What protein shakes give. How to drink protein for weight loss and which one is better for girls or men

Sagging skin and flabby muscles are frequent companions of improper weight loss. Protein shakes will help you get slim and preserve beauty. How to use them for weight loss, read the article.

Protein shakes are widely recognized as one of the sports nutrition options most often used by athletes (bodybuilders) to build up muscle mass... Along with this, such drinks are considered useful in those cases when you need to get rid of subcutaneous fat and extra pounds. In complex with proper nutrition and physical activity, a protein shake for weight loss can be very effective way normalization of body weight.

What it is

Protein Powder is a protein powder obtained from a variety of protein-rich foods. Such mixtures are purchased in specialized stores. Depending on the composition, ready-made protein concentrates are of several types:

  • whey;
  • casein (milk);
  • egg;
  • soy;
  • complex.

By diluting them with water, milk or juice, you can easily and quickly prepare healthy drinks that help "build" muscle tissue, while saturating well and not stored in reserve. In addition, protein shakes are easy to make yourself from natural products - it can be milk, sour milk, egg or combined drinks with the addition of berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other useful components.

Both store-bought and homemade protein blends can be great help in the fight against extra pounds if you know how much and when to drink such drinks. And also how to create optimal conditions under which they will be most effective for weight loss.


A protein shake is not the main factor in the process of losing weight, but only becomes its important catalyst, helping to quickly get rid of overweight while maintaining muscle tone and skin elasticity. To obtain best results, the use of protein drinks must be combined with a proper balanced diet and sports training... At the same time, with the help of the correct intake of concentrated proteins, you can achieve the following effects:

  • decreased appetite due to the slow absorption of proteins;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • activation of fat burning;
  • losing excess weight;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • the acquisition of a beautiful muscle relief;
  • getting a charge of vivacity and energy.

As a result of a competent combination of physical activity and diet with regular intake of a protein shake, the body will receive a sufficient amount of protein necessary for active training and intense weight loss.

In addition, consuming a protein drink has several benefits:

  • the product is nutritious enough and may well replace one meal;
  • you can drink it right after waking up to provide an invigorating effect;
  • the cocktail is prepared quickly, which saves time for cooking;
  • digestion of proteins requires a lot of energy, so even without physical exertion, you can speed up the process of losing weight;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition additionally contributes to the normalization of their balance in the body, which is very important during dietary nutrition.

Dry protein concentrates often contain L-carnitine, which accelerates metabolic and fat burning processes, as well as supplements that reduce appetite. For vegetarians, vegetable protein is produced, in particular soy protein, the protein of which is less digestible, but this does not reduce the effectiveness of the drink in terms of weight loss.

How to use

The result of the fight overweight using a protein shake directly depends on the correctness of its use. If a store concentrate is purchased, it should be borne in mind that it is intended to build muscle mass, therefore the dosage indicated on the package is aimed at obtaining just such an effect. When using the product, in order to reduce weight, the recommended rate should be reduced by 3 times.

The ideal option for protein intake is considered to be within 15-20 minutes after training, when the so-called anabolic window opens in the body. During this period, protein is absorbed as actively as possible and is immediately directed to muscle recovery, so nothing goes into body fat.

When using protein concentrate, it must be borne in mind that the body absorbs no more than 40 g of protein at a time. Therefore, it is better to divide the required portion of the cocktail into 2-3 doses, drinking it according to the following scheme:

  • instead of breakfast, adding fruits and nuts;
  • 15–20 minutes after training;
  • 2 hours before bedtime to satisfy hunger.

Along with the use of protein shakes, it is very important to ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of fluid, which will cleanse of toxins and remove waste products, including fats. To do this, you need to drink at least 2 liters pure water, unsweetened herbal, or green tea.

In addition, for a protein shake to "work" for weight loss, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • it is necessary to provide daily physical activity - moderate cardio exercises (gymnastics, fitness) will be enough;
  • switch to a balanced, correct, preferably 3 meals a day (replace the rest of the meals with a protein drink);
  • start using protein concentrate with one portion per day - if the body's reaction is normal, you can bring it up to 2-3 doses;
  • you need to drink a cocktail in small sips.

It should also be borne in mind that whey protein is removed the fastest, and soy, egg or casein proteins are absorbed by the body longer. Therefore, it is best to take whey concentrate in the evening, and in the daytime - other types of cocktails, which can provide a longer feeling of satiety between meals. However, when choosing a protein, it is important to know not only which one is better to drink at one time or another, but also its composition, quality and benefits for losing weight.

How to choose a protein for weight loss

Protein diets are widely known for their high potency, so incorporating meal replacement protein shakes into the diet can help prevent muscle loss along with fat.

To support weight loss, you need to consume pure protein free of fats and carbohydrates. Drinks with a protein-carbohydrate composition are called energy drinks. They should only be drunk before a very intense workout.

The use of several types of protein is considered optimal for losing weight:

  • egg or casein - in the morning;
  • soy - after training;
  • whey - in the evening;
  • complex - at any time.

When choosing a suitable cocktail, one should consider not only the appropriateness of its intake, but also the reputation. To this end, it is recommended that you review the ranking of protein supplements, which is compiled annually and gives an idea of ​​which protein is best for weight loss.

Protein shakes rating

  1. Syntha-6 (BSN) is the best multi-component protein shake in all respects, consisting of 6 types of proteins with different absorption rates, ideal for weight loss. Price - 1500 rubles / 1000 g.
  2. Nitro Core24 ( Optimum Nutrition) Is a blend of 10 different proteins (from super fast whey to slow milk), which is suitable for consumption at any time of the day, and also contains fiber for more intense weight loss. Price - 900 rubles / 1000 g.
  3. Matrix (Syntrax), Protein 80 Plus (Weider) - high-quality complex proteins based on whey, milk, egg and casein proteins, which have different absorption rates and supply nutrients to the body immediately after ingestion, and then for 5-6 hours. Price - 1800 rubles / 1000 g.
  4. Elite Fusion 7 (Dymatize) is another complex protein containing 7 types of whey, egg and dairy proteins in a perfectly balanced combination. Price - 2500 rubles / 1000 g.
  5. Elite 12 Hour Protein (Dymatize) is a state-of-the-art formula and is considered one of the budget options for a complete meal replacement with a 12-hour action. Price - 1000 rubles / 1000 g.
  6. Elite Gourmet Protein (Dymatize) is an inexpensive, complex shake based on whey and milk proteins. Price - 1200 rubles / 1000 g.

Using this rating, you can easily choose the protein blend that best suits your individual characteristics and needs of the body. In addition, it should always be borne in mind that you can make such a cocktail at home, using natural products with a high content of protein, vitamins, and other substances useful for weight loss.

How to make a do-it-yourself protein shake

You can get a protein drink in the following ways:

  • dilute the ready-made protein mixture with any liquid;
  • use protein powder without any additives and make a cocktail on its basis;
  • use recipes based on the use of exclusively natural products.

Depending on the available ingredients and personal preference, you can prepare only one of these protein shakes or alternate store mixes with homemade ones.


To prepare drinks from a ready-made protein mixture, it is enough to dilute it with water, milk or juice in the proportions indicated on the package (as a rule, 1-2 scoops per 300 ml of liquid) and stir well or beat with a shaker (blender). To make a pure protein powder shake available at specialty sports nutrition stores, you can mix it with your choice or use popular recipes.

The method for preparing such drinks is simple - you need to mix the ingredients and, just like ready-made mixtures, beat them with a shaker or blender. If the composition includes berries or fruits, they must be pre-chopped.

The components can be combined in the following formulations:


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • skim milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vanilla powder - 1 tsp


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • skim milk - 200 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • juice of 1 lemon.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

fruit yoghurt:

  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • natural yogurt - 200 ml;
  • any fruit - 100 g.

Such drinks turn out to be very tasty, healthy, nutritious. They can use only one type of protein powder (whey, casein, egg or soy) or mix them together to create a complex and more effective shake. Drinks with similar properties can be obtained from natural protein products that are always at hand and do not require additional costs.

From natural products

Cook homemade protein shakes much cheaper and safer. In addition, they can consist of a wide variety of components, which will make them as useful as possible not only for losing weight, but also for saturating the body with many necessary substances.

Before making this or that protein shake with your own hands, you need to calculate how much protein the body needs depending on the initial body weight and lifestyle.

A simple formula applies here - for 1 kg of weight you need to consume:

  • with high activity - 2.4 g of protein;
  • with moderate physical exertion and regular exercise - 2 g;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle - 1 g.

The amount received is the daily allowance, which must be divided into several doses, taking into account the amount of proteins supplied with other food.

If we talk about recipes, then they can be very diverse. The main thing is that the basis is made up of protein products: milk, sour milk drinks, cottage cheese, soy milk, eggs. By mixing them with other components, you can get a wide variety of protein shakes to taste. For those who are just starting to prepare such drinks, it is recommended to use ready-made recipes, and then, knowing the principle and components, already compose your own.

Recipe 1

  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The presence of banana and honey increases the carbohydrate content, so this drink should be taken in the morning.

Recipe 2

  • fat-free kefir - 300 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp

This cocktail is also for breakfast. Chopped berries or pieces of fruit can be added to the specified composition.

Recipe 3

  • yogurt - 300 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g.

An exceptional protein product ideal for post-workout consumption.

Recipe 4

  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g.

These ingredients make an excellent analogue of a complex protein shake based on egg, casein and whey proteins, which can be consumed at any time of the day.

Recipe 5

  • fruit or berry fresh - 100 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • baked milk - 200 ml;
  • oat bran - 1 tbsp. l.

This protein shake contains fiber, vitamins, and protein, making it ideal for breakfast or pre-workout (2 hours in advance).

Recipe 6

  • soy milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt - 100 ml;
  • baked milk - 100 ml.

This is another option for a multi-ingredient protein drink that you are allowed to drink throughout the day.

There are quite a few protein shake recipes. Choosing any of them, you must remember that this is just an aid in the fight against excess weight, which will work only in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular exercise.

In addition, when using ready-made protein mixtures for making cocktails, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications and possible harm for the body.

Contraindications and harm of protein drinks

When using protein shakes, their harmful effects on the body may be due to the following factors:

  • the protein concentrate creates a strong load on the liver if there are no amino acids in the composition that contribute to its excretion;
  • with too much protein intake, the kidneys are also negatively affected, in which pathologies can occur and stones form;
  • with lactose intolerance, diarrhea, increased gas production, flatulence, cramping abdominal pain and other similar symptoms may occur.

In order to avoid such negative consequences, it is recommended to take protein drinks only in the specified amount, not exceeding the daily protein intake, depending on your own weight and physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to know and take into account the contraindications to the use of protein concentrates.

The drink is contraindicated in the presence of the following health problems:

  • renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the liver, digestive tract organs;
  • gout;
  • hypolactasia (lactose intolerance) - only for whey and casein protein.

It should be borne in mind that with these diseases, it is necessary to limit the use of not only store-bought, but also self-prepared cocktails from natural products, since if taken excessively, they can also cause side effects.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely use protein drinks for weight loss. Such cocktails are guaranteed to help you lose weight and maintain muscle mass, but not alone, but in combination with diet and sports.

Protein cocktail Is a carefully selected set of useful components, among which the main role is played by an extract from natural water-soluble proteins obtained from whey, egg white or soybeans.

The product has low calorie content: entering the body, the protein is easily absorbed without increasing body fat... Protein Shakes Clinically Proven speed up metabolism, which means they help to quickly drive away unwanted deposits. Together with physical activity, the drink contributes to the formation of relief due to the active participation of protein in muscle contraction.

Protein shake for weight loss and muscle gain

What are the benefits of protein shakes? Let's take a look at the two main functions of the product: gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

  1. Gaining muscle mass. Protein shakes are recommended before and after physical activity... A pre-workout glass helps the body to stock up on the protein it needs to grow muscle and reduce body fat. A serving of protein drink after is great way recuperate and get enough nutrients and energy for the whole day.
  2. Weight loss. With a balanced diet, it is recommended to replace a protein shake with no more than 2 full meals. It is also an excellent substitute for high-calorie and fat-rich foods: the feeling of fullness from the drink remains for a long time due to the long-term assimilation of proteins by the body, so you will not want to eat for a long time. A sufficient amount of protein in the diet is the key to sustainable weight management results.

Protein shake in 2 minutes: quick and easy

You can prepare such a drink yourself or purchase a ready-made product. The Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake will help you get complete protein without increasing calories.

This product contains:

  • 17 grams of protein per serving, including valuable soy protein.
  • A complex of 23 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Antioxidant vitamins A, D, C, E - up to 50% of the recommended daily amount in each serving.
  • Fiber to optimize the digestion process and detoxify the body.

Protein cocktail "Formula 1" is low-calorie product, which forms the basis of the Herbalife weight loss program.

The drink is easy and quick to prepare and is presented in 8 flavors: cappuccino, melon, vanilla, chocolate chip cookies, strawberry, passionfruit, pina colada and crème brulee. It is recommended to consume Herbalife Evening Cocktail for a balanced and light dinner.

Just a couple of minutes to prepare, and in your glass a delicious and healthy breakfast, a full snack, a hearty lunch or a healthy dinner. You can add fruits, vegetables, berries, muesli or oatmeal to your cocktail to taste.

Homemade protein shake recipe

We have prepared a recipe for a delicious, light and fresh cocktail with the addition of "Formula 1" from Herbalife. We hope you enjoy it!

Cocktail with cucumber, celery and dill

  • 2 tbsp. l. protein shake "Formula 1" *,
  • 250 ml of water
  • 45 g fresh cucumber
  • 45 g celery
  • 5 g dill
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Chop the ingredients, add water, juice and dry mix for the Formula 1 cocktail and mix in a blender for 1-2 minutes.

112 kcal accounts for:

  • proteins - 11 g,
  • carbohydrates - 14 g
  • fat - 1 g,
  • fiber - 5.5 g

* When using Formula 1 Protein Shake, follow the directions for use as indicated on the label.

Protein Shakes Benefits

For people with a high workload at work, protein shakes can help quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger, have a tasty snack without disrupting the function of the digestive tract and without leaving the workplace, because a cocktail can be prepared in advance, the product is perfectly stored at room temperature in a thermos for 3 hours. Protein consumption will be useful not only for weight loss, because it is known that proteins from amino acids are also responsible for the functions of the digestive system, the delivery of nutrients and trace elements to the tissues of the body, strengthening the immune system and restoring hormonal levels.

Free dietary adjustments and Herbalife products tailored to your individual needs and goals will be helped by our consultants. healthy way life of Herbalife. To contact a consultant, fill out the form.

13 August 2016, 11:00 2016-08-13

In order for sports to be beneficial, it is necessary to adhere to a specially calculated diet. This diet should be rich in protein, which is the main building block for muscle fibers... Protein shakes are highly digestible foods that promote muscle growth and provide the athlete with the energy they need. This article will discuss the benefits and harms of this drink, indications for its use, basic recipes and rules for drinking a cocktail at home.

What is and what is a protein shake for?

The question of what a protein shake consists of is one of the most common in the field of sports nutrition. This is a drink, the main ingredient of which is a protein extract from plant or animal raw materials, rich in proteins. A cocktail can be: soy, dairy, egg, it can be prepared from a store mix or prepared independently from improvised ingredients.

When asked why this drink is needed, the answer is: it must be consumed for quick recovery after training, providing muscle tissue with nutrients, accelerating the process of losing weight, or vice versa, gaining body weight.

Important! The optimal regimen for consuming protein shakes is four times a day: in the morning instead of breakfast, before workout, after it, and half an hour before dinner. The maximum amount of shake that can be consumed before training is 300 ml.

Benefits and harm to the human body

Since this drink has a specific composition, its effect on the human body differs depending on physical fitness and the condition of the athlete's intestines. Let's consider below what is useful and why a protein shake can be harmful.

A fresh cocktail made from quality ingredients will have a beneficial effect on the body.
Its positive effect is as follows:

  • replenishing the lack of energy after intense physical activity;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and, as a consequence, a "drying" effect - getting rid of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • the formation of voluminous and strong muscle mass, subject to regular sports;
  • prevention of the destruction of muscle fibers to replenish energy needs;
  • gradual weight loss due to the low content of carbohydrates and fats.

Despite the beneficial effects on the body, a protein shake can be harmful to those who use it incorrectly or use low-quality raw materials for preparation.
The consequences of taking a protein shake can be as follows:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: the appearance of constipation, nausea, in rare cases - vomiting;
  • pain in the kidney area due to clogging of the renal glomeruli, the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis, gastric ulcers, fatty hepatosis;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Can pregnant women and children drink?

Since concentrated protein is a difficult food substance to digest, it is not recommended for women to use it during the period of gestation. This drink aggravates constipation, which is common in pregnant women and provokes increased gas production. As for children, protein shakes are not recommended for use until the age of twenty inclusive.
While the body is forming, nutrients must be supplied to it in normal quantities from natural foods. Excessive protein intake in children and adolescents can lead to liver and kidney dysfunction and muscle hypertrophy.

Did you know? Sports nutrition as a culture appeared back in the days Ancient Greece in the 17th century BC. NS. Athletes of that period shortly before sporting events began to follow a protein diet in order to find a fit sports uniform and strengthen muscle tissue. Since in those days there was a tradition of competing in the nude, the spectacle of the body was no less important for athletes than muscle strength.

How to Choose Protein?

In order for protein shakes to bring you only benefit, be guided by these parameters when buying:

  1. In addition to protein blends, there are weight gainers on the sports nutrition market. These are mixtures for speed dial weights that contain not only protein, but also sugar and fats. They lead to the appearance of fatty deposits with insufficient intensity of training. In order not to be mistaken, check the composition of the mixture you are buying. Make sure the label is high in protein (over 25 grams per serving) and low in other nutrients (no more than 5 grams).
  2. Buy only those cocktails that have a large number of positive reviews from other athletes. Trust trusted manufacturers that have been on the sports nutrition market for at least three years.
  3. Inquire about what the finished mixture consists of. Make sure that the main component of the mixture is natural raw materials such as whey or egg protein, and not a synthetic substance.
  4. When choosing between concentrate, casein, and isolate, focus on the rate of absorption. Casein is a difficult-to-digest protein form, which is recommended to be consumed before bed, one and a half to two hours before it. Concentrate is a raw material with a medium absorption rate, which can be used instead of a snack. Isolate is highly digestible and can be consumed immediately after exercise to restore energy balance and provide muscle protein.

Video: How to choose the right protein

When and how to drink?

The principle of using a protein shake depends on the purpose for which the athlete is taking it. Those planning to gain additional muscle mass are advised to consume this drink half an hour before or just before training. So the muscles will receive a large amount of building material, the volume of their fibers will increase.

Athletes who plan to lose weight should replace one main meal (preferably dinner) and one snack with a cocktail. Low calorie and high the nutritional value This product will help the body burn excess body fat and prevent exhaustion during significant exertion.

Important! To help your intestines digest the concentrated protein normally, consume the shake along with fiber-rich foods. These include: apples, plums, pears, leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes.

How much can be stored?

Protein is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, so it is recommended to store the finished drink in the refrigerator. V open form it can be stored no longer four o'clock, and closed - no longer than six.
As for the dry mix, it can be stored in sealed packaging from six months to two years (the manufacturer specifies the terms). After opening the package, the mixture is recommended to be used within two to three weeks.

How to make a cocktail: the best recipes

The process of self-preparation of a protein shake takes longer than diluting a ready-made powder mixture. It is believed that the taste of a homemade cocktail is superior to a purchased one with relatively equal benefits, so make your own choice. When asked if you can get better from a protein shake, the answer is yes. Important role at the same time, the amount of carbohydrate additives in the drink plays.


The following types of protein drinks are prepared using both powder and natural ingredients.


Has the taste of cooled chocolate, will appeal to those with a sweet tooth and those who love nut additives.

  • Protein - 1 serving
  • skim milk - 350 ml;
  • almond crumbs - 120 g;
  • protein bar - ½;
  • banana - ½.
Cooking method:

Combine a serving of protein and milk in a blender bowl, add almond crumbs and banana. Whisk thoroughly until smooth, pour into a tall glass and sprinkle with a chopped bar.

Did you know? In the 70s of the last century, anabolic steroids gained particular popularity - substances that stimulate protein synthesis in muscle tissue cells. A large number of bodybuilders and athletes of that time used these stimulants, not paying attention to their harm to the body. Only in the early 2000s, the use of steroids was banned, since they were classified as doping substances.


Has a refreshing soda taste, suitable for immediate post-workout consumption.


  • Protein - 1 serving
  • vanilla casein - 1 serving;
  • lemonade with sugar - 250 ml.

Cooking method: Place casein and protein in a ceramic bowl, pour over them with a drink. Close the lid tightly, shake vigorously until mixing is complete.



  • vanilla whey protein - 1 serving;
  • drinking water - 250 ml;
  • instant corn flakes - 1 pack;
  • fresh or canned apricots - 300 g.

Cooking method:

Combine all ingredients in a blender bowl and whisk at maximum speed until smooth. You can replace corn with oatmeal if you wish. If you use canned apricots, be sure to drain the syrup.

Important! Consume high carbohydrate drinks in the morning to keep you energized. In the evening, shortly before bedtime, have a cocktail with "slow" protein- preferably casein, so that the muscles are supplied with amino acids at night.


Suitable for pre-workout consumption - high in protein and carbohydrates.


  • vanilla whey protein - 2 servings;
  • skim milk - 250 ml;
  • instant oatmeal - 1 pack;
  • strawberry yogurt - 50 ml;
  • peanut butter - 30 g;
  • ice - 3 cubes.

Cooking method:

Pour warm water over the oatmeal and let it soak for 15 minutes. Mix all the ingredients in a blender bowl, beat until smooth.

From natural products

The following formulations are suitable for daily use and are considered safe enough even for teenagers.


It can replace a morning meal or an afternoon snack, it is prepared from low-fat cottage cheese.


  • high fat milk - 350 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • hard-boiled egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • honey - 15 g.

Cooking method:

Whisk all ingredients except honey in a blender. Pour the cocktail into a glass and top with honey. Stir gently with a long spoon.

Did you know? In the 1860s protein diet reinvented after a long hiatus. An English undertaker named William Bunting, who suffered from overweight for a long time, managed to lose 20 kilograms, practically without restricting himself on food. The result of the diet recommended to an Englishman by a doctor he knew so impressed him that William decided to publish a book with recommendations for weight loss. The book was a huge success.- it was the first dietary manual, which was reprinted in thousands of copies as many as four times.


Suitable for consumption immediately after training, can replace dinner.


  • kefir or yogurt - 250 ml;
  • powdered milk - 50 g;
  • peach jam - 30 g;
  • sugar - 5 g.

Cooking method:

Combine all the ingredients except the jam in a blender and whisk thoroughly. Add the jam and blend at low speed for ten seconds.

With dried fruits

It has as many calories as needed for an intense half-hour workout, it is recommended to be consumed half an hour before exercise or immediately before it.


  • milk 3.2% fat - 400 ml;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • powdered milk - 80 g;
  • honey - 30 g;
  • dried apricots, dark raisins - 50 g.

Cooking method:

Grind dried fruits in a blender into a smooth paste. Add honey and milk powder, beat for 30 seconds. Add the resulting mixture with sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, beat in carefully washed eggs. Whisk at maximum speed for 1.5 minutes.

Important! If your body is not capable of normal digestion of casein, replace whole milk in the recipe with fermented milk products- yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. If you are allergic to casein, eliminate dairy products and replace them with orange juice.


Provides for the use of gelatin. For those who, for religious reasons, cannot consume this product, it is recommended to replace it with agar-agar (take 1/3 of the indicated serving). What is this drink useful for? It has a regenerating effect on the cartilage tissue of the joints, which is especially important for representatives of strength sports.


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered milk - 20 g;
  • orange juice - 350 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • gelatin / agar - 10 g / 3 g;
  • honey - 10 g.

Cooking method:

Pour orange juice over the agar or gelatin and let it swell for 30 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender bowl, whisk at maximum speed.
Protein Shake is a delicious and healthy instant drink that's high in protein. Its regular use helps to build muscle mass, get rid of body fat, maintain performance and endurance of the body. To get the most out of your protein drinks, combine them with regular exercise.

Video: How to make a protein shake at home

To get results in sports, you need to monitor your diet. There should be enough protein in it, since it is he who acts as the main building material for muscles. Protein shakes help to get it - an easily digestible food that promotes the growth of muscle tissue and provides the body with the necessary energy. Let's figure out what the drink is, how it is useful, and how to take it correctly.

Protein cocktail - a drink, the main component of which is a protein extract from animal or vegetable raw materials or proteins. It is prepared from store mixes or natural food. Additional components are often added to it.

The main thing that the drink gives is to provide muscles with nutritional components, recovery after training, and also accelerate the process of losing weight or, on the contrary, gaining mass. For men, it most often becomes a way to build muscle. Why should girls drink it? It helps ladies to lose weight and gain a beautiful relief.

Why you need a protein shake

It replenishes the deficiency in the body of protein, which is necessary for muscle growth. Also, the drink promotes rapid recovery from activity. Depending on the goals, it helps both in losing weight and in gaining mass, but the features of choice and use are slightly different:

  • For gaining muscle mass. Protein enables faster muscle growth as it is the primary building block for muscle fibers. To gain weight, you need to give the body more energy, so cocktails are prepared using milk or yogurt and with sugar. This ensures the saturation of essential amino acids and gives the muscles extra strength.
  • Slimming. Losing weight are advised to consume enough protein, as this component requires a lot of energy to absorb it. It also helps not to lose muscle mass, but to purposefully lose fat and speeds up metabolic processes. For those who are losing weight, you can replace one meal with a protein shake, for example, use it instead of dinner.

Protein cocktails composition

Cocktails can be bought ready-made or prepared on your own using natural ingredients. They are dairy, egg, soy. Most often they are prepared on the basis of dairy products, but the basis can also be water and fruit juice.

In addition to protein shakes, there are gainers. In addition to protein, they contain fats and sugars. They are useful for those who want to gain mass, but in the absence intense training lead to body fat. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should not use them.

The benefits and harms of protein shakes

The effect on the body depends on personal characteristics, level of activity and physical fitness. A fresh high-quality drink has the following beneficial properties:

Protein shakes can be harmful if poor-quality ingredients are used for its preparation, or if it is taken incorrectly. The consequences of this can be as follows:

  • Disruption of the digestive system: constipation, nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • Pain in the kidneys due to clogged renal glomeruli.
  • Inflammatory processes of the urinary system.
  • Exacerbation of urolithiasis, stomach ulcers, fatty hepatosis.
  • Allergic reactions.

Many people wonder if children can use protein shakes. Experts do not recommend using them until adulthood. The reason is that during the formation of the body, it must receive a normal amount of nutrients from natural food. An increased amount of protein in the diet of a child or adolescent can provoke muscle hypertrophy, kidney and liver dysfunction. Also, protein shakes are not recommended for pregnant women. Concentrated protein is difficult to digest. During pregnancy, it can provoke constipation and flatulence.

You need to learn how and when it is better to drink a protein shake, and in what quantities to do it. The rules for taking such drinks are as follows:

  • It is important to know when to drink the drink based on your training regimen. You can do this before and after physical activity. The best option is to take the composition half an hour before or right before the load. This will give the muscles more building material, allowing growth. You can also drink a drink (preferably with the addition of casein) after exercise. This will help restore energy and normalize liver glycogen levels.
  • The optimal frequency of taking a cocktail is 2-4 times a day. You can use it before or after training, as well as at night - the protein will be well absorbed during this time. Research has shown that more frequent use is not advisable.
  • The amount of drink consumed depends on the purpose of the intake. So, to gain muscle mass, you can consume 20-25 grams of protein in the morning after waking up, then 30-35 grams during the day between meals. This will help boost metabolism and improve the conditions for muscle growth. Next, we recommend 30 grams of fast-digesting protein post-workout to stop catabolism and kick-start recovery. The last meal (up to 50 g of slow protein) can be taken before bed - this will protect the muscles from catabolism throughout the night. If you want to lose weight, the scheme will be different. In the morning, you can consume 20-25 g of protein. You can add a small amount of carbohydrates to the shake and replace breakfast with it. After training, 30 g of fast absorption protein is shown - this will restore strength and provide an opportunity to recover. Then a cocktail can be substituted for dinner or drunk at night.
  • How to replace a cocktail at home? Homemade recipes can be a substitute for store-bought protein shakes. For their preparation, products rich in protein are used - eggs, cottage cheese, dairy drinks. You can add other components to them: fruits, berries, oatmeal, and so on.
  • Many are interested in whether it is possible to replace regular food with a protein shake. This can be done once a day - protein can be used instead of breakfast or dinner. But you cannot completely replace good nutrition with them. this is fraught with harm to the body, which will not receive the substances it needs.
  • Another question is whether there is any point in drinking this glorious drink for those who do not play sports. You can use them, but muscle growth in this case should not be expected - it is possible only with loads. The drink can be useful if you are not getting a lot of protein with your usual diet. Can you lose weight on protein shakes if you don't exercise? You can, if you replace them, for example, dinner. But the main thing for losing weight is a calorie deficit, therefore daily calorie content in any case must be taken into account. Take into account how many calories the cocktail contains. Its average calorie content is 77 kcal per 100 grams. You can also periodically arrange a fasting day on protein shakes.

How to Choose the Right Protein for Your Shake: General Tips

For protein to help you achieve your goals and not become a waste of money, you need to choose the right protein. To begin with, we will tell you what types of protein are, and what are their features:

When choosing a protein, you need to look at what the product consists of. It should be based on natural raw materials, not chemical analogues. The label should indicate a high protein content (from 25 grams per serving) and a low content of other substances (up to 5 grams). Consider the manufacturer - choose products from trusted brands with a good reputation.

Also remember that protein is only a sports supplement, not a substitute for your staple diet. Regardless of the type of supplement, at least half of the protein consumed must be drawn from natural products (eggs, meat, fish, dairy products). The rest can be supplemented with sports supplements that will help you achieve your goals faster.

Sports nutrition has become an integral part modern sports, and in some of its forms it received the status of a cornerstone. For example, this happened in bodybuilding, where most athletes have the opinion that good results cannot be obtained without sports nutrition.

I am not the first year in iron sports, I have experience not only training, but also preparation for performances, so I have the right to express my opinion about sports supplements and in particular with regard to protein.

So, let's talk about protein - why is it needed or not needed, is it worth using it, or you can easily do without it, let's talk - protein is harmful, or is it a benefit. I want to dwell on the basic facts about this sports supplement - the whole truth about protein.

Fact # 1: Protein is the most popular in the world.
Historically, this type of sports nutrition has become the most popular supplement. Representatives different types sports on a regular basis use this sports nutrition - soy, whey, etc.

Fact # 2: Protein is Protein!
It's the end of 2014 on the street, but about 20% of residents do not know that protein and protein are one and the same. Also, many do not think about whether there can be harm or benefit from consuming protein, and also why take it additionally.

Fact # 3: Protein shakes have different absorption rates.
Every protein shake fan should know that they have different absorption rates and different lengths of time during which they provide the athlete with amino acids. Before drinking a cocktail, think about when to do it and why, at what time of day, how much before, or how long after a workout. The most slowly digestible protein is casein, it will provide the athlete with amino acids for a longer period of time, in this its benefits are simply undeniable.

If you take a protein concentrate and drink it in the form of cocktails, then it will work faster, but it will not provide us with amino acids for a long time.

Do not forget that there are not only dairy, but also other proteins, namely: vegetable, meat, egg. They also have their own duration, their own speed of response, and hence their pros and cons.

The fastest protein in existence is whey protein or "isolate". For these reasons, before or immediately after training, it makes sense to take this particular type of sports food, for example, in the form of cocktails. If you want to maintain a high level of amino acids in the body throughout the day, then use soy and egg proteins. If it is necessary to consume protein at night, give preference to a sports food of the longest duration, based on casein, this will not harm the athlete's body.

Fact number 4: in many people, after 20 years, the production of the enzyme lactase decreases.
Milk, as well as some dairy products, contain milk sugar - lactose, and our body produces an enzyme called lactase. Thanks to this enzyme, we are able to assimilate lactose, but after 20 years, most produce less lactase, or it is practically not produced. If such a person drinks milk, which contains lactose, he will feel bad. He is more likely to develop flatulence, diarrhea, and digestive disorders. This has not happened to them before, since his body produced lactase in sufficient quantities. In fact, milk and dairy products for such people are very harmful to health.

Casein protein does not contain lactose, so it can turn into a sticky astringent in the stomach, which is very often the cause of constipation.

Fact # 5: Enzymes are added to the protein concentrate, this is called hydrolysis.
During production, some enzymes are often added to protein concentrate and isolate - this is called hydrolysis. You may wonder why they are doing this! For example, hydrolyzing whey produces a protein that can be used by those who cannot drink milk. You can also find low-lactose milk on sale, or use enzymes, thanks to which you can consume milk and dairy products without any particular problems.

Highly important point- enzymes should be selected by a gastroenterologist, otherwise you risk harming your body.

Fact # 6: Milk and many protein shakes contain saccharide - lactose can cause flatulence and diarrhea.
If you mix protein with whole milk in the hope that it will be beneficial, you are making a mistake. Since from such a cocktail a double portion of lactose enters the body, which should not be allowed. For in this case, you run the risk of getting troubles in the digestive system.

Fact # 7: There are no analogues of whey protein in nature.
Indeed, in the natural environment there are no analogues whey protein isolate, that is, a product in which there is practically no fat and carbohydrates. After lengthy research, scientists have come to the conclusion that although whey isolate should and can be used by athletes in the diet, especially bodybuilders, it is best to use it after training, because this is when the body needs amino acids most of all.

Fact # 8: Protein quality cannot be tested.
Protein like sports nutrition, has its pros as well as cons, for example, the quality of the protein powder you are consuming you cannot verify. A lab tests give only a percentage of protein and carbohydrates, especially since these are quite expensive to spend. That is, you bought soy protein, as it was written on the package, but you cannot confirm this fact, you will not be able to reliably find out how sports supplements from different manufacturers differ.

Therefore, if you buy chicken, fish, eggs, which you then eat, then you also get the protein that the body needs. Yes, it is not as high-tech, but you are 100% sure of its quality.

Fact # 9: Natural foods are the main source of protein, fat and carbohydrates for bodybuilders.
It is natural sources of protein that are the basis of the diet of all famous athletes, including bodybuilders. Athletes do not dispute whether protein is needed in the form of sports supplements - yes, it is, but synthetic sources of protein and amino acids can only be a supplement to good nutrition with simple foods. That is, drinking a protein shake is not prohibited, but it is better to combine it with a full meal.

Fact # 10: human body unable to store proteins.
The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot accumulate protein reserves. It is for this reason that we need to include more protein in the menu, replenishing the protein supply from the outside every day.

Fact # 11: Signs of a protein deficiency.
Signs of a lack of protein in the body are weight loss, constant fatigue. Lack of protein for a person, and even more so for an athlete, can be very harmful.

Fact # 12: Eating soy protein affects the hormones in women.
A separate conversation is soy protein. This type of protein contains substances such as isoflavones or phytoestrogens. There are still heated debates about how these substances affect the body of a man and a woman, whether they are harmful or not, what to expect from their regular use, etc. Today, it is assumed that soy protein, due to the presence of phytoestrogens in it, can disrupt the hormonal state in a woman's body. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you need this type of protein in your diet or not.

Fact # 13: Daily 10-35% of calories must come from protein.
From 10 to 35% of the substances that enter your body must come to protein, so keep an eye on the level of protein in your diet.

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