How quickly to learn to play football. How a girl can learn to play football

Football is the most popular species sports that do not require certain conditions for working with the ball. Consider the main points of this interesting game for those who want to learn how to play football. For training, you will need a soccer ball, sports uniform and desire!

How to learn to play football - basic rules

The earliest rules for playing football were written about 150 years ago. In our time, the last changes were made in 2005. Even if you are not going to build a career as a football player, every player needs to know the rules of the game of football. Basic rules for a football match:

  • Pick up a playing field 80-130 m long and 50-95 m wide. On the football field, white markings are indicated - the center line divides the territory in half, the side lines are drawn to indicate the boundaries, and the goal lines are drawn on which they are placed.
  • It is allowed to play with the head, body and legs during the match. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to serve by hand. For example, when the ball flies out of the playing field, the player throws the ball with both hands from where the ball fell.
  • No more than 11 people in one team can participate in a football match, 10 of them are players and 1 person takes the goalkeeper position. Each participant has his own place on the field: the defenders play next to the goal of their team, the midfielders are in the central part, the goalkeeper protects the goal from slipping the ball. Forwards - located closest to the opponent's goal.
  • On football match there must be a referee who monitors the implementation of the rules of the game.
  • The football game is divided into 2 halves, the duration of each is 45 minutes, with a break of 15 minutes. At the end of each half, the teams exchange sides of the playing field.
  • To determine the side of the goal in the first game, the teams roll lots.
  • A goal is awarded by the referee as soon as the goal scored by the opponent crosses the goal line. The team that scores the most goals to the opponent wins.
  • After the game has been suspended for an interval, the ball is out of play. To enter the ball into the game, use is a service from the gate of one of the teams, an arbitrary kick, a corner service or a free throw-in on the field.

How to learn to play football

The main rules that you must learn are to subtly feel every movement of the ball, predict where the projectile will fly after the throw and acquire the skill of skillful ball control. To do this, you need to be patient and have a huge amount of time. Let's list the main aspects that each football player performs in training sessions:

  • Before each session, do a warm-up - in order to get the leg muscles to work. Warm-up begins with exercises - jogging, alternating running with a high hip lift. Next, stretch your legs in different directions, tilt forward with your whole body and back. Finish with jumps, kicks, and side lunges.
  • Learning to hit the ball - stand against a wall and play a game with yourself. At a distance of about 10 meters, kick the ball into the wall, when bouncing at you, hit the ball again. Hit the ball harder with each pass.
  • Passing the ball must be accurate and forceful. To practice the shot: from 10-15 meters try to hit the crossbar of the goal, if out of 10 shots you hit the target 5 times, you can work out the accuracy of the shot. Pass to center first, then to right side gate, then to the left, and vice versa, alternating the sequence. For the power of a guided shot, learn to accelerate for the fall of the pass, 5-6 steps.
  • Running speed for the ball - in order to learn how to take the ball away from your opponent, run with the ball, leading it in front of you. Once you get used to it, you can do jerks and stops.
  • Practicing technique - juggle soccer ball on the outside of the legs, alternating each. Through exercise, you will learn to feel the ball and be able to pass and receive passes easily.
  • And the last exercise for agility - practice with the ball to go around some object, for example, stick a stick for this purpose. When you learn to pass 5-6 circles without touching the subject, consider that you have passed half of the training!

How to learn to play football? A similar question can visit the head of not only a boy, but also an adult man. This sport is extremely popular all over the world. Therefore, sooner or later every man, regardless of age, wants to join him. One day, you just get bored of being a passive fan, sitting near the TV at home or even driving around after your favorite team in cities and countries. Why not play the ball at the nearest stadium with friends, apply your skills at the next corporate trip to nature? As a man learns to play football, he immediately begins to feel his importance, be proud of his sports uniform... This article provides some tips that will come in handy for the aspiring footballer of any age.

Yours is very important sports training... If before that you have devoted enough time to training, no matter what: running or strength exercises, then the answer to the question of how to learn to play football, you will find quickly. In order to start outplaying opponents, you need to practice at least every other day for two hours.

You will have to train accuracy, speed, technique, endurance, power of impact, free throws, the ability to take the ball and so on. It takes a lot of effort and time. Of course, in order to learn how to learn how to play football, you need to study the rules of this sport.

Experts say that great importance has someone to train with. The stronger your opponents are, the faster you will begin to grow professionally. You should not indulge your vanity with easy victories.

If you want to learn how to learn how to play football well, be prepared to be injured. This sport is a contact sport, therefore, collisions on the field occur frequently. Good footballer will never allow himself not to go out on the field because of a bump, minor abrasions or bruises. But injuries such as sprains, sprains are worth paying attention to. After all, if they are not properly treated, more serious health problems can arise.

In order to learn how to play football, you need to choose the right uniform. Buy only special shoes - sneakers or boots. In addition, you should not buy a cheap ball, choose an average quality.

People who already know how to play football give useful advice: stuff on your leg. This is important so that in the future the reception of the ball on your leg does not cause problems, and you will also begin to feel it much better.

If you are not too confident in yourself, it is worth signing up for sports section... There, professional trainers will teach you the basics. And you will not have to be ashamed of other players, because there will be plenty of newcomers like you.

It is very important to motivate yourself. If you do not enjoy your workouts, they will not have the desired effect. To increase motivation, you can regularly read football magazines, find interesting publications, and follow the career of the stars of this sport.

For good result persistence is important. Prepare yourself for what will be difficult, that you will need to gather all your will into a fist.

You should warm up before every workout. You can run a few laps around the stadium, do exercises to warm up your muscles. It is imperative to study specialized literature, as well as all kinds of methods of playing football. it big step to self-improvement. You can watch video tutorials online, there are plenty of them now.

It is important! If you want to find an answer to the question of how to learn how to play football, stop smoking and drinking immediately. There is nothing to say about drugs. Proper nutrition is also a guarantee that you will achieve your goal. The most important thing is to firmly understand what exactly you want, to fight hard for what you are going to.

Many people play sports. Most often this is simply a consequence of the body's need for movement. Although for some, hobby for sports becomes the goal of their whole life. One of the most famous sports is football. At first glance, this game is quite simple, however, not everyone knows how to learn how to play football.

What you need to play football

Interest in football can arise at any age. If the child has a strong desire to become a football player, then send the child to the appropriate sports section. But she may not be in your city, or sports complex will be located too far from home, and the child's age is not suitable. Then there is only one way out - to study independently.

However, it must be borne in mind that this is a team game, which means that the child must have comrades who share a football interest. In this case, individual training can be alternated with collective games.

This will require:

  • a place to hold them. It should be a flat area with two gates. For some individual training something smaller will do. It is desirable that there is a wall without windows;
  • special form: boots, shorts, t-shirt, leggings. For the goalkeeper - gloves;

Football specificity

The next step is to study well everything related to football. You should start with the rules of the game. Its meaning is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal. A goal is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line. Accordingly, your goal must be defended. Each team has several types of players:

  • goalkeeper;
  • defenders;
  • midfielders;
  • attackers.

Their tasks are different, but the training is the same. Only the goalkeeper's efforts are more focused on catching the ball. Otherwise, everyone should have the following skills:

  • dribbling - ball control while running;
  • the ability to make good transmissions and receive them;
  • settlement of standard situations (corners, free throws);
  • the accuracy of the ball hitting the goal;
  • the art of head-playing.

Workouts from scratch

When the theory is mastered, you can start to practice. It doesn't matter what role the choice fell on - playing in attack or defense.

To begin with, it is important to learn how to properly perform the following exercises:

  1. Receiving the ball. A wall is suitable for execution. The ball is thrown by the foot into the wall to a height of about one meter. The point is to catch it with your foot on the rebound. To do this, you should raise your leg to the level of the trajectory along which the ball flies. Then it must be lowered to the surface of the earth and stopped. The duration of this exercise is at least 10 minutes. First you need to stand close to the wall. When it starts to work out, the distance must be increased. The maximum is 9 meters.
  2. Coordination of movements with the ball. Here you will need to hit the ball as long as possible. He is thrown with one foot, and then you need to prevent him from touching the ground. You can work with both feet.
  3. Dribbling (dribbling). It is desirable to perform it on a large site. It is necessary to run with the ball so that it does not go far, otherwise the opponent will take it away in the game. Running is carried out along the perimeter, in length. It is important that the ball is approximately 40-50 cm from the leg. In the beginning, the eyes will, of course, be directed at him all the time. Over time, it is necessary to try to look ahead and around, because a football player must see the field in order to be able to pass a pass to a teammate in time.
  4. Change of trajectory. When the game is on, it is rarely possible to run only straight. Therefore, it is necessary to run, changing direction. To do this, the ball is hit by the side of the foot in the desired direction.
  5. Bypassing obstacles. As obstacles in the game there will be opponents, and in the exercise they can be any given objects. They are placed in a row, the distance between them is about a meter. The ball is dribbled so as to run around one obstacle on the left and another on the right.
  6. Shots on target. Here you cannot do without the main attribute - the gate itself. You need to stand where the penalty kicks in (11 meters from the goal) and shoot at different points. This is done first without a goalkeeper. That is, the goal is empty, and there is a series of blows. It is necessary to ensure that they become purposeful rather than chaotic. When it starts to work out, you can ask the goalkeeper to stand at the goal. At the same time, you will need to try to hit so that he does not catch the ball.

it basic exercises that can be done alone. The rest are carried out with a partner. He will help to work out the passes - short and long, will play the role of an opponent who will try to take the ball away. These are already game situations. It will also be necessary to learn how to hit the head - in football, balls are often hammered with this part of the body.

When learning starts from scratch, you need to understand that not everything will turn out very quickly. Any athlete has to go through a long journey of hard training. Therefore, you need to be patient. Especially if you want to become better over time, play professionally.

How a girl can learn to play football

Girls are also interested in playing with the ball. There are many professional football women's teams... This means that the players are brought up in them from childhood. The main thing here is the desire to play and the appropriate physical fitness.

Still, in football, the loads are decent, and you need to withstand them. Therefore, to begin with, learn to run well and for a long time, jump, squat and the like. By the way, before any football training a warm-up is required to warm up the muscles.

Otherwise, there are no special instructions for girls. They should have the same football skills as the guys, because the rules are the same for everyone. True, it can be difficult for girls to put together two teams to play with each other. But if it comes not about professional interest, then you can ask the boys to take the girls to their game.

Football is the most popular game and sport in modern world... It is not surprising that almost all boys want to become professional footballers as children. But for this you must first of all learn how to play. The article will tell you how to do this.

At first, need to learn the rules... To play in the yard, it is enough to know that you cannot play with your hands, and you also need to score more goals than the other team.

Secondly, learn to dribble... Don't let him go far away from you. You need to practice dribbling the ball at different speeds. It's one thing if you dodge a defender, it's another thing to go one-on-one with the goalkeeper.

After that it is necessary learn to pass... It can be both on the ground and in the air. If the partner is not far away, then it is better to just kick the ball so that it rolls (provided that there is no player of the other team in front of the partner). Otherwise, it is better to do the transmission by air. If you need to pass the ball into the penalty area from the center of the field, then it is better to make a canopy.

Another important skill is hit the goal accurately... Moreover, it will be useful to everyone, even the defenders. It so happens that they score goals. Most often, you have to hit from afar, so this must be done strongly and accurately, also taking into account the location of the goalkeeper. It will be good if you master the shot in one of the top corners of the goal, as such shots are very difficult for the goalkeeper to catch. If you are directly in front of the opponent's goal, then you can gently hit the ball, as if you were passing. Do not be afraid, the goalkeeper simply will not have time to react to this.

It is also necessary to learn at least at an elementary level defend your goal... If a team is constantly near its goal, and the opponent has the ball almost all the time, then such a team is likely to lose (if it fails to disperse the counterattack), it will, at best, play a draw.

It will be good if you learn to play with your head... This is not difficult. The main thing is not to play with the back of your head! It hurts and doesn't make sense. Having mastered this skill, you will be able to play both offense and defense. Famous strikers even score by hitting the ball with their heads.

It is advisable to learn how to stuff. This can be done with your foot or knee. The ball is usually not tamped during the game, but this will help in receiving the ball as it flies through the air. You need to be able to take the ball with both feet, as there is usually no time to change legs and adjust.

In conclusion, it should be noted that football is a team game... And if the players fail to build relationships and interactions, then they don't have to think about winning. Usually such a team only thinks about defense.

On invariably high level the popularity of football has been around the world for more than half a century. Boys start playing football from an early age. Well, oh football games there is no need to talk about professionals: they gather thousands of audiences, turning the game into a holiday. Russian football team- not an exception. Russians love to play football.

Preschoolers and adolescents, adults and young people dream of playing football, learning the nuances and mastering techniques.

Men and women like to play sports team game # 1 (30%). The goal of the discipline is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with your feet or other parts of the body (except for the arms). Hundreds of books have been written for those who love to play football, many films have been filmed about an amazing game dating back to ancient times. They loved to play in Sparta, the Roman Empire and Ancient China. But, in the form in which we know it, the game appeared in England. In the 19th century, college participants began to play. A little later, they adopted uniform rules and introduced standard sizes of the field and goal.

The first tournament in history took place in 1871. Since then, tournaments have been held in all countries of the world, where the team demonstrates skills, coherence, and mutual understanding. Millions of clubs on the planet unite those who love to play football. From Austria to Canada, there are over 2 million football clubs. He is gaining popularity among the female half of society. This sport is loved not only by those who are part of the team: thousands of fans who do not miss matches love this sport no less.

Last year's championship gathered 3 billion fans on TV screens, i.e. half of the planet.

Playing football: good or bad?

If we talk about an amateur game, then we can note the following positive qualities:

  • during the game, the body is in constant tone, since all muscle groups are working;
  • intensive training and duration of the game develop endurance;
  • blood supply to tissues and organs improves, and cholesterol "leaves" the vessels;
  • a sense of balance and coordination of movements develops;
  • it develops creative thinking, since it is impossible to win without strategy and tactics;
  • playing football means strengthening the myocardium and reducing the risk of heart disease.

In addition to these improving indicators, the circle of communication is expanding, positive emotions are overwhelmed, positive character traits are formed: endurance, will, joy from the results achieved.

Playing football is less dangerous than playing boxing or hockey, but the injury rate remains high. Players suffer more often: legs and joints, so protection should not be forgotten.

Are there any contraindications for players

The answer is yes. They are divided into relative, depending on the symptomatology, and absolute - categorically forbidden.

  • bronchial asthma;
  • spine or heart problems;
  • myopia;
  • mental illness.

Chronic diseases are considered relative indications. internal organs... There are age restrictions- you can train when you are 6 years old. Until the specified age is reached, general physical training is carried out with children.

Training features

Game lovers (even novice players) should purchase special attributes: boots, leggings, uniforms that are sold in sports stores. For beginners, simple and economical options are suitable. The same stores sell balls. The main thing is to feel the movement of the main projectile in the process of training, skillfully control it. Regular training will help you achieve the skill you need.

Player skills and abilities:

  • Dribbling, i.e. the ability to control the ball while running, touching which should not be strong, so that the ball does not "go" far. But they should not be weak either, since this projectile should roll at the required speed.
  • Pass- the ability to pass the ball. To play football effectively, learn to pass. inner part feet. Having mastered, they learn the technique of "hanging" on a partner. In this case, it is important to be able to pass "on the move", ie. not to where the player to whom the pass is intended is at the moment, but to the place where he will be in a few seconds.
  • The skill of hitting the goal is important: goal is the main objective of the game. You need to hit at close range inside feet: light and soft. From a long distance, the blow is made aimed and strongly, using the central (lacing zone of the boot) part of the foot.
  • Player movement without the ball. During the game - 90 minutes, the player with the ball is the minimum time, everything else - moves without the ball, running up to 10 km. To become a great player and have fun, he needs to be able to defend himself and come off with a pass.
  • Play defensively. Playing in defense, a football player must learn to take the correct position: when attacking: should be located between his goal and the ball.
  • Take the ball and throw it at any height- the skills required by the player. Work them out with a partner or "from the wall".
  • Play with your head. They hit the ball not with the crown, but with the hairline. And you need to learn this: when receiving the top ball, take your body, not your head.
  • Corner kicks and free kicksformidable weapon experienced football players. The corner ball is served to the players of the team so that, after beating it with his head, it ends up in the opponent's goal.

Each player is obliged to know the rules and theory of the game, but a beginner does not need to delve into the nuances: "offside", "offside", etc. - concepts that are difficult for him.

Contact sport includes: ball tackling, wrestling, collisions, which are accompanied by kicks to the legs. Injuries are difficult to avoid, but you can prepare for them. When falling, the player is obliged to group, remove his legs when attacking, substituting the body. At painful sensations who did not pass after training, a doctor's examination is needed. Abrasions and bruises are indispensable, but football is a game for the courageous and strong, courageous and intelligent, called "contact chess", i.e. requiring quick decision making, perfect demonstration of acquired skills to win.

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Video: Hwhat is an offside position in football (offside position)

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