 g - 18 servings.
2200 g - 60 servings.

Please read the dosage regimen of this product for maximum benefit. If you have any questions about the use, dosages and combination with other foods, you can contact our manager for advice.

How to take Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700 gr

It is recommended to take this protein as needed up to 3-4 servings per day. It is advisable to use a milk protein shake before playing sports (immediately before training 20 minutes before the start) or competition, immediately after training and before going to bed, mixing in 250 ml of water or chilled milk of low fat content.

Olimplabs Whey Protein Complex 100%- this product has one of the highest concentrations of whey protein in the world - 75% protein in dry weight per 100 g of protein powder. The high biological value of whey proteins has made it known as the most valuable source of dietary proteins, especially for bodybuilders and athletes. exercise as well as for those recovering from injuries. Especially recommended for strength athletes, endurance, strength and bodybuilders. Athletes who have long been in search of the best and highest quality protein find Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% to be the undisputed best solution to this problem.

This protein has the following benefits:

  • The most complete in the world sports nutrition a blend of fast digestible protein sources!
  • The maximum concentration of protein (protein) in the amount of 75% (in dry weight)!
  • High proportion of beta-lactoglobulin - and thus BCAA!
  • Excellent 100% solubility (dissolves in liquid without forming lumps)!
  • 100% natural product made from pure raw materials!
  • The best digestibility! Rapidly absorbed by the digestive tract.
  • No lactose! (Safe for people with lactose intolerance.)
  • Virtually no fat!
  • Excellent aminogram. An exemplary ratio of protein fractions!
  • Ideal for competitive athletes (low in sodium)!
  • Neutral, pleasant, mild taste!
  • Excellent tolerance (does not cause indigestion, bloating, intestinal disorders, acne and other adverse reactions of the body)!

Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% is the premier source of a premium protein blend of ultra-filtered whey concentrate and CFM® whey isolate. The isolate used in this product is obtained from fresh whey using an advanced ion exchange process. This special manufacturing technique separates functional constituents and nutritional proteins. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to achieve a special purity and incredible concentration. This method is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time the most best practices production. ensures optimal growth of muscle mass and strength through increased delivery of high-quality proteins. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% - contains healthy, easily digestible proteins rich in exogenous amino acids, including branched chain amino acids, which ensures a positive balance of exercise nitrogen during training. The product stimulates muscle protein anabolism, inhibiting time in one catabolic reactions associated with energy processes of physical effort. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% meets the highest requirements for high protein products. It contains properly selected ingredients combined in an easily digestible and easy to digest formula. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% - is a complex product, supplemented with metabolic activators - L-carnitine and choline lecithin and inositol delivery. In addition, it contains a combination of vitamins and minerals appropriate, including trace elements (chromium, selenium, molybdenum) in quantities to ensure the normal course of metabolic processes during vigorous exercise and increase the intake and metabolism of proteins. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ultra-filtered whey proteins and egg whites, this is an ideal product for daily use and a very good protein meal before bed. This product is best able to influence rapid muscle building, optimal regeneration and a significant increase physical performance, as this product provides the body with more protein constituents than traditional whey protein isolates.

You can buy Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% in Ukraine (Vinnitsa - Kiev) at the lowest price in our online sports nutrition store, where any protein is provided at the lowest prices.

Composition of Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700 gr

The nutritional value Olimp Labs Way Protein Complex 100% 1 portion (35 g)

  • Energy value 447.7 kJ / 107.1 kcal
  • Squirrel 26.5 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.3 g
  • of which sugar 0.3 g.
  • Fat 0.1 g
  • in saturated fatty acids 0.1 g
  • Dietary fiber 0 g.
  • sodium<0,1 г

Nutritional information per 100g per serving (35g + 150ml water)

Total amino acids 75,000 mg / 26,250 mg. / per 100 g

  • L-glutamic acid 13575 4751
  • * / ** L-leucine 7950 2783
  • L-aspartic acid 8250 2888
  • * L-lysine 7200 2520
  • L-Proline 4125 1444
  • * / ** L-Valine 4425 1549
  • * / ** L-isoleucine 4800 1680
  • * L-Threonine 5025 1759
  • L-Alanine 3750 1313
  • L-Serine 3450 1208
  • Phenyloalanine */*** L-2250 788
  • *** L-Thyrosine 1950 683
  • L-arginine 1575 551
  • L-Glycine 1050 368
  • * L-Methionine 1650 578
  • L-Histidine 1275 446
  • L-cysteine ​​1650 578
  • */*** L-Trypthophane 1050 368

* Essential amino acids
** Branched chain amino acids
*** Aromatic amino acids

Composition of Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700 gr: 93.5% Protein Blend (WPC Ultrafiltration Whey Protein Concentrate, WPI - CFM® Whey Protein Isolate), Fructose, 1.5% Fat-Free Cocoa (Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Toffee Flavors), Flavors, 1% Instant Coffee, Instant coffee malt (coffee and cappuccino flavors), acidity regulator - malic acid, sweeteners - acesulfame k, sucralose, thickener - xanthan gum, potassium chloride, colors: E 129 (for strawberries, strawberries, bananas, black currants, cherries, raspberries flavors) , E 110 (for orange, multi-fruit and yoghurt-vanilla flavors), E 150c (for toffee, coffee, chocolate, chocolate-mint, hazelnut and cappuccino flavors), E 104 (for banana, lemon, yoghurt-lemon flavors. )

Protein is indicated for athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters and strength athletes during periods of active muscle building, dry muscles.

Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700g reviews

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