What can you do in the village? What to do in the summer in the countryside Good advice on how to spend the summer in the countryside: what to do, what to do.

What to do in the countryside during the summer holidays? Habits such as surfing the Internet at night, watching TV all day and talking on the phone for hours can turn into a real problem if you have to spend the summer in the countryside.

Parents who insist on the need to take a break from city smog, a computer and school in a rural setting will hardly understand how hard it is to part with friends and their familiar world for a dull time in the beds next to a strict grandmother, who thinks that you were sent to help her.

But, in fact, a vacation in the country is not at all bad, even if you spend it alone. The main thing is a positive attitude and the right approach to the point, you should take care of your vacation in advance and then you will not have to think about what to do in the summer in the village for a teenager or a young and beautiful girl.

Good advice on how to spend the summer in the countryside: what to do, what to do

  • Pack and take with you those things that you don't want to part with - an MP3 player with a stock of your favorite songs, a good mobile phone with toys, a laptop or tablet, disks with movies, books and so on. During the rains or in the evenings in the village it can be very boring, so prepare in advance - buy an interesting magazine with crossword puzzles, a creative kit or a thick notebook - keep a diary and write down your observations. By the way, this is a great time to do some kind of hobby - handicraft, art, etc.
  • Any village is, first of all, nature, remember your childhood and have fun to the fullest. Summer holidays in the countryside - best time for bike rides, walks in the woods or long hikes in scenic spots. If you do not know what you can do in the summer in the village, when there are no friends, take advantage of this circumstance for your own purposes, here no one expects anything from you, you can be yourself and behave as you want. You just need to inquire in advance about all unsafe places in the area and be sure to take reliable means of communication with you - there are enough dangers in the village: from aggressive animals to unfriendly local teenagers.
  • The best rest is a change of activity, do not take requests for help with housework as a punishment - treat it as a fun adventure and learn something new. Where else can you learn to chop wood or milk a cow?
  • You can learn to milk a cow, ride a horse. Hardly any of your friends will be able to boast of such achievements at the end of the summer season πŸ™‚
  • After hard study and many other challenges, what better way to lie on the warm ground or swing in a hammock, devour the country goodies and do nothing!
  • If there is a river or stream in your area, you are extremely lucky, over the summer you can learn to swim or improve this skill, spend time sunbathing on the beach or go fishing. Probably, many girls, having tried fishing, were surprised how interesting this activity could be. A fishing rod, a bucket, porridge or corn as bait (no worms!) And time will fly by faster than on the Internet, and the excitement from such a hunt will be remembered for a long time.
  • One of better ways to have a good time is to go picking berries or mushrooms. This will allow you to better explore the area, spend time with the benefit of yourself and your stomach and have a great rest from the city noise.

Summer activities in the countryside

If all of the above activities do not appeal to you, you can go the simplest way - find new friends and join a local company. Then you will have someone to go to the river or pick berries with, and in the evenings you can visit nightclubs and discos together. Evening bonfires, hiking in the woods, games and quests, new acquaintances and new relationships, it is unlikely that after that you will be bored in the village. But whether you can find a common language with the guys around you depends only on your characteristics and on them.

If you are determined not to make friends with anyone, you need to think carefully about what to do in the summer when you are bored. For those who do not like to waste time on trifles, the summer months are a great opportunity to learn something new or master some activity - to study foreign language, "Pull up" chemistry and mathematics, get a job in a local library or store. And if you are attracted by secrets and everything unusual that prevents you from doing your own investigation, discovering the secrets of others and finding an old cache? Today on the Internet you can find guides for novice detectives, treasure maps or tips on how to find and procure useful herbs, herbarium or collection of butterflies. Think about how to spend your summer holidays in the village with benefit and pleasure!

Before a big vacation at sea (or maybe instead of it), I go to its mini version - to the village... There is only nature, a huge, immense Russian field, birches, a river crosses all this splendor with a bold stroke, and there are 10 houses nearby, and a small church with a shop. Our whole family travels there every summer, to my grandfather, to help him with the housework and take a break from civilization.

As a child, I had fun there, but the older I became, the harder it was for me to occupy myself in the absence of this civilization. A couple of years ago, I spent my entire vacation reading a reading book. Last years, except for helping my grandfather with the housework, I climbed the wall out of boredom. After all, I am a resident of a metropolis to the core and it is almost impossible for me to rebuild myself to a quiet way of village life.

This year I decided to take a comprehensive approach to the problem and, while still sitting in the city, I came up with interesting activities that simply cannot but bring me pleasure) inconvenience).

Here is such a plan of action for me, an amateur to make lists))

Tell me when last time did you beat in the village? Do you drive often and do you drive at all? What are you doing there? Any ideas what else you can do away from civilization?

We, of course, are far from Stanislavsky, but let's be honest - we don't believe you. We agree that it can be boring in the village, especially if you live there and do not feel the contrast between the noisy city and the silence of the rural streets, but even in the village there is something to do. Especially if you have the Internet, and judging by this issue, you do.

Photo tumblr.com

  • If you are tired of digging in the garden, as your mother or grandmother does, do something masculine. Go fishing with your dad for the whole night - the experience will be unforgettable, or help your father fix something, at the same time you will learn how, for example, a radio or a summer shower works, and you can show off your knowledge in a conversation with the guys.
  • Break your own garden. Let your parents give you a small plot where you can grow peonies, tulips, chamomile or common onions. Watching it grow is very exciting, and in the end, both you and your parents will be proud of you. Well, if even a cactus can die in you - break a rock garden, now it's fashionable. At the same time, let's check if you are a born landscape designer?

Photo tumblr.com

  • Have a picnic. In the village it is very simple and fun - you can burn fires, fry bread, sing with a guitar until late, and no one will tell you anything. Just remember to warn your mom.
  • Get an unusual hobby. Take woodcarving, for example. Well, or start weaving with beads and start your own small business. There are tons of ideas on the internet.
  • Start a blog and talk about the difficult rural life: how you heroically fight the birds that steal your cherries, how a regiment of weeds attacked you and the strawberry beds tonight, but you defeated him, and how last week a pig escaped from you, and the whole village was catching him. If you write about everything with humor, you will definitely find readers - checked!

Photo tumblr.com

  • Take pictures. Everything that you see: grass, dandelions, the spider Goshu, who settled in the gazebo under the ceiling - become an ace of macro photography and share the pictures on Instagram. By the way, you can combine this with the previous version.
  • Make a list of the films you were going to see but there was not enough time. Or was not going to, but friends insist. Make a schedule and watch them all in a week.
  • Read it. It's trite, but it's so nice to read in the fresh air! You can read summer novels and get inspired, or you can master syllabus on literature for the next semester (okay, dubious pleasure - just read).

Photo tumblr.com

  • Do you want to read? Write! Short stories, poems, or even whole novels. If others can, why can't you? Create a VKontakte group, a profile on the Fanfiction Book or Samizdat, and perhaps in a couple of years your book will be published. After all, J.K. Rowling wasn't always J.K. Rowling :)
  • Draw. Drawing in the summer is very pleasant. You can master the technique of the Impressionists or Post-Impressionists (paint with dots or strokes), create abstractions or paint beautiful watercolors in the garden, and then hang them around the house. And if watercolors do not appeal to you, buy markers, a sketchbook, open YouTube and go ahead - video tutorials will teach you everything!
  • Ride your bike or run in the morning. So you will become healthier, slimmer, fitter and better explore the place in which you live.

Every summer, the inhabitants of our cities huddle in flocks and leave their nests in an organized manner. Some move to distant resorts, others - to the village to their grandparents, others settle very close - to suburban dachas. Everybody wants nature fresh air and the sun. Everyone wants to take a break from these gadgets, the Internet and the completely distraught TV.

So that you and your children do not get bored and spend your vacation in suburban estates as interesting as possible, we have prepared for you a small selection of all sorts of attractions, improvements and other things that you can implement right in your yard or garden.

Plant lemongrass as a natural mosquito repellent

Lemongrass (cymbopogon), although it is a tropical plant, can quite successfully take root in our country, especially in southern latitudes. In addition to its interesting appearance, this plant can act as a natural mosquito repellent. In a garden with such grass, you can safely spend summer evenings without the need to fend off bloodsucking.

My feet after the beach

If you are relaxing in the coastal strip (yes!) And go to the sea or a river, then you are familiar with the problem of sand spreading throughout the house after that. Therefore, make a special tray with pebbles, standing on which you can conveniently wash your feet with a hose.

Turn an old chair into a swing

You only need an old chair, sturdy rope, and a suitable tree to make a comfortable hanging chair. It is suitable for both children for entertainment and you for an afternoon break.

Suspended platform

Children love everything unusual. They will definitely not want to get off such a suspended platform for a long time, because there you can swing, sleep, eat and live in general.

Home climbing wall

The climbing wall can seriously and permanently captivate your children, and you too, why not? To equip it, you only need a couple of chipboard sheets, strong long bolts and many bars of various shapes.

Mini water park

What can be fun about an old tarpaulin and a watering hose when taken separately? However, when you connect them together, you get a wonderful slippery surface on which you can roll down the slide.

Obstacle course

To find out who is the most agile and agile, you only need a coil of rope and a stopwatch. Yes, there is also a path somewhere in the garden with trees growing nearby.


Several water-filled bottles, a couple of balls, one straight garden path and your bowling alley is ready to go.

Pave the Formula 1 track

In the real world, a circuit car race requires a huge investment. In the world of your yard, you only need a few building materials, a can of paint, an old tire, and other materials at hand. The result is a great competition venue for RC pilots.

Inflatable fountain

Swim in the fountain right in your yard. Dream. In order to bring it to life, you need to purchase several inflatable children's pools. You will also need a hose and water. You will find the rest of the instructions.

Miniature farm

Grow a living home for children

If you take care of this in advance and pick up very fast growing garden plants, then very soon your children will be able to spend time in an excellent green gazebo.

Track lighting

Various LED garlands can come in handy not only during the New Year holidays. When neatly laid out in the garden, they can illuminate your night paths.

Summer tent

And again we return to the topic of halabud huts, which all children love so much. In order not to torment your head by coming up with another design, just take a hula hoop, a few meters of rope and a curtain or sheet. Five minutes - and the summer hut is ready.

No, don't drink vodka. Vodka should be drunk in the resorts of Turkey. There is nothing to do there anyway.

And in the village ...
You can enjoy sunrises and sunsets every day. They, at times, are almost never repeated. Today it is dry and warm and you can sunbathe and wash your face in the morning. Tomorrow shakes with chills from dampness and morning breeze.
You can watch swallows for hours, since their nests are very close, under the roofs of houses. Quite interesting. You can photo-hunt for cats - sometimes you come across such handsome men in the village ... Or you can get up early in the morning, dress appropriately and go to the nearest forest for raspberries-blueberries-mushrooms. Walk, slowly bending around the fallen trunks, drowning in the grass and chomping moss (the rains have tried their best this year). And blueberries can just fall off. Of course, you get tired out of habit, but there is so much of it that next time you will definitely take a chair, sit down and gather around you densely grown berries. You don't have to run far. Any living creature will bring joy to the macro lover. There are not many mushrooms yet, but they are. And in the evening you can have fun fishing, the perch takes well, the roach, bleak, too, do not allow you to doze. Nasty ruffs will be punished in the form of strong fangs of village cats. You can admire the strength of beavers, capable of knocking down a considerable tree and damming up the river. Or even meet with the dam builder himself - in the evenings he cuts the water like a periscope. If you sit quietly, he may not even notice and will swim too close, pretty much frightened later. And then you can take a camera and take pictures of the twilight landscapes. Or sit in the evening, smoking and cursing the rain that has come from nowhere, ruining the fishing plans for the evening. Then, after all, go after the end and on the way back curse yourself for not taking the camera down, because a beautiful fog is creeping from the river in clubs. Return with your catch and take some pictures of the foggy village in late twilight. And then wake up and tear through your eyes as soon as possible, to make up for yesterday's lost misty landscapes. Marvel at the power of the fog, which does not even care about the high enough sun. Nafig get wet in tons of dew in the meadow, but see enough of the crystal natural decorations. Return to the hut, gnaw seeds, endlessly discuss this and that, drink beer in crates, and rejoice at how far all these projects, programs, compilers and bosses are now ... And then you can get ready for the road and walk a few feet to the neighboring village , in which the abandoned temple is located. Wander around the temple, examine the graves on the churchyard, gather courage and, remembering youth, climb through the hole into the church ruins. To wander there for a long time, lifting his head for a long time and indulging in a variety of thoughts and feeling with surprise the unwillingness to leave this deserted echoing place. Go and look at the beautiful lake near the temple, and then return home through the field in the rain. Wade the river naked, not particularly embarrassed by the world around you. And then you can go to the mill, or rather to what is left of the old river mill and enjoy the natural water massage and think that perhaps it is better not to mess with Niagara. Washes and flattens. And then go home along the road with clouds and sit lazily at home, drinking tea and beer and admiring the sunset colors.
Visit the bathhouse.
Inhale deeply.
To realize that you don't want to leave here at all.
Take a breath.

And, back, write this post.

Why not have a look at the country cats? There are few of them.

Cats, in my opinion, are the masters of relaxation. I'm far from them :)

Never tried sleeping on a fence. Need to try.

Until now, I can not understand at what call so many nearby meows gathered when we returned from fishing. The fishing was not so hot and the cats got a lot: D But they didn't have to throw anything away.
Especially impatient cats get it in the ear. On the left you can see a hand carrying a slap :)

By the way, they don't drink much in the village. You know, it helps a lot that the auto shops flatly refuse to bring vodka. Very correct! True, beer has to be stocked as a strategic bomber, otherwise the next delivery will take a long time: D

I love redheads.
This one, apparently, survived the blockade of Leningrad - he eats so much. An insatiable womb.

This is a heavy offspring thing.
And then two swallows at once.

I stood and counted how many dads and mothers they were fed. At least three for sure. What kind of Swedish family is this?

It gave it.

And this too.

A nice sunset isn't easy.
This, according to my criteria, is just a sunset, it does not pull at the sunset :)
There are no clouds.
Well, let.

Pampering with optics. Closely focused, it came out nice.

In the forest! Only the boots need to be checked. Chomp there, like in a swamp. And you can probably fall into a hole. But in the morning it is better than ever there.

In general, blueberries are hefty in swampy areas, but not as tasty as in drier places. It will go for jam.

Oh, we ran into a mushroom.

Well, what about without fishing?
No problem. We take out fishing rods, knead the thin dough with semolina and water, raise a small board in the garden and collect selected worms under it. Almost ready.

As if a good place was chosen.
This is how beaver teeth work. Without any blend-a-meads.
But if you carefully throw it under a tree, without catching on branches, you can pull out cunning and cowardly bleak fish and minnows from there.

And if it doesn't bite, you can just look around. Handsomely.

Hey, where is our float ???
Oh, handsome!

Evening. Nice, but it smells like rain ...

And there is. We sit, sad. It's tomorrow. And I want to go fishing again. Seeds brighten the mood.

Filmed not by me, but by those who thought to grab the camera and run to take a picture of the onset of fog.

A hedgehog came out of the fog, took a knife out of his pocket
Just beautiful.

And this already I got to the camera at midnight. It turned out somehow not very believable, with the eyes it was much more impressive.

And if you set the shutter speed as much as 30 seconds, it will turn out like this:

Morning! Fog! We sip coffee and get ready.
And plunge into white silence.

In general, this place is called by the locals - the Tree. Sprawling, rough. They say the kids loved, when it gets dark, to climb on branches and sit still. And when some poor fellow passed by ...
I don't know what happened next. There are no statistics for grandmothers who gave up their ends.

The sun is so high, and the fog at least what. In the end, of course, he dissipated, but ...

Not bad, huh?

Or here. Queen's pendant.

Trails in the tall wet grass ...

And this is on the right.

This is the beaver place.

A whimsical structure. The fly won't pass!

Angle. The release was not pressed by me :)

Foggy road to Tver. By the way, all this is in the Tver region, 25 km.

It's time to go home. Frozen and wet. And I already want beer!

In such a fog, the swallows can only wait. There is almost nothing to catch. Some wanted to eat very much and still flew.

When you go from Tver from the bus station, by left side a beautiful view of the fields and a dilapidated temple opens up. It's not so close to stomp to it, but what will stop the amateur photographer?
The main thing is to grab the bread. How much does a person need ...
Here is such a gorgeous landscape with a truck opens from the side of the village of Lyaskovo. And the temple itself stands on the other side of the river in the village of Saltykovskaya (or maybe Saltykovka). And no matter how puffed up I was, I still could not find information on this structure on the net. They also told me that it was against the background of this temple that the film "Everybody Knows Kadkina" was filmed with Georgy Burkov. In general, the temple remained unnamed.

And there is also an interesting road. The current one is the modern one. And before it was nearby, and this is just the remains of a wooden bridge over a small river. And there is still a very old overgrown road, which is given out by telegraph poles along it.

We have not yet ford the river, view from the side of the highway.

On the way to the ford, a view of a super-luxurious meadow opens up, almost a lawn. And all along the edge of the meadow from the side of the village are small houses. Baths, of course. People know a lot. And the water is soft, and after the bath in the river - oh-oh-oh!

Well, let's look around, throw off our pants and, hoping not to drop our backpack with a camera into the water, wander around?
Little hedgehog runs and laughs
Wet grass pussy tickles
Okay, jokes as jokes, but after crossing the river and the field (once there was a field of rye, a collective farm and a lot of other things, now all that remains is to sit on the heap, "eat sour gooseberries, but listen to the bell ringing"), we approach the temple ...
And immediately we see a monument from the times of the Great Patriotic War. Everlasting memory.

I went there with the hope that I would be able to climb up and take pictures of the marvelous landscapes (the view from above is SOMETHING). In principle, theoretically, these two logs can be used to climb onto the roof. But this is probably for reckless boys. Or kamikaze. Because at the bottom of the climber there are nice iron pins from the foundation. And I have to live up to retirement ...
So ... be there - try it. Maybe it will work.

In fact, during the time of the desolation of the temple, a rather big churchyard has grown around it. There is no place anymore, everyone wants to be buried closer to God, yeah.

Bell tower. The blue-painted gate was suddenly closed. Here are the ones on. On church holidays, someone opens, parishioners bring icons, candles and all that. And they just don't give me a look. But we are not looking for easy ways. On the right there is a window and a kindly matching board ...

Actually, the temple, in my opinion, was impressive. Large fenced area, good finishing of fences, towers ...
Like these ones.

Want to see what's inside? No problem. You can climb there, but there is rubbish and cramped, the diameter is enough for a couple of people.

Lattice for.

We continue our leisurely detour in search of an easier way to penetrate inside (near the window with a plank of nettles, ahem ...)
The inscription on the doors: "Dear comrades! ..."

We wrap our legs with burdock, otherwise it burns. The camera is in the teeth, we climb.
We are inside. Cold.

I don't know if these are the remnants of a real monastery floor or something laid after the destruction.
The beams are solid, we won't fall.

And here are the paraphernalia.

Moved as far into the corner as possible to cover as much space as possible, as far as the 16mm lens's angle of view. not enough. Nothing, let's get rich, buy a 10mm fish-eye.
It is simply amazing how carefully all the stucco molding and painting have been scraped off. Or did it collapse on its own? I'm not very good at this.

Table, bench. I don't know if the young people are walking, or they are still trying to carry the word of God in the temple. Rather the latter.

Entrance view from the inside.

And the cross stands. Everything is as it should be. For a start it will do.

Such a design is also suitable for a candlestick.

For some reason, the sight of a vase with flowers immediately lifts your spirits.

But first, let's see what this wonderful door is there.
No, it doesn't look like a stove for heretics.
What could it be?

Okay, we climbed through this wall.

Wow. So this is the floor in the temple? I didn't think so. So many voids, it turns out. The beams wiggle, so be careful.

Almost nothing was left of stucco, painting and gilding.

Although at the bend of the arch, the drawing is perfectly preserved. Why dont know.

Fragment of a complete frame.

And more or less two paintings have survived.
This one is on the right.

And this one is on the left.

Arch on the right.

The place, as we can see, is quite habitable. The cassock can even be hung.

And if you look closely, you can even find a small icon.

I don't want to leave
That's strange, huh?
Quiet and good.
But, in general, it is time and honor to know. Went.

But I can’t resist and will make a foreshortening, I really like the vase, so unexpectedly ...

Fence and churchyard.
An imposing fence, I'll tell you ...

The tower closest to the lake. The rain is already gathering and dripping.

Goodbye, unknown.

Road. Regular.
The place is swampy.
Up down.

It happens even higher, but here the end is beautiful.

Or maybe we will drive you to the mill?
Aquamassage is good for everyone. Come on, get ready. It is not far.

We carefully make our way, trying not to smudge our foot on the piles hidden under the water.
And we find ourselves in ... a seething whirlpool of BEER! I'm not lying, just like in the advertisement, golden frothy drink :) Only it doesn't smell and tasteless.
And then we turn our backs, grab onto the piles with our hands and fight the stream, massaging the white, decrepit body behind the computer ...
hint: Open bikini type swimwear is not recommended for ladies. Will rip off nafig, as they say.
Or you can dive and hide behind the stream of the waterfall and sit, watch the world through the water wall.
Beauty ... eh ...: pokapoka:

And we walk back briskly, singing a song from "On the Road with Clouds" ...

And then at home we enjoy the heavenly scale ... gradually falling asleep ...

I'll leave it as a keepsake :)

At first, I was fired up with the idea of ​​re-photographing all the flowers in the field, but I changed my mind in time. Who needs it ... I left myself only one.

And this is no longer in the village but in the country ... friends, kebabs ... the finalization of the week's vacation was successful. Well, it blew a little, nonsense.

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