How to do morning strength training correctly. Morning workouts: recommendations

1. Do not slow down! If you don’t want to go back to bed, don’t hesitate for a second. Act clearly and purposefully, avoid unnecessary movements and doubts. You can get ready for a workout in 10-15 minutes. Leave all other things for later.

2. Do everything to wake up. Everyone has their own invigorating triggers: some need coffee, others need to check their email. For example, I start every morning with Elevate assignments. Know yourself and use your weaknesses to your advantage.

3. Is your drug coffee? Fortunately, you can indulge in this doping. Drinking a cup before your run can help you break through on the treadmill.

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4. Keep the target in front of your eyes. Find your reason for morning workout: Freeing up the evening for other activities, burning fat, or getting ready for a run. Put that reason in a prominent place: in your alarm message or on your bathroom mirror, so that it’s ready to go when discouraging thoughts begin to lull you into bed.

5. Get ready in the evening. A successful early morning starts with evening preparation: put a glass of water next to your bed, pack your gym bag, set your alarm clock (or better, two). The main thing is to go to bed early, because morning workouts do not compensate for the lack of sleep.

He will be the reward for your persistence. Plus, if you usually have no appetite in the morning, you will almost certainly pounce on muesli greedily after training. What can we say about.

7. Heat the room. Despite the fact that it is in a cool room, it is still easier to wake up in a warm place. Therefore, after ventilating the room well before going to bed, do not leave the window open overnight so that the room will warm up again in the morning. This will make it much easier to get up.

8. More light! For an early workout, you will have to get up long before dawn. The body cannot be fooled: in the dark it will want to sleep. Therefore, when you get up, turn on the lights to full to force the onset of the day at any time of the year and at any latitude.

Don't underestimate the invigorating effect of the water. Can't wipe your eyes out? Instead of lying in bed and languidly wandering around the house, rush straight to the bathroom and wash your face with cool water: sleep will take off.

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10. Start small. If it seems to you that this morning you will not find the strength for the planned workout in any way, persuade yourself to just invigorate for a couple of minutes. Take the pose of a mountain or a warrior, and, you see, there will be forces on full workout... And if not, at least you will know that you were not just too lazy, but really needed additional sleep: this also happens.

11. Train every day. If you want to stop waking up early, you need to get into the habit of morning workouts. Alternate between different workouts: jogging, yoga, swimming. It's okay if you include 1-2 days of rest per week in your fitness program. But it's better to plan them in advance, rather than make a decision at a time when you are just too lazy to get out of bed.

In the morning, the body temperature is slightly below normal, and the muscles are not elastic enough. Therefore, to avoid injury, carry out a full-fledged one. Whether it's rocking, jogging, yoga or swimming, you need to start by gradually building up the load.

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13. Find early bird friends. There are not so few people in the gym in the morning. Meet the people you see every morning to make it more fun to go to workout. Or you can argue with one of your friends about who can stay away from truancy longer: introduce an element of competition into your routine.

14. Pay attention to your mood. After your morning workout, you will feel stunning: full of strength, confidence and pride in your dedication. Put a smiley on your calendar or show off a great morning on social media. And the next morning, think of the best reward for your tenacity - great.

15. Prepare a playlist. Don't forget to provide a good soundtrack so that your workout goes perfectly and leaves only positive emotions.

It is increasingly common information that cardio on an empty stomach is beneficial, as it helps to accelerate the breakdown of fats and general metabolism. Physiologists even formulated a theory of energy balance based on the assumption that you need to absorb fewer calories than you burn them. Consequently, training on an empty stomach contributes not only to the normalization of metabolic processes, but also to weight loss. Although it is believed that the timing of cardio or exercise with effort does not matter. Therefore, the issue needs to be sorted out.

Body after lifting

In the morning, after sleep, the body's stores of glycogen and insulin in the blood are depleted. Why is this information important? Insulin slows down lipolysis, that is, fat breakdown, therefore, a person loses weight more slowly, and cholesterol accumulates in his blood. When glycogen is low, the body has to expend its own energy (from fat stores), which small amounts of insulin do not prevent. Other processes in the body at this time are reflexively slowed down due to the principles of self-preservation.

At the same time in the morning it is celebrated high level growth hormone released in response to a lack of food. It is this substance that accelerates fat breakdown. In this case, insulin and growth hormone are interconnected - they slow down the synthesis of each other. Therefore, the morning hours are the optimal solution for those who want to burn fat stores and lower cholesterol levels.

Workout in the morning on an empty stomach: is it possible

Early workouts on an empty stomach involves playing sports before breakfast, when a person runs, lifts dumbbells, etc. The effectiveness of such exercises is based on the expenditure of the body's own resources for energy production, instead of carbohydrates that did not come from outside. Exercising in this mode is useful for those who dream of losing weight. For those who are aiming at gaining mass, sports on an empty stomach will allow you to break down a little fat and dry out muscle tissue. The technique allows you to end up with the required muscle relief with the resumption of training on a full stomach.

Despite the apparent benefits, there are limitations to exercising on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to get involved in technology as a therapeutic measure for diabetics or people with liver problems. If training is shown, sport program is selected individually with the agreement of the attending physician. Sports activities on an empty stomach with the listed pathologies are indicated because with an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in the percentage of fat in the body, the effect of insulin on cells improves, as a result, it is easier to control diseases. But in order not to faint in hunger, it is still recommended to eat 2-3 apples and drink a glass of juice 1-1.5 hours before training. But do not eat tightly, since when exercising on a full stomach, the body will work half-heartedly due to the need to spend a lot of energy not on training, but on the process of digesting food. Besides, it is harmful.

Strength training and its impact

The effect of such exercises in the early morning and on an empty stomach is purely positive, if not aggravated. At the right approach and a competent selection of the program will accelerate fat breakdown, lower blood cholesterol due to the consumption of its own fatty tissues, instead of absorbed from the outside. But if abused, the opposite effect will be achieved. Energy will be extracted from muscle tissue, since against the background of depletion and lack of fatty deposits, there is nowhere else to take it.

When fasting and power load are combined, somatotropin, the "elixir of youth", which helps to build muscle, burn fat, and strengthen bones, begins to be intensively produced. At the same time, physical endurance increases due to a jump in testosterone levels, which accelerates the work of organs, prevents the occurrence of depression, fatigue, and lethargy. Thanks to early training, the efficiency of storing glycogen in the muscles increases, and endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is produced.

The peculiarity of early cardio without breakfast is the acceleration of metabolism, which remains during the next day.

It is better to run on an empty stomach no more than half an hour.

In addition to efficient combustion fat when running or walking on an empty stomach, the positive effects are:

  • accelerating the production of endorphins, which improves mood;
  • ensuring a quick awakening with the launch of all organs and systems at the same time;
  • regulation of appetite for the whole day;
  • installation of a circadian regime, thanks to which it becomes possible to quickly rebuild, improve physical capabilities;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

The effectiveness of the performed cardio session is judged if possible to burn fat after training, that is, over the next 3-4 hours. However, exercising on an empty stomach is important. It is better to run for no more than half an hour, and during the rest of the day, do not allow the appearance of hunger. The best option is considered to be the alternation of aerobic and anaerobic physical activity.

How to do sports correctly?

Based on the above, there are 2 types of physical activity:

  • power (bar) - to build muscle;
  • cardio (running, race walking) - increase metabolism, endurance and weight loss.

Both options are good, but only if the body is strong enough. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to running or walking in the early hours, which promotes the release of adrenaline into the blood and recharges the body with energy for the whole day. However, it is more effective to engage in force-based exercises in the afternoon, when fat stores continue to be burned after running or walking.

A morning workout on an empty stomach should not exceed 45 minutes.

It is equally important to choose the right intensity of the load and the duration of the session. A hungry morning workout shouldn't be longer than 45 minutes or less than 30 minutes. The pace should be medium. Otherwise, during exercise, the body will begin to use carbohydrates for energy, not fats. This is due to the imbalance of oxygen entering with inhalation and carbon dioxide leaving with exhalation. It is considered ideal to run at an average pace of at least 45-60 minutes in one cardio session.

To improve the effectiveness of early training, it is important to reduce your carbohydrate intake the night before. This need is due to physiology. So, for the first half hour, the body takes stocks of carbohydrates to get a charge of energy, and then begins to spend body fat... But you should not completely give up carbohydrates in the evening. It is better to use them in the form of vegetables with a carbohydrate content of 3-6%. These include cabbage, beets, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, herbs, pumpkin, carrots, and onions. But fruit is better to eat in the morning and no more than 250 g per day. If it is completely impossible to run on an empty stomach in the morning, experts advise to drink a glass of warm water after getting out of bed, and after 10 minutes - a mug of warm tea or coffee without sugar.

The smart combination of force work and running provides the following health benefits:

  1. Disappearance of joint problems.
  2. Increasing elasticity and improving the condition of blood vessels.
  3. Acceleration of metabolic processes, weight stabilization.
  4. Mineral enrichment of bone tissue, which is important in the prevention of osteoporosis.
  5. Increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin.
  6. Increase in the level of "good" cholesterol with a decrease in "bad".

If, at the time of the exercise, intense muscle, joint, headache, heart pain or squeezing in the chest is felt, severe shortness of breath appears, the eyes become cloudy, it is recommended to stop exercising. Dizziness and fainting are considered a dangerous condition. To prevent a disorder of the condition, you should run with a heart rate monitor. The device will track your heart rate and sound an alarm if a violation occurs.

Morning workouts can be of immense benefit. Scientific evidence suggests that if done before breakfast, it will burn fat much more efficiently. In addition, they will give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day ahead.

However force myself to ride early morning it can be extremely difficult to go to the gym, because at this time the body is, as they say, in "sleep mode".

The way out is simple - swipe intense workout Houses! It will become a little easier if you include moderate exercise at the beginning.

Start simple, easy, but effective exercise which stretch the body and activate blood circulation.

For details on how to accomplish each of them, read below.

Do the following exercises in 3 cycles. In the first cycle, do 10-12 repetitions in each exercise, in the second, 12-15 repetitions, in the third, 15-20 repetitions. At the end of your workout, you will feel a burst of energy that will last you for the rest of the day.

1. Raises the body on the press with a stretch

This exercise allows you to activate your core muscles without putting too much stress on them. Lie on your back, bring your legs together, and stretch your arms up over your head. Lift your torso to accept sitting position... Try to reach the ends of your socks with your hands. Return to initial position.

2. Squats with inclines

The exercise strengthens the legs and stretches the muscles in the back of the thigh. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, lower yourself into a squat, but instead of straightening, straighten your legs and bend forward, reaching your hands to the floor. Return to starting position. Continue the exercise, alternating squats with inclines.

3. Plank

A very gentle way to strengthen the cows in the core and upper body muscles. Get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor and assume a plank position. Keep your shoulders, knees, and hips in line. Maintain the position for 2 seconds (in the second and third approaches, increase this time to 4 and 6 seconds, respectively). Return to starting position. This is one repetition.

4. "Caterpillar"

Exercise strengthens the core and upper part body. Stand up straight, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and lower yourself into a squat. Place your hands on the floor in front of you and move them forward to assume a prone position. Then do the same movements in the opposite direction and return to the starting position. To make the exercise more difficult, do one push-up while lying in support.

5. Squats with body rotation

The exercise is aimed at working the lower body, but also includes rotational movements of the body, which allows you to work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as the upper body, especially if weights are added. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, with your toes pointing forward. Without moving your left leg, twist your torso to the left, lifting your right heel off the floor and twisting your right foot. At the same time, stretch your arms up in left side... Return to a straight position and lower yourself into a squat, touching your right foot with your hands. Return to starting position.

To make the exercise more difficult, hold a medball or heavy book(a box of laundry detergent will work as well).

6. Raises the trunk with a turn

To work your obliques, lift one leg up (so your legs form an inverted V). Perform the same movements as in the first exercise, but only turn the body and touch your right foot with your hands. Return to the starting position, and then repeat the movement in the opposite direction. This is one repetition.

7. Stretch lunges

Exercise strengthens the lower body while simultaneously stretching the hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. With your left foot, make a forward lunge, bending your knee at a 90 ° angle. The foot should be pointing forward. Then, with your foot on your toes, extend your left knee forward. Grasp your front leg with your hands. Return to starting position and repeat for the opposite side. This is one repetition.

8. Side bar

If you've ever done yoga, you should be familiar with this exercise. Take the starting position of the classic plank, bringing your legs together (to make the exercise easier, spread your legs). Turn your torso to the left and lift the extended left hand up. Keep your shoulders straight. Return to starting position and repeat for the right side. This is one repetition.

The content of the article:

Very often, ringing the alarm clock in the morning has a negative effect on mood throughout the day. We can hope that everything will change by itself or do a morning workout at home to get a boost of energy and vivacity. Let's figure out what happens to the body when we woke up and after breakfast we immediately go about our business.

If you do not play sports at all, then this negatively affects not only the muscles, but also bone tissue... In this situation, bone mineralization is sharply reduced and calcium is actively excreted from the body. As a result, osteoporosis begins to develop. In addition, a sedentary life prevents the complete processing of food and the body does not receive all the nutrients it needs.

Calories not processed heavy load settle in the form of fat reserves. At the same time, do not forget about other, no less serious problems with the work of the heart muscle, vascular system, Central nervous system, etc. To avoid this, you should expose your body to physical activity. If you do not have enough time to carry out full-fledged exercises, then you can limit yourself to morning workouts at home.

You will be able not only to save time and money (you do not need to buy a subscription to visit the hall), but also get a boost of vivacity for the whole day ahead. You should choose the time for training in accordance with your biorhythms. Most often, a period of high performance in people is observed from five to six in the morning. During this time, you should find about 20 minutes to complete the set of exercises.

When the morning workout at home is done, you need to wait about half an hour and only after that you can have breakfast. The first time, of course, it will be hard for you, because you need to wake up earlier. However, the body will quickly adapt to the new regime of the day and the discomfort will disappear.

Rules for conducting morning workouts at home

To do your morning workout at home, you don't need to use sports equipment, but it is enough to work with own weight body. This will enable you to activate nervous system, accelerate blood flow, normalize activity endocrine system and improve brain activity.

People who are interested in bodybuilding will understand that the concept proposed today is far from new. Many great athletes, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or John Romagnello, have used a similar pattern. Very often morning exercises are called neuro-awakening, although other terms are possible. There is something similar in yoga, however, the name has no fundamental meaning.

  • 1st rule- practice immediately after waking up. Make your morning workout at home your strongest habit. Your body must wait for a new activity every day and be ready for physical activity after waking up. Of course, at first he will resist, but he will quickly get used to it. The most important thing is for you to defeat your own laziness, and you will quickly "come to an agreement" with your body.
  • 2nd rule- perform at least one explosive movement. To accelerate blood flow and thereby improve the quality of oxygen supply to all tissues, including the brain, you need to perform at least one explosive movement. It will also be useful to speed up metabolic processes. This could be a jump squat, for example.
  • 3rd rule- Perform at least one stretching movement. High flexibility can be very helpful in everyday life. Many believe that if a person does not have flexibility, then his muscles immediately after waking up are even tougher in comparison with more late time... This is a fair statement, and you need to incorporate at least one static movement into your morning workout at home to stretch your muscles.
  • 4th rule- the lesson should be short and bring joy. Morning class you need to do it every day, even when you have a full training scheduled in the evening. At the same time, it makes no sense to heavily load the body in the morning. This will not lead to anything good. Do not exercise for more than 20 minutes and do not do many repetitions of each movement.
  • 5th rule- the activity should correspond to the goals of your main training sessions. If you want to actively develop, say, the muscles of the arms or chest, then morning workout at home should be focused on these muscles. The situation is similar with girls. If you want to tighten up the gluteal muscles, then focus on the squat with a chime.

A set of exercises for morning workout for beginners

Start your morning workout at home with a short walk, for about 30 seconds. After that, you can proceed to performing the following movements:
  • Take a standing position, feet are next to each other, and arms are lowered along the body. Raise your arms and alternately take your legs back.
  • Legs are level shoulder joints, and the roars are bent to the sides. Rise on your toes and then swing. right foot to the left, bringing the hand of the same name to her. Do the exercise with each leg.
  • The starting position is the same as the first movement. Perform a deep squat and take your arms back at the same time. You shouldn't do more than six repetitions of this exercise.
  • The starting position is the same as the first movement. Leave your left leg to the side and raise your opposite arm. After that, you should perform a tilt to the set aside leg. Move in each direction.
  • The legs are set wide, and the arms are lowered along the body. Tilt the body to its horizontal with the ground, while spreading your arms to the sides.
  • The legs are close to each other, and the arms are spread out to the sides. Begin to perform squats, placing each of the legs in turn to the side.

A set of exercises at home for experienced athletes

This is not to say that the exercises presented below are extremely difficult, but if you are just taking your first steps in fitness, then it is better to use the first set for your morning workout at home.
  • The legs are together and the arms are at the waist. Raising your arms, turn the body to the sides at the same time.
  • Put your legs wide and raising your arms, alternate swinging movements with your legs.
  • The legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints. Start squatting as deep as possible and at the same time put your hands on your feet. After that, start to rise, but do not straighten and reach the ground with your hands. A pause should be paused at the end position of the path.
  • The legs are set at the level of the shoulder joints. Rise on your toes while raising your arms, and then lean forward, trying to reach the foot of the opposite leg.
  • Jumping is a must in your morning workout at home. You can also do squats and then jump out.
  • Place your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Rising on your toes, while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides. Exhaling air, it is necessary to tilt the body forward, slightly bending knee joints... Repeat this relaxing movement.

If you have not been involved in sports before, then you can use only the first three movements from complex No. 1. Then you have to strengthen the muscles of the body. For this you can use next exercise... From a standing position, tilt your body forward and place your palms on the ground. After that, take them steps forward, eventually taking a position to perform push-ups. Return to the starting position in the same way.

If you have a sufficient level physical fitness, then you can include in the training program turns of the body from a sitting position to the "plank" position. It should be noted that the complexes proposed today are approximate. You can create your own morning workout routine, as there are many exercises.

Also, a few words should be said about the "right" breakfast. If you have no problems with the work of the pancreas, then eat boiled eggs, a few slices of bacon and a glass of berries in the morning. With meat, you can slow down the production of insulin, and the glucose concentration will rise gradually. Healthy fats contained in eggs, normalize cholesterol balance. Berries, in turn, contain a large amount of micronutrients and plant fibers.

Find out how by doing morning exercises at home, pump up the press in this plot:

Researchers from the University of Georgia in the USA agree: morning workouts are filmed chronic fatigue and its main symptoms are apathy and lethargy.

At night . Morning workout helps to quickly get into a working rhythm. “Fitness classes improve blood circulation and lymph flow, accelerate heartbeat and intensive training also stimulates the release of adrenaline, which "invigorates" the nervous system, "explains Elena Darkova, fitness trainer at the ROST Family Development Center.

Morning Workout Improves Mood

It is common knowledge that fitness helps. And it is not necessary for this to "carry iron" for hours in gym... At the University of Vermont, USA, scientists came to the conclusion: for Have a good mood we only need 40 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (with an average - 112 beats per minute). Moreover, this effect persists for another 12 hours after class. So, after your morning workout, you can radiate positiveness for almost the whole day.

Morning Exercise Boosts Your Metabolism

Intensive strength and interval training is accelerated by about 4-7%. “This effect lasts for 12 hours after the morning workout. If you visit the gym in the evening, then expedited exchange substances will remain for only a few hours - while you are awake, ”says Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director sports club Zupre.

Morning workout helps you lose weight

Although nutritionists do not recommend it, this morning workout is the one that burns the most fat. “After a night's sleep, blood sugar and insulin levels are low. The reserves of the main fuel - carbohydrates - are also depleted. Instead, the body uses as a source of energy body fat", - explains Ekaterina Soboleva.

This morning workout regimen is perfectly acceptable for - and power loads., yoga and stretching.

Morning exercise reduces appetite

Most of us perceive food as. In our quest, we consume all the goodies that come into our sight. Morning workouts will help to break this chain, - the specialists at Brigham University, USA managed to prove.

The psychological aspect is also important here. “Knowing how you had to work hard to burn the extra 150-200 calories in the morning, you hardly want to cross out this result with a chocolate bar during the day,” says Elena Darkova.

Morning workout helps you achieve results faster

First, it's all about regularity. Morning workout is more difficult to “skip”: we still have no excuses to refuse classes (“I’m so tired in the office!”) Or temptations (to spend the evening with friends, not simulators).

Secondly, in our morning workout, in general more strength than in the evening. “The nervous tension after a day's work will prevent you from exercising with full dedication or doing exercises in correct technique... All this, of course, will not bring you closer to your goal, ”comments Elena Darkova.

Morning workout tones muscles while sedentary

Many hours of vigil in front of the monitor at home and in the office spoil our posture, vision, etc. Morning workout dilutes the usual passivity and inertia, the muscles will remind of themselves throughout the day - this will make you more likely to break away from your favorite chair.

If these reasons persuade you to exercise in the morning, do not forget about: a light breakfast, and the right time (at least 15 minutes after waking up).

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